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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18571181 No.18571181 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee Time General - Grocery Store Cope edition
Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old, why aren't you roasting?

>> No.18571190

Previous Thread: >>18555285

>> No.18571192
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Life is pain

>> No.18571195

I hate

>> No.18571204

I just realized that I'm old. I roast coffee, listen to jazz records, talk about health issues, and complain about new things I don't like. Funny thing is that I kind of like being an oldfuck. Huh.

>> No.18571245

We out here. I started buying hair loss shampoo this year and my boy just got 4 in the clink for dating a cop's trainwreck daughter.

>> No.18571287
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Aeropress Gang or Die

>> No.18571325

Z's didn't get the Zoomer name without reason. Huge contingent of this Generation is coming of age wanting Quilts and Provincial Furniture putting Wall Drug stickers on the back of their cars, open racism and heavy tobacco use. The hip Zs are just old people with less lead poisoning.

>> No.18571327
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>grind goffee coarse
>it really coarses me out
>grind coffee finer
>it tastes fine

>> No.18571405

So second batch of that new yirgacheffe natural with the blueberry/banana flavor was again slightly overroasted. I've gotten so used to roasting washed coffees that I suck at this one. I'll get it right the next time.

>> No.18571421

>slightly overroasted
Relatively higher sugar content. I was having issues with honey processes before my brain figured that out. You'll get it.

>> No.18571457
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>why aren't you roasting?
you gonna give me more space for roasting? I has no space in my shared apartment...

>> No.18571474

Makes sense. It gets too dark too soon relative to the pops compared to washed coffees. Gets away from me really fast. I'm going to try slowing it down so I have more time. I'm thinking I need to pull it at about 15-20 seconds into 1st crack.

>> No.18571527

>gets too dark too soon relative to the pops
Yeah you just have to ignore your visual cues for certain coffees. Def try slowing that rise and extending your time. I just ran into the issue again when I switched to the new popper on sweet marias. Extra bit of wattage in the heater changed things. First batch of my black honey was a bit toasty. Now its smooth sailing.

>> No.18571612

Can I ask you guys about drip coffee makers or is that not good enough? I just need to find the best model with a thermal carafe with actual temperature settings and/or heating element that actually keeps it hot all day.

>> No.18571647

try this.

>> No.18571676

Gets reviewed in that video above.

>> No.18571713

What's that on the left, a dildo for your gay aeropress using ass? Queer

>> No.18571744

i drink Death wish Dark Roast. $20 a pound at whole foods. its good

>> No.18571836

I know you're used to using Grindr, but this machine is called a grinder.

>> No.18571859

>Dark Roast.
>its good

>> No.18571866

Par for the coarse, chum

>> No.18571868

>it's good (for you)

>> No.18571898

the heat of the beans cooks the goffee.

>> No.18571903

Man fuck I need to find some retard to sell blacked $20 lbs to. Whole office building of them would be great. Fucking Biden.

>> No.18571912

The beans are the coffee, the water is cooked by the bubbles

>> No.18571950


>> No.18571959
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>> No.18571990

i actually think boiled dirt has more of a complex and enjoyable flavor profile than this.

>> No.18572009

Enjoyable flavor profile? What are you some kind of poofter? This is real man's coffee. Some 90lb faggot writing for the NY Times said so.

>> No.18572028
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>> No.18572291
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Pull a shot thats just okay. Little blander than what I was pulling a couple days ago. Realize several hours later I never turned the heater on. I didn't want to extract too high anyway...

>> No.18572307

B b b b b b b b b b b based!

>> No.18572428

ook. I know every other post on this subreddit is people asking for advice on their V60 method, but I have seriously been tampering with it for YEARS and have yet to make a good pour over at home. To preface, I’m a barista, I know how to make a decent pour over and I have before, many times! And yes I know I know, the gear at a coffee shop is always gonna be better than your home setup. So listen, in a last ditch effort I am going to ask for advice because I have tried everything.

I use: a hario electric kettle, a basic scale with built in timer, a glass v60, a Baratza Encore, and generally a hario bleached paper filter.

I try to use Crystal Geyser water and avoid tap/ filtered water (our tap is immensely hard and sometimes even grey in color). And yes I have heard “tRy THird WaVe wAteR pAckETS” but the idea of continuously spending money on something besides filters, beans, and water is incredibly annoying to me. (But if that’s the consensus I might bite)

I have tried ratios ranging from 1:14-1:16

I have used grind sizes from 14-21 on my Encore

I have tried using doses from 15-30g.

I have tried every recipe and method under the sun.

I have broken a v60 and a scale.

My grinder is pretty consistent and I just cleaned it so it’s in pretty good shape.

I have brewed with a plethora of roasters and origins although I tend to stick to light-medium roasts. Blends and darker roasts are generally not my fav.

The general profile on all my cups has been: acidic, slightly more body than a tea, good clarity, and a recurring lack in any pronounced flavors.

Like I said, I have had a good pour over. I know what they’re supposed to taste like. And I should be able to dial in a recipe with my gear to do that, but it seems like I can’t.

At this point it honestly seems like my water might be the issue.

