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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.48 MB, 545x875, 1669398104715501.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18623426 No.18623426 [Reply] [Original]

>TIL: the french dip their croissants
We have been eating it wrong this entire time.

>> No.18623442

What's the point of these videos of girls acting fake "cute"? Is it supposed to be attractive?
It's just very uncomfortable and mildly annoying for me, like listening to someone chew or scraping your nails on a matte surface

>> No.18623450

I thought this is normal. like everyone should have learned this in their etiquette classes.

>> No.18623453

You're an angy incel we get it.

>> No.18623456

The French also never bathe and surrender to Nazis. I would not want to emulate a Frenchman.

>> No.18623459

Because you like to waste water and have your head shot off? ok

>> No.18623476


The video wouldn't be as alluring to watch if she was just chomping down on a croissant. To your credit though, these types if videos are annoying as shit

>> No.18623482

You do it with cappuccino usually.
Then don't watch you ugly retard.

>> No.18623492

Have sex

>> No.18623497

>If you don't enjoy the shitty TikTok of some random woman doing faux-cutesy anime shit you're an incel

>> No.18623501

go away

>> No.18623511

why is she licking her fingers? don't do that

>> No.18623512

You WILL simp for every female you see and you WILL enjoy it.

>> No.18623565

>TIL: the french dip their croissants
No, they don't. It makes the croissant no different than a wet piece of bread, so what's the point of buying one ?

>> No.18623577

Are there any french people left in france?

>> No.18623587

don't pay them any mind anon, they're upset that they just donated their food money for the next month to their favourite onlyfans thot and she forgot to mention their name in her latest post :\ perhaps if they go online to show how much of a women ally they are, she'll notice them next time!

>> No.18623612

everything women do is a performance
she literally ordered that food not to enjoy it, but to be seen eating it

>> No.18623804

bro you sound so corny and lame I'm sorry you legit made me laugh at you

>> No.18623833

Yes. French is a nationality.

>> No.18623895

>the autist found another girl he can spam on every board

>> No.18623920
File: 57 KB, 550x550, a65ce4901552ed36317801077f3ae4b0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more bizarre than you think. For breakfast they actually fill up these bowls with drip coffee and dip pastries or bread with butter/jam/cheese into the coffee, and then drink out of the bowl like it's miso soup.

>> No.18623925

I can't stand them either. They're obviously made to appeal to 14 year old boys who have never touched a girl in their lives and think this fake shit is "cute". Same thing with any girl dancing around and making stupid faces. Zoomers are so fucking cringe

>> No.18623929

its only purpose is to trigger men like you
that's it, thats the whole appeal, thats why there are thousands of them made every day

>> No.18623938

You clicked this thread, you opened the .webm, you watched it, you kept thinking about it as you replied. You are still thinking about it.
It works because the behavior in the video piques your sexual interest.
But you have not developed a sexual self-awareness (likely due to being a virgin) so you have to make up reasons why it didn't actually affect you as intended. Whereas normal adult men freely admit that it's attractive.

>> No.18623948

I opened the webm because I open every webm you retard. Can't tell if it's going to be something funny and worthwhile or this tiktok trash if I don't watch the first few seconds

>> No.18623956

Actually I read the OP post, had something to say, and posted about the subject. Then I saw the other comments and hovered over the thumbnail, at which point I saw that it was one of those retarded tiktok bait images made to get (you)s from the incels who don't actually care about the topic of the thread and got mildly annoyed that I bothered replying.

>> No.18623963

Why put in so much effort to claim that you're not attracted to a cute girl? It makes no sense unless there is some kind of complex going on

>> No.18623987

Why do you keep harping on thi... Oh wait, you don't really care about the topic of the thread. You just like getting replies because it gives you validation for some reason even though people are just bitching about you posting low quality bait, but hey, you're getting replies so I guess they must have fallen for the bait which means you won. Congratulations. You've really made this board a better place.

>> No.18623990

It's just weird to see guys trying hard to pretend a cute girl isn't attractive. That's all

>> No.18623994

>>18623990 (you)
The cutest girl in the world stops being attractive the moment she starts doing fake shit in front of a camera for social media.

>> No.18624011


>> No.18624018

I find them cringy. They are much cuter when it looks candid or at least not performative.

>> No.18624059

It confused the shit out of me the first time I saw it. I was staying with a French family and the first morning when I sat down for breakfast they put a bowl in front of me and filled it up with coffee and I was speechless because I'd never seen it before. (The younger kid had hot chocolate in his bowl.)

>> No.18624090
File: 48 KB, 1284x770, 1668619059423104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it taste good but the idea of drinking coffee mixed with soggy crumbs is yuck!

>> No.18624149
File: 516 KB, 1349x4269, Screenshot_2020-06-30 The Operational Potential of Subliminal Perception — Central Intelligence Agency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defy Your Programming

>> No.18624154

>people dip pastries in coffee

>> No.18624163

>dude it's a CIA conspiracy
>they literally posted it on their blog for us to read - look!

>> No.18624178
File: 211 KB, 712x1024, GO FUCKING BACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CIA has a blog
Are you the faggot who poasted "Have sex"?
Yes? Fuck you, It applies.
No? Fuck off, I wasn't relying to you.
Either way--your reading comprehension is that of a 14 year old 96 IQ midwit.
Please go back to social media--you'll find the "Points" or "Upvotes" you're looking for.

>> No.18624221

Traditionally we did the same thing more or less in Spain but with sops of bread cos we're poorer.

>> No.18624447

God I love women

>> No.18624455

C’est vrai

>> No.18624487

Women are fucking dumb and fall for this shit and when they can't afford a decent croissant or cup of coffee or deep down don't even want either they just want a brief moment of happiness like the cunt in the video, they live through this dumb broads experience and convince themselves they're special for it

>> No.18624519

She's a model, she does shoots for makeup brands, clothing, coffee shops, etc... to promote them.

>> No.18624644

Getting mad over the mere existence of a woman is peak incel, m8. Whybare you even so mad? Women are attention seekers; that's just the way that they are. Getting mad over it is retarded. Just watch them, enjoy their beauty and don't spend any fucking money on them.

>> No.18624713

But they're not getting upset over the existence of women. Just the retardation of a lot of them

>> No.18624898

Same thing. Women are retardation incarnate.