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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 662x662, Dirt-on-mushrooms-662x662[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18601941 No.18601941 [Reply] [Original]

I never buy mushrooms anymore because they're always covered in dirt and shit, and if you wash them with water they get waterlogged and lose their flavor. Apparently you're supposed to dampen a paper towel and wipe them down individually, but that doesn't seem like cleaning, that's just rubbing the dirt and shit around.

>> No.18601970

>that's just rubbing the dirt and shit around.
As long as you're cooking it, you'll be fine. Nothing wrong with a little bit of dirt.

>> No.18601976

Is that how you prepare mushrooms? You wipe them down one by one?

>> No.18601978

So you literally do not understand the concept of cleaning.
Jesus christ this board gets stupider by the day

>> No.18601988

I wash mine with water actually. But it's mostly a quick rinse with some light scrubbing.
Can't say I've had a problem with them getting water logged or losing flavor though.

>> No.18602002

have you tried not being such a faggot? wipe your mushrooms and stop sucking so much cock

>> No.18602004

>Expecting anyone on 4chan to understand the concept of cleaning.

>> No.18602033

The mushroom is already like 80% water. Whi the fuck told you you can't wash mushrooms?

>> No.18602038

This is a cocksucking board, fuck off back to /tv/

>> No.18602040

Gordon fucking Ramsay told me it removes the flavor

>> No.18602049
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Do this but with gordon Ramsey

>> No.18602060

I haven't even seen this video before and I just found it and it says almost word for word what I said


>> No.18602067

Pull the stems out fill the cap with salt put them on a grill, salt draws the water out from the cap, eat like a oyster, so good.

>> No.18602071

This is fake news

>> No.18602205
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>100 BC + 3000 - 86
>Not having a Brushroom

>> No.18602209
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Get them dry-cleaned.

>> No.18602396

How the fuck does that even work? You're not soaking them for a week or locking them in a soxhlet extractor overnight, you're rinsing them, 30 seconds with some water isn't going to sap out the flavour compounds immediately.

>> No.18602405
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Muchrom is liek anti spoge retired

>> No.18602499

You dont wiped it with a towel dumbass. Holy shit even when people try to call others stupid their own posts backfire on them and even worse they dont realize why it backfires and are so quick to post it too mother of christ

>> No.18602510

Imagine complaining that the blandest shroom has the least flavor.

>> No.18602514

if u had a bit of dirt in your mouth every now and then you wouldnt be such an immunocompromised aids ridden sack of shit

>> No.18602516

this is the cutest mushroom brush i've ever seen

>> No.18602548

It's getting discoloured from me leaving it upside down on the edge of the sink. I don't even use, I should really put it somewhere else.

>> No.18602552

nah it's a nice patina

>> No.18602634

>if you wash them with water they get waterlogged
this is complete bullshit!
mushrooms are 90% water to begin with and it only takes a minute to rinse the dirt off.
set them on a dry towel and after ten minutes they are still 90% water
OP you should try cooking your mushrooms in a dry, very hot cast iron pan and tossing, stirring for about 5 minutes.
after that toss in a pad of butter and some onion and garlic and continue to toss, stir

but I do understand no one wants dirt in their food, I think that was half the reason I didn't like mushrooms growing up. tasting dirt in a dish at a restaurant, we all know kitchen workers and moms are lazy as fuck, and won't wash them

>> No.18602650

Why don't you just cut the dirt off if you don't like it?

>> No.18602672

If you wash and dry them quickly, it's not an issue outside of truffles or species with deep exposed ridges or ribs. The standard button or crimini can absorb up to 10% of it's weight in water within 5 minutes of complete submersion after 4 days dry storage (this was tested in a very dry climate and was stored in a very dry refrigerator, so it's basically worst case scenario). These are one example of produce that should always be cleaned thoroughly before packaged for sale, though, IMO. I don't mind some sandy soil in things like leeks or celery, but things like mushrooms, fruit (especially melons), and leafy greens should always be clean when you buy them, and producers as well as retailers should be shit on when they are not, unless you're talking about coops or something like that.

>> No.18602676

I dont even wash them i just brush off most of the dirt with my hand and thats it, a little bit of dirt isnt going to hurt you pussy

>> No.18602678

Just eat the dirt. Potatoes are similar and you should not peel them because that's where the nutrition is.

>> No.18602685

Only normal people ITT. I do the same and I eat mushrooms for almost every single meal.

