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18642943 No.18642943 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old or confused, drinking anything cozy lately?

Previous Thread:>>18635019

>> No.18642964


>> No.18642970


>> No.18642989
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its the end of black friday and still no discount on bripe

>> No.18642992
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hows that aeropress working out for you, anon?

>> No.18642994

is DIY the only option for an aeropress that isn't plastic? there's nothing out there?

>> No.18642998

roasterchads, where are you getting your beans? any specific bean recs? I feel like half the beans I get from happy mug are just meh. I love ethiopians, light roast costa rica, light peru, some colombians. anything fruity or just easy drinking light roast is my shit

>> No.18643019


>> No.18643075

Gonna make a cup of coffee at like 2am lads, wish me luck. I need some caffeine to get through travel tomorrow. I bought an ethiopian light roast and it smells like blueberries. Aeropress gang

>> No.18643331

Should I get a moka pot or a pour over coffee maker?

>> No.18643373

both are kino. moka makes smaller vol, espresso-like coffee. great if u like darker roasts and "bold" coffee. pour over makes larger amounts of coffee, and is especially good for making fruitier light roasts. much more of a learning curve for pour over though, and you need to get a gooseneck kettle

>> No.18643380

moka pot tastes like unfiltered aeropress with less control over the final product. doesn't taste like espresso at all

>> No.18643433


>> No.18643527

Kenya get me some sumatra while you're out?

>> No.18643546

Any good light roast recs for someone who usually prefers dark? I like the sound of trying a more flavorful coffee

>> No.18643570

do a light roast from south america, like colombia or guatemala. youll still get some of those chocolate notes you like but along with fruitier notes. remember to brew at a hotter temp

>> No.18643576

south or central america*. this roaster does very tasty lighter roasts and does 1lb bags for the same price as the usual 12oz, so you wont feel as bad about wasting coffee as you dial in :^)

>> No.18643578

>this roaster

>> No.18643693

>out of coffee filters
>late at night so all the stores are closed
>24/7 convenience store probably has some but it's infested with homeless people so I'm scared to go.
life is hard

>> No.18643800

Nice. Took a look at some Peruvian beans, seems like something I'd enjoy. Prices are really good like you said. Thanks for the recommendation

>> No.18643816

Anyone try coffee enema?

>> No.18643856

>She's still scared of microplastics

>> No.18643861

Just switch to pour over already

>> No.18643929

you dont know anything
and you dont know how to read

>> No.18643956


>order a latte
>barista hands you this
What do?

>> No.18644151

'um on 'atte

>> No.18644209

I've started my first batch of cold brew coffee.
13 hours until I can see how it turns out.

>> No.18644249

Go on a hour long rant about how I hate normalfag anime and get escorted out by police

>> No.18644329

I want to go get coffee but I just took a really messy shit and I haven't changed clothes or showered in a few days. I don't feel like taking a shower right now so I'm just gonna have to suffer in silence.

>> No.18644405

they deal with worse every day.

>> No.18644423

I hope they hit you a few times

>> No.18644436

I got a latte, which is espresso with milk. It was kind of tasteless and bitter but I put two packets of splenda in it and now it's ok.

>> No.18644450

sounds like a tasty lil' bitch. Will have to try it later

>> No.18644499

>you dont know anything
i have a moka pot, aeropress, various pourover cones, and espresso machine. moka pot is the least repeatable / most restrictive / most inconsistent. i never said you cant make a good cup of coffee with it, but it'd be the last one I go for on a daily basis

>> No.18644503

Guys should I actually drop 1k on a GCP+niche setup?
I have a DeLonghi Magnifica XS, and while it isn’t phenomenal it makes ~decent~ espresso/milk drinks when using good beans

>> No.18644514

>Guys should I actually drop 1k on a GCP+niche setup?
dont have any experience with it, but the GCP doesn't have a PID, so if I bought one I'd mod it. also I do more medium & light roasts so I'd go DF64 with SSP MP or HU burrs over Niche

>> No.18644553

Yeah that’s the plan, modding it with a gaggiuino for pressure control, PID, etc.
I like the way niche looks so that’s why I was thinking about it over the “niche killer” DF64

>> No.18644560

>grinder dialed in
>water temperature dialed in
>bloom (mostly) dialed in
>pour technique decent
>making decent V60 cuppas
Feelin good.
That said, is it normal to still have bubbles coming up during the main pour? I'm blooming for 45-50 seconds, then doing pulse pours, but I'm finding even with 150-200ml of water I'm still seeing bubbles come up from the coffee.
50ml (usually closer to 55-60 in reality) on 15g of coffee.

>> No.18644562
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>9.5 hours until cold brewing is done

>> No.18644569

nice is gonna be fine if you're a fan of the traditional italian style espresso from conical espresso burrs - more body, more combined flavors. if you're into the more modern style, then you'll want flat. or just get one that you prefer now and get the other down the road

>> No.18644663

Any coffee that smells like gasoline?

>> No.18644887


>> No.18644936
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>mfw out of brazilian butt coffee

>> No.18644996

nah, those bubbles are indicators of pockets of mostly dry coffee coming into contact with water. Try swirling or stirring the bloom better.

>> No.18645002
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>mfw still have a large supply of brazilian butt coffee

>> No.18645479

Is it worth it to get an all in one grinder/drip coffee maker? I'm going to get a drip coffee maker and I might as well combine all the steps as long as they work okay

>> No.18645480
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I decided to get some Dunkin' Donuts, but I need to spend 45 euros to get some without paying 10 euros delivery. I got some bags of coffee, etc. but then realised that they have some glasses for sale that'd cover the extra cost. What's the difference between espresso glasses & macchiato glasses? I was under the illusion that a macchiato was just an espresso with foam.

