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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18620948 No.18620948 [Reply] [Original]

Did any of these tips help you out this Thanksgiving?

>> No.18620989

what is thanksgiving punch???

>> No.18621005

So basically, take handouts, don't do your own research, get used to inferior goods, and drink sugar. I hate the antichrist.

>> No.18621041

I thought they said joe made the prices go lower.

>> No.18621052

I just alienated my friends and family instead, very cost effective

>> No.18621053

When the prices ho lower, you're supposed to praise Joe for being so generous. When they're higher, you're supposed to remember that the president doesn't set the prices. This is the latter.

>> No.18621066

yes my family started a gofundme to eat a turkey and now we are full

>> No.18621077

Booze and racism?

>> No.18621199

Its an old tradition

>> No.18621942

>When the prices ho lower, you're supposed to praise Joe for being so generous.
literally no one says this

>> No.18621945

christ was pretty big on handouts
>don't do your own research
where the fuck are you getting this from

>> No.18621947

pretty sure they do say this

>> No.18621963

why is there jew candles in the background of the spending less money advice
i thought it's obvious to make things from scratch to spend less money? what were the gentiles doing before?

>> No.18621968

It's where you punch someone's lights out while thanking them.

>> No.18621973

This is hypocrisy; but I just don't buy that the only alternative is going to change anything in a worthwhile way.
Insofar as Republicans will fix things for anyone, it'll be by tax cuts and deregulating banks and EPA and shit. It's not going to be controlling inflation or price gouging; it's going to be pitting poor and working people against each other. "yall can fight amongst yourselves whos gonna lose housing / healthcare / higher ed so that shit can be marginally cheaper for the rest of you."

>> No.18622021
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My grandma said she bought a turkey for like 20 bucks at Costco. Just shop at Costco :)

>> No.18622027

maybe some milquetoast liberal shits but trust me when I say that lefties do not like biden

>> No.18622642

The actual cost of that Turkey was $120 with the membership retard

>> No.18622650

People still watch CNN?

>> No.18622673

Do you buy a membership for every single item too?

>> No.18622686

Don't be an election denier, Joe got more votes than any other president.

>> No.18622742

all totally legitimate votes i'm sure
pay no mind to unsolicited ballots, unmonitored drop boxes, undated ballot counting or ballot harvesting

>> No.18622749

Legacy media is an interesting thing. Nobody is watching it yet they still sell advertising to keep it running, then those same drug ads give your doctor free pens and cruises to get them to subscribe their brand name drugs, then boomers blow their entire nest egg buying those drugs

>> No.18622752

I didn't have Thanksgiving. Thanks, Biden.

>> No.18622756

minus the loss they absorb from the chickens and my abuse of the samples

>> No.18622758

lol still not over orange fool losing.
Accept it, Jimbob. The KKK spokesperson lost

>> No.18622761

>Ask for help
nope, i'll do it myself

>> No.18622779

You can blame trumpflation for that

>> No.18622780

But seriously, I thanked God anyway. For being alive to see the wickedness and evil unleashed upon the earth. The contrast between now and the beforetimes makes me feel closer to God; to despise the anti-christ even more. When South on the compass is so obvious, North is very easy to see.

>> No.18622784
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bidenbros.... not like this...

>> No.18623206

Why are amerimutts so retarded, it's obvious the election was rigged, is your education that bad?

>> No.18624511

If that's real, whoever runs that account should be fired.

>> No.18624535


It was a diversity hire's work so they probably got promoted

>> No.18624545

but there were several news articles echoing the same thing! that means it was good and right, thank god we don’t have a liar and rapist in the white house anymore

>> No.18624572

Most CNN watchers already live off gov’meant gibs without their tips

>> No.18624587

I'm curious. Why do you post such weird obvious bullshit? What do you get out of it? Does somebody pay you?

