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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18594978 No.18594978 [Reply] [Original]

Best coffee country edition

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

Previous Thread: >>18584243

>> No.18594991


>> No.18594995

whats the best way to brew goffee? and why is it the aeropress?

>> No.18594998

Look at that cute lil v60.

>> No.18595002

>Pour over country
yeah Japan is kino. soypresso is so reddit

>> No.18595189

is 01?

>> No.18595236

No the babby red one on the counter. Bottom left.

>> No.18595280
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My cheap coffee machine broke and I'm looking for an long lasting replacement. I'd like to get two cups without an a hassle before work

What should I buy? Probably a drip machine but which?

>> No.18595284

The japanese are pretty short so it's a logical thing to have

>> No.18595323
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>I don't wanna hear your excuses! The dripper has to be at least… three times bigger than this!

>> No.18595743


>> No.18595800

french press is the least hassle to use and clean.

>> No.18595807
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>> No.18595928

nonsense. you probably just don't clean your french press properly.
let me guess, you just take the plunger out and rinse it off, right? congratulations, you're leaving coffee oils on there which are building up and going rancid. you're also leaving oils and grounds trapped in between the layers.
in order to properly clean a french press, you need to fully disassemble the plunger and clean each individual part with soap and water. by the time you've done this, it's way more effort than cleaning a pour over cone or brewer, which is a very simple shape and very easy to clean with a sponge and soap. it also takes up a lot less space in the drainboard once you're waiting for it to dry.
it's absolutely disgusting how many people don't properly clean their french presses, and when they claim that french presses are easy to clean, it's a dead giveaway.

>> No.18595943
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>he hasn't drunk his daily Sumatra yet

>> No.18595950

>and grounds trapped in between the layers.
loosen up slightly, rinse, tighten back up.

>> No.18595951

I actually wanna try it out but no local roaster is selling it right now. Guessing it's in the off season

>> No.18595956

coffee contains a decent amount of oils. you can't just rinse it. it's not clean. you're just a filthy person if you are oblivious to this.

>> No.18595962

Rinsing is enough for day-to-day use you prissy homo. maybe once a week or so i take it apart and give it a good scrub.

>> No.18595964

>prissy homo
yep, dirty fuck confirmed. enjoy your slovenly disgusting life.

>> No.18595967

I bet you polish your nails, fag.

>> No.18595970

I bet you bite your fingernails and your fingertips too, grimy filth gremlin.

>> No.18595975

I'd rather an Ethiopian.

>> No.18595982

you mean like how you bite the pillow when your boyfriend slams your P-spot?

>> No.18595987
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my burundi has gone bad...
im at the bottom of the bag but it is still sad.

>> No.18595988

I've had enough trading insults. I hope someday you see the light and make some improvements in your life.

>> No.18596010

Yeah that's right, run off with your tail between your legs. The one on your buttplug, fag.

>> No.18596319
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>> No.18596374

You are literally retarded.
>unscrew cross plate
>wash layers in soapy water
>screw cross plate back on
>wash our carafe
I do this every day and it takes like 30 seconds.

>> No.18596380

Aeropress with the fellow espresso attachment here. AEROPRESS GANG

>> No.18596518

Just had a natural Brazilian double

>> No.18596521

Nice, where did you finish?

>> No.18596530

i-i don't wanna talk about it

>> No.18596569

People saying a french press is easy to clean compared to a pourover cone with a paper filter are disingenuous to say the least. With a cone, you just pop the spent filter and grounds into the trash and rinse off the cone. That's it.

A press pot requires you to first figure out how to dispose of the coffee grounds. One way is a sink with a built in garbage disposal. That's fine, but not everybody has that, and not everybody is making coffee in a full kitchen. Little office kitchenettes and small apartments don't have garbage disposal sinks. Another method is to add water to the carafe and dump it all in the toilet. This works, but you have to take your coffee pot into the bathroom. That doesn't always work out. Yet another option that doesn't work very well is to scoop wet grounds into the trash with a tool, your hands, or a paper towel. Not ideal at all. Lastly, you can just throw coffee slurry out into the yard or upon the filthy streets. It's a fairly simple and clean method for you, but not everyone else. Not your problem, I suppose.

Post above describing the disassembly and washing of the plunger is also tedious and requires a full kitchen sink. My analysis of the convenience of French presses is that they are a good choice only at the extremes of living conditions; if you live with a fully equipped, modern kitchen or you live in a cabin in the woods/shantytown. Ease of cleanup of pourover cones remains static across all living conditions the world over.

>> No.18596571

how do I make it so my greek latte doesn't separate after using a frother. I'm using Juan Veldez

>inb4 instant coffee

>> No.18596605

People saying an espresso machine is easy to clean compared to a pourover cone with a filter are disingenuous to say the least. With a cone, you just pop the spent filter and grounds into the trash and rinse the cone. That's it.

An espresso machine requires you to first dispose of the coffee grounds, then pull the portafilter from the group handle, soak each in caffieta, use yet more to flush the group head, remove the group handle again, unscrew the shower screen, remove that and the gasket, pressure wash the inside, reinstall the group and gasket, remove the water container, discard remaining water, clean with chlorine solution, allow to dry before rinsing and drying again, emptying both the brew and the steam boiler, allow the pump to run to dry the lines between both of them and the pump and the water container, then use a pipe cleaner to clean the insides of the lines, and an angled scrubbing brush to ensure the boilers are both clean. Then, the machine must then be reassembled, boilers refilled, and seven to nine flushing shots pulled to properly rinse all the cleaned surface. Finally, after everything has now again dried, the machine can be refilled with brew water and made ready for your second shot.

It's absolutely disgusting how many people don't properly clean their espresso machines and and when they claim that they are easy to clean, it's a dead giveaway.

>> No.18596626

on your moms face

>> No.18596633

>soak each in caffieta
Its cafiza schizo.

>> No.18596650

I knew that could be pasta.

>> No.18596686
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>French press
Unironically too much work before I go to work. I need to press a button and get a decent coffee while I shower

Should I just get pic rel?

>> No.18596691

not letting the parts dry separately sounds like a great way to trap water and lead to rust or mold.
washing the parts with a sponge and soap takes longer than 30 seconds. if I took 30 seconds, there's no way it'd be remotely close to enough time, or I'd slice up my sponge on sharp parts / get sponge particles inside the screen.

