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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 178 KB, 1280x720, Secured Beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18621984 No.18621984 [Reply] [Original]

How are you dealing with food inflation?

>> No.18621989

literally 1984

>> No.18621993

Bit grim innit

>> No.18621995

Vaccine has already killed off most slave's fertility so im doing better than ever despite the temporary inflation which will go down once everybody dies

>> No.18622026
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>> No.18622030
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>> No.18622042

All the stores around me have started hiring private security guards to stand at their doors and eye fuck customers. Shit is grim indeed. I don't like the way we're heading

>> No.18622081


>> No.18622100
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Im stealing that shit out of principle.
Good thing i keep my knife on me 24/7.

>> No.18622102

By not being poor.

>> No.18622165

By honing in on my cramming skills.

>> No.18622204

Last time I got potatoes from Aldi they were small or became rotten within a week.

>> No.18622294

that's what you get for shopping at the Jewish discount store

>> No.18622333

Could have eaten for a week on $1.63.

>> No.18622346

Five finger discount? More like a Cornhole Comp!

>> No.18622479

>food inflation
The food isn't inflating, the prices are.

>> No.18622490

Got my beef stocked up last week. Cattle auction prices are already at record highs and it is only going to get worse as Christmas demand starts.

>> No.18622541

Due to overproduction the price of pork has fallen 80% some months ago in Switzerland.
Of course, the retail prices for cut pork didn't change one cent.

>> No.18622545

I dont live around poor white europeans so none of my food has loss prevention technology on it

>> No.18622564

i wish food inflated, instead it's prices. alcohol hasn't gone up though so I drink a lot more and go for 2+ days without eating

>> No.18622599
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I love jews so much its fucking unreal

>> No.18622657
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Food drives and EBT. My wife and I are both high income with over 220k in the bank alone. We go to a food drive every week which gives food from whole foods and trader Joe's. It's simply veggies and stuff that's close to expiry but around 80% of it is still good.
My wife's sister is a single mom with 5 children. She gets so much money that she literally can't use it all. She lends us her EBT card.
This has cut down on grocery expenses by 90%. We will only go to the grocery store and use our own money if we need a specific ingredient. Here's a pic of one of the food drive boxes we get every week

>> No.18622659
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And here's a pic of a recent EBT receipt. I encourage all anons to do the same.

>> No.18622677

Maybe if everyone else was not so dumb, criminal Jews would not be able to take advantage of them

>> No.18622682

I no longer eat meat except when pork or chicken is on deep discount
It's worth it though. Puck Futin.

>> No.18622701

Stealing more

>> No.18622755


>> No.18622759

you're a leech

>> No.18622793
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Wow I live in a majority black city where theft is rampant yet they haven't resorted to this for FUCKING RUMP STEAK?

lmfao. you know, "deported" is a word.

>> No.18622810
File: 206 KB, 1080x1080, QDc6Abs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh based?

>> No.18622818

I know Jews and Jews were using FTX to buy blockchain ledger entries.

>> No.18622836

Cry more. I pay a shitload of taxes. I'm finally taking advantage.

>> No.18622837

The strings are wires that connect to a sensor. If you cut the wires it sets off the alarm. You'd have to cut open the package and slide the meat out directly into your purse.

>> No.18623112

By blaming USA and their puppet state of ukraine.

>> No.18623125
File: 394 KB, 437x620, 1B6CA475-8FDE-4AD8-9E53-EF3A10894717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m actually saving 50% on my grocery bill since last year.

I simply started switching to the value brands, and one by one realized they are literally identical to the more expensive brands (with a few exceptions like Coca Cola).

So now I spend way less while everyone else is too stupid to realize that they’re burning money, pretty comfy desu

>> No.18623142

OP's image is from europe.

>> No.18623145

That's about 25-30c more per lb than I would be paying a few years ago.

>> No.18623157

Dr. Thunder actually tastes better than Dr. Pepper anyways.

>> No.18623162
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I'm in kidney failure and my only income is SSDI until a transplant and I go back to work. So I'm able to receive EBT benefits. Still feel like shit using them even though this is a legitimate use case.

