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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18589254 No.18589254 [Reply] [Original]

Post Absolute disgusting shit candy

>> No.18589283
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I don't mind the chokky but the vanilla is like congealed axle grease

also pickerel

>> No.18589527
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>> No.18589543

Charleston Chew GOOD!

>> No.18589552
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>> No.18589557
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>> No.18589564

That's delicious, though.

>> No.18589589
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>> No.18589619

anon pls

anon even plser

>> No.18589635


>> No.18589638
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 125550-01_goetzes-cow-tales-caramel-and-cream-sticks-36-piece-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you actually like caramel cream cowtails

>> No.18589648

If people didn't like these products, the company wouldn't seem them.

>> No.18589656

anything made by necco

>> No.18589713
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Literal crime against God

>> No.18589739
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this anon feels no enjoyment of the process of life

>> No.18589867

ah yes, concentrated starch jelly that tastes like flour and table sugar, with a pathetic coating of shit tier chocolate.

3 musketeers over that shit any day.

>> No.18589879
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almost anything over that shit any day.

>> No.18589909

chalk boy loves his chalk

>> No.18589939

Don't be glib, anon. Those are sugar hearts much like myriad other sweets but these are at least homey and traditional with their kind Valentine messages. There's literally almost nothing to hate about any of it. Unless you're glib.

>> No.18589968

You have to freeze these, break them up in the package with something heavy or by smacking the frozen candy carcass on a table, then open and eat the pieces. Otherwise they are insufferable.

>> No.18590028


>> No.18590041

the ones in your pic can be ok i like the pear ones
regular jelly beans though... yuck

>> No.18590087
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Behold the granny candies

>> No.18590110
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>> No.18590151
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To think of it. I never ate a candy product I didn't like.

>> No.18590157

Still waiting for you to post disgusting candy

>> No.18590168
File: 95 KB, 500x389, Almond_Joy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This almond joy is some nasty shit

>> No.18590176
File: 234 KB, 1200x1155, B39C5574-DBBE-40D5-A950-C187CE2659A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s gotta be these. my mum buys them at christmas and they’re just so nasty

>> No.18590203

Yeah been there too, it's worse with a sister-in-law, my brother's wife then you have to get tons of fucking fudge and stupid shit and when I say enough, that makes it worse. I had to stop it by talking to my brother directly and maybe that was the point...

>> No.18590211

clearly you have never tried one. delicious juicey center.

>> No.18590226

I hate candy corn. No idea how I ate that shit when I was a kid.

>> No.18590227
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Oh you're gonna get it now

>> No.18590242
File: 64 KB, 564x435, Cotton_Candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u will eat cotton candy and like it

>> No.18590281

Well the wafers aren't made anymore so you can release your grudge, the tropical ones were pretty good though

>> No.18590289


>> No.18590431
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These have to be it for me.
Pic related were disgusting and I'd always swallow them whole. Such a shit piece in an otherwise great assortment.

>> No.18590668

>inb4 he didn't freeze it

>> No.18590698

Tippy-Top tier
Comfy tier

Shit tier

>> No.18590717

Necco Arc

>> No.18590745
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These should be outlawed.

>> No.18590754
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hate these

>> No.18590764
File: 112 KB, 1000x1000, ßuses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get these things here at the pediatrician's and they are so uncomfortably sticky

>> No.18590896

For some reason this remindes me of maggots.

>> No.18590903

What are you doing lurking at pediatricians?

>> No.18590909

these are fucking great
i remember a freind having a challenge packet and they either tasted nice or really bad

>> No.18591029

Just force yourself, it's aquired taste but so fucking good after that and I'm a Hershey eating American

>> No.18591050

These are all good you retarded autists

>> No.18591152

Candy taken from a baby just hits different.

>> No.18591168

You need to be 18 to post on this site.

>> No.18591175
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>> No.18591194
File: 36 KB, 600x450, candy_buttons_unwrapped_2_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about these candy dot things?
Fucking nasty ass shit!

>> No.18591216

>candy in the shape of a wheel, with a different-colored wheel in the middle
>call it goatse's

what did they mean by this

>> No.18591231
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>> No.18591245

This, fuck this shitty candy bar

>> No.18591253
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Maria and the beatles which everyone is supposed to like, programmed even

>> No.18591275

they are proper grim!

>> No.18591351
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My mother would get those. They were alright. Where can you find them in Germany?