>> No.18645504
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Like, it looks like the same shit

>> No.18645550

>Europeans actually spend $45 buying meaningless shit they don't need just to get a cup of mediocre coffee
If they can deliver it you without it being freezing cold, you can take public transport to the actual store and buy it like a normal person. Should cost less than 10 euros, you can have it fresh in store and you would actually get out of your cave for once.
Fucking Europeans man.

>> No.18645588

I'm buying bags of beans, Anon.

>> No.18645591

do i keep my backup coffee in its retail packaging for the freezer or place it in a container?

>> No.18645626

Are you buying it because you're curious? Dunkin is one of the best cheap mass-market coffees in the US. It is not specialty coffee. It is merely decent coffee and a good choice amongst other coffees in its price bracket. Do not overpay if you had the impression this is exceptional coffee.

>> No.18645655

I vacuum seal mine.

>> No.18645699

I'm a little curious, but it's actually for my girlfriends Mother coming over. She loves coffee, but only Dunkin. I usually shop from a specialty coffee place near me for my coffee. I'm not American, and Dunkin' Donuts is in the middle of nowhere & a bother to travel to (at least 40 minutes in an area with not much to do for me.)

>> No.18646178

>always grind the same size
>always brew for the same duration
>got sludge for the 1st time
does this mean my strainer is broken or was I just too drunk and agitated the carafe too much before pouring into my cup

>> No.18646326

2 days without any coffee i lost 30iq(for a rok chad that is iq i cant afford to lose) and turned into a zombie

>> No.18646333

maybe your burrs are out of alignment causing more fines than usual.

>> No.18646351

yeah I'll try brewing again later to see if it will go back to normal

>> No.18646363 [DELETED] 

What are some reasonably priced alternatives to the Rok grinder?

I want none of my money going towards jew gimmicks like motors or 'portability'
Burrs should be the most expensive part of the grinder.

how much of a meme are the wooden hario grinders?

>> No.18646366

A well aligned housing is far more expensive to machine than burrs.

>> No.18646386

Do I really need a $200+ coffee bean hand grinder for my pour over brews?

>> No.18646420

Precision metal construction is ubiquitous and cheap for all other types of hardware.
coffee grinders cost as though you're commissioning someone to reinvent the wheel

>> No.18646463

You’ll get the best, but 100-150 is probably a good sweet spot that will get you most of the way there. I got a 200 k-max and I don’t regret it

>> No.18646471

>to the Rok grinder?
the rok is the best and cheapest manual grinder with a vertical crank.

>> No.18646476

> I got a 200 k-max and I don’t regret it
I can only find the k-ultra on Amazon, so I just got that

>> No.18646572

No but you'd be able to taste the difference if you had one. Just get the k6 that's on sale at Amazon for 99 or if thats too much just get the c2

>> No.18646682


>> No.18646690

Wrong. Best coffee aroma ever. Everything else smells weak or stale.

>> No.18646757

Sounds like you should have no problem making what you want then. Buy a set of burrs, find a local machine shop.

>> No.18646770
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>Been craving a sandwich and an americano for a whole fortnight
>Go to cafe
>Arrive right when they were closing
>They close at 4:30 in the afternoon
>cafe at the other side of the street doesn't have sandwiches.

>> No.18646985

What's decaf espresso like, does it still taste like coffee?
I'm gonna try it eventually, but I've got 1kg of Sumatra to go through

>> No.18646995

I want to move on from shitty instant coffee, how do I make good coffee in an unexpensive way? Something that doesn't take 30 steps to prepare.

>> No.18647003

from my experience it tastes more... planty i guess.
but it does taste like coffee.

>> No.18647008

how much money do you want to spend

>> No.18647009

That sounds great actually

>> No.18647016

it was mexico el tucan decaf
but i havent had it in a while since i dont really need decaf, but i never had it so i tried it and thought yeh this isnt too bad.

>> No.18647019

Get one of those Chinese manual grinders when they're on sale
A glass milk frother that you can put in the microwave to warm up the milk before you froth it
Shouldn't cost a lot more than 90$ for everything. This stuff makes very good coffee. Better than what you'd pay 5$ for in most stores.

After you get all that look for a place that roasts coffee with you

>> No.18647023

>with you
near you
A local roaster that offers a lot of free samples is too fun

>> No.18647031

plunger or pourover
find a local roaster and get them to grind the beans for you.
pick somewhere popular, and the beans they sell in bags will have been sitting on the shelves for less time.

>> No.18647041

>This stuff makes very good coffee.
only after you learn how to.
and most people are wrong.
especially italians.
never trust italians on anything.

>> No.18647044

They don't actually say that you shouldn't wash your mokapot, do they? Just a meme right

>> No.18647058

they do.
they also say to just use whatever dark roast pre ground trash you have laying around
also they say use cold water
they also say just let that bitch run dry, keep it on the heat with the lid down and make sure it gets really loud and sputtery
a good moka for them tastes like burnt acidic dish water.

they are so fucking retarded it hurts.
i hate that my favorite coffee brewing method was invented by those clowns.

>> No.18647062

>tfw induction stove
whats a cheap alternative to the coffee-dedicated heat diffusers?

