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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.75 MB, 650x850, 1669575489481.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18631383 No.18631383 [Reply] [Original]

I never tried Halal food before.
Is it any good?

>> No.18631389

What is it with incels and posting these videos of girls acting faux-cutesy for a camera? Just looks retarded

>> No.18631411

If you've had kebab you've had halal, yes it's good

>> No.18631421

Those are Brazilians, the food she's ordering is not halal. She is impressed because she's drunk and the guy recognized that she was another Brazilian.

>> No.18631423

Oh my god fuck you

>> No.18631425
File: 2.05 MB, 576x1024, 1669576221634.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally Halal.

>> No.18631428
File: 562 KB, 657x690, 1650660495601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her.

>> No.18631432

Well look at that, Brazilians making halal food, cool beans. Most halal stuff I've had is pretty decent.

>> No.18631434

Just go to SEA country like Malaysia and Indonesia, you'll easily find good halal food. Except be warned that Indonesians are really out to get you, since they'll put spicy shit into your dish!

>> No.18631446

call me when there's nudes otherwise idc

>> No.18631448

Zoomers are so pathetic. Go outside and talk to real girls instead of shitting up our board with your coomerism.

>> No.18631458

Halal just means permitted in Arabic. Most stuff is halal by default.

If you mean halal meat it is killed in a certain way and blessed by a strange man with a beard wearing a dress. It's not an indicator of quality and tastes no different to regular meat.

>> No.18631460 [DELETED] 

self inserting themselves so they can pretend that they're flirting with them instead of some spic in a food truck

>> No.18631569

I pretend I’m the girl

>> No.18631575

the food cart stuff ranges from decent to really good. its basically like chinese american food but a notch or two above imo.

>> No.18631581

Halal cart quality varies WILDLY even though they all cost about the same at least in nyc. Halal Guys are overrated, I always liked the Rafiqi's carts since they give you corn, olives, chickpeas, etc. Ask for the green sauce.

>> No.18631602


>> No.18631726

Make me.

>> No.18631733

How is she so effortlessly beautiful, classy, sexy, funny, and warm at the same time? This might be the most gorgeous girl in America holy fuck bros

>> No.18631734

This is such a stupid question, this is like saying you've never had 'clean' frood from Leviticus or kosher food.
You absolutely have even if you didn't know it.

Halas is not a cooking style.

>> No.18631756

Halal meat is animal abuse

I love her so much.

>> No.18631789
File: 71 KB, 960x778, 0128F1B3-6D1A-48D9-A6BD-D6E7BA129A5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would use my tongue to baste every inch of her

>> No.18631803

Baste on what?

>> No.18631805 [DELETED] 

Why do white women only ever look at PoC guys like this?

>> No.18631817 [DELETED] 

You call that a white woman?

>> No.18631895

All meat production nowadays is animal abuse

>> No.18631906 [DELETED] 

I hate women so fucking much bros, its unreal.

>> No.18631971 [DELETED] 

Forgive the American, he's only 1/32 European.

>> No.18632460

halal just refers to the way the animal was killed, not a specific type of cuisine. a halal burger and a regular burger would be the exact same thing.

>> No.18632497


>> No.18632504

Wrong on two counts. Halal isn't just the way an animal was killed. Furthermore, the way an animal is raised and slaughtered does have an impact on the meat.

>> No.18632529

>does paying jizya make food taste better?

>> No.18632674

It's literally just beef murdered in one way I stead of another way

>> No.18632691

Halal basically means "allowed." It's anything the koran allows. Pork and improperly killed animals become halal if there is no other option to survive.

>> No.18632712

that guy that walks by at 0:09 is the suspect in the murder of those 4 chicks.

>> No.18632720

you can tell shes in a shit hole just by the people that walk by

>> No.18632743

literally had these three highlighted to say the same before i saw you
/thread/ please shut the computer and go outside

>> No.18632752

who is filming her and why?

>> No.18632761

shes a famous tik tok star and she is always filming the truck, so the chef filmed her this time. shes cute huh? its gross that shes eating, she should be starving herself though

>> No.18633077

Baste on her entire body with my conk

>> No.18633170

>she should be starving herself though

>> No.18633186
File: 905 KB, 787x743, 1669235424231761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this a psyop or some sort of concerted effort to force a new meme?

>> No.18633209

Literally the only difference between halal food is that they read the Quran to the animal before they kill and butcher it

>> No.18633836

She looks like she'd shuck your corncob for a glob of your cornhole kebab

>> No.18633922

Dropped forever.

>> No.18634701

In South Africa, all KFC, Nandos and most Burger Kings are halaal.

>> No.18634706

Dont lie faggot. They cause much more suffering to the animal when they kill it.

>> No.18634713
File: 11 KB, 193x261, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's important for men to learn that women will flirt to gain even the smallest advantage.
Women are horrible people and the flirting is only to manipulate you

>> No.18634719
File: 87 KB, 211x268, 8654658686584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18634724

Halal is not a cuisine

>> No.18634751

Men do it too. It's not flirting, it's just being friendly. Try it sometime. Most people are more receptive to your needs if you're friendly and cheerful. Just be aware that it doesn't work on autistic people and might not work on schizoid and psychopathic types.

