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18636261 No.18636261 [Reply] [Original]

tea/ - /tsg/
This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea
Previous thread: >>18617350

>> No.18636269

In my tea I got these 2 samples that someone called tuohs. They're a little over 6g so I'm thinking of cracking it in half and brewing 8oz of water at 95c for 2 minutes western style. Thoughts?

>> No.18636276

Yeah that's fine.
Fair warning if you don't like those that doesn't mean you don't like puer, those lil things can be a bit funky.

>> No.18636280

Oh but don't brew 2 minutes, boiling water and brew for 5+ minutes
Those things won't over brew on you like other teas can

>> No.18636359

Boiling water and for 5 minutes. Well compared to the YS sample I was given, the fishiness was just barely noticeable after giving it a good smell, so it can't be that bad.
I tried it. The fish smell really came out once it was brewing but the taste wasn't all that bad. I think I'm more of a raw puer fan though, I'll see once my W2T order arrives.

>> No.18636404

Yeah those samples they give out are pretty funky. Im guessing the sample you got from YS was a pretty recent production?
Don't feel the need to try a bunch right now but i swear there is ripe puer that doesn't taste or smell like fish at all.
There is almost this cursed barrier around ripe puer that means many people will try it once, get something weird and fishy tasting and then never get into it.
But it sounds like you have some other stuff coming in. I haven't tried W2T but i hear good things.

>> No.18636418

Lq Tranquera 3kg $30 https://www.amazon.com/Yerba-Mate-Tranquera-bags-Kilos/dp/B004J2EQ9G/

>> No.18636454

>La Tranquera shows off a pungent earthiness
>A mineral aroma I’ve never smelled before
>notes of grass, and hay
>soil-like flavor
>you can experience essences of stone and cement – imagine walking outside after a rainy day.

>> No.18636469

Yeah those places do two months worth of business this week, lots of shipping.

>> No.18636480

W2T seems fine, but they're taking their time for shipping to go out. I'm mostly aiming for white teas, though, as I like the natural sweetness and I don't want it to be too bitter. I'm mostly missing green / oolong teas from my collection now, and maybe some black teas that aren't distinctly flavored in some way. I'll probably make another order on fullchea and ys before the year is over so if anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear it.

>> No.18636523

I was surprised at how much tea I got, I didn't think I ordered that much. it's all small samplers but it still feels like it'll take a while to go through them all.

>> No.18637214
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Anyone have this tea before? It's great, had it a few years back along with their macarons. I wouldn't mind getting a box since it's christmas, but has anyone come across something that would be similar and possibly cheaper? Or maybe I can approximate something of my own

>> No.18637240

>Mom found the tea drawer

>> No.18637279

>There is almost this cursed barrier around ripe puer that means many people will try it once, get something weird and fishy tasting and then never get into it
it's because it became a trendy weight loss thing, so the chinese started making a lot of really cheap, really shitty ripe pu-erh for westerners who don't really care about the taste. and now this cheap fishy shit is most of the pu-erh you find in most western stores

>> No.18637328

Yeah that sounds about right
Like how if you look up puer on ebay you mostly just find weird shit that claims to be from the 80s even though it only costs a few dollars a brick.

>> No.18637506
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My dad recently switched from coffee to drinking earl grey tea only. Wanting to encourage this I decided to get him a box of Mariage Frères for Christmas. It arrived today and came with a little sampler of their thé a l'opera, pic related. I'm usually one for gong fu style brewing, but decided to write a nice review of this sampler.

The smell notes are very clearly fruits and florals, I think closest to rose and strawberry. I let it infuse for the recommended 4 minutes and the taste is not bitter at all. The vanilla note is clearer when you drink, as opposed to just smell. Overall I'd say this is a nice blend, albeit too sweet for my personal tastes. I'm sure my friends that usually have tea with sugar would find plainly this to be really good.

>> No.18637516

Because its a blend you either have to stick with the same brand or try a bunch of similar teas to see which you like. Googling "rose citrus black tea" should bring up a load of results.

>> No.18637538

Sounds nice, i don't really drink flavored teas but if i was going to i would go for the french brands.

>> No.18637826

Alright, Black Gold is pretty good. Much nicer than the average malted Western shit (or, low quality Indian/Sri Lankan I guess) that I associated with black tea, I can definitely drink through 250g of this.

>> No.18638234
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>fell for the tea meme and bought like $80 worth of tea blends
>still comes out cheaper than if I buy bags from the store
Not as expensive as falling for the coffee meme but okay.

>> No.18638367

Baby steps. You still have a lot deeper to go.

>> No.18638494

I need to grab some black tea, i haven't had any in ages

>> No.18638526

think about it. If a blend is good why wouldn't come in bag form

>> No.18638668

this looks like a fun job

>> No.18638752

500g earl grey 10bux https://www.amazon.com/Ahmad-Tea-Aromatic-Loose-Ceylon/dp/B00136MKEO

>> No.18638815

I thought that was interesting.
I guess Dayi now owns some yixing studio. So now their stuff is being promoted as Dayi yixing.
I assume it will be decent quality stuff but probably more expensive then similar pieces from other studios. I guess some people would find it reassuring that its owned by dayi.
On a somewhat related note i have a dayi branded gaiwan that's made by some third party brand. Its just a simple white porcelain gaiwan but it's very nice and its easily my favorite of the couple of gaiwans ive owned.
Kingteamall and grandness tea both sell the gaiwans, would recommend

>> No.18638847
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Does anybody know the name of this kind of teapots? (Square one to be precise)

>> No.18639072

I don't know if there is any kind of special term for that, it's just a square teapot

>> No.18639321
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rate my haul.
(went back and also bought some Oat milk latte and monkey business(supposed to be like banana nut crepes)

>> No.18639389

Flavored tea /10

>> No.18639407

The raspberry one looks tasty, I imagine it would do well iced

>> No.18639412

Probably tastes okay, but at least half of that isn't tea, or it's a blend, in which case its quality can vary a lot by brand/storage time. You didn't mention the site or post links, so we can't comment in that capacity. I also advise against anything listed as a "detox" product, or otherwise including senna (for example, "dieter's tea"). What is your experience with this mystery brand?

