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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.30 MB, 320x568, bug burgers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18616272 No.18616272 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this a meme? The only foods that genuinely aren't sustainable are (overfished) seafood.

>> No.18616292

If you think the modern meat industry is sustainable you're either ignorant or retarded. Even most of the vegetables you get in grocery stores are grown in incredibly wasteful ways

>> No.18616307

>Why is this a meme?
something something battery farms something something cruel something something healthier

>> No.18616312

Man I don't give a shit about cruelty. The resource use is the problem

>> No.18616324

factories for processing meat are getting bigger and the amount of cattle and poultry farmed is getting greater
im basically saying farms are sustainable because supply and demand and all that but fresh fish from the sea as you say is a problem.

>> No.18616326

They want whites dead, even the ones who subsist on potatoes and cheese are too problematic for them

>> No.18616333

whos wants me dead?
ive done nothing wrong i dont think
i was christened as a baby so god cant be after me

>> No.18616338

Why is it always white men who record themselves doing these faces? I'm sure other races of men have their dorky nerd guys too, but I only ever see white guys willingly record themselves acting goofy like this.

>> No.18616364
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China, India, literally every country coming out of poverty is eating MEAT while a bunch of whiteoids are starting to eat the bug thinking they're making a difference when literally BILLIONS don't give a flying fuck.

>> No.18616389

Failed normalfags who think being a cringy faggot and liking Star Wars and Marvel makes them "nerdy"

>> No.18616400

>Why is this a meme?
Mega corporations pushing responsibility onto the general public for their increasingly high levels of environmental damage.
So you get these "people" who adamantly believe that those in their own social class are not only responsible for impossible amounts of damage done to the planet, but are actively making things worse by not consuming the same products.

It's just another diversion to avoid class warfare.

>> No.18616473

The same people who were convinced that non believers should be imprisoned for not bowing down to multi billiion dollar pharmaceutical companies have also been convinced that trillion acre top soil destryoing monocrops sprayed with pesticide/herbicide that completely destroy all native fauna/flora and pollute the ground table water and are then shipped internationally on massive cargo ships are sustainable and good for the environment. There is a phraze that goes 'there is a sucker born every minute' which is appropriate.

>> No.18616530

this has to be ironic. Like he's literally doing the soyface while eating bugs

>> No.18616720


not true

>> No.18616767

based and correct take. veganism is a liberal psyop to keep capitalism and environmental destruction going

>> No.18616785

We're are depleting our soils rather fast with current agriculture practices.
It's all gonna be bottom soil in a generation or two

>> No.18617715

Oh yeah? What are you and I doing to contribute?

>> No.18617719

You're mixing up fads. Battery farms are more sustainable than free range.

>> No.18617727

Thank God this fucker will never reproduce

>> No.18617743
File: 655 KB, 200x193, let him think he stands a chance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating animal protein
>eating acidic cancer
hehe goyim i love it when you kill yourselves

>> No.18617760

the jews are right, cattle people exist are billions at this very moment

Thank god, I am not one of them and as such, I will waste as much water, eat as much meat as I please and polute as I want as long I i keep seeing soifaced retards eat bugs and shit on pods

I't the privilage I auto-decided I deserve for not being a stupid retard

>> No.18617768
File: 128 KB, 888x499, yqxd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh nigga enlightened goy keep polluting to infinity

>> No.18617789

Soyjaks have become so pervasive that it has literally caused me to close my mouth more and talk less in real life out of fear that someone might snap a photograph of me with my mouth open.

>> No.18617791

You are gay.

>> No.18617800

It's a satire account

>> No.18617807

Ahkshually, by eating ze bugs, we knock out keystone species that our livestock and other preferred pray depend on. Eating bugs is literally the furthest thing from sustainability.

>> No.18617813


>> No.18617825

Yeah, my parents never cracked a bottle over my head and sent me out to sea either. Tough love.

>> No.18617872

>make underground cow farms
>harvest the methane as it floats up from their asses or whatever
>burn cow methane for electricity

>> No.18617875

Methane isn't approved for energy use. That's why they burn it off at waste processing facilities

>> No.18617892


Mussels are good and sustainable. Fully support that... but I'm also still eating beef. Fuck you.

