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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.28 MB, 476x9300, fllOHAIPsC5ungfSF9fBIkxkZYO0iIxJOFSJkTeMU4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18553953 No.18553953 [Reply] [Original]

>Throw away seasoning packet
>Use spices from same company in same ratios

>> No.18553958

>He doesn't do it live

>> No.18553961
File: 37 KB, 1051x763, f119945952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phuck yeah

>> No.18554134

Some fag wasted time making this and thinks he's cool for doing so.

>> No.18554168

This guy got like three books out of this

>> No.18554176

He's a retarded fag, but I use his pumpkin nutella cheesecake recipe. The whole family loves it

>> No.18554178

That picture is older than you.

>> No.18554182
File: 1.51 MB, 610x4957, 610-easypeasyrefriedbeandip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy has a Patreon

>> No.18554186

Man, this style of humor/content really didn't age well.
The recipe is still good though

>> No.18554203

true, the guy needs to be a soijak and it has to have nigger on every other panel because you know, i'm from 4chan

>> No.18554216

It's not a good recipe, and his method is shit

>> No.18554223

It's just cumin
Don't pretend that you can taste anything else

>> No.18554226

>not cornbread
Fucking grotesque

>> No.18554227

you newfags must have gotten out of 7th grade early today. this 2am chili post hit reddit about 10 years ago at the same time of the soap to go and it was cringe then

>> No.18554231

>Refried beans recipe
>Refried beans

>> No.18554239

He was on /b/ first

>> No.18554242

Why is he so angry about cooking chili?

>> No.18554247

nu-anons call this cringe while the only OC they make consists of copypasted wojaks

>> No.18554248

>i have nothing to contribute but still want my participation trophy
>let me post this thing from a decade ago that we've all seen a thousand times!

>> No.18554249

Because it's 2am.

>> No.18554275

Better than fast food

>> No.18554278
File: 19 KB, 579x536, jc8geqlomiq51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drain the beef
Fucker's just wasting good fat.
>corn and green beans in fucking chili
Damn son, onions and tomatoes are all you fucking need. Maybe some peppers if you want more spice.
>2tbsp flour
You're making a stew, not a roux.

In the spirit of this image I present:
>Lazy Bastard's Chili (loosely adapted from Chef John's Beer, Bean and Beef chili)
>1lb beef mince
>1 large onion
>2 cans (non-baked) beans
>1tbsp tomato paste
>2tbsp chili powder
>3tsp cumin
>Other spices to taste
>1 (UK) pint boiling water
>2 beef bouillon cubes
How to make:
>cut the onion
>mix boiling water with the bouillon
>put the beef in a pan and cook it
>when cooked add the onions, tomato paste, spices and a small amount of the bouillon water and proceed to mix
>add the beans and rest of the bouillon mix then simmer for whatever thickness you want, add more water if it's too much for you
Wah lah, enjoy your sloppa.
It's just a classic example of bieng an internet tough guy.

>> No.18554283

Why on earth is he making chili at 2am?

>> No.18554287

Not really. It depends on the fast food thread.

>> No.18554295

To eat.

>> No.18554309

It's from the late 00s or so. This reddit/9fag art style was shit even then though.

>> No.18554323
File: 135 KB, 660x495, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was pisssed when i saw this image decades ago
because it's shit-chili
but now it makes me nostalgic of a simpler time

>> No.18554326
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 1613912632998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use spices from same company in same ratios
I'll never get over this.

>> No.18554331

>beans in chili

>> No.18554332

quintessential mayoid behavior

>> No.18554344

>a shot of beer
you’re just adding a tiny bit of water that will have no effect on the taste. for a big pot use at least half a can, or a couple shots of whiskey

>> No.18554355

Kot Lobster

>> No.18554363

>throw beef in pot
>throw in chopped up onion
>can of diced tomatos
>all your spices
>3/4 cup chicken stock, 1/4 cup beer
>mash everything together until you get taco bell meat slurry
>throw in beans
>simmer for a few hours
wah lah

>> No.18554369
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 2286faad76f34fcca5343694703dc57b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 bullion cubes
Stopped reading there
Have you considered that what you just posted is awful?

>> No.18554377

>use whatever
>i use X, Y, Z
>use whatever
truly a brilliant grasp on the english language

>> No.18554382

Because the recipe is for 2am chili

>> No.18554394
File: 156 KB, 800x740, fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It definitely didnt.

>> No.18554410

He said use whatever, then he said what he used. Who has the brilliant grasp on the English language now you dickass?

>> No.18554450

>2 bullion cubes
thats a whole lot of cubes

>> No.18554463

It's only 1 more than 1.

>> No.18554483

It worked at the time when just seeing "fuck" in text was still vaguely novel

>> No.18554541

I know these are from a different time, but holy fuck theyre cringey now

>> No.18554553

It's just so fucking funny that all the separate seasonings he got are all from the same exact company and are the same as the content of the mixed packet he claims you should throw out. How retarded can you be

>> No.18554560

>Use spices from same company in same ratios
thats where you're wrong
also using spices out of the jar you avoid the bullshit like maltodextrin and other additives that you don't need but are in the packet

>> No.18554696
File: 46 KB, 399x400, 1550422264304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's funny because i didnt even try
fuck this retard, truly.