Please help. I am tired and embarrassed of being known as “the coffee guy” in my friend group who has literally never served them a worthwhile cup haha

>> No.18572452


>> No.18572482

Supermarket gave me a free brick of espresso La Llave today. Haven't used it yet as I've got another, already opened bit of coffee to work through, but before I do, I'm wondering if Anon has had it before and, if so, what Anon thought of it compared to, say, Kimbo Gold or Supreme by Bustelo.
If it's not great, I'll just bring it to Sunday services. Not to be a prick, but those people will drink anything.

>> No.18572500

Bruh, I first roasted coffee, complained about new things and talked about health issues since I was seven-fucking-teen.
Not much jazz, tho.

>> No.18572503

Your grinder is btfo by $60 Chinese tubes these days.

>> No.18572591

Wild. Do redditors not do the simple epsom salt/baking soda coffee water mix. He could just do RO and have it easy and not have to look up his city's water spec sheet to get the ratio right

>> No.18572606

I was afraid it would come to this. TWW might be my last hope.

>> No.18572608

Shut the fuck up you clown

>> No.18572627

I will kill you in the octagon and irl

>> No.18572651

I live in a city safely surrounded by black people and immigrants. Also is what keeps my tap water in the post-WWI era

>> No.18572668

have you tried other v60 materials? I've never tried a glass one but I imagine it cools down rather quickly, and from little I know that could lead to an overly acidic cup

>> No.18572691

I have a hobby?

>> No.18572808


>> No.18572809

They don't know.
/ctg/ don't actually DRINK coffee.
They just dickmeasure their various coffee apparati and talk shit on anyone who dares have preferences other than their own. Remember the catty faggot who used to hang around with the mean girls in high school? Well he grew up. That's /ctg/.

>> No.18572837

He's so mad he drinks brick coffee out of an aluminum moka.

>> No.18572904

If I could press a button and exterminate one type of person it would 100% be moka trannies.

>> No.18572922
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Based HAHA ya nasty

>> No.18572934

I forgot to bring filters so I just did that gay cupping thing, worked out alright in the end. Fucking niggers.

>> No.18572955

Not really. I drink around half a gallon of coffee a day. Why would I use all this time roasting it myself, or spend money on a French press (something only one insufferable douche I've ever had the misfortune of knowing 20 years ago had) etc?
Being refined is one thing, being pretentious is another.

>> No.18572973

Why would you waste time posting about it if you willingly drink a half gallon of shit coffee a day and have no plans on changing that?

>> No.18572981

It's coffee?
I've had plenty of specialty coffees, and most taste like dirt

>> No.18572983

sorry but my full stainless steel construction is too strong for you.

>> No.18572989

Nah, just less dense

>> No.18573184

Surely there's something better you could be doing with your time. Like one of those hobbies?

>> No.18573284

Kill yourself

>> No.18573300

I'm too busy posting on wet shaving forums about how many disposable bics I use.

>> No.18573521
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Congrats to you anon
You done it

>> No.18573779

Moldy blonde beans don't contain extra nutrients, either

>> No.18573828

Based and timemore pilled

>> No.18573929

Just made a cup of the most elegant washed yirga cheffe. It's so, so sweet. Tastes like sugar cane and vanilla with just a hint of lemon, smells like jasmine. It is so clean and lovely.

>> No.18573950
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>> No.18573957

it's really not that bad if you're a cheapskate

>> No.18574215

I like how you fucked up and cut off the L

>> No.18574223

Okay weird question sort of:
Is there such a thing as specialty k-cup coffee? Like something guaranteed fresh roasted and fresh ground just before being packaged in k-cups and shipped out?
I want it, if it exists, as a gift for my dad. He likes coffee, and other than the occasional glass of water it's basically all he drinks all day. But he's pretty lazy and would never bother doing anything any more complicated than using his Keurig so anything other than k-cups would be a waste because he'd just leave it sitting on his counter or regift it lol. So, is it a thing? Or at least what's generally the absolute pinnacle of k-cup coffee?

>> No.18574243
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>> No.18574271

we have those at work and frankly they just make bitter water

>> No.18574278

Absolutely, nothing wrong with it.

>> No.18574299
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>> No.18574329

yeah he would never use that

>> No.18574333

Mr. Bean

>> No.18574337
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>> No.18574345
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>> No.18574357

I think it'd be funnier if only one bean had the face

>> No.18574698

>grimDARK edgyROAST

>> No.18574779

i fell asleep while drinking a cup. how does this happen?

>> No.18574781

Well, don't want to sound like a dick or nothin', but, ah... it says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded. What I'd do, is just like... like... you know, like, you know what I mean, like...

>> No.18574824

just make them for him I guess

>> No.18574835

Coffee time general-Timemore cope edition

>> No.18574901
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Today I had my coffee with some chocolate, a mint, and a pinch each of salt and sugar mixed in

>> No.18575093

Post your setup, hater

>> No.18575109

Gayest thing I've read in /ctg/

>> No.18575132
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The stand for my wdt tool costs more than a c2.

>> No.18575282

Gay, but that pic is based

>> No.18575334

Well, it's after services and I didn't bring the stuff in yet nor opened it. C'mon! At least one of you have had to try it, right? I don't wanna be /that guy/ who brings an opened package to church.