>> No.18596693

you should be washing your pour over cone with soap. again, coffee has oils in it that need to be washed off. how are you people so fucking dirty?

>> No.18596705

Get a refurb ratio 6 and swap out the dripper for whatever you want later.

>> No.18596748

I'm a euro

>> No.18596760

Gotcha. Technivorms are cheaper over there yeah? Great machines, they brew hot, but not the best spread on the water. You can fix it with aftermarket parts later if you have an issue with it. Either a full steel replacement showerhead, or just a top dispersion screen.

>> No.18596763
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>> No.18596788

Yeah I'm wondering if I should get wilfa or something. It's kinda contested price bracket, I'm worried that Wilfas pump might break though

Thanks for the links!

>> No.18596818

Oh no! Those hard to clean coffee oils impregnating the surface of ceramic glaze and stainless steel! It's not a big deal. Anything with plastic, silicone, or rubber eventually gets tainted though. Those are impossible to clean. Kinda dismayed that a lot of french presses have plastic or silicone plunger parts now. The old ones that were all glass and metal are harder to find.

>> No.18596972

coffee oils are not hard to clean at all. they come right off with soap. it's just that you're not cleaning them off at all if you just rinse your brewer with plain water. food oils go rancid over time. it's also just gross. why wouldn't you want your shit to be clean? like I understand if you're in a cafe and you make 100 brews a day, so you decide to only clean it with soap at the end of the day. that makes sense. but if you're a standard home user, you're letting it sit for at least a day between uses, so you should be cleaning it every time.

>> No.18597065

I do not think ceramic and steel cones appreciably accumulate coffee oils to the point of them going rancid or becoming "dirty" given the amount of time they are in contact with coffee. Consider the contact time, the very hard and non-reactive surfaces with no crevices, and that the paper filters trap a considerable portion of the oils anyway. I'd wager that a well-used cone with a simple plain water rinse is perceptibly cleaner than a painstakingly soap-washed french press, or any other more complex device or one which contains porous materials in contact with coffee. Soap is also a lie, in my opinion. It all too often imparts an "unclean" fragrance of various perfumes to an object. Clean smells of nothing.

>> No.18597148

Is a mortar and pestle the best way to grind coffee if you don't have a coffee grinder on hand?

>> No.18597150

>I do not think ceramic and steel cones appreciably accumulate coffee oils to the point of them going rancid or becoming "dirty" given the amount of time they are in contact with coffee.
I guess it depends on your definition of dirty. try it sometime. take a glass or stainless vessel and rinse it, then let it dry. you can feel the oils on it, and you can see them, too (it's easier on glass than metal, since the glass will be clouded by the oils). then clean it with soap and let it dry and compare. this isn't some obscure theory, it's easily demonstrable reality.
>I'd wager that a well-used cone with a simple plain water rinse is perceptibly cleaner than a painstakingly soap-washed french press
dude, what? how could something you clean properly be "perceptibly" dirtier than something you don't? that makes no sense at all.
>Soap is also a lie, in my opinion. It all too often imparts an "unclean" fragrance of various perfumes to an object. Clean smells of nothing.
I don't know what kind of soap you're using but dish soap leaves no smell. perhaps you're using too much soap, or not properly rinsing your soap off, or both? a lot of people do these things because they're lazy washers and they don't pay attention. clean with soap, rinse, and let it dry, and it won't smell of soap fragrance. I use blue dawn which is pretty low in scent anyway.

>> No.18597171

I can smell dish soap perfumes clinging to objects even after obsessive rinsing.

>> No.18597178

use scent-free dish soap

>> No.18597193

Not him. I rinse my origami with kettle water right after the brew. When I wipe it with a paper towel, the towel stays white. Dunno what to tell you pal.

>> No.18597200


>> No.18597204

Better Life Unscented

>> No.18597265

i actually think a stone flour mill is the best way. but i guess if you are strong enough and have enough time and patience yeh a m/p could work for something like french press or cowboy

>> No.18597273
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Based and Origami pilled

>> No.18597306
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whats your guys caffeine tolerance like? I dont get a caffeine buzz in the morning anymore.

>> No.18597379
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I hear that aeropress is fine.

>> No.18597387

Vouch. I bought a chemex my first foray into not cheap coffee makers, but to maximize the filters (I was poor), I made a full carafe every time I brewed. It made my caffeine tolerance way too high. I drink two cups of aeropress coffee and it's always super nice. Easy to clean, and there are reusable metal filters you can buy

>> No.18597509

Yes, the aeropress is excellent. Simple, delicious.

>> No.18597524

>she doesn't have a compost bin

>> No.18597540

>trap water and lead to rust or mold
stainless steel doesn't rust, retard. And something you have 190F degree water in every day is never going to grow mold.

>> No.18597554

stainless is more resistant to rusting, but it will still rust.

>> No.18597567

I've been using and cleaning the same french press for almost 20 years and no sign of rust.

>> No.18597576
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just sayin' senpai, stainless still rusts

>> No.18597610
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My dad got me a moka pot, it makes good coffee but my parents fought over it.

>> No.18597637

Stainless rusts with severe exposure to the elements. Anon's french press allowed to air dry and sit on the shelf indoors is unlikely to develop any corrosion.

>> No.18597714

>it makes good coffee
tell me how you make it and i will judge for myself.

>> No.18597782

what should I be looking for when I buy beenz

>> No.18597797


>> No.18597823

>using soap to clean something used to brew a hot liquid
Nope. If I need to clean it, it's hot water and abrasion and nothing else. I would rather spend the time scrubbing coffee oils off of something than ruin a dozen cups of coffee with the disgusting soapy taste that can never be rinsed away.

>> No.18597977

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.18598177

>moka pot cleaned
>coffee ground
>french press ready
>milk in fridge
yep it's latte time

>> No.18598180

I don't brew with my french press but I use it to froth milk and can confirm milk oils build up if I don't rinse thoroughly

>> No.18598182

Drip machine with built in grinder and timer

>> No.18598185

>french press ready
for milk foaming?

>> No.18598189

soaked up by the paper already

>> No.18598191

I never really mastered foaming with the french press, it comes out differently every time. But good enough I suppose.

