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18548225 No.18548225 [Reply] [Original]

There is nothing wrong with vegetable oil. Its 100% all natural

>> No.18548243
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>> No.18548258

What the FUCK

>> No.18548302

>100% all natural
Yeah, well, so is my semen! Guess that's why your mom guzzles it down every night!

>> No.18548308

everything in this video is upsetting

>> No.18548325

everything is natural that isn't unnatural

>> No.18548417

The bideo said that was wax from canola seed

>> No.18548421

And they also bleached the oil

>> No.18548433

Get off 4chan, pops

>> No.18548443

I love Rape

>> No.18548551

mmmm sodium hydroxide and bleach. so natural and healthy

>> No.18548575

Canola always has an off smell to it. It's just not an appealing oil to cook with.

>> No.18548696

So is oleander and arsenic.

>> No.18548704

Neat. Why does this activate people's psychosis?

>> No.18549072

It gets worse the longer i watch it. Why didn’t they just stop at the first pressing. Ok you only get 40% but at that point there’s no chemical baths

>> No.18549120

>Its 100% all natural
so is cyanide.

>> No.18549173

nobody's stopping you from buying it, and there's certainly no shortage
now fuck off

>> No.18549439

Uranium is 100% natural too

>> No.18549453

>Its 100% all natural
So is arsenic.

>> No.18549457

Higher yields means more profit. Just think, if governments would subsidise these companies to stop at this point in production they might actually make a dent in obesity figures.

>> No.18549470

There is literally nothing wrong taking place in this video.

>> No.18549500

>Heat the oil up to its smoke point multiple times
>Treat it with chemicals multiple times

The fact molecules are in no way chemically stable after all that. This is what leads to lipoprotein damage and foam cell/plaque buildup.

>> No.18549511

I should have realized this was a schizo thread.

>> No.18549533

The biggest difference between a schizo and a normie is the schizo cares enough to do their own research.

>> No.18549542
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>do their own research.
Wow bro cool it with the science denial

>> No.18549862

the only disturbing thing in that video was the opening were someone decided to just separately pour canola oil and some vinegar on a "salad". what the fuck?
well it is mildly surprising that wax is used to make vegetable shortening

>> No.18550049

I honestly stopped using canola oil when I saw this shit years ago, I stopped using so many products because of this disgusting shit. I just strain my bacon fat/ground beef leftover, mix with warm water, and then take the separated fat and remove the particles. Tastes better, too.

>> No.18550084

Who cares it looks yucky and you can see how gross it looks when they extract it yuck

>> No.18550091

Is this the dedicated seed oil thread? cool
I was wondering if peanut oil was okay to use or it would give me super turbo cancer aids

>> No.18550385

>sneed oil

>> No.18551030

>Guess that's why your mom guzzles it down every night!
Rape oil?

>> No.18551053

hydrogenated goylube

>> No.18551119
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>> No.18551137

Rule of thumb is that if you can squeeze the oil out it's fine. You can see how easy it is to separate peanut oil in the behaviour of peanut butter.

>> No.18551160

you forgot the solvent they mentioned, it's delicious all natural hexane
Don't worry we haven't declared it carcinogenic, it just blisters your skin and causes central nervous system damage if you inhale too much.

>> No.18551218

>it just blisters your skin and causes central nervous system damage if you inhale too much
Di-hydrogen monoxide all over again.

>> No.18551221

There's nothing wrong with drinking ocean water. Its 100% all natural.

>> No.18551225
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There are four main problems with seed oils:

1. Seed oils are very rich in Omega 6 (n-6) fatty acids. Omega 6 is an essential nutrient that is mostly available from seeds and nuts in extremely small amounts. You need a kilogram of seeds to produce 0.4L of oil. You would never be able to eat enough seeds in one sitting to get as much omega 6 as you can easily get from one tablespoon of a typical seed oil. And you are getting seed oils in EVERY processed food you eat which is the majority of the typical American diet. The typical American gets over 500 calories of seed oil a day, about 20% of total calories. Premodern diets would get 1-2% of calories from n-6 rich sources.It's important for cellular health at that low level but at high levels it is a leading cause of inflammation.