>> No.18639428

Some flavored teas you should try
osmanthus oolong
jasmine green tea
ripe puer + dried chempi (orange skin) i would probably only get this from white 2 tea since cheap ones can be kinda nasty
jasmine liu pao (rare)
yerba mate menta y boldo or yerba mate with mint + whatever other herbs are in the blend

>> No.18639436

Not them, but it looks like davidstea.com is the website, lots of interesting blends I guess

>> No.18639456

WOW, that's a discount!!!
Good variety of stuff, not just 8 different moldy cakes. 10/10 bargain hunter

>> No.18639457

>discount 66.48
>total $21.40
>probably still overpaid for what you got
absolutely based

>> No.18639489

Oh, it's Davidstea? I've had some stuff from them since a few relatives were tossing stuff out. "Valerian Nights" tisane (no tea) and some African mint green tea blend. Neither were bad, though I preferred the flavor of the African mint one. I still have some of Valerian Nights if someone wants to see it. That one is fairly sweet. They market it as a nightcap of sorts.

>> No.18639537
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>earl grey matcha

>> No.18639666
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Yeah, its Davidstea.com, and its the stuff they had left over from their blackfriday/cybermonday sale, which is why it was so cheap. I dont know WTF i'm doing with tea stuff, so i figured id just try the cheap interesting stuff they have there. Worst case scenario, i wasted $20...
Already have the temp adjustable kettle and infuser.

Btw, thats Canadian dollars(so its like $15usd) AND i get 5% back through ebates and another 2% from my credit card plus the shipping was actually free. So again, minimal risk on this experiment even if it turns out to all be junk.

>> No.18639675

Impressive. Very nice, Satan.

>> No.18639680
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Fullchea went out of their way to contact me on WhatsApp about the package being at the airport for 3 days. I didn't even know they had a WhatsApp since I had only contacted them through aliexpress.
It's kind of cute that they keep track of their deliveries and try their best to help but I've had orders staying two weeks at the airport before being picked up by the local company so my friend at fullchea will have health issues if he gets anxious every time a package stays still for a few days.

>> No.18639682

>20 CAD
okay based lmao
I mean I'm sure at least some of it will be enjoyable. It's very much not "real" tea and I'm not even trying to gatekeep you here but you do you.
Just consider getting some unblended loose leaf at some point, Capitaltea is Canadian and they stock some pretty decent teas from my experience.
Wish they'd restock their Fukamushi Sencha though.

>> No.18639703

Wow that's surprising.
I guess fullchea really does ship everywhere.
I hope brazil doesn't have ridiculous import duties on tea like they do with electronics.
Do you drink chimarrao / erva mate at all? Any Brazilian brands you would recommend?

>> No.18639739

>ship everywhere
Brazil seems to be a popular destination since most stores I looked at had Brazil specific discount codes during Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

>> No.18639759

>Do you drink chimarrao / erva mate at all? Any Brazilian brands you would recommend?
I tried it only a few times and don't know any brands, sorry. Chimarrão is mostly a south Brazil thing.
Import duties apply to tea too but in the end comes down to luck on whether the customs will bother checking your product or not, it's my first time importing tea so idk if it's likely to get taxed or not, I hope everything goes alright.

>> No.18639766

Speaking of tea the cheeky bastards at Yunnan MASSIVELY undervalued my order and it was stuck in customs for an entire week as a result. That said I don't think it was actually opened and I didn't pay any taxes.

>> No.18639785

At least they get that aspect of shipping right

>> No.18639802

Honestly I wasn't too disappointed with the shipping time aside from the SEVEN fucking days in customs. They fulfilled and shipped my order quickly enough and then it was out of their hands. It didn't get returned by Chinese customs at all and it traveled quickly enough through the system outside of my country's retarded customs.

>> No.18640582

What country's retarded customs? I'm surprised they didn't just google one of the labels and see that the plant matter they're looking at is probably more valuable than they thought.

>> No.18640587
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what kind of person has both Twinings AND Lipton and who the fuck keeps their tea in the bottommost drawer with the trash bags

>> No.18640590
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>> No.18640593

judging by the chinese hieroglyphs I'm going to assume that's some kind of fish jerky

>> No.18640605

I had my last order from them also undervalued, stuck a while in the EU customs, they slashed half of the teas including greens and left them open, then the carrier lost track of my parcel and I had to contact them by phone as "Scott Wilson" (with his agreement as he couldn't call them himself as they expected, my last resort idea) so they could investigate the system. Now it seems my bank refuses to allow me to order from YS and discarded every check out I tried.

>> No.18640649

Welcome to the joys of the offices complimentary break room teas

>> No.18640656

What a hassle
My bank has varying levels of paranioa about international transactions. Sometimes they don't care at all, but anytime i spend more than $100 from some Chinese vendor it triggers a fraud allert and i need to verify the transaction. Occasionally i have to call them and tell them to allow a transaction before it will go through.
Customs (in the US) has been okay to me, i think they have opened some of my packages before but they didn't go crazy and slash everything open.

>> No.18640659

jesus, they slashed them open? how is that even legal? I didn't know customs does that kind of shit

>> No.18640663

>how is that even legal?
Lol customs is the law, they can do whatever they want really. Fortunately they don't usually go to such extremes. Im not super surprised it occasionally happens with Chinese tea bricks. Some younger customs agent thinks he found a bunch of pot bricks on the xray and gets all excited about making a bust.

>> No.18640690

when the thread hits replies limit, does any random anon start a new one and choose a random theme? how is this managed

>> No.18640764

they were actually in the trash bags about to be thrown out and then the flood happened

>> No.18640825

There are a handful of posters that regularly make new threads and others that make them occasionally. There isn't really a system its just whoever is around. When i make them i just pick some topic arbitrarily. There were no thread themes for the longest time but they can be interesting and give people something to talk about as long as they don't get too meta or become to much of a circle jerk but that's hasn't been an issue here at all.

>> No.18640883

>Chinese tea bricks
Oh. That's it. The order contained a fu and a liu bao bricks. Both cut. Then he must have passed his nerves on the loose leaf green tea bags instead of opening and closing them like a sane person.

>> No.18640884

>imagine drinking something else than earl gray and lapsang souchong

>> No.18641033

Where can I find a good osmanthus online?

>> No.18641221

>order loli onahole
>stuck in customs
>finally get it
>dripping with cum

>> No.18641315

This has what to do with tea again.

>> No.18641317

if you're in the UK they'll arrest you after cumming in it

>> No.18641320

like me a cuppa during a good wank

>> No.18641361

Dont worry about the language, its a Chinese teashop and he ships everywhere.
Use chrome or firefox with the page translation extension to check out.
This sample set is also really nice if you want to try some oolongs from yunnan.
He also has a nice puer sample set on the site

>> No.18641411
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I think my apt owner pays more money for gas than I pay for yerba if it costs more than 15 cents to heat 2.5L of cold water to 180F per 50g yerba lole

>> No.18641425

Your kettle cleaned up pretty well eh?