>> No.18598200

im on my own non steam milk foam journey.
it is a frustrating struggle but i will continue.
i mastered it with those shitty little spinny foamers but now i got a super powerful version of that but requires a totally different set on skills and knowledge and tools.
2 wins 9 losses so far.
i think i got it down after i got a kitchen thermometer which helps me hit 60-65c before i start.
i do enjoy my coffee black but i just dont like how thin it is. i want a thick milky drink but without the milk.
sigh, i will keep practicing.
i refuse to be beaten by milk...

>> No.18598213

>super powerful version
An immersion blender?

>> No.18598252

no its the Subminimal NanoFoamer Milk Frother
i had to increase the amount of milk because before i only had to use a little bit but when i put this in and turned it out it was so fast that the milk didnt even have a chance to be aerated, it just spun around.
when i fill a glass of water to clean it at the end it pushes most of the water out of the glass instantly.
i wish i could control the rpm and had more options for heads.
i like that it is rechargeable tho. and the shaft is much thicker.

i think i might end up just going back to my old method because as far as i can tell it created better foam with less milk in less time with less equipment. but i dont want to like waste $80

i dont care about latte art or whatever. just really good really thick really smooth milk foam/froth.

>> No.18598268

ah yes I've heard of that thing, but $80 for a spiny stick is a bit much for me lol
They really should add speed control, but the point of the thing is ease of use so I doubt they'd make it more complicated.

>> No.18598285

the on off button is actually full speed, slightly less than full speed, off.
i wouldnt even mind if i had to download an app to control the rpm or whatever.

>> No.18598287

cont: like clearly they know full speed is way too fast except for 1 very specific use.

>> No.18598293

Bad. I'm starting to get crashes that last a couple of hours

>> No.18598302

My espro is easy to clean btw

>> No.18598378

Aren't those incredibly expensive?

>> No.18598405

Obviously more than a basic drip machine, but not necessarily "incredibly expensive".
It's the ones that make espresso that are expensive.

>> No.18598444

What's the budget option then?

>> No.18598445

Machine with timer and prep the night before

>> No.18598582

>want to avoid using flavoring stuff like coffee mate /international delight
>realize I need to start buying better tasting coffee again

>> No.18598585
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what the FUCK is wrong with the french?

>> No.18598637

Brownpill me on turkish coffee

>> No.18598657

Apparently they can be pretty based sometimes. Nice.

>> No.18598823

I saw a little stand with coffee related metal keychains at a local market where I go to buy from a local roster, they had everything from a chemex to a tamper. Maybe I'll buy myself one.

>> No.18598932


>> No.18598936

>Apparently they can be pretty based sometimes.
No the tweet says Paris.

>> No.18599074

It's alright, it's all anyone drinks in this country. But it's very bitter of obvious reasons, don't waste specialty coffee on it.

>> No.18599084

But can I just use any storebought ground coffee in that funny cup? What's the purpose? I was thinking of making that a gift for Christmas.

>> No.18599095

It has to be ground for turkish, which is to say fine as fuck. Finer than espresso. Usually the packaging should say if it's ground for turkish or not.

>> No.18599121

phin bros
Would be interesting to try the coldbrew with such grounds
As a plant-milk enjoyer i say based. Always great to see cafes and food spots having integrity to not cave in for every possible take there is. Met a few asian places refusing to serve some dishes for a take-out because they are best served freshly made.

>> No.18599129

Try with spiced they add. Going for the triple foaming is not necessary. OG turkish blends like Mehmet Efendi are a road dust trash confirmed by turkbros. Order from your local roaster pre-ground for gezve.

>> No.18599146

Spices, of course. Cardamom, cinnamon, cloves. Red pepper flakes and muscovado sugar. A pinch of salt, nutmeg, fresh ginger. Fresh or frozen sour cherries. Depends on the coffee and additions i sometimes keep it on the lowest flame for a few minutes.

>> No.18599149

Some coconut milk too

>> No.18599167

What if he’s lactose intolerant? Would you rather the man saturate the cafe with his wet farts?

>> No.18599181

He could always, you know, just order an espresso

>> No.18599193

Mizudashi is on sale and I'm tempted to get one, redpill me on Cold Brew.
Also, bigger isn't always better is it? Should I get a 600ml or a 1000ml?

>> No.18599220

Of course, was just trying to remember everything i've put in my gezve spices-wise
Well, for once, you can carry some plant milk on you. Just how lactose-intolerant and vegans did about 10 years ago before plant milks went wide-spread, if you really want a coffee with milk. Still a common sense for someone going to a smaller town or something. Otherwise, order a long black, a filter, a pourover.

>> No.18599503

>i do enjoy my coffee black but i just dont like how thin it is. i want a thick milky drink but without the milk.
xanthan gum
this may be news to you, but sometimes in life, it's ok to just not get exactly what you want, accept it, and move on

>> No.18599582

I have some people coming over for thanksgiving and I'm considering making some dessert coffee alcoholic drinks. A little black coffee, crushed candy canes, and some patron xo (this will all be hot and shaken). Add a splash of baileys after.

Thoughts? I've also thought of adding something chocolate to ot but I'm unsure.

>> No.18599609


>> No.18599612

I wouldn't do it that way, sounds like it would be way too sugary. Espresso affogato is probably your best coffee dessert, with a dash of spice-heavy amaro and mint liqueur to reach the desired flavor profile.

>> No.18599616

Alternatively, you can make something using some Kahlua, Bailey's, and a dash of mint on a long black base

>> No.18599658
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dialed in my kenya beans on the ol' aeropress :) 16 clicks on timemore c2, 91c and either 1 filter for milk drinks or two if blacked.

>> No.18599688

I bought a Mizudashi.
Ground coffee is going in that fucker to see if it can be salvaged.

>> No.18599694

do not engage with catposters
do not acknowledge catposters

>> No.18599884
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What about catpressers?

>> No.18599994

Is it ok to use a French press to filter the grounds out of cold brew or is proper cold brew only done Kyoto style or with a filter bag?

>> No.18600017

>Kenya with milk
Sounds disgusting but maybe the aeropress is just that good

>> No.18600053

plum and chocolate are dominant with milk while blacked has the two mentioned plus lemon vibing together.


>> No.18600068
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is this coffee good for me?

>> No.18600072

Its okay to do whatever you want. Filtering the same batch through a v60+paper vs french press will give different results though. It'll all come down to your personal preference. Filter bags/cheesecloth are convenient if all you have is a jar, but they're worthless otherwise since you can buy a hario mizudashi(with heatsafe glass) and a v60 for about $20.