>> No.18624590

1) "free" turkeys here meant spending $300+ at a single store. We shop for the best deals so no one store gets anywhere near that much of our money.
2) wtf is asking for help supposed to do with saving dollaridoos?
3) excepting peas, fresh vegetables are cheaper than frozen where I live and peas were not part of our menu
4) there are few, if any, coupons on fresh foods, just boxed, factory-made recombinant "food" which we use sparingly
5) we had wine we were gifted some years back as wedding guests and "homemade" "sparkling juice" (juice concentrate reconstituted with seltzer)
6) if that's all, then no; not one of those tips is remotely helpful.

>> No.18624591

This except reversed and asking what's in it for you such that you protect the honor of a known sniffer of children.

>> No.18624603 [DELETED] 
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Biden wasn't on the Epstein flight logs.
45 was ;]

>> No.18624781

>Did any of these tips help you out this Thanksgiving?
Are you retarded?

>> No.18624794

he didnt need to he had his daughter at home

>> No.18624810

>spend $50+ on 6 shopping trips once a week to redeem your free turkey
>money saving tip

>> No.18624818

>Did any of these tips help you out this Thanksgiving?
I'm not poor.

>> No.18624825

Go to CNN for the answers

>> No.18625181

At safeway it's $150 in one trip for a turkey up to 20lb. Got a 19lb one.

>> No.18625197

Nope. Everything except for the turkey came from my boyfriend's garden.

>> No.18625205

Or you can vote Republican and be able to afford food again next term

>> No.18625236 [DELETED] 
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Or you could blow up the fed and steal food from politicians.
We're all on a watchlist by now if we're not on the payroll, nobody cares. They're even selling shirts now. Nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.18625262

Y'know. I wish we could stop all this granfaloon team bullshit politics has become. Red vs blue. Dem vs GOP. The only team we should want to be on is Team AMERICA and work to make it better at home and improve our standing abroad, regardless of which party controls which branches and chambers of dagubmint.

Russian trollfarm employees don't count as Euro, Yevgeny.

>> No.18625375

>The only team we should want to be on is Team AMERICA
That ship has sailed. The US is 40% nonwhite and any pro-American stance is seen as equivalent to Nazi Germany

>> No.18625421

>white vs non-white
You're just as bad as the others. : (

>> No.18625458

Like it or not, that's what American means. We're an English colony that gained independence. I'm as open minded as anyone, but in my experience, and I don't know how anyone else's experience can be different, it does not work with multiple races in the picture. As even the founders of the country stated, the best asset to the nation is homogeneity. Anything else is chaos.

>> No.18625476

>4) there are few, if any, coupons on fresh foods, just boxed, factory-made recombinant "food" which we use sparingly
The SDA market I do 80% of my shopping at has 10% off all fresh produce every Tuesday

>> No.18625485

Yes, please ignore how quality of life (buying power, mental health, physical health, economic security, labor collectivization) has decreased directly in line with the increase of minorities. Absolutely a coincidence

>> No.18625497

That's not as a coupon, digital or otherwise, is it? One of my locals routinely discounts produce a whole bunch, but you have to buy a lot of it. For example, I bought nearly 6lbs of eggplant for $1 before as well as close the 8lbs of zukes for the same price.

>> No.18625503

Who's Joe?

>> No.18626156

Oof. Guess ya shouldn't have kidnapped all dem pesky nonwhites, huh? Coupled with the incentivising of popping out chirruns and discouraging or outright banning birth control/contraceptives and abortion (not to mention ad campaigns against abortions /specifically targeted to nonwhites/) your lot made their bed and now refuse to lie in it. As said: oof, indeed. : )

>> No.18626176

You can go outside and kill a turkey.

>but you can't kill an animal out of seas...

Yes, you can. CNN doesn't want you to know this.

>> No.18626215

Why do europeasants think they are people?

>> No.18627559

>Guess ya shouldn't have kidnapped all dem pesky nonwhites, huh?
Stop being antisemitic.