>> No.18623167

They aren't identical. They're the same food, yes. For instance, expensive pasta is bronze cut, which isn't something you would know just looking at the ingredients. However, you can disprove retarded claims that the off brand is literally the same as the name brand and even made in the same factory, by looking at the ingredients and seeing they clearly aren't the exact same product, they're just the same food.

>> No.18623179

move somewhere less scummy.

>> No.18623202

If it's a legit use, don't worry about it. Better for you to use it then having some scumbag use it, ne~.

>> No.18623227
File: 101 KB, 497x700, 1648450021956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, fuck it. The American Government is so fucking retarded and spends their money on far, far more foolish things. We can't even be arsed to feed our kids decent school lunches for free, something even fucking Nigeria and India manages, and those countries are way more corrupt than we are. that if one anon can use EBT and food banks as intended even if they are wealthy, good for them. I don't care. Looks like they are buying nutritional food with it, which is more than a lot of ghetto inferiors will do, which is trade it for cash for fentanyl/meth, or just buy shit like steaks and shit that shouldn't be there.

Honestly, though, the EBT program should have their own stores where food is sold, and you can ONLY spend it at those stores.

>> No.18623234

You've fallen for propaganda that tells you assistance is only for bad people and have internalized that propaganda. Feeling bad for using assistance when you need it is completely artificial.

>> No.18623239

>implying you’re American

>> No.18623248

Goddamn, theres so many Grocery Outlets in the SGV. I love it

>> No.18623253

Red blooded as they come, faggot. Just work with a Irish IT tech who came over and I've picked up his mannerisms. Good word to use in a professional environment over fucked, lol.

When you make assumptions, you make an ass out of u and me.

>> No.18623254

Politicians will take a Sysco check over the health of the children yet still cling to the notion that they are more corrupt than us.

>> No.18623285

>picked up some randos mannerisms
you sound like a queer.

>> No.18623367

If it's anything like Madoff, it will hit the Jews hard.
I don't expect the average person to invest millions, let alone tens or hundreds of millions.

>> No.18623372

I stocked up on a few staples throughout the year when they were cheap or there were big sales. I buy any meat that is on clearance.
Surprisingly milk has fallen.

>> No.18623371

I ate my neighbor's dog.
His daughter's next.

>> No.18623414

Price of milk is heavily regulated.

>> No.18623444
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Honestly, I've been doing this for the last ten years. I refuse to buy name brand on most things unless there is a damned good reason to do so. Pasta is not one of those things. Pasta sauce is a different matter. Really what matters is the ingredients. RAO pasta sauce is superior to whatever slop in a can Hunts puts out.

Seriously, you might as well get bennies if you can. The government is just going to hand them out. There used to be a guy with a question mark suit in the 90's who told people how to do that and it was cool.

The sad part is that Sysco can actually deliver a decent product, i've eaten hospital food from preem hospitals and university cafeterias, and it was very good.

Good luck, everything is suffering from shrinkflation, which used to be a term only budget minded consumers knew about, but now your average joe knows about it. Shit, I think a few months ago costco reduced their bacon bits to 1.25 lbs from what, 2 lbs?

We shop at discount stores whenever possible. Ethnic stores USED to be the place to go, but now white people are not afraid, and they hiked prices. The discount stores are dying because their stock is disappearing since demand for any sort of deal is up. We fish and hunt as much as possible where I live.

>> No.18623623
File: 258 KB, 1440x1096, Screenshot_20221125-091028__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro. I use the food pantry because it's food that is going to get thrown out anyway. The EBT... If someone can't use all their benefits and wants to lend me their card, why the fuck would I say no? I'm saving a lot more money each month now.
I encourage all anons to do the same. Especially the fresh food pantry stuff, because like I said anything they don't give away just gets thrown out. It's actually environmentally friendly. Also fun as you never know what you're going to get and have to be creative. Very fun for anyone who likes to cook. We made roasted parsnips and fennel yesterday for Thanksgiving. Literally the only thing we needed to buy for Thanksgiving this year was the turkey.

>> No.18623749

I've been doing this for years because you can only know by trying the knockoffs, but most of the times they're within 75%+ quality and flavor profile. It's weird because as a kid I was really brand loyal. Some stuff can't be replicated to be fair though.

>> No.18623755

>conditioned to feel like shit for receiving help from your own government
shouldn't a society take care of those in need? this is how you know your country is a fucked up place lmao please cut yourself some slack man.