>> No.18617928

This can't be real... he's the one kwah warned us of.

>> No.18617930

No but for reals, why do they all do this face

>> No.18617938

Asians eat lots of bugs retard

>> No.18617957

I will not eat the bugs

>> No.18617967

if there is a god, he has marked the soyjaks for death with that face.

>> No.18617970

They're trying to simulate a snapshot where they say WHOA or WOW I guess.

>> No.18617972

Imo it's all in the eyes. Most soyjaks seem to have big round prey eyes. It's difficult to make a soyjak with smaller hunter eyes. Just wear sunglasses for the rest of your life.

>> No.18617980

the reason why they don't burn methane from cows is because it's diluted with air too much
suffocated cows aren't very profitable
why are you lying about something so mundane?

>> No.18617983

The subclass of esoteric vegans who reinforce their choices by thinking the elite actually eat a diet similar to theirs are a funny kind of delusional retard. The elite eat meat. In smaller quantities and of significantly higher quality than the norm, sure.but they do.

>> No.18618044

Also he doesn't exist so isn't after anyone.

>> No.18618103
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>> No.18618106
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>> No.18618113


>> No.18618139

Genuinely, what would be lost if this faggot was killed in broad daylight?

>> No.18618140

american is the word you were looking for

>> No.18618154

I applaud your attempt to make OC on this god forsaken site

>> No.18618177

Everything would be sustainable if we exterminated at least six billion people.

>> No.18618421

two bullets

>> No.18618428

Behold, how soyjacks are born

>> No.18618450


>> No.18618454

How true is following statement and how badly have I been duped
>The clearing of natural forests to make land for livestock and the crops to feed said livestock is a serious environmental concern

>> No.18618477

Is there any reason we can't just drop bugs and eat people? Like cannibalism is fucked up and all but if the issue is population and consumption then why not consume the population?

Who gets to be on which end I clearly haven't thought through but the faggot in the OP wouldn't be too bad for testing phases to see if other people contract the soy disease through eating him

>> No.18618567

>Uses cheese
>Uses farm-grown lettuce
>Uses bread (and cuts off the crust, presumably wasting it)
Nice try, chud but that burger is literally killing the earth

>> No.18618572

Because the giant amount of meat and pork we eat is a giant factor in our current climate crisis. They shit and fart and need huge amounts of land (mostly rainforest) etc. pp.. Then again I would never eat bugs. So I just (try to) eat meat 1-2 times a week.

>> No.18618574

>Even most of the vegetables you get in grocery stores are grown in incredibly wasteful ways
Well then how about we find ways to make it less wasteful rather than finding retarded replacements like grasshopper paste?
>B-but muh cow farts!
That problem isn't going away. If you want to solve the issue of agriculture being unsustainable then you need to get to the root of the problem. People.

>> No.18618578

>'there is a sucker born every minute'
According to the math, that'd be one sucker for every 267 people born and that statistic just seems pathetically optimistic, honestly.

>> No.18618580

>class warfare
Is it really class warfare when 50% of the problem can be solved in under a thousand bullets?

>> No.18618583

That's unsustainable bro. We need to reduce it to half a bullet per faggot or else we'll run out of lead by 3052 and that's a FACT

>> No.18618587
File: 2.36 MB, 2127x1595, O57DJPV2JVAJTJ4N62ZO6RPTR4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannibalism has countless negative side-effects. Don't eat the long pork.

>> No.18618661
File: 26 KB, 769x661, 17-171833_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-1470722030796-spurdo-sprde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based :DDD

>> No.18618685

Something something I don't give a shit about globalist bullshit.

>> No.18618703

No normal person cares about this shit. Just eat whatever the fuck you want and stop worrying about the planet or whatever. Earths gonna live longer than humanity. And even if it doesn’t, I still don’t fucking care.

>> No.18618727

why do all urbanite pod dwellers look like this guy?

