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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18577755 No.18577755 [Reply] [Original]

>make own butter
>Takes 5 minutes
>tastes fucking amazing
>cheaper than even the cheapest butter
>Store bought butter now tastes like some stinky shit
When did you take the homemade butter pill?

>> No.18577760

I will NEVER be a churn cuck. For me, it's Lurpak

>> No.18577763

Post procedure

>> No.18577765
File: 21 KB, 282x422, butter churner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Churn it earn it, shit is so good

>> No.18577767

Remoof testocles
Invurt oenis
Strap on tits
I R now the women

>> No.18577785

home churned butter is only cheaper if your time is worthless

>> No.18577796

how do you make it anon?

>> No.18577817

Do you not have electrical hand mixers? Shit takes 5 minutes.
Put cream in a bowl and mix it until it turns into whipped cream, then mix it some more until it's butter.
Takes like 5-10 minutes max for 1 litre of cream.

>> No.18577825

Do you have to start with heavy cream? That shit is expensive.

>> No.18577826

What's the ideal fat percentage of the cream?

>> No.18577858

>it's cheaper!
>you just need a mixer
>and to pay electricity costs

>> No.18577875

>That shit is expensive
this is the reason I can't believe it's cheaper to do it myself

If I started with a quart of heavy cream, how much butter will I get?

>> No.18577894

Well, heavy cream is like 36% fat. A quart of heavy cream weighs (according to google) 907g and milk fat is measured by weight so ~327g of fat total. So I guess you'd get about the same weight in butter which is just shy of three regular sticks of butter.

>> No.18577900

Cream only has 30-40% fat while butter has 80%. You're not making real butter with that method.

>> No.18577902

oh no you have to pay TEN CENTS in electricity to use your 12 DOLLAR hand mixers to have better tasting butter at half the price indefinitely.

>> No.18577903

Through the process of whipping cream you eventually separate the fat from the liquid leaving you pure butter and butter milk

>> No.18577905

It takes more than 5 minutes.

>> No.18577918

>same weight in butter
Right now, at my local grocery, heavy cream is $3.75 a pint, so $7.50 for a quart.
Store brand butter is on sale for $3.50 a pound (4 sticks).
So yeah.... hard pass.

>> No.18577926

It's only as good as the cream you make it with. Your Walmart brand cream isn't going to make any better than Walmart brand butter. You're deluding yourself.

>> No.18577930
File: 43 KB, 636x382, wuerziger-vanille-pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making butter is a fool's errand. You cannot beat the economies of scale here. If you want to save BIG BUCKS you stop buying pudding packs. It's just flavored starch. Free yourself from the yoke of generic flavors and make your own extravagant pudding TODAY.

>> No.18577931

You also get buttermilk so it's not really a waste if you have a use for that.

>> No.18577933

I forget who it was but serious eats or some site tested this and for the amount of butter you get it's cheaper to just buy it than to make your own. Unless cream has dropped significantly in price for some reason (which it hasn't) then it makes no sense to do it.

>> No.18577990
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, explaining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You also get buttermilk so it's not really a waste if you have a use for that.
I don't. I've never bought or used buttermilk in my life.
My local grocery sells it for $2 a quart.
Sorry, but making your own butter is a non-cost-effective hobby.
Not as expensive as yachting or smoking meth, but you're still spending money to give yourself pointless extra work in the kitchen.

>> No.18578001

Huh? are you retarded? It's cheaper as long as you're not overpaying on milk.

>> No.18578004

buttermilk isn't milk and it doesn't have the same uses. most people don't have any uses for buttermilk.

>> No.18578028

Sometimes in life it's not always about what's cheaper but what's better for the soul.

>> No.18578046
File: 339 KB, 720x804, 1497621443105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huh? are you retarded?
Huh? Can you do basic math?

>It's cheaper as long as you're not overpaying on milk.
No. Read my posts again:
>heavy cream is $3.75 a pint, so $7.50 for a quart.
>butter is on sale for $3.50 a pound

>never bought or used buttermilk in my life.
>My local grocery sells it for $2 a quart.

With your numbers, I can make 3/4 lb of butter, and have much less than a quart of buttermilk as a by-product, but it will cost me $7.50 for ingredients. For that I can get $2.63 worth of butter, and far less than $2 worth of buttermilk.

>> No.18578057

>what's better for the soul.
It's better for my soul to waste time and money?
Sounds like I'm denigrating myself, and hurting my self-esteem so I can connect with my pre-industrial roots?
No thanks. Modern humans value themselves and their time enough to let machines do this kind of mindless task.

