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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18625625 No.18625625 [Reply] [Original]

answer: no

>> No.18625705
File: 173 KB, 584x305, Are you fucking joking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask for ID
>Person loses their shit over it
>Finally produce ID
>They're 3 months into being 21 and I'm magically supposed to know this

>> No.18625726

why do itoddlers make the worst threads

>> No.18625730 [DELETED] 


>> No.18625733

I don't understand tipping. It seems, from my observations, that mostly everyone agrees that tipping is bad and that tipping culture needs to die. However, it also appears that everyone will demonize anyone who does not participate in tipping. How does this work? What is the logic? It seems wholly irrational to me.

>> No.18625831

it's just one of those things that doesn't make sense. it is irrational. I went out to dinner with my family and my dad insisted on tipping ~30% even though the service was slow, and I don't mean the speed of the food which is out of the waiter's control, I mean easy shit like drink re-fills, condiments, and checking to see if we needed anything.

>> No.18625836

You probably looked like a church group. They don't tip good, pretty much on par with neeegrows

>> No.18625945

>tipping some guy who slings beer

yeah no

>> No.18625952

it's the same with pretty much every other social issue: people want things gone, but they don't want to be the ones to get rid of them. for example: hobos.

>> No.18625993

You need a servant to top up drinks and condiments for you? Useless zoomer.

>> No.18626009

hobos want things gone?

>> No.18626136

If everyone individually decided to start kicking hobos the problem would get solved pretty damn quick.

>> No.18626148

There's plenty of things people want to be gone but have to follow the status quo for now. Like taxes.
But there's the fact you're held socially responsible for paying that person's wages. Sure you can mention that the restaurant has to pay the difference if they don't make enough, but they'll quickly lay them off. And funny enough, raising the wages and taking away tips makes the position less attractive. Why? Because tips can potentially make you more money than even $15 an hour. The type of people who willingly work such jobs also like the instant cash. They can even sneak a little under the table so the government doesn't tax it.
In the end, it's fucked.

>> No.18626243

Hobos would become even more unpredicatable and violent? Cool.

>> No.18626250

I'm a pizza delivery wagie and I have delivered pizzas to hundreds of black people and only 1 or 2 have tipped me a dollar
the rest just sign the receipt like I am their personal servant that's supposed to drive shit to their bungalow whenever dey get hawnngryyy

>> No.18626299

>Like taxes
underage b&

>> No.18626305
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>Fellow bartenders of /ck/ do white people tip?

also NO, kek, based biased thread.

>> No.18626367
File: 127 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that this place is either insanly overmoderated and you get a 30 day all boards ban for having an edgy take on vegetarianism, or it's a childish free for all and every single post is a /qa/ tier NIGGER ACK NIGGER ACK NIGGER ACK, aren't there like 7000 unemployed moderators now that twitter is being driven into the ground? Hiroshima get your shit together, they'll do it for free

>> No.18626372

Or just one of those idiots who coasts through life never questioning anything and eventually he is promoted to his level of incompetence and goes "huh, IT department? we don't need that, these systems are very reliable now" and fires everyone who knows anything and then when the entire company gets held hostage by ransomware and there's no backups anywhere they flee and get a seven figure severance package

>> No.18626509

it's usually the white boomers who don't tip well, or don't tip at all.

>> No.18626544

yes they do. dumb nigger.

>> No.18626580

A tipping thread and a jack thread up this long? Has Christmas come early and jannies died?

>> No.18626937

You are exactly that..... That ssid blacks are the worst customers everybody knows that. Some people try to say indians are worse tippers but i dont think so i think their just scared to criticize blacks due to their politics but they have to vent on somebody.

>> No.18626967

80% tip very little and 20% overtip
but I work in a high wealth area so it's probably worse elsewhere
I've only gotten stiffed like twice this year and it was a black woman both times

>> No.18626978

True but comparison wise shitloads of whites overtipped in my experience.

>> No.18626994

Usually it's trash cans or cars, yeah they tip.

>> No.18627308

nobody likes tipping besides people that work FOH.

They go oh woe is me I am a poor bartender/waiter but they're pulling in 100k+ a year and report only 30k on taxes.

And then there's the whole I want to look rich so I tip more angle.

>> No.18627325
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>tipping bartenders
americans are so embarrassing

>> No.18627383

You're not alone.

>> No.18627393

I only ever tip 1 dollar per drink, 2 if it's a cocktail
Still comes out to less than 15% usually

>> No.18627417

Makes my job very easy, actually.
>blacks tip very little no matter what so I take my time
>whites tip no matter what so I take my time
Once I counted for a few months and realized it makes no difference, my job became much more chill.

>> No.18627571
File: 448 KB, 1280x847, 8fde9e00-5dcf-4ba5-96b0-4241163cd5f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stockholm syndrome. I haven't tipped for twenty two years, never had a problem with bad service, but then again i rarely make a habit of frequenting establishments to a point where somebody would be bothered to fuck with my food. Servers are afraid they would stop making money, and maybe they're right, but in the end i don't care. I was sold on Mr Pink when I saw him on TV years ago and now it's like, why? These people are going to give you the exact same fucking service, and when you come back three months later, they don't remember you, if that server is even still there.

It's funny, i even got some girl fired a few years back over my refusal to tip. Crazy cunt.

>> No.18627591

Blacks never tip, order a ton of shit and always complain about the food to get a discount or free meal. I used to work in a restaurant and every time a group of black customers would show up, our servers would be yelling and sometimes fistfighting over who had to serve them.

>> No.18627598

The janitor on this board is out of control, I've been banned here numerous times for making on topic threads.

>> No.18627604

>Trip in the US
>Celebrate 21st birthday in a bar
>Waiter doesn't want to serve the birthday guy alcohol before it's midnight

German tier autism

>> No.18627640
File: 9 KB, 310x163, bobbyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We dont need to do neting we dunt want 2. Rat-ta-ta-tatata-brrrrrrrrra.

>> No.18627664

The state will send in underage kids as a gotcha to servers and businesses. The business will get a huge fine ($$$) the server that didn't card or failed to notice underage will be fined ($$$) and will be banned from the industry so any experience you have in that field is now next to useless. It isn't because waiters give a shit but because one mistake will basically ruin them financially and state board will try to catch you slipping up.

>> No.18627700

t. IRS employees

>> No.18627748

jannies can't ban, that's the mod