>> No.18600102

looks coarse, how does it taste?

>> No.18600116

probably a lil on the weak side, it looks much more coarse after the pour tho.

>> No.18600163
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>> No.18600167

>No orange peel or orange zest

>> No.18600270

Flat brewers are a meme

>> No.18600274

Way too coarse. That's an immersion grind for french press or cold brew. It's filtering almost as quickly as you're pouring. Brown water. Grind twice as fine or get thicker papers.

>> No.18600281

Start from the center work outwards, wiggle it at the top of the pour

>> No.18600311

i love james hoffmann

>> No.18600333
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espresso is best but the cost involved is expensive

>> No.18600334

I forgor. Have treid it with a lime or lemon zest? Lime-coffee pannacotta is so good

>> No.18600344
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>Have you tried
Sleepy fatfingering

>> No.18600381

trips of lies.

>> No.18600524

We got in this seasons Sumatrans last week. Some really killer Aceh Gayo.

>> No.18600565

>wash filters in soapy water

Only if you like the taste of soap!

>> No.18600595

Milk masks all the flavors of the beans

>> No.18600650

More like anon gayo

>> No.18600661
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Any of you guys ever ordered from Bones? I got a bag of pic related as a novelty birthday gift and it doesn't sound like it'd be good but it's surprisingly decent and complex.

I see they have a lot of gimmicky blends on there, anyone ever tried any?

>> No.18600747

so you are saying you'll be the type of guy to tweet exactly that, trying to cope hard after getting flipped off by from low level employee in a frenchie cafe and rant on net?

>> No.18600793

Found a pleasant roaster where I live. Now I'm looking for a coffee recommendation from (You). I want something mind-blowing in flavor. Where do I look?

>> No.18600797


>> No.18600800

immersion grind is (should be) finer than pour over, as there is little to no agitation. Take cupping for example. I do QC for a roaster and cafe, and our cupping grind is around 11 o'clock on an ek43 dial (well aligned, 1 is just before burr touch). I'd do a v60 around 9 o'clock, for comparison.

>> No.18600803
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Is it worth it for the occasional "perfect cup"?

>> No.18600810

Oh, yeah? Explain.

>> No.18600855

natural process burundi.

>> No.18600874

how much is it

>> No.18600884


>> No.18600900

I preordered the sifter max and rarely use it. Depending on what you already have, you could probably waste your money in a better way.

>> No.18600903

The good shit.

>> No.18600917

im taking a break from it for a couple weeks to "cleanse" my palate and then come back to it.

>> No.18600981

my mentor lance hedrick says not to, so i don't

>> No.18600989

not really

>> No.18600993

I have discovered I do not like African coffee.

>> No.18600997

I have discovered that you're a little bitch

>> No.18601019
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when it comes time to dump the grounds, remember you can twist off the bottom of the grounds holder. so you can just invert it over a garbage and twist the end off, releasing the vacuum, and it should all plop out.

>> No.18601046
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I'll pass, then.

>> No.18601051

I'll use it tonight tho, just for u.

>> No.18601057

You're cute :3

>> No.18601059

I was very interested in the theory behind it. And it DOES make sense. But having to waste good coffee just sounds bad to me.

>> No.18601105

Ethiopian natural process

>> No.18601165

There so many of em. IS honey better?

>> No.18601179

I fell for a coffee christmas advent calendar gimmick, it's over for me bros.

>> No.18601219

>coffee christmas advent calendar gimmick
What's that?

>> No.18601221
File: 3.80 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20221120_020724173[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah its kind of paradoxical.
>This coffee is so good I'm going to throw some away to enjoy it more.
I bought it as a sidegrade between a hand grinder and endgame so it filled that role fine. Kept me from spending money for a few months and its not like it becomes worthless when you get a new grinder. The bean graders are pretty handy too. They're cool, but there's probably something you'd use more often. Snag them next black friday instead. I'm going to use this sifted bali to try some of this.

>> No.18601242

If it's not cheap enough, is worth getting second hand?

>> No.18601264

Anything mind-blowing in flavor will be from specific producers, not general single-origins.

>> No.18601283
File: 538 KB, 766x772, 1652020185163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not general single-origins.
True. I had both pic related and their other Colombian coffee. And they're worlds apart.

>> No.18601302

Small bags of different types of coffee, one for each day leading up to Christmas. Enough to brew a few cups of coffee each.

>> No.18601318

Sounds fun. But when you say bags, you don't mean like tea bags... right?

>> No.18601324

Honestly, the best recommendation will probably come from them - are they solely a roaster, or do they have a cafe on-site? If so, go and spend a couple hours drinking a few options and talking to the staff - the overwhelming majority of the time, if a place is producing really good coffee, it's because they're passionate about it, and assuming they're not fucked off their feet busy, most of the time people like that will want to talk about it if you let them. Pick a time of day when it's quiet, go and tell them what kinds of things you like and how you plan to brew it, and let them talk your ear off about what they think you might like.

>> No.18601347


>> No.18601350

colombian coffee is dogshit
but not as bad as brazil.

>> No.18601361
File: 2.73 MB, 2032x2696, PXL_20221120_023918514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. I honestly wouldn't buy it if you don't plan on getting all the sizes. You won't need the bean graders if you don't roast. Its a fairly expensive toy that adds a bunch of time and some waste to your cup, so its only worth it if you plan to actually play with it. The most handy its come in for me was quickly figuring out my range on a new grinder. 45g to start, reground the top tray twice. ~6.6g under 500um, ~.7g above 1400um.

>> No.18601387

No, regular paper bags you'd find coffee in. About 80g of each flavor of coffee so honestly technically more than a day, I can't imagine most people drink 80g of regular, full caffeine coffee in a single day.

>> No.18601407

I want a set of coffee bushes so I can ferment the cherry separately from the bean for other uses

>> No.18601415

Crazy dude.

>> No.18601427

good luck with that.

>> No.18601451

Yeah I did the math and it's actually cheaper per gram than buying a full bag of one type of bean too, so not only am I sampling 11 of the coffees they offer (plus a mystery blend) I'm not even paying sample tax.

>> No.18601461


>> No.18601468

I'm still torn.

>> No.18601474

Speaking of coffee blends, how the fuck does that work with whole bean? What if there's an uneven ratio in the bag? How about when I go to grind, if I don't grind the entire bag at once would I not be risking an uneven ratio of beans with each grind that could imbalance my cup and result in unpredictable brews?
Am I overthinking this?