>> No.18602713

Pussy faggot city boy

>> No.18602715
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This was invented for the sole purpose of cleaning mushrooms without water

>> No.18602724

I just peel mine

>> No.18602727

Uhh, yeah, that's literally what you do. Paper towel, glass towel, terry towel.
>t. cleaner

>> No.18602730

People who wash their mushrooms are not real cooks/chefs

>> No.18602922

>How the fuck does that even work?
If the root has been cut off and you dump them all in a bowl of water, the stem will soak up quite a bit of water as they stay down there. (Also the lamels under the cap as well, so leaving the root on won't solve this)

Whereas if you rinse them under a bit of running water so they never get more water than you need for the cleaning, there's no problem.

>> No.18602935

Damn, nigga livin' in 2814

>> No.18602939

why would it lose flavour you champion autist

>> No.18603313

>they get waterlogged and lose their flavor
Why would water cause them to lose their flavor you worthless donkey? Just wash them and cook them, the water cooks out. And if it really bothers you that much put them on a drying rack after washing for an hour, or put them in a salad spinner like the autistic faggot you are.

>> No.18603316

Gordon ramsay says a lot of absolutely retarded shit.

>> No.18603320

You do know all vegetables grow from dirt right anon? Do you hate carrots and potatoes too? They literally grow underground in the scary dirt. No you fucking don't. Try to stop acting like a picky toddler if possible.

>> No.18603326

>not peeling your mushrooms

>> No.18603328

Make sure to never eat mushrooms that have been rained on, it washes out the flavor

>> No.18603362

Just weigh them before and after rinse and you'll see that the weight increase in negligible. Excess water gets evaporated anyway or if you are doing a soup it doesn't matter at all.

>> No.18603521

Gaydon Fagsey can't:
>make a grilled cheese
>make a burger
>open potato chips without a knife

>> No.18603529

>get waterlogged and lose their flavor.
what? since when?

also why are you washing them? just dust them off. it's just cow shit.

water does not soak in to mushrooms.

>> No.18603538

you do NOT lose your flavor. Clean them right under your faucet or better yet buy them from a better source. I wouldn't at all buy some muddy store mushrooms, but look for cleaner drier mushrooms to begin with, or skip them.
Water doesn't remove flavor. Are you stupid?
You just need to remove the moisture your washing introduced bty simply cooking them longer.

>> No.18603546

you need a brush to clean them with. its common knowledge.

>> No.18603549

>Gaydon Fagsey
Why are chinks so bad at puns?

>> No.18603573

You cook them until most of the water evaporates. Who cares if they have drawn some water into them?

>> No.18603582

a mushroom brushroom

>> No.18603595

I wash mushrooms. I don't want to eat mushroom farm dirt, sorry. I'm going to simmer them until all the water that's in them to start with is evaporated, a few extra mL won't hurt. If there are some surface flavor compounds that are lost along with the dirt, I can live with that.

>> No.18603597

>they get waterlogged
one of the biggest /ck/ city myths. You rinse and shake them well. They don't succ in more than 1-3% of water and that is nothing for an ingredient like that which releases water when cooked. They still shrink when you hot-marinade them. Dirt on your "vegetable"? Holy crapperino, i hope you're not one of the fuccbois who buy pre-peeled veg.

>> No.18603615

I doubt shaking is going to do fuck all but yeah mushrooms being soaked with water definitely is not a problem and is one of the more dumbass food myths you see repeated

>> No.18603619

It incresses the cooking tine and you end up steaming them instesd of developing a nice caramelization

>> No.18603626

That is completely untrue. Have you ever even cooked mushrooms? They will always release lots of moisture to the pan and when that has evaporated you can start getting the caramelization.

>> No.18603629

Because I use teflon my pans can't get very hot

>> No.18603637
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>> No.18603693

You're probably just buying shit mushrooms if this is a problem, deep fry them if you're too big of a pussy to leave the dirt on.

>> No.18603725

>eating fungi
>worried about dirt

>> No.18603731

You're supposed to mix up a bit of bleach, which nuetralizes any pathogens, with a bit of ammonia which dissolves the stuff on it. You can tell when its done as it should start to become odorless after initially being dirty smelling. So just mix that up and give it a few deep inhales for a couple minutes you'll get the hang of if.

>> No.18603735

they get rained on in nature all the time

>> No.18603739

you should get another brushroom to clean your brushroom

>> No.18603910

Fuck that's a classic, I don't think I've seen that for years.

Or maybe I just stopped hanging out on the shittier boards, that's also possible.

