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File: 38 KB, 500x500, sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18590675 No.18590675 [Reply] [Original]

What killed the open faced sandwich?

>> No.18590679


>> No.18590685

the fact that getting your fingers all dirtied up with condiments and, well let's be frank, the sandwich falls apart more easily

>> No.18590710

Everything going everywhere

>> No.18590730


>> No.18590734

It hasn't been killed where i live

>> No.18590748

i often make them when i have a bunch of cheese to hold the slop together like a chop cheese sandwich

fold a slice of bread like taco or hotdog bun

>> No.18590752

the actual sandwich

>> No.18591892

These things are still standard in Eastern Europe.

>> No.18591948

a second slice of bread

>> No.18591952

this guy

>> No.18591958

americans. most sandwiches in europe are open faced.

>> No.18592182

>What killed the open faced sandwich?
After killing The Radio Star, Video embarked on a murder spree which continues to this day. The open-faced sandwich is but one of the many, many casualties which also include polite discourse and proper use of the word "literally."

>> No.18592288

i eat them all the time wtf do you mean

>> No.18592314

the fact that its goyslop

>> No.18592352

This is the most creative thing Ive read on 4chan all year. Thank you fellow autist

>> No.18592468

I miss when this site was funny

>> No.18592565

This is literally the worst post I've ever seen you stupid prick, get bent.

>> No.18592570

Video literally did this

>> No.18592635

You mean before you got here?

>> No.18594542

Well played, sir. Very well played.

>> No.18594616

You miss when you read funny screencaps off of reddit or narrated to you through youtube videos

>> No.18594659

7/10 nice little chuckle

>> No.18594754
File: 200 KB, 1280x854, Smorgastarta-Recipe-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The swedes by abusing the concept

>> No.18594857

Vvvvideo killed the radio star

>> No.18594863

That was the first MTV song, back when they played videos, that was a long time ago.

>> No.18594871

Its not a sandwich. The name sandwich implies food "sandwiched" between bread. You can call it something else but the illuminati refused to allow it anymore. You'll still see it in third world countries with no resources, like Somalia and Nebraska but anywhere important people live, the open face cannot.

>> No.18594879

Hey OP, this anon >>1859487 has a good point.

>> No.18594888

I'll try this again...
Hey OP, this anon >>18594871 has a good point.

>> No.18594893

The earl of sandwich would have never been able to play cards with one

>> No.18594896

It's only good with gravy

>> No.18594898

>What killed the open faced sandwich?
We might as well ask why the egg mcmuffin killed the eggs benedict

>> No.18594987

Not in my country, nor literally any of the ones neighbouring it. Pretty sure open-faced is exclusively done in the far north, Scandinavia in particular. Even Slavs don't all universally do it. Seems to be more a Northslav thing rather than Southslav.
Anyway, my country has two words/phrases for "sandwich," one which translates as "stuffed little bread" because it is literally a split bread roll/bun with things in it (burgers and subs fall into this category) and the other as "little in-betweens" because you put things "in between" two slices of bread IE the sort of sandwich most people think of when they hear the word "sandwich."

Common misconception. It was originally called a Torkelston, named after Baron Torkelston. He lost a bet to the Earl and from thence, all Torkelstons were called "sandwiches." 100% truefax, don't look it up, just trust me, bro.

>> No.18596660

>Pretty sure open-faced is exclusively done in the far north, Scandinavia in particular
I usually have a wrap or 2 slices but there are a lot of open faced sandwiches, like räckmacka

>> No.18597110

Because there's a whole bunch of bullshit that comes with removing the top piece of bread. It defeats much of the purpose of a sandwich in the first place.

>> No.18597127

The only open face sandwich I've ever eaten was a butter sandwich

>> No.18597139

I had one this morning on an "open faced" onion bun
I made it at home and expected to use a fork
it was and always is good

>> No.18597147

When I'm eating a big sloppy publix sub I'll take the pieces of bread apart at the end and eat them like an open face sandwich

>> No.18597158
File: 126 KB, 1200x628, Shit-on-a-shingle-recipe-FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might have been this

>> No.18597187
File: 104 KB, 1280x853, D1E3DEF0-598B-47E0-9F20-A3F094CF4DAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a popular one.

>> No.18597202
File: 56 KB, 550x412, Skinny_Tuna_Melt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These didn't help

>> No.18597262
File: 743 KB, 1000x666, trencher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most sandwiches in europe are open faced.
How is it even a sandwich if the filling isn't sandwiched between a couple of slices of bread?
Open-faced just means you're using a slice of bread as a plate, probably eating with knide and fork. Surely there's another word for this than "sandwich"? What did people call it back when trenchers were a thing?

