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File: 111 KB, 1200x630, kewpie-social.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18606922 No.18606922 [Reply] [Original]

For me? It's superior Japanese mayonnaise

>> No.18606931

like it because it has more oil and uses the whole egg

>> No.18606946

it's overly sour, and has an odd after taste.
Dukes FTW,

>> No.18607012
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I have tried like 30 mustards and this still reigns supreme

>> No.18607015
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for me, it's sneed oil free mayo

>> No.18607030

>pedophile condiment

>> No.18607158
File: 179 KB, 1000x1000, P1-5000157076397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but Heinz Seriously Good Mayonnaise absolutely mogs the shit out of that disgusting Japanese slop.

>> No.18607182

wish I could find something like this in the netherlands
every single supermarket sells 50 different brands and flavors of the exact same rapeseed oil sludge

>> No.18607735

>Mayo: :|
>Japanese mayo: :DDD

>> No.18607759
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for me - it's him

>> No.18607812
File: 281 KB, 997x1329, PXL_20220916_234631889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked for this shit because you assholes are constantly recommending it. Found it, and its nine bucks, that's a couple months ago and its gone up in price yet again.
I thought Japan was an efficient, first world country with a solid supply chain, manufacturing expertise, and just general business savvy and technological skills. A country like that would be able to compete fairly on a global market, but that's the opposite of what I am seeing here.
Japan has failed, getting utterly destroyed in value by seemingly lesser countries. Really, what happened to Japan? They had so many advantages, and this is how they posture? I had a favorable opinion of them in the past, but now I'm struggling to justify it. Ten dollars for mayo? Requesting a direct reply from the Emperor himself, because these circumstances seem extraordinary. The only conclusion here is the country is on the brink of collapse.

>> No.18607824

Based. Heinz mayo is actually great.

>> No.18607833

Where I live kewpie is the only mayo available and it's just nigger tier. It works but it's nothing special. Take off your hentai glasses retards

>> No.18607905

I just taste tested regular Mayo with kewpie and kewpie is far superior. It tastes homemade. Much more flavorful. I didn’t buy it, someone else in my house did.

>> No.18608009

You can always make it yourself

>> No.18608017

I tried but didn't manage to beat the oil hard enough and it wouldn't turn into mayo

>> No.18608023

skill issue.
try using a blender or a food processor.

>> No.18608026

yeah i dont have any of those, i just used a metal whisk. desu im so god damn poor rn I dont wanna buy more kitchen gear

>> No.18608033

That's fine.
it's still possible to whip mayo, just whip harder and pour the oil slower.

>> No.18608035

ill just wait until I can get a blender, i havent been missing mayo that much since I decided to swear off seed oils

>> No.18608036

Watashi wa can't stand all these baka gaijin drooling all over the smallest nippon shitto. I swear to kami sama you weebs are gonna make me sudoku myself

>> No.18608043

Yeah, it's bad. I think people who like kewpie are just posers. Hellmann's is better.

>> No.18609234
File: 98 KB, 500x375, Mayonnaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Kewpie gets knocked down, there are plenty of alternatives.
Kewpie is not necessarily the most popular in Japan.

>> No.18609266

>no artificial colours, flavours or thickeners
kek, lets see the ingredients list ;-)

>> No.18609290

Ajinomoto mayonnaise is also good if Kewpie ain't available

>> No.18609354
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Fyi its exactly the same as pic related

>> No.18609380
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I would like to try this kewpie and taste comparison.

>> No.18609387

I eat this on bread like it's butter sometimes, it's so good

>> No.18609391

Japannaise, if you will

>> No.18609399
File: 124 KB, 800x1265, Aji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to try this new Ajinomoto bottle next time I buy.

>> No.18609527

Why is Japanese mayo the closest to a traditional mayo recipe in supermarkets? American made is naturally filled with water and corn, but European mayo isn't necessarily ideal either

>> No.18609542

Kewpie is the only mayonnaise I've seen at the supermarket that doesn't contain sugar. Why the FUCK does mayonnaise need sugar? It's disgusting

>> No.18609570

Try Duke's mayonnaise; it also does not have sugar. It is my favorite mass market mayo.

>> No.18609600

for me its best foods.

>> No.18609633

>Soybean oil, water, free range whole eggs, vinegar, free range egg yolks, sugar, salt, garlic powder, calcium disodium (preservative)
There ya go pal. No artificial coloring, flavoring, or thickeners just as promised.

>> No.18609662

Too bad this shit tastes like salt paste. I can't comprehend why you cavemen like it, it's absolutely inedible. Like adding a four finger pinch of salt to a sandwich wtf.