2. Seed oils are industrially processed with harmful chemicals, they are bleached, deodorized, separated with solvents, etc. It is inconceivable that trace amounts of these chemicals are not present in the finished product. If you trust the FDA to hold them accountable just lol.

3. Seed oils are also repeatedly heated and reheated during processing and during use, often to high temperatures since that is their main 'utility', they are excellent for high temperature frying. In this process molecules that are functionally similar to trans-fats are formed.

4. AT BEST seed oils are empty calories. Omega 6 is important at some level but there is no other real nutrition available, that is removed with the rest of the seed.

#2, 3 and 4 can be dealt with via proper preparation but #1 is both the most dangerous and universal. Only a few special snowflakes like cold pressed flaxseed oil don't have this problem, but cold pressed flaxseed oil goes rancid almost immediately (hence why these oils are so heavily processed, to remove the odors/flavors and create an artificially neutral product).

>> No.18551256

You must be 18 to post on 4chan, kid--Also, I Bond-Burgered your sister last night.

>> No.18551280
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>Why does this activate people's psychosis?
If only you knew just how bad things really are...

>> No.18551291 [DELETED] 
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Ok faggot... Drink One cup of each...
Please livestream it too.

>> No.18551334

What is the least bad seed oil?
Rice bran?

>> No.18551353
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If you must...
(Blue is BAD)
>pic rel

>> No.18551373

Sunflower oil is okay?

>> No.18551459

Wesson is Soybean oil. You are showing the extraction process of Rapeseed (Canola) Oil.

Does anyone have any non joe rogan links that show that seed oils are bad for you? Because the thinking of the heart community is still that Polyunsaturated Fats lower your bad Cholesterol level and thus your chance of heart attack.

I smell a huckster because all the "seed oils are ghey, try this coconut oil bro" guys are mostly trying to hype the problem and sell the cure.

>> No.18551478


Riddle me this though:
High Linoleic acid content in blood can lead to hardening of the arteries.
Yet oils that are high in polyunsaturated fats are good heart healthy oils.

Would the best oil be one low in Linoleic acid but also high in polyunsatured fats? So that means Olive Oil and Safflower Oils?

>> No.18551489
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coconut oil has an insane amount of saturated fat

>> No.18551495

OK your chart is actually very helpful bro. I was leaning Safflower oil here for being the best one (that I can stomach) in terms of the balance between high poly/ low saturated, with Olive being a close second.
I just can't stomach Rapeseed (Canola) oil because it tastes so metallic.

>> No.18551520

Are you sure your oil didn't go rancid

>> No.18551534

so olive oil is kosher? it's the only vegetable oil i ever use

>> No.18551627
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Anon...You WANT Saturated fat.
The best are the top four, (in my pic) and Tallow,(not listed,) followed by Olive then Safflower--
My cutoff is Olive--I won't eat anything with higher Omega-6 than that if I can help it.
The video I poasted here:
explains why--I HIGHLY suggest giving it a watch. We've been lied to for DECADES in order to both prop up the processed foods industry and also, as an added "Benefit", the Pharma-Medical industry--It WASN'T just "OOPS! We made a mistake" they KNEW that this was what was going on and HID the results along with cooking the lab results to make it EVEN WORSE.
I'm NOT a big keto advocate--I don't believe that natural cane sugar in moderation is evil, and I also think that healthy organic bread isn't bad for you either. but take a good look at the labels next time you go food shopping-- you may be surprised at just how much toxic and un-natural garbage has made it into the food supply.
*Remember: Non-GMO doesn't mean SHIT, if the crops are still sprayed down with gallons of glyphosate as a dessicant(a fairly common practice,) and big corporations shelled out millions of dollars to push through legislation that said they can hide bio-engineered ingredients behind an "unreadable by human eyes" SmartLabel® that directs you to a website that FURTHER hides the information behind the dubious tab heading"FEATURES and BENEFITS"--which STILL doesn't tell you exactly WHAT ingredients are Bio-engineered.
Do you TRUST that?