>> No.18641434

it looks like the aftermath of a flood, and the teabags just happened to stored there and forgotten.

Atleast, thats what I hypothesize, i dont think anyone would be that schizphrenic.

>> No.18641435

Not my pic but I'm still working on it, gonna need something abrasive.

>> No.18641443
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same guy who has a fridge like this probably

>> No.18641446

>The jew fears the innafridge fish farmer

>> No.18641486

I don't know if it's mixed with Osmanthus flowers but Yee on Tea has a decent Osmanthus oolong with a pleasant flowery flavor, probably worth picking some up on your next order if you regularly order Puerh from him.

>> No.18641552

Any bing dao enjoyers here?

>> No.18641591

Im a big fan of mengku teas but haven't had any of the high ticket ones

>> No.18641613
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idk what i expected (he's still selling it at a higher price)

>> No.18641627

Yeah im not surprised
Well it probably would have been disgusting anyway
Ebay is supposed to enforce rules against bullshit like that but they don't really seem to care unfortunately

>> No.18641687

>always hear a guy shilling his tea on youtube videos
>try it out
>there's a $8 sample pack
>spend $16 total for green and black teas
>now I can dish out $20+ on the type of tea I liked most

>> No.18641848

I have never had Bing Dao, only Bing Chilling.
Please enlighten me as to why I should try Bing Dao.

>> No.18641883

Not that anon but its not even worth trying to track down heavily memed teas like Bing Dao. The raw maocha costs like $5,000 per kilo. Almost everything on the market that says bing dao has some tiny amount added in or is just BS entirely. At least with Lao Ban Zang they grow a shitload of tea there but with Bing Dao yearly production is tiny and lots of it probably doesn't even make it to the open market.
Im not a huge fan of vendors that refuse to say were a tea is from but to some extent its true that you should worry more about drinking good tea that you enjoy then trying to get it from some specific village that got hyped up by some Chinese tea bloggers untill it became hugely expensive

>> No.18641895

Why are poles like this?

>> No.18641899

there's cyrillic alphabet, so not polish. probably ruskie fish

>> No.18641907

Tea from 2 kilometers from old bing dao village
$750 for 357g
Tea from 5 kilometers from old bing dao village
$250 for 357g
Tea from 8 kilometers from old bing dao village
$200 for 357g
Tea from 10 kilometers from old bing dao village
$80 for 357g (excellent tea by the way would highly recommend)

>> No.18641924
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thx for the friendly anon on here that mentioned this guy

>> No.18641925

Which one?

>> No.18641934

You will never taste tea the same as the Chinese do because you don't have Chinese well water.

>> No.18641945

Chinese well water is trash

>> No.18642003
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>Not solely getting you water from a spring or middle of a river
Never going to make it.

>> No.18642021

all i have is all this RO water from my regularly maintained custom loop

>> No.18642028
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based, I've had a tea cake from the bing dao outskirts and I've wanted to try some more

>> No.18642047

go back

>> No.18642222

Looks tasty, farmer leaf also hasa tea from dong gu village that's i think $90. I haven't tried it but it's probably nice
Or if you are feeling lucky fulchea has a 500g donggu village tea pressed by haiwan that's $56
Im guessing that's from the smaller terrace bushes but its probably not bad either

>> No.18642235


>> No.18642257

make me 鬼子

>> No.18642318

Gee golly, I forgot how good jasmine tea smells. It may even be better than Earl Grey.

>> No.18642331

uh what about coffee is a meme?

>> No.18642350

All forms of brewing other than drip machines or K-cups.
e.g. espresso meme, pour-over meme, Aeropress meme, dalgona meme, cold brew meme, nitro meme

>> No.18642443

I need to keep track of all the different types of tea I've tried.

>> No.18642453

Drip machines are just automated pour-overs. You played yourself.

>> No.18642481

pour-overs are just memeified drip machine coffee so some hipster can feel superior to other bean juice consoomers

>> No.18642532

French press is the only honest coffee. It’s just herbal tea

>> No.18642545

>since most stores I looked at had Brazil specific discount codes during Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Tell me more. I have never hear of that.

>Speaking of tea the cheeky bastards at Yunnan MASSIVELY undervalued my order
I lot of of vendors who ship from China do that. Not sure if it just helps the customers save on taxes or if it benefits the shipper as well. Perhaps they don't insure packages to their true value.

>stuck a while in the EU customs, they slashed half of the teas including greens and left them open
Never had a problem with us customs but they can technically do that as well and if they do you have no real legal recourse, at best you can hope the vendor or shipping service is willing to eat the cost. US customs are not collecting taxes on personal packages so don't seem to mess with packages very often.

>My bank has varying levels of paranioa about international transactions.
luckily I have never had trouble with that but I typically use PayPal so perhaps that helps.

>> No.18642618

True, French press is basically cupping with an extra step of straining. We elevate it to the category of tisane.

>> No.18642702
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I have taken the instant coffee pill. Cheap and effective.

>> No.18643093

goddamn young raw puer is so fucking good bros. i was missing out only drinking semi aged factory stuff (but that's good too)

>> No.18643112

Its tea nigger.
It literally says tea on the top right.

>> No.18643118

I see any coffee other than espresso a meme so just shows how varied people like theirs

>> No.18643131
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Im a teabaglett. I really dig bigelow earl grey and green teas.

But i know loose tea is a whole new world. Ive had some good teas and now the bags just dont cut it.

Any recommendations for a normal earl grey, and normal green tea? Also your favorite herbal teas, for bedtime sipping, getting tired of chamomile


>> No.18643164

>Any recommendations for a normal earl grey
Try vahdam earl grey.
Upton tea also sells several but i don't know which one in particular is good (also don't get their Extra earl grey tea it has a shitload of flavor in it, more than you want)
Regular green tea can be kind of tough, i wouldn't get any from upton. So i will say try vahdam and see if you like it. If you don't get some dragonswell from yunnansourcing.us
Evening teas
Celestial seasonings sleepytime teabags from the grocery store are nice, also bengal spice or lemon ginger. If you want to get into loose leaf herbal teas look at mountain rose herbs, they have nice blends but their black green tea etc isn't great so i wouldn't buy those from them.
Also honeybush and rooibos are both really nice herbal teas, you can get them frim pretty much anywhere since it all comes from the same farming collective, but again mountain rose is a good place, even the bulk stuff on Amazon is probably fine as long as its not super old. Spearmint tea is also really good along with lemon balm and anice hyssop.

>> No.18643385

> normal green tea
I like longjing (Chinese) and sencha (Japanese).
You can find some decent quality of either around $15 for 100g on Amazon to get an idea of them.