>> No.18627603

2022 NPR tips to save at Thanksgiving

Dinner Rolls and butter
>substitute with homemade bread and baby food
Cranberry Sauce
>substitute with 'special sauce' made with mayonnaise, scallions, garlic, pickles and honey
Mashed Potatoes and turkey gravy
>substitute with mashed lima beans and mushroom gravy
>substitute with bacon strips
Pumpkin Pie
>substitute with sweet potato pie



>> No.18627681

thanksigiving is a meme hioliday
i just ate pasta
turkey isnt even good and i can make meat and potatoes any time

>> No.18627833

>buying ''fresh'' vegetables
Why? frozen shit is genuinely more fresh because it's picked then snap frozen, as opposed to sitting around for a week

>> No.18627850

Or just stop buying shit on layaway like trailer trash.

>> No.18627888

electionfags have a small handful of jokes that they repeat endlessly like mantras

>> No.18627896

Frozen veggies definitely helped us. Several bags of frozen mixed veggies thawed overnight, patted dry, and tossed in seasoning/EVOO and then roasted worked great. Also frozen green beans for the mashed potatoes.

>> No.18627929

But no!, vitamins man freezing makes them teleport into space and inactivates almonds, the clairvoyant that sells me my magnetic power water says so and he has a diploma on the wall with two shiny stamps and everything, clearly he knows better.

>> No.18627985

Bacon is like 5x more expensive per pound than turkey

>> No.18628045

1) with a few exceptions, frozen vegetables cost more (often WAAAAaaaaay fucking more) for me than fresh ones
2) they're soggy
3) we go through vegetables like a teen goes through tissues and lotion so there're no problems with them going off before we use them and
4) for some reason, previously frozen crucifers and squashes taste disgustingly sweet to me and my ho, so we're limited to frozen peas, corn, lima (or preferably fava) beans, green beans, spinach and artichokes, all of which we do buy and keep stocked when we're in need of a quick meal

The artichokes especially, man. I can get artichokes cheap af at the market ($2/lb) and can sometimes haggle an even lower price than the already low one they're trying to get me to pay or get a few extra tossed in there.
But frozen ones? Those bitches are $5 for 12oz. Hate that shit, but we love neapolitan pasta with artichokes so we keep a box of the frozen motherfuckers in case we can't think of what to make for dinner and feel like something vegetarian.
Frozen spinach we use only for South Asian curries like murgh palak or shit like that.

>> No.18628060

>Oof. Guess ya shouldn't have kidnapped all dem pesky nonwhites, huh?
In your snarkiness, you're unwittingly making the argument that it was a bad idea to free the slaves.

>> No.18628066

cnn have some socialist agenda?

>> No.18628070

>Make Thanksgiving cocktail
I did this with the bone broth and the cheapest vodka I could find (I filtered it through one of those Brita things to clean up the shitty taste).
Turkey bone broth is ok, but the fish bone broth with some lemon juice, or been bone broth with ground pepper are better.

>> No.18628079

>The SDA market I do 80% of my shopping at has 10% off all fresh produce every Tuesday
Yeah, because it's no longer 'fresh' since it was delivered last Wednesday, and they need to make room for the deliver the next day.

>> No.18628083

These people need to be culled.

>> No.18628126

That's fair if you go through them enough, I live alone so for example, buying a head of lettuce is a waste for me because I'll use maybe 1/4 of it before it starts to go bad. I've found Brussels sprouts cheaper when frozen, it's $2.50 for 1lb whereas ''''fresh'''' they're about $5

>> No.18628133

>SDA market

>> No.18628137

>America is not a failed state
>Capitalism works
>Be grateful for our benevolence
>Eat your slop

>> No.18628140

i don't think you're expected to eat it as a one for one substitute

>> No.18628143

Sounds more like it was a bad idea to have them in the first place, sweetness.

>> No.18628162

>Brussels sprouts cheaper when frozen, it's $2.50 for 1lb whereas ''''fresh'''' they're about $5
Holy shit. $5/lb? They're like $1.49-$2/lb for me!
Even if frozen was cheaper, tho, we won't buy them because they taste off to us frozen and the mushiness makes them less useful.