>> No.18551647

It's fine anon...but Don't buy the Italian brands; They've been recently discovered to almost ALL be blended with seed oils--Get a Mediterranean or Californian brand that says pure on the label.
If you wanted to fry without the olive oil flavor, coconut works well and is also fine. Just don't burn it. It's not that hard to use. I've made some of the best tempura that my dinner party ever tasted, (no, they weren't just saying that,) deep frying in coconut oil.

>> No.18551654

Interesting so you would go coconut before olive?

>> No.18551655
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I like using peanut oil for popcorn, does that make me some kind of heretic, shall I burn at the stake?

>> No.18551663

So what's the deal with "light" or "extra light" olive oil? I know you're not supposed to fry with evoo because of the smoke point, but light oo seems to work really well at high heat. It's not just blended with soy oil or something is it?

Out of curiosity I tried avocado oil and it smoked like mad at the same temp where light oo didn't at all. So I'm sticking with the mystery stuff but it'd be nice to know what exactly it is. I thought avocado oil had the highest smoke point so now I have no fucking idea what's going on, maybe it's all fake.

>> No.18551699

No. I truly prefer olive, then butter, then coconut. It may be that I overkilled on coconut a few years ago,(was making frybread tacos almost 3x a week), and since it is saturated fat, I was getting some hellishly soapy reflux. But it's also solid at room temperature, like butter, and since 90% of salad dressings are now seed oil and HFCS, I use Apple cider vinegar, rice wine vinegar or balsamic with Olive oil almost every time. the main characteristic of coconut oil is that it is almost completely flavor neutral--Imagine water flavored oil.
No, I've deep fried a turkey or two in peanut oil--makes great chips too,(crisps for you limeys) and French fries too.
You might give coconut oil a shot too, that's what movie theaters use--As I said, one year I went crazy with it.
Funny thing, I was at my lowest weight ever that year--Too skinny actually, and I ate WELL.

>> No.18551705

What's the brand? I'd go with your gut--
I've never tried Avocado oil, just seemed like a meme oil to me.
If you really want to deep fry, Tallow is KING. It's what Maccas used to use for all their fryers.

>> No.18551709

Extra virgin is real olive oil. All other types of olive oil undergo heat and chemical processes similar to the canola how-it's-made video seen earlier in the thread to remove all flavor and smell, and to add in those healthy carcinogenic rancid fat cells. This process also raises the smoke point which is why they're recommended for frying.
Just use other oils for frying. Coconut, lard, butter, etc.

>> No.18551710
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This is what movie theaters in the USA use, Flavacol. It has what the plants crave.

>> No.18551744

>someone decided to just separately pour canola oil and some vinegar on a "salad"
Have you never heard of vinaigrette before?

>> No.18551750
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The butter-flavor oil is--
Yeah, I almost posted that too, but when I made popcorn, I made my own popcorn salt by putting kosher salt in a coffee grinder, and instead of the yellow number 5, (Tartrazine gives me a hellish headache,) I used turmeric powder--had sort of medicinal, dill-like top notes, but as I was also using it for an anti-inflammatory, I'd put fresh ground back pepper and more melted coconut oil on it.

>> No.18551751

Your cute sister got the vinaigrette last night if you know what I mean

>> No.18551758

If its as "homemade" as you say then why bother with coloring? Thats marketing shit and filler at best.

>> No.18551759

I'm talking about high heat like searing steaks etc so butter is out, not sure if lard could do it either but I haven't seen any for sale, it's clearly not as popular as it used to be.
I've never tried clarifying butter before but it might not be the worst idea, expensive though.

>> No.18551765

Lard works best, you can even deep fry in it. You're best making your own if you're processing your own meat, if not, ghee/clarified butter is the way to go. Also, for best steaks, use lard primarily with a dollop of butter. The lard will keep it from burning

>> No.18551766

The thing that most people dont understand or dont want to understand is that I don't want my popcorn to taste something from some theatre. When I make it myself for myself or others its about how we like it, not how some hollywood bitches think we should like it.

