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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18583667 No.18583667 [Reply] [Original]

Why is medium or well done steak looked down upon?

>> No.18583682

It's overcooked. The meat is drier, tougher, and lacking in flavor.

>> No.18583685


>> No.18583688

is this a bait image? even the blue looks way too overdone

>> No.18583693

No it doesn’t.

>> No.18583701

to anyone or any restaurant that isn't retarded or for poor people, it's known that the way a cut of meat is cooked depends on the cut of meat itself. if you order every type of steak one way, you're a retard. it just so happens that, at least in the realm of steak, exactly 0 western/north-american cuts are best served well done save for a couple uncommon examples. this is not the case everywhere i.e. latin america and asia, where butchery is not the same and there are different cuts of meat best cooked entirely differently.
as an average across western steakhouses, assuming high quality beef, medium-rare and rare are most frequently going to be both the most tender and flavorful method of preparation. even more brutal redpill - raw/blue beef can be even better, but it's unlikely you can source that outside of tartare without preparing it yourself

>> No.18583703

The same adult children who feel that their manhood is best proven by eating fistfuls of ghost peppers told everyone that raw slimy meat is nature's way. Even though a steak that's been drained of blood and sat in the fridge a day or two is many times removed from a steaming buffalo carcass on the Serengeti.

>> No.18583717

pseudo-intellectual garbage. you aren't as smart as you think you are.

>> No.18583731

Growing up, I was always told to order medium-rare, but as an adult I now enjoy medium far better. Medium-well is too much, though.

>> No.18583764

Yes. It does. If that's blue, what the fuck have I eaten as "blue" the few times I have?

>> No.18583769

medium rare is the best but sometimes it's too rare and you just chew on this stretchy blob

>> No.18583777

because steak is most often correlated to beef which has the least flavor of all red meats. They have no way to extract flavor other than eating it raw or drowning it in butter/bacon

>> No.18583816

oh my lord from the thumbnail it looks like a grubworm.

>> No.18583823

yeah, I think so. OP's rare is my idea of medium

>> No.18584567

they took a photo of a single steak (likely a medium rare one used here as "blue") and then they try to color correct it to create all the different doneness levels, but with laughable results

>> No.18584734

No it's just lazy, all the pictures are the exact same steak but slightly recolored. Obviously some of them will look wrong.

>> No.18584815

These charts are almost always wrong, but this one is particularly bad. Both medium and medium well are medium well. Medium rare is medium. And both rare and blue are medium rare. Also this >>18584734

>> No.18584828

They look like a red wine bender turd gradient from Amber Heard to sober.

>> No.18585049


>> No.18585055

>Amber Heard
What's that?

>> No.18585063

hahaha, what are you some kind of colonial? I'm a cousin.

>> No.18585071
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Because hipsters are jumping on the new fad again and you need to drink starbucks coffee with added milk and sugar canes(that'll be 3 bucks extra btw) or you're not as cool as the coolest kids on the block eating undertextured consumables.

>> No.18585082

More heavily cooked beef is associated with less developed nations which have less regulations on their meat products. i.e. you need to cook it or you get parasites. Same thing with fish. You see the same thing in the southern us with salmon and other fish. Being able to eat raw beef is a sign of wealth as you need to be able to trust in the sourcing and transportation of the meat to not fucking die. Also I love steak tartare with some arugula.

>> No.18585085

You cook food to make it easier on your digestive system.

>> No.18585092

I'm not saying you should only eat raw beef, but rather if you don't trust the source of the meat you should NEVER eat raw meat, beef or otherwise. - hell pork chicken and fish are worse. And thats where I think the culture comes from. Also its tastier and has a better texture, to me.

>> No.18585096

this is a shit article, but that is fitting for the subject, and I don't want to post actual turds on /ck/ because even my shitposts have their limits


she literally shit the bed, according to Depp, and it was a nasty greasy looking thing (I'm sure you can find higher resolution pictures, as I've unfortunately seen them, but icba to find them now)

>> No.18585177

They like their parasites alive

>> No.18585209

Well done literally tastes better. Not even trolling. Rare has no flavour at all, just warm salty slightly bloody slime. Well done is nutty and beefy. Well done is for people who don't need to conform to a stupid trend of midwit snobbery in order to understand food. I'm fucking right. Fite me.

>> No.18585215
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>why is medium or well done steak looked down upon
Because it's objectively shit. The only reason people still order meat that way is because their boomer mom didn't know how to cook, and most likely learned from her depression era mom, who saw everyone around her dying and was told by the government that you NEED to cook everything through unless you want to DIE! It's basically a generational form of picky eating, just like how some people still buy iodized salt. It's honestly just hardcore flyovers who still cook steak past medium, but the really disconcerting thing is how many people are still afraid of cooking a burger medium-rare. You're not going to get sick, dude. Literally just go to McDonalds if you want to ruin good meat by overcooking it and let everyone else enjoy their right to properly cooked protein.

>> No.18585217

I always have my steak well done because in all honesty I'd prefer to eat jerky instead but that's never on the menu.

>> No.18585512

the first one in the pic is medium not blue.

>> No.18585525

how to say "I have no sense of taste or smell" without being a wine whiskey or beer snob.