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18528126 No.18528126 [Reply] [Original]

Deep Fried Coffee Time General

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

Previous thread:>>18516387

>> No.18528130

>If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
This link did nothing to explain deep fried coffee and I remain confused.

>> No.18528133
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aeropress FUCKING gang

>> No.18528141

Aeropress bros it's over


>> No.18528149

>House sit for my parents
>Don't feel like bringing my coffee gear
>They have a Keurig machine
>Throw some specialty coffee in there
>It makes one of the worst cups of coffee I've ever had
What the fuck

>> No.18528152

>machine designed for the darkest nigger roasts you've ever seen makes shit coffee with light roasts
You don't say

>> No.18528156

I thought it'd have something drinkable at least. I looked at the coffee bed and the shower head thing just blasted a massive fucking hole in the middle.

>> No.18528160

>local coffee roasters closed indefinitely for renovations
>No other coffee roasters around for several town
I'm not driving an hour to the nearest roaster. Is Trade coffee actually worth it? Or should I just buy direct from a roaster?

>> No.18528198

>a lagom mini is a very expensive luxury brand grinder which is only needed if you’re grinding for espresso (which I doubt since you were using a Q2). You would be perfectly fine with something from Eureka - maybe a Eureka Mignon Crono (uses flat burrs). Goes for $250. You do not need to be paying $400+ for a grinder unless you’re doing espresso
>you are recommending something he did not ask for and is not required for his purposes.
You understand that $250 crono you recommended is a high retention italian shitbox with very traditional espresso geometry right? Why would someone looking for easier filter than their q2 want that? If your goal is to get him worse coffee, easier and cheaper, just rec a fucking blade grinder pal.

>> No.18528202
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should be in OP

>> No.18528204
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I do solemnly swear to be a good citizen of goffeeland. I swear to always be a good steward of the goffee forever and ever til the end of time

>> No.18528211

Just buy direct. They'll roast and send it. Most have coupon codes and/or free shipping if you buy enough. I usually buy a big 5lb bag and 12oz or two from my local place and just freeze it.

>> No.18528253

v60 or wave?

>> No.18528256

I bought some coffee on here from somebody who posted a picture of this coffee and now I can't remember what the name of the company was I think it was based in California but I can't find my receipt in my emails.

>> No.18528258
File: 90 KB, 1085x1000, EsproP3FrenchPress-2466a4fafb404cb3bf185cf4a4baed40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah new thread. To shill yet again Espro P3 is $25 off on at least the US amazon store. P5 is also off but as far as I can tell it just changes the glass holder to metal.

>> No.18528369

Yes! Whoever put this kit together is a genius

>> No.18528384


>> No.18528506

Okay it got here and made a cup. Noticeably smoother in taste. Doesn't quite get all the grounds at my usual size (25g of beans) so a bit of coffee water left over. I've been using the hoff method though so that's about the same. Takes longer to pour as could be expected of the more effective filters. I like it. Has a little latch so the plastic holder stays on. Might tape it though so it moves around less. Probably have peaked on french press now. Now to wait till my electric kettle breaks so I can justify overpaying for a gooseneck one lol

>> No.18528530

Espros are based. They sell replacements for alot of parts if you happen to be a jackass and prone to breaking glass. You can probably find better/cheaper filters if you wanted to mess around with paper filtered but theirs aren't outrageously overpriced or anything.

>> No.18528575
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One day I will take my rubber aftertaste stinking piece of shit original model Aeropress that I bought 5 or so years ago and used it only around 40 times,
and will take that useless piece of shit rubber stinking garbage device outside, and will put it on the concrete sidewalk,
and will fucking smash it with a sledge hammer into a million fucking pieces and will post pictures of it, BEFORE & AFTER.

>> No.18528578

Lol, you probly won't even be able to smash it. Good luck.

>> No.18528582

he won't even be able to pick up the hammer

>> No.18528584

He can't even grind the beans. Limp wrists sink ships.

>> No.18528589

Don't you fucking worry.
I'm just fucking waiting for my anger and rage to build up to the point that I will fucking destroy that stinking toxic piece of shit Aeropress.
Or perhaps I should save it and sue those motherfuckers, and bankrupt their scam operation.