>> No.18618740

There's a plant in Portland that prints them out

>> No.18618762

>Well then how about we find ways to make it less wasteful rather than finding retarded replacements like grasshopper paste?
Actually I agree with you about this

>> No.18618768

/ck/ mods are such faggots. I get banned for talking about actual food and a literal bug burger tiktok thread is up for 14 hours

>> No.18618773

It's the sensible option which is fascist/communist depending on who you talk to. It's always gotta be all or nothing.
To be fair, the ChinkCock video IS a recipe and the topic of discussion does relate heavily to the board topic. But seeing as posters like myself haven't been banned, I'd assume the jannies are too busy lurking /d/ again or have more important things to attend to than a Sweet Sundae Ramen Appreciation board.

>> No.18618776

>was going to come to this board to make a thread with this webm
>already made


>> No.18618780
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone with this physical appearance is making this face while recommending you eat something would you eat it?

>> No.18618783

Jannies have been stretched thin since the advent of /vt/

>> No.18618787

No. Everything about that image tells me to do the opposite of whatever he's about

>> No.18618805

The only good thing to come out of that board were some anons gangraping an AI so hard it got traumatized.

>> No.18618848

>I get banned for talking about actual food
Were you being contentious or inflammatory?
Being a dickhead on a cooking board is a great way to get banned.

>> No.18618929

This has to be a self aware joke?
It's literally soyjak eating the bugs

>> No.18618945

what fucking problem? i don't give a shit that 10 billion 60 iq nonwhites want a western civilization. they can't even grown their OWN food. it's perfectly sustainable for actual human beings.

>> No.18618955

>I don't give a shit, therefore it's not a problem
That's not how it works, dipshit
They're not the only problem when white people are the ones trying to upend the agriculture industry.
Don't ever reply again with something so fucking retarded.

>> No.18618958

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.18618960

Fuck you, I'm a well behaved poster. Everyone knows /ck/ mods are just psychos

>> No.18618963

they're probably microwaving turkey flavored hot pockets for thanksgiving

>> No.18618967

Mods are global dude.

>> No.18618974

shut the fuck up 15 year olds aren't allowed on this website anyway. if i can hold you down and fuck you until you love me that's how it works kid. i don't have to pay or buy you dinner either.

>> No.18619105

>I'm a well behaved poster.
Just cause you're a good poster, that doesn't mean it was a good post.

>> No.18619173

>>18618103 (dust)
The guy in the video has a knack for making high quality bait as it seems

>> No.18619235

Yeah they are fucking terrible, I just got a 3 day because I replied to a "dubs decide what I cook" post that OP was actually delivering in. /ck/ mods are genuinely some of the biggest hotpocket faggots on the site, I didn't know it was possible to be worse than /sp/ mods

>> No.18619380

>making high quality bait
Well he sure put in a lot of effort, going bald, damaging his eyesight, atrophying his muscles and possibly damaging his testicles to wreck test production. And that's just the looks. 1A effort

>> No.18619400

An, you poor thing lmao

>> No.18619404

boohoo, lurk more kid

>> No.18619427

8 billion people aren't sustainable yet scientists refuse to admit otherwise and instead play mental gymnastics, where it's "sustainable, trust me bro" if you pretend the framework that allows for their existence comes at no cost.

>> No.18619567

>Thank god, I am not one of them

Thank God, you're the first person ever in history to be immune to propaganda.

>> No.18619573

>i want to exterminate the poors so I can eat cheap meat

>> No.18619583
File: 1.43 MB, 650x850, foodiecutie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be a chad unsustainable real meat kinda guy

>> No.18619587
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I feel like I'm the asshole for being pro bug protein just because I hate the modern meat industry. It's insane to think we 'need' to eat the amount of meat we currently do and we're already serving garbage cuts and low quality grounds for the mass consumer market. Your McBug burger and your Great Value buggets are still going to have a lethal amount of sugar, salt and fats so I don't see the issue with it replacing cheap meats.

Basically I want less meat for more money and better quality instead of dollar menu meal deals.

>> No.18619593

Not really, it's just that /pol/ has summoned so many unironic serious business retards that posting here has become a chore.

>> No.18619611

Ive added 4 inches of top soil to my small property over the 7 years I've lived here. Through compost, wood chips, and small livestock.