Next time you get them fresh (or what the hell, use frozen if you prefer), make a Japanese-style curry and toss some in. I make the curry roux from scratch and use it to thicken stock into which I add baby-cut carrots, brussells sprouts, shallots or pearl onions and yellow-flesh potato, besides the meat. Works with any meat, of course, but we like it best with pork. Use a shoulder and make it like a curried potroast. Serve slices of that shit with some of the curry gravy and a side of those vegetables and it's just fuckin' tits, fren.

>> No.18628175
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Don't laugh but this guy's family doesn't gather around the punch bowl at Thanksgiving

>> No.18628202

Having slaves didn't make blacks into US citizens, the aftermath of freeing them did, which would be the "oof" you're after.

>> No.18628210

no but this one does *unzips cock*

>> No.18628222
File: 274 KB, 1200x900, thanksgiving punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've seriously never had it?

>> No.18628249

Ah, but America wouldn't have had any slaves to free if they didn't kidnap them in the first place IE the point that the post made. No matter how you try to twist it, that's the reality of the "oof," pookiedoodles.

>> No.18628256


>> No.18628261

I'm actually Australian, I used used pounds instead of kilos as a reference because I assume everyone I talk to here is American.

1.49 is still incredibly cheap, even after a currency conversion. Do you live near an area where they have farmers markets or something? I live a few minutes from one of our biggest cities so it's a hassle for me to get fresh produce.

>> No.18628265
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Paul Harrell gives out better advice.

>> No.18628293

Because the thing you're oofing about is there being black and other non-white Americans, and this is directly related to freeing them and making them citizens of the country, rather than keeping them as slaves indefinitely and continuing the ban on non-white immigration and citizenship.
I'm trying to get a grasp of your position though. Is your underlying belief that the blacks should've never left Africa?

>> No.18628324 [DELETED] 

>is your position that the slave trade shouldn't have happened
What the fuck do you think his position is, you stupid nigger?
t. third party
2/10 debate skills, you belong in a gas chamber

>> No.18628326


>> No.18628330

did you get lost on your way from /pol/ again

>> No.18628334

You are not very smart.

>> No.18628348

>What the fuck do you think his position is
I don't know, I'm asking. He's mixing together all sorts of contradictory positions.

>> No.18628354

not in that order

>> No.18628388

I hear you guys have had it tough with inflation recently (the broccoli fiasco some month back, for example), but where I live in the US, inflation isn't nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Our food bills have barely risen at all and our diet hasn't remotely changed. The only thing that has me climbing up the walls about pricing is ketchup. My kid loves the stuff, but only one specific brand (Mama Selita's jalapeno ketchup) and that shit doubled in price since last year.

>live near a farmer's market?
Yes and no. There's a year-round outdoor bazaar every Saturday in my neighbourhood spanning several city blocks (IE nearly a half mile of stalls) selling all sorts of produce but the prices aren't usually that great there these days unless you know how to haggle.
The prices I quoted were plain ol' supermarket prices and, actually, they occasionally go even cheaper than that. Not too long ago, they were 99c/lb fresh, but I didn't nab any at the time. The "normal" price is $2.49 or so here, but I seldom-to-never buy food that's not on special.

But he's not. See >>18628334

>> No.18628413

>But he's not
I think he is. Setting aside that the US isn't 40% non-white because of an exploding black population, his initial post implies the presence of blacks as US citizens is a sort of inevitable punishment brought upon themselves by slave merchants who fucked up in some way, rather than the slaves being freed by non slave owning states as the consequence of a war.

>> No.18628421

I went to Food City and they had a special for a Butterball turkey for 99c if you bought $25 worth of store brand items. So I just got things I was going to get anyway that week.

>> No.18628438

under Trump i had $1.85/gallon gas prices. and a gallon of milk didnt cost $7 fucking dollars. get fucked commie

>> No.18628448

Biden couldnt find the airport. Talk about the Clintons

>> No.18628460
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>Make Thanksgiving cocktail/punch
So because of inflation CNN is urging me to get liquored up.

