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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.16 MB, 3105x2329, Breakfast 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18645054 No.18645054 [Reply] [Original]

What does a typical breakfast look like where you're from?
>spicy seafood nongshim
>avocado, sour cream, green onions
>two hash browns
>a white russian
In America we're free to eat whatever we want whenever we want, and the idea of a "typical breakfast" has mostly been relegated to throwback restaurants like Denny's or IHOP that are mostly frequented by hipsters who still think irony is a thing.

>> No.18645060

It's pretty incredible how the internet has allowed us to determine that a person thousands of miles away who we'll never even meet is an absolute insufferable prick

>> No.18645068

True, OP is a fucking moron

>> No.18645092
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>a white Russian.
Oh, anon...

>> No.18645263

References to hipsters are mostly made by flyovers who think hipsters are still a thing.

That said, typical breakfast back home is a sweet, brioche-style croissant, fruit yoghurt and milky coffee but where I live now (US), it's more typically a smoothie or just cereal and milk.

>> No.18645286

You realize those are normies now, right. Maybe 10 years ago it was a different story. Were you recently released from prison?

>> No.18645349

Nah, hipsters still exist. It's just that /ck/ has no clue what they are or where they go. According to this place hipsters hang out at tap rooms and drink IPA, go to the expensive exposed brick burger restaurants, and eat at the trendiest food trucks and then post about it on Instagram.

>> No.18645425

Get a load of this fucking hipster.

>> No.18645458

So they have a 2008 perception of what a "hipster" is? Cuz "exposed brick," "trendy food trucks" and drinking "IPA" at the "tap room" are all very much out of style right now and I'm not even remotely cool enough to keep track of what's in or out of style IE if even a complete dork like me knows this image ain't up to date, then it's really, really, really not up to date.

>> No.18645477

What being a hipster means has changed somewhat since social media, but normal people's image of hipsters is always 10-15 years behind what hipsters are actually doing. That's kind of the entire point. That said, none of those things were ever big hipster things. IPA was never a hipster beer, and eating trendy food so you can post on instagram is basically the opposite of what hipsters do.

>> No.18645965

Coffee drinks are pretty normal in the morning.

>> No.18646123

That's an alcoholic beverage where I'm from.

>> No.18646319

you are extremely out of touch

>> No.18646334
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>> No.18646338

I'm American.
I haven't eaten breakfast in close to 20 years

>> No.18646451

About which part? IPAs were never "hipster beer", and eating at places that are trending on social media would make any hipster vomit.

>> No.18646877

Do people really just wake up and eat a bunch of food without having a drink or two first?

>> No.18647542
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My favorite breakfast is a peasant pie. Just a wheat flour cake with some butter and kaymak/balkan sour cream sprad on the top. Its typically eaten with fresh cheese on the side and jarred tomato paprika sauce/salad. When I was a child it tasted much better since my family owned cattle and all the milk products were homemade. During the winter when I feel down and cold in the morning I sometimes make it but it never tastes the same bros.

>> No.18647555

toast with butter and slommi

>> No.18648085
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In Italy people have an espresso followed by milk with some biscuits, when having breakfast outside a cappuccino and a brioche

>> No.18649276

Goddamn, no wonder Italians are so short and stunted

>> No.18649826

>peasant pie

googling "peasant pie" brings up a lot of unrelated stupid recipes for cottge pie, but im super curious about this. can you walk me through making it? or does it have another name to look up / what do you call it in your language?

>> No.18650828

Its called pleska where im from, its typically a Bosnian meal it has other names depending on the region (kajmakuša, oparusa). Its rather simple to make, take about 500-600g of regular flour, add a bit of salt and then slowly pour in boiling water while mixing the flour with a wooden spoon. Add water and mix until you cant with the spoon and youll get a dough thats smooth and but still warm, now butter/oil your pan rather well and start taking chunks of the dough and kneed it on the pan saturating it with the butter, do this bit by bit until you have a rather thin layer of dough in the pan and then use a fork or knife to etch some grooves in it so the crust is better. Throw it in the oven at 200c for like half an hour until its golden brown and when you take it out cover it in sour cream and enjoy. Depending on the region and person some prefer it more soggy some prefer it rather crispy, id recommend the crispy variant.

