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18575192 No.18575192 [Reply] [Original]

Best toppings for chips?

>> No.18575198

cheese and gravy
together ofc

>> No.18575200

go to bed

>> No.18575209

Mayonnaise or peanut sauce

>> No.18575218

this reminds me
I have to make another batch of mayo
and also I'm gonna try to make peanut sauce
oh hey
although it's not for fries I don't think

>> No.18575225

I'm kind of intrigued by the beans desu.

>> No.18575227

>peanut sauce
satay ?

>> No.18575274

chili cheems

>> No.18575278

chili mayo

>> No.18575313

Curry and cheese. Together of course.

>> No.18575331
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mayo ketchup and onions

>> No.18575364

copious amounts of salt and vinegar and tomato sauce

>> No.18575410
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Doner meat

>> No.18575412

with garlic sauce

>> No.18575413

>no garlic mayo
for shame

>> No.18575423
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>> No.18575449

Ketchup, you freaks.

>> No.18575467

Childhood is detesting mushy peas
Adulthood is appreciating mushy peas

>> No.18575473

Grated mature cheddar and brown sauce

>> No.18575483

Begone, krautshits.

>> No.18575497
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>> No.18575500

Fucking sped

>> No.18575510

Mayo and ketchup near each over but not mixed.
I it has to be obe sauce, then tartar sauce

>> No.18575528

I like ranch for my fries and pizza crusts.

>> No.18575554


>> No.18575560

Everything looks good except for peas, that looks like vomit.

>> No.18575567

None of these. Taco beef and cheese sauce for the win

>> No.18575604

that nandos sauce

>> No.18575606

theres 4

>> No.18575610

They're called fries stupid

>> No.18575611

somehow bongs made a cheese fries that looks worse than the generic nacho cheese they put on cheese fries here in burgerland

>> No.18575612

Perinaise, forgot the name

>> No.18575613


>> No.18575614

ah, yeah that shit is good

>> No.18575617

Mah nigga.

>> No.18575693
File: 72 KB, 556x505, tartare-sauce-b1c6d9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got addicted to tartare sauce when eating fish n chips for years with it.
Can't eat chips without it now.

>> No.18575709

nothing, any of them belong on the side, not as a topping, you disgusting animal

>> No.18575723

You CAN eat chips and beans?

>> No.18575724

I like myy poutine Norm Summerton style:


>> No.18575761

where the fuck is ketchup?

>> No.18575892

A good curry sauce is the best but sharp, kinda vinegary ketchup that all chippies use is more reliable.

>> No.18575894
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You fucking sicko

>> No.18575899

>kinda vinegary ketchup
tomato sauce.
ketchup is usually full of sugar where as you say, its vinegary and more tart. id call this headcanon but at this point ive yet to be proven wrong by tasting "ketchup" and "tomato sauce"

>> No.18576124

malt vinegar you disgusting plebs

>> No.18576179

most of those would seem to be tasty. but i'm going to take a wild guess that peas and chips aren't good tasting. oh, and the beans should be mashed or maybe just served in a separate bowl, since you can't eat them the way they're presented in the image.

>> No.18576186

salt and vinegar

>> No.18576197

it good

>> No.18576221

Chilli con carne

>> No.18576234
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>curry is now one of the most popular chip toppings in bongland

oh nononono

>> No.18576238

its not real curry. its not like jalfrezi or something its most likely from some random malyasian place

>> No.18576249

It's literally called "chip shop curry" since noone knows what one it is and tastes like none of them

>> No.18576295

Malt vinegar

>> No.18576301
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>> No.18576303
File: 1.81 MB, 2576x1932, ChipsSausagePeasGravyScraps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go for chips with peas and gravy with a sausage topped with some fish scraps. Salt and vinegar to ofcourse

>> No.18576305

jesus christ how vile

>> No.18576321

Its just the loose bits of batter that comes off battered fish. Chippies collect them up and give em for free. They are called scraps

>> No.18576339

how can bongs eat this and have the audacity to criticize literally any american food

>> No.18576340

Is this nonsummerjack

>> No.18576341

i know what fucking scraps are

>> No.18576369

Then there is no reason not to like crispy batter. You can never have anything in batter ever again then else you are two faced

>> No.18576374

Not enough chicken feet and plastic cheese for you?