>> No.18528592

Talk is cheap

>> No.18528608
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>it's another Wugschizo meltie thread

>> No.18528611

stop posting selfies, asshole

>> No.18528643

>happen to be a jackass and prone to breaking glass
given the 3 broken bodums that would be me. Though in fairness one of them just broke randomly when I poured the water in after like a year of use so that one shouldn't be on me. Espros apparently have thicker glass so fingers crossed. Also putting some tape on the sides has fixed the glass in place so it won't scoot around. Noticed basically no silt in my cup I made. Glad I got it.

>> No.18528668
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The only meme plastic I own is the melodrop bud. You know this. What I am roasting up today? Third one is 2019 purple cat from the vault.

>> No.18528682

Yeah I'm just memeing pal. If glass wants to break, it'll break. I slammed a mug into the stupid little crystal Neat glass last night and there's not a mark but I'm sure in 6 months it'll explode in my hand.

>> No.18528780

What does wug mean?
t. clueless

>> No.18528786

Shhh... No one tell James about Singapore coffee where the beans are roasted in ghee

>> No.18528799

Boutique grinder shop from Hong Kong. tldr poors mad

>> No.18528805

I get that they're mostly focused on performance, but why do so many high end machines look like utter shit? Like it's not going to be the number one priority, but I think it should at least be somewhere on the priority list.

>> No.18528809

what to expect from Monsooned Malabar?

>> No.18528845
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>high end machines
They're taking the burrs from 40-50lb commercial monsters that dwarf anything else on a countertop and trying to make it small and cute. Swiss and german companies designing for high volume cafes don't give a shit what their grinder looks or sounds like. I think they did a good job on the wug. Mine has the 807 lab sweet burrs.

>> No.18528858

Look at him melt

>> No.18528868

If you want big, loud, and pricey, then just get a Bunn

>> No.18528871

How's that breakfast blend been tasting?

>> No.18528881

The Aldin with the rooster on it? Tastes like Brazilian ass

>> No.18528892

People have been buying used bunns and modding them to carry ditting burrs for years. Not the worst option if you can catch one cheap.

>> No.18528938


>> No.18528955
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how do I get more coffee per coffee?

>> No.18528958

Add two scoops to your Aeropress

>> No.18528967

excuse me don't let that filth in here, thank you

>> No.18528978

Anon does that say burnefacto?

>> No.18528985

instead of drinking the cup of coffee you made instead use it to brew another cup!

>> No.18528993

This is why I kiss you sister

>> No.18529052

Just so you know, you need twice as much grounded coffee when making coffee in a moka pot than in a french press.
If you have both, experiment by using same amount of coffee and the same amount of water and brew it in both.
You will see that moka pot coffee will taste weaker than french press made coffee.
You need to almost double the amount of coffee for moka pot to get coffee to taste similar to french press.

>> No.18529073

Is that cold smoked(465f) torrefacto?

>> No.18529150

Recommended espresso cups? I've been using glass but I want ceramics

>> No.18529157

I like all my stuff from loveramics and origami. K.H. Würtz does some cool stuff for La Cabra.

>> No.18529172

i need a large thermos. i need something larger than my stanley, which was depleted in 3 hours, but is also not an outright carafe (weird to bring in to work). what is the largest thermos-platform or non-weird thing i can bring to work to have as much coffee as possible available? ideally 2 quarts or better

>> No.18529198

Yeti sells 64 and 120oz jugs.

>> No.18529216

holy shit those guys are expensive. 90 dollars for an espresso cup, no saucer

>> No.18529217

noted. everyone at my shop is a yetifag, and the union gives out yeti stuff sometimes

>> No.18529235

Torrefacto, if I had to guess it means roasted.

>> No.18529242

>what is the largest thermos-platform or non-weird thing i can bring to work to have as much coffee as possible available? ideally 2 quarts or better
you ever heard of Google, you massive faggot

>> No.18529254

Where are you looking? $99HKD is $12 USD.

>> No.18529255

I use a keurig k-slim and it does a passable job, has a 3-part shower head thing ("multistream"). It's still not even as good as good drip coffee but my mom is able to use it when she visits.