>> No.18601495

>Am I overthinking this?

>> No.18601543

dont buy blends
buy single origin and make your own blends.

>> No.18601548

I haven't tried any of it yet so I don't want to blindly recommend it - it's a $50 CAD purchase for 12x80g of coffee if that sounds reasonable to you. If you want to blind buy it I'll post the link otherwise I'll probably "shill" it once I get into it if it's any good. Their warehouse is in the middle of nowhere so I don't think you can really try before you buy.

>> No.18601589


>> No.18601605

Looks based. Buy an lb and let me know.
If you want it, you want it. Thats why I bought it. Even paid for the stupid all blacked limited edition preorder.

>> No.18601626

>$26/lb for an 88.7
Yikes. Meme coffee prices when you can get 90+ all day long for $8/lb. It's one of those things where you get it to try it for shits.

>> No.18601645

Which is actually gonna be more like $32/lb after roasting.

>> No.18601667

Tried to find size grading to estimate cost per bean, but it's not listed. That would be funny if each bean costs a penny.

>> No.18601678

Which means from a commercial roaster it would be $50+/200g.

>> No.18601701

Lol. Yeah. Who are these people?

>> No.18601709

Roast some up and dip it in chocolate. Sell them as exclusive gesha chocolates at $1 per bean. Exclusive and RARE.

>> No.18601711
File: 97 KB, 512x933, 0DKxgoWCNJMazGpxA1kNGzJ47P8lrHd3-LcqMnF_Gew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18601725

Each exclusive and rare gesha chocolate is individually wrapped in edible 24k gold leaf with chocolate gently melted by angel farts.

>> No.18601974

hot black natural process burundi pre-dinner goffee
what should i have for dinner lads
frozen mince meat party pies and chips or a full english breakfast made from the freshest ingredients

>> No.18602115

Your beans are weak and of poor quality. Even heavy cream can't overpower the dark-rye-wheaty flavor of Single-Origin Yemen

>> No.18602167

you have to think about it in terms of peaks and averages.
shit beans have a peak at the same level as average of good beans
so if you use good beans and make a good brew and then add milk the quality of the cup will still be higher than the peak of shit beans and a good brew with no milk.
(i hope this reads well and not like i just had a stroke)

>> No.18602329
File: 248 KB, 1000x657, nsplash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the gayer things I've ever read here.

>> No.18602339

i bet im at least 50% of the gay posts here.
anything going in depth into flavor notes and what not is all me.

>> No.18602437
File: 146 KB, 4126x494, yoinkv8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats fine pal. I'm 90% of the grinder advice that gets drown out by poorfags.

>> No.18602451

add rok grinder or kill yourself

>> No.18602467

cont: also not weber/craig lyn? hg1 hg2?

>> No.18602487

I'm not going to muddy up the chart with trash or shit 99% of people aren't going to buy when its already a fight to shill q2s.

>> No.18602495

>I'm not going to muddy up the chart with trash
you literally have a section called "trash"

>> No.18602497

cont: also its the only vertical crank hand grinder under $1000

>> No.18602523

Yeah, its a chart I ripped and and updated to current usd pricing. He had those listed as "entry".
>only vertical crank hand grinder under $1000
Rok grinder was shit 5 years ago, its even worse now that the market is flooded. The only reason to buy one is your closeted fear of holding something cylindrical. Also you're wrong.

>> No.18602535

Their table looks nicer though I think it would've been better if you'd just screenshotted it.

>> No.18602536

>Also you're wrong.
not in my currency
also postage will bring that over 1k.
also a vertical crank is more ergonomic and natural to use.

>> No.18602545
File: 800 KB, 3547x1332, A Comparison of Most Popular Hand Grinders - Google Drive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18602557
File: 242 KB, 1100x825, 1 29_mof2lT270EqQSxvBiQA@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd just screenshotted it.
And we'd be left with $600 kinus and $170 K2s.
I don't give a shit about your currency. You bought a timemore c2 bud.

>> No.18602594

>You bought a timemore c2 bud.
perhaps but its in a form that i enjoy using.
the standard hand grinder form is utterly revolting to me.
i am saving up for HG-1 PRIME because i love hand grinders and i will only use vertical crank formfactor ones so that doesnt really leave me much choice if i want another one/ better one than the rok.

>> No.18602606

>perhaps but its in a form that i enjoy using
So its a bad burr with massive 58micron steps but at least you get to flail your arms in a pleasing manner every morning.
>standard hand grinder form is utterly revolting to me
So buy an oe apex or any of the hundreds of hg1 knockoffs on aliexpress. Why are you looking to upgrade from the rok if its such a great piece of equipment?

>> No.18602613

>Why are you looking to upgrade from the rok if its such a great piece of equipment?
i never said that it was so great there is nothing better.
>So buy an oe apex
not a vertical crank you fucking retard
>or any of the hundreds of hg1 knockoffs on aliexpress
"just buy knock off chink shit" actually kill yourself you stupid faggot.

if you want a vertical crank hand grinder there is 3 the rok the craig lyn hg1 prime or the weber hg 2.
$200 to $1000ish to $2000ish, thats it.
yeh if you want a horizontal hand grinder you can get something amazing for less than $500 and essentially never have to actually "upgrade". but these things might as well not exist because i will never buy them, same with electric grinders.
knock off chink shit doesnt exist either.

>> No.18602627

I'm most of the flavorposts. I'm not sorry at all. You fuckers get to scroll through all my gay flavor longposts. I don't care if they hate it. Most of this general is 20 year olds trying to make a cup of coffee for the first time or stupid gear shit. I vow to make the faggiest tasting notes possible next time I get a new coffee.

>> No.18602638

anything about moka, rok grinder, natural process burundi or using the phrase "just say you dont know what you are talking about and move on" is me.

also i will fill this general talking about the my autistic love of interesting coffee regardless of how good it actually tastes, also about how much i love moka and hand grinding.

i am the alpha and omega schizo fag of this general.

>> No.18602643

Why are you so into Burundian coffees? I always think of them as fillers for blends.