>> No.18576375

bro get real
its batter thats been in constantly drenched in oil and grease over and over for 8 hours and then thrown on your chips

>> No.18576379

I really need to buy crinkle cut fries and chili

>> No.18576380
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>> No.18576397

there are definitely ground up chicken feet in that banger m80

>> No.18576401

Lol no. Thats not how its done. They put a battered fish in the fryer, bits come off it, they take the bits off and put them in the heated cabinet to drain off. Then serve em to those who want them.

>> No.18576420

>Lol no. Thats not how its done
why are you trying to pretend i dont know what they are
its the shitty ends thats left over after they put the fish/sausages in the warming counter thats broken off and just left for hours
shut up you dossy gremlin

>> No.18576502

The lid of the bin.

>> No.18576632
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>> No.18576697

those are fries

>> No.18576874

Green Tabasco, malted vinegar, and mayo mixed

>> No.18576893

Salsa and guac is great for chips. On fries though, its chili and cheese time. But I don't expect brits to understand this simple fact, they think vomiting up peas is a delicacy.

>> No.18576903

Cheese is the best topping.
But curry is the best dip.

>> No.18576907

buffalo chicken dip

>> No.18576914
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Garlic aioli
Pickle sauce
Bacon sauce

>> No.18576927

coleslaw desu

>> No.18576940

I used to alternate between beans, curry and gravy when I was younger. I still sometimes make a very small side dipping bowl of beans when I make burger/fish and chips for myself.

>> No.18576968

they're french fries retard

>> No.18576974

he's in britain dumbass

>> No.18576976

that's no excuse not to use proper english

>> No.18576986

If the beans are in BBQ sauce, we'll get along just fine.

>> No.18576996

i mean they're not french they're fucking british

>> No.18577012
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(and bacon)

>> No.18577041

As a side, pinch of salt, splash of vinegar. I'll get down on some hearty toppings, melted cheese, maybe some pulled pork, but at that point that's the main event, for me.

>> No.18577045
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>> No.18577060

real chads dip their fries in coke

>> No.18577101

Mon dieu... c'est horrible :(

>> No.18577108

Good fries don't need a topping, they are perfect to eat by themselves with some dry seasonings.

>> No.18577125

First post and best post.

>> No.18577202

Chili and cheese, or sausage gravy.

>> No.18577435

Britbong here.

Curry sauce or mayonnaise

>> No.18577462

Do brits really?

>> No.18577521

animal style fries > any canadian or bong varation

>> No.18577524
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Chili cheese

>> No.18577606


>> No.18577873

Yes we do, don't be jealous.

>> No.18577880

Those are called French fries, you silly ESL poster

>> No.18577922


>> No.18577935

the fat from the pan you cooked the steak in

>> No.18577964

you need to douse them in vinegar to the point that they're still crunchy on the outside a bit, the acidity makes the potato melt in your mouth. salt after vinegar, shake it around, draws some of the moisture out (you don't want soggy chips). don't leave in a pool of vinegar, and wala.

>> No.18577967

white vinegar or malt anything but fucking balsamic btw

>> No.18578320

Chips,c heese and gravy is the GOAT
fuck poutine, its just the pretentious fucking leaf version of CCG

>> No.18578322


>> No.18578599
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It's our national dish.

The part of the government responsible for food were butthurt it was making us appear less cultured so rigged a survey to declare queenies instead. Resoundly ignored.

>> No.18578608

stand on your beach and wave to walney island
ill wave back

>> No.18578613

>Nooo you can't just eat something you conquered

>> No.18578783

Horses radish

>> No.18578824

mayo > peas = cheese > gravy > curry > beans
but straight salt & vinegar beats all if your chips are good enough (they're probably not)