>> No.18643391
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>Also your favorite herbal teas, for bedtime sipping, getting tired of chamomile
Ironwort is underrated. Tastes like sipping very nice olive oil with accents of mediterranean herbs.

>> No.18643392

I'm guessing the person who took this photo is scared of Teflon, and bitches about seed oil nonstop

>> No.18643418
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I tried bagged green tea, but found it to be very very substandard compared to my cheap-o loose gunpowder green tea.

>> No.18643435
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Damn thanks guys. I just realized there was a pastebin too, im honestly surprised you all didnt just yell at me to read that.

I'll do some searching and report back when i get some teas in

>> No.18643467

Is this a robot that pees in a cup? Technology was a mistake.

>> No.18643477

I think k-cup machines work better for tea than coffee. I never use the thing for coffee unless there is a house guest. I do pour overs, or espresso.

When I end up doing is filling a reusable steel k-cup with gunpowder green tea and just brewing throughout the day using the same cup and tea for the entire day.

>> No.18643518
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That's rad honestly. No ritual or pretentiousness. Press button, drink tea.

>> No.18643579

>Also your favorite herbal teas
get a 1lb bag of hibiscus

>> No.18643597

>gunpowder green tea
I still like to gongfu this and pour into the same thermos even if it still tastes close to hot water in the end. It still takes a couple minutes from dry tea to trash can. Good buzz that rivals coffee.

>> No.18643632
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newfag here I bought earl gray
from here
I've only really drank HEB (grocery store in texas) tea, pre bagged green tea with pomegranate and just green tea

what's the best way to put honey in tea? it gets sticky and hard to get out of the jar and leaves a mess usually

>> No.18643640

oh yeah I do know black tea tastes more strong I'm not super retarded, whats an easy way to spice it up (not literally spice)

I also liked mint tea but it made my tummy hurt a bit

>> No.18643653
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>what's the best way to put honey in tea? it gets sticky and hard to get out of the jar
You scoop it into the hot tea and mix it around. They even sell squeezable containers so you don't have to bother scooping it. As long as the tea is hot to melt the honey, there should be no mess.

>> No.18643680
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>what's the best way to put honey in tea? it gets sticky and hard to get out of the jar and leaves a mess usually

>> No.18643750

>I do know black tea tastes more strong
There is no inherent truth to such claims. Strength is largely a value of concentration of an infusion. The idea that one type of tea is always 'stronger' than another is false or otherwise misleading. The likely reason you interpret black tea as "strong" is because you over-infuse it, or use teabags with shredded leaf which tastes bitter due to rapid infusion. Read the sticky for info on better infusion parameters.
>whats an easy way to spice it up
Use fruit preserves. Spoon full, into the hot liquid, and stir to incorporate. Russians/Slavs are known to do it, should be tastier than blasting with white sugar.
>what's the best way to put honey in tea?
Scoop in, stir, done. If that is not working, separate cup, pour some hot water into it, stir with spoon full of honey, and dilute. Then, pour the hot honey water in with your tea to taste.

>> No.18643757

milk or squeeze of lemon juice, sugar

>> No.18643841

I hear you can stop the tea leaves from steeping with a french press since pressing it down doesn't let the water pick up it's flavors, is that true?
if so i might just get a french press for both my tea and coffee

>> No.18643923

Just pour it into a separate thermos if you're trying to brew a lot.

>> No.18643926

>chinese honesty
enjoy your fish flakes anon

>> No.18644001

You should pour that water off of the leaves to stop brewing. Swishing the leaves with a french press won't actually make the tea stop brewing and squeezing the leaves will make the tea taste poorly. You can use a french press to make tea but you should only push the plunger down about halfway after the tea is ready and then pour out all the liquid. If you want to make a bunch of tea at once poyr it into a thermos or insulated cup to keep it warm.

>> No.18644056


I really like the herbal teas from kliotea.com especially the Greek mountain tea and lemon verbena. You can get a 10% off coupon for signing up to their newsletter.

>> No.18644668

Think it'd be worth using those fill-able teabags with quality loose leaf tea to try to teapill some normies?

>> No.18644677

whatever you do, do NOT drink Gunpowder as a new tea drinker

>> No.18644723

yeah, go for it if you want to gift them tea but they don't have an infuser

>> No.18644733

It's actually just trying to get people to try good tea via a familiar format (tea bags) because I'm worried an infuser will somehow be too scary. They'd probably rather have pre-measured bags they can just dip in their mug.

>> No.18644788

after bathing in one of those hot tea spa pools does the water become a tisane or human flavoured tea?

>> No.18644810

yerba mate is coming in the mail today
straws are coming sometime in the next week
well i can smell the bag of yerba at least

>> No.18644841

You can just brew it like a normal "tea" and drink it that way, you don't NEED a bombilla+straw.

>> No.18644868

Opinion on chamomile tea? What're your favorite tea's to drink

>> No.18644912

>Opinion on chamomile tea
I like it, i usually have some around. Sometimes it gives me heartburn.
I mentioned some of my favorite herbal teas in this post

>> No.18645096
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why is it so good bro

>> No.18645100

do you add syrup to tea? I love mango green tea and am honestly thinking of buying a jug.

>> No.18645118

Cold-distilled 1000 times by master Japanese craftsmen.

>> No.18645136

It feels like my nose can smell better than my tongue can taste. Anyone else like that?
I smell the wet leaf and pick up all sorts of notes, but the tea never comes through the same way. I don't think it's my brewing or it being dilute or anything, my tongue just doesn't pick up flavors well enough. Same with whiskey and wine.

>> No.18645147

Opposite for me. I can't smell anything until I sip.

>> No.18645191

Don't drink a lot of tea, but licorice tea is cash

>> No.18645240

Where the fuck do I get a cheap thermometer to measure water temperature?

>> No.18645255

>do you add syrup to tea?
If i add anything i go for honey, but i guess in some place its popular to add berry jam or something similar.

>> No.18645266

Get a tongue scraper/brush your tongue with your toothbrush.

>> No.18645281

And ruin my seasoning? I don't think so.

>> No.18645293

If you want something high quality without costing $100 a thermopop is a solid choice, accurate, fast temperature reads
Or just pick some random digital probe thermometer off of amazon for $12 that has decent reviews.
Or get a little analong one

>> No.18645315

What would you say is the minimum amount of tea necessary for a single tasting? 25ML? 50ML? From a bigger brewing vessel, poured into your cup.