>> No.18623842
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By eating as usual

>> No.18623857
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Another generic cereal brand that's decent.

>> No.18623859
File: 270 KB, 2560x570, Cereal_Banner_alt@2x-80-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MOM cereal is nearly identical to the real thing. Still, you shouldn't be eating sugary stuff for breakfast anyways.

>> No.18623888
File: 379 KB, 1139x1500, 5A2F34AD-D2EE-4354-8207-0ABDD72EAB63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been eating these 5 days a week. Only $1.50 a pack and it’s a full meal so it’s saving me money

>> No.18623900

I got an air rifle for all the damned rabbits.
Filled my deer tag. I've been buying meat on sales and vacuum packing them.

>> No.18623904

I let some of the air out of the food before I put it in the cart. Usually I let 10-30% of the air out depending on how tight my budget is that week. I know you aren't supposed to let any of the air out until you get home but I really need to save money.

>> No.18623913

surely you add meat and/or vegetables, right?

>> No.18623919

most of the time no, but sometimes I will bake some tendies and then cut them up and throw them in the pot.

>> No.18623927

i'm not being honest.
i've had to go back to eating like a college student (ie: pasta for every meal) or cooking in bulk with frozen veg.
pretty much everything else that isnt pasta or frozen veg has gone up 50% or more.
even the absolute cheapest meat is out of my price range now, fucking $12 for a pound of 'imitation sausage product' that's mostly sawdust and air.

>> No.18623932

>paying for 50% bone weight

supermarkets here have stopped stocking value/store brands just to force people to pay the extra
shits fucked

>> No.18623951

You don't have Walmart? They would rather you buy their generic brands.

>> No.18623965

i'm sleeping a lot more. you don't need to eat if you sleep a lot.

>> No.18623971

>You'd have to cut open the package and slide the meat out directly into your purse.

>> No.18623972

By inflating the uteruses of latina prostitutes with my semen and then processing them for freezer slutburgers. I chain them up in my basement for a month while I wait for the toxins in their bodies to flush out while feeding them a subsistence diet of water and cornmeal (I learned the technique after poring over snail farming techniques). I also have sex with them during this time. You wouldn't believe how sexually ravenous they become as they are in equal measures starving as they are desperate to escape and beg that they will do "anything" to be allowed to go home.

I have butchered 2 so far and I will keep getting away with it because no one misses a street walker.

>> No.18624001

I steal from supermarkets
you should too
die jew, die (the jew, the)

>> No.18624034

you could go visit food banks, or just fucking die.

>> No.18624036

Sleep, the poor man's dinner

>> No.18624039

looks like Leo got the future right

>> No.18624288

>You don't have Walmart?
nope and no costco either
the other two supermarket mega-congolmerates go out of their way to buy land to cockblock them from setting up, or drown them in legal paperwork and lawsuits so they never get approval to build

>> No.18624307

Bong here, not every store does this. It's only stores that happen to be in towns/cities with high number of [REDACTED] people

>> No.18625401

Isn't that how it always is?

>> No.18625486

>$6.80 per lb
>14.99€ per kg
That's honestly pretty expensive, speaking as a German, over here it would cost like 10€ per kg/~$4.54 per pound.

>> No.18625491


>> No.18625499

What's that

>> No.18625514

That's rude, he might have as much as ten years of life after getting that kidney before his body breaks down!

>> No.18625517

it's 0.68 you ass tard

>> No.18625532

Do people in the US really that much more happily buy branded foods, even though they cost easily twice or in bad cases thrice as much undiscounted as off brands?
> They aren't identical. They're the same food, yes. For instance, expensive pasta is bronze cut, which isn't something you would know just looking at the ingredients. However, you can disprove retarded claims that the off brand is literally the same as the name brand and even made in the same factory, by looking at the ingredients and seeing they clearly aren't the exact same product, they're just the same food.
At least here in Germany it often very much is the same product by the same factory using the same ingredients, differently wrapped.
Especially noticeable once one looks at the nutritional label and the values are completely identical.