>> No.18529260

The smoking comes after the roasting you dingus

>> No.18529267

...Oops I didn't see that
Never mind

>> No.18529271

So you roast the beans to medium, cool them, and then blast them with 465F degree smoke? Why?

>> No.18529576

So if you get a new grinder, I assume you guys will disassemble it and wash and dry every part before first use, right?

>> No.18529611

buy direct
i buy direct from another state because they just have the best coffee.
roasted packed shipped and arrived in 4 days.
funnily enough i do have 2 different roasters in my town, 1 up town(5 min walk) and 1 downtown(10 min walk) but i hate both of them because they only sell normie shit.
i bet if i walked in and asked if they have any natural process burundi they would just stare at me like i am an alien.
>go downtown and ask for light roast ethiopian, get medium dark instead
>before i bought a grinder i ran out of grounds and went to the roaster uptown and asked if they had any pre ground for moka and they had no fucking clue what a moka was, then i said stove top and they still had no idea, then i asked for pour over and they had no idea and then i started describing it and they said "oh you mean drip coffee?", i just left and blacklisted them.
im sure some anons have great local roasters but in my town they are a joke.

>> No.18529614

>no melodrip
why would anyone buy this?

>> No.18529625

based natural enjoyer

>> No.18529631
File: 140 KB, 960x640, https%3A%2F%2Fhypebeast.com%2Fimage%2F2020%2F10%2Fweber-workshops-eg-1-onyx-single-dose-coffee-grinder-000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high end machines look like utter shit

>> No.18529635

only drink light roasts.
the darker the roast the less coffee per coffee.

>> No.18529662

Just eat the beans for 100% extraction.

>> No.18529714

Weak motor and it looks like a telescope.

>> No.18529730
File: 67 KB, 655x879, espressomachine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i get an espresso machine? i pay 2.25 for a shot every day

>> No.18529743

>Weak motor

>> No.18529748


>> No.18529773

Smoking both seasons and preserves the beans

>> No.18529775

Well known to stall on even more medium roasts. You have to hot start it and trickle beans in slowly to avoid it. Read through the two big threads on home barista.

>> No.18529784

Why would you want to preserve beans that taste like smoke?

>> No.18529792

My coffee experience has basically been a drip machine and this. I'm pretty self conscious about inviting someone in for coffee and then whipping this fuckin thing out, hence why I still have the coffee machine. What's another simple option to make coffee for more than one person that's a little better than a drip machine? Currently considering a french press, I do have an electric kettle but usually when I go to look into stuff like "beginner" grinders the 'tism ramps up from 0-100, and I have a hard time believing that everyone is either a caveman or complete cunt about this stuff with no middle ground.

>> No.18529803

>a little better than a drip machine
02 plastic v60s are $11 on amazon. Add on another $10 and you get a server and some papers. You've already got the kettle.

>> No.18529807

Some beans have an inherent smokey flavor and smoking them would accentuate and augment such flavors
>nooooo the best purest beans have no flavor to them whatsoever, your coffee should just be dirty water

>> No.18529812

No, anon. The smoke is 250F, the beans are first roasted at 465F.
Did you think the beans were roasted at 250F? You really did, didn't you, mr Water-flavored-beans

>> No.18529819

>Some beans have an inherent smokey flavor
Yeah. You get those from dark roasters who don't clean their drums. Its burnt oil from the previous roasts. Why would you add smoke to smoke? That's like putting a hat on a hat.

>> No.18529821

Thanks. Do you think its worth the extra $10 for the ceramic version?

>> No.18529829

You're trying to create a looping argument over why smoking totally doesn't kill bacteria and impart flavors of the natural woods to the beans
The bone dry, undarkenable beans you seek are either nonexistent or not found in commercial capacity

>> No.18529833
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Ceramic has the benefit of not being plastic, but you'll want to preheat it a little more as its going to suck out considerably more heat from your kettle water.
I wire up coffee roasters when I'm bored. I wouldn't let my beans get anywhere close to 465f. Here's you two threads ago. You would have to be dangerously retarded to think smoking beans you roasted to 465f will give you the
>taste and aroma qualities of a medium roast

>> No.18529849

You only post this because your brew is never strong enough to satisfy you, this is the result of your $500 grinder and expired light-to-medium Sumatra.