>> No.18650863


I found a croat video of something similar i think.

Is this mostly correct?

>> No.18650872
File: 85 KB, 512x376, polish breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the typical Polish breakfast would be something like this, or possibly crepes with jam

>> No.18650892

Yes its fairly accurate, give it a go anon you wont regret it.

>> No.18650896

For me? If I'm actually doing a breakfast sort of routine, it's usually hangover repair. 2-6 cups of coffee with around 6 ounces of bourbon distributed according to time available, 2-4 cigarettes, again, time available, a piece of toast and an egg or two. Sometimes I get fancy with some herbs and cheese on the eggs and some seared tomato, maybe a some pickled vegetables or whatever if it's not too much trouble. Otherwise it's usually a concoction of leftovers with an egg sort of deal. For the rest of the country, they want you to think denny's and ihop is normal bullshit.

>> No.18650915
File: 25 KB, 624x385, itsoverandalusianbros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use to have milk and a toast with olive oil. It's the shittiest version of the Andalusian breakfast, but I like it.

>> No.18650954
File: 102 KB, 600x800, 4165480953_a306153d3b_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either bread spread with butter/jam (cheese in some regions) or cereals or pastries (typically croissants)
orange juice
oeuf à la coque
most people have coffee only

>> No.18651037

I can't grasp how people can cook for breakfast, here the most common one is just a cup of coffee maybe with milk and a simple sandwich or something, fuck elaborate cooking at early morning

>> No.18651046

Denny's and IHOP are frequented by drunk people and laborers where I'm at

>> No.18651443

t. hipster in denial

>> No.18651460

>most people have coffee only
best breakfast, no lunch either so i can pig out at dinner properly and imbibe much booze

>> No.18652054


Alright I tried to make one this morning, and it was not a success. My pie was too soft and mushy, I wasn't able to cut a slice properly. But the crust was crispy and good. I see how the milk sauce is kind of like a Béchamel sauce, and so overall the flavor profile is not so far from like American boxed mac and cheese. I think I will really like this once I get it right, especially with some savory toppings.

I have some ideas about where i went wrong, and I'm starting to see what this could be. I think my dough was too moist, and I need to work it for longer. In addition, I used a round cake pan which was a little small - resulting in a pie that was too thick. These came together to make the whole thing under baked in the middle.

I'll try again tomorrow.

> do I put it back in the over after I pour the sauce on the top, or do I just let it sit?
> what kind of cheese do you eat this with?
> when you say jarred tomato paprika sauce, are you talking about something like ajvar?

>> No.18652079

How long have you been a hipster in denial?

>> No.18652139
File: 131 KB, 1500x1500, pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peanut butter toasts with a fruit and a coffee/tee
i need my peanut butter or else i can<t function properly

>> No.18652166

Yeah try to spread it out thinner, some people prefer that texture where its chunky and moist however itll be much better when its a bit crispier. In regards to the sauce/sour cream topping id say the recipe you posted is a bit thin i prefer it to be a bit dense more sour cream. Ajvar is ok, however if you dont have pickled tomato sauce id say try it with some fresh tomatoes cut up with green onions or just onions, tomatoes alone is also fine. Fresh cottage cheese is optimal, however cheese is not necessary if you got sour cream but its a nice addition. I personally do not prefer putting it back in the oven with the sour cream spread but some people do it (only for a very short amount of time) i prefer the cold hot contrast. Its one of those things that vary by region and family. Im glad youre trying to make it anon and i hope your next try turns out great. Its one of those meals thats dying out even here, most zoomers havent even tried it or dislike it. When you get the recipe right be sure to share with friends and family.

>> No.18652193

They don't. I live in the state that started the whole hipster meme. Everyone grew up and hipsters got replaced by gen z alt and "goth" kids. Hipsters literally don't exist anymore

>> No.18652210

Your oven is disgusting you subhuman.