>> No.18625630

>eggs are now $5.20 for 10
>the jews dont even sell them in dozens anymore because no-one notices 2 less in the box and fridges only have 10 egg holes now instead of 12

>> No.18625689
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>> No.18625694


>> No.18625827

I’m in this boat, fuck it. I pay like 35% taxes in shithole CA where even a 100k salary doesn’t get you far. All that tax money paid and the roads are still shit, homeless everywhere and the cops never show up. I’m against student loan forgiveness but fuck it I’ll take that 20k. I want to get mine goddamnit

>> No.18625848

>the EBT program should have their own stores where food is sold, and you can ONLY spend it at those stores

I always thought this is a great idea
>EBT only stores
>source groceries from overstock, subsidized crops, etc
>basically shitloads of cheese, corn and peanut butter with specials like pork and tomatoes thrown in as supplies allow
>minimal packaging, no branding
>emphasis on whole food ingredients
>no processed shit unless the off brand oreo company accidentally made way more product than they could sell

The government saves money because they’re not paying for brand products or healthcare costs as a result of shit diets. They could even make it an online store where you pick your groceries weekly. Since poor people are often concentrated in certain neighborhoods, they could even organize order drop offs at some centralized location.

This will never happen, because doritos and sprite are a human right.

>> No.18625957

try diet faygo
absolutely delicious

>> No.18626087

I live in London and I've never seen a supermarket do this. Must be a birmingham thing

>> No.18626096

>It's only stores that happen to be in towns/cities with high number of [REDACTED] people

You can say white people here. This is a progressive board.

>> No.18626118

You're retarded

>> No.18626120

I just make enough money so the inflation isn't a concern

>> No.18626125

Both dumb
>the poor spend their money stupidity so the solution is to have the state spend billions of dollars carpeting every urban and rural shithole with govt stores every three sq miles to ensure even distribution

>> No.18626134
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>> No.18626313

Sorry, misread the $/lb as 0.1lb
At least here in krautland, prices are normally stated either as €/100g for small amounts or €/1kg for larger amounts.
$1.49 per kilogramm on the other hand sounds nearly suspiciously low.

>> No.18626759

The government is already paying for the food, I don’t think they should pay for branding or luxuries like junk food. I’m actually ok with my tax money buying poor people bags of dry beans and gallons of milk. Fried chicken and little Debbie’s, not so much.

>every three square miles
There doesn’t need to be that many physical stores. I’m thinking like, one or two per state. You can make your order online and the box is shipped to a central location like a local park for pickup. Don’t tell me poors in the USA don’t have internet access because we both know that’s not true. I know this is a pipe dream because the government could never do something so efficiently, but fuck they could contract it out to a private company to do the logistics.

>but it’s a waste of tax money
This would be cheaper and more effective than the current heavily abused EBT by orders of magnitude
>but people don’t have time to cook whole foods. Think of the single mothers with 6 kids working 4 jobs just to get by :(
Tough shit, people figured it out for all the generations prior to 1900 and you can too. Being poor sucks, that’s why you should try really hard to not be poor anymore.

I actually suggested this to a commie friend and he got butthurt because its “not dignified.” Being poor isn’t fucking dignified, it sucks. See above and work your ass off to not be poor anymore. In the meantime, government beans and milk.

>> No.18626897

Looks incredible

>> No.18626955

Yes, the government should spend its money on actually helpful, good things that support the people. Would you rather they funnel the money into the military industrial complex? Pork projects? Politician's bank accounts? There's always this immeasurably stupid, hostile reaction to the proposition that governments should do things that are actually beneficial to its citizens.

>> No.18627204

Will you cook for me anon

>> No.18627321

it's not even the cost of a cup of coffee chill bro

>> No.18627356

I don't think you understand how America works.

>> No.18627376

I understand how America works, the establishment bribes leeches like you with the money of the middle class who actually pay taxes, in return for you voting the way the establishment want.

Kill yourself.

>> No.18627519

Anon, air doesn't weigh anything.

>> No.18627537
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It would be nice, wouldn't it? Be cooler if normal folks could shop there as well, but they'd figure out how to fuck it up somehow.

>I’m actually ok with my tax money buying poor people bags of dry beans and gallons of milk. Fried chicken and little Debbie’s, not so much.