>> No.18591410

I will not believe for one second anyone enjoys Heath bars

>> No.18591417

why? It’s toffee? It’s good.

>> No.18591422

Toffee is unpopular and considered a niche favorite flavor

>> No.18591438

Literally sugar and isoamyl acetate

>> No.18591441
File: 20 KB, 848x480, tim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As I stumbled across the cold tundra, the ground was frozen solid...
>like a frozen Charleston Chew

>> No.18591449

Fuck you Charleston chews are the best. Especially straight out of the freezer.

>> No.18591461

delusional freak

>> No.18591464 [DELETED] 


>> No.18591534

Bro i’m with you I hate those little tooth-pullers

>> No.18591543

You need the dark chocolate of a Mounds to offset the sweetness of the coconut but then I miss the almonds.

>> No.18591545

These were my favorite when I was a kid but either the recipe change or my tastes have because they're just so bland now. I remember them having a stronger peanut butter flavor.

>> No.18591561

I've seem them at Aldi and i guess Edeka, they're in large transparent bags

>> No.18591564

>at Aldi
Aldi is the best. A shame I haven't one nearby

>> No.18591568

I like the pink ones. BTW these are for constipated people, licorice makes you shit.

>> No.18591576
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>> No.18591638

No Aldi around me but Dollar General is pretty good and fuck the fucks that think that a $1 bottle of Cholula is now going for $5. Biden / Xamela can piss off.

>> No.18591675

You're a head case, go in for some self evaluation now before you shoot up a school

>> No.18591679

Do you often eat the contents of dessicant packets?

>> No.18591698
File: 66 KB, 570x570, yummy_packets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you people will never learn.

>> No.18591700

I unironically fucking love these things. Feb. 15 is one of my favorite days, I get to swing by the shops and pick up all the bags and bags of hearts no one wanted for cheap. Usually lasts me well into the Summer.

>> No.18591724

My grandmother used to eat these all the time. The trick is you gotta nibble on them, you can't just stuff a whole one in your face. But even then, they're still maybe a 6/10.

>> No.18591726

Chicken hearts are the best, I learned that from Brasilian frienz

>> No.18591730

nah fuck off these are both absolute classics

>> No.18591744
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>> No.18591758
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Have some fun

>> No.18591821

god i wanna eat a whole bag of these

>> No.18591827

smack it an crack it baby

>> No.18591832

I thought I was the only person on earth that liked Tim

>> No.18591851

Im probably older than your parents you zoomer newfag

>> No.18591861

And? It tastes good thats all that matters.

>> No.18591929

It's so one dimensional that straight molasses is preferable.

>> No.18592087

they sure as shit are being sold. i was given them by an international in the us when i was a kid. now i see them in the us under counters.

>> No.18592090

taste like ass dumb nigger grow up

>> No.18592092
File: 11 KB, 236x205, f1324f346c23eb916df8b46923246969--news-articles-guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Charleston Chew

>> No.18592093

Probably the candy that started me on the path of freezing most nougat or chocolate candy.

>> No.18592101

I'm sure the spot in hell for you was custom-tailored years ago.

>> No.18592107
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>> No.18592109

You never had good licorice.
Dont eat it the Haribo shit, it sucks.

>> No.18592133

Gushing grannies

>> No.18592196

Its likely both, some recipe change went forth in the 1980's, the flavor went more towards insects, the twats with marketing and advertising degrees took over and flavor went to the back seat.
money money money

>> No.18592216

Instead of a recipe is became some chemical formula so companies can pump it out with net net formulations

>> No.18593272
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You see them at every store, but have you ever seen someone buy one?

>> No.18593280
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corn syrup thread

>> No.18593311

>You see them at every store, but have you ever seen someone buy one?
That could be said about a lot of things. Like, I'd legit like to know who besides me is buying supermarket scrapple outside of PA. They keep it in stock, and it does have an expiration date, and it takes shelf space, so presumably someone else is buying it besides me. There are a few niche items like that, even if I couldn't see identifying info, I'd be curious to see the sales stats, because it's hard to imagine more than a few purchases/month per store.

>> No.18593315


>> No.18593320
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>> No.18593321

They still make them and I still buy them.

>> No.18593328
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I don't know how you make chocolate and marshmallows taste like boring but I get to say niggertoe so 8/10

>> No.18593332
File: 124 KB, 653x592, Screenshot 2022-11-18 013241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Gen X or Boomers here remember ribbon candy? Picrel...my grandparents always had this shit.