>> No.18551771

Sounds awesome but most of us aren't processing our own meat

>> No.18551787

My sister is fat and has facial piercings. If you're into that by all means go ahead, couldn't be worse than her current guy.

>> No.18551801

As I said, I was using it as an anti-inflammatory--and the taste grew on me.
I was remodeling the house I was in, for sale. That was the intent when I bought it, but I hadn't counted on the area being GARBAGE for decent workers--So I did 99% of it by myself.
Worgged breddy gud.

>> No.18551808

I know :...( second best thing would probably be bacon grease, just save it after you cook some bacon. If you've never fried your eggs in the bacon grease, now's the time

>> No.18551816

I understand, Anon.
That's the beauty of coconut oil, It's a blank palette.

>> No.18551820

So when cake/brownie/cupcake etc recipes call for vegetable oil what can I use instead?

>> No.18551825

I dislike how soybean or seed oils are pretty much unavoidable in any store or packaged baked goods. they simply don't taste as good. if I want the simple flour, butter, sugar baked desserts at a reasonable price I pretty much have to bake it myself now

>> No.18551827

In that case no thanks.
I'm more into the svelte type.
On the other hand some brothers do that, I've done that to my sister before, just outright lying to get guys to not be interested in her.

>> No.18551833

Peanut oil imparts a nice flavor to popcorn, not the theatre shit taste.

>> No.18551836

The "do my own research" people are exactly the kind of people that should let someone else do it for them.

>> No.18551845

Melted butter

>> No.18551855

>That's the beauty of coconut oil, It's a blank palette.
Eh, I can kinda taste the coconut. Not that I mind, I love coconut. But maybe that's just the stuff I get from costco and there are more refined versions out there. Clarified butter/ghee is king for popping corn, though.

>> No.18551869

I only eat sunflower and olive oil.
I love seed oils in my salads and foods.
I could never give it up.

>> No.18551903

Seek therapy anon
Good kuk

>> No.18551911

rapesneeds are for the birds

>> No.18551917

Olive oil isn't a seed oil, anon. And sunflower seed oil is one of the Most innocuous.
Whatever works for you... expeller pressed is probably best.
I haven't gone to a movie theater in probably 15 years, and I always bootleged in my snacks--$7 a tub--FUCK YOU!!!
I do appreciate peanut oil for frying--will try in the ONLY corn I eat.
Never been to Costco, I was buying the "FreshFinds" gallon containers at BigLots for 12 bucks. I've used ghee for a lot of things, but have never tried actually popping popcorn with it.
It's dead easy to make too.
butter freezes well too, so you might consider,(all of you reading,) chucking out 40-100 bucks and stocking up.
I have this funny feeling it's gonna be scarce and expensive in the next few weeks-- then even MOAR so afterwards.
even if it isn't you won't have lost out on anything.
Eggs at Aldis here have been upwards of $3.79--
2&1/2 years ago they were .39¢/Doz.

>> No.18551922

raping birds might be considered illegal in some states say west vigiania

>> No.18551940

You should have friends and I smuggling in a bong to smoke weed during movies in nyc. I'd put everything together then fill it up at the water fountain then fill it and bang, we all get toastie at the movie. Two things...
1. Don't let the light of the lighter draw attention
2. Blow the smoke down so it doesn't bother others

>> No.18551946

2a... the smoke blowing down also deflects so someone looking wont know where its coming from.
We were devious fucks.

>> No.18551947

it's quite legal in canada i hear.
birdfucker leafs..

>> No.18551950

Fucking degenerinates, we should annex them now!

>> No.18551989
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I gotcha anon...
>Cinemark Dollar theaters
>Jet flame lighter
>Groove tube-(Toilet paper cob/core stuffed with dryer sheets)
Never went so far as a whole bong, just a cappable pipe-- we'd always do that shit on a tues. matinee too when there were maybe 7 other people there.
Long ways back--good times for bad kids, heh, heh.

>> No.18552129

>canola oil comes from the canola seed plant
yeah right

>> No.18552535

I looked this up and it has roughly 70% more omega-6 compared to olive oil, which is considerable but not death sentence.