>> No.18619620

>le oldfag
>thinks dubs threads should be banned
Genuinely kill yourself

>> No.18619621


>> No.18619634

that behavior isn't sustainable.

>> No.18619635

This is already being done. The cow shit gets collected in silos and gas it produces is used to heat up the farm.
Anyone who still moans about cow fart is inbread city slicker with IQ lower than that of Cletus who drives the actual cow shit sweeper.

>> No.18619644
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>> No.18619647
File: 269 KB, 538x709, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultrarare /ck/ oc

>> No.18619653

Bite me, how come autocorrect in english works like shite while in my language it works fine.

>> No.18619665
File: 147 KB, 640x1138, bugman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18619689

>we store it in poorly ventilated silos where half of it escapes to the upper atmosphere, aren't we smart yet?
You should've just went the denialism route. All you did was out yourself as a retard with this line. Poorly thought out. 2/10

>> No.18619751

>store it in poorly ventilated silos where half of it escapes to the upper atmosphere
If you cant find the argument, at least stick to curse words boy, because your projections are worse than your delusions.

>> No.18619769


>> No.18619775

I accept your concession. You're free to post timestamped pictures of your state of the art silo where no leakage occurs whatsoever as measured through third-party equipment. You won't, because you're in fact a cityfag LARPing.

>> No.18619778

You spend too much time on tiktok, retard. Go outside.

Threads about tiktoks are worse than threads about tweets.

>> No.18619782

did he malnourish himself and shut himself indoors for decades just to prank /ck/?

>> No.18619790

I got warned for racism because I used the term ‘wog’.

>> No.18619796

GETfaggotry was cancerous in 2006 and it's still cancerous now. Kill yourself.

>> No.18620193

keep telling yourself that, goy

>> No.18620218
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>Amerilards seeing someone under 250 lbs

>> No.18620222
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>> No.18622038


>> No.18622048

plants/trees eat CO2 to grow
petroleum is a renewable resource
global warming isn't real
climate change retards are mentally ill

>> No.18622049
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>Bug burgers
>Mostly rice with a little grasshopper dust

>> No.18622071
File: 175 KB, 444x562, 1633478877291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k, but why jump straight to fucking bugs instead of something like rabbits or chicken or fish

>> No.18622075

the funniest thing is this isn't even soyjak edit, it's a perfectly accurate portrait of the dude

>> No.18622080

are you responding to yourself? who the fuck would ever even read that post?

>> No.18622088

Is this parodic? I can't tell what the jokes are anymore.

>> No.18622234

Teach me the way Anon. I'm poor unfortunately..

>> No.18622256

Use compost, wood chips, and small livestock.

>> No.18622271

It's like your brain's ticking but nothing's connecting.

>> No.18622307

Well in some parts of the world like brazil deforestation is happening too quickly. Its however mostly just for wood export and farms are something that comes after to not just leave an open space. The solution would be to deforest smaller parts of the forest and replant plants immidiatelly so you can harvest trees again and again from the same region instead of steamrolling the whole forest and being left with nothing. A cow can probably feed a human or two a year while you need a hectares of soybeans to feed the same amount of people for a year therefore even free range cows use less space than soy does. Also a cow can just eat grass and field leftovers like straw so cows just reuse whatever would be wasted. The whole push to eat bugs and soy is just because they are cheap to mass produce and kikes dont want to spend shekels feeding the goyim slaves.

>> No.18622316

Good anon

>> No.18622324

They burn regions of forest down to make room for livestock. Wood just gets destroyed because it's more profitable to prepare the land for animals more quickly.

>> No.18622386

huh wut u mean
most soyjak edits are drawing a blatant soyjak over the dudes making the dumb expression, regardless of their features
this guy tried to accurately replicate the guy's features, but it looks like a dime a dozen soyjak edit anyway because the guy is a living caricature

>> No.18622403

thank you anon, for doin what i wanted to do before me

>> No.18622612


>> No.18622616
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, vegan being saved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18622665

sustainability and equity are the 2020-2030 corporate nonsense memes now used to justify lowering your standard of living under the faulty pretense of saving the environment/being a good person.

because the only true sustainability the large corporations are concerned about are ones they can monopolize. An industrial scale indoor insect opperation is one that wont have localized competition. They envision an unironic dystopian future in which they are the only ones producing protien. If you encouraged people to instead be 'self sufficent' by raising rabbits or backyard chickens, this would make the shareholders cry as they lose marketshare.