Same. Sprite and foods like that are not a human right, and the flexibility of EBT is a major source of its exploitation, but since megacorps get that tax money, the laws will not be changed. Playing Cyberpunk 2077 these days feels like I'm looking into future.

>Being poor isn’t fucking dignified, it sucks. See above and work your ass off to not be poor anymore. In the meantime, government beans and milk.

Yeah, no shit, your commie friend is a fucking tardbasket. You're not supposed to stay poor. Part of the whole capitalist game IRL is to get rich.

It's more of a "fuck you, I've got mine" or "I had it hard, you should too" mentality. And the corps entrench us into this mentality. I honestly have no problem with social programs to help people who want to work hard stay useful to society by working. I don't want welfare queens and ghetto trash milking the system, which is what happens.

>> No.18627572

>suspiciously low
You just pay your carbon taxes and keep quiet.

>> No.18627606

>one or two per state
full retard
distribution, my nigger, do you speak it? not everyone uses the internet like you, zoom-zoom. you whine about poor people but you don't consider the disabled or the elderly or anyone else outside of your zoomerite bubble.

>Being poor isn’t fucking dignified, it sucks. See
here's your real stance. you want to smug soyjak face while you LARP as your boomer parents. here's the truth. your program is shit and will be many times more expensive than EBT as it stands. learn actual economics and then get back to me before you bitch about commies, you're acting like one right now.

>> No.18627611

not a shock that the actual communist would agree with pie-in-the-sky billion dollar communist-esque fantasies about government stores on every corner. i'm going to tell it like you usually tell it: read a book, nigger

>> No.18627705

I’m 30 years old, thanks. Food stamps helped my family for a while when I was a kid and my dad was sick. My mom bought real food with it though, not the trash you can get now. You are the one in the bubble brother, I can tell you’ve never gone to a corner store and had some tweaker outside offer you $100 in EBT for $50 cash. A very regular occurrence outside upper class suburbia.

>disabled or elderly
Fuck off, they get plenty more benefits and you’re the ableist one thinking they can’t figure out how to use a mobile app. We both know they get Obama phones for free too.

>many times more expensive than EBT as it stands
How so? They can only buy government groceries at for-cost prices. Right now they’re paying for Coca Cola and Doritos. 2k cal/person is a hell of a lot cheaper in beans and rice than snack cakes. Keep in mind the government (our taxes) also has to pay their health care costs. On that note, this also won’t ever happen because our government and medical industries are so tightly intertwined, and it’s much more profitable to keep people sick than to get them healthy.

>> No.18627815

The EBT'er would just trade their EBT for a lesser value in cash so that they can go buy doritos -- they already do trades like that anyways.

>> No.18627912

>the middle class
No such thing, just the working class that are still ahead on their debts.
Don't slow down, get that overtime, if you go below 40 hours it'll catch up to you, no tie to think ahead, work hard, work stupid, live expensively, die cheaply.

>> No.18627975
File: 17 KB, 266x204, barthlogo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Develop a good sense of what is just inflation and when a store is -trying to fuck you-.

For example Kroger in the bougie part of town was selling a rack of pork ribs for 18.00 USD. I drove down to the other, less fancy Kroger a little further down the road and that same rack of ribs was listed at 11.00 USD.

>> No.18628018
File: 13 KB, 316x236, barth (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched a store really put up uninformed consumer asses back in 2021 or whenever those stimulus checks came out.

People that didn't know any better all got into the car and drove out to load up on seafood. Standard bags of medium shrimp suddenly ballooned to 60 dollars USD. And those customers were scrambling over themselves to buy them too. In a few days the prices dropped back to 12 and 13 dollars. They knew those 'stimulus hundredares' were coming and prepped accordingly.

>> No.18628027

>f-fuck off
They vote, you massive retard. People like you will never understand politics or an economy. You think spamming McGovt Walmarts all over the place for billions of dollars to my fucking wallet is somehow the solution to lazy niggers who eat junk food.

You're an idiot, and you're the type of idiot just dangerous enough to get other idiots to agree with you because they don't think either. Fuck off with your commie shit posing as based shit and go to Reddit with it, zoom-zoom.

>> No.18628051

*balloon meats*

>> No.18628073

It would be way easier to implement a system which prevents EBT purchases of items which aren't on a pre-approved list. They already have it at grocery stores but it only prevents you from buying non food items and hot food.