>> No.18628464

sounds like a you problem broke boy

>> No.18628471

You'd be surprised, a lot of Americans are paying a lot for less now, our dollar is close nowadays and I was confused when an American told me they were paying our price for shit. I still remember my ex showing me a 1kg bag of protein powder and it was only like 20 dollars in walmart. Shit's fucked here, if I want 1kg of whey it costs like $65. She was like ''should I buy this'', I said no because it was around the time of the sawdust scandal. I forget the brand but it was like ''american protein'' or something like that

>> No.18628500

>import millions of africans to the country
>make them into your own personal voting bloc so you can debalance the republic
>get shocked the rest of the republic destroys your asshole as a result
>they get freed
>blame everyone but yourselves
The Southron way

>> No.18628532

>make the now-free blacks into your own 67%-stronger personal voting bloc by helping them become totally dependent on the state for their continued existence
>import tens of millions more third-worlders as another new personal voting bloc because the blacks weren't enough
>call everybody racist when they point it out
the leftie way

>> No.18628534

They didn't exactly import them to be voters, did they?

>> No.18628542

>broke ass yt boy even capitalized his name

>> No.18628548

phone automatically does it for some reason

>> No.18628551

Shouldn't have imported them in the first place. Anything else is Southron/slaveocracy cope.
Not a leftist.

>> No.18628558 [DELETED] 
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>trump dickriders are phoneposting faggots
didnt expect that

>> No.18628564

>So because of inflation CNN is urging me to get liquored up.
No, that's the answer to all woes. And big pharma. Take your medicine, eat the bugs, and live in your pod.

>> No.18628609

wtf dude I just ate

>> No.18628624

>Shouldn't have imported them in the first place
But again, importing them as slaves isn't what made them or anyone else citizens. If your argument only goes that far in the blame game, it's pretty weak. You might as well go back further and blame the man who invented boats. It's got little to do with the event in question.

>> No.18628625

You really are not very smart at all.

>> No.18628641

Importing them as slaves made it politically advantageous for the people who control them to give them voting rights under their auspices. Every slave society deals with this issue. It's a core feature of the idea. You're basically saying the Southern gentry did nuttin wrong when they were the ones who gave them voting rights under the three-fifths compromise. It was voting rights under the gentry's control, but still voting rights nonetheless. They did it because they drew advantage from it.

You basically expect people to not act like people.

>> No.18628644
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>pitting poor working people against each other

Yeah that’s republicans and not the political faction encouraging arsonists to burn down cities and screeching that we all need to kneel for them.

Get fucked. Republican economic policy is shit, but Democrats are stirring the pot of racial tension to appease the fragile black ego and white cucks can’t get enough of it.

t. not white or black

>> No.18628645

Wish I could send some whey your way so you could weigh more (cuz mussulz) as that shit is indeed, like, $20 here. Trufax.

>> No.18628652

God damn, is the average fucking voter really dumb enough to warrant talking to like this, or is the DNC this out of touch?

>> No.18628668

Fuck off retard. You lot said america is just a line on a map and borders don’t matter. It’s too late to appeal to patriotism.

>> No.18628679

You are not very smart.

>> No.18628698

>being a patriot
>being loyal to people who share no common beliefs just because you were born in the same geographic region

You’re literally dumb as shit.

>> No.18628700

>they had voting rights
>I mean they weren't able to vote, but uhhh it's a Republic, so you know what I mean
Now it's just getting bizarre and far away from the earlier point. Southern representatives weren't voted in by slaves. You're thinking of the 3/5 compromise, which increased the number of representatives in the Southern states at the cost of increased federal taxes, as this was meant to reflect their capacity to produce wealth. Slaves weren't a political class.

>> No.18628710

>which increased the number of representatives in the Southern states
This is effectively giving them voting rights under the slaveocrat auspices. More representation despite not being """"technically"""" part of the population.
>Slaves weren't a political class.
Yet you made them into one, Southron, and you were punished for it. Cope and seethe about it all the way to the American, not confederate, flag.

