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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18543487 No.18543487 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18543490

never really liked mayo

>> No.18543510

there's no soy wordfilter here

>> No.18543513

go back

>> No.18543521

sounds fucking cool, i'll make sure to buy extra.

Glory to the God Emperor

>> No.18543523

Go back to pol retard you reek of lack of chin

>> No.18543524

It is ridiculously easy with an immersion blender.

>> No.18543546

Sorry I don't have a hundred years on my lunch break to make a teaspoon of mayonnaise.

>> No.18543584

Just buy mayo made with olive oil

>> No.18543599

I probably should start making my own.
Been looking for an excuse to buy an immersion blender afterall.

>> No.18543603

>this is now required labeling for anything with a gmo ingredient
>goddamn near everything is a gmo, even non-gmo foods

>> No.18543632

Then make a large batch at home and take what you need for the day in a little container. Why are zoomers so fucking inept at basic life skills? Stick to Fortnite streaming, any work you do at your job is a liability. Your presence in the building creates a vortex drawing any possible productivity from the people around you. Your best opinion in life is to live in your mothers basement to spare society from everything that makes you, you.

>> No.18543638
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>> No.18543646

Holy based imagine being proud of being a productive wageslave

>> No.18543651

Why are chuds here afraid of soy anyways?

>> No.18543652

any smaller and their penis wouldn't technically exist anymore so they cant risk it

>> No.18543657

Fresh mayo can stay good for like two weeks and tastes way better than any jar mayo

>> No.18543662

They did studies and found soy increases penis size, that doesn't make any sense...

>> No.18543664


>> No.18543672

>goddamn near everything is a gmo, even non-gmo foods
Almost all modern veggies are "bio-engineered" in some sense, even if was selective breeding over centuries.

>> No.18543685

Because it has plant estrogens that act as weak estrogens and overpower the stronger human estrogens that naturally occur in the male body. Since they know nothing of biology because “science bad” they assume this means that consuming a single soy bean will instantly turn them into a “libtard” who plays Switch games and takes pictures with surprised expressions. Their doctrines tell them that soy is the only thing responsible for the shift in thought around masculinity while ignoring the technological boom which has shifted the economy from relying on physical grunt labor to desk jobs. They blame things other than themselves for their inability to succeed and wish it was 1900 where they could make an easy living doing mindless labor. Even if it was, they’re lazy fucks who get up at 4pm to shitpost on anime websites and whine about those they think are responsible for this transition such as da joos and colleges that are turning people into “commies”. They conveniently ignore the benefits of STEM fields and focus their anger on the .0001% of students that pursue dumb degrees like gender studies. Theirs no trying to rationalize or debate with them, they have a “gotcha” for everything you will say and all of it based on pseudo-science.

>> No.18543690

So true. So true.
It's disgusting really. Colleges do so much for society and the stupid neets villify them cause "Muh SJWs"

Good thing they are a dying breed

>> No.18543694

If you took the covid shots, you're a GMO.

>> No.18543707

You fail at science. For 12 year-olds. Selective breeding and bio-engineering have nothing in common with each other. This is the 637th thread we had on the subject and you keep coming back with more nonsense.

Get out.

>> No.18543770

Because commonly grown fruit, veg and legumes like apples, pears, beans, carrots, soy and potatoes are regularly sprayed (every 2 weeks) with different kinds of xenoestrogens: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenoestrogen.. Aka (artificially created or naturally occurring) female hormones.

Greedy liars and cheats siding with Big (aka industrial) Ag.

Good luck finding proper farmers outside the EU.

>> No.18543801

Yes, I’m getting paid to “slide” threads on one of the slower boards of an anime website. You clearly haven’t been indoctrinated by a cult that obsess over da joos making their penises smaller. Wonderful “source” there as well. You provided a link to wiki for the xenoestrogens, yet nothing for your absolutely retarded claim. You’re throwing teapots into orbit, anon. Time to take a break from the conspiracies.

>> No.18543821
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international symbol for poison

>> No.18543947

>imagine having a career you take pride in and making money and starting a family, that's h-heckin un based and UNREDPILLED you should jerk off in a plastic cup and use 4chan all day long

>> No.18543971
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How dare you not worship Knorr stockpots.

>> No.18543986

>Being afraid of words longer than 3 syllables
Back to school, cletus

>> No.18544196

ive been looking for mayo made without all this goy shit but its impossible to find. all of them have some form of goy oil even if it says its made with olive oil or avocado oil.

>> No.18544209

It's stupid easy and as far as I can tell lasts just as long in your fridge as the store bought stuff. The recipes you find online day that is only good for 4 days or some bull but I had some that was good for like 2 months. Unlike the store stuff it will eventually mold, but it took over a month for that to happen to me.

>> No.18544234

>plastic cup
>not a quart mason jar with a Rainbow Dash figurine
I'm almost past the hoof AMA

>> No.18544239

>tfw vaseline is one of their most natural products
Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.18544240

all natural food will be made illegal

>> No.18544256


>> No.18544263

>that one guy itt seething because no one wants to eat his reddit (((science))) food
he sounds boosted

>> No.18544312

I hate you disingenuous fucks so much. You probably also say things like, "Everything is a chemical!" when people complain about chemicals (i.e., synthetic additives) in processed food.