>> No.18593336
File: 40 KB, 660x381, Screenshot 2022-11-18 013410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90's military fag checking in. Picrel. MRE candy.

>> No.18593589

I thought these things were some nasty minty health bar for decades because of the name and coloration

>> No.18593601
File: 208 KB, 700x526, hsy-004409_3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just admit these aren't very good? Texture like wet chalk powder, chocolate that tastes like absolutely nothing, artificially sweet to the point of being sickening after only one or two cups, I have no idea how these got so fucking popular.

>> No.18593682

Tastlet take, filtered by coconut. I'll say that I do think mounds are superior but almond joys are still a solid B+ in candy scores.

>> No.18593689

I like the taste but not the tooth feel.

>> No.18593700
File: 222 KB, 500x500, 129616-01_tootsie-fruit-rolls-mega-mix-275-piece-bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocolate tootsie rolls are low-mid at best, but the fruit flavored ones are sneaky S-tier gems. I cannot refuse them.

>> No.18593712

In my last 5 years working a gas station I've maybe sold 3 in total.

>> No.18593718

Anything with licorice
that shit is nasty

>> No.18593756
File: 158 KB, 1136x852, ezgif-4-2f58993ac3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respeck your opinion but Reese's are beloved by so so many that you're really an outlier here.

Yes, the chocolate is underwhelming and the texture is confusing (not bad, just confusing), but people like me go apeshit for them and I think I know why. The beanut putter is salty as hell, and combined with the taste of peanuts and chocolate and the wave of sweetness it's just perfect. Even the beanut oil stain on the paper cup allows true connoisseurs to properly age the rate the freshness of The Cup™. it may not be the best BP cup in theory, but time and time again higher quality peanut/chocolate snacks fail and yield to the almighty Reese's

>> No.18593769

But they’re fun if you put them in a microwave

>> No.18593788

Aren’t these considered bad luck in the military?

>> No.18593806
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>> No.18593817
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this shit and absolutely any other fucking gets-annoying-ass-carmel-stuck-in-your-teeh trash

>> No.18593882
File: 175 KB, 571x492, Karamel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every slav kid will recognize thisand know how much it sucks. Well for me it sucks hard.

>> No.18593888
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wait does it taste like lobsta? or is it just old lady caramel? why is there a lobsta on the packet I don't understand

>> No.18593890

I think that's females on the bridge of a ship, a military navy guy will correct me if wrong. That's seriously bad luck.

>> No.18593892

The candy industry fucking blows

>> No.18593916

Now this stupid song is in my head
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you dont

>> No.18593921
File: 69 KB, 562x361, Charms-Sweet_n_Sour_Loli-CharmsSS-feat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not as extensive as it was when I was a kid but if I look I can still find these sweet n sour lollis.

>> No.18593939
File: 18 KB, 493x402, hi_five_meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so does ya mum

>> No.18593957

jelly beans rule but the "juicy pear" or buttered popcorn ones make me vomit.

>> No.18593960

>lokum with chocolate
maybe the cocoa glaze isnt good

>> No.18593961

anon couldnt handle his KARA BOGA's jelly load

>> No.18593964

the brown haribo ones taste good but are overpowering

>> No.18593970

>I'd always swallow them whole
tf was wrong with you just dont eat them

>> No.18594327

Well shit you're right, looks like they don't make the good tropical flavor anymore sadly

>> No.18594354

>cocoa glaze
What are you, some kind of freak?

>> No.18594367

I do love me some rachki.

>> No.18594432

OP here.
It's like Nuts(don't remember what kind) mixed with chocolate but with the consistency of brown sugar, I mean like a compact rock of brown sugar, well IMO seems like that, but the taste is not one of the best, people might like it others not so much. My babushka or her friends always gave me those.

>> No.18594525

I love these guys. I can spend hours segregating them by colour and then flavour, then going through one group at a time.

>> No.18594546

Anglos just can't make good liquorice. The only worthwhile British candy mix is Quality Street

>> No.18594570
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>wrapper would rather rip itself to stick to the candy than just come off
>is literally known for half of its flavors being shitty
>only enjoyed by doodoo skin people

>> No.18594575

Anglos can't do anything good except for blame other people for their own problems

>> No.18594624
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>> No.18594635

Fuck Sprees

>> No.18594638
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fuck smarties

>> No.18594642
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>> No.18594695

I will admit I like giant chewy spree

>> No.18594718

Germany? You find that stuff where the sun dont shine.