>> No.18645328


>> No.18645360

Those professional tea tasters use a spoon

>> No.18645361

>mostly order from upton and what-cha
>first order from yunnan sourcing
>pick like 8 random nice sounding types of tea
>somehow almost all of them are the most amazing teas I've ever had
holy shit

>> No.18645370

Upton is really on the shitlist at this point, people just don't seem to be happy with them very often.
Any way what's your favorites? Did you try anything weird or that you were not sure you would like?

>> No.18645373

question for the long time tea drinkers. can tea give you heartburn if it steeps too long?
I tend to leave the room while my tea is steeping and come back ~10 minutes later. I still enjoy the flavor, its not overly bitter or acrid or whatever. But I get heartburn like a half hour later.

how tf can tea give me heartburn but not coffee?

>> No.18645379

Is it really malty black teas like english brekfast, assam something like that? Some teas have a lot of tannins in them and i suppose that could cause heartburn. (I searched online and a few random webpages said tannins can cause heartburn) That said ive never experienced it and i will frequently just leave tea in the mug while i drink it. But i also don't drink those really strong black teas.

>> No.18645383
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>> No.18645414

basically that's the only type of tea I like. if it goes well with milk, I'm happy. better if I have a cinnamon stick to let steep in there too

so great.... tea magically has more acid than coffee.

>> No.18645427

By comparison even What-cha blows Upton out of the water. The new order from YS has shown me just how old and one-note the stuff Upton carries are.

>Any way what's your favorites?
I always wanted to try a good white tea so I got the Imperial Silver Needles of Jinggu. I was in love just from the smell, but the taste was my second favorite. Fruity and flowery in perfect harmony.

I never really tried many Oolongs outside of some tie guan yin, so I bought the Wu Yi Fo Shou rock oolong, and between notes of dried fruit and a hint of tobacco in the leaves, it is the best tea I've ever had. Buying three more bags tomorrow.

Also, the Imperial Pure Bud Bi Luo Chun green tea doesn't taste like any green tea I've ever had before. It's not too grassy, it's not bitter or astringent, it's just got this really pleasant, slightly buttery roasted vegetable taste. I didn't know green tea could taste this good.

>Did you try anything weird or that you were not sure you would like?
I also tried pu erh for the first time. I started with those golden melon tuos, and I bought a random raw pu erh, the latter of which I haven't tried. The melon tuo was pretty nice and unique, but I can't drink it in massive doses because I'm just not used to that earthy character yet. Still, it's a lot sweeter than any other tea I've had, which by itself is intriguing. I really want to try more vibrant pu erhs on my next order, but I don't know exactly where to start.

On the less positive side, I tried the Yixing Fruit Aroma black tea and it smelled tasted like vomit.

>> No.18645451

what is 'wild arbour'?

>> No.18645457
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Have you guys tried tea from the dragon's treasure?
He's the first dude to get me to try different teas
what do ya'll think?

>> No.18645487

yeah, same for me, in orders of magnitude it feels like.
The smell and taste definitely do deviate at times though, it will rarely be a one to one correlation between them.
just think about the sensation of bathing your v virgin tongue in wonderful golden liquid.

maybe i need to get a tongue scraper bros...

>> No.18645505

It's not really the kind if store that /tea/ regulars like, lots of flavorerd stuff with bits of fruit and flowers in it.
That said drink what you enjoy, there is plenty of different teas out there for everyone's tastes.

>> No.18645515

>so great.... tea magically has more acid than coffee
The amount of tannins in brewed tea increases the longer you steep it, so just keep steeps down to 4 minutes or so and you will get most of the flavor with less of the tannins.

>> No.18645525

>Wu Yi Fo Shou rock oolong, and between notes of dried fruit and a hint of tobacco in the leaves, it is the best tea I've ever had.
God i love wuyi oolongs. I don't drink them all the time because they get expensive but i don't think anything else is quite on that level.
Thanks for sharing your experiences, its sounds like you picked some good teas.
Also puer is my favorite and most of what i drink. I know its intimidating to try and get into with big expensive cakes and such but i think its worth it. When you are interested in trying more im sure someone in the thread can help out

>> No.18645537
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>what is 'wild arbour'?
The tea seller wants you to imagine untended tea bushes growing interspersed with nature in the middle of a hillside somewhere with no people around. How accurate that is can vary quite a bit and those descriptions can take a bit of poetic license.
Think something like pic related

>> No.18645541
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Instead of something like pic related

>> No.18645565
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this stuff looks pretty funky. anyone tried it before?

>> No.18645599


>> No.18645601

Glad to see the style is appreciated. I can't wait to buy more Wu Yi tomorrow.

Do you have any pu erh recommendations off YS, maybe? It would be great to include some with the order I'm placing tomorrow.

>> No.18645666

>Do you have any pu erh recommendations off YS, maybe?
Yeah get some samples
Here is a semi aged raw
An interesting ripe
And then pick one or two of these to sample
This last one is a super sweet almost honey tasting tea, little bitterness, im halfway through a cake
And a sample of this might be nice if you want some idea of what the more old school factory teas are like, strong, mushroom broth, some smoke and a bit of aged taste
Don't go too crazy just pick a few that sound good based on the descriptions or reviews

>> No.18645727

>local tea store charges less for oolongs than green/black tea
what the fuck

>> No.18645757

depends on the teas in question

>> No.18646253

Oolong is overrated.

>> No.18646285

Honestly tempted to agree it takes me a good amount of tasting sessions before I can begin to appreciate an oolong.

>> No.18646385

Green oolongs are overrated. Anything with 50% or more fermentation and medium to heavy charcoal roasting is goat. Especially wuyi oolongs

>> No.18646397

chopped up some ginger and simmered it to make some tea. Damn i need to do that more often, it tastes fantastic and you can make it really stong.
Would reccomned to anyone that hasn't tried it before.
Get a couple fingers of ginger, peel and slice into thin slices, bring 1 or 2 litres of water to a boil, add ginger, reduce to simmer and cover, about 20 minutes should get most of the flavor out of it.
Now i need to figure out how to make a concentrated ginger sugar syrup.

>> No.18646567
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I once walked into a tea shop in NYC's chinatown and asked a woman on the counter for her strongest teas, she kept insisting gunpowder black tea, it almost had a kick like coffee, was drinking it for months, got a big ass bag on the cheap.

>> No.18646575

What's a decent place I can get someone a gift card for?

>> No.18646582


>> No.18646585

I didn't even know gunpowder black was a thing.
Bold plan btw, glad you enjoyed it.

>> No.18646635

>tea shop
>Chinese woman
>American customer
You basically asked her "what tea isn't selling and you need to get rid of?"