Its the same reason they want you to eat fake meat made out of peas and beans. Legumes can be mass produced on an industrial scale in massive indoor hydroponic factories. The ideal situation is one megasite in which peas and beans are grown, then directly harvested and shipped into another section of the factory for processing, packaging, and then moved to transport. This cuts out all local competition and guess work, making a 100% automated and insulated self sustaining system of food production.

People don't realize, pretty much every 5 years or so these same corporations lobby your local governments to tighten the regulations on gardening and backyard animal aggriculture in order to put their potential competitors out of business. They want an economic monopoly on food production, because food is the one of the few things that always has a market.

>> No.18622670

that's his point. The chinese middle class is larger in size than the entire population of the united states, and the chinese middle class dont want to eat bugs anymore, they want to eat beef like americans. The political stiutation is as follows: indians and chinese want to eat american diets, but there isn't enough beef and pork production to feed both americans and chinese since the chinese are intentionally growing their population.

How does an enterprizing merchant solve this problem? They convience americans to stop eatting beef and instead adopt bugs, then they sell the beef to the chinese at a higher price. Bugs of course have to be the price of beef so that profits arent lost in america, so bugs are pushed as a high quality luxury good that's 'good for the environment'. It's a giant scam.

Westerners are being trained to lower their standards of living so that easterners can raise their own.

>> No.18622676

jannies like to selectively ban anons to push their own political narratives.

>> No.18622679

its insane to think the bug industry is going to be any cleaner or more humane than the meat one, considering its being ran by and pushed by literally the same people. Tyson chicken wants you to eat bugs and bean protiens so they can sell chicken to china, not because they think they are being mean chickens and are going to set them free.

>> No.18623129

Let things poop on the ground. Add carbon either with cover crops or wood chips or hay. Do that repeatedly.
Heck just letting grass grow and cutting it rarely will do it over time. But adding an animal to "process" it really speeds things up

>> No.18623131

>oh nooooo meat is unsustainable and bad because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Meanwhile in reality
>food processing plants mysteriously burning down, entire farms worth of cattle and chickens mysteriously die all at once, all conveniently around the time supply chain issues conveniently appear and corporations come out with (still constantly failing) plant-based alternatives, bugs, and synth meat
You've been duped by the same people who demolish forests and open land to expand concrete jungles known as cities. People simply need to plant trees in open spaces.

>> No.18623136

>chinese are intentionally growing their population
Chinese stopping doing that.
Indians don't want to touch their demographic problem, but India's political system is just a chair game of who can avoid taking responsibility for infrastructure, courts and education.

>> No.18623139

jannies can't ban

>> No.18623155

Many farms, starting with one in upstate New York, take both the biowaste from the cattle and biowaste from places like wine factories and dump them into a concrete pit, one big enough you'd die if you fell in from the fumes alone, nevermind drowning. The waste ferments, and the methane and other gasses are piped to a generator, which burns that gas to generate electricity. The waste matter is still nutrient dense enough after all this to be spread on fields as fertilizer. Only a brainlet would oppose this on the grounds of assuming there may be a leak. Any holes in the cover get patched, or the cover replaced, and excess that can't get burned by the generator fast enough can be burned off in a torch.

>> No.18623178

>Sauce stache
That's some homo shit right there.

>> No.18623319

What are we running out of cows? We arent running out of land, unless youre talking about the land used to make vegan monocrops

>> No.18623341

Why are you making political posts on a cooking forum to begin with?

>> No.18623728

>Chinese stopping doing that.

update your npc software, xi is going full world war 2050 with his birthrate initatives. china's been intentionally trying to grow their population and thats why the usa keeps fucking with them. its now mandatory for chinese university students to take military training as part of their advanced education.

they want meat, meat to feel good about themselves and meat to grow big and strongk. The traitorous short term-thinking globalist cabal wants to sell them meat but also sell us meat that they dont have, hence the big push for fake meat/bugs/ect.

its a future problem for these companies.

