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18589216 No.18589216 [Reply] [Original]

>Ahh yes
>First I'll buy an $82,000 machine
>Then I'll spend $500 for the best™ beans
>I'll spend 3 days roasting grinding the beans
>Now time to tune the machine just right
>Don't forget the froth!
>Finally I need to post about how unique and cool the ''''art'''' of pressing 'GO' on a machine is!
All of this to make a tiny cup of mediocre coffee.
Espresso fags are deranged. Just get a drip-coffee maker and drink it black like normal person.

>> No.18589221

Coping poorfag

>> No.18589228

you're retarded.

>> No.18589229
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>> No.18589231

bean water

>> No.18589244

all you need is a good grinder and fresh coffee beans (not the supermarket garbage)
unless you really want to you won't have to spend more than 500 bucks and espresso is nothing like "normal" black coffee

>> No.18589247

>espresso is nothing like "normal" black coffee
you're right, it's worse

>> No.18589248


>> No.18589255

Not even Starbucks has these machines.

>> No.18589256

only if you've never had a good one. all-in-one coffee machines are incapable of making decent espresso which is why so many people who always get the cheapest garbage without researching anything think that espresso tastes like shit.

there's not enough pressure and the built in grinders are always laughable. the same people also always get the cheapest beans for 10 bucks per kilo and then they wonder why their espresso is bitter lol

>> No.18589267

espresso is the only actually good coffee type.
I've tried every kind of method: drip brewed, moka pot, aeropress, french press... but they all taste like bitter watery shit compared to a decent cup of espresso. And I normally use a cheap espresso machine that uses capsules, nothing too fancy.

>> No.18589272

Are you a bit jealous?

>> No.18589292

Ridiculous. If you cant make good coffee without all that expensive stuff you dont really know how to make coffee.

>> No.18589342

Decent beans aren't expensive though

>> No.18589359

Do people outside of North America drink drip coffee? What I mean is that a Cafe Americano is basically a watered-down espresso shot meant to approximate drip coffee. Now an actual espresso obviously tastes nicer, but what do you do when you want 355-473mL of coffee to nurse over the course of a morning?

>> No.18589361

pour over coffee

pretty cheap compared to espresso

>> No.18589364

>I'll spend 3 days roasting grinding the beans
Ahh, see, there's your problem
Roasting is maybe 20 minutes
Resting is probably 8-10 days for an Arabica
Grinding shouldn't take more than a minute

$82k seems steep, you can get some very nice 49mm lever machines around the $3k mark

>> No.18589369
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just get this shit like a normal person and stop acting like a gay retarded faggot

>> No.18589376

this doesn't even taste like coffee you tasteless piece of shit

>> No.18589383
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>> No.18589384

Just put more scoops in and less milk and sugar moron. That's how you make black coffee

>> No.18589389

Holy shit
I appreciate you providing a good-faith answer to my question, but this guy is a mega-nerd, and there is no way anyone is breaking out the food scale and thermometer and measuring their coffee in the morning.
I think my question has been answered. Drip coffee in large quantities is strictly a North American thing.

>> No.18589391
File: 153 KB, 1500x1500, technivorm kbgv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first drip machines were actually German (the Wigomat). Technivorm and Melitta make tons of drip machines for Euros that we almost never see here.

>> No.18589399

Euros call it filter coffee rather than drip coffee.

>> No.18589402

>breaking out the food scale and thermometer and measuring their coffee in the morning
you're missing the point. he's doing that to show you what's happening and how temperature etc. will affect things. you don't need a thermometer and you won't need a food scale either once you get a feel for it. learning stuff like this from nerds makes much more sense than learning from casuals who half-ass it even if you might like their personality better, all you should care about is the result

>> No.18589403

Whenever I leave North America (yeah I'm Canadian, before you call me on it that's why I'm saying that) good drip coffee doesn't seem to exist. Europe, Asia, or South or Central America. I'm not saying good coffee doesn't exist in those places, I'm saying they don't have a type of good coffee that you can drink 355mL of.

>> No.18589409

Try Germany/NL and the Nordic countries. Those are the big filter coffee areas in Europe.

>> No.18589412

he just linked you the best machine to make coffee. it's pretty popular in europe but nobody knows what drip coffee means, it's filter coffee here.
pour over coffee is obviously still better than the moccamaster

>> No.18589429

>nobody knows what drip coffee means, it's filter coffee here
I think this is more the point I'm making. Similar machines are dime a dozen here, that's just standard coffee. That's what you get when you ask for a "coffee." You can make it with a machine or with a simple funnel device; the most important part is that the beans are relatively fresh and that you grind them yourself.
I guess the point that's a little more befuddling to me is that Europeans take their coffee in a single shot (or at most Turkic/Polish/Greek style couple of sips with a lot of grounds at the bottom).
We don't have that; coffee here is a highly caffeinated hot beverage that you drink 500mL of over the course of a morning/afternoon.