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18634769 No.18634769 [Reply] [Original]

Y'all eating the babbynuggets? The slop keeps getting sloppier

>> No.18634780

I think killing unborn babies is bad.

>> No.18634781

vice articles just get worse and worse

>> No.18634974

i'd eat them

>> No.18634982

Eww we're eating black babies

>> No.18634987

>from the womb to your plate

>> No.18635018

Alex Jones was right.

>> No.18635041

>human veal

>> No.18635042
File: 55 KB, 424x282, alex_jones_lizard_people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's lizard people test subjects, run for the hills lads!

>> No.18635047

If it tastes good, I'm eating it
Can't shame me with an unsourced article from 2015

>> No.18635055

i think it's good. fewer fags like you running around is always a net positive

>> No.18635061

looking at google patents but i do not understand medical jargon.
>Methods for expressing a functional heteromeric taste receptor that responds to sweet taste stimuli are provided. These methods comprise the co-expression of T1R2 and T1R3 nucleic acid sequences in a host cell that desirably further expresses a G protein that couples therewith, e.g., Gα15, Gα16 or gustducin. In preferred embodiments, the host cells will be mammalian cells or Xenopus oocytes. These nucleic acid sequences are expressed constitutively or under inducible conditions. In preferred embodiments the expression methods will use HEK-293 cells that also stably express Gα15. These methods give rise to heteromeric receptors and compositions containing that are useful in assays for identifying novel sweeteners and sweetness modulators.

>> No.18635071

You don't control the circumstances of your birth or of your parents. Killing the fetus like that gives it no chance of life. It could've been you that was aborted, you just got lucky. It could've been any one of us. The reality is someone is being killed without any ability to defend themselves or any chance at life regardless of circumstance

>> No.18635106

Oh well, you can always make another baby

>> No.18635115

Fake and gay

>> No.18635130

You will lose. You disgusting evil cretin. Dark will never victor over light.

>> No.18635135

Every night, darkness wins

>> No.18635137


>> No.18635156

i don't care. if i was aborted i would've never known otherwise. most people deserve to be killed without the ability to defend themselves.

>> No.18635176

the best people that know if they're ready to have kids are the parents regardless of their intelligence. if some 19 year old trailer park bitch that works at dollar general gets knocked up by the chad of park, do you honestly think that kid will have a happy healthy upbringing? i think you know what the statistics say. don't you think it's better if she had access to terminate the pregnancy, got a chance to better herself and find someone who loves her first instead of bringing in another deadbeat that will just live off the dole like she and the entire trailer park does?

at some point, need to stop worrying about some vague idea of when life begins and all the nonsense "uhh it could have been YOU that was aborted" arguments, look at the bigger picture, and allow people to make their own decisions instead of having government make it for them.

>> No.18635178

They're basically just taking cell cultures of mammals (HEK-293 cells = kidney cells from human embryo) or Xenopus oocytes (frog eggs cells) and making them create functional taste receptors.

They can then use these artificial taste receptors in assays (tests) to discover new sweeteners.

e.g. you could take these cells and test experimental sweeteners on them, to see if their is a response from the artificial taste receptor.

This would be useful to companies producing artificial sweeteners and to those researching cell-signalling.

There is a lot of money to be made from assays and there are already multiple similar ones, so it would make sense to patent it even if they're not production ready.

>> No.18635188

so it's not baby fetuses in the food at all
why do people even use 4chan anymore lol

>> No.18635192

Focusing on the short term outcome of a single life compared to the impact of cultural memes on society as a whole is a spiel. There is a reason Israel has abortion committees, the problem is not abortion perse, but the rituals surrounding it.

It's important to keep up appearances, declaring abortion a right is cultural suicide.