>> No.18554699

The “fuck you deal with it” brand of humor was always cringe

>> No.18554713
File: 1.20 MB, 610x7419, 610-roastedveg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it out, he was doing this shit up to 2021 and he got so lazy this one even includes the wrong photo at one step.

Like why even bother dude

>> No.18554722

you can't say it doesn't deliver what was promised

>> No.18554743

Holy fuck
>Is that a goddamn motherfucking /ck/ thread?
Umm, fuck yeah. Here's what we gonna do
>Dat motherfucking post number
Click it
>Dat fucking post
Type it
>Dat fucking captcha
Solve it
>Dat motherFUCKING Submit button

Holy fucking shit, you just made a goddamn waffle fuckcopter post on /ck/

You're the FUCKING man!
Chuck Norris would be proud

Now keep being fucknoggin dickslapping AWESOME

>> No.18554752
File: 155 KB, 391x401, d5aa710-1a176d7a-72d4-4e0e-aa5b-324d623e3cf4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now keep being fucknoggin dickslapping AWESOME

>> No.18554806

It's literally all he's got

>> No.18554819

Yeah the whole “ITS MOTHERFUCKING X” got old fast

>> No.18554823

i mean for some collage kid thats never cooked anything but a hot pocket and still fucks that up i see nothing wrong with these very basic recipes for absolute beginners trying to learn

>> No.18554902
File: 172 KB, 600x900, Collage-Art-Projects-Pin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18554905

the only thing more cringe than this gay shit is actually saving it and reposting it

>> No.18555106

i thought it was a little easy to get my degree

>> No.18555140

How about you stop being a smartass

>> No.18555148

>mean for some collage kid
Only time this has ever been used correctly.

>> No.18555175

>2am chili
>takes hours to make
what's the point?

>> No.18556440

For when you lose control of your life a few hours early

>> No.18556458

Its nice but why throw it all away with the crackers?

>> No.18556459

that jpg is almost old enough to post here.

>> No.18556462

this was made by an anon in like 2008. thats when anons had access to pirated photoshop and would make oc every single day. it probably took this oldfag 10 minutes max to put this together.

>> No.18556463

thats unironically how all refried beans are made. its just canned beans heated up with stuff added to it.

>> No.18556472

This nigger doesn't know TRUE 2AM chili
>Chop everything up before you cook, the more you multitask at 2AM, the worse it is for you
>Use a single pot, just 1 pot, no more, fuck cleaning up extra pans when you sober up
>Use a little oil to start, just enough to cover the bottom
>Throw onions in, add some sugar and a bit of chili powder if you have it, caramelize the onions a little
>Throw mince in, stir that shit, season with cumin, salt and pepper. Also throw in a bit of cinnamon, trust me bro.
>When meat is browned a little, add peppers and chilis, sweat them off
>Add tomato paste, because I told you, faggot!
>Add two tins of chopped tomatoes, add a bit of water so it's a little thinner, just eyeball it bro
>Add 2 bouillon cubes, whatever the fuck is in the cupboard, doesn't matter.
>Add seasoning. Recommended seasonings: cumin, coriander, chili powder, chili flakes, paprika, pepper, Or just a generic tandori spice mix and garam masala, that shit works fine too.
>Bring to boil, let it simmer for a while, taste occasionally and burn your tongue as you do so, that's IMPORTANT!
>When you think it's ready... Oh wait shit! The rice!
>Make rice, don't listen to chinks, it's not hard. 1 cup of rice to 1 1/2 water. That's all there is to it.
Throw some star anise in with rice it if you have it.
>Once rice is beginning to boil, set it to the lowest heat and put a fucking plate on top of it, let it steam for 18 minutes or whatever.
>Serve forth

>> No.18556525

>Rice with chili
I vomit

>> No.18556674

Fuck you all.
Just buy the chili pack of maggi, knorr or whatever you like more.
Buy minced meat, preferably beef but whatever is cheaper because chili is supposed to be cheap.
Buy kindey beans.
Buy corn if you want.
Fry meat in a pan. Pour water and powder. Add beans+corn then cook.
You can add rice tho chili to have a filling. Thats it. If you want chili spicier buy whatever peppers you want.
Just stop with this shizo tier autism. I cooked some of the shizo chilis and they were not worth the time spent on them.

>> No.18556885

i have shit ton of salt packets and black\white pepper packets, i will never buy salt or pepper again.

Everywhere fastfood or other place i go i take two of each, dont need more, I accumulated so much I have literally two jars full of this shit. I never use it for the food i buy there, because it is already seasoned enough.

>> No.18556904

pretty on point but add a can of beans and switch the rice for tortilla chips and you really got something there

>> No.18557923

It's only 14 years old

>> No.18557977

It’s just really basic for how smug he is about it. It’s like a Midwestern mother’s chili recipe.

>> No.18558063

to old

>> No.18558069

There's no way people were still using PSPs in 2010.

>> No.18558141

i was still using it
god adobe ruined PSP when they bought it