>> No.18575455
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today's cortado

>> No.18575476

added chambord and custard to cheap coffee from store, significant improvement - custard took off the burnt edge and the chambord added enough fruit to round it out

>> No.18575521

how do I make black coffee taste good ?
i mostly drink moccona

>> No.18575579

i saw the light with natural process and i will never go back.

>> No.18575586
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I'm just yeeting some bali nat today. 1:3.2, 5 bar peak in ~18s. Absolute fruit bomb. Real funky.

>> No.18575601

No wonder you feel like you have something to prove. You're a sad little man

>> No.18575616

I'm going to give out c3s to the homeless on thanksgiving.

>> No.18575618

i dont know what country you are in but im going to assume usa.
i have a "local" roaster that does Nespresso so i dont see why another roaster nearish to your wouldn't do something like that.
also i found this company which seems to have to highest quality coffee available in kcup format.
i hope you find what you are looking for :)

>> No.18575619

clearly you havent been here long.

>> No.18575621

thats a big glass for goffee.

>> No.18575639


>> No.18575644

oh nvm those are nespresso.

>> No.18575701

we need a standardized "pod" format.
this nespresso/kcup shit is fucking retarded.
its literally the exact same product.
its some apple/android type shit. lightning/usb
you pull this shit and your head gets cut off is the way i see it.

>> No.18575726
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What a classic.

>> No.18575811

I like both. Life gets boring if you drink the same coffee all the time. I like to alternate between 2 or 3 dissimilar coffees. It makes every day special. Worst scenario is if you have two similar coffees at the same time, but one of them is clearly better. It makes drinking the less good one a slog.

>> No.18575866

>Worst scenario is if you have two similar coffees at the same time, but one of them is clearly better. It makes drinking the less good one a slog.
i had had this happen multiple times.
also drinking the same bean washed and natural process back to back and like the washed makes good coffee but thats it, like if im writing notes on it i would just write "its good" which is pretty boring.
im only half way through my 1kg bag of natural process burundi after not having it for a month and even tho each cup is complex i think i do miss having 2 different bags and alternating between them each day. even if overall i do prefer the burundi.
you can have too much of a good thing.
i will buy some new coffee this weekend and i think i will get 2 bags, 1 250g El Salvador Ignacio Gutierrez and 1 250g Kenya Mugaga Kagumoini AA.
i think i had a different kenyan earlier this year but i dont believe i have ever had coffee from El Salvador.

>> No.18575901

I usually try to keep something "nicer" for filter/straight espressos and something a little cheaper on my bar for milk drinks. Right now its the bali nat and some cheaper brazilian semiwashed I blended with some leftover rwandan.
> i dont believe i have ever had coffee from El Salvador
I just finished up some Loma La Gloria red bourbon black honey. If you ever have the chance to snag something from Anny Ruth def check it out. S+ tier.

>> No.18575906

I'm going to get shit on here but is Kicking Horse an acceptable coffee brand if it's on sale?

>> No.18576039

How are y'all celebrating Faggot's Day? I'm gonna relax with a nice cuppa and play Fagtics Ogre Reborn

>> No.18576046

He's a big lad

>> No.18576600

Same here, I’ll never go back to naturals.

>> No.18576681

He's a coal man

>> No.18577266

What if James himself was the one who posted coffee roast autism?

>> No.18577276

What's a good espresso machine for under 1k?

>> No.18577291


>> No.18577297

edit: i forgot this one

>> No.18577311

Thanks, also why do all the sites i've checked so far on the good coffee sites have no simple vanilla flavors? it's all weird shit, i just want good vanilla coffee

>> No.18577317

>i just want good vanilla coffee
>vanilla coffee
kill yourself i wish i never helped you.(i am disgusted by your comment but i am also hangry, apologies for the rude message) i am sure someone else here can help you with your question, but it seems to be a little slow at the moment.

>> No.18577329

What flavor do you prefer then?

>> No.18577355

i like the flavor of my coffee to be coffee.
i assume when you say "vanilla coffee" you mean coffee that is made and then some kind of vanilla flavoring is added usually in the form of a syrup.
if you are indeed meaning this then my answer is i dont like added flavoring in my coffee, i choose the highest quality beans from around the world and then discover the flavors of those beans.
if you were talking about beans that had a vanilla flavor profile or whatever then i would say sorry and also that i have never had coffee that had a distinct vanilla flavor notes to it and that i would be unable to help you finding such a bean.

also if you plan on just adding vanilla flavoring to your coffee anyway just buy a keurig or whatever those pod machines are, its like asking for the best chef to cook you a $500 steak just for you to dip the entire thing into a bucket of the cheapest tomato sauce available.

>> No.18577373

Usually we just get gevalia but now that i know amazon is shit in the guide i'm trying to find another brand

>> No.18577568

Vanilla is a pretty rare coffee flavor, but I've encountered it in washed heirloom cultivar coffees from Ethiopia. Most likely to find minor vanilla notes in coffees with major sugar, honey, caramel flavors. The Yirgacheffe I drank yesterday is one of those. You can't just shop for a specific rare coffee flavor type. Every year the best of the best coffees after grading go into the specialty lots and are sold at auction to green coffee buyers and importers. From there you have to be lucky (or fast) to buy interesting single origin green coffee. These have even more limited and rare runs from roasters, should you attempt to buy coffees like this roasted because you can't have a product line built around something so rare. We can't control what flavors are present in the specialty coffees, but people attempt to describe them. This isn't weird. It just is what it is. Be careful though because you might make the gayest post someone's ever read if you talk about it.