>> No.18647065

just buy an induction moka.

>> No.18647067

time for an after dinner goffee.

>> No.18647071

fuck year evening goffee

>> No.18647100

>>18646351 (me)
yeah it turns out I just poured the first brew without care so sludge got in the cup

>> No.18647123

silly goose :)

>> No.18647125

evening cortado has been made.

>> No.18647148

very nice

>> No.18647159

i got some random beans from my local roaster
they aight
i fucked up the timing on my order of good beans and there is flooding or some shit between me and the roaster so im probably going to have to drink this stuff for the next week.
thats life i guess.

>> No.18647168

C'est la vie!
I don't like cortados doe. If I want it with milk, I make a jumbo latte size.
Actually it's morning for me. Better make some 'presso, but I need to clean my comandante before I open the new beans

>> No.18647235
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Microplastics turn you female

>> No.18647237

>my sleep schedule is fucked so I slept through my cold brew's finish time by several hours.
I hate myself so fucking much.

>> No.18647247

i cant imagine it ruining the taste.

>> No.18647266

Is there a french press where the plunger is made up of 1 whole material? I'm getting tired of having to disassemble it to clean it.

>> No.18647275

i dont think you are doing it right if its that hard to clean?

>> No.18647280

but then you wouldn't be able to disassemble it and shit would get stuck inside the mesh forever

>> No.18647291

It's not that I find it hard. I just find it tedious.
I mean, is there no plunger where it's just mesh welded to a rod that passes through the lid?

>> No.18647299

but then nothing would keep the shape of the mesh, nothing would push it against the sides of the pot

>> No.18647402
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People give Dunkin' Donuts a bad wrap, but I just made myself an espresso and it was pretty alright.

>> No.18647414

Ah. Well that's nice of you. Yeah, it's not bad coffee.

>> No.18647440

Yesterday I tried the espresso from my coffee place. Now I'm going to try their regular coffee and see what happens.

>> No.18647464


>> No.18647508

is this a joke? is america this soulless?

>> No.18647524


>> No.18647651

I now know what good espresso tastes like.

>> No.18647673

how do you know

>> No.18647707

I found out that one of the highest rated coffee shops in north America is like right next to my house.

>> No.18647715

>highest rated
by who

>> No.18647725

yelp, apparently.

>> No.18647731

ok so normies think its good.

>> No.18647732

so single moms and elderly boomers are telling you which coffee is good and which isn't, good going

>> No.18647733
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bros I started putting creamer and sugar in my coffee again and it's like a little treat. what are black coffee drinkers even thinking?? what was I thinking???

>> No.18647735

it better be brown sugar.

>> No.18647740
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well I got dubs so I'm right..

>> No.18647748

well see about that...

>> No.18647752

i said well see about that...

>> No.18647754


>> No.18647755

You don't get highly rated on something as widely used as Yelp by making bad coffee.

>> No.18647760

oh anon...

>> No.18647783

As for me I personally emailed James Hoffman to get a list of acceptable coffee shops.

>> No.18647785

i just drink shit coffee that i make
i never drink anyone else coffee.
ignorance is bliss

>> No.18647798

go ahead, read some of the five star reviews, see for yourself how many knowledgeable coffee aficionados are posting them

>> No.18647835

bring a gun

>> No.18647862

You can use a paper towel or a sock.

>> No.18647866
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Based, good luck have fun

>> No.18647908
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Do you ever fantasize about running your own comfy little coffee shop?

>> No.18647963

Made a cortado today.
…eh. It’s just a stronger latte.
I still don’t get the appeal of milk drinks, is it for people who can’t tolerate straight espresso?

>> No.18647967

No. I like coffee but it is a hobby not a career. I went to college and got a real degree (not philosophy/English/etc.) for a reason

>> No.18647969

No. Because there would be too many shitty customers who would want something shitty, stupid, or unavailable that was not coffee. This would be outside of the scope of running a good small business. People have been ruined by Starbucks, which is the Walmart of coffee. I would get so tired of trying to politely tell them that I don't have 10 different kinds of milkshakes or 12 different soymilk alternatives that I'd probably snap eventually and turn into the soup nazi. Best I can fantasize about is a food truck that sells 2 or 3 different coffees and 2 or 3 different preparations. Customers can go away and sit on park benches or wherever. I have no idea how you can be a little guy and make any money with ridiculous overhead and ridiculous customer requests.

>> No.18647978

My aluminium moka pot was a gift. i'm looking for alternatives to continually buying cans of meth(ane) for my gas burner

>> No.18647980

by which, I mean God Ryokutya-tane

>> No.18647987

Yes I would only serve light roast Kenya, not stock any milk, and dogs and laptops are banned.

>> No.18647989

I fantasize about owning a laundry mat underneath an apartment building I own. No reason there couldn't be a cafe in there too. Just tripledip the fuck out of every paycheck in the building.

>> No.18648015

No, I fantasize about running a manga shop. Maybe I'd sell coffee and coffee gear too since hario is japanese so I can tie it in with that.

>> No.18648028

would that be extremely painful?