>> No.18529857

Post some of those smoked beans why don't ya. Timestamped.

>> No.18529868

Nevermind the coffee. Work on your self image NOW. time is passing by. Your days are numbered. Regrets are mounting.

>> No.18529872

I have a 40 oz hydroflask. Works well.

>> No.18529874
File: 1.68 MB, 1344x748, Untitttled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why I smoke my beans, NOT my glass

>> No.18529876

I don't know where this is coming from but also something I probably needed to hear. Thanks anon, even if you didn't mean to help.

>> No.18529886

>this kills the Moldy Sumatra fanboy

>> No.18529890
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Almost ready for a little sugar. The ash keeps the mold away, the sugar keeps the ash on.

>> No.18529908

Is pour over coffee a meme or is it worth it over regular drip coffee machine?

I don't want to get a moka or french press since the coffee oils from those increase LDL cholesterol

>> No.18529912

>Yeah I want less coffee in my coffee
Drink water then.

>> No.18529920

I eat enough red meat and butter already that I don't wanna add more cholesterol from coffee

>> No.18529921

A solid medium-dark roast there my friend
Personally I go a bit darker for a richer flavor

>> No.18529925

Drip coffee is the bus. You'll get there, but you're stuck dealing with shit out of your control. Pourover is a comfy commute in your own vehicle where you can control everything and don't have to sit next to sweaty people who smell like smoked coffee and blare 100gecs on their phone.

>> No.18529957

I really like Kona coffee. What's the more esoteric and less normalfag next step?

>> No.18529965

Planning on getting a pour over coffee pot, a gooseneck kettle and a manual grinder. Is it worth splurging on the grinder or something cheap is fine?

>> No.18529987
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Splurge. Q2 or up. Don't buy the Normcore. Only on there because someone bought it and bitched until I added it. Don't buy the wacaco, its only there because I bought their towels and they had all the info there to easily copy and paste. Everything else q2 or above is solid, prices varying depending on sales and location.

>> No.18529998

Something wrong with oo remi burr? Why not move it to trash category then

>> No.18529999


>> No.18530009

I live in Japan, where are you finding these for those prices?
Hesitant to buy off of ali since they've fucked me before

>> No.18530018
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If it were any good OO would have just used that burr for the Lagom mini. They went with a comandante clone instead and the Remi has been out of stock for months now. If I rearrange them by anything other than price, people bitch. I just put it together as a spec sheet to quickly compare against each other and see where your money is actually going. Watch the last 10ish minutes of this video for a little more info on how the coffee actually tastes off a certain burr. Thats a little harder to distill down into excel.

>> No.18530034

I pulled the prices off either the manufacturer site when available or us amazon. The chart I stole the formatting from was all in inflated AUD and had shitty choices so I just updated and added to it. "Jaffe Coffee Store" on aliexpress is where I see the discord guys rec for kingrinders but I've got no clue. All my ali stuff has been hitting the states in 2-3 weeks lately.

>> No.18530139
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>Personally I go a bit darker for a richer flavor
Lol, idiot.
Richer flavor of charred asphalt.

>> No.18530163

yeah that's why people do it. as the material carbonizes it takes on a more bitter flavor.

>> No.18530168

>as the material carbonizes
>taste and aroma qualities of a medium roast

>> No.18530174

>this way is the only way

>> No.18530187

>I have no idea what a medium roast is but I like burnt coffee

>> No.18530227

My gf thinks the q2 is cute. I think that settles it

>> No.18530232

Bitter flavors encourage digestion

>> No.18530234

Ask her how she feels about the x-pro. Same exact burr, more convenient external adjustment with half sized steps, but its slightly bigger so if you needed it to fit in an aeropress it won't happen.

>> No.18530238

I have a Jx pro and she barely can use it because her hands are too small. Bought the q2 for travelling and she likes it.

>> No.18530264

i refuse to watch anyone but the hoff.
no one can even compete.

>> No.18530269

It's been like three episodes since he's gotten irrationally and unnecessarily angry that America uses Imperial units I hope he doesn't disappoint we need another pointless tantrum about it

>> No.18530276

america needs to be forced to use metric like the rest of humanity.
use metric or die in nuclear hell fire.