>> No.18646685

I remember trying matcha a long time ago but it always gave me massive stomach cramps, similar to taking a zinc supplement on an empty stomach. Is this normal or the result of low-quality tea? I prefer drinking tea on an empty stomach rather than with a meal. No other tea causes that problem for me.

>> No.18647035

Really nice tea, it has a lot in common with Japanese flavors to my taste, a very robust and balanced green tea with no harsh flavors or bitterness. It’s quite a hassle, though; the leaves are so big that it’s truly inconvenient. Prepare to pay up for it

>> No.18647342

where do I buy good green tea in the EU without paying out the ass?

>> No.18647379

im western brewing heicha please forgive me

>> No.18647405

You are wise.

>> No.18647530
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I love this cup so much i cant decide between getting a tokoname kyusu or a kyusu with a similar hagi glazing anymore

>> No.18647531
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My ever favorite ripe pu er from YS is
It's 14¢/g, I never had better in that price range. Close seconds would be
but it's twice the price. I had other lao man e ripes from sample packs and they all have been great but expensive.

>> No.18647563

haha it looks like a brain

>> No.18647593

With matcha you are drinking the leaves so its a lot harsher on the stomach.

>> No.18647900

aliexpress is too cool for cheap ceramics. Going to go broke buying £5 cups.

>> No.18647943

I bought a $30 Gaiwan.

>> No.18648214

> I prefer drinking tea on an empty stomach rather than with a meal.
Even in the Japanese tea ceremony the serve a full meal before serving the matcha. Its just too rough on an empty stomach

>> No.18648223

>aliexpress is too cool for cheap ceramics
Lots of fun stuff on there.

>> No.18648250

inb4 yixing autist dresses you all down for supporting leaded pottery.

>> No.18648276

Is he wrong though?

>> No.18648293

Not in the slightest.

>> No.18648338
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Finally got my straws, out here sipping yerba.
I hated the water to 150°f ended up at about 143° once it settled in my insulated bottle.
Really tasty stuff.
Only issue im having so far is that the straw feels uncomfortably hot against my lips.
Is my temp to high? Do i need to get longer straws? Any other tips? I know ceramic is kinda slippery and makes it harder to maintain the mound but i already owned this cup and didn't want to buy a different one unless im going to get into drinking yerba regularly.

>> No.18648366

>concentrated ginger syrup
Just make cheong (korean syrup) typically 1:1 ratio of sugar and x. Fill with cuts, and about half the sugar, then top with the remaining sugar, then fridge. Takes about 2 weeks depending on the ginger's strength. It's a better option than boiling imo as that may alter or weaken the gingers overall flavor but might as well try both. If you're looking for big ginger at good price try chinese/indian markets but taste it before use.

>> No.18648369

get electric kettle if anything

>> No.18648398

>not even a real bombilla
Why the fuck do you need the straw if you're going to sip it out of a cup? Get a cheap gaiwan (lidded cup) and brew it in that, and then pour that into a clean cup and drink it out of that without a straw.
>150f uncomfortably hot
wtf lol I brew my greens at like 165 and drink them the moment I pour them, can usually drink up to 175 without needing a cooling period.

>> No.18648402

>Just make cheong (korean syrup) typically 1:1 ratio of sugar and x. Fill with cuts, and about half the sugar, then top with the remaining sugar, then fridge. Takes about 2 weeks depending on the ginger's strength.
Nice that sounds great. I will try that out

>> No.18648418

>150f uncomfortably hot
The liquid isn't too hot to drink the straw against my lips is.

>> No.18648486

dringken a 50g of la merced, thingken of buying the 6 boxes for $23.5

>> No.18648489

Which type? I wanna try the campo y monte and barbacua

>> No.18648508

de campo

>> No.18648518

Does it feel like a premium product compared to some of the cheaper yerbas you have?

>> No.18648530

La Merced De Campo is definitely a very comfy and sweet yerba, honey and warm like roasted oolongs. Maybe it's the in between of Playadito and Rosamonte - it has the fresh bread aged taste of Rosamonte Special Selection while having the honey note of Playadito. It's well-rounded rather than isolated and distinguished in one aspect that would impress ppl.

>> No.18648593

Nice thanks for the detail.

>> No.18648686
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It arrived, matches my cup very well :)

>> No.18648692

Cool teapot, it looks like a big speckled egg

>> No.18648829

I should have bought a bigger tea pot :(

>> No.18649075

How big is it? What style of brewing are you using it for?

>> No.18649123

2 cup (450ml) Western style but it's not going to be big enough to brew tea for multiple people.

>> No.18649329

any good recommendations for a cold green tea?

>> No.18649355

That's a good size for one. IMO its better to have a teapot that's the right size for your use than to buy a larger one because you might want it occasionally. Most 4-6 cup teapots are a hassle to make one cup of tea in.

>> No.18649359

Cold brew a dragonswell style tea or maybe an inexpensive sencha.

>> No.18649398

I bought it for individual use at the time but now I just brew literally everything in a Gaiwan Gong Fu I haven't made tea Western style in like a year.
I'm also in a position where if I did make Western style I would want a 4 or even 6 cup pot.

>> No.18649446


>> No.18649465
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It might be interesting to try. Way too fucking expensive tho, but worth it with anons self serve discount.
>Organic lemon peel, organic fennel seed, organic cardamom, organic angelica root, organic sarsaparilla root, organic lemon, organic grapefruit peel, organic turmeric root, organic eucalyptus, organic saffron.

>> No.18649471

>certified kosher

>> No.18649486

>little brown circle attached to a stem in my lapsang
Is this a flower bud? It's clearly organic matter from the tea plant, just not sure I've ever had one of these in my tea before.

>> No.18649491

>Way too fucking expensive tho,
the saffron probably contributes a bunch to the cost.

>> No.18649582

Its probably a tea flower bud or seed pod
They show up somewhat often in teas harvested in the fall

>> No.18649618

I'm thinking it's a bud, just a bit different considering this tea isn't meant to have any buds in it.

>> No.18649819
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These bricks sold old but the got some more in stock 2004 old ass tree Manzhuan for $75 for a 230g brick
Not very much old tea from old trees out there with prices like this

>> No.18649821

*these bricks had sold out but he got more in stock
jesus i need to proofread my posts

>> No.18650318

I should have listed to the anon that told me to go for a 150ml gaiwan, 100ml is fine but it feels a bit smaller than ideal for me.

>> No.18650331


>> No.18650330

you know deep down you want the .5L gaiwan

>> No.18650409
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>Mei Leaf order just shipped
>now I'm Evil Dispelling Bull rank
Neat-o-rama. I hope it comes soon.