>> No.18578064

What a sad outlook

>> No.18578075
File: 170 KB, 1080x1263, chains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, that's backwards.
I don't hate myself enough to try to replace a machine.

>> No.18578076

Creating with your own hands is a rewarding experience. It's not about grinding away to be time efficient and attach value to everything you do. It's about being more in touch with the natural world around you and not delegating every aspect of your life to technology. It's not something you have to do every time you want some butter, but once in a while making your own to go on some homemade bread or whatever is a nice gesture in keeping that bond between you and the land in tact.

>> No.18578120

>5 minutes
this motherfucker is using cern to break timelines.

>> No.18578131

But anon, you're using a stand mixer, not even a traditional churn or crank churn. Would you be still be willing to feel "in touch with your roots" if you had to whip heavy cream without specialised equipment, let alone to the point of fat separation? I'm curious

>> No.18578132

>It's about being more in touch with the natural world around you
you do know that machines are made from nature by the hands of natural beings called "men", don't you?
i'm sorry you think is such a divisive way, you should stop that.
your stand mixer is just as much a part of the natural world as a tree is because both are ephemeral.

>> No.18578160
File: 16 KB, 320x383, 1580704236108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's about being more in touch with the natural world around you
Running an electric hand mixer and spending extra time/water washing stuff in the sink makes me more in touch with the natural world?

>keeping that bond between you and the land in tact.
Not wasting water seems like a better way to keep that bond intact.

But hey, maybe it's just that I'm not a crystal-healing, astrology-believing, pot-smoking dirty hippy?

>> No.18578166

Who says I'm using a stand mixer? You've made a silly assumption there. It should be quite clear that I actively enjoy simple processes done by hand so of course I like to do it without specialist equipment. Again though, it's not an everyday thing when I need some butter, but it's a once in a while thing that I find enjoyable.

>> No.18578172

I don't smoke weed or believe in any crystal or star sign bollocks. I'm just a countryside boy keeping up some traditions to feel a connection with my land and my ancestors. Making the simplest things from scratch is fun and rewarding, really all there is to it. I make my own cheese as well, now that's a process that's great fun.

>> No.18578176

Good for you, but let's not pretend it's cost effective or rewarding for most people.

>> No.18578179

I've never said it's cost effective. My whole point was that it's not about how cost effective it is but how nice it is as a process to do. We're on a cooking board, how can you not see the potential for joy in making even the simplest things with your own hands?

>> No.18578187
File: 61 KB, 500x500, butter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make my own butter
>takes longer than 5 minutes
>tastes bland.
>add salt, tastes better
doesn't taste any better than pic related.
no point in making my own.

>> No.18578189

>I've never said it's cost effective.
My bad. Somebody did, I must have gotten at least two Anons mixed up.
>It's cheaper as long as you're not overpaying on milk.
>better tasting butter at half the price
>cheaper than even the cheapest butter

>> No.18578193

Yeah that's fair, I'm not the OP mate, my first post was here

OP's point about it being cheaper is retarded because to get actual good cream for butter you really need to get it fresh from a local dairy farmer which is always a bit more expensive but I'm happy to support local farmers. Also it being easy to do in a stand mixer is also retarded because it doesn't taste the same as hand churned, and you miss out on the satisfaction of doing things in a more hands on way, it's cathartic

>> No.18578195

Adding to this, the reason it tastes worse from an electric mixer is because the separation happens too quickly and violently. Sort of like the difference in how you prepare French style scrambled eggs vs American style

>> No.18578196

So you were a different anon huh
Thought you were OP, who clearly doesn't grasp economy of scale

>> No.18578197

>it doesn't taste the same
explain how hand churning imparts flavor.
are you whacking the butter bare handed and without washing your hands?

>> No.18578201

See here mate, I thought I'd explain it because I realised that question might get asked

>> No.18578206

>I did a thing
>doing this thing is now part of my identity and anyone who doesn't do thing is a dumb
Making your own butter is not a personality trait, OP.

>> No.18578212

neither is cutting your balls of and working for free, but the jannies just won't hear it

>> No.18578246

Butter cooks are the lazy niggers of the cooking world. Change my mind.

>> No.18578279

I want to try this but hot damn cream is expensive. made my own ice cream the other week and was astounded at the price of heavy cream

>> No.18578310

>Butter cooks are the lazy niggers of the cooking world.
Not sure what you mean by "butter cook", but tell me how you'd make Alfredo, scampi, Hollandaise or Bearnaise without butter.