>> No.18648038

Yeah I briefly considered if I could feasibly run a cafe and my final thoughts were that nobody would want to pay the premium for good quality coffee and that it would be wasted on them anyways as they would want to ruin it with dollops of sugar syrup and enough milk/cream to turn it pure white. So I'd lovingly make this cup of perfect pourover for someone and they'd go "Okay now please add oatmeal milk and 50g of sugar :)" and I'd have to try to patiently explain to them that I have regular milk, soy milk and almond milk and that's fucking it I don't stock anything else. So they'd bitch and whine and finally settle for almond milk and then they'd drink hot milk and sugar with a tiny tinge of coffee left in it.
I feel like even in a fantasy scenario where I save the life of some billionaire and he says he'll pay all the expenses and I can run a cafe with literally zero worries of profiting I still wouldn't want to do it just because customers would shit all over my vision and disillusion me with their incredibly poor taste and inability to enjoy anything in life.

>> No.18648040

What's the benefit of drinking black coffee other than saving on sugar and creamer?

>> No.18648053

The only people who drink black coffee are people who want to seem more mature. It's performative faggotry.

>> No.18648056

It's fine to admit your taste buds never matured.

>> No.18648058

How much sugar should one put in coffee? I had a latte for the first time this morning and it took 2-3 splendas before it tasted good.

>> No.18648084

If it's done well it tastes perfectly nice even without additional things, and adding stuff to it just kinda dilutes the taste.

>> No.18648112

Now try it with half that next time.

>> No.18648129

getting tired of milk, not really that much of a sweet tooth
is there anything else that is good to add in coffee?

>> No.18648133

Tonic water.

>> No.18648142


>> No.18648152


>> No.18648206


>> No.18648228

Drink it plain

>> No.18648264


>> No.18648265


>> No.18648355

I'm not the only one who eats the grounds after I'm done my coffee, right? It just feels so wasteful to throw them out...

>> No.18648390

how do I get my hands on these

>> No.18648456
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Spelling liberica right would probably get you to an amazon listing for Len's Coffee who sells it and whole bean excelsa...

>> No.18648469

Famiglia, redpill me on link related.


>in b4 buy the lever machine

I like the convenience of the all-in-one design, I just don’t know if the machine will break or if it’s indestructible like other La Pavoni products.

>> No.18648477

I had a dream the other night about digging coffee filters out of the trash and eating the spent coffee grounds out of them with a spoon. I had forgotten all about this dream until I read your post.

>> No.18648483

is it good tho

>> No.18648485

you don't develop a sugar addiction

>> No.18648496
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you know I thought I would be suffering getting stuck with this for awhile but it makes fairly passable cups. all it took was filling it with close to boiling water and decanting into an insulated carafe. the 5 hole shower head is small but so is the bed, and even though it sprays with violence enough to stick grounds to the walls of the filter, the resulting bed is surprisingly flat. pretty happy with it as a stopgap measure for $20.

>> No.18648510

I'm counting calories so avoiding unneccesary calories is a big bonus, especially with how effective black coffee is as an appetite suppressant
it further incentivises me to make black coffee taste as good as possible and has yielded good results so far on both fronts

>> No.18648516

Does the filter basket look like the sides of the toilet bowl when you take a diarrhea dump?

>> No.18648521

>filling it with close to boiling water
This sterilizes the microplastics for consumption.

>> No.18648523

I want clear smooth coffee, 0 coffee dust. What filter?

>> No.18648532
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maybe someone's, but not mine typically.
only sterilized free range non gmo microplastics for me thanks

>> No.18648533
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Where's all the French Press chads at?

>> No.18648549

my first cup has some nonrefined coconut oil with a cinnamon/cayenne spice mix. my second cup is black. It's very nice

>> No.18648553

What a stupid design choice to have the plunger not go all the way to the bottom.

>> No.18648555

im here bro using my espro everyday

>> No.18648560

Big fan of strong coffee?

>> No.18648563

cold brew

>> No.18648578

I don't actually understand what pressing the French Press plunger down does.
Like, the coffee grounds are still immersed in the water aren't they?

>> No.18648599

Just separates the grounds from the coffee for the most part. Silt still comes up, but it settles down to the bottom of the carafe. The last bit of the last cup is shit. The mesh is the first filter. Gravity is the second filter.

>> No.18648604

Depends. Did you use less grounds than how far the plunger goes? Then it does nothing. Hoffmeme method has you push down to the top of the coffee so you don't actually press on the grounds at all. Pressing down all the way also increases the amount of fines/dust/sludge if you have the average quality french press. With an espro you actually do need to press down all the way and do it multiple times since the filters are so fine a lot of the liquid is actually stuck.

>> No.18648611

lots of people misuse the french press though with very heavily overextractions as they just leave the grounds immersed while leaving it on the table for breakfast or w/e

>> No.18648615

I mean yeah it keeps the grounds out of your pour but like... I always figured if you were doing immersion brewing like that you would want to completely remove the grounds from the water like you do with a tea steeper.
I figured maybe an advanced French press plunger would be watertight with a tapered container, so as you get to the bottom you seal the grounds and they're unable to continue steeping in the main coffee. You'd lose a bit of coffee/water to the bottom of the press of course but that's just the sacrifice necessary.
Alternatively you'd have something like a cold brew container/tea strainer where once the coffee has finished extracting you just pull the filter full of coffee out of the container and dump it out in the trash.

>> No.18648625

Just think where you'd be if you bought a k5 and espro from the start.

>> No.18648636

ah but then I would have missed out on getting both on sale!

>> No.18648638

Yeah but you shattered like 15 Aldi Sus presses in the mean time.