>> No.18552800

He said blue is bad, making sunflower the worst, from the perspective of Om-6.

>> No.18552801
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>at the store yesterday
>want to buy some Campbell's tomato soup
>check the ingredients
>mfw it has sneed oils
It seems like basically every prepackaged food has this shit as a filler. I thought regular tomato soup would have been safe, but nope.

>> No.18552978

Sneedpill me on Omega9

>> No.18553032


>Its 100% all natural

So is hemlock.

>> No.18553123

Butter, lard

>> No.18553143

It's because it's cheap chemically created slop food product, the sign of a bad producer squeezing value out of people by saving 5¢ per unit. I resist buying this shit whenever possible and instead have a freezer full of raw meat and vegetables, and jars full of strained bacon fat.

>> No.18553887

>since it is saturated fat, I was getting some hellishly soapy reflux
Saturated fats cause acid reflux or am I misreading that? If so, why did you recommend it here: >>18551627 or was that someone else.

>> No.18554137

>Its 100% all natural
so is frozen pizza

>> No.18554933
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coconut and palm kernel are least-bad
(if they're cold-pressed and unprocessed, that is)
>good heart healthy oils
The AMA and the American Heart Association make those recommendations based on drooling-from-the-mouth inappropriate conclusions drawn from epidemiological studies
it's been soundly debooonked (but unironically, it has) for the last 50 years
olive oil and avocado oils are not technically seed oils since they are extracted from the flesh of a tree fruit
even so, avocado is ~12% linoleic acid and is garbage
good olive oil is under 1% linoleic acid and is fine if you can get it freshly-pressed and from a trusted source (hint: just accept that you can't, unless you live in rural Spain/Italy/Tunisia)
what generally gets sold as "tallow" can have a strong flavor; kidney fat (suet) is preferable if you're frying something you don't want to taste beefy
commercial bacon can be nasty stuff, I'd recommend only doing this with bacon grease from a traceable source
suet or lard; get your hands on some pre-WWII confectionery books and your shit will start tasting exponentially better
and so is the ejaculate of an 80-year-old Subaharan African man with hepatitis

>> No.18554941

correction- palm kernel oil is 10% linoleic acid
sorry, I misremembered that

>> No.18554942

>The AMA and the American Heart Association make those recommendations based on drooling-from-the-mouth inappropriate conclusions

hey I just wanted to quote this so everyone here knows how silly this is. You think the AHA, a professional associaltion composed of cardiologists are "drooling from the mouth retards".

Is this also why the CDC recommends the same? Are they dumber than people who say no eat seed u turn gay?

>> No.18554948

>and from a trusted source (hint: just accept that you can't, unless you live in rural Spain/Italy/Tunisia)

This is another food myth. There was a tiktok meme that people were getting 'counterfeit" olive oil that somehow wasn't olive oil in order to push them towards italian bottled oils.

This is a meme spread because the guy in the Godfather owned an olive oil company and did a similar scheme.

All olive oil imported into the US is inspected and labelled by the USDA. A similar lie was going around about Honey last year.

>> No.18554999


>> No.18555031

Why did we ever start "bleaching" food we eat? Who the fuck cares if your cooking oil is one shade lighter or darker??

>> No.18555053

>you think the AHA, a professional associaltion composed of cardiologists are "drooling from the mouth retards"
I was a bit hyperbolic
to be more accurate, I believe that the AHA is comprised of out-of-touch, greedy, authoritarian mid-wits with excellent social skills and a good work ethic
just like your average physician, but more so

>> No.18555087

what solvent do you recommend then?
(hint: oil does not dissolve in water)
hexane is cheap, very non-polar, and evaporates easily so there's only ppm left in the final product

>> No.18555094

I think you're right
no way adulterated stuff would make it through the assays required

>> No.18555097

they do they sell it as expeller pressed canola oil that one is on of the few seed oils that is okay regular canola oil is shit though

>> No.18555196

thank you for your take on the AHA I will be coloring your opinions accordingly.