>> No.18628716
File: 111 KB, 878x768, B110BDA3-76C1-4069-A1B5-EA7D68C3FAF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an Asian American, I hate how I have to be punished to coddle a group of people who literally can not function in modern society without Herculean efforts just because a bunch of yokels didn’t want to pick their own cotton.

Fuck blacks and fuck shitlibs who want to punish me for some shit neither me nor my ancestors did.

>> No.18628715

>geographic region
Midwit understanding of what a nation is

>> No.18628720
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I don't need to weigh more my friend, I'm workingmy way back.

>> No.18628730

>This is effectively giving them voting rights under the slaveocrat auspices. More representation despite not being """"technically"""" part of the population.
You almost make slavery sound nice. They had political representation and everything, they were really being looked out for. Hell, they must have voted themselves into bondage, huh?

>> No.18628735

did you reply to the wrong thead, itoddler?

>> No.18628738

Did I say that’s what a nation was?

Second: being a patriot is a dimwit position.

>i support da gumbmint bcuz i wuz born here XD

>> No.18628740

You just conceded, so I'll accept your concession, slaveocrat. You'll stick your heads in the sand and tell yourself you """deserved""" those extra representatives when in reality all you did was push us into the bloodiest war in our history. Blame the noff, blame the niggers, blame everyone but yourselves, but know that I know that you know in your heart you accept your blame as truth.

>> No.18628746

You really are not very smart at all.

>> No.18628748

Nope, just responding to a conversation that was occurring with the implication that we should all be guilty and prop up blacks because some yokels wanted cotton three centuries ago.

>> No.18628751

nta but this is fucking cringe

>> No.18628755

Bitter Southron tears.

>> No.18628763

>As an Asian American
You're whiter than northern Maine in January, blanquito. But sure. Larp as an "Asian" American, Travis-kun. Maybe one day, someone might be polite enough to play along. Not today, tho.

>> No.18628771

Nope I’m the Asian dude and I live in Hawaii, you just type like an anime protagonist.

tldr: touch pussy

>> No.18628774

Even worse, supporting a state that's being overrun by outsiders just because your ever-shrinking nation happens to live in it.

>> No.18628778

If it wasn't obvious, I was making fun of what you said, hoping you would clarify it in a less ridiculous way, but I guess I'll have to be blunt.
No, the Southern representatives were not representing a slave voter base. They used their slave population to appeal to more political representation for themselves, reasoning that the capacity for wealth production should afford them more seats, though they paid more in taxes as a trade-off.
Why this still makes you so upset a century and a half later, I do not understand.
At least you've stopped trying to say the South using slave labor is why America is 40% non-white now, rather than the guys who made them and everyone else citizens. If you just want to ramble about old Southern politics, let this thread be your stage.

>> No.18628790

>I'm ASIAN!!!
Sure. Whatever you say.
Guess today is that day after all, Travis. (^:

>> No.18628792 [DELETED] 

>no they weren't
>they just used the extra population as an argument to buff out their numbers to give them disproportionate representation if we were being honest and only counted the actual citizens
>At least you've stopped trying to say the South using slave labor is why America is 40% non-white now,
It is. What were you expecting? That you'd be little Hitlers and gas them all two hundred years down the line? Fuck off.

>> No.18628807
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x3024, 6186C97C-F076-4E7A-80D2-A4CCCD18762D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO this bitch is having a mental breakdown because a minority disagreed with him

a) Biden caused inflation
b) life was better under trump
c) Asians are oppressed because of liberal policies
d) blacks are coddled children in US society

Fact fact fact and FACT

t. Brown asian

>> No.18628811


Damn I got this bitch seething. All it takes is one “uppity” minority, huh?

>> No.18628813

>all that arm hair
Spic detected

>> No.18628822 [DELETED] 

>What were you expecting? That you'd be little Hitlers and gas them all two hundred years down the line?
Thomas Jefferson for example had a plan to break up plantations, diffuse the slaves, and slowly replace them with white laborers so that their populations gradually shrank to obscurity or to a point where the remaining slaves could be repatriated to a new colony of their own, as was done to some effect in Liberia.