>> No.18635200

>They can then use these artificial taste receptors in assays (tests) to discover new sweeteners.
so they are doing some high throughput assay on tons of chemicals to look for the sweet ones?
I wonder what molecules they are screening

>> No.18635211
File: 72 KB, 862x422, Aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>declaring abortion a right is cultural suicide
all stone age peoples practiced infanticide
killing babies is traditional. being able to control reproduction is something higher animals do
the only argument anti-abortion people have is a religious one, and all religions change over time

>> No.18635218

>It's important to keep up appearances
the fuck do you care about appearances? you're most likely a tradlarp that's never been to a church in your life, or you haven't been since your parents forced you when you were little.

it's really funny seeing "conservatives" like you whine about government overreach, but you have no problem letting the government dictate what to do about pregnancies. abortions have been around for about 50 years and society hasn't collapsed. shit was pretty good in the 90s, i'm sure you like to meme about that? if you want to blame anything for the le "downfall" of society, blame the internet. that's a whole other issue not worth getting into here though.

my point is that people like you will gladly spout hollow dogma like the le "sanctity of life", but won't support policies that further help out newborn families like generous paid paternal leave for both spouses, tax breaks for various items that said families need, things like that. you're all fucking talk.

reminds me of a george carlin quote: "conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers". that's the real reason why the GOP loves pushing abortion on their mostly rural working class voter base: because they know that many of them don't have enough opportunities in life and are banking on them joining the military to be cannon fodder for some new war in 20 years.

>> No.18635250

>abortions have been around for about 50 years a
more like 50,000 years when herbal ones are included

>> No.18635257

yeah should have specified legally, in the US

>> No.18635258

>It's ancient therefore its good
What a retarded argument
Slavery and murder have been around for 50 thousand years too.
I love the mental gymnastics you people do to convince yourselves that killing babies is somehow morally okay.

>> No.18635260

>reminds me of a george carlin quote
Imagine unironically typing this
Go the fuck back to R-ddit and never come back.
By the way Roe v Wade is never being codified. You "people" already lost.

>> No.18635261


>> No.18635265

So it's a fucking nothing believed by anti science retards

>> No.18635286

>no argument
as expected. i don't know why i was expecting one Tbh

i meant to specify it's been around for 50 years legally in the US as seen >>18635257
regardless, i see you also have no argument. what a surprise.

"conservatives" and incapable of having a discussion, name me a more iconic duo.

>> No.18635289

>it's murder
>uhh buy what if they had to share their room, huh? that would like suck
you're richer than most people in history have been even if you're relatively poor, stop using it as an excuse to kill babies

>> No.18635293

It's more socially acceptable to make a joke then be honest and realizewe are witnessing the rise of the Antichrist and the moral tribulation of humanity.
Remember to make a joke when your existential worth is judged and you are a thrown in the trash, fucking weak ass chaff.

>> No.18635305
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Krishna has my back bro.

>> No.18635319
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>> No.18635330

BTW the synthetic lab grown meat is calf fetus.

>> No.18635421


>> No.18635564

stop thinking about sex.

>> No.18635572

>if some 19 year old trailer park bitch that works at dollar general gets knocked up by the chad of park, do you honestly think that kid will have a happy healthy upbringing?
this is irrelevant since you are not God and didn't design reality.

>> No.18635575

is that why stars, the moon, and the atmospheric glow exists?

>> No.18635627

I’m pro choice, but it sucks that there are a lot of unbearable faggots and evil corporate interest in it for this purpose. Almost makes me wish abortion was illegal to spite these fuckers ( I know, it’s petty)

>> No.18635713

It's the blood sacrifices of the most innocent being directly used as a research resource by profiteering megacorporations, but sure, they aren't LITERALLY feeding ENTIRE fetuses to you so uhhhh it's fine lmao it's nothing

>> No.18635781

>It's the blood sacrifices of the most innocent being directly used as a research resource by profiteering megacorporations

>> No.18635786

In the post you replied to, oh-so-beloved son of the anti-Christ

>> No.18635814

>bunk claim
>name of source is deliberately cropped out
>schizos take it as gospel

>> No.18635815


I think you need this idea of the hypocritical uncaring pro lifer so you never need to ask the hard questions yourself.

>> No.18635860

>when antifa tries to brow beat you into voting for people who would kill unborn humans
The modern system makes it impossible for honest people to support those policies because it would give pink authoritarians dominion over free men.
People are still free, however, to give what they can to others at their discretion so the moral conservative you're gloating over here can actually have his cake and eat it too on this one.

Tough shit, huh comrade?

>> No.18635872

Looking up which demographics get the most abortions per capita made me pro-choice

>> No.18635889

>declaring abortion a right is cultural suicide.

Yeah, if there’s one thing American culture needs more of, it’s black people.

>> No.18635909

This should not be a surprise

>> No.18635916

All kinds, I'd imagine. Saccharine was originally discovered from a scientist who was studying coal tar who didn't properly wash his hands.