But people would freak out

>> No.18628080

Damn how did they get the rack of ribs over there so fast

>> No.18628081

$29 for Flap meat huh?

>> No.18628087

I don't think you understand how taxation works or where tax money goes.

>> No.18628089 [DELETED] 
File: 624 KB, 1402x1583, 76AEB838-29D2-4292-AF23-C1A979C8DCB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’ve been post-scarcity the whole time.

Inflation is merely Israels last ditch attempt at suppression. Revolt. Food should be free and is in any real society.

>> No.18628093 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1509x1514, A1AEE48B-F13D-4ECA-8F63-F24DA87871D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian food prices are getting lower. Since Canadians are nazis/people that care.
While the USA sent billions yearly for Israels free healthcare.

Choose good chaos over bad fake peace.

>> No.18628110 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 854x844, 65E4A018-42BA-4CE9-9EFD-972A0288D3AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American citizens pay more taxes relatively than the rich and corporations.

While people in Detroit are crippled by the taxes they pay, the money gets sent to Israel. And then the people of Detroit wonder where they went wrong when they’re dying due to lack of free healthcare!

Hey you moral souls! Where did they go wrong? Voting for the wrong wing of the false-dichotomy controlled-opposition bird of Israel!?




>> No.18628116

>d-d-d-d-duhhhhhhhhhhh taxes are le stolen by le govt officials
So why do you think this little scheme of yours wouldn't be subject to the same graft and corruption, you absolute fucking midwit? You reek of midwestern housewife tries to talk politics. Pure idealism, nothing in terms of the raw machinery you'd need to make any of your ideals a reality. I pray I'm never in the line at the grocery store behind you.

>> No.18628165

I mean, in my perfect world if you can’t afford to eat the government doesn’t help you at all and your only option is your local church. But that’s bad optics. The next best option is shipments of government cheese. Call me a commie all you want, you’re either drunk or a troll.

>> No.18628184

You don’t seem to understand where we currently are, all the tax money pissed away so hood rats can buy fritos and junkies can sell their EBT - we can only improve on that. Don’t let them buy fritos anymore. It used to be that way but it was racist or something so now you can buy a fried chicken dinner at Safeway on the taxpayer’s dime. Hell, add a photo ID to the card so you can’t even sell your benefits for drug money.

>but I have rights!
The constitution doesn’t say you deserve free shit. The immigrants in the 1800’s were lucky to get a bread line for “benefits”. Work or starve, fuck you commie

>> No.18628221

They even get around that by finding a bodega owner who’s sketchy enough to ring up a sandwich as “misc bulk.” The entire system is fucked, I’m sure it helps some honest people down on their luck but I’d bet the majority are just grifters

>> No.18628227


Any day now right?

>> No.18628234
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>grocery outlet

>> No.18628240

well, personally I gamble about $1000/day on baccarat and slot machines but I don't worry about meme prices of groceries because I'm not poor so I just cook luxury fun meals every night and impress my gf like crazy. canada btw and boo hoo niggers life is good up here 4RW2HW

>> No.18628282

>you're not supposed to stay poor
If you want to bum yourself out, think about how many people are born and die on the dole. Never even occurred to them that they could support themselves. It wasn't supposed to be like that, it was supposed to be a boost when you hit hard times. A first world country shouldn't be letting its citizens starve after all.

Of course this was thought up in old times. Before hard drugs hit the general population, before average home prices were 10x the average salary, etc.

>> No.18628331

>spend billions of dollars on state operated stores all over the country so the millions of dollars that get wasted currently aren't wasted
It's about your feelings, faggot. It always has been. You don't understand shit about balancing a budget or actually running a state. You have ideals. Like a housewife. You're a woman, in other words, controlled by emotion and rantfaggotry. I'd tell you to kill yourself, but I think you being alive is better to plunge this country further into the abyss.

>> No.18628343

>i-it's bad optics
Oh, so now the electorate matters? You don't understand shit, you zoomer tart. You don't understand that putting the state in charge of hundreds of thousands of stores across the country with upkeep, logistics, employee pensions plans etc is far, far more expensive than just handing out $200/mo per poorfag. You think all that shit just comes out of nowhere, or you think you can localize these pie-in-the-sky communist stores to one per state because you're deluded and don't understand the taxpayer and voter's minds.