>> No.18530277
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Fair enough. I almost mentioned hand size lol. Knock just put out a new q2 sized travel italmill grinder thats basically the old kinu m38 if she(or anyone else) happened to need a purple espresso grinder :P

>> No.18530291

10% kona coffee blends, meme or not?
Obviously 100% is better but it's expensive

>> No.18530298

>Jewish rubix cube poison

>> No.18530299


>> No.18530301


>> No.18530310

Always remember the jew fears the man who can count past 10

>> No.18530327

im mentally retarded sorry

>> No.18530345

blends are usually the leftover garbage beans
avoid blends if its tea or coffee.
however I've had kona beans and they were pretty good. different flavor, just not my favorite.

>> No.18530351

>thought I broke my somewhat cheap (bought 2 years ago) delongi espresso machine
>tried to clean some parts several months ago
>it didnt work
>let it sit and dry for months
>ran some vinegar and water through it
>it magically works again
turns out I was just a retard but it feels good to be back from the drip machine backup

>> No.18530386

I'm being tempted at one of those Breville espresso machines that are supposedly actually decent for only a couple hundred bucks. Big change from 15 years ago where it was either spend $3500 on a cafes crusty old decommissioned unit or don't bother

>> No.18530428

It's not the worst, but I'm still not particularly fond of the design.

>> No.18530432

If you want to make decent espresso you'll need a machine and an espresso capable grinder and time. Espresso is fiddly and expensive shit. How much would you be willing to spend on it?

>> No.18530437

Espresso is travel by catapult

>> No.18530470

i just have a food processor that I grind them for like 30 seconds for finely ground. its not super consistent, it will leave some larger grounds or chunks but it was cheap and its quiet

i bought this one in 2020 for $99, now its $218 on amazon not sure if its cause of pure inflation or just they have newer models coming out or something

>> No.18530487

do you not like weber designs or is it something else.

>> No.18530492

I don't like weber designs in general yeah. They look kinda industrial but not in a way I like.

>> No.18530498

what about CRAIG LYN?

>> No.18530501

I mean, same shit really isn't it?

>> No.18530518

yes it was a joke :)
is there a company you like the design of?

>> No.18530532

Lads, am I wasting my money on expensive single origin fancy whole bean coffee if I french press it?

>> No.18530544
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I like the niche zero, but that one kinda goes above and beyond design wise really. As far as non-manual grinders go that might honestly be it. I do like the look of some espresso machines though, the cancelled ZPM (pic related) had more of the kind of industrial look I like, although I would have maybe decorated the sides a bit more so it looks less like a videogame asset whose textures haven't loaded in yet. I like a lot of the la pavoni machines, they have that kind of vintage design to them (although the on/off button looks fucking terrible on all of them). I also like the rancilio silvia and gaggia classic (only if it's in color), but that might just be because they're kind of iconic by this point.

>> No.18530561

depends on how much money

>> No.18530571

the only part you're wasting money on is the "fancy" bit
no need to go to some hipster overpriced place when you can go to a regular roaster and get fresh coffee for a normal price

>> No.18530581

>when you can go to a regular roaster and get fresh coffee for a normal price
I live in Wyoming we don't have such things. I have to buy off the net

>> No.18530586

there's not a single person roasting coffee beans in your whole state?

>> No.18530591

>I live in Wyoming we don't have such things
why would you lie like that?

>> No.18530607

Ok let’s do some basic back-of-the-envelope math
>2.25 per day of espresso => 2.25*365=$821.25 per year

VS at home
>15 dollars per bag of coffee, 25ish shots per bag => $0.60 per shot of espresso
>upfront one time cost: espresso machine and grinder 800 (Gaggia for 400 then find a good grinder for another 400)

It would take about 1.3 years for you to break even but after that you would be saving money every year

>> No.18530614

>15 dollars per bag of coffee
>120 dollars for a delonghi dedica
>100 dollars for a k4
>break even in like 4 months

>> No.18530636

Not really, French press is capable of extracting it properly.

>> No.18530754

You're welcome. I did mean to help. You're the first time I put someone above the aeropress. May your newly found strong will be as strong as cancer to those who have taken advantage of you.