>> No.18602644

i don't care, I've developed a mental filter through years of browsing. I skim through a 300 posts thread in 20 seconds

>> No.18602647

didn't ask stfu how about you make a r*ddit account if you want to be known for your posts

>> No.18602652

got perma banned 9 months ago for saying retard 1 too many times

>> No.18602659

I stopped seeing reddit everywhere when I got off that site anon you should try it too

>> No.18602670

its mostly natural process coffees but my roaster only has 1 natural process which is burundi.
i tried a washed and a natural burundi side by side 3 times a day for a week and the washed is just... boring.
the natural process is so interesting and complex and the longer you have it the taste changes pretty significantly (not always for the better but that adds to how interesting it is)
i make coffee because i love brewing. and i use natural process burundi because it makes an enjoyable activity into an incredibly fascination adventure that gets me out of bed, that has me daydreaming about thinking of what i will taste or smell next time. it elevates my hobby. it gives me something in life to live for and to strive for.

not just natural process burundi but all kinds of different coffees.
im thinking of looking at other roasters just so i can indulge in sensory adventures of other natural process beans.
also the first time i cupped a natural process burundi it was such a sensory overload it literally put me on the ground, never in my life of hedonistic gorging of luxury foods have i had such an experience as that, one sip sent explosions off in all parts of my brain. i finished that cup just by sipping off that spoon, i quickly made a moka with it and watching that coffee slowly come out of that funnel was like watching a waterfall of gold, just fantastic color, i spent the rest of that night brewing cup after cup until i could not drink any more coffee. i awoke to my home smelling like an exotic paradise.

>> No.18602991

Personally I do like natural process but it’s rather inconsistent. One of the best coffees I had was a Ethiopian natural, stars aligned and it tasted like a very sweet and crisp blue berry juice with a light rose fragrance… just exquisite. But i can’t even replicate that cup from brew to brew, naturals I tried just sort of has a variance or sometimes relatively muddy (perhaps uneven fermentation, taste like “dried” or “jammed” fruits instead of “juice” and often when I fail to name flavors… I don’t enjoy it as much as I could have as well. washed process is just, one or two notes but it’s clean and consistent. Had a Kenyan that was jasmine and lemon, kinda light but.. I get that every single time and I look forward to tasting something I can discern.

>> No.18603227
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>successfully prevented myself from getting Starbucks

>> No.18603268

the heat of the autism cooks the brain cells

>> No.18603278

guys, i think tea is better

>> No.18603294

No its the goffee which is better

>> No.18603311


>> No.18603575


>> No.18603688
File: 56 KB, 720x592, vinyl showcase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these coffee accessories like that rain effect dripper are just audiophile snake cables and cosmic power vibrations stones. Don't overthink it. Don't allow yourself to fall into the rabbit hole. You don't need any of this.
Like anon previously said, it's best to taste everything. Even if the roaster doesn't have a proper coffee shop, or corner, or whatever. They have to have their own coffee machine and some alternatives for taste testing. They most likely have closed door cupping for horeca buyers and interested private buyers. Just contact them. If not, they usually ought to have some taste testing sets

>> No.18603697
File: 509 KB, 720x477, 1593289728021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make cuban coffee

>> No.18603729
File: 3 KB, 429x22, cabron, heat from the beans whips up sugar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, didn't know it exists. Judging from wiki, it looks like you can make it at home without the coffee machine. On the other hand, sugar.

>> No.18603807

buying a grinder for a coffee friend
always makes it in a moka pot

the best lower end grinder i keep reading is the encore (~$200)
the zwilling grinder is $130
Is the encore worth spending the extra 70 dollars on?

>> No.18603811
File: 1.30 MB, 1462x895, grinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 2 grinders

>> No.18603817

Why do you constantly post this when Colombia has some of the world's best producers? Are you from South America and have a cultural issue with them?

>> No.18603818

>tfw been over 1000mg a day

>> No.18603824

>Little office kitchenettes and small apartments don't have garbage disposal sinks.
Not my problem. I just dump it down the sink with it running full blast. If I don't have equity in the place, I don't care if it jams up in 5 or 10 years.

>> No.18603885

You think your friend would be willing to hand grind?

>> No.18603918

The best lower end grinder you keep reading about on mommyblogs and the Wirecutter gets shit on by $70 hand grinders.

>> No.18603942

Basic bitch drip coffee that you get at a diner. Tastes great with a little cream and no sugar.

>> No.18603954

It's always the guy listening to Spotify with ads who tells you 24/96 isn't worth it.

>> No.18604111

maybe? looking for any improvement from the blade grinder she uses now.
hand grinder or a nice around around that price point. Or do you have to spend more to get a decent grinder?

>> No.18604176
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, notaverticalcrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

q2 is the starting line. Don't buy the normcore or wacaco. Everything else will be one of two burrs, sometimes scaled up or down. Kinu, 1zpresso J, Kingrinder k3 and k4 will all be a similar burr. Comandante, 1zpresso q2 x-pro and K, and kin k5 k6 will share a similar burr. Kinu is more espresso focused while the comandante is "cleaner" for filter, but any of those grinders will outperform the encore and zwilling for any brew method. Spending more generally gets you better build quality, tolerances, and smaller step sizes.
You know that rok is manufactured in china, with a chinese burr right?
>not a vertical crank you fucking retard
Do you think he's tipping it on its ass to grind?

>> No.18604410
File: 203 KB, 1080x1920, coldbrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /ctg/!
My boyfriend is getting more seriously into coffee and has recently been Hoffepilled. I want to nuture is interest, so I'm looking for some books, coffee recommendations or gear to gift him this hol iday season. My budget is around €200 (and I'm located in the EU), but multiple less expensive ideas are welcome too. Despite the cold weather, he's very drawn to cold brew too. Thanks in advance from a /tea/fellow!

>> No.18604483

>for some books
Don't buy him any hoffman books, we've got the ebooks if he really wants them. People like cups. Check out loveramics, origami and notneutral. All real popular. Otherwise just cop something he's seen out of one of these and toss in a nice bag or two from la cabra or april and he'll be happy with your lil gift basket.

>> No.18604566

i agree, i have had a number of ethiopians and "juice" is a pretty common feeling/taste in my experience.

i think its interesting how the natural process is drying the cherry on the bean and when you drink/grind the beans it smells/tastes like dried/fermented fruit.

i had a light roast panama geisha rated 95 and it tasted like floral tea. just divine, even piping hot it was extremely refreshing. i had it last summer. and you know its quality when its delicious hot or cold.