>> No.18578317

I don't even eat pudding but your sales pitch makes me want to get pudding

>> No.18578341

>cheaper than even the cheapest butter
You pay less than half the price for butterfat in butter compared to milk. Self made butter is far more expensive.

>> No.18578356


>t. Soylet drinker

>> No.18578384

>>t. Soylet drinker
You misspelled "whiskey".

>> No.18578401

If you have a good food processor it probably doesn't take much longer than that.

>> No.18578412

>food processor
Jesus, that's half the top tray in your dishwasher.
You're trading how many gallons of water for a little time off a pointless task?

>> No.18578427

NOO you must make it. I made saffron pudding earlier. It was OK. Next I'll make orange cream truffle pudding, because I can.

>> No.18578436

>Heavy Cream - $5 per pint, makes 2 sticks worth of butter
>Butter - $3 for 4 sticks

How is it cheaper?

>> No.18578568

>I've never bought or used buttermilk in my life.

try it when making wings or fried chicken
marinate the chicken for 30 min in the buttermilk (kefir), then flour well and fry
be sure to put baking powder and salt in with the flour

>> No.18578679

>tastes fucking amazing
If you're used to eating centrifuged milkfat as "butter", maybe. But real butter is fermented and has its own characteristic flavor. Americans somehow got used to eating the unfermented stuff, which has no flavor. They ferment their chocolate, but not their butter. Truly a lost people.

>> No.18578784

raw milk butter

>> No.18578795

I don't do women's work.

>> No.18578820

look who just learned how to waste money by beating the fuck out of heavy cream, and now he's telling 4chan about how his doing will connect him with his ancestors and solve word hunger
been there, done that

>> No.18578848

i'll bet it tastes delicious.

>> No.18578867

u have no idea how butter is made u swine

>> No.18578908

Making yogurt is a cost effective dairy product to make on your own, butter isnt

>> No.18578944

Post instructions, will try to follow them if instructions are autistic enough for me

>> No.18578984

Op here and you are all fags. Where the fuck do you fags live that cream is supposedly this expensive, liquid gold?
Costs around 3 bucks for 900ml here and I get around 400 grams of butter. Meanwhile the no brand butter is like 2.5 for 250 grams.
When I make my own butter it tastes better than even the most expensive one. Has nothing to do with "quality of cream" but rather that store bought butter is lying there in storage for weeks already.
And JFL @ believing that even "high quality" butter isn't just using the cheapest cream available.

>> No.18579060

>Where the fuck do you fags live that cream is supposedly this expensive, liquid gold?
I live in central VA, here's a link to my local grocery:
Same store, price for butter:
So sorry if that makes me a "fag".

>3 bucks for 900ml here
Where do you live that cream is cheap but butter is expensive?

>> No.18579092

Dang butter is expensive where you are. I get a pound for $3

>> No.18579093

thats going to give you man boobs just as much as soylent

>> No.18579102

how good is it for anal sex? like in that one movie

>> No.18579109

Butter is actually cheaper than cream where I live. Is it really that much better?

>> No.18579119
File: 97 KB, 702x627, 1305897863627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheaper than even the cheapest butter
post proof because i know for a fact almost nho dairy farmers make their own butter because it's cheaper to get it at the store than to make it themselves

>> No.18579120

You spend a lot of time thinking about man-boobs?

>> No.18579121

>Butter is actually cheaper than cream where I live
if op has a method to make cream out of butter i'd be interested

>> No.18579237
File: 1.98 MB, 745x1070, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put 40g starch in 200ml cold milk, stir until dissolved. This is your base.

If you want to make it with saffron, use 0.1g with some sugar (like 5-10g) and grind them together, then mix with the base. Basically the same applies with any other concentrated flavoring, if it works on its own, just toss it in the base. I always buy saffron stems so I can control how fine I want it. Tiny saffron pieces will make cool dark orange dots in the pudding.

Now boil 300ml milk, toss the base in once it bubbles and stir until thick. You can sweeten the milk with basically anything you want, but do it right away. I don't sweeten the base because IF I used sugar, it would have a better chance dissolving in the hot milk.

If you want truffle flavor, just buy and blend truffles (I used 100g) with the milk before boiling and add the plain base. This obviously works with any chocolate, and potentially gets you a chocolate pudding that BTFOs any powder. Going to try persimmon next, but first I need dried persimmons. Fresh has likely too little flavor and too much water.