>> No.18648648

it was 4 bodums before I got some chink all metal press. One of the bodums just randomly shattered when I added the brew water so that really wasn't my fault.
you need to offgas freshly ground beans so cramming them in some kind of strainer would be counterproductive

>> No.18648674

>you need to off-gas
Well yes, that's what the tapered/plunger does. When you put the beans in for your initial immersion they off-gas around the plunger as it's not an air-tight seal at the top of the press thanks to the slightly tapered construction.
I feel like my idea has to exist because if it doesn't I could probably patent it and make a ton of money but there's no way nobody thought of it before I did.

>> No.18648688

oh I see so you don't want an immersion brew at all and instead want to do an aeropress?

>> No.18648729

Posted in another thread
Have a friend who's a coffee freak, I don't drink coffee. What's a good 'exotic' or some really nice coffee I can get him for christmas? I live in canada if that makes a difference

>> No.18648742

Almost bought this for myself last night.

>> No.18648751

the secret of the press is not to press

>> No.18648758

Hey thanks, I'll make note of it. What stopped you?

>> No.18648768

I was only putting in an order with them to buy filters I don't need. I've got 200ish abacas so I don't need to order the new + ones to test against for a while.

>> No.18648782

Ah I see. Yeah I'll never understand coffee, this guy can make coffee 10 different ways he loves it that much.

>> No.18648792

I've ordered from them a few times but never tried their coffee. Heard they're a fantastic roaster. If this is an important enough gift you're asking 4chan, that holiday box is probably worth it.

>> No.18648796

I don't see how it ceases to be an immersion brew just because the brewing is stopped at a fixed interval rather than allowing the coffee to immersion brew for 10-20 minutes on your countertop until it's bitter shitwater.

>> No.18648843

kek 4chan has more integrity than a lot of the internet and I'd rather take anons opinions on coffee than some 40 year old single lady's blog.
I was also looking at this
Some flavor of world coffee, but I'll take your word that what you linked is a good brewer.
He's been a good friend to me, gifts aren't everything but I'd like to treat him to something.

I have a potential gf in my life now, I uh genuinely don't know what to get her, never bought a woman anything and I really don't know what she likes. I'll ask /v/ maybe haha

>> No.18648856

I bought a 30 year old woman some lol skins for her birthday last night. Toss in a bluray rip of Parasyte the maxim and she was happy.

>> No.18648862

>4chan has more integrity than a lot of the internet

>> No.18648904

yeah I guess if any water touches coffee it is by definition an immersion brew lmfao

>> No.18648916

He's unironically correct

>> No.18648960

kek based. The simple things are always the best I'll try not to overthink it. Thanks again

>> No.18648993

So is a French press only an immersion brew if you drink directly from the press instead of pouring it into a cup?

>> No.18649016
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>light roast kenya
absolutely vile

>> No.18649035

Its only an immersion brew all grounds stay immersed at all times, brewing and drinking. I find a yerba mate straw helps me sip straight out of the press.

>> No.18649037
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I use one but have no strong affections for it

>> No.18649040

Honestly you should just make Turkish. That way you ingest the grounds and they continue to immersion brew inside of your body until you gracelessly expel them into your underwear.

>> No.18649051

This is a bripe thread friendo.

>> No.18649054
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local roaster's more 'classic' espresso blend
in local china maker's cup

>> No.18649611

He is. 4chan is the only place left on the internet where you can get an honest review or a confirmation that an outside review is legitimate. Everywhere else is full of shills and self-censorship. If something sucks 4chan loves to let you know that.

>> No.18649673

for me i just like thicker drinks
also i just enjoy making milk drinks.
i just made a great cortado.
idk i just think its fun :)

>> No.18649677

As long as you enjoy yourself that's all that matters :)

>> No.18649693
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I want to do it myself,but I don't have the patience. Picrel is good

>> No.18649704

i think an autistic cafe would be fun
like one built to be as quiet as possible
i am autistic and i get sensory overload very easy so i hate cafes because electric grinders and espresso machines and milk steamers are so fucking loud its painful
so i think a silent cafe would be nice. not like you cant talk but the actual making of coffee and food and all that would be as quiet as possible.

obviously we would only use the rok grinder and E&B Lab moka pots

>> No.18649725

How does it require patience? Put the coffee in the fridge/on the counter 8 hours before you sleep on the weekend. Go to bed, wake up 10 hours later, take your cold brew out of the fridge. Remove the filter, maybe pour a bit into a cup and have some to wake up. Go about whatever process you want to do (i.e. run it through paper filters if you feel the need to cold filter it further.)
Pour it into bottles and store them in the fridge, drinking as desired.

>> No.18649729
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or i would make a black books cafe and just be a massive drunk cunt to everyone, but make the best coffee so even though everyone hates me they have to come.

>> No.18649736

so you have an induction stove right?

>> No.18649743 [DELETED] 


just use fucking milk. christ you "people" are disgusting.

>> No.18649747

>i am autistic
We know bud. Unplug that keyboard and just tap tap tap away while talking to yourself. Unless that makes too much noise and overstimulates you. Then just sit quietly and imagine a pleasant life I guess.

>> No.18649764

is there a specific one you are looking at?
have you seen the hoffmann videos?

>> No.18649835

looks like my toilet this morning

>> No.18649838

nice goff

>> No.18649843

dont worry champ i have gateron box browns
no loud keyboards in my house.

>> No.18649850
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tasted better though
the little guy didn't do too bad. exceeded my nonexistent expectations at minimum

>> No.18649888

LOL. Some of the worst tactiles you can get. Fitting.

>> No.18649935

who said i care about tactile?
i like how they feel and sound.
simple as.