>> No.18635926
File: 264 KB, 900x1200, E62F59D3-5E2E-46CE-B769-598CEB1DD149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> because they know that many of them don't have enough opportunities in life and are banking on them joining the military to be cannon fodder for some new war in 20 years.

Sorry for the triple response but this bullshit had to be called out. Breadline Biden supported and voted for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars along with Obummers freedom bombing of the Middle East.

Stop acting like the Carlin quote is relevant today as if we’re still in the Bush era. The DNC is staffed by warmongering psychos who want to force liberalism around the world at gunpoint.

>> No.18635939

Notice how it’s “trailer park bitch” when blacks and shitlib women are the ones getting the most abortions? Cant have one conversation without trying to slip in his selfloathing cuckold mentality.

Even when I agree with liberals on certain issues, they way they talk and conduct themselves disgusts me.

>> No.18635942

I don't care
I just don't care, you absolute NPC
None of what you said actually means anything
You're all fucking robots

>> No.18635952

If this is legit then capitalism, jews, and subway restuarants are fucking evil as fuck.

>> No.18635977

Based, Quiznos chads rise up

>> No.18635986

Jesus needs to come back and kill us all.

>> No.18636044

>more non-arguments/strawmen

> Breadline Biden supported...
and yet biden got us out of afghanistan, meanwhile your godking trump campaigned on getting out of there...but didnt???? ooops! what happened???

>The DNC is staffed by...
blah blah blah bullshit that you have to bring up because you can't argue any of my points. this is seriously embarrassing

>> No.18636077

Every morning light wins nigger HAHAHAHAHA KYS

>> No.18636083

hoisted on his own petard

>> No.18636114

>July 2015
I'member this original release--they do use the cells to test the additives, but the additives aren't themselves made with the fetal cells...
Burying the lede as usual, Vice inadvertantly shines a light on the massive industry around selling human body parts.
>just how many of you gals unknowingly smear babby foreskin all over your faces in those "High End" skin rejuvenation creams?
Certainly they wouldn't LIE to you to make a profit, would they??
Do yourself a favor--If you'd like to continue trusting the Medical "community", DO NOT look into organ donor cards.
What's Eating YOU?

>> No.18636117

sometimes women abort babies because they are going to be born all fucked up. that's clearly not the wrong thing to do as it's the same as putting a dog out of its misery. why don't you trust them to make the choice between right and wrong?

>> No.18636131

>and yet biden got us out of afghanistan

He started the war and then bungled the withdrawal.

All of that blood is on his hands.

> ooops! what happened?

He withdrew from the Syrian theatre and shitlib bloodmongers were screeching that the Kurds would be slaughtered instantly. The real reason is they wanted to topple Syria though, thank god Hillary didn’t win or we’d have a hot war there right now.

>> No.18636146

>child sacrifice like our ancestors
Consuming human flesh
>just like our ancestors

Are we really any better than fly bitten savages?

>> No.18636173
File: 70 KB, 600x493, Botata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be rational discourse from this one, anon...There are ONLY talking points, and ad homs.
That said--this thread skates the thin ice of belonging on /pol/
except, the discussion on food additives, and how sick and fat the American public is, starting from the mass adoption by "food" companies of cheap and truly unnatural food additives/oils/etc.
>Tru$t the $cience!!
Is it too much to ask to be able to buy food without all the extra, unnecessary additives and chems?
Captcha=RANT NA

>> No.18636176

pro-tip (not sure why I'm helping you though): the more religious terminology you use in a post, the more unhinged you look to non-crazy people

>> No.18636185

>Is it too much to ask to be able to buy food without all the extra, unnecessary additives and chems?
it will continue to happen so long as there is an incentive to do so (capitalism)

>> No.18636189

You can have regulated capitalism

>> No.18636219

We do NOT have true capitalism, anon--We have corporatism/reverse Fascism(Gov't controlled by Corporations) if it were not heavily lobbied and subsidized, the free market, provided it was well informed and not lied to, would sort it our very quickly.
>You can have regulated capitalism
Yes you can.. this depends of course on the public being an educated one instead of indoctrinated, and there being transparency--
Hard to do when there's a well established grift and corruption culture--ON BOTH SIDES-- going on.
This really seems like a /pol/ topic nao.
>just make your own food company
Possible, but then you'll run into the same bullshit gatekeeping/payoff system the boomers gave us.
Again, BOTH sides of the same coin are corrupt at the top.