>> No.18594725

Aldi. Lidl. Kaufland. My dentist, ironically and not kidding.

>> No.18594727

What kind of faggotry is this?

>> No.18594733

I thought that was a scene from Alien.

>> No.18594753

whenever I think of nougat I equate that with snot and want to blow snot rockets into the nearest sink

>> No.18594827

>the brown haribo ones taste good
The brown layer blocks are awful, even worse than the plain black round pieces. Honestly the only good way to buy those candies is from a loose candy isle where you can carefully scoop up only the good ones lol

>Quality Street
It would be pretty good were it not for the solid fudge ones, because you have to pick out fragments of the wrapper where it gets stuck in the creases.

>> No.18594828

They are like niggers poop

>> No.18594845


>> No.18594960

I bought 3 bags and ate all of them over halloween I fucking love circus peanuts. If I wasn't dieting I'd eat 5 more bags. I'm 32.

>> No.18594984

Speaking of sneaky gems:
>Tootsie Fruit Rolls
>FRUIT Rolls
>Cherry - Nice, much like a Starburst
>Lemon - It's lemon. It showed up. Nobody asked for it, but nobody's offended by it either. It's just there, like "lemon" always is
>Blue Raspberry - Okay I don't know what the fuck but I literally never see this flavor where I live
>Grape - Oh hell yeah now we're talking. Tootsie giving us what Starburst had always failed to provide
>Orange - Just give me a full-size bar of this shit already
>Lime - In a world where lime flavor is becoming exceedingly rare amongst candies, these are like a pristine, untouched verdant grove of cypress trees in a vast desert wasteland
>Vanilla - Hold up
>FRUIT rolls
>Who the fuck snuck these things in?
>Vanilla - Actually great in the smaller "fruit roll" size, arguably better than the original chocolate ones in every way
Like, sure it's a nice surprise, but I still have no idea why they decided to include them in the "fruit rolls" mix.

>> No.18595028

all candy is digusting. i've always hated it for being simulacra of food instead of actual food.

>> No.18595033

even as a kid, i found it pointless to swallow them

>> No.18595035

Millenial, actually, and I remember these being all over the place around the holidays.

>> No.18595037

salmiak is the only worthwhile candy

everything else can be done better with whole foods

>> No.18595055
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These and anything similar where it's just a little capsule of sugar with some artificial flavour
absolutely vile

>> No.18595238

Maybe not "disgusting", but absolutely overrated. Just about every other peanut butter candy is better.
Snickers PB? PB M&Ms? Chick-O-Sticks? Mary fucking Janes? BUTTERFINGERS? They all brutally mog these things.

>> No.18595271

dubbel zout is gebaseerd

>> No.18595295


I'm still loco enough to choke you to death with a Charleston Chew

>> No.18596235
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>> No.18596580

Shit, I forgot those actually existed until I saw that picture. Man, I feel bad for the inventor of the Zero Bar.

>> No.18597317
File: 19 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every person in this penal colony of a country loves these but the exterior is just like floor wax and the interior is the worst fake chocolate EVER.

>> No.18597320

I was in a household that didn't like to waste food.

Forgot about these too, absolutely horrid.

>> No.18597467

Allsorts are good, I used to not like them

>> No.18597653

I will poop in your butt.

>> No.18597689

I used to get vanilla Charleston chews and toblerone everyday my first year living alone. I'll always love them lil niggaz

>> No.18597694
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>> No.18597731
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These fucking things, musk sticks. They're pretty much indescribable in terms of flavor (really strong cinnamon mixed with some sort of faux-cherry? Maybe?).
Because the flavor is so intense, there's a cunt-hair's worth of margin between enjoying them and being totally turned off them for life.

>> No.18597754
File: 179 KB, 853x1500, Every Flavour Beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these once for Xmas. Some of them were absolutely vile.

>> No.18597768

are the blue ones still banned

>> No.18597875

Shit, I haven't seen one of those since hte mid 80s.

>> No.18597884

What do they taste like? Draedls?

>> No.18597899

Even as a kid this was the one candy I didn’t want.

>> No.18597922

I don't mind the taste of these but the texture is absolutely awful.