>> No.18628823

It's Putin's fault. All of it.

>> No.18628830

Not seeing any eyefolds, Travis. (^:
And that looks awfully dark for Hawaii.

>> No.18628831

They believe it so yeah

>> No.18628833

Looks like fleecing to me. Schools literally stealing from the poorest by lying to them about how they can be a doctor and shit.

>> No.18628848 [DELETED] 

>Thomas Jefferson for example had a plan to break up plantations, diffuse the slaves, and slowly replace them with white laborers
So, pie in the sky fantasies equally in line with gassing them. At the dawn of the 1860s black slaves were more populous than they ever had been. You weren't deporting shit on your own, Southron. You just want a convenient excuse to seethe at the noff.

>> No.18628854

I'm not American and turkey is the most boring dry meat imaginable. Even if someone offered me one for free I wouldn't take it.

>> No.18628857

You only get one pic for free fag, venmo me if you want requests

>> No.18628878

>I'm totally asian, gaiz!
>but I'm not showing you because... well, I'm just not, OKAY?!

>> No.18628886 [DELETED] 

>any plan at all is "pie in the sky fantasy"
>north solution was to free them all at once with no plan whatsoever to deal with it
>now you seethe at the south over it

>> No.18628893 [DELETED] 

>a political leader's never-followed plan was totally how we were gonna do it guys
>I mean, we never even took the first step to doing it and we intentionally bred out our slaves so we'd get more representatives but...
>it's totally how we were gonna do it
Why not just spam soijaks by this point? You've clearly lost and are butthurt about it.

>> No.18628928 [DELETED] 

The thing is, the South didn't even need to take any steps towards it or any other plan, because they weren't going to free the slaves in the first place. The North did that.

>> No.18628939 [DELETED] 

>aha! If we kept the millions of niggers for the next hundred and fifty years, it'd be okay!
>j-just don't put them in the racial statistics
>a-and ignore the fact we wanted to invade Cuba, Mexico, South America which were full of spics anyway...
>w-we would've taken care of them
>b-b-by hiding from the census taker

Even in your wildest fantasies, America still ends up 40% non-white. L o v i n g e v e r y l a u g h

>> No.18628984

I don't think America was ever going to take over half of the world, but even in that "pie-in-the-sky" scenario, the US would be 100% white but with a bunch of subjugated people held under it, just as England was still 100% English even as they made up 4% of the total people in the British empire at its peak. Maybe you think the British Empire was also a bunch of Indian guys oppressing themselves with their own voting rights that someone else handled for them.

>> No.18628994

>i-if i stick my head in the sand and pretend it was all white despite having millions of niggers and spices making up 40% of the population, i-it'd be okay
Holy cope, Batman. And yes, the British Empire was 4% white. Imperialism is a brainrot and clearly you've been infected by it, deluding yourself into thinking millions of brown people in your borders are okay as long as they're under the white thumb. Look how that ended up for the Spanish Empire, lmfao.

>> No.18629051

If all the citizens of the country are white, then yeah, that's 100% white. The way the US expanded, they'd clear the indians out of a territory as they settled it. Saying the British Empire was 4% white was supposed to be a joke at your expense. The "borders" of the empire don't matter when England is still England and the rest of the territories have nothing to do with you other than some soldiers from your country being the ones extracting jewels from people thousands of miles away.

>> No.18630322

>people somehow get quality birds and hams for free
hate that no one’s answered how theyre doing it in this thread yet for next year

>> No.18630343

they get more than that for free lol

>> No.18630350

Like potatoes right and maybe dessert. yeah fuck buying it

>> No.18630622
File: 1.18 MB, 4032x3024, Turkeymoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be surprised at the donation handouts companies do that don't require proof of income, you just gotta find out when and where and line up in your car for 2-4hrs while they set up(just play on your phone). Last year we got pretty much ingredients for a whole Thanksgiving meal and then some extra cases of rice, canned tuna, canned chicken, and canned tomato sauce that has 2+years left on the BB date.