>> No.18603914

And the lamellars underneath all point downwards, protected by the cap, so that doesn't matter. When you throw them in a bowl of water, things change.

>> No.18603915

Best Post ITT

>> No.18604631

You can just wash them. People are talking shit when they say washing ruins them. People wash mushrooms and have always washed mushrooms. Cooking removes any water they absorb.

>> No.18604645

>if you wash them with water they get waterlogged and lose their flavor.
This is patently false.

>> No.18604803

I usually peel or brush them but people who say washing them dilutes the flavor or something are complete retards.

>> No.18604951

I'm a bong and was just being silly. Sorry you got sand in your cunt.

>> No.18604957
File: 92 KB, 841x633, 20220814_120747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this thread still up?
OP is a retard who should be shot in the kneecap and left to crawl 12 miles for help

>> No.18606409

She never actually said why this was bad though. It doesn't lose flavour, just takes longer to cook, so keep cooking them.
>cooking on low means they come off soggy
Then keep cooking them, you can't overcook mushrooms. My god she's a brainlet.

>> No.18606412

>Buy mushrooms
>Rinse them off
>Food tastes fine and experience no bad side effects from doing so
Just rinse them OP goddamn

>> No.18606494

just use a toothbrush

>> No.18606503

The water gets transported to the root mycelia. Not gonna happen after you picked them.

>> No.18606505

when I learned that they are cultivated in a pasteurized substrate, I stopped worrying about it. I just clean what I can with a damp towel

>> No.18606572

I just eat the dirt lmao stop being a little bitch.

>> No.18606720

>you wash them with water they get waterlogged and lose their flavor
this has literally never happened

>> No.18606824

>You wipe them down one by one?

>> No.18606879

Alton Brown did a segment on good eats about washing mushrooms. He compared pre-washed weight to post-wash weight. He even let them soak for two minutes. The amount of retained water is negligible, literally like 5% heavier after SOAKING them, most of which is in the stem. Rinsing mushrooms is perfectly fine, anyone who says they can tell the difference between washed or non washed mushrooms is full of shit.

>> No.18606895

>anyone who says they can tell the difference between washed or non washed mushrooms is full of shit
The ones with no dirt on them are the washed ones.

>> No.18606896

good decision.

>> No.18606898
File: 354 KB, 721x529, shroomrag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you work in a restaurant kitchen and have to clean a shitload of mushrooms which are to be used over the course of the next week then you need to brush them.
If you're just cleaning some mushrooms for immediate use at home you can rinse them with cold water.
Rinsing them and then storing them for several days does make them mushy, but for sameday use it's fine.

>> No.18606914

>5% after only two minutes
>25% for the last ones that you get to after 10 minutes of work
Ok so a significant and real difference then?

>> No.18606923

Ever wondered why mushrooms grow in the fucking forest?

Because rain never touches the ground, you retarded cum faggot.

>> No.18606925

Are you by any chance mentally retarded?

You take a knife and peel the skin off.

Fucking kike fucker.

>> No.18606980

Anon said that was from purposefully soaking them for 2 minutes. If you're leaving your mushrooms in a bucket of water while you wash them like they're dirty dishes then you deserve shitty mushrooms.

>> No.18607070

The "proper" way to clean a mushroom is to use a dry soft-bristle brush (it's called a mushroom brush). No one can tell the difference between a brushed mushroom and a rinsed one.

>> No.18607148

>Mushrooms don't get soaked
>I mean they do but it's your own fault for thinking you could put them in water the same way you can with all other vegetables
astounding degrees of goalpost shifting

>> No.18607185

bro its just dirt lmao
eat it you fucking bitch

>> No.18607226

Did you even read the original comment? Alton purposefully soaked the mushrooms to show that they would only absorb minimal water. Nowhere did anyone say you should be soaking your mushrooms at all.

>> No.18607373

God made dirt and dirt don't hurt.

>> No.18607399

that dogs about to fucking chuck it

>> No.18607435


>> No.18607587

>it's just cow shit
spoken like a true shitskin

>> No.18608022

you mean gills? and no, they still get wet. in some mushrooms the gills will even face upward. its ok to get mushrooms wet

not how it works

>> No.18608427

Restaurant i work at, when prepping mushroom dishes for service, or when sauted mushrooms are needed to finish, they literally just get tossed in as they're received from the supplier(with dirt/fertilizer on them).
I make a point to atleast cut the edge of the root off when i'm on that station.