>> No.18598075
File: 62 KB, 872x872, 186056_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the coolest marketing campaign of my childhood, attached to the most bland candy in existence

>> No.18598080

The candy itself isn't even bad, but it's so overpriced even when buying refills since it comes in those stupid little wrappers.

>> No.18598085

All candy is for children

>> No.18598088

I liked them, they were like sweet tarts but less sour.

>> No.18598091
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isn't that just because you never had a sweetheart anon?

>> No.18598105
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>Your second grade crush gives a box of these and you spend the whole day trying to determine what she meant by it.
>She probably just didn't want gross chalk candy.

>> No.18598141
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>> No.18598149

Yet you post it like a bitch that has to justify a marketing and/or advertising degree, what a way to go through life.

>> No.18598152

They're actually decent if you try them, like a white chocolate Milky Way.

>> No.18598156

Sucking up to nigs is no way to go through life

>> No.18598162

These were seriously great in the 1970s

>> No.18598163

goyslop board

>> No.18598166

Such a cool concept but they taste like chalk

>> No.18598169
File: 24 KB, 474x474, korova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it had to be these, the taste is tolerable but that sandy texture is horrid.

>> No.18598188

and yet, whenever they change them up and make sour ones, smarties ones, gummy ones, etc they fail miserably.

the conversation heart is like candy corn or taylor swift tickets. you've never met a single person who buys or likes it and yet they rake in hundreds of millions

>> No.18598219
File: 44 KB, 400x400, djungelvrål400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting filtered by a fucking monke.

>> No.18598299

These use to be really fucking good, then they changed the recipe to have 40% more sugar and less chocolate and peanut butter.

>> No.18598327

thats vegetable oil my man

>> No.18598335

go to hershey and get a fresh one. It's life changing.

>> No.18598356
File: 114 KB, 680x654, covid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean like Hershey PA at the factory? I was there as a kid but this never happened. God fucking dammit mom.

>> No.18598393

where do u think hfcs comes from lmao

>> No.18598410


>> No.18598420

Your tax dollars like fucking up shit and being a corn holed moron controlled by politiicals

>> No.18598422


>> No.18598423
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it comes from >>18593280

>> No.18598440
File: 105 KB, 720x530, Clash_Shirt-164434_10151465193919485_2018481066_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks frog posing cunt

>> No.18598457


>> No.18598592

I feel like these would be better if they were deep fried carnival style

>> No.18598618
File: 899 KB, 2448x3264, mexicancandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, Mexican candy general?

>> No.18598707

Fuck off Bounty is god-tier.

t. seething and projecting thirdie

>> No.18598843

kek, I love these things.

>> No.18599535

I fuckin love these

>> No.18599550

you are lower than a dog

>> No.18599556

y e s .

they are what I've saved every Halloween since I was like 5

>> No.18599573

Vanilla beans are technically a fruit

>> No.18599583

Oy gevalt

>> No.18599585

What the FUCK

>> No.18599860

You would know right?

>> No.18599885 [DELETED] 

Fuck you

>> No.18599907

Shit taste

>> No.18600184

wonder why they never added the almond to it, but yea same i prefer Mounds.

>> No.18600493
File: 59 KB, 1000x716, 5bbd4876afc647473b6b7c83ebc968f7_1000x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*is literally impossible to eat in your path*

>> No.18600510

>abba zabba you my only friend

>> No.18600522

Wtf I love Satan now

>> No.18600536

what did Satan do

>> No.18600537

Meant for this faggit >>18589713

>> No.18600550
File: 33 KB, 600x600, large-krasbanankosingle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18600652

Coconut isn't sweet

>> No.18600697

I stock up on these at candy stores in Jersey over the summer. Reminds me of childhood.

>> No.18600708

Clearly you didn't TRY FROZEN!

>> No.18600742

kek was just about to post this. anon you my only friend.

>> No.18600760
File: 94 KB, 375x375, Spangler-Circus-Peanuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the most ass candies of all time

>> No.18600826


These are literally two of the best candies.

Am I being trolled?

>> No.18600827
File: 19 KB, 480x360, MC PEE PANTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even one shit candy

You're some crazy niggas.


>> No.18600921

I love every candy posted yet

>> No.18600939

Mexican candy is based, kys

>> No.18600971
File: 175 KB, 576x800, MINTY FRASH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I still have no idea why they decided to include them in the "fruit rolls" mix.
>hasn't unlocked the 1 fruit 1"cream" combo yet

>> No.18600974

the only good circus peanuts are melster, the rest taste like shit

>> No.18600982

Fuck that, it looks like shit you collected leftovers from a piñata.