>> No.18650431

>collecting chuuni ranks

>> No.18650468
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I go through a box of these every couple of weeks. i dont know where to get bulk tea

>> No.18650485


>> No.18650491

just buy 1kg of Black Gold from Yunnan Sourcing and call it a day

>> No.18650712

Have you tried not putting the straw in until the yerba is ready to drink?

>> No.18650739

I've been trying to convince my dad to switch from coffee to tea, he drinks like 2-3 cups of coffee a day and sometimes has more caffeine. Any types of tea you would recommend I try to get him to have? He does like lapsang souchong.

>> No.18650764

Gaiwans don't work with yerba, gaiwans don't filter fine enough and are too small.

>> No.18650832

you could try getting a thicker bombilla with a cooling ring. I have one like that and I can drink 75 celsius mate no problem

>> No.18650876

Gaiwans are just as big as a gourd and good mate will have larger leaves without dust

>> No.18650884

>good mate will have larger leaves without dust
lol no. the shitty mate green they sell in tea stores is the stuff without dust. all the good mate from actual south american brands has dust added in on purpose, in controlled proportions with the leaves

>> No.18651017

Looks nice too bad I just exhausted my tea budget on Black Friday sales.

>> No.18651026

Does any one know how fast shipping from Taiwan is right now? I want to see if i can still get something from teaswelike in time for Christmas without paying for expensive express shipping.

>> No.18651198

Eh, i got a 80ml teapot recently and i actually really enjoy using it in the afternoon and evening, its nice to be able to gongfu 5g of tea instead of my usual 7.5 in my 120ml gaiwan.

>> No.18651219

>Any types of tea you would recommend I try to get him to have? He does like lapsang souchong.
Try some regular breakfast type teas,
And one of these reusable tea brewing baskets
A spoonfull of tea or more (to taste) in the brew basket, brew with boiling water in a mug, 4-5 minutes
All that said there isint that much reason to switch from coffee to tea. Its less juttery i guess but if you drink a bunch it will still have plenty of caffeine in it.

>> No.18651244
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Day 2 of yerba mate
Good stuff, i really enjoy the flavor, its pretty complex and interesting. Im making a mess pouring hot water from my wide mouth insulated bottle but that's not the yerbas fault.
This super wide leafy cut isn't really performing the way a traditional Argentine grind would but its fine.
Trying to get a feel for how long to let the water sit in the gourd before drinking, i gotta get used to letting it steep longer after the first couple infusions.

>> No.18651263
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Matcha makes me feel like I got zapped in the face.

>> No.18651292

Have you tried koicha (thick matcha)?
Ive read that's like drinking a few shots of espresso

>> No.18651714

What teas did everyone get this Black Friday?

I got some "snoozefest" sheng cakes from W2T and some young sheng from farmer leaf. I'm hoping that they don't get stuck in shipping and that they make it here before Christmas.

>> No.18651833
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So i found out you can get slicone tips for the end of your metal straw so it won't get hot against your lips. That should probably fix my issue with the yerba straw feeling too hot.

>> No.18651942

jin xuan, v93 and "top grade dancong" from Fullchea
GABA Oolong, some kind of taiwanese hong cha and a sample of a 2007 sheng from thetea.pl

>> No.18652170

How sanitary is this?

>> No.18652190

What do you mean? People drink shou pu'er all the time.

>> No.18652202

need to ween off coffee, trying to order some loose leaf green tea, budget friendly, what do you anons recommend?

>> No.18652205

I am curious about how good Fullchea's loose leaf is. I suspect it is decent (good for the price) but not very many people here have tried it.

>> No.18652211

Do you have a preference for Japanese or Chinese style green tea?

>> No.18652218

The 2018 Moonlight White shilled arrived today. It came with a small little sample puck of a 2013 Puerh but I can't find any real information on it, Google's translate just says "Raw Puerh, Yunnan China"

>> No.18652266
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1 teaspoon with 200-250 ml of water. Dunno if it's considered thick.
It's stimulating but very different from coffee. I feel focused rather than jittery. And with Max Payne face.

>> No.18652290

Is tieguanyin budget friendly?
If not then gunpowder.

>> No.18652510

>Shilled white
Nice that more anons are getting them in. One person who did seemed to like it, but not as much as something else he bought. I hope you and anyone else who also got it enjoys it. Would be neat to hear your impressions/notes.
>Fullchea mini tuo
Fullchea's mini tuos aren't the best. Some toss them, but if you do try one, go easy on it first. They can be a little harsh otherwise.

>> No.18652532

well, the russians seem to like it and it's like half the price of equivalent teas here in the EU, so I decided to go for it. I'll post my thoughts when I get them

>> No.18652594

I already had an infusion of the mini-tuo, pretty light camphor and vanilla notes. I can definitely taste the aging.
I am of course using bottled water which tends to be very light and not draw the full notes of a tea out, I'll probably switch over to my harder tap water for later steeps.

>> No.18652659

Neat. They're not always horrible, but some can be foul, so at least you got an okay one. I'd avoid buying any directly, but you can expect Fullchea to include some in basically every order. I think some medium-value buys can include a few more extras too. When I bought four white cakes once, I got a single GABA oolong sample and sachet of "black pearl" barley to infuse, and both were nice. I bet if the general tried more of Fullchea's offerings collectively and compared impressions, we'd not only find some solid budget buys, but also be able to recommend really cheap ones to intimidated noobies. I think that'd be really cool.

>> No.18652751

I'm definitely buying some green tea from them once the 2023 spring harvest comes in

>> No.18652797
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I believe I did. My initial impression was that the silver needles cake I also got was worse than the moonlight white. After drinking several cups of both, they started tasting just fine and I actually like the moonlight white more than the silver needles. The tuos were awful though, I just don't understand why I get so much fish from (ripe) puerhs.
I'll probably make another fullchea order. I'd like to get some black and green tea and possibly oolong to round out my bottom shelf collection and maybe more white tea also.

>> No.18652810

>The tuos were awful though, I just don't understand why I get so much fish from (ripe) puerhs.
I really wish they didn't send those things out to people. They are gross and just turn people off from trying ripe puer.
I give em to my cat to play with.

>> No.18652819

Anyway the fish flavor / smell is from the fermentation process, it has to be carefully supervised and managed by somone who knows what they are doing or it runs the risk of getting pretty funky. The big factories have professionals who have been fermenting tea for 40 years overseeing the operations. They also usually keep the tea loose for a couple years after its fermented to let any off tastes or odors dissipate. But when the process is managed poorly by people who don't know what they are doing you end up with stuff that smells like a dock where fishing boats unload

>> No.18652822

I have only drank earl grey. What are some teas I should try to expand my tastes.