>> No.18649945

>i like how they feel
>i am autistic
We call that tactility.

>> No.18650220

>scratchy reds

>> No.18650222

just tried instant coffee for the first time in my life because why not

actually revolting
people actually drink this shit?
i have lost even more respect for normies.
even with sugar and milk

>> No.18650226

lots of people just don't know any better or don't want to think about it. ignorance is bliss, and cheap

>> No.18650233

i have never used cherry or reds or any of that.
first mechanical i bought had kailh brown and this one has gateron brown and i like both.
i think these are better tho.
im using the IQUNIX L80 rn. and it seems its just brown not box brown. idk im not really a keyboard guy.
but i like em so i dont really care beyond that.

>> No.18650239

it didnt have any instructions on it so maybe i put too much in the cup?
it said "can make 150 cups" and i thought there is no way unless you just take a pinch or something.

>> No.18650268

Par for the rokgrinder course.

>> No.18650283
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Yes but I also hate working with clients.
Last year I saw this place where there used to be an ATM and I thought that it'll be really cool to have an espresso machine that fit on the ATM hole and say that the place is the world's smallest cafe.
Having a cafe is about business and not about coffee but still the ambience is worth paying for.

>> No.18650315

Some of it is good, but very expensive. As far as grocery store instant goes, you can get some that is better than anything you can make with the ground coffee you'd buy at the store. It's about picking the right instant - lighter roasts and light colored crystals will work best. The super dark stuff that looks kind of like coarse ground coffee is made by a different method, and tastes really bad. Then you need to use water that isn't above about 65c when you prepare it.

>> No.18650328

iqunix fucking sucks tho
held my order for ransom
i paid for it
i paid for express shipping
they then held it at a depo saying i need to pay $60 for them to deliver it

i did it because it had already taken 3 months to come from singapore or whatever.
fuck em, blacklisted forever.

>> No.18650334

Stop getting attached to bottom of the barrel tier products.

>> No.18650342

i only shop at aldi so they have all weird knock off brands.

i lied when i said i have never had instant but the instant was so expensive i didnt feel like it was even in the same category of 99.9% of instant coffee( it was $3000 for 1kg, it was great but i would never buy it for normal consumption. also i didnt spend 3k but it costs $1 per gram and 1kg is an understandable weight amount)

>> No.18650350

>bottom of the barrel tier products.
is iqunix bottom of the barrel?

>> No.18650365

I used to post on geekhack and have lubed more switches than you've typed on. Never fucking heard of them, not on deskthority wiki either. Sounds like an aliexpress special. Probably why you had to wait months and only offer switches no one wants.

>> No.18650367

I guess cases and plates would be more likely to come from taobao. Whatever.

>> No.18650421

well all my friends are from singapore and they were all hyped out of their mind about new iqunix stuff and i was looking for a new keyboard so i bought it
im happy with it at the end of the day.
i had 2 ducky one 2 with kailh brown, but they both broke in the same way and it was annoying me.
also ducky's build quality is kinda shit. the rubber feet rub off within a couple months, the led backlights fail, the keys are not balanced
even after learning even a tiny amount about mechanical keyboards it feels like anything under $200 is trash.
im not interested in anything with a numpad. which kinda corners me.
i feel like wanting browns + 65% + no backlight + no wireless + good build quality + a specific color scheme for the case and keys for under $250 is borderline impossible.

>> No.18650437

does anyone drink dog owner

>> No.18650443

no i drink dog water.

>> No.18650465

>anything under $200 is trash
Basically. Ive had a few duckys over the years. Old fat bezel mini, shine 4 and 5, and the disco they made for mk.com. Bought a $200 input club k-type because I wanted a white hotswap 10keyless. After about $100 of mods later and its pretty decent to type on. I'd still call this entry level as well. Vortex pbt+pom caps, Holy sky switches(Halo true stems, hand drilled outemu sky PA6/6 Nylon bottoms, polycarb tops, gpl 104), sprit 125g progressive springs and stab wires, cherry stabs, bandaids etc etc. Great board, but massdrop fucked over the designer so they abandoned firmware development. They still sell the board with a different pcb and firmware as the Drop Ctrl.

>> No.18650474

the korean coffee the dogowner

>> No.18650490

No but I drink the Korean coffee Moodtrap.

>> No.18650803

got a warning for a troll post outside of /b/ even tho it wasnt a troll post or even offensive at all.
fucking cringe.
just said creamer sucks.
is that a bannable offence?

>> No.18650814

I got a 24hr for rolling to decide what I'd drink that morning.

>> No.18650890

comandante is kind of a bitch to reassemble

>> No.18651127

Accidental turbo shot... It's not bad. Like pleasant bitterness sticking to the back of my throat yet I don't hate it

>> No.18651136
File: 13 KB, 448x149, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop playing coy
if you can't do the time don't do the crime, faggot

>> No.18651148

what did i even say thats bannable?
how is that a troll post?
why would that only be able to be said on /b/ or /pol/?
>what is wrong with americans
how is this bad? 99% of the time someone uses creamer its an american
and yeh its true i think you are subhuman for using creamer. how is this bannable or troll?

im not baiting or trolling with this post either i literally dont understand how what i said was wrong or troll or off topic or any of that.
was it the caps? i dont understand.

>> No.18651152

trolling means riling people up over nothing
you're doing that by calling them mutts and "people" for no reason
if you don't like creamer you could just have said so
but no, you wanted to start yet another petty "usa vs. the world" shitfest
again, stop acting coy, we all see through you.

