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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 244 KB, 1097x816, ABA86313-8D52-4437-B351-3712F3602833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18565341 No.18565341 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post only the most based prepackaged foods.

>> No.18565347 [DELETED] 

Only the most sloppy goyslop for me. Mercury fish in microplaatic bag with PFAS baking tray fried in Sneed oils.

>> No.18565363
File: 111 KB, 530x883, Screenshot_20221110-222003_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis aint bad

>> No.18565382

I always feel weird after eating these, not really sick but not that good, they coat your mouth too.

>> No.18565390

That means the goyslop is working.

>> No.18565415
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>> No.18565416 [DELETED] 

the gordons fisherman raped me inside a meat freezer in 2010. He held a fish hook to my neck and told me if I told anyone he'd make me into fish sticks as he blew his hiv positive load inside my ass

>> No.18565422 [DELETED] 

yeah but OP posted Gorton's, not Gordon's.

>> No.18565456
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>> No.18565506

Screamin' Sicilian strombolis. They're a better version of Hot Pockets without all the fucking butter.

>> No.18565513
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>better ... without all the fucking butter.

>> No.18565542
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>> No.18565553
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What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.18565557

he was raised in another time
the word didn't mean the same thing as it did today

>> No.18566050

frozen food is shit goy slop that loses a lot of it's nutritional value and flavor

>> No.18566065

This, also he didn't own the slave ships or the slaves, he just sailed them. If anything, Captain Gorton probably ended up saving black lives through his commitment to naval safety.

>> No.18566067
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>> No.18566078
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>> No.18566193
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This is a High Liner board, heathen.

>> No.18566208

Too mealy for me
You would have fucking died if you had to eat anything prior to 1970

>> No.18566513

Gortons is amazing. I tried some other frozen fish once because it was cheaper but it was fucking garbage and mostly batter

>> No.18566579

Sea is a cruel mistress

>> No.18566710

while it had a nice jingle in the advertisements on tv (which i don't watch anymore), i don't like the taste of fish sticks.

>> No.18566742

Daddy Gorton
Who is hottest mascot

>> No.18567820

Is that the expensive version of fish sticks?

>> No.18568022 [DELETED] 

He just got raped by a random seaman....what a faggot.

>> No.18569780


>> No.18569797
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>> No.18570246

What’s the best way to heat these up

>> No.18571228

Use the heat from you loins

>> No.18571236

got anymore buzzwords to barf up, /pol/yp?

>> No.18571271

Go to a white castle and order fresh

>> No.18571351

love this lil niggas
never even been to a white castle

>> No.18571366
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used to eat 3 of theses a day in college. filled up on beer though

>> No.18571410

The beef must be atrocious, like campbell's chicken noodle tier

>> No.18571418

it was pretty good you could actually see the fibers of the meat. mixed it up every now and then with a chicken or a Turkey. reminds me of before I was an orphan.

>> No.18571446

It fills you right up, tastes decent, and gives you the shits an hour later. A real two-in-one deal.

>> No.18571488
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these right here are god tier

>> No.18571891

Fucking love these.

>> No.18571919

The tortilla has been dryer than usual for me, any other anons?

>> No.18571936

They taste identical to fresh burgers though. White castle is completely vertically integrated so they make their own frozen items

Microwave, follow the directions

>> No.18571955

The "middle" portion of the tortillas are fine for me. The two ends have always been too dry for me.
Maybe I'll wrap a wet paper towel around the two ends the next time I cook them. (Don't have any on hand right now,)

>> No.18572060

I remember I loved these as a kid. I tried a KFC pot pie and couldn’t finish it, too much chicken

Nowadays I would eat the fuck out of one of those KFC pot pies. Those Banquet pies are garbage in comparison.

>> No.18572063
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I love these hoes

>> No.18572090
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What do y'all know about gooey butter cakes?

>> No.18572104


I love these bad boys

>> No.18572123

that i can eat two bites and be good with sweets/butter for two months, i love those things but damn theyre rich.

>> No.18572124

I just microwave 1:40, leave in bag for 5 minutes. Always some shit to do in the kitchen for 5 minutes.

>> No.18572202

Where can you find these?

>> No.18572221


>> No.18572255

Burned my mouth so badly with frozen pot pies that the roof of my mouth peeled off.

>> No.18572386

Why does the nutrition info on the front not show the protein content?

>> No.18572392

By law, they have to always show the full nutrition profile, so that's in the back.
The front only shows the "bad" things, as a form of advertisement, I guess.

>> No.18572506

If you're doing 6 at once then 2min @ 50% then about 1min @ 100% (check about 40sec in), let cool for a minute

>> No.18572517

>not in a factory breakroom on 3rd shift

>> No.18572539
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>blocks your path

>> No.18572544
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>also blocking path just in case you continued on path

>> No.18572963
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>> No.18573273

jesus this is one of the worst posts i've ever fucking seen, kill yourself please.

>> No.18573415

childhood vibes

>> No.18573421

It was always Gordon's for me growing up. Where the fuck did the "T" come from?

>> No.18573471


berenstain bears shit

>> No.18574037

I can't find these anymore do they still make them?

>> No.18574166

St Louis / Central IL area

>> No.18574172
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>> No.18574185
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>> No.18574205
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>> No.18574218
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>> No.18574221

Based. I prefer bacon version

>> No.18574234
File: 69 KB, 800x597, 19f38691-bfce-5465-9e8f-2631f7b5f5a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the highest quality frozen meal money can buy

>> No.18574343

There is microplastics and everything, there's no one avoiding it

>> No.18574636

Tony the Tiger

>> No.18574719

these slap

>> No.18574784
File: 130 KB, 800x800, 002060874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these little niggas like you wouldn't believe

>> No.18575078

Absolute fucking gaoheeslahp. These are literally sickening and repulsive, I threw them out after biting into one. Fucking disgusting,

completely inhuman. unreal that anyone could be so muttoid and destroyed that theyd like this stuff. im not even joking this is unfathomable to me.

>> No.18575087

I buy primarily my store's brand of goods because I know they're fresh and (usually) good. Only times they're bad is when a certain person is scheduled for morning bakery shift, because he always burns the cookies.

>> No.18575140

never seen these in the US. Looks like it would slap.

>> No.18575970

Oh shit just looked it up says they were "temporarily discontinued" a couple years ago but I still remember seeing them recently

>> No.18576058

Really? Wow big loss to a country not having potato waffles.
You can grill them or cook em easy in the toaster till crispy and then butter em and serve them with whatever. Eggs and beans is common

>> No.18576066

it's not that bad, really. If I add a small amount of salsa and sour cream, they remind me of the mcdonalds breakfast burritos i liked as a kid.

>> No.18576263
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>> No.18576409
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Nature does it best

>> No.18576751

Elder god tier.
Worst than eating literal dog shit tier.