>> No.18597281

>What killed the open faced sandwich?
Eggs Benedict is still a thing. So are bagels with schmear, pizza, focaccia, welsh rarebit, shit on a shingle, biscuits & gravy... tons of ways that people continue to pile stuff on top of a piece of bread.

>> No.18597291

what kind of bullshit is "open-faced" sandwich
a sandwich is between two slices of bread, if it isn't then it's not a sandwich, it's called a tartine

>> No.18597307
File: 242 KB, 1164x873, smorrebrod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you didn't need to buy 30 ingredients that spoil immediately to make sandwiches like this.

>> No.18597314

Are Euroturds really that poor?

>> No.18597316

Do you not have a fridge?

>> No.18597325

leafy greens turn to dead skin within 36 hours
herbs start to rot around 5 days

I end up throwing away about half of the smallest portion i can buy.

>> No.18597339

>fold the piece of bread to give it a top and a bottom
So a sandwich then.

>> No.18597362

That plate would give me pleasure.

>> No.18597368 [DELETED] 

Score 1 for the goyslop resistance movement.

>> No.18598579

he cant keep getting away with it!

>> No.18599426


>> No.18599434

I never realized that so many of my favorite foods are open-faced sandwiches.

>> No.18599451

take my gold fellow redditor

>> No.18599459

You monster.

>> No.18599460

I stopped seeing reddit everywhere when I got off that site anon you should try it too

>> No.18599462

>he doesn't know

>> No.18599464

Sandwiches are not goyslop. Stop false flagging like you did on 9/11.

>> No.18599472

It was pretty reddit in that it was "nerdy" but not really, in order to get the reference, as well as offensively inoffensive. That's their humor, and it's kinda cringeworthy.

>> No.18599915

>being old enough to know a song which was EXTREMELY well known in its day is "nerdy"
Don't you have a soccer game for mommy to drive you to, Tyler?

>> No.18599951
File: 4 KB, 189x267, Dune-Feyd-Sting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you faggots done with reddit yet?
Are they that desperate that they pay you to post here?

>> No.18599952

That's why it's in quotes, dumbass.

>> No.18599954


>> No.18599969

how to people eat sandwiches like these without dropping all of the toppings on their plate or themselves? i could see open faced sandwiches being a thing for dishes like mett or a thin layer of moist sloppa that sticks to itself, but not for ingredients piled that high. hell i have trouble eating normal sandwiches piled high since it all has a tendency to come out the back when i take a bite

>> No.18599974

They still exist, they're just not very suitable for portability which is generally a selling point when you buy a sandwich. There's a coffee shop near my work that does an open face croque madam, i wish it was just a regular ass sandwich but yknow? It's pretty good even without the second piece of bread, even if i have to eat it with a fork and knife.

>> No.18599976

Oh, I get. Just like how you're a "man" and not a mewling quim. Gotcha.

>> No.18599981 [DELETED] 


>> No.18600372

they use utensils since they have opposable thumbs

>> No.18600665

doesn't that defeat the purpose of a sandwich though?

>> No.18600672

>isnt sandwiched
>call it a sandwich

its a unbaked bread pie thats what it is

>> No.18600784
File: 16 KB, 200x356, 03d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18600802
File: 68 KB, 313x217, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open faced sandwich
I make mine italian-style and then bake them

>> No.18601182

Why can't thumbs just be agreeable?

>> No.18601240

I kneel

>> No.18601509

Gentlemen, the top slice of bread has become sentient. Have we strayed too far from God in our hedonistic baking ways? What's next? A third slice of bread to kill the two bread sandwich?

>> No.18602020
File: 142 KB, 1380x840, Screen Shot 2022-11-19 at 9.59.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proper use of the word literally
dictionary definition

>> No.18602096

Hence why an open faced sandwich is sometimes called a tartine or bread platter

>> No.18602614

It's because there's no way to eat one without looking like a fag

>> No.18602675


>> No.18602682

Just further proof of how far Video has gone to fulfill its goals.

>> No.18602683

In the US you mean? Goyslop shit tier "sandwich bread". In the countries where proper bread is more popular open faced sandwiches are still a thing.

>> No.18602703

Feeling strong nostalgia for 2007 right now. I genuinely wish I could live the rest of my life without ever interacting with someone who was born after me unless she was sucking my dick.

>> No.18603656

Nigger just say youre too fucking lazy or retarded or both to literally put a piece of bread on top of it. Its not a fucking sandwich if its not SANDWICHED in between 2 pieces of bread. You literally just put lunchmeat on a slice of bread