>> No.18652296
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>i live in the state that started the whole hipster meme
>hipsters got replaced by gen z alt and "goth" kids
Anon, I can't. You managed to spout so much nonsense in such a short post I think I'm having an aneurism. But please, tell us which state you think started "the whole hipster meme". And did they all turn into goth kids before or after "gen z alt"?

>> No.18652342


>> No.18652612

>a bit of shaving cream
>scalded tongue from hot tea
>glass of electrolytes drink

>> No.18652866

>the hipsters got replaced by goths
What the fuck?

>> No.18652904

hipsters are gay and have beards and dirty hairs and use apple macbooks.

>> No.18652921
File: 34 KB, 616x462, 1585941172248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy this granted I don't eat it every morning usually on weekends

>> No.18652987

Akshully, if the northeast were its own country, it would have the tallest people on earth, on average. While I was born and raised in the south, my grandmother was from Gorizia in the far northeast. She was 185cm (6ft1 in Amerimeasures), which is gigantic for a woman. My cousin Marzia is also a giantess, though slightly shorter at 184cm (her hands and feet are goddamn enormous, too; shoe size 48+). My brother is 203cm!!! (6ft8). I'm the runt, at a mere 183cm (6ft).
And we still eat biscuits and milky coffee at breakfast.

>> No.18652998
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my fucking sides

anyways, i eat nothing for breakfast

>> No.18653337

I finally tried these for the first time in 2020 and holy fuck, so that's why they're so popular.

>> No.18653661
File: 28 KB, 474x316, bunningsausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This morning I had one of these. Australian Breakfast of Champions.
>Piece of white bread
>Pork sausage cooked to perfection
>Caramelized onions underneath it
>Healthy serving of tomato sauce, not ketchup
It's not gourmet but it will give you superb amounts of energy to get any task done on a Sunday

>> No.18653684

Is it still eggs benny if I make it with a fried egg rather than poached? Not a fan of poached eggs, but eggs benedict is delicious.

>> No.18653720


>> No.18653739

That looks really good. Do you mash up your eggs with crystal hot sauce, the hash browns and bacon then scoop it on your buttered toast? I do but with sausage links and I make honey butter.

>> No.18654800

OP is a wanker
i had moka coffee with a tiny splash of milk and baguette with butter, radishes, and ham

>> No.18654806

I'm sure the girl that you'll never met would be really impressed by this

>> No.18654818

/ck/ is a bunch of hipsters trying to one up each other.

>> No.18654826

>t. seething Yuropoor

>> No.18654829

A hipster is someone who believes obscurity equates to quality. That's all it ever meant.

>> No.18654951

We have two really good diner like restaurants here better than dennys or ihop Sheri’s and Elmer’s

>> No.18655220

I don't eat breakfast on weekdays and eat a nice big lunch instead, while on weekends I always eat two fried eggs on toast with three slices of bacon and a glass of orange juice.

>> No.18655338

>drinking at breakfast
>drinking a white russian with breakfast

>> No.18655344

Non alcoholics, yes.

>> No.18655360


>> No.18655369

Way too much fat. Needs a glass of whiskey to cut through it all

>> No.18655376

The Midwest. The entire hipster look, not the yuppies in New York, is based off the Midwest punk and emo scene. Probably a little pacific Northwest too. PBR being the "hipster" beer is a direct link to the punk scene. It was just cheap and everyone was poor.
The fashion caught on and then people started calling them hipsters and then they all grew up and people still cling to the meaningless word, and now whats popular again is goth shit but the mass exposure on the internet doesn't make it as fun of a secret club as people used to think the hipster thing was

TLDR a hipster is just a wannabe punk/emo kid with money.

>> No.18655401

Thanks, anon. I always get a kick out of flyovers thinking they're culturally relevant. It was a good take. Completely delusional, but still a good take for me to read first thing in the morning to start my day with a smile on my face.

>> No.18655417

Yes people do. Retards like you don't.

>> No.18655461

Enjoy your hubris.

>> No.18655488

Good reject traditional breakfast, eat packaged goyslop from Korea. Friggin epic free thinker

>> No.18655554

Why do you tards call even stuff from Korea goyslop? Are you really that much a slave to jews? It's pathetic.