>> No.18600988
File: 8 KB, 255x198, 1867845023034238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>axle grease

>> No.18600994
File: 27 KB, 450x450, dame_annie_lennox-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll see that and raise you a Dame Annie Lennox

>> No.18601011
File: 214 KB, 500x375, VD RALPHIE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's chemically altered corn starch, anon..."Modified", if you will...

>> No.18601024

That explains you now doesn't it?
"chemically altered corn starch"

>> No.18601045

You're mad someone posted low tier candy in a low tier candy thread?

>> No.18601048

me too. now i can't tell the difference between the chargers and rams, or the browns and bears. it doesn't end dude. NFL changes one thing and it just has to be a two syllable word with history and love to a three syllable word that matches the energy of woke college students willing to spend $15 on a light beer. ;)
nope, not candy corn. /ck/ is an anti-candy corn board. shit i don't even think we talk about doritos or corn fajitas often for that matter.

>> No.18601053
File: 181 KB, 483x470, 1668303667882360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brits are eating fluoride

>> No.18601054

the pear Jelly Bean is peak candy

>> No.18601078

>Vanilla is the fruit of an orchid plant

>> No.18601090
File: 59 KB, 666x500, PBKISS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, I don't eat that garbage--real cane sugar ONLY. The other thing that gets added to so many things that I avoid like the plague it tartrazine, AKA Yellow #5. That shit gives me a splitting headache within 10 minutes of eating something that I wasn't aware it was in.
Circuc peanuts must be loaded with it, or maybe #6 LAKE or something, because they taste like a yellow felt tip marker,(yeah, I licked one once on a dare as a kid--it was a lemon scented one and the taste was there all day long until after dinner**THANKS Shake 'n' Bake!!)

>> No.18601193
File: 129 KB, 928x739, REALLY....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only in the councilhouses in Lancashire apparently...
I'd give the Brits more credit than that...most Amerilards haven't done anything about the defiling of the water supply in our cities anyway--
I've given you trying to convince people--fuck 'em, I have good well water with an RO filter.
They even ADD fluoride to "BABY WATER"--
It's not just one brand either...
I just...
I CAN'T...
**Sighs in resigned despair**

>> No.18601301
File: 858 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2022-11-02-23h40m37s539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adding a literal neurotoxin to water for babies whose brains are developing in order to improve the enamel of the teeth THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE YET AND WILL FALL OUT JUST A FEW YEARS AFTER THEY COME IN ANYWAY

>> No.18601304

>don't have a lot of cash
toothpaste is way more expensive than cheap hard candies, If I even have a full tube on hand I'm not gonna chop it up to serve dinner guests
this is some Mr Bean shit

>> No.18601330

Poor people are notoriously stupid. You see, a bag of peppermint candies is not something they just have around, so they'd have to go SPEND MONEY to BUY it just for the dinner party. But toothpaste is something they already have at home, so it costs NOTHING to freeze it and cut it up. They don't think about how they'll need to replace the toothpaste later and how much more expensive that will be, they literally just can't think beyond whether they have to spend money on something TODAY and have no concept of how spending patterns over longer periods add up.

>> No.18601344
File: 183 KB, 1023x1017, Frankford gummy lunchables ingerdients-crakkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a literal neurotoxin to water
Hell, they used to sell it as rat poison.
Most of the shit they dump in the water supply these days is STILL leftovers from the Aluminum production process from the 50s-70s
Then--They fucking call YOU a conspiracy theorist.
I just...
I don't...
Back to the shitty candy now pls...
I-I dinna wan too derael.

>> No.18601367

Used to ride my bike to the gas station and get one of these when I was a kid. Pretty good

>> No.18601458
File: 418 KB, 666x666, Frankford gummy lunchables ingerdients-Pidzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had I known what they were 20 years ago, I would definitely given them a try...
These days, Almost ALL candybars are junk compared to then--they've been cheaping out on the ingredients and using GMOs for YEARS now.
Also kind of cool that they predate Sniggers by at least a decade.

>> No.18601465

>but have you ever seen someone buy one?
Yes, Zero is my mom's favorite candy bar and she bought them all the time.

>> No.18601466

Don't really care for it, it's one of the necessities for the movie theaters though.