>> No.18530958

i drank a cup of yummy coffee and now i'm happy. you can't explain that.

>> No.18530961

>but that one kinda goes above and beyond design wise really

>> No.18530964

Yes I can
Brain + goffee = Braffee

>> No.18530966
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>> No.18530989

Fuuuuck thats awful, somehow despite living in bumfuck nowhere my local roasters was great, at least for my tastes. Almost exclusively sold light roasts, and had a nice mix of natural, washed, and honey. My only problem is that they'd only ever have like 2 kinds of beans to choose from at any time. So if you went in and they didn't have a bean you like you'd have to come back in a couple weeks when they rotated to something else.

>> No.18530994
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Is it really that bad?

>> No.18531006


>> No.18531008

Won't even use it for cold brew. At least Maxwell House slop for cold brew. Folgers is sawdust tier.

>> No.18531108

Guy still won't post his timestamped cold smoked coffee.

>> No.18531207


>> No.18531240
File: 12 KB, 640x712, 1493121311592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally started making my own cold brew at home instead of spending 3.50 at my local roaster every day
>have saved over $500 by doing it myself and my cold brew tastes 5x better than theirs
>takes like 10 mins of effort for enough concentrate to last 5 days
i can't believe i didn't start making cold brew sooner

>> No.18531367

The big tins of walmart brand coffee are a significant step up, so yeah, it's bad.

>> No.18531410

>Pourover is a comfy commute in your own vehicle where you can control everything
And to extend that metaphor, it's a commute where you absolutely have to control everything, keep your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road the whole time or you'll crash and ruin your day, even though most cars will get you where you want to go there's a bunch of schizos constantly arguing that a car twenty times the price is worth the half second it saves on the drive time, while another bunch of schizos actually genuinely believe that racing stripes make you go faster.

>> No.18531423

Yeah the great thing about coldbrew is how low effort/skill it is. You can easily make great coldbrew with nothing but fresh beans and a blade grinder

>> No.18531464
File: 1.05 MB, 1558x896, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the frick is aki's grinder

>> No.18531474

just one of those shitty vintage grinders that you can find anywhere for $5

>> No.18531500

He will never get the makima-ussy

>> No.18531547
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>> No.18531551

Something that makes really shitty coffee

>> No.18531659
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what are some GROOVY coffees?

>> No.18531766


>> No.18531927
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Does this look channeled? I'm the anon that got Black Cat's Analog Espresso last thread, figuring out if I'm still messing up the prep or if I just don't like it. Today's cup was drinkable unlike the first but it tasted harsh in a way I'm not sure if it's due to channeling or I don't like "Cola" notes.

>> No.18531930
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>> No.18531967

coffee snobs deserve everything coming to them

>> No.18531984
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>yeah i do order my beans on amazon, how could you tell?

>> No.18532023
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>Because your coffee is shit

>> No.18532059
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thanks for this perspective. I'm definitely not grinding for espresso, and I've been perfectly content with my q2. if a eureka mignon crono can cut it, i'll keep that on my radar. the lagom mini looks super nice and, well, mini, but I'm not sure the admittedly desirable form factor is enough for the price bump. my little coffee corner is small enough to suffer a sizable grinder if it means not hurting my hand.
i hope everyone had the coffee they desire today

>> No.18532066

Its a zassenhaus. German shitbox from 1860.

>> No.18532076
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Well water fucks with my coffee gonna try distilled

>> No.18532082
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That guy has a much worse grinder than a q2 fwiw. You're after good burrs, not significantly more aggressive copies of ditting varios.

>> No.18532090

That looks sexy

>> No.18532149

What anime?
Holy shit these are adorable
But are they good?

>> No.18532154

Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?

>> No.18532212

No. High fines production specifically for turkish. Blown the fuck out by anything modern and a small enough step size. No clue on the "expert 38a" but it looks like the Option-O remi/normcore body with a plastic catch cup.

>> No.18532362
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Chainsaw Man. Don't bother with the anime, read the manga.
>are they good?
No, they're a decorative item at best, anyone seriously using them is retarded, especially if you buy one for 80 fucking bucks

>> No.18532364

How do I know if my tastes are wrong? I'm worried that years of using a blade grinder and a shitty burr grinder that would put out chunks and fines has put me off track for what people expect out of coffee when using a grinder that puts out even sized particles across the grind.