>> No.18636274

Putting the goy in goyslop

>> No.18636279

>goyslop, made from real goy

>> No.18636285

>He started the war
bush did, actually

>bungled the withdrawal
if that's what "fully withdrawing" means to you alternative reality, then i'm sorry you have that brain-damaged

>He withdrew from....
why can't you just admit when you're wrong bro? jesus fucking lord christ

>> No.18636287

They could’ve been a doctor!
They could’ve also died of SIDS.
I’m not playing Shrodinger’s Cat with a maybebaby

>> No.18636293

Those are the fires of hell AHAHAHA

>> No.18636314
File: 107 KB, 896x856, 8FE56E87-D855-4380-BF93-70B07C09AA34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The President doesn’t declare war dumbshit, Congress does, and as a senator Biden not only voted to invade Iraq and Afghanistan he was one of the leading voices in the Senate pushing for boots on the ground in Iraq since the 90’s.

Ultimately the blood of those wars is on his hands for declaring them.


> why can't you just admit when you're wrong bro?

I’ve not posted one thing that is wrong ITT. You’re the one who doesn’t even know how decelerations of war work in the US.

>> No.18636382
File: 316 KB, 1423x911, FZobXT9aMAAN3fl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought his name was "Brandon"

>> No.18636398

Debunked almost 20 years ago.
Enjoy the rest of your first day online little fella

>> No.18636406

You’re a selfish evil cunt and don’t deserve to make your own decisions. You wanna do what ever you want? Make your own country.

>> No.18636456

>all stone age peoples practiced infanticide
Which mentally scarred them into PTSD ridden barbarians, read some turn of last century anthropology of infanticide practicing cultures. Agriculture set us free long enough to escape that. Now birth control is requiring a whole new set of cultural memes for an advanced culture to sustain itself.
What does it matter what I care about? I'm merely stating that the current western culture is suicidal, demographics prove me right.
The cultural pockets of consistent population growth don't have any concept of abortion as a fundamental right.

>> No.18636462
File: 2.99 MB, 1397x1292, Ouch!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decelerations of war

>> No.18636470

wow! it's like if the whole abortion laws being pushed by democrats have a purpose, harvesting humans, ooops! we can't call them humans, right? lol, they are just "cells"

>> No.18636477

Take your horse dewormer.
The covid is affecting your brain, fella

>> No.18636496

lol, it worked for Biden two times, so why not?

>> No.18636505

His name is “Senile Rapist”

Ok technically we haven’t “declared war” since WW2, we just call it a “police action” or “authorized use of force” because calling it a declaration of war comes with a boatload of UN stipulations.

>> No.18636815

Me too. If you have sex with a woman and don't cum into her vagina you are killing a potential baby, and that's evil. If you cum into a woman on birth control's vagina you are killing a potential baby, and that's evil. If you masturbate instead of having sex with a woman and cumming into her vagina you are killing a potential baby, and that's evil. Nocturnal emissions are unavoidable fate like when you cum into a woman's fertile vagina and it doesn't gestate, so that's acceptable.

>> No.18636821

"I don't understand meiosis!"

>> No.18636848

you christcucks have some of the most laughable and deranged ideas.
go pray some and watch jordan peterson

>> No.18636857

Why do you say "it could've been you" about an aborted fetus, but you don't say the same thing about the trillion sperms that get flushed down toilets daily? Even even you do cum in a girl's fertile pussy, only one in a million sperm actually will become a baby, and the rest will die. The handful of "potential humans" that don't make it out of the womb are like a few grains of sand in a whole universe of potential humans that didn't come into existence. They don't matter.
>But sperm isn't technically a human, but a zygote/fetus is
>But sperm doesn't have a soul and a fetus does
Kill yourself if you believe in this

>> No.18636952

Have you checked who the board members of the companies are and what party they're pouring millions of dollars into?

>> No.18636959

Oh, now feed and medicate all of Africa.
More children starve and/or shit themselves to death than every abortion in the world combined.

>> No.18636973

Read the Bible, you disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.18636988

Probably anything labeled kosher

>> No.18637452

sleep tight nugget