>> No.18577573

thanks james

>> No.18577624

I didn't think it was that gay pal.

>> No.18577673

>the washed yirgachud is back
Gay nigga

>> No.18577726

Can you link that? or was it something only local

>> No.18577792
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what's cortado?

>> No.18577809

No, it's gone, man. I bought 20lbs of green of that one last February. I only have a little left. Some years you can find really cool coffees, some years are lackluster. But that's how coffee works. It's seasonal. Every year's crop from every region is a little different. Generally the same flavor archetypes from the same regions, but particular flavor combinations are lightning in a bottle. You can keep green coffee around for 1-3 years, but that's pretty much all you get. If you see something that looks good and you buy a lot of it that's great. But it's a double-edged sword; if you buy a lot of it and you end up not liking it very much, oh well. Sucks to be you.

>> No.18577816

Also, I can't rec specific lots of green coffees here. Every time I buy one that ends up being fantastic, by the time I get it and roast up a batch or two it's long sold out so it wouldn't do any good. It's always a gamble.

>> No.18577927

>4 am
>want to make cafe au lait
>out of my own whole beans
>look at my family's stash
>only have the preground stuff they keep for their keurig
I'm sorry bros...

>> No.18577966

It's still more smooth than other cheaper beans at their same dark roast level, blending it with them will "mellow' out a bitter-tasting brew

>> No.18577973

Mail me one pls

>> No.18578021

Go meet with your local black market coffee dealer

>> No.18578100

Bought fresh beans (medium roast) for the first time and the coffee tasted like something totally different... It was incredible. I barely drank coffee before and would only drink it on road trips. How do people drink darker roasts? Who likes the bitterness?

>> No.18578146
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R8 my first ever v60. Tried using the hoffmeme method but I think it wasn't really intended for single cup brews, I couldn't follow it exactly (might just be me being shit though.
Bed is very flat, might not be obvious from the pic.

>> No.18578155

try grinding finer it looks very coarse
>I couldn't follow it exactly
i'm guessing your flowrate was way too fast so you couldn't properly shake at the beginning

>> No.18578165

It's 100 clicks on the k6. Yeah I'll try going a bit finer next time.
>flowrate was way too fast so you couldn't properly shake at the beginning
This was a problem yes, I could barely do the first swirl. I assumed it was just because I used such small amounts, but I'll see if decreasing the flow will help.
Also I underestimated the amount of coffee in the cup during the final swirl and splashed hot coffee all over my hands and table.

>> No.18578200

Honestly you might just not like the v60, which is fine. If anything just pick a single method and adjust until you get something you like.

Water is kind of a meme, won't make or break anything.

What other brewing methods do you like?

>> No.18578203

Anon it's a repost of a reddit post. It's not anon's actual opinion or experience.

>> No.18578213

Reminds me of my mom talking old food to her government job kek those people loved it all

>> No.18578238

Frfr I like iced coffee so I often make cold brew. What’s the point of doing hot bloom, it seems like it just overcomplicated something where the main appeal is how easy and hands free it is.

>> No.18578247

Cold brew is not the same as iced coffee. Last I checked, hot bloom gets the CO2 out. Dunno much else about it though.

>> No.18578272

the resulting extraction and flavor profile between hot and cold water is very different
just try it out and see what you like better

>> No.18578324

>What’s the point of doing hot bloom
Extracts more, faster. Whether or not thats good for a particular coffee, you'll have to figure that out.

>> No.18578399

>what's cortado?
smaller size espresso drink with milk. usually somewhere around 4ish oz (120-135ml)

>> No.18578419
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sipping on a nice cappuccino an hour before class while taking quick glances to the staff is always quite nice

>> No.18578628

thinking bout those beans…

>> No.18578632

which ones

>> No.18578641

gwatemala san rafael, I really want to taste the promised ripe cherries

>> No.18578770

That layout seems very uncomfy

>> No.18578852

Every cold brew coffee I've had was terrible. There was a period of a few years where I kept trying and re-trying cold brew coffee from various places as well as making my own and each one has been just awful. I really don't get the appeal at all.
Just thought I'd say.

>> No.18578858

You should probably try other methods for single cups. At least I have been having better results.

>> No.18578874

Probably will, I'll give this one another shot with a finer grind first though. What methods did you use?

>> No.18578883

I like april's method

>> No.18578887

at this point I think the cold brew people just want some coffee flavoring for their cream and syrup drink

>> No.18578892

4:6 method is good for single cup

>> No.18578896

i was going to say the same but didnt want to be to the anon sharing.
like those spaces in big houses that just have a bunch of chairs in them because they want to fill the empty space.
long coffee shops usually have dead space at the back and everyone is crowded at the front.

>> No.18578938


>> No.18578964

4:6 works for darker roasts popular in jap cafes. Kasuya was also doing weird shit like brewing with distilled water to keep from extracting too much.

