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18603349 No.18603349 [Reply] [Original]

First time sous vide chuck roast 26 hours at 131F.

Looks really pink red globule stuff there.. is it good to go

>> No.18603352

idk try it

>> No.18603356 [DELETED] 

>boiling in a plastic bag
You must have some nice bitchtits and low spermcount, soyboy

>> No.18603370

131 is fine for steak. How long did you cook it for?

>> No.18603376

Oh 26 hours. Yea you're fine. The bag didn't inflate at all, right? Usually 145 is reccomended for anything over 6 hours.

>> No.18603378

This looks pretty weird anon you should sear this thing man

>> No.18603409

>he cooks his food in a condom
Leave, faggot

>> No.18603426

too low for chuck

filet should be 125-130
chuck maybe 132-135

>> No.18603464

>26 hours
Why so long? I mean, it looks good, but did you add some extra liquid or something?

>> No.18603484

Tough and chewy.
Lack of browned flavor.

>> No.18603485

Its fucking raw you retard

>> No.18603489

Chuck needs higher temp for all the collagen to break down. Try 140-145 next time.

>> No.18603491

Why do you keep calling it boiling?

>> No.18603494

sous vide sucks at cooking fat

>> No.18603507

Additional info

Was following a recipe that said 24 hours at 131
Bag didn’t inflate as far as I can tell
It was so pink and lots of squishy red bits when took it out at 24 put it back for another few hours,
Still ended up looking like this so I ended up cooking it over the stove cause it weirded me out

Thinking next time I’d want to do it on a higher setting but didn’t know if this was normal for it to look

>> No.18603551

>sous vide chuck roast 26 hours at 131F
and also Why 26 hours? 6 to 8 would be more than enough.

>> No.18603559

>145 is reccomended for anything over 6 hours
god no

>> No.18603565

>didn’t know if this was normal for it to look
yes that's the point of sous vide
you can cook it forever and still keep it at the perfect temp.

>> No.18603594

So you’re saying that looked good then I should have seared and ate it as is?

>> No.18603664

once the temperature has been reached cooking it longer will not change the doneness only texture. how bloody you want it is determined by temperature solely

>> No.18603692 [DELETED] 

>boiling beef for 26 hours in a condom
This must be the equivalent of 2 or 3 hrt tranny doses in microplastics alone, not even mentioning it looks fucking vile most likely inedible
Sous vide is a mental disorder

>> No.18603702

Because they're dumb and poor and probably underage, and only come to /ck/ to talk about e-celebs, spam memes, and otherwise troll.

>> No.18603711

Jews aren't sending their best

>> No.18603722

The jelly lookin stuff is gelatin from the breakdown of collagen.
I don't believe these fatty pieces of meat should be cooked sous vide. The temp isn't high enough to break down the collagen before the meat turns unpleasantly soft

>> No.18603724

you need to trim all the fat chunks out of chuck if you're going to do the sous vide thing, they're never going to become appealing no matter how long you hold them at 130F
Pot roast just melts it out into the stew

>> No.18603734

>da joos
Imagine actually believing that you're fighting some kind of imaginary culture war by spending all your time shitposting on a niche hobby board on 4chan. It's hard to believe someone like that is older than 14.

>> No.18603751 [DELETED] 

Literally kvetching

>> No.18603794

Just fry it in a pan

>> No.18603797

and by it, i mean the slices

>> No.18603822

why is this shit not an autoban? how many golems does this board need?

>> No.18603826

>you need to trim all the fat chunks out of chuck
do not do this. they can be seared and delicious.

>> No.18603831

Nigger cook it like a normal person, it shouldn't have taken more than a few hours. Imagine going to a restaurant and asking for a steak and they say to come back tomorrow. Some of you anons really need an autism screening

>> No.18603843

>Imagine going to a restaurant and asking for a steak and they say to come back tomorrow.
you are now aware that at many high end restaurants. steaks are sous vide in advance and then seared to order.

>> No.18603873

looks delicious.

>> No.18603887 [DELETED] 

Proof? Post 5 high end restaurants that do that.

>> No.18603908

The Aldwark Arms
The French Laundry
signature dish
Gordon Ramsay at The London
Le Pressoir d'Argent
Restaurant Gordon Ramsay
Kayne Prime
Beaker & Gray
Boston Chops

>> No.18603917

by the way this list >>18603908
was just a small number.

basically ALL of gordon ramsays restaurants does this especially the ones with michelin stars.

I found more references to restaurants doing it on chef forums but they did not mention the names of the restaurants.

>> No.18603926 [DELETED] 

So where's the proof? Post definite proof of those restaurants using sous vide as long as proof of them being high end. Ramsay's chain bullshit restaurants aren't high end

>> No.18603962
File: 1.99 MB, 450x448, B7C0A093-078B-403C-AE62-3985C6A297E2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever tried souls vide’n a hamster alive?

>> No.18604041

A steak cooked for 24 hours doesn't taste any different than a steak in 7 minutes, you sous vide faggots are retarded

>> No.18604049

>sous vide
Mmmm... microplastics!

>> No.18604451

>Sous vide
>That meat
looks disgusting

>> No.18604463

No restaurant does this outside or california or new york. Cause real restaurants have real adults that can cook a steak without fucking it up in 15 minutes. It’s also how you get the sauce that most self respecting restaurants will serve with it.

Look it’s fine you can’t figure out how to cook a ribeye without burning it after your 30th try. Just don’t pretend real cooks need to use a machine to cook something as simply as a steak :).

>> No.18604831
File: 195 KB, 869x1280, 100percentwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fantasy, but your wrong the french invented it and do it all the time. you're just pissed your wrong.

It's very common. and being done more and more as people figure out how good it works.

>> No.18604912

Read an article saying a roast this big in sous vide should be done at 150f for the same time. Anyone ever try that high?

>> No.18605658

Dude, just sear that shit and stick it in the instant pot at high pressure for 2 hours. Shit would be bomb. I do that with chuck all the time.