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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18553364 No.18553364 [Reply] [Original]

> For Breakfast
A light bacon, omelet, and cheder cheese hamburger; hash browns; jelly donuts; and a hot caramel latte with whipped cream.
> For Brunch
A cheeseburger and two slices of pizza which I balance with coke and ice cream (usually vanilla).
> For Lunch
Doritos and something from McDonald's (usually a Big Mac and a Double Whopper with fries) together with a coke.
> For Dinner
Steak, mac 'n' cheese, potatoes, and gravy with a bud light to wash it all down.
> For Supper
Salmon, ginger ale, along with ravioli and tomato soup.
> For Desert
I had some cereal (I know, but for some reason I was really in the mood for Cap'n Crunch) and also, as a treat, a small serving of red cake (I don't do this very often so this time was special).
> Midnight Snack
Milk and Oreos which I had before going to bed.

What do (You)r daily meals look like, /ck/?

>> No.18553380

OP, you have to be over 14 to post on 4chan.

>> No.18553444

you're a fat fuck and should probably kill yourself

>> No.18553450

>no Second Breakfast
Time to step it up, OP.

>> No.18553455

Nosejob inc

>> No.18553479

Wasted trips. I'm not fat. I space out my meals and chew slowly. If anything, I'm thinner than the average American.

>> No.18553482

>and should probably kill yourself
Fuck you for this btw. That was unnecessary and you don't know me.

>> No.18553490

>only one beer
What's it like being a faggot?

>> No.18553564

2 eggs, 2 vegetables, oatmeal, glass of milk
>assorted nuts
>sandwich and a bell pepper
>tea and an apple with peanut butter
>Chili/curry/stew/soup/etc with rice
>chicken thigh/pork chop with two vegetable sides and milk
>tea and a Graham cracker

>> No.18553597

What's it like being an alcoholic loser?
lol, I might even go dry just to spite you. Alcohol isn't a substitute for manhood you pathetic worm. Cope harder.
No hate but, isn't that a little boring? Chilli or cury sounds delicious btw. Could really go for one of those soon!

>> No.18553619
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I dunno, I think it's tasty. I can change things up with different vegetables, different seasonings, cooking methods, etc.
Chilis and curries are a great way to make a really flavorful, filling meal that lasts a few days. And there's a ton of variety you can introduce. Pic related, Thai green curry with cashews, chicken, and shrimp is my go-to. Added red potatoes to this and it was pretty good.

My weekends are a bit more varied, pizza, fish, stir fry, burgers, things like that.

>> No.18553620

Not reading that shit

>> No.18553649

I can tell all I need to know about you from your photo. All scrunchy-wristed fatasses need to die.

>> No.18553658

Wow. I was wrong, that looks great! I might have to try something like that sometime.
To be honest, I don't have the best variety so that's not what I meant by "boring" but I should try to shake things up some more.

>> No.18553672

Cooking is fun when you get a few recipes down and can start to experiment a little.
This is the recipe I learned from, it seems pretty open to modifications.

>> No.18554076

>Breakfast when commuting
3-4 soft boiled eggs + oatmeal
>Breakfast when wfh\weekend
Bacon, 3-4 eggs over easy on top of Italian white beans (I make a pot every week as filler)with some samba garlic chili stuff
Asian leftovers + eggs
Left over dinner
I almost exclusively use an instapot and cast iron skillet so usually bulk cheap things like chili's, pot roast, stir fry, tacos, with the occasional steak. I usually make enough that I cook 3 times a week at most.

>> No.18554390
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>> No.18554455

You're slowly doing it already with this diet, anon

>> No.18554467
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>> No.18554833

Are you a hobbit, faggot?

>> No.18554839

>you should definitely kill yourself.

>> No.18554984

>coffee for breakfast
>no lunch
>chicken tikka thigh and a potato
Such is life as a fat man who is trying to be less fat.

>> No.18555005

>falling for obvious bait