>> No.18544326
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Theres more water than eggs. I dont consider that mayo to begin with

>> No.18544370

I'm legitimately trying to move away from buying anything prepared or processed because of this kind of bullshit. If I can't make it myself it's not worth eating. I buy all my meat from a farm, too, and I'm trying to get to a point where I never visit the grocery store for anything.

>> No.18544382

Yeah, no.

>> No.18544428
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You seem pretty angry for somebody who's arguing semantics.
Go have a shot or two, maybe jerk off, and just relax before you post again.

>> No.18544436
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>processed food.
[opinion discarded]

>> No.18544446

Let me guess:
>Carving up meat is a process!
Again, disingenuous.

>> No.18544462
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>> No.18544487

>if I don't explicitly say the things I'm thinking I can accuse you of strawmanning when you point out my obvious subtext and implications
Do I need to say it again?

>> No.18544536
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>>if I don't explicitly say the things I'm thinking I can accuse you of strawmanning
So now you're psychic?
Tell me what number I'm thinking of.
It's not my fault you're such a douchebag, you gotta blame your parents for that.

>> No.18544555

So then, tell me in your own words what your problem is with my use of the term "processed foods."

>> No.18544578
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OK, you're an intolerable bitch crying out "the sky is falling" because you don't like the idea of foods that almost every human being on Earth eats. In some ways, you're worse than a vegan.

Oh, by the way:
>Processed foods refer to any food that’s changed from its natural state.
>This can include food that was simply cut, washed, heated, pasteurized, canned, cooked, frozen, dried, dehydrated, mixed, or packaged.
>It also can include food that has added preservatives, nutrients, flavors, salts, sugars, or fats.

>> No.18544607

>that webmd definition
That's literally what I said you meant and you called it a strawman. The dishonesty is unparalleled.

>> No.18544653
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Get your shit together, it's what WebMD meant/said, not me.
I really can't stand you.
Congrats, you drove me out of the thread to avoid your cunty posts.

>> No.18544695

>(i.e., synthetic additives) in processed food
If you're still shitting your diapers over le ingredients ya just cant pronounce you have the brain of a greying upper middle class divorced mom with early dementia. The overwhelming majority of damage that food can cause comes from A) fat retards like you eating way too fucking much of it and B) the plastic it's packaged in.
Regardless of either of those points, choosing to pay attention to things that overwhelm you and that you can't control (i.e the ubiquity of muh Big Ag) is called having a 'loser mindset', which will itself cause more damage to your psyche and by extension your body than any amount of chemicals you can cram in your pie trap.
Your hysteria over the state of your food is fueled by your insurmountable fear of death and desire to live forever, which are extremely feminine traits that lead me to believe you're a prime candidate for transitioning.

>> No.18544708

I'm almost sure that 90%of products have at least one GMO ingredient

>> No.18544712

Why would you buy hellmans anyway? it's the most disgusting mayo out there,The taste is so fucking bad

>> No.18544713

>le ingredients ya just cant pronounce
Now THIS is an anon who knows how to strawman.

>> No.18544716

Yeah I'm sure that's what's making you fat, faggot, and not the fact that you're a useless NEET who does nothing all day but sit on his ass and browse the internet.

>> No.18544717

>if webmd said it then I don't have to take responsibility for what I said
Just fuck off you disingenuous weasel.

>> No.18544732
File: 206 KB, 549x549, Puaaahhg KOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this shill faggots defending GMO shit

>> No.18544733

Which mayonnaise brand do you use? Hellman's is garbage, but I've tried Duke's that many people swear by and it's barely a step above it.

>> No.18544740

I'm actually not American LMAO but hellmans is fucking bad on here (Mexico) personally I love Heinz and Mccormick,sorry for shitposting anon

>> No.18544744

on the contrary, i have several

>> No.18544748

I jerked off and it didn't help. Gonna try it again though just to be sure.

>> No.18544754

The nitrates you consume by eating sausages and other cured meats are 10000x more damaging than anything a GMO tortilla could accomplish. Stop stressing the fuck out over shit that doesn't fucking matter and just cook your own food. Modern internet food culture is (a) being a fat Nikocado slob or (b) larping as the Unabomber, with literally nothing in between. It's so fucking dumb. People really be thinking "huh if I can't have my McDs every day I may as well just join the Amish."

>> No.18544759

>The nitrates you consume by eating sausages and other cured meats are 10000x more damaging than anything a GMO tortilla could accomplish.
[citation needed]
Good job assuming he eats cured meats, too.

>> No.18544792

I hate them,i almost never eat sausages or "cured meats",also all the food i eat is homemade with mostly local ingredients,i just don't trust gmo anon,but yeah it's almost impossible to have a 100% non gmo diet specially in a country that doesn't force companies to label gmo products (like the USA does)

>> No.18544992

Yes, because when people complain about "chemicals", they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. They know so little about what they're talking about that they use nonsensically vague terminology.

>> No.18545004

They CRISPERed a breed of pig so it lactates Hellmann's mayonnaise. I want off of this hell world.

>> No.18545293

That company makes menstrual pads, why the fuck are they making mayonnaise?

>> No.18545344

look dipshits we're helping third-worlders immigrate but all these new mouths to feed means food is getting scarcer, we have no choice but to adapt.
Stop trying to stop progress, chuds.

>> No.18545493

>/ck/ food and cooking

>> No.18545707

>Looks at the modern North American chicken
>Looks at canola vs. rapeseed
>Guesses at the changes acetobacter has undergone with all we've been feeding it.
They're not lying.