>> No.18655582

/pol/ tards are literal children, and don't understand that everyone else on this site considers /pol/ a containment board and not their entire identity and sense of self worth. They don't even know what they mean 90% of the time they call something "goyslop". It's better to just ignore any post using that word.

>> No.18655597

so you're a drunk laborer?

>> No.18655670

South Korea is literally a Jewish/burger colony you mongoloid. Why do you think it's such a feminist corporate hell hole

>> No.18655677

You are right, but the attitude is still so weird. The hilarious thing is that if I was an evil world manipulating jew bent on destroying the white race to love under my thumb, it would be a great victory to have them refer to the garbage they choose to eat of their own free will as goyslop. Yet poltards do it of their own accord, that's how desperate they are to be slaves.

>> No.18655683


>> No.18655685

Imagine getting this triggered because someone called shitty Korean instant noodles goyslop. It's literally I mean literally goyslop. Nothing but carbs and msg, literally identical to shitty American poison

>> No.18655703

I'm not so much triggered as I am baffled at how pol is obsessed with making themselves feel like slaves at every turn. I'm not saying it isn't shitty food, but if you eat it, that's on you not some hook nosed boogeyman lol

>> No.18655730

Are you really baffled since you have this exact same meltdown anytime goyslop gets used? Must have seen you gone through this whole process a half dozen times by now. God you jews are so fucking weird

>> No.18655799

I'm not Jewish, I'm white and disgusted by you pathetic children blaming your own weakness on an imagined oppressor so you can cry about it all day. And yeah, keep using that word and I'll keep calling you out for being the sniveling worm you are. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.18655807

>how pol is obsessed with making themselves feel like slaves at every turn
It's basically cult psychology. They are weak people incapable of understanding complexity and feel persecuted for various reasons, so when someone comes along and tells them a story that gives them a target for their anger and frustration at their own failings they immediately latch on. It also gives them a sense of purpose, and a feeling like belonging and being "in the know". These people thrive on anger and fear mongering, and because they lack any semblance of critical thinking they also believe that politics is determined by culture, which is almost the canonical definition of ideology, and basically makes every /pol/ "redpill" the complete opposite of a redpill. The most ironic part is that the politicians they support are 100% bought and paid for by corporate interests, which means making it easier for a few powerful dudes in a room somewhere to gain even more money and control over everyone else - almost like those evil Jews they're always going on about.

>> No.18655815

Take your meds.

>> No.18655816

Jews just are insufferable it seems. We really just need to get rid of them. Might as well include their boomer golems too lol

>> No.18655836

Truly hope this is paste for your sake. Regardless mak sure to get your booster lol

>> No.18655854

Oh shit, was that an anti-vax burn? Forget about everything that guy wrote, you totally got em!

>> No.18655856

Yeah. Take your booster too

>> No.18655890

coffee or hot chocolate
biscotte with butter and jam
orange juice

>> No.18656669

cheesy grits with fried eggs, maybe some andoullie or diced tasso

>> No.18656681

coffee (expresso) with either bread, croissant, or pastery.

I never knew what people meant by "continental breakfast" but I guess it just means we don't eat fried eggs and bacon haha

>> No.18656794

what food group is that on this food & cooking board

>> No.18656961
File: 187 KB, 820x574, paocafe-85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the low-class breakfast. Bread with butter (margerine if you're piss-poor), coffee/milked coffee. I personally prefer chocolate milk or tea. People from the Northeast sometimes eat plain couscous, sometimes with milk, sometimes with butter

>> No.18656993
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This was the third attempt, but I think this is the first one that I'd say was passable. I don't have kaymak or pickled tomato around the house so this was topped with butter and pickled peppers.

I'd like to go even crispier next time, and now that I know what I'm doing (a little) I'll drop by the russian market for picked tomato and smetana, which is probably as close as I'm going to get because there's not a Bosnian market around here.

>> No.18657567

Keep us updated

>> No.18658150

yes, i often make mine sunny side up because its easier and cant tell the difference

>> No.18658194

A few scrambled eggs a piece of toast maybe hash browns or bacon

>> No.18658685
File: 702 KB, 1836x2522, 20220824_165335-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat one meal a day.