>> No.18579022

V60 shows up tomorrow and then I'll brew my first real cup of coffee in my life. Looking forward to it.

>> No.18579036

I'm stupid, but how do you measure out a 60ml pour? I figured pouring was mostly eye-balling it.

>> No.18579041


>> No.18579044

you put it on a scale

>> No.18579045

you might fuck it up on your first few tries. keep some milk around .

>> No.18579059

>not using freshly squeezed cum

>> No.18579069

Got my Cafec Abaca filters in for my V60. They're nice, flow fast. Keep grinding my coffee finer and finer to see where it takes me. So far still tastes good, better even. Haven't gotten to the point of bitterness and with the Cafecs it's still draining at a good clip.

Can't say there was anything wrong with the unbleached tabbed filters that came with my V60, but these do seem to be better by a fair margin. Double the price, but meh, $0.11/brew is still negligible.

>> No.18579074

I use it more broadly, it's convenient to know at what point of the brew you're extracting which flavors

>> No.18579078

digital scale. g and ml are the same. i got a hario drip scale for under $100 and even though i just use it for measuring my beans and grounds its a really great addition to mine and i think everyone's workflow. i would say it is almost essential for pour over.

>> No.18579084

The filters that came with my V60 kit were so much better than the ones Hario make now. It's actually insane.

Do the cafec filters have any real differences between each other?

>> No.18579087

just want to mention that i got a scale for 15 bucks and it works fine and is accurate and consistent
you don't need to spend 100 bucks on scale

>> No.18579095

No one spends 100 bucks on a scale except for iotards. "Expensive" scales are like 50 bucks otherwise. But yes $15 scales can be just fine.

>> No.18579256

Ong you just suck at making coffee no cap

>> No.18579297

some people just have shit taste.
like you can give them the best coffee in the world and they wont like it but you give them some starbucks dogshit and they will love it.

>> No.18579307

My covfefe skills are bussin. I make great ‘spro with my Niche + Silvia

>> No.18579320

What the fuck? You measure out transferring 60ml of water from your kettle to a gooseneck, pour, measure out another 60ml and then pour again?

>> No.18579325

>Niche + Silvia
go back

>> No.18579337

no what the fuck are you smoking
you put water in your kettle, boil it, put your pourover utensil with cup/decanter on a scale and pour while looking at the scale until you've poured enough lol

>> No.18579342

Nobody told me I needed a scale.

>> No.18579346

I’m a coffee enjoyer and poorfag, what are the best affordable mass market coffees? Local roasters exist but are prohibitively expensive.

>> No.18579347

hoffman did
you just didn't listen

>> No.18579349

retard you measure the coffee out not the water in(i mean you can measure water in).
i dont even make pour over so i may be wrong but from what i have seen you put the v60 on the scale, zero it, and then start the brew and the timer(if the scale has an inbuilt timer or use a seperate timer such as on a phone) and then you measure x amount of water out in x time.
knowing the time is useful to know if your drawn down is too fast or too slow. and measuring and recording these parameters lets you know when you make a good coffee how to replicate it or when you make a bad coffee what that looks like.
also when other people make good coffee they can just list their equipment used and all of the data they recorded and then you can work on replicating that.

but i am a moka schizo that has never touched a v60 so i could be wrong about everything.

>> No.18579353

>retard you measure the coffee out not the water in
that is not correct you fucking idiot lol

>> No.18579354

read the end you fucking spastic.

>> No.18579355

>$15 for a lb of beans
>prohibitively expensive
Nigga that’s less than a dollar per coffee. But you’re poor so you probably have no idea about budgeting or how money works so go “save” some money by spending $5 on a Starbucks coffee

>> No.18579358

how about you shut the fuck up then mokashart instead of spreading your bullshit

>> No.18579363

>$15 for a lb of beans
i refuse to pay less than $50 for 1kg, why even bother at that point.

>> No.18579366

I mean depends on what you have available in your region. The Hoff did a video about american supermarket coffees recently

>> No.18579372

>spreading your bullshit
im not spreading fucking anything you illiterate retard.
im just saying how i thought it worked and gave multiple warnings saying im probably wrong which i was on only 1 part unless you can tell me what other parts i was wrong about.
jesus christ actually kill yourself.

>> No.18579391
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I just made dripped coffee over ice cubes and it tastes completely baller, I can't wait to drink this all the time next summer

>> No.18579439

potion seller!

>> No.18579445

I want your strongest sumatra

>> No.18579452

Eh, it's alright. Front ends up crowded for sure, but the back is nice.

>> No.18579460

I was talking about the coffee shop not your mom

>> No.18579462

Nigger my Ethiopians cost $25 for 500g, that's nothing.

>> No.18579467

Damn, I knew ethiopians were short but I didn't know they came in pixie sizes

>> No.18579472

you can't handle my strongest sumatra, traveller, you'd better go to a seller that sells preground colombian roast

>> No.18579474

What would happen if you blended Coffee and Tea?

>> No.18579512

I swear a wage gave me this at Dunkin’ a few weeks ago. I would be mad because it tasted absolutely foul but I kind of deserve it for going to Dunkin’ in the first place

>> No.18579530

>I LIKE getting scammed, okay?

