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18607060 No.18607060 [Reply] [Original]

NOG bros its our season again

>> No.18607076
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>eggnog flavored

>> No.18607138

thats why its nog and not eggnog™

>> No.18607238

>organic valley skipping eggnog a second year in a row
Most of the other ones taste like shit, it's tragic

>> No.18607370

I propose we name ourselves NOGGERS

>> No.18608496

Not before Thanksgiving, bro. I'm cidermaxxing until then.

>> No.18608503


>> No.18608519
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I have never had eggnog
what's it like

>> No.18608521

runny custard

>> No.18608532
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>> No.18608536

that's one too many twitch frogs for me senpai, you're going to have to google it now.

>> No.18608541
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answer the question

>> No.18608542
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>NOG bros its our season again
what Christmas spirit do you add to your nog?

>> No.18608547

what do you mean add? eggnog is already a cocktail.

>> No.18608563

>eggnog is already a cocktail.

>> No.18608576


you don't think that stuff in the carton is actually eggnog, do you?

>> No.18608579

It literally is
if you dont make your 'nog alcoholic then youre doing it wrong

>> No.18608594

Trash-level rum but, I appreciate your effort. I don't get fancy on a lot of stuff but getting whole nutmeg and scraping it even with a butter knife is miles better than that powdered stuff. Will last for years.
Can make a really terrific Bees Kiss fairly easily from there.

>> No.18608798

>Trash-level rum
Well, what should i buy?
Capt. Morgan's Spiced Rum?
also, you are right about the nutmeg. i should get the whole seeds with the mini grater inside the bottle to get fresh nutmeg

>> No.18608826
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I prefer the superior product

>> No.18608932

Orange juice

>> No.18608949
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PET egg nog, simple as

>> No.18608964

Dad can I pet the egg nog?

>> No.18608966

I never got very deep into rum but Don Q makes a nice white rum which I like for making a Bees Kiss (lots of ice, cream, nutmeg on top in a big round glass with lots of room to enjoy the smell).
Captain Morgan's was always pretty fair for a darker rum but I typically went with a lower price Appleton's Estate.
Meyer's is pretty classic for black rum and makes great rum cake & dark & stormys.
Kraken, I've just always had a hate-boner for.
Hope you enjoy your nog.

>> No.18608987

if you live in canada you should buy chic-choc rum. its really the tastiest rum going t. alcoholic

>> No.18608990

this stuff is quite good alcohol-free and egg-free. i won't say it tastes absolutely perfect, though.

>> No.18609012
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>holiday nog

>> No.18609059
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Based Krakenbro. I only started drinking this shit because the monster on the label reminded me of Berserk

>> No.18609096

Nogbros, what's your secret homemade NOG recipe?

>> No.18609658
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>> No.18609775

america is a nightmare world

>> No.18610386

if u arent gettin that hartzler nog gtfo my face all nogs cannot compare with the simple creamery of this orgasmic nog

>> No.18610424

PET is just the brand name you goofy bitch

>> No.18610428
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>PET nog

>> No.18610504


>> No.18610512

Kraken is fine especially for mixing.

>> No.18611216

Darigold is the only one I can tolerate. Preferably old fashioned, but classic is fine if you add cinnamon and or ginger plus a shot of brandy, rum, or whiskey.

>> No.18611226

Going to second this.
Kraken is great for mixed drinks, goes pretty well with egg nog.

>> No.18611356
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2nd carton in a row that's a little lumpy. It's more than a week before the expiration date, and it doesn't taste off. Previous years it's always been smooth and no lumps.
What's wrong with my nog, bros? Anyone have similar experiences? VERY soft lumps that make it splatter a bit when pouring, but you can't feel in your mouth or anything. Is it normal?

>> No.18611382

Covid or vaccines makes the nog bad

>> No.18611811
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missed this meme