>> No.18601477

Do these actually taste like the Lunchables whose visage they imitate?

>> No.18601579
File: 289 KB, 800x538, SmartLoophole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat these now that they almost ALL use "Biologically Engineered food ingredients", but the dollar stores carry the "Movie theater" boxesand milk duds sprinkled on a tub of hot poopcorn is breddy tits.
Wouldn't know--I've never eaten either. I would doubt it--but again-I don't eat that garbage, so maybe?

>> No.18601638


>> No.18601642

These are amazing, fuck off.

>> No.18601647

Big T*rk

>> No.18601653
File: 224 KB, 946x1186, 71T1mR9AlqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18601671
File: 307 KB, 1024x1024, de84589e_Wonka-Sweettarts-Hearts.xxxlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18601683

definitely superior candy to Necco wafers/hearts but they're still just an imitation of the original. i like the wonky red printing and sugary chalkiness of the Necco hearts.

in saying that, just about everything Wonka makes is fucking good. Laffy Taffy is out of this world


>> No.18601743

Youre wrong and gay. This and crocante are the only candy still edible in the garoto's box

>> No.18602605

>They don't think about how they'll need to replace the toothpaste later
These are brits, anon.

>> No.18602609

Mommy gib milkies

>> No.18602720
File: 3.03 MB, 1280x883, 1451213665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You peeps have never experienced the horror that was pre-1980s spanish candy.

>> No.18602748

>different flavors not indicated by color, only by text
>the text indicating the flavor looks very similar to the brand name, and you have a 50/50 chance of seeing either the flavor or the useless brand name when you grab a piece from the bag to check its flavor
how annoying is it to dig through a bag of these until you find the flavor you want? do they make these to torment autistic people? if so, i recommend irregular shapes.

>> No.18602751
File: 47 KB, 359x480, bits-ace-lasts-longer-dge-if-you-wash-it-and-then-wrap-the-leaves-in-tin-foil-put-strip-afam-bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this

>> No.18602997

I was five and would eat candy corn until I'm sick. I'm now 30 and don't buy candy corn because given the chance, I would eat it until I was sick. Fuck you.

>> No.18603855

Protip: Dip it in tears from the baby you took it from. Gives it that little extra oomph.

>> No.18603860

if you bite one of these really hard it cements your mouth closed

>> No.18603896
File: 105 KB, 1000x1000, moon_pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon Pie? more like Moon DRY.

>> No.18603973

These taste mostly like the cardboard box they come in.

>> No.18604051

Like running nails on a chalkboard, but for your teeth.

>> No.18604068

kek it does look like that

>> No.18604069

M&Ms are like the chocolate equivalent of eating breadcrumbs. Who wants to eat just pebbles of chocolate? Completely disappointing.

>> No.18604076

Is rather have a creampie

>> No.18604091

whenever I see these, I ALWAYS disregard the warnings and eat them anyways. NOTHING has happened to me so far, but the taste is not good

>> No.18604113

>improve the enamel of the teeth
except it doesn't do that, at all.

>> No.18604120
File: 325 KB, 1020x574, kitkat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tastes like chocolate flavored cardboard

>> No.18604125

The lemon ones are so good though

>> No.18604162

I know, but that's the "official" stated reason for it and that makes zero sense for babies for the reasons I provided. They're not even trying to hide it at this point.

>> No.18604166

Foreskins and coins.

>> No.18604173

I'd sell my entire family out for one of these a handjob from an evil witch

>> No.18604196
File: 70 KB, 800x800, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These since they changed the recipe

>> No.18604203

What the actual fuck am I looking at?
Why is there a spoon? Are they supposed to be eaten as a spoonset + lolly or are they different candies?
pls respond, this is important

>> No.18604228

Anon this thread (and board) are for elitists who relish in shitting on others because they like different things. You’re too honest. I feel the same way. I’ve never ate anything I hated.

>> No.18604245

Kill yourself and then fuck off back to whatever cancerous shithole you came from.

>> No.18604265

it's a Generation Kill reference
this is because Charms have not been in rations in a long time, if you find them, stop eating and go get another MRE because youre going to die eating that bag of food.

>> No.18604286

Laffy Taffy is good except the banana ones.

also, fuck airheads. those burnt my throat since I was a kid. I am a millenial that loved smarties as a kid. Now I only do dark chocolate or sour candy as a guilty pleasure. my goto is probably gay bacon strips.