>> No.18579244

unlike you I don't have them so no I don't

>> No.18579264

Irrelevant. What happens is the fat in the cream becomes butter. More fat means more cream. You can do it with lighter creams, you just get less butter.

>> No.18579265

>I dont waste my time on money on stupid shit, I drink whiskey
lmao man cmon

>> No.18579268

if you are not making your own milk, you are a cuck

>> No.18579273
File: 13 KB, 228x221, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i keep this around and fined all kinds of uses for it

>> No.18579296

There is none because he's full of shit, gay, and retarded.

>> No.18579338

>portal opens a window back through time
>hello anon, it's me your ancestor from 1300 AD, I have an important message
w-w-what is it?
>stop being a pretentious dipshit about making your own butter, we only did it that way because we had no choice and now it feels like you're fucking mocking us

>> No.18579384

If you can get cream cheap enough there isn't really a reason not to. This is the cooking board, anon. We make things here.

>> No.18579484

>this is the /diy/ board, we ALL cast our own nails here
How hard is it to get the message
You can do whatever you want, just don't be a pretentious prick about it

>> No.18579491

yeah that was bullshit.

>> No.18579509

It's not really the cost that's the issue. I'm sure I can waste 8 bucks making $2.50 worth of butter.
I could also cook and can my own sauerkraut. I could (and have) made my own pickles.
The real issue is: What am I getting out of it?
If I make my own marinara, I can make it without sugar.
If I make my own butter, what do I get out of the deal? It's not like I can leave out some mystery chemical, add my own spice mix or generally make a superior product.
What's the point?
"hurr-durr home-made tastes better" I seriously doubt it.
I can make my own wine (and have) but I'm not going to do a better job than the pros.

>> No.18579520

t. someone who hasn't made his own butter with both electric mixer and by manual churning

>> No.18579526

Also making it yourself helps you to practice giving handjobs.

>> No.18579544

Not that poster but I'm super into your passion for pudding. I have similar passion for jam and preserves. Persimmon jam was delightful ( i foraged the persimmons). Hope your orange cream truffle pudding turns out =]

>> No.18579552

>Mixing bowl
>Electric whisk
Wow that was hard.

>> No.18579582

The difficult part must be trying to avoid being pretentious about it

>> No.18579596

About a year or two ago a box of butter at Aldi was on sale for $0.89 without a buy limit so I literally bought half a cart full of butter and stored it all in a big ol' freezer I got out back. I'm still using that butter to this very day.

>> No.18579620

>using butter

>> No.18579642

Good quality butter is made with cream that has been fermented with very specific starter cultures for the production of aroma compounds. Uncultured butter does not compare.

>> No.18579667
File: 48 KB, 412x458, 42b12-16409361096441-1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet you still used store bought cream didn't you, you ridiculous faggot.

>> No.18579697

>Persimmon jam was delightful
NTA, I tried making persimmon jam once and it was a disaster.
I used persimmons that are astringent when unripe, but these were very ripe and not astringent at all. I started cooking them with sugar and everything was going well and it tasted great at first, but as I continued cooking to evaporate the excess water some reaction occurred where it developed a very strange curdled texture, and became extremely astringent. It was so astringent that I could feel the tannins (are the astringent compounds of persimmon tannins?) precipitating on my skin if I put a little bit on my hands.
These were very high quality persimmons too, such a waste. I wonder what's the science behind this.

>> No.18579703

>I got some cheap cream
>So I'm going to make butter
Damn so pretentious lmao

>> No.18579759

>I got some cheap cream
>So I'm going to make butter
>and post a thread on 4channel exalting my superiority for making butter from cream at home, something that is surely a well kept secret that no one has ever thought about, and that I am convinced is superior to any store bought butter even though my cream was also store bought

>> No.18579844

>Americans have cheaper butter than cream
Weird. I guess it's not worth it for you, but I still really prefer the taste.

>> No.18579932

>Walmart brand butter.
For my kid's school project a year or two ago I taste-tested various brands of butter. I honestly could not tell Wal-Mart from Kerrygold, and that stunned me. But looking at the labels, they appear to have the same percentages, so maybe that explains it?

>> No.18579939

>I've never bought or used buttermilk in my life.
Then isn't it about time you started? It's a big world out there!

