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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18572168 No.18572168 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite unhealthy/junk food meal?
No dessert.
For me it's either
Deli burrito with cheetos preferably jalapeno flavored stuffed inside dipped in fry sauce

Or picture related but without the vegetables and wasabi and soy almonds add and a chopped up slim jim

>> No.18572171

plain lays potato chips. I could eat one of those big yellow bags in a single sitting.

>> No.18572193

Those are good
My entire family on my dad's side eats them with ketchup

>> No.18572409

holy fuck nostalgia i use to eat those chow mein noodles daily after middle school daily

>> No.18572460
File: 6 KB, 225x225, ragfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture related but without the vegetables and wasabi and soy almonds add and a chopped up slim jim

that's revolting, why are you punishing your body like that?

>> No.18572474

It's good and it's not like I eat it every day

>> No.18572489

>without the vegetables
How much of a fucking child are you? Grow up or you'll never be anything in life.

>> No.18572542

Odd how me not likely vegetables in this one dish gets you so mad. Mad enough to even sage

>> No.18572567

nta but have you even seen those little packets of dehydrated vegetable bits that come with stuff like this? It's only tiny pieces of carrots and.. something green idk maybe bell pepper they don't taste like anything. I wouldn't hold it against anyone for leaving them out

>> No.18572619
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For years I had the Chow Mein or pic related once a week when they were $0.70. Now it's once a month since prices have gone up.

>> No.18572626

For me, it's Doritos.

>> No.18572725
File: 57 KB, 600x600, 0070662404010_CF_default_default_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a few of these for free, I'll try one tonight.

>> No.18572746

I love Asian-themed microwavable goyslop.

>> No.18572843

pretty sure i had one of these like 10 years ago and they were total shit
the superior microwave asian noodle

>> No.18572888

frozen cheeseburgers
thaw them in the fridge first, and take the effort to heat up the patty separately from the bun/cheese/possible bacon, and depending on the brand, paper towel down that meat patty.

>> No.18572949
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the gumbo is unironically the best cup ramen out there

>> No.18573457

This was a bit underwhelming. I was expecting ramen noodles, not sliced up noodles barely longer than rice. Came out looking like mush.
The Korean spicy beef is pretty spicy though.
I'd buy again if they were $0.50, not more than $1.

>> No.18573704

just one bag?

>> No.18573816
File: 68 KB, 488x488, GUEST_b9d1ecfb-3de1-420d-8730-a07680175d3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 2019. It is thanksgiving weekend, and so all of the dining halls at college are closed.
And naturally, all the food places nearby are also not all that open.
But CVS is open.
And so to CVS I go, walking about 20 minutes one way down the street that borders campus to get there. And they have these. I don't have any bowls I can microwave something in, so this is the only microwavable instant thing they have. And so I look at this thing and think to myself "I need something that's terrible and will remind me how much of a mistake this is."
And so I haul it all the way back, and this was my meal that thanksgiving weekend. It was bad, but it was bad in a good way. I didn't go hungry then.
It earned a place in my heart. "Even if everyone else abandons you, I'll still be there for you."

>> No.18573859

>What is your favorite unhealthy/junk food meal?

>> No.18574018

I make these without the sauce and vegetables then add my own alfredo and whatever else cause I'm too impatient to boil water and don't want to use a pot

>> No.18574029

potato chip sandwich. it's really tasty. crush the potato chips just a little bit before eating. bread does something to offset the slight saltiness of the potato chips, and i think that any kind of potato such as mashed would work with bread but i haven't tried. i will not eat wheat bread, though.