>> No.18652832

Chinese black teas
Second flush Darjeeling
Tieguanyin oolong
Jasmine flavored tea

>> No.18652891

>founded because of a 3c tax on 3lb
>fast forward 246 years
>paying $20 shipping on a $30 order
i have failed my ancestors

>> No.18652952
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>can usually drink up to 175 without needing a cooling period.

>> No.18652968

the slurp

>> No.18653027

Slurp + constantly eating/drinking scalding hot things throughout my life to develop tolerance.

>> No.18653033

some cheaper oolongs and that weird Blood Moon tea from w2t

>> No.18653056

is it tolerance or scar tissue

>> No.18653061

He has way too much caffeine already, that's the issue. I am trying to encourage him to have less by switching over to tea.

>> No.18653095
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4chang /pot/head bros I need your help. Found this tea set today. Can't find the exact one online anywhere, but can find similar ones. Have no idea what the value is or if it's even a decently made set. Is it worth picking up? More pics coming...

>> No.18653099
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Next pic

>> No.18653110
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Outside of box

>> No.18653128

What kind of water do you brew tea with?

>> No.18653129

>Is it worth picking up?
Not really, mass produced slipcast clay with all kinds of color and other additives added to it.
Basically tourist stuff made to put on display on a shelf

>> No.18653131

I use a ladle to scoop water out of my toilet.

>> No.18653134

I’m not an expert but it looks way to kitschy to be true zisha clay, almost certainly replica but it could still be just fine as a teapot

>> No.18653182

Thank you gentleman I will pass on it. Still trying to build my senses for understanding clay pots and how the market around them works.

>> No.18653191

My tap is pretty good. I tried using water from my aquafina dispenser and the tea came out awful,

>> No.18653216

>Still trying to build my senses for understanding clay pots and how the market around them works.
Its a retarded mess and the best advice i can give you is to just buy porcelain instead. Buying/collecting clay teapots is basically its own separate hobby from drinking tea.
Mud and leaves has a bunch of blog posts about them that will give you at least some info if you want to read more. Also there is some advice about them in the pastebin and a list of shops that are reasonably safe to buy clay pots from.

>> No.18653325

for a second i thought the thumbnail was a famicom cartridge

>> No.18653331

RO waste water

>> No.18653423
File: 88 KB, 242x312, oranj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Orange tea infusion with rich aroma"
sounds awesome

>> No.18653575


does she have autism?

>> No.18653641

I don't understand the pu'er thing at all.
I've tried a bunch of different shous and shengs and honestly I can't stand them. I'd rather have my savory oolongs.

>> No.18653673

I've never really gotten orange from a Lapsang, but Lapsangs are generally relatively pleasant smoked teas regardless.

>> No.18653678

I like 'em, they have a nice warm woodsy flavor to them. Kind of calming and centering.
I haven't encountered a "fishy" one yet though.

>> No.18653700

I think they are talking about the color of the tea not the flavor
That's fine, its a pain in the ass to get into puer and succeeding leaves you wanting to drink the stuff that's a dollar or more a gram.

>> No.18653701

I've always tasted bacon and camp fire. Orange is interesting.

>> No.18653719

Sounds more like a Russian caravan blend then a Lapsang. I've got a mid-tier Russian caravan blend that has a very strong bacon scent to it, and then I have a high quality Lapsang Souchong with a very mild scent and a much more refined flavor.

>> No.18653722

There is plenty of really smokey lapsang out there
Russian caravan is just smokey lapsang blended with other black teas

>> No.18653764

I don't doubt it, I don't have a world of experience with Lapsang, but I would probably look for Russian Caravan (assuming people aren't butthurt over it having Russian in the name, I'll cry if I see "Ukrainian Caravan") if I wanted the bacon scent and taste.

>> No.18653805

if I was going off flavor/aroma alone I like jasmine, but also enjoy oolong and oi cha. Hoping to get something I can use to mix with fruit too for hot days.

>> No.18653831

Fluoridated tap water

>> No.18653848

>make a green tea (decaffeinated, cheap store brand) without critrus
>it kinda tastes like grass while the other times it tasted better

underbrewed or is it just a coincidence because I only recently learned to not do a rolling boil for green tea

>> No.18653874

>decaffeinated store brand

>> No.18653876

brew it however tastes the best for you, it truly does not matter.

>> No.18653892

fullchea has a sliver of their selection available on amazon with prime shipping, anything worth grabbing? it's pretty much the same price as their online shop

>> No.18653940

women can't have autism

>> No.18653965

I bought some green tea and a week later I'm feeling burned out. Because it's green I feel obligated to drink it often so it doesn't go stale. I hate green tea!!!

>> No.18653972

What kind of green tea is it?
If it's sealed in a pouch, you shouldn't have to worry about it going stale.

Also someone make a new thread

>> No.18654004

Not him but I've got a green that tastes like nothing

>> No.18654014

Just let go.
I have like 15g of stale as fuck Gyokuro sitting on my counter and I'm just like... fuck it who cares. Zen.
Maybe I'll clean one of my frying pans nice and good and roast it into Hojicha and see if that does anything. Gyokuro Hojicha, what a concept.

>> No.18654694
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I hope you guys are putting milk in your black tea



>> No.18654697

>The results, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed roughly the same level of oxalates in their urine after drinking either water or black tea.
Am I reading this wrong or is this a pepega moment?
Also all that aside I would rather just drink milk shortly before/after my tea rather than spoil the actual tea with it.

>> No.18654706

frick yourself kid

>> No.18654731

this guy's videos are very good for learning about yixing pots

>> No.18654737

okay retard keep drinking your tea flavored milk
bet you drink oprah chai lattes too

>> No.18654808

oops sorry meant >>18654731 this for the other anon >>18653182

>> No.18655345

An etsy teapot?

>> No.18655352

You actually want to have you ginger in the water as it heats up, since you're just going to be boiling the shit out of it anyway

>> No.18655476

has anyone experimented with heated storage here? i realize i have all the things to set it up already from previous fermentation projects so i dont see why not. Where can i buy lots of cheap cakes with young raw puer made to be aged?
maybe one of these ones from 2022 or should i get something with already a bit of age, also should i get something from Dayi instead?

>> No.18655510

New Thread

>> No.18655521

You should probably bump this question to the new thread because it is interesting. I would probably get both some very young sheng and some semi aged sheng to see how it affects them. Be sure to keep a control example of each outside the heated storage to see the difference. Give me a bit and I will try to put together some cheap recommendations from fullchea,

>> No.18655602

enjoy your cancer