>> No.18579993
File: 88 KB, 1024x512, 2139E414-4926-49F8-AD76-542DA4E43237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rabbit hunt on a Amish’s property. A couple years ago a semi smoked him on his buggy and he was stuck in a huge cast on both legs for pretty much all winter. Every time I’d stop in to visit after hunting he’d be sitting in a rocking chair churning butter. He spent an entire winter churning that shit

>> No.18580009

are you that retard who has posted before and has some access to cheap cream that they admit most people don't have? making my own butter is not economical for me

>> No.18580277

>Creating with your own hands is a rewarding experience.
true, but in the time it takes to make butter, you could make something else that is actually cost effective. time is a very limited resource.

>> No.18580727

>that pic
who would listen to those faggots?

>> No.18580760

sure but even better since im not poor, i get freshly churned butter at a local farm. i pick up eggs and milk there too, non homogenized. too lazy to get stock (as my state requires) to buy raw legally. ridiculous thats how it works ofc but theres many such cases of this horseshit in government

>> No.18581007

I churn my own margarine from soybeans, salt, sugar, carageenan, and yellow #3. In all honesty it would be cheaper to just buy the margarine, but I'm into all that unabomber "back to nature" shit.

>> No.18581025

>too lazy to get stock (as my state requires) to buy raw legally
I'm curious. What the fuck does that mean?

>> No.18581043

Spoken like a true NPC, next thing you'll say is that fishing or any "pre-industrial" activity is denigrating. I bet you see mountain climbing pointless too, cuck

>> No.18581069
File: 103 KB, 500x375, strawman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>next thing you'll say is that fishing or any "pre-industrial" activity is denigrating. I bet you see mountain climbing pointless too, cuck
Nope and nope.
I freeclimb and make my own furniture, but wasting water obviously isn't good for my "bond with the land".

>> No.18581294
File: 625 KB, 840x700, 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>have this 200iq idea few months ago
>"I'm genius, ill fuck butter mafia with this"
>Search over 30 different supermarkets
>Almost none of them sell cream fatter than 26%
>And it's not even liquid cream, has consistency of sour cream, but isn't sour cream
>100ml bottle of cream with higher fat content costs costs same as 200g stick of butter
I gave up.

>> No.18581307
File: 520 KB, 576x704, 1668207128144181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>home churned butter is only cheaper if your time is worthless
You sound like you have no foreskin

>> No.18581312

cream is so fucking expensive though
it's 1/3rd of the price to just buy butter

>> No.18581331

>waste time
Time enjoyed is not time wasted, why do people hate anything that isn't sitting on the couch stuffing their faces. A little bit of effort(which can be fun) and you get a return of enjoying a better tasting product for a week or more

>> No.18581479

It wouldn't even cost 10 ten cents. Average US rate is 15 cents per kilowatt hour. Most hand mixers are like 250 watts, tops, so even if you ran the mixer at full speed for an hour straight, it would cost you 4 cents.

The cost of running a hand mixer for 10 minutes is less than a penny.

Heavy cream is about 5 bucks for 32 fluid ounces, which, realistically, will make about 20 ounces of butter.

So yeah, it's fucking cheaper.

>> No.18581629

>Where do you live that cream is cheap but butter is expensive?
I'm guessing he's in the UK, since a quick price check shows something similar and his posts aren't just seething about the US so it's not a continental. Could also be an Ausfag but I don't really know their situation.

>> No.18581997

Some of us have jobs, and only get about an hour a night to fix dinner. You've got to pick your battles. Even then, home-made butter costs twice as much as store-bought and seems unlikely to be an improvement.

>> No.18582002

>I'm guessing he's in the UK
I suspect he's in Canada, maybe Australia.
He says "bucks" for money, and ml for volume.
Both Canadians and Oz-folk use dollars and metric.

>> No.18582044

these have gone too far
no way man

>> No.18582046

Stinky shit tastes good. Have you tried it? I bet not. Cheese smells like it would taste bad, too. That's no basis for deciding something tastes bad.

>> No.18582076

There's no way in hell cream is cheaper in canada

>> No.18582260

If he was Canadian he'd be paying 10 bucks for cream and 20 for butter.

>> No.18582465

Fresh cream is like 5~6 times the price of butter here so no

>> No.18582482

Everybody in the thread agrees. Making your own butter is about as cost-effective a building an actual house out of Legos.
ergo, Opie is a pretentious prick.

>> No.18582526

1 cup heavy cream 38% fat content
cold water

End of recipe.

>> No.18582767

>38% fat content
I don't think I've ever seen cream labeled with a fat percentage, but if whole milk is 3.5-4% fat, 38% sounds super high. Almost sounds like it wouldn't pour out of the carton.