Or you could've just spent $25 on other groceries/stock up on other canned or frozen meats/Thanksgiving sides and bought a 20lb for $10 at Safeway.
I buy veggies from Trader Joe's, farmers markets are a scam here unless you're willing to wait and haggle near the end of their day.

>> No.18630638

Joe Biden is the worst president America has ever had

>> No.18630643

Joe can't ever speak in complete sentences

>> No.18630703
File: 117 KB, 828x837, 1CC37F19-A852-43FA-9317-B947713BCCB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he does not have executive and the visa which pay for themselves

>> No.18630722

you magatards are so boring

>> No.18630958

which president sent out the free money during the pandemic that cause the inflation?

>> No.18631009

They really want you to have no happiness in life.

>> No.18631175

Do you know how to find the food drives that are actually good? I assume you go to churches? Not sure how you guys even got turkeys for less than $60

>> No.18631214

He can't be the worst President, because he's not the President.

>> No.18631219

its just me and my dad so I just bought a turkey breast and he smoked it along with a beef roast. cheap not a ton but enough so we still have left overs for days

>> No.18631256

>free turkey offers
where the fuck does this happen?

>> No.18631433

>go to store
>spend $50 on shit I was gonna buy anyway
>turkey is now 50c/lb
>buy 18lb sumbitch for $9
That's how.

>> No.18631468

>Just shop at Costco :)
they dont exist here
the 2 large supermarket megacorporations (who have both agreed to not undercut each other's prices) go out of their way to buy land or drown their competitors in legal paperwork any time Costco or Walmart try to move in.

>> No.18631474

The Dems love you; thanks for the vote sucker!

>> No.18631527

People like you say this kinda shit but then a week later you want to ban guns, raise taxes and throw people in prison for misgendering.

>> No.18631570

I'm pro-gun, con taxes and don't think people have any right to dictate what words I use to refer to them when I'm not talking to them. You don't use pronouns when you're talking to someone, so unless I work in the media or something similar that person's preference for he/his/she/her/madeupbullshit doesn't matter that much to me.
So you're wrong on all counts. Good job on that hattrick.

>> No.18631626
File: 407 KB, 918x1632, 1655855880748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone afford grocery shopping anymore? A week's worth of groceries cost me over $300. What's with this bullshit?

>> No.18631652


>> No.18631676

That seems like a small amount of food for the average adult man

>> No.18631809

If your only guiding principle in which party/who you vote for is based on the price of gas or food, you are selling your children's future down the river for temporary comfort. All that matters is court appointments. Vote for whoever will put judges that agree with you on a bench.

>> No.18631909

I just vote for whoever is more likely to make anime real.

>> No.18631924

My guiding principle is to vote for whoever is least likely to allow corporate interests to exploit and consume historically important resources and most likely to advance our gradual progression towards an unrecoverable crash state

>> No.18631934
File: 550 KB, 320x190, 1523807450884.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>executive membership gives 2% on all purchases
>anon "earned" $616 by spending $30,800 at costco
>attempts to mock others

>> No.18631959

I that "all purchases" includes purchase made at other places, too, but idk for sure. My Amazon card gives X% back (varies depending on where it's used, from 1-4%) on all purchases, for example.

>> No.18631964

>I that "all purchases"
Err... I THINK that "all purchases," rather.
You get it.

>> No.18631987

Sucks to be everyone else. My grocery store had frozen turkeys for 37¢/lb. I'm gonna be eating turkey for six months.

>> No.18631996

This could be broadcast on telescreen in 1984.

>> No.18632016

I was considering getting a second or third turkey but all our freezers are full (we have four) and while turkey can taste nice enough, none of us like it enough to eat it more than once or twice per year.
Give me a good price on lamb, though, and you've got my attention.

>> No.18632019
File: 130 KB, 611x487, C6207044-9776-4987-A8F2-352A2E1C8C0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captcha 48 Whop

>> No.18633222


>> No.18633581
File: 2.22 MB, 198x195, 1521000676706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ackshually i only spent between $12,500-$50,000 on my credit card this year!!one!
you sure showed him