>> No.18651166

>stop acting coy
not acting coy
im rok grinder anon, i am literally autistic. i genuinely have no idea how saying "people" or mutts is riling people up?
what even is getting annoyed at nothing? it can't be nothing otherwise you wouldn't be annoyed right?
guy said they use creamer
i essentially said i dont think you are human because i hate creamer.
thats not nothing.
again not acting or being coy or any of that,
again actually am autistic and i am not american or eu or whatever.

so are the rules that i can't say " "people" " or "mutts" or make fun of people for using creamer?

>> No.18651181

>what did i even say thats bannable?
You're being pretty derogatory and inflammatory. Labeling entire groups of people as subhuman is behavior inappropriate on a cooking forum.

>> No.18651193

ok so no swearing?
no insults?
no memes?
no banter?
no shitposting?
no inflammatory comments?
no derogatory comments?
been here over a year never had any problems at all doing all of the above.
is there some newfrog here with paper skin reporting comments?
not trolling or whatever with this comment either im just asking.
also i know is probably not going to happen but any jannies that can answer instead of some anon?

>> No.18651206
File: 255 KB, 552x484, omnom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coffee and cookies

>> No.18651218

those look like eggs

>> No.18651224

She's gonna eat ALL the eggs

>> No.18651249

Thank you anon who shilled s&w roasting. Really liking these compared to the last time I got single origins. The coffee honey was also very tasty. If only they did 5lb with free shipping like my local does tho

>> No.18651261

i was going to make that comment :)

>> No.18651308

Went to an ethiopian coffee place and had coffee with coconut cake.

>> No.18651326

how was it

>> No.18651331

Sounds like a fake Ethiopian coffee place. Real Ethiopians have it with popcorn

>> No.18651346

The coffee was nice. Didn't even need cream. Just one packet of splenda and it tasted great. It was sweet and a bit fruity for coffee. Not bitter at all. The coconut cake was delicious.

Also, the lady at the counter was very friendly. I'm a shut-in with only surface-level social skills so it was uncomfortable for me but I managed to converse decently. Last time I tried their espresso latte. I think I might go one more time and try one of their specialty coffees, like the ginger coffee. Maybe a chai tea instead. Idk.

In fairness, they're technically Eritrean, but it's basically the same thing. She even said as much.

>> No.18651383

>It was sweet and a bit fruity for coffee
this is the common theme for ethiopian coffee

>> No.18651386

You have to think of it not as coffee, but a coffee-adjacent beverage for disaster survival scenarios.

>> No.18651418

i just wanted something to make when i wake up after my roommate goes to sleep, so just the sound of the kettle is about as loud as i would like to be, but idk if its worth it, i cant imagine the caffeine content is that high either.

>> No.18651574

Any time bud. You got two guats right? If you buy some of their preground cold brew they ship for free. That guy was going to give me 10lbs of seasoning beans for the wug but I decided it would be too much of a pain in the ass.

>> No.18651589

>two guats
Yeah. Working on that nutty one right now. I don't do cold brew but maybe the math works out even if I don't use it. Probably willl do my next order in feb so I'll ask for suggestions round then

>> No.18651621

Might be worth buying some to gift away for xmas. Subsidise your shipping and get cheap gifting beenz.

>> No.18651885

I'm the only person in my household who really drinks coffee. Am I just best off buying an aeropress for myself rather than a cafetiere?

>> No.18651892

I took the light roast kenya pill and can't go back. Now what coffeebros?

>> No.18651893

no saying mean things :)
new management said so :)

>> No.18652545

New budgetboy kino.

>> No.18652605

Q2 :)

>> No.18652748

When he started singing my dog looked at the screen, then at me with a "what an asshole" look on his face and left the room.

>> No.18652846

fucking kino

>> No.18653521

How come whenever I watch a James video, it's always
>expensive grinder makes clearly better coffee
>cheap grinder coffee is clearly worse, disgusting even
like I find it hard to believe it's that black and white, or that a small difference in particle size distrubution makes such a dramatic difference in taste

>> No.18653557

from what i understand the zp6 burr is similar to the timemore c2 burr and therefore its just as good as the zp6.

case closed

>> No.18653650

It really is that big of a deal but you can have acceptable coffee as cheap as a Q2 Hept or a Kingrinder K6 (on sale) honestly. You will get better coffee from more expensive grinders but once you go past a Q2/K6 it's diminishing returns. Like the difference between some shitty $30 no-name grinder and a $99 grinder is night and day, but the difference between a $99 and a $200 grinder is not nearly as large.

>> No.18653677

i think alot of coffee stuff can be thought of like audiophile stuff.
from $10-$50 is a big bump for headphones and that trend will roughly continue up to $1k.
and then you need to upgrade other shit.
like amp/dac + file type and quality of the mastering.

>> No.18653710
File: 87 KB, 1082x534, S1-S2-e1554476253871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? The zp6 burr is a tweaked version of the etzinger design baratza uses for the sette 270, but with a bigger outfall on the ring burr.

>> No.18653718

almost identical. thanks for confirming.

>> No.18653723

Look at him cope.

>> No.18654013

Burrs are half the picture at absolute most. Alignment is even more important.