>> No.18604585

i have had alot of good colombian and brazilian coffee.
but thats it, its just good. nothing interesting or thought provoking or anything, you drink it and its good and thats it.
so to me that its bad.
i also dont trust most people who are into coffee. seeing as "dark roast 100% colombian" or "dark roast 100% brazilian" are the most common coffees that brain dead no taste normie dumb fucks drink i just dont trust that shit.
or that most people consider the darker the roast or the more bitter the coffee to be a good thing or that its "stronger" or whatever.

>> No.18604589

I was most of the juicyethiopianposting. I'm not sorry at all. You fuckers get to scroll through all my gay juicy longposts. This sifted hot brew cold bali is pretty juicy too, but it was probably juicier if I didn't toss those fines kek.

>> No.18604590

those people aren't into coffee

>> No.18604591

if you think that is vertical you are blind.
>uhh well its close enough
kill yourself
you can literally see the angle it is tilted at in the picture.

>> No.18604601

Make a wedge and bolt it to the table. Or just keep fuming you paid $250 for a $60 c2 with bigger steps. Still not adding your shit to the chart.

>> No.18604678

Plebs aren't "into" coffee the same way enthusiasts are. That aside, I get it. Cop yourself some beans, cup em, and compare. You'll find out what's good for your tastes with time.

>> No.18604681

>there are only 3 vertical crank hand grinders
>its not vertical
so you admit that it isn't a vertical crank

i dont understand why you are so ass mad about this.
if you really dont want to add the rok then at least add the weber or craig lyn so that vertical crank hand grinders are represented.
>but 99% of people cant afford it
then why does the pastebin list grinders over $1k ?
is the list meant to show affordable hand grinders or is it meant to show some hand grinders.
you list 3 grinders that a trash
7ish grinders that are bad
6 that are decent
0 that are good or great even though they exist.
why not put the weber and craig lyn at the top end?
you make fun of the grinders and the owners of the grinders in the trash and poor section.
why not just say "here is the rok, its just a c2 with full stainless steel construction and a vertical crank."

your whole argument comes down to you dont want to add anything because you are lazy.
thats it. you dont actually care at all.

>> No.18604693

What's the point of a vertical crank hand grinder
like do you mean instead of cranking in a circular motion side to side you can crank up and down?
Big fucking whoop. If you're spending big money just buy a high end electric grinder with smart circuitry that will effortlessly and consistently grind far better coffee than your shaky noodle arm will manage.

>> No.18604701

>Cop yourself some beans, cup em, and compare. You'll find out what's good for your tastes with time.
i know what i like.
i also know after having countless colombian/brazilian from all over the regions from different farms different processes different roast levels making different drinks with them.
i know.
they produce good coffee.
i also have tried coffee from all over the world from $100kg to $800kg
i know what i like.

>> No.18604706

Good. I have yet to figure out all what I like, but so far I've found light-medium roasted Ethiopian honey process beans to be quite nice, even for espresso.

>> No.18604709


>> No.18604716

Honestly I only drink coffee grown in Canada. It's very difficult to get but they grow it out on the mountains in BC and it's unlike any other coffee in world. High altitude, cold weather, only a very hardy strain that took roughly 50 years to develop can survive it and it makes excellent coffee.
You can't buy it online though you have to know someone in the area.

>> No.18604720

i started out with light/medium light ethiopians too.
i had never really had coffee before, at cafes or whatever.
and i heard light ethiopians where a good place to start and it was.
but i got bored of them after a while and felt i needed to really explore the whole world of coffee. and im glad i did because i found beans i enjoyed even more.

>> No.18604739

What did you find out you like? I don't have a ton of money, so I work with what I can get (which usually means either small bags from a hole-in-the-wall or shitty supermarket grounds).

>> No.18604748

>then why does the pastebin list grinders over $1k ?
Didn't write the pastebin. That guy literally just listed every grinder mentioned in the past few threads as a reference.
>is the list meant to show affordable hand grinders or is it meant to show some hand grinders.
Its meant to show popular hand grinders. Your rok is a piece of shit that was marginally better than an encore back in 2015 because of the low rpm. Now its a joke that noone recommends but the stacatto espresso guy. He tossed his in a closet and uses a niche now.
He's been sperging out about this for months. Started a couple weeks before he bought it and we tried to convince him otherwise. He has a strange aversion to holding a phallic cylinder so he ended up with a shit grinder.
>i am saving up for HG-1 PRIME because i love hand grinders and i will only use vertical crank formfactor ones
He loves handgrinders but has only used a single one and hates 99% of the market. Its just a single loud autist.

>> No.18604757

where to order coffee from online

>> No.18604783

Depends where you're at and what you like. Check the pastebin for some suggestions.

>> No.18604786

just by buying alot of coffee always from a different country or different region of a country i have tried before.
dont be afraid to order from a different state or country.
the whole "local roaster" shit is a meme.
if they dont have what you want go somewhere else.
i dont know how post is like in your country but for me if i order on sunday it is roasted on monday and arrives wednesday/thursday.
i just bought a 250g bag of El Salvador Ignacio Gutierrez for $30, the roaster is across the country but it always gets here within the week.
they get new stock pretty often and if not i can always count on my natural process burundi.
always make sure you are buying direct from the roaster, if that means you call them or whatever you do it, you dont want to think you are buying from a roaster when its actually just a distributor, even if the coffee looks good it could be roasted weeks ago and sat in storage. or they can just scam you and give you the wrong beans.
bought some honey process from kenya and i got ultra light ethiopian and the roast date was over a month before i even sent the order.
black listed those fuckers.

>> No.18604792

>He has a strange aversion to holding a phallic cylinder
i actually love cocks. you are wrong.

>> No.18604793

There's a hario cold brew pot on amazon that's like $30 that makes it all extremely simple (pour 80g to 100g ground coffee into pot, cover with water, leave 24 hours, decant). Only thing you'd want to add is a jug to move the concentrate into as it's better to remove the grounds, clean the pot and leave it for the next batch.

>> No.18604802

>specialty coffee roaster in [your town/city/state/country here]

>> No.18604812

The Mizudashi is on sale it should be way less than that right now.

>> No.18604818

if you hate it so much and you dont think anyone should buy it, shouldn't it be on the list in the trash section? dont you want to warn others to not buy it?