>> No.18609666

majoneze nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts

>> No.18609668
File: 85 KB, 400x400, 181037-27463-jumbo-mayonaise.7-400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Store brand

>> No.18609670

I used to buy Heinz but now I buy Duke's b/c Heinz hasn't been available locally.

>> No.18609699


>> No.18609705
File: 184 KB, 808x984, mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not making your own
>not making it with lots of yolk and thick enough to stand a spoon in
Granted, I'm a lazy SOB when it comes to mayonnaise too, but there are so many better ways to make it yourself than grocery store brands will or even can do.

>> No.18609726

Always one faggot with
>uh actually I make my own

>> No.18609730

>not being that guy
My mayo makes all the shitposters jealous.

>> No.18609733

they're not can designs

>> No.18609798

>I thought Japan was an efficient, first world country with a solid supply chain, manufacturing expertise, and just general business savvy and technological skills.
you don't know Japan.

Japan is eastern europe tier outside of a handful of major cities and their respective metropolitan areas

t. lives in Japan

>> No.18609809
File: 392 KB, 1000x1000, every freaking day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superior mayonnaise

>> No.18609810


>> No.18609831

homemade just is better. this is beautiful, do you add other things like vinegar, mustard or just yolks and oil ? I like the idea of putting more yolks also

>> No.18609842

>100% free range egg
Just one?

>> No.18609849

Yeah, I switch it up depending on what I want to use it for. This time I used dry mustard, champagne vinegar, lemon juice, ground cayenne and celery seed, and grape seed oil. I was tempted to add some saffron, but since I'm not using enough of it for what I'd like to have saffron in, I'll macerate some saffron and add it to that dish later.

>> No.18609851

oh, and a bit of water while adjusting consistency

>> No.18609860

Fuck that creepy marketing shit, if too lazy to make it yourself just get some chick-fil-a sauce and mix it with colman's mustard

>> No.18609866
File: 39 KB, 708x708, van-wijngaarden-zaanse-mayonaise-tube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a decent price? It's this one. If you know you know. Dutchies and belgium fags approved

>> No.18609865

Why is there packaging over the package? Just print the graphics on the container...Why are Japs like this?

>> No.18609873

You didn’t mix egg whites too, did you anon?

>> No.18610031

why choose? for sandwiches I use Dukes. Potato salad? I put kewpie and some purple yam. god tier.
Egg Salad? Dukes
Tuna salad? Kewpie.
>t. uses Duke's for some things and Kewpie for other things

>> No.18610048

They also sell large 500g ones just as big as Kewpie. The one I bought before practically had more or less the same bottle although I never really compared them.

>> No.18610061

Because they respect their customers

>> No.18610068

it's not as light and stiff as regular mayo, but it's ok and grows on you

>> No.18610167
File: 110 KB, 220x280, 1646542281687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contains soybean oil, the worst of all PUFA

>> No.18610184


>> No.18610190
File: 237 KB, 2237x1500, Mayonnaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look here Mayonnaise, drop trough and gimmie 10!

>> No.18610215

>sneed oil free mayo
>posts avocado oil which is pretty much only omega 6
You're unironically better off with canola at that point.

>> No.18610216
File: 347 KB, 1024x1024, 93269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's incredibly sad what americans shlop down because they don't know any better. 80% sunflower oil vs. heinz's 70% soy oil is a difference like day and night.

it's the same thing with their bottom of the barrel heinz ketchup and watered down fake butter. when will americans develop some taste?

>> No.18610227

>80% sunflower oil vs. heinz's 70% soy oil is a difference like day and night.
It's like the difference between two chronic illnesses you retard. Both are bad.

>> No.18610228
File: 210 KB, 378x1000, 3rd world “mayonnaise”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18610231

t. Ruski larping as he fantasizes about conquering Japan starting from Hokkaido
that or a fucking JET kek

>> No.18610232

it's about the shit taste of soy oil and the low amount of oil in heinz to cut costs retard

>> No.18610268
File: 252 KB, 800x800, eng_pl_Majonez-Kielecki-700ml-76065_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kneel

>> No.18610291

Honestly I wish mcdonalds could sell the mayo they use for their mcchicken. It has the right amount of tang.

>> No.18610388

no i seperated them

>> No.18610425

I was shilled that it would be richer tasting because it is made from yolks only, nobody said it would be overshadowed by dumping shitton of vinegar inside.
2/10, another weeboo trap of thing, "Japanese thing"

>> No.18611736
File: 35 KB, 540x540, mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btfo japs

>> No.18611857

Neat, I’m going to try to make mayonnaise tomorrow. I read that you can use it instead of butter to slather on a turkey before baking.

>> No.18611866
File: 73 KB, 699x1500, 712NpYBc-+L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes just like pic related but for weebs and costs four times as much