>> No.18555246
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joke's on you hehehe you'll never be able to tell which opinions are mine

>> No.18555286

So is it that the seed itself is a bad source of oil or that the refined version we buy at the store is a bad version of the oil?

>> No.18555315

I can tell by the fact they're all shit.

>> No.18555329

>schizoboomer general
You will never rid the lead poisoning from your body from decades of automotive gas inhalation

>> No.18555489
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>seems fine until 2 minutes in
>Chemical solvent
>it just keeps going downhill from there

What the hell man, no more seed oils for me.

>> No.18556251
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hmmm, 404 link, which subsection?

>> No.18556260

The refinement process is deadly, so one would think that a cold-pressed seed oil is fine. Probably not as deadly, but has a much shorter shelf life. Saturated fats are the way to go, which pretty much excludes seed oil and soy, peanut.
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2UnOryQiIY
Then this: >>18551280

>> No.18556368

This. Even if you dont believe in the whole 'sneed oils are evil' stuff the simple fact you can barely get any bakery products that are simply flour, sugar and butter anymore is insane. practically every single shelf item that would usually use butter to make at home has seed oil instead.

>> No.18556374

I dont understand. Why don't they just stop and bottle once the seeds have been squished? You only need to crush the olives to get olive oil you don't need more than this for simple seeds. why reduce the seeds to pulp with bleach and hexane???

>> No.18556420

What's the best oil to use for deep frying that isn't too expensive or hard to find?

>> No.18556421

Thoughts on cocoa butter? It seems like the only healthy seed fat and unlike every other oil/fat there are prominent and well respected producers of high quality 100% cocoa butter.

>> No.18556432

people are freaking out about this too hard. The only bad part is the bleaching process.

>> No.18556436
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The shape of this dude's head reminds me of unmasked Robocop

>> No.18556445
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Nothing brings out the schizos like a vegetable oil thread

>> No.18556536
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100% slop seal of approval

>> No.18556544
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You're not allowed to eat anything that wasn't first gassed with chlorine dioxide.

>> No.18556551
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*enriches your bread*

>> No.18556567
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How did the Canadians do it?

>> No.18556575

>just throw away 60% of your product
if we did that you'd be paying $25 for a bottle of cooking oil

>> No.18556577

In that case I'd still use rendered animal fat to cook while the seedheads pay the idiot tax.

>> No.18556583
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x1080, The_average_American_consumes_5-10_tablespoons_of_vegetable_oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, there's nothing wrong with eating just the oil from tens of thousands of seeds for the first time in history that's been put through multiple passes of superheated heavy machinery then poured into plastic bottles to sit on shelves at room temperature for months.

>> No.18556594
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>barely even a military power
>has kill count rivaling militaries during ww2

>> No.18556618
File: 223 KB, 761x1236, 2022-11-08-155205_5120x1440_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this why sneed oils are a hyperaccumulator of mercury and lead?



>> No.18556672

schizo thread. first it was fat, then it was cholesterol, then it was gluten and now its vegetable oil.

fuck off.

>> No.18556677
File: 67 KB, 1080x608, 9112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18556699

We've known this for well over a decade. You should be grateful for finally being exposed to truth despite having been so painfully unaware.

>> No.18556719

Or just eat real food I guess lol

>> No.18556752

It looks like honey. What's the issue?

>> No.18556771

>source: Zero Acne

>> No.18556841

Grapeseed oil is literally made from the seeds, unused during making wine.

>> No.18556874
File: 14 KB, 289x289, Pdr62-wG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18557200 [DELETED] 
File: 924 KB, 5120x1440, 2022-11-08-185953_5120x1440_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cowabunga it is

>> No.18557205
File: 446 KB, 765x1017, 2022-11-08-190007_5120x1440_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cowabunga it is

>> No.18557258

biochemistry is one of those fundaments to life on earth as you know it, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not--your very existence on this planet is hingent on shit that is not always pleasing to the human-senses. my advice to the people crying about this footage is to "Get Over It"

>> No.18557276

Good then most people would realize it’s not worth it

>> No.18557340

not the hecking chemicals! this industrial scale food process is scary ;_;