>> No.18604826

>hario cold brew pot on amazon that's like $30
Half that now. Little one is $13.60 right now, big is $16. I'll shill it all day long at those prices. I think I paid $22 for the little one back in 2020. Heat safe glass so it doubles as a v60 carafe. Calling all poorfags.

>> No.18604827

Noted. I want to get green beans at some point and roast them myself as well, since I have some bean prep techniques to try. I assume Sweet Maria's isn't a bad source?

>> No.18604843
File: 161 KB, 1920x1920, 02_M68_1-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the only person to bring it up in the past 6 months. Why would I call any attention to obscure picks like the apex or oe pharos. Or kinu m68 or Helor Stance. Hey look, two of those are vertical crank hand grinders. Would it make you feel any better if I just deleted those 3 grinders that make you schizopost?

>> No.18604853

i have not bought from them myself but i have seen others here talk about/link that site so i assume they are decent.

>> No.18604863

>would making "my" list less useful make you happy?
no why would it? i would like for you to make it more useful by adding more grinders to it.
1 at the bottom and 1 at the top.
it makes the list better and more useful. the only reason you dont want to do it is because you are lazy and dont care about grinders or helping people looking for grinders.
just say so and move on.

>> No.18604879

They've got a very wide selection of okay beans and you can order large amounts from their wholesale shop, coffeeshrub. I think sites like thecaptainscoffee, and burmanscoffee have higher quality beans, but a way smaller seasonal selection instead of a massive warehouse. Royal is great if you want to commit to 22lbs of a single high quality crop. Sweetmarias is great because you can pick one of these up with 8lbs discounted for $60 and be fucking around roasting in a couple days and figure out if you want to go deeper.

>> No.18604892

how good are these at roasting? that price is enough to get me interested

>> No.18604947

Might have confused USD for AUD price when I bought mine a while back. I think it's even cheaper now (without a discount/sale) than when I bought it.

>> No.18604969

The fact you lump in Colombia and Brazil together is very telling.

La Palma y El Tucan, Finca Tamana, Finca Paraiso, etc produce some of the best coffee in the world. The strongest berry flavor I've ever had was in a light Colombian, and I've had a lot of different Ethiopians.

Commodity coffee is all going to be trash but you out yourself when you try to lump it in with specialty Colombian coffee.

>> No.18604974

Don't take it from me though, have a tour of Finca Tamana from Tim Wendelboe


>> No.18604977

no thanks :)

>> No.18604990

I'm not trying to shit on you, it's just high altitude specialty Colombian and Brazilians have very different flavor profiles. I understand it's easy to try and lump places together geographically but terroir, altitude and quality of producer matters most.

>> No.18604997

None nearby I need a place to buy it online to be shipped to me which is why I specified online

>> No.18605003

You're in the US? Sey or Oynx is always good

>> No.18605015

They'll do small batches just fine with a little agitation. I was doing like 120g batches and shaking/stirring until the beans lost enough heat to keep the coffee moving and had great results. Obviously any finer grained control is going to be better, but for a $20 fuck around you'll get your moneys worth. I modded one with an arduino and used it for a few years, then just bought the other popper on sweetmarias to do the same with when I get bored this winter.

>> No.18605033

moka pot

>> No.18605057

>Started spritzing my beans with my coffee smelling urine before grinding
Now this is goffee... I should sell this stuff

>> No.18605078

Hario makes the mizudashi you retard.

>> No.18605104

braindead post

>> No.18605136

>None nearby
which is why i said state/country.

>> No.18605201

So are you going to continue to be a useless shitposter forever or are you going to list places where I can buy coffee online

>> No.18605209

Onyx is alright but they stopped putting effort into roasting their beans and the all seem to be done on a very similar house profile now,

I highly recommend Olympia Coffee Roaster or Heart coffee

>> No.18605224

are you being this dense on purpose? they want to help you find something good as close to you as possible

>> No.18605251

>$400 Gaggia Classic Pro on WLL
>$550 Niche Zero
If I mod the GCP with a Gaggiuino will I still feel the itch to burn even more money by buying a $2000+ espresso machine in a few years?

>> No.18605275

Probably not. You'll have a small footprint, small boiler with low thermal mass to easily control. If you don't need to serve a room drinks, you won't ever need a bigger boiler.

>> No.18605283

I have one and I love it dearly

>> No.18605331


i hate these fucking retards

>> No.18605338

The roaster's website

>> No.18605345
File: 83 KB, 2032x420, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no if it'll get you to shut the fuck up and never post about it again, here you go. It'll be on the next version.

>> No.18605351

Why does it matter where I live when coffee can be shipped to my location from anywhere in the country in 3-4 days, which happens to be a perfect amount of time for it to rest anyways? Why are you so fucking dense and stupid?

>> No.18605355

>in the country

>> No.18605357

obviously he is Latvian, not like 90% of people here are American

>> No.18605361

its much faster if these faggots just say
"hey /ctg/ im from x country what is the best place to buy coffee online?"
and then we say
"google it you stupid cunt"
see how simple that is.

>> No.18605370

im us. where online goffee?

>> No.18605374

We don't talk about coffee in this thread, retard.

>> No.18605375
File: 91 KB, 1080x767, FHAkN29VIAos4ux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks hand grinder chart anon <3

>> No.18605379

this is a peppercorn and salt grinder general.

>> No.18605397

Gay name, good coof.
Reordering everything from by price, still going to separate tier/color but with a key in the top corner. Going to try to add pictures of the burrs. Might be a bit since I just bought MH Rise. Kys etc etc.

>> No.18605402

>$25 for 250g
baka famalam that's too much ong

>> No.18605405

>$25 for 250g
>too expensive
you dont belong here.

>> No.18605408


>> No.18605411

i like the chart more than the text in the pastebin

>> No.18605413

frfr this is bussin

>> No.18605449

could I grind pepper in my coffee grinder if I needed to

>> No.18605459

Anon... what do you think 'seasoning' burrs entails? I like to run Japanese peppercorns through mine.

>> No.18605468

I use my niche as a spicegrinder to turn cumin into cumin powder

>> No.18605483

Don't you just grind shitty coffee? If you grind peppercorns won't it make all of your coffee taste like pepper?

>> No.18605489

no you have to buy this.

>> No.18605510

>$580 USD for a Salt+Pepper grinder set
I wish I was that rich.

>> No.18605529

weber on some other shit.

>> No.18605705