>> No.18579561
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>folgers breakfast blend
>black and decker drip coffee maker from probably 2 decades ago
>basic white sugar
>filtered water
Yep, cawfee time.

>> No.18579562

why not just make tea from coffee.
like coffee bean chaff tea.

>> No.18579611

having had specialty coffee from the cheapest to the most expensive i can tell you for a fact there is a massive difference.
i buy 250g bags for $25 each every 2 weeks. i can afford it so why wouldn't i, i have had the $15 bags and the $20 bags and yeh you can make good coffee with it but i dont care about just making good coffee i care about interesting coffee.
i care about researching the the country the region the farm and the plants themselves. i care about every step on the process. i want to be fascinated and inspired by the beans from opening the bag to spraying the water to grinding to dosing to brewing to tasting.
i want to wake up excited like a kid on christmas every day, excited for a new coffee adventure.
i want to be thinking about that coffee and the sensory journey the rest of my day.
and im sorry but you just are not going to get that with cheaper beans. im not paying less than $25 for 250g bags.
if you dont care about coffee like this then it isn't a hobby for you, its just a drink you consume.

>> No.18579637

I eyeball it.

>> No.18579643

damn....... that's badass.

>> No.18579654

>Do the cafec filters have any real differences between each other?
No personal experience, the Cafec Abacas I've got are the first I've tried. But they have a bunch of different varieties that are supposed to have different properties.

>> No.18579677

haha no but really is Kicking Horse any good???

>> No.18579685

Ive got lights mediums darks origamis and abaca here. Origamis feel and flow like mediums, the rest are all notable different flows. Abacas feel like they flow slightly faster. Lights and darks both stall but at different times.

>> No.18579818

No (You)s for shitty trolling, apply yourself.
Shit that's a good resource, thank you. Chock Full O Nuts did well, which was nice to see since it's really cheap gram for gram.
Yeah, but for $25 I could get a fiscal quarter of an okay-ish daily driver coffee for weekday mornings and save the good stuff for when I can sit back and really enjoy it.

>> No.18579919
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One of these piles is cheap coffee I picked up at the grocery store as a backup in case I ever run out of the good stuff. The other is specialty coffee I picked up from a local roaster today. Try to guess which is which.

>> No.18579969

left one because it's lighter and that's like the only thing i have to go off

>> No.18579981

hard to tell but left one looks like it has more consistent beans

>> No.18579983

Most of the cold brew I've had was shop made or bottled stuff. I've even tried different methods of cold brewing. One Japanese coffee place I like for literally anything other than their cold brew uses one of those gigantic hour-glass brewer things where it drips water onto the coffee practically a single drop at a time. Supposedly, this makes the best cold brew ever because
>thing >:(
>japanese thing : D
but it still tasted very, very bad.
No matter how it's made or who makes it, cold brew tastes like the water from a rain-flooded basement and someone had shaken a sack of coffee beans in its general direction to impart the most subtle (read: no) coffee flavour.

I dislike SB, too, tho.

>> No.18579987

i think the beans on the right look way nicer there's a lot more "crippled" ones on the left

>> No.18579997

Stop harassing employees you faggot creep

>> No.18580002

Well you're both wrong. It's weird because the last thing I bought from this guy was a much lighter roast and super acidic. But then I open the bag with this stuff and it smells like supermarket coffee. No clue why he decided to incinerate this one, maybe he just really hates brazil.

>> No.18580017


>> No.18580019

so you havent actually made your own cold brew...

>> No.18580044

>guess which is more expensive
what a worthless picture and question, what region, washed or natural, roast level.
like if you said which is the 100% Colombian dark roast generic store bought that was $5 and which is the 100% Colombian dark roast from my local roaster which was $15-20 this might be interesting, but its not.

>> No.18580046

look at him melt

>> No.18580088

Lol I just spent $55 on 30g of tea.

>> No.18580155

based. what did you buy.
i dont drink tea but my mum does so i buy her some nice stuff sometimes.

>> No.18580232

You are not very smart.

>> No.18580246

cheap right, specialty left

>> No.18580258

>blah blah blah words i suck blah blah blah its shit blah blah blah
sorry i skipped a sentence it was just so boring.

>> No.18580293


Just brewed my first cuppa with the v60, how do I tell if I liked it or not?

>> No.18580371

writing down your thoughts can help.
what did you taste. was it sour, bitter, acidic.
here are some videos from the hoff on learning to taste.
i have not personally watched these videos(i will now) so i cant vouch for if they are useful or not but hoffmann doesnt miss.
for me, i started my coffee journey with my own brews, never drunk coffee in my life before i made it for my self, which makes things a little different, and for me i just kept brewing until i made a cup that i liked and then i kept experimenting kept learning and now i have a decent amount of knowledge of how to make a cup of coffee that i enjoy.
it may not be liked by everyone but im not making coffee for everyone. (but the coffee i have made for others has been met with a "stamp of approval" so to speak. baristas and family members and old italians who have been drinking coffee all day every day for 50 years. so i must be doing something right.)

it might be cringe to say but honestly just watch everything hoffmann has made especially relation to v60 if thats what you are into.

