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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18647138 No.18647138 [Reply] [Original]

How do I be like him?

>> No.18647144

Use Knorr stock pots and triple your olive oil usage

>> No.18647161

He fidnt actually do that in his kitchens though. That's just stuff he shills to make some money for his retirement.

>> No.18647188
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Be a brutally talented chef as a motivated youngster. Find a decent assistant chef, hire him as an underling, make him cry and then throw him away. If he makes it, you win. If he doesn't, you win.

Regardless, make one restaurant so good it's worth millions (while you have the energy), sell out and then open a bunch of pubs and get some sponsors and live your best life without all the stress and monotony.

If you're 25+ and asking, it's already too late.

>> No.18647194

>brutally talented
i like marco, but how was he "brutally talented"? he was just a hard worker, but people think hes some kind of genius because of his eccentric personality shown in that 80s mini-series

>> No.18647217

Is hard work and experience enough for 3 Michelin stars? I'm not really sure how hard they are to get but I've worked in quite a few kitchens and never Met a chef who I thought could even pull one off realistically, saying that I've only been in pubs and hotels but that's how marco and most other chefs start.

>> No.18647224

Hard work and experience alone is rarely enough for significant success in any field. You also need luck or contacts. Sometimes being sexually attractive can help.

>> No.18647232

yep, this
luck + contacts (pierre koffman, roux, etc) + charisma
nothing particularly genius or inventive about his cooking

>> No.18647240

Imagine the worst hotel food imaginable - overcooked, brown vegetables. Dry meat. Watery soup.
This was the reality of most restaurants back then. A dish such as poached salmon with hollandaise sauce would blow everyone's mind.

It's hard to compare eras, because today, we have exposure to every corner of the world, every spice, every technique. Marco stood above other cooks with his hard work, but hard work isn't enough, there was talent involved, too. You can work 25 hours a day assembling the hotel slop above.

>> No.18647259

Yes, even the names of the dishes were terrible. In one episode on youtube, Marco serves a chef a dish of brains in a crappy net.

>> No.18647261

cooking food properly is talent? no, thats the bare minimum. just because others are shit, doesnt mean youre talented if you do it right. its not rocket science lol

>> No.18647270

>Hard work and experience alone is rarely enough for significant success in any field. You also need luck or contacts. Sometimes being sexually attractive can help
Completely true. If you've ever worked in a white collar environment, you will know this from how utterly incompetent most middle management are and how corporate structures are built around social circles and brown nosing.

>> No.18647276

Marco owned a restaurant with 3 Michelin stars. That's an indicator that his cooking was not only top level quality but also creative and inspired, along with a great restaurant experience. I'd say that implies he's pretty talented.

>> No.18647279

none of those things are true, which is why he handed back those 'stars'. its a popularity contest, and due to his mini-series, he was very popular.

>> No.18647281

he looks good and can be charming. it's surprising how far those two things will get you.

>> No.18647285

Well that's me completely out of the race then.

>> No.18647289

he always appreciated good dish washers. live laugh love.

>> No.18647304
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sorry this is wrong and you're just rying to find ways to be disparaging. I think it's fine to assume the bar has only gotten higher and higher since the 80s but patrons and critics both still miss his London restaurant.

I just feel like it's just plain dopey for /ck/ to say he wasn't a hard worker, or an amazing talent, or an innovator. I'll hear any good argument that he wasn't all three, but I'll be fucked in the pussy if anyone tries to argue he wasn't at least two of those.

Marco lives a comfortable life entirely on the shoulders of his own hard work and has said many times how much he can't stand the monotony and gruel of fancy dining and prefers to make scratch on good pubs and pub food instead. He's literally a fucking role model and when Ramsey stresses for the rest of his life over his next TV contract or book deal Marco is actually just fucking chilling.

>> No.18647321

Beyond one star is just an autism rating.

>> No.18647514

He’s scrambled eggs look like yellow baby shit. Gorton Ramsay’s too. Fuck both those phaggots! I beat the fuck outta them!

>> No.18647526

>how do i professional chef

literally just more salt and butter.

>> No.18647534

Even in that series, there was nothing he was doing that was all that difficult. Butter poached carrots can't be worth 3 Michelin stars

>> No.18647588

Make Gordon Ramsay choose to cry

>> No.18647618
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Ewww brains? Omfg like totally gross yucky yucky ew! Get this! In one he served a chef a PIG'S FOOT! Pigs just step in shit all day like omfg so disgusting! *barf emoji*

Shut your whore mouth.