>> No.18604291

No, the official stated reason is that it prevents corrosion in copper pipes. That’s why it’s an incredibly minuscule amount added. In the parts per billion. Drop one grain of salt in a gallon of water. That’s what you’re bitching about.

>> No.18604304

are Brits immune to acting like mindless poor niggers just because theyre white?

>> No.18604420

>In the parts per billion.
The legal limit is 4 parts per MILLION. My city's water supply has 1ppm of fluoride and other places often have amounts closer to the upper limit. Why are you lying?

>> No.18604465
File: 36 KB, 600x375, 555cumonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, the official stated reason is that it prevents corrosion in copper pipes
Why lie about something so easily disprovable?
>For 75 years, people in the United States have been drinking water with added fluoride and enjoying the benefits of better dental health.

>> No.18604539

Yeah, WTF, when did that happen, I haven't had one in years, decided to buy a skull one for Halloween and it's fucking chocolate on the inside

>> No.18604674
File: 11 KB, 318x321, 1667189321923562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you burn a hole in your tongue eating sour spree
Why do they only sell it in big bags?

>> No.18604731

They're different candies. The spoon is a spoonful of tamarind candy. It's pretty good (sweet, spicy, tangy/sour), but probably because of all the lead in it. The other lollies are watermelon shaped, flavored and covered in chili powder. I don't really like them because it's a cheap watermelon flavor and stale chili

>> No.18604745
File: 44 KB, 500x375, peppermint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toothpaste in solid form

>> No.18604752

That's not the point here. The point is the fact that there was a tube of toothpaste in this bitches home and that toothpaste was actually used for something that involved it going into people's mouths. This is a major milestone in the history of british dentistry.

>> No.18604900

Whoopie pies are much better.

>> No.18605257

WTF this is one of the best, i get it from a euro market here down under

>> No.18605264

If it was created and designed for human consumption, then I enjoy eating it.

>> No.18605319

thats the best part

>> No.18605536

I fucking love Mary Jane PB kisses, and it causes me great anguish that when based Atkinson Candy Co. picked up Mary Janes from Necco they didn't also start making the PB kisses

>> No.18605560

I'd never even heard of these until I saw a youtube video on them.

>> No.18605729

Imagine getting filtered by banana flavored marshmallows

>> No.18606055
File: 115 KB, 862x485, showbagshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much anything that comes from a showbag circa 1990s. What are showbags, you ask? They're promotional bags sold at exhibitions and festivals that tended to contain the absolute dodgiest surplus gum and lollies that companies could afford. And generally speaking, the more 'value' they were trying to get out of it, the dodgier the lollies were.
That "World's Biggest Showbag" used to be one of the worst offenders and it wasn't uncommon to be eating lolly brands you didn't even know existed... But as a kid, you didn't give a shit, it was just fun to pig out on garbage.
These days they're not as bad but they're also super-expensive so the novelty just isn't there anymore.

>> No.18606067

That's granny candy stuff, the kind of things that have been sitting around in some dish for so long that you try to pick one up the whole dish comes up.

>> No.18606086
File: 208 KB, 2048x1366, salt_water_taffy-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go for the salt water taffy myself

>> No.18606092
File: 40 KB, 342x428, barrel-Atomic_Fireballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atomic fireballs always hit the spot for me

>> No.18606136
File: 29 KB, 508x452, FORMATS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You a flamebot or something?
How 'bout this...
Don't you miss when you could actually format here?
the Irony is that , THIS PLACE has BECOME that self-same cancerous shithole you're seething about.
Think CAREFULLY about how much has changed here that you can do fuck-all about.
"You're here forever" was always a psy-op lie.
figure it out yet, you prancing la-la faggot man??

>> No.18606150
File: 13 KB, 425x425, 1645966291024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here.

>> No.18606166
File: 664 KB, 1599x1390, VOMOLAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18606261

Laffy Taffy and salt water taffy are both awesome. I agree the banana Laffy's are the worst, too sickly sweet while the others are nice and tangy. Airheads aren't taffy, they're like mushed corn syrup or something, it's fucking vïle

>> No.18606302

>fake image of things that never happened
>fucks up the quote
2/10 for effort
Go back to your cancerous shithole, tourist.

Also, hereforever.jpg is not a fahnny maymay. It's bloody serious.
t. 2005

>damagecontrolling lies about being a 2004fag