>> No.18580407

I just wanted to use a pour over coffee but now im hearing about how you're supposed to have a ratio of coffee beans to water and shit and this is annoying, i have a bodom and the taste is very crappy after a couple uses, although i am using a tea kettle that gets to steaming when i use it

>> No.18580414

how hard is it to measure 15g and 250g

>> No.18580417

you need a scale first of all, and then you need to have raw beans, unless there's scales that let you measure pre ground without it getting all over the fucking place
but also how the hell do you measure grams of water?

>> No.18580428


>> No.18580431

im sorry but you are a child and are not allowed to use a kettle.

>> No.18580433

I am a very dumb person yes, please have patience

>> No.18580469

You really are just not very smart at all.

>> No.18580480

look at him seethe.

>> No.18580484

No i'm actually serious, i'm pretty dumb to this stuff, but i'm trying my best

>> No.18580573

You just weigh the water to get grams anon. Just have a vessel of some kind on the scale. Tare the scale so its not weighing the vessel. Pour in water, stop when it gets to your desired weight. Do the same with preground coffee.

>> No.18580591

1g=1ml. Real convenient. Figure out how much your cup actually fits, adjust amount of coffee to match the strength you prefer. Get a $16 weightman scale off Amazon.

>> No.18580726

I usually have the water in a boiling tea kettle so that might be hard, unless im supposed to put it in another container first and then weight that one?

>> No.18580730
File: 193 KB, 220x129, huh-huhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get new tool
>use it
>it works perfectly
>use it again the same way the next day
>its ok
>use it the next day the same way
>it sucks
i know that this tool can produce the results i want so its not like its bad but what the fuck mang.

>> No.18580738

here just watch this.

>> No.18580875

Teatard here but the amount of coffee grounds you have to use seems a bit excessive to me.
I can put 5g of tea leaf into a cup and brew anywhere from 1L to 1.5L of tea depending on how high quality and strong the leaf is. Even for a weaker tea or a teabag I'd still expect one good mug of tea for 5g of leaf.
Meanwhile coffee I'm seeing you need 20-25g of grounds for a single cup of coffee and it doesn't seem like you can brew a second cup of coffee even if you do it immediately.

>> No.18580937

What is your question? You could get infinite (weaker) steeps out of coffee beans if you don't grind them. Thats what's happening with tea. Broken up leaves brew faster and get bitter quicker. We're increasing the surface area by grinding to extract everything desirable in one go. There's nothing stopping me from making short weak successive brews with coffee beans in a gaiwan.

>> No.18580975

Uhh, based?

>> No.18581018
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>> No.18581522

i have had too much goffee already
but im still so tired.
6 more hours of work...

>> No.18581531
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coffee with snacks is best

>> No.18581533

Yeah good eye bro

>> No.18581579

Depends on the method. For example, my moka pot makes around 300ml of coffee from about 25g of beans. That's anywhere from 2 to even 6 servings.
But you are right, tea is more "efficient" in general.

>> No.18581931
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La Llave coffee? Anyone? Bueller?

I'm "ethnic" and whenever I bring food to church or work picnics and potlucks, there's usually one of two reactions:
>oh em gee, that's delicious
Or pic related.
Even when I turn down the heat, it's often too strong for Anglos. Blackmericans like it when it's turned down but can't handle it when I keep my cooking as hot as it's meant to be.

>> No.18581948
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i seriously cant be the only person that pours a handful of my (imported Euro) beans into a bowl to eat throughout the day can i? i googled it and didnt get many hits

>> No.18582038


>> No.18582058

>2-6 servings
that's a full cup/mug

>> No.18582060

Got you covered senpai
We'll have our answer in a matter of days/weeks

>> No.18582214

Post the strong recipe, peppers run in my blood
>t. magyar

>> No.18582404
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winter's here boys, you know what that means
cold hands on warm mug kino is back on the menu

>> No.18582426

Water is absolutely not a meme. Having the wrong KH can make brewing a good cup impossible. The difference between 40kh and 60kh can be night and day in the cup, either tasting juicy and balanced or flat and dull.

>> No.18582448

V60 02 kit, how did I do?

>> No.18582472
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>local store only stocks this ground instead of whole bean
>whole bean luminosa would probably be my go-to supermarket pick otherwise
it hurts

>> No.18582528

Good, buy a q2 now and you're set for life

>> No.18582566

>really want to bake sweets
>can't bring myself to stay in the kitchen for extended periods of time with my dad around

>> No.18582570

Aka a v60 and a bunch of trash

>> No.18582625

When people talk about coffee flavors here they are not talking about putting actual flavoring in the coffee, they’re talking about flavor “notes”, which are certain flavor/aroma volatile compounds released while brewing. Think of it more like the flavor notes on a wine bottle than on a latte full of syrups.
Of course, you could also get a vanilla syrup for your coffee or make your own. The other day someone posted a homemade pumpkin syrup recipe and I actually thought it looked quite good.

>> No.18582665

this has to be a troll post

>> No.18582676

Stop, i'm just an idiot not a troll

>> No.18582793

A measuring spoon, paper filters (I think you need these? Not sure I'd call them trash) and a nice glass 02 coffee container for the V60 to sit on. I think it's all pretty worthwhile.

>> No.18582880

>homemade pumpkin syrup recipe and I actually thought it looked quite good.

>> No.18582891

yeah i think the only part i never use is the spoon. though it can get you close to 15g depending on the beans.