>China says: sell us meat.
>companies say: lol okay.

Then someone with a brain goes
>'uhhh at current rates, if these trends continue... its gonna be a problem if we meet peak meat production and BOTH markets still want meat. What do we do?

>well we cant tell the chinese NO... how about we trick the westerners to voluntarily give itup... they gave up their gasoline powered cars right? use the same memes sell them bugs lmao.

>> No.18623831

>cow farts
>isn't going away
it actually is, they're trying new diets and microbes that reduce methane by 90%

>> No.18624057

>Well then how about we find ways to make it less wasteful rather than finding retarded replacements like grasshopper paste?
Then you'd be drastically reducing production yields which would result in massive prices

The modern food industry exists because it has to feed a rapidly growing population which has gotten massive. If you change it to be more efficient in any way at all, you'll slow down the output and leave people starving.

>> No.18624093

>Why is this a meme?
Do a google search (or ddg or bing or anything else because google is dogshit these days) for ESG. Thank me later.

>> No.18624121


>> No.18624129
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Op the fact you saved this video means you should eugenics yourself. Preferably a 9mm to head instead of getting vasectomy. Because lets face it. You will never be a woman

>> No.18624213
File: 135 KB, 960x823, vegans lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buh buh based.
If you care about your fellow man you don't let him join death cults.
As meat eaters we have a MORAL OBLIGATION to use our superior strength to refeed them vital nutrients.

>> No.18624230

>porous concrete and a tarp can't possibly leak

>> No.18624252

War and genocide is a far more effective reducer of human pollution

>> No.18624253

>why won't my gas the niggers fantasy become real :(((

>> No.18624484
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>Chinese Winnie the Pooh
He could
But the people who grew up as single children isn't keen on having a lot of them. Some portion has moved to city helllife, which isn't fertile in birth rates either.
There is also the fact they are now a net food importer, and would genuinely risk famines in WW3.

Your post is too damn surface level to call anybody a NPC. You do have a point that certain loud globalists are into a brain poison, but as been repeatedly stated whenever we have those damn "eat the bug" threads....
Yield of protein from agriculture waste from grasshoppers is LOWER than for Chickens. So: If we do get to the "eat the bugs, live in the pods" stage, there isn't really anything left to do... some globalists have violated the GLOBAL NAP, and should be hunted down for it, ideally 2-3 links of family out to burn off the idea from consensus.
That in itself isn't a stupid or controversial idea. Its just tomorrow.

>> No.18624777

It gets used to heat the facility at most semi-modern wastewater treatment plants. Some leachate plants do the same.

>> No.18624798

show me the studies

>> No.18625711

Only if you kill the millionaires and billionaires as well, as they pollute hundreds to thousands of times more than the average Joe.

>> No.18625725

calm down child

>> No.18625855

that faggot not only faggots, he clickbaits and relies on it for views

>> No.18625870

You snooze you lose.

>> No.18626194

okay that's fine but your reason for doing so is almost as cringe and insecure

>> No.18626208
File: 241 KB, 555x547, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a tourists get angry at trivial things thread

>> No.18626377

Thats exactly when its class warfare

>> No.18626454

>barely a handful of grasshoppers
>still with the chitin carapace on
>burger patty is mostly rice
>buns aren't even there
Even if you ignore the meme goycattle food, everything else is terrible too.

The only way I'm eating ze bugs if they genetically engineer massive bugs which have enough meat in them to give me massive several pounds heavy insect meat steaks. I'm never going to settle for eating the disgusting crunchy exoskeleton

>> No.18626459

No they don't. They serve them to tourists. No one eats that shit.

>> No.18626680

Does it BUG you?