>> No.18654152

what grind setting on my oxo do I do for moccamaster

>> No.18654179

I posted the other day about getting to try Shock giga nigga extreme caffeinated edition the other day
>grounds smelled like wet asphalt
>coffee smelled like wet asphalt and pencil erasers
>tasted like grass and unsweetened cocoa powder with a finish remarkably similar to that of caffeinated chewing gum
all in all just as revolting as I expected it to be, I will keep drinking it as a novelty. if there's a nice robusta out there I doubt this is it

>> No.18654292

coldbrew it

>> No.18654300

insane idea, will do.

>> No.18654313

>Been having gastro issues on/off the past 2 weeks.
>Start feeling better
>Have a coffee
>Later overnight my abdo is killing me and start shitting out pure water
>Start feeling better
>Decide to have coffee this morning
>Abdo is rumbling like crazy and did a shit but was solid but still rumbling

What the actual fuck. Is it really the coffee doing this or just coincidence? Or is this batch of coffee just had and I should throw it out?

>> No.18654346

its over champ
time to retire to the tea general

>> No.18654462

What kind of coffee do you drink?

>> No.18654474

I drink it black. It's just pregroubd "Italian" coffee from the super market

I've been drinking it for years so I dunno wtf is going on

Please no, just had some peppermint tea and it eased it a bit but still rumbling

>> No.18654488

It was really bad bros. I normally weigh 63kg but when I weighed myself today I was 55.7kg and 56.x kg after I ate. I only do bodyweight/calethenics too so I feel like I lost whatever small gains I got

Surely my scales are just fucked right? You can't possibly drop that much in weight in just 1.5 weeks of gastro/shitting water?

>> No.18654503

i once lost 5kg after a shit once.
i tore my asshole in half and sent me to the hospital but...
also i lost 10kg by not eating for 2 weeks.
how to lose 15kg in 2 weeks, just destroy yourself its that easy.

also 63kg? how tall are you.
if its under 6'4 dont even bother replying.

>> No.18654644

Lol 5'5 bro

>> No.18654699

Nothing wrong with that m8, Tea's a good beverage too.
I drink both and I think it's time to end the brother wars, you don't have to choose one or the other.
You too can be an idort like me.

>> No.18654702


>> No.18654713

This sounds like an average day for me, except I'm drunk as shit while doing it.

>> No.18654868

Best off with a mokapot :]

>> No.18654884

I was too stupid and thought more clicks would give me more resistance
Water just went through while spraying everywhere
Tastes not too bad though

>> No.18654965
File: 57 KB, 735x727, 34212fba734d31c24386d3daf650928c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fucked up a brew so bad it was worse than shitty aldi instant coffee
relationship circling the drain
health in the toilet
mental health in the sewers
social life non existent
still at least 2 days away from my good coffee
best friend in prison

>> No.18654969
File: 316 KB, 1020x1030, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tempted to buy coffee only because I find the pic of the girl on the bag cute

>> No.18654970

Have you considered ending it?

>> No.18654978

time to kys

>> No.18654989

the worst part is my life overall has never been better.
tripled my salary in the past 2 years.
dont feel i deserve it because i dont do anything. wfh government job. do maybe at most 1 hour of work a day.
guess im just on a downswing.
once i get on that upswing i'll be back to shitposting in no time.

>> No.18654997

It sounds like the world would be a better place without you. A few nice drinks, your car left running in the garage...

>> No.18655012

>wfh government job. do maybe at most 1 hour of work a day.
Tell more. You might as well, since you're going to be killing yourself in the future. What kind of job is it? How'd you get it

>> No.18655043

that could be a guy, you dont know.

>> No.18655048

All the coffees this guy sells have girls on them so I doubt it. Would fug either way though.

>> No.18655093

Tea is great mate, hope you didn't invest too much in your coffee setup

>> No.18655247
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got a 5lb of red bird

>> No.18655261

Tea can also be much stronger than coffee in caffeine

>> No.18655292

anyone who actually cares about the drug and its effects just take the pills

>> No.18655317

I don't know much about em. If you're a student who's gonna cram all night or a sleep deprived wagie who has to drive 40 minutes in traffic, would a caffeine pill help with alertness and wakefulness for those?

>> No.18655324

Not him, but yes. But it comes at a price.

>> No.18655328

>But it comes at a price
Yeah... I'd assume it makes your heart explode faster
I'm also curious about reading how Taurine energy drinks compare to caffeine, but I don't know if I'll find adequate studies

>> No.18655347

dont take if high blood pressure.
also because its just a pill you can take WAY more than recommended very easily.
also coffee is usually something you can sip over the course of idk 30 to 40 min? but you can take like 5 coffees worth of caffeine in 5 seconds.
which you should never ever do.

>> No.18655621

Went to the ethiopian coffee place again and had ginger coffee with coffee cake. Was great. The owner, abdul, even gave me a free sample of lemon loaf. He's a great guy.

>> No.18655631

so when is the arranged marriage.

>> No.18655947

i'm trying to find a coffee that's smooth and has some subtle notes to it but every time i drink at a coffee shop or buy a specialty, it always tastes super fruity and overpowering. i grew up drinking pic related and i'm kind of tempted to go back to it just because the taste is so much more simplistic and palatable. anyone know of anything else i can try before i just give up completely?

>> No.18655952
File: 107 KB, 600x600, 1880-600x600-Product_Front-12_oz-Breakfast_Blend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.18656060

New bread

>> No.18656274

I could help you but I won't. Every time I rave about something here that I've been drinking or using for years/months gay youtubers make a video about it and then the price explodes from popularity price gouging and I can't afford it anymore.

>> No.18656650

it is currently cold brewing. I am a little alarmed at how dark it already is though