Where are you going to put these stores, one per state, huh? The biggest city? Ruralites screeching about discrimination. Dead center? Urbanites screeching about food deserts. All of these people vote. All of these people will vote to defund your stupid fucking program when the next election cycle rolls in.

You should've just LARPed as an authoritarian like the rest of this retarded site instead of trying. Don't bother putting your brain to thought again, just threaten to shoot people over the internet. That's the good solution for you, you fucking housewife.

>> No.18628445

You don't seem to understand that I'm not talking about physical stores. I'm talking about a warehouse, amazon style that puts together orders for local grocery deliveries on say a weekly basis. Government cheese. Some beans and rice. Milk, corn, bread, peanut butter, whatever's in surplus is on the website for order. It arrives at xx park at 7PM on Tuesdays, be there to pick up your order. Or send one of your kids to get it.

I don't think you understand shit about balancing a budget or running a state. I don't think you've ever looked at your paycheck and wondered where the fuck 35% of it is going when there's potholes all over the road and homeless junkies harassing you on the way to work. I don't think you've needed to grab groceries at the end of the month and end up behind 20 min worth of welfare queens with their carts full of absolute garbage. I think you're a basement NEET larping as a productive member of society.

>> No.18628454

wrong FUCKING post and if you are a troll you did get me.

>> No.18628484

>I shifted my le goalposts, are you mad???
No, you're just a LARPing faggot.
>le mass decentralized online government storefront
runs into the exact same issues if you want distribution to any sort of scale. Amazon has warehouses to dot the moon out. Are you planning to compete with that? Oooooh, let me guess. Nationalize Amazon next? le secret oligarchs! Throwing tons of taxpayer money at them is the real solution!!!

Shipping, freight costs, storage costs. Paychecks to everyone involved. Corruption. Theft of product. Cost of delivery drivers. Cost of delivery driver healthcare schemes. You don't understand any of this, do you? You just think the magical state fairy will make it all good to save us from the joggerinos and their cheeto buying ways and you're too stuck up like any other midwestern housewife to realize your schemes cost more money than throwing a card at someone no matter how many copes you sling or goalposts you shift to.

Your pathetic n-no you rant confirms your zoomer status by any chance. You're a femoid and a zoomer. Post your tits. It'll be the only good thing of value you've contributed to this society in your entire life.

>> No.18628497

A quick poke with a needle does the trick.

>> No.18628540

Are you the fabled /ck/ schitzo who posts about posers and hallucinogens? I grew up on my family's farm, I have a strong understanding of logistics and distribution, as well as government regulations and practices. I don't think you do. This would be cheaper than the current EBT program and would actually help the people it's supposed to. However, in the real world those savings would be lost to slush funds and corrupt pockets so we're arguing about fairyland aren't we?

>> No.18628573

>However, in the real world those savings would be lost to slush funds and corrupt pockets so we're arguing about fairyland aren't we?
So you admit it'd be more expensive. That's all I needed, I accept your concession.
>I grew up on my family's farm
I was right on the money with the midwestern housewife bit. Stick to bitching at cashiers, lady. Don't think about politics. Let your man handle that. You'll be better off.

>> No.18628585

You are him, the hallucinogen schitzo. Thank you for confirming.

Are you on EBT by chance?

>> No.18628612

>the roastie starts making up a strawman/boogeyman in her own head to try and divert attention from her loss

>> No.18630378

>cooking food instead of having a private chef


>> No.18630502

>tfw there have been no eggs in Aldi the last 3 times I've been
It's over

>> No.18630536

Just steal food. I travel for work a lot so I just walk in and grab some things and walk out. Sure security follows me sometimes but I walk to the store and walk to my hotel room so they can’t chase me down or harass me from my license plate. Imagine calling the cops because I stole a 24 pack of coors lite and some spicy sweet chili Doritos. Oh and those like 15 dollar party trays with slices pepperonis and salami and cheddar and pepper jack.
Sometimes if I have to go to the same store I’ll throw a few liquor bottles on the ground first so employees are distracted.

>> No.18630548

Today: Anon learns that inflation is always happening.