>> No.18626805

man i know the s oy faggot thing is old as shit, but how does anyone look at this guy's face and go "haha that's entertaining and good!" "check out his fun babby face! look at him he looks like a little babby! just having fun with his BIG UH OH OOPSIES BIG BITEY COMING" "aaaaaaang! see all gone! appa sauce!"

who looks at this guy and goes "HAHA ! LOOK AT THE GOOD FACE!"

but op please don't pretend you don't know what a buzzword is

>> No.18626815

that's the best nikocado meme i've ever seen

>> No.18626925

>muh leaks
Who gives a shit? Fart gas does not cause problems. Cities do. India and China, who aren't being browbeaten into eating soy and crickets and driving motor scooters over imaginary issues, cause problems.

>> No.18626997

eating small animals le good
eating big animals le bad

>> No.18627255

Did anyone else notice how the "plant-based" qualifier is now printed in tiny font before the name of the food it's supposed to emulate? I have bought some gluten-free garbage just because my eyes gloss over the buzzwords so I'm scared that one day I'll grab a bugrger or a soysage by accident.

>> No.18627285
File: 1.94 MB, 744x408, 1612038211579.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original reason is that search algorithms promoted it in thumbnails. You see small children are more likely to click pictures with expressive .exaggerated faces. You get more views and clicks are children by making these stupid faces. Most of these people probably don't even understand that, and are just following a trend.

>> No.18627299
File: 512 KB, 1000x1413, give-a-hoot-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18627333

yeah i agree

>> No.18627391

I do not understand the bug meme.
You are losing most of what you put in with each step wherein you have something eat something you could have eaten.
And the attitude of "you can just feed them garbage" is going to lead to another prion incident when they loop the food production on itself until they produce something that can survive to propagate and transmit to humans.

>> No.18627418

Only if you think we get bugs by hunting them

>> No.18627452

Are you actually Chinese, blinded by your Sinophilia or are you simply a paid shill for the CCP?

>> No.18627493
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, Russian_steel_trader_Goes_To_China.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am merely stating that the CCP is still in paper tiger state, even with the impressive 1 billion citizens and a extremely competent manufacture capability.

I am just going to post some Russian dude's regret over dealing with WTF is going on in CCP land.
Its from 2016 and as with all 4chan posts will contain exaggeration and falsehood... but the kernel of truth is still somewhere in there.

>> No.18627500

commie meme word

>> No.18628714

Even though I know this guy is just doing a satire of soyface, it still makes me angry seeing him do it

>> No.18628731

Basically irrelevant by this point. Chinkshit's problem is slowly ceasing to be inferior quality output and more structural issues related to their political system, forced decoupling from the West, demographics, inability to grow a domestic consumption sector, etc.

>> No.18628971
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x3024, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. I want to eat this thing so bad

>> No.18629689

I'd rather go vegetarian than eat bugs

That's what I don't get, unless I'm going on a decade low protein diet and just crave any kind of protein, I can't imagine eating bugs

>> No.18629745

>inability to grow a domestic consumption sector,
What do you mean? China is the top market for a ton of things. Even if their middle class is small as a %, it's huge as a raw number, meaning it has the most disposable income ready to be spent.

>> No.18630150

Mac an cheese with weenies is fire I sometimes church it up with catsup

>> No.18630168

The events in the image most likely took place between 2012 to 2016
I would consider them relevant until we stop getting people posting workplace accidents that can only happen trough no OSHA compliance, the Chinese version of roadrage, and people dying in shopping mall to lax install quality.
Because as you said
>slowly ceasing
That is the key point.
The CCP will remain a paper tiger for quite some time.
But if they will be a beef tiger by 2040 or if they will still suffer chinks chinking chinks by that point is anybodies guess.

>> No.18630173

if that shit or plant matter decomposes in the open it will produce the very same methan but without a containment vessel.
Thinking methan is a problem is reserved for the 30iq bracket

>> No.18630189

in central Europe there are no natural forests, this is a complete meme. It has been completely human managed since the very dawn of civilization.
The glaciers of the last ice age eradicated all true natural forests. Since then humans have spread oak trees as food tree for pig livestock.
The middle ages deforested large parts again for charcoal production and as building material. Then old growth Fir was planted which in return was cut down on a mass scale for ww2 plane production.
Today all indigenous trees are dying due to fungus and rodents imported from asia, the next push in European forests will be very likely north american species