>> No.18634755


>> No.18634764

What bot keeps posting this completely mundane video from inside a foodtruck?

>> No.18634775

It depends partly on what she's saying, but those are not flirtatious gestures or looks. It's highly impersonal playing around. If a woman is engaging you in that manner, it's safe to conclude she's not into you at all. Men have probably engaged you in that manner in the past and it would not have even occurred to you that he might be flirting. Because he isn't.

>> No.18634821

She exhibits several documented flirting techniques including head back toothy smile with open mouth and looking at males from the corner of her eyes

>> No.18634858

>It's not an indicator of quality and tastes no different to regular meat.
Indeed, any halal dish can be recreated with regular meat and the only difference is that muslims aren't allowed to eat it.

>> No.18634904

I'm muslim. The only difference is how the animal is killed. Same farms, same animals, same carcass, same butchery, etc... It does not change the meat. There is no difference that I can tell with non-halal meat.

>> No.18634966

>imagine being this much of an incel

>> No.18635032

I prefer haram food to be honest

>> No.18635259


>> No.18635276

That word no longer makes me feel shame

>> No.18635529

i think that store bought halal meat is often better spiced than "haram" meat

>> No.18636017

Halabibi al salibi!!!!

>> No.18636238

Have you ever even seen halal slaughter? It's a clean cut to the throat. The animal is unconscious within seconds of the cut. Do you have the same moral objections to hunting with rifles and bows?

>> No.18636428

In general men are friendly with you unless you signal some kind of superior male status to them like having a hot gf or a high paying job, then they will start acting diplomatic/competitive and try to downplay your advantage in whatever way makes them comfortable. Women act different in different ways.

>> No.18636491

I'd die for her.

>> No.18637104
File: 34 KB, 540x508, 1653055353922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd crawl through a mile of broken glass with my fly unzipped just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie

>> No.18637112

The thirst is real.

>> No.18637126

>recognizing animals' behavior patterns makes you le bad thing, feel shame goy

>> No.18637129


>> No.18637157

It’s some whore ordering food from a truck and overacting for the camera. Someone already posted her tiktok. Go find out how miserable and boring these vapid whores really are. Bet you could fuck her for less than 200.

>> No.18637162

How many goats have you fucked and how many child Brides do you have? Which feels better?

>> No.18637166

I find her attitude annoying.

Also, halal is barbaric, don't eat that shit.

>> No.18637193

Why can't you fucking people cope with women? I was married for 13 years. I know them inside and out. Why in the living shit do you people have issues? They're as fucked up and smelly as we are. Grow up for the love of living god.

>> No.18637196
File: 229 KB, 350x342, 8657658654864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would immediately drink her piss and eat her spicy nuggets
want to lick her armpits as well

>> No.18637198

Probably because I appreciate rationality and orderliness. Not to mention genuine warmth and closeness, which is why I date cute guys. But hey, you do you simp.

>> No.18637209

The fuck mess are you. I spent a decade with a woman I still respect and you're talking like a child.

>> No.18637212

You are a sodomite

>> No.18637219

>respec wahmen
I was going to make a joke at your expense, but it seems you've beaten me to it.

>> No.18637222
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 1235678765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18637228
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18637234

You're so fucked up I can't even read you. I guess you can hide where ever you are. Do you even know what you are?

>> No.18637235

>Someone already posted her tiktok. Go find out how miserable and boring these vapid whores really are.
Not him, but I'm good, thanks. I've already seen firsthand how well they don't without proper adult supervision.

>> No.18637238
File: 466 KB, 800x984, 1668277166243012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am what is necessary.

>> No.18637265

with a fucking baby image. God I hate kids these days.

>> No.18637273

>newfag doesn't know

>> No.18637276

Unless you're 40+ years old, you're LARPing. Post hands.

>> No.18637281

I actually think it's just too much of a q boomer to know what it's looking at.

>> No.18637296

Do you honestly expect every anon to recognise some fucking cartoon from YOUR childhood? Why would you post that shit anyway? Grow the fuck up.

>> No.18637301

I don't think so. I think it's a LARPing zoomer.
And now I know it's a LARPing zoomer.

>> No.18637302

Wrong guy, Grandpa.

>> No.18637306

Or that. That works too.

>> No.18637321

You worship an actual peado and pray towards a cube in the desert like a pagan

>> No.18637385

She looks better from the other angle

>> No.18637411
File: 440 KB, 512x768, 1667472132083907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she like, our girl, or something? i thought our girl was like a hoity toity /an/ aspie

>> No.18637484

She did nothing wrong.

>> No.18637501
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1351101636430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly kafir, if halal food wasn't good it would be called haram food!

>> No.18637524
File: 34 KB, 546x417, fühlt schlecht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so unreal you guys
>love from kazakhstan

>> No.18637540

Love you too bro.

>> No.18637671

The lighting in that vid is pretty unflattering, she looks much better in every other one.

>> No.18637687


>> No.18637712

Cute here.
Not so much here.


>> No.18637732

??? I don’t know what you expect this is your average woman. A skinny overly animated woman antagonizing food service and acting like she’s a 10 when she obviously isn’t.

>> No.18637976

She shan be an sloooooooooooot