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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 739x415, Fat gay retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18625734 No.18625734 [Reply] [Original]

You are invited to dine with nikocado avocado. Do you accept?

>> No.18625740

What are we having?

>> No.18625744

Noodles nah, McDonald's yeah

>> No.18625826

Yes only because I want to talk to him and find out what his master plan is.

>> No.18625834

Honestly yeah, just for a laugh
Would be like meeting Chris Chan or KingCobra

>> No.18625843

Yes, I don't have any problems with him personally. He's a degenerate but I don't care. I'd ask him about his vegan days

>> No.18625847

No, I eat pretty quickly. I would get bored watching him shovel food in his face for half an hour after I'm done eating.

>> No.18625860
File: 4 KB, 471x430, 1641390855494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he still alive?

>> No.18625900

Why is there almost always the DIY rope gif on an avocado post?

>> No.18625901

QRD on this guy? I don't know anything abut him and I'm kinda afraid to look. Why does he make these ridiculous videos where he's slathering himself in food and crying?

>> No.18625910

>Why does he make these ridiculous videos where he's slathering himself in food and crying?

Because it has made him a millionaire

>> No.18625922

No and now you're a target you fuckin' freak.

>> No.18625923

Fuck no, he's a fat gay retard. I could have dinner with the rats in the walls and they'd be better company than him.

>> No.18625930

Do you fags take this seriously or just as a pathetic shill thread?

>> No.18625931

yea, only so that i could rid the world of this fat faggot once and for all

>> No.18625936

Its good as a warning for a few seconds but then another will pop up, it's the nature of cockroaches and rats.

>> No.18625939

noodles, eggs and hair apparently

>> No.18625940


>> No.18625944

Yes, so I can case his house and steal his cards/valuables/money
-guaranteed to be too much of a pussy to have guns
-too fat to chase me down

>> No.18625951
File: 34 KB, 425x425, rosarita_spicy_refried_beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would that bird nest hair be unless somthered in Rosalita's spicy refried beans?

>> No.18625958

With all that skill
>cant do anything for yourself
Sad faggot

>> No.18625991

Be warned, apparently he's a big guy and nearly 2m tall

>> No.18626002

Those are the best folk to have on my back when whack jobs are trying to attack me in a dark ally.

>> No.18626058

How many k-calories do you think he is?

>> No.18626069

For you.

>> No.18626080

Pretty sure he's smarter and probably funnier than the average 4channer. But I'd have to insist on proper attire for all parties at all times.

>> No.18626090

Yes, so I can tellk them to stop eating so much.

>> No.18626093


>> No.18626162

Kill him

>> No.18626168
File: 15 KB, 474x320, osaka fingerchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ofc. There will be McDolan

>> No.18626175
File: 132 KB, 240x334, 14090185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18626180
File: 69 KB, 800x289, King_Kong-peering_through_window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off japnigs, King Kong has been called in and wont stop stomping and grabbing your babes until...

>> No.18626197

Of course. He’s a legend.

>> No.18626198

iirc he's normal off character/camera. He did interviews and such as well

>> No.18626204

gays have it so easy bros...

>> No.18626210

to be fair he started out as a caricature homosexual so that's his baseline. he was never normal to begin with.

>> No.18626214

I have better things to do...like commit suicide via soupspoon.

>> No.18626300

Healthy gay dude streamer/youtuber
Mukbang streaming
A short time later...
obese gay dude streamer/youtuber

>> No.18626307

homosex is not "normal" and im saying that as a homosex myself. Its literally the defination of that word

but he's not as balls-to-the-wall crazy as those meme clips would suggest

>> No.18626387
File: 445 KB, 588x742, 8070E6B2-CDC6-4657-9CD1-ED6D89A5617A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if I get to smell “it”

>> No.18626942
File: 285 KB, 1920x1080, mcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if we do McD feast and NO FUCKING HAIR