>> No.18630552

Fuckin based. Use as much as you can and waste as much as you can. It only affects poor people and I fucking hate them. Make those lazy faggots suffer.

>> No.18630577
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i am a skelly so not much as changed desu

>> No.18630581

How about poor people stop being poor? I’m okay with the death of millions of worthless people if they can’t provide for themselves. A stronger group of people will emerge.

>> No.18630599

Why are you so fucking mad about shitposting on the cooking board? Absolute psycho behavior. You need put down like the rabid dog you are.

>> No.18630612
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Do you think she can take him?

>> No.18631879

Nope, we’re not even that shitholey. Try Liverpool.

>> No.18631931

How about we get rid of EBT completely?
You don’t work, you don’t eat. Simple as.

>> No.18631960

EBT is intended for keeping people who work for low pay adequately fed and productive.

>> No.18631981

i eat whole food plant based so i've been mostly unaffected. i sometimes can't even fit $100 of my kind of groceries in a cart. Trader Joe's has tiny cuck carts.

>> No.18631984


I feel bad for him, can't fit in most cars, clothes and even fly properly. Being a giant has no benefits. Especially with long term bone and spine problems

>> No.18631995

>any day now the vaxfear that was astroturfed in my social circles for the express intent of preventing people who do not trust in the system from ever being able to successfully participate in the system will vindicate my abdication of society

>> No.18632006

If this is true, you're human vermin and a living testament to the soullessness of the profit-maximizing American animal.

>> No.18632018

Dumb kike. Why don’t you go back to sucking off black men in public toilets? It’s all you’re good at. Just stop the benefits outright, poorfags can starve. No annoying fags voting then lol!

>> No.18632026
File: 126 KB, 558x638, 4F383860-F0E9-4BC4-88EF-64346F03BE8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projecting Troon lol

>> No.18632055

My thanksgiving was RUINED because of Breadline Biden

>> No.18632072
File: 303 KB, 600x450, 74437105-2A3F-495B-B0D0-47FC8EC65738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo penny pinch and scrimp so glowniggers have more money for zog wars, single mothers, refugees, and queer sex faggot studies for children noooooo

>> No.18632311


>> No.18632356

the reason is because american chicken is fucking shit, it's full of water and hormones, it tastes like nothing or like grass. same as bacon. you get comparatively less meat after water is cooked out and it tastes terrible which is why the only good thing to do with big grocery store chicken is fry it or make soup or chop it up and marinate it heavily.

>> No.18632364

Cut meals down to one a day, fast once a week.

>> No.18632378

A small bag of potatoes is like $6 in Canada lol

>> No.18632412

>Move your """bananas""" to the bagging area
Only helps a little though, the good lord thought it wise to shackle me with Cystic Fibrosis, so a majority of my pay goes to doctor's who charge me $200+ to fondle my nuts and cough and $145 on insulin that my insurance fights tooth and fucking nail to cover as little of it as possible.

>> No.18632482

People here in Britain whine but our food still isn't particularly expensive. £1.50 for 2.5kg of potatoes seems pretty good to me, and I can get a 1kg bag of rice for 50p.

>> No.18632512

>Steal from store
>Store raises prices to cover the loss
>Store closes down
>No new store opens up

>> No.18632536

I wouldn't call it stealing, just haggling on the price of one or two items; they just have no counter-offer.

>> No.18632540


>> No.18632810

You are going to die of high blood pressure like the Mexicans that started to eat ramen all week because its cheap.

>> No.18632871

Very based.

>> No.18632946

Its lower class retards who only buy premade crap

>> No.18632970

>It wasn't supposed to be like that
"I'll have these niggers voting Democrat for the next hundred years." - Lyndon Johnson
It was always supposed to be like that. That was the entire point.

>> No.18632975

Do a price comparison on GoodRx for cheaper meds.

For example: https://www.goodrx.com/insulin-glargine

>> No.18632984

>the government saves money

>> No.18632988

In the states, you can spend all you want with the EBT card and be reimbursed for everything? There aren't any limits on spending? They don't have severe punishments for fraud (lending your card to others)?

>> No.18632997

That's a nice story

>> No.18633006

No, there are restrictions and a monthly budget/allowance, and yes, but only if they get caught.