>> No.18582939

Who drinks that much moka in one go?

>> No.18582942

I drink my 6 cup moka on my own. I do start to feel queasy when I reach the bottom though.

>> No.18582952

Well most people don't

>> No.18582955


>> No.18583092

>Who drinks that much moka in one go?
who doesnt? what the fuck are you talking about?
1 6cup moka brew is 1 serving.
i pour that shit into my cup and drink it with breakfast. have another for lunch and another at 9pm

>> No.18583094

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18583105

>he doesnt order fresh roasted coffee online...

>> No.18583109

be nice.

>> No.18583130

that's too much

>> No.18583146

ml and grams are the same thing.
any digital scale worth buying has a tare/zero button/feature that means if you use preground you just put a container on the scale then zero it and then add the grounds.

for me i measure the beans(23.5-24.5 depending on type of bean), thean i do 1 spray of water to reduce static(this brings my total weight up by about 0.1g), then i grind and weigh the grounds making sure it = the same amount i put in, then i put whatever i am dosing into onto the scale and zero it and add my grounds and i take note of the weight again and then i put my cup on the scale and zero again and then brew into the cup and take note of that weight as well.

>> No.18583155


>> No.18583157

i normally do but i was in a pinch, grabbed this as a stopgap. it's not bad. way better than peet's other stuff

>> No.18583174

Dude, trust me

>> No.18583181
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cmon anon drink more goffee...

>> No.18583197
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>> No.18583224
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I can't believe the fliche is actually happening lol. Anyone on the list?

>> No.18583240

Everyone on this site is on a list

>> No.18583253

i hope were on the same list anon <3

>> No.18583279
File: 9 KB, 618x351, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh would you look at that, we are

>> No.18583339

Why are Coffeeheads like this? They're like crack addicts but more vicious and passive-aggressive.

>> No.18583345

Crackheads are recovering coffee addicts

>> No.18583362


>> No.18583413

Enjoying your ground cockroach?

>> No.18583577

flavor notes for today's natural process burundi moka
mulled wine
balsamic vinegar

today was frustrating.
need more practice...

>> No.18583653

That combination of notes sounds like ass tbqh.

>> No.18583687
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>> No.18583695

i work at starbucks don't ask me anything

>> No.18583708

look at him buck stars

>> No.18583730

>notes of caramel and vanilla
I really hope this is true and I can taste them.

>> No.18583768

You never know. Sometimes the flavor descriptions are pretty accurate; other times they're bullshit.

>> No.18583833

i often find the notes listed on the bag to be found more in the smell of the beans/grounds than in the final brewed coffee.

>> No.18584039

Aeropress or V60?

>> No.18584054
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i enjoy my aeropress quite a bit since i am a retard in the morning and it makes good coffee without much thinking

>> No.18584112

i dont use either but i think it depends on what you are looking for.
like the v60 seems kinda peaceful while the aeropress is you shoving 2 bits of plastic together as hard as you can with boiling water and coffee in the middle.

>> No.18584116

>shoving 2 bits of plastic together as hard as you can
not sure where you picked up that misconception but typically you press gently. it's a little more force than only the weight of your hands on the plunger when you're aiming for a 30s press.

>> No.18584127

What online site do I order high quality single origin beans from? Like /tea/ has Yunnansourcing which is a dude with an operation in China sourcing high quality Chinese teas, do we have an online storefront based in Ethiopia or Kenya that's able to locally source the best beans?

>> No.18584136

hey dickhead just let me lie without any pushback ok?

>> No.18584139

I fucking broke a glass cup with my aeropress

>> No.18584142

>conical burr
>can grind fine enough for turkish
Does such a thing exist

>> No.18584162

$88 kingrinder k4 on amazon rn.

>> No.18584163

why ask a question like this without saying where you live?
also make sure wherever you decide to buy from is actually a business that roasts the beans themselves at least a couple times a week. there are a lot of places online that just sell beans from other roasters and dont tell you when it was roasted. you can buy expensive beans that were roasted 2-3 or more weeks ago.
but if you buy from an actual roaster you can get coffee roasted 2-3 days ago.
also make sure you order coffee on the weekend so the order can be processed and they can roast and ship the coffee as soon as possible.
like for me if i order on a sunday the roaster will roast pack and ship my coffee all by monday afternoon and it will arrive wednesday or thursday afternoon express or friday standard.
if you order not on the weekend there is a high chance it will just be sitting in storage for 2-3 extra days for no reason.

>> No.18584188

what the heck is the difference between K4 and K6

>> No.18584201
File: 146 KB, 4126x494, yoinkv8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different burr. K4 is the Jx burr(knockoff kinu), K6 is the Kplus burr(bigger knockoff comandante).

>> No.18584228

So K6 + cheap drill = cheap high quality automatic grinder?

>> No.18584229


>> No.18584232

yes... mostly

>> No.18584239

If the K6 is stable and the drill is capable of keeping a steady slow rpm with enough torque, pretty much.

>> No.18584244 [DELETED] 

would you guys stop talking to me if I told you I started using the moka pot from the dollar store?

>> No.18584245


>> No.18584254

Reminder to clean your aeropress and that includes the rubber piece