I bought a K6 and have found settings that I like for pour over and Aeropress but what if I make a cup for someone else and my tastes are wrong and they laugh at me?

>> No.18532368

Fuck other people, make coffee for yourself and serve everyone else hastily made turksih slop with lots of milk to drown out the taste.
If you want to analyze taste more I think hoffmeme has a video about coffee tasting.

>> No.18532396

>what if I make a cup for someone else and my tastes are wrong and they laugh at me?

>> No.18532463

beats instant

which is to say that shit beats vomit

>> No.18532501

And this is ignoring plenty of costs such as:
Cost of wasted coffee from dialing in
Time costs of making it yourself
Knowledge costs of learning how to do it yourself
Quality cost - if you have a good local cafe, they should be making better espressos than you can at home unless you blow around 2k or more (and really know what you are doing)

Espresso at home is not for those trying to save money. It's for those who are fine with spending extra to have a new hobby.

>> No.18532583

>Cost of wasted coffee from dialing in
>Time costs of making it yourself
>Knowledge costs of learning how to do it yourself
Its not really that big of a deal unless you're a pissbaby.

>> No.18532636

what coffee do the 1% of richest americans consume

>> No.18532728

Who gives a shit. The wealthiest people usually have normie tastes. As with everything, the people with the best taste are a small group of complete autists who know everything about a niche topic. This doesn't often overlap with 1%ers.

>> No.18532744

Okay I'll keep my money

>> No.18532750

They switched from nespresso to cometeer.

>> No.18532760

My parents make 1.5M and they drink Blonde Starbucks Nespresso pods

>> No.18532790

Yeah, I think rich people don't give a shit and they just pay for overpriced stuff even if it's shit.

>> No.18532806
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Just keep you eye out if you really want one. Thats the kind of shit that pops up in thrift stores since they've been making them for a century. Here's the best picture of the burr I believe they're sticking in the wooden box now. Very aggressive. Much fines.

>> No.18532901

Just drink instant then

>> No.18532925
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well i'm looking for an electric grinder for pourover that can at least match my q2, was hoping a lack of need for espresso grinding would keep the price reasonable
i expected it to be spendier than the q2 but the lagom has a fair bit of sticker shock. never bothered looking at electric grinders before.

>> No.18532955
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>he spent 2k on a coffee maker

>> No.18532974

If you're never planning on grinding for espresso just buy an ode and swap in some other burrs later. Or an sd40. Or if you think you might do espresso in the future look at a df64. Refurb odes with gen1 burrs are 224 right now.

>> No.18532993

interesting. i'm not averse to refurbs.
if i ever have the money to get into espresso i'd also have the money to buy a proper grinder for it, i figure. the ode looks good.

>> No.18533041

Not sure if that stacks with their 10% off newsletter shit. Potentially 200 shipped. Best case scenario you find someone selling their preseasoned ssps cheaper than retail and end up with a steal.

>> No.18533117

Worth a watch. There's a couple other changes besides the burrs. Bigger hopper, grinds cup, antistatic chute, slightly better tolerances.

>> No.18533140

what's the best instant decaf?

>> No.18533163

you need a coarser grind for the Brikka, and you are filling it too full.

>> No.18533182

that's really neat. getting the static out is pretty appealing...

>> No.18533204

+$120 over the gen 1 refurb for the gen2+new burrs. Gen 2 burrs are $80 by themselves so its not that outrageous since it comes with an extra year of warranty too.

>> No.18533298

Hario skerton with a body kit

>> No.18533304
File: 206 KB, 1280x868, rats ass source of delish coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what coffee do the 1% of richest americans consume
Image related coffee.
It's a coffee that comes from assholes of tropical rats.

>> No.18533314
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>> No.18533318
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>> No.18533322
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>> No.18533329
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>> No.18533332

Look at him ratschitz.

>> No.18533352

And the motherfuckers roasting that rat ass coffee to a dark roast.
Double fuck shit coffee.

>> No.18533360

Dark roast seems generous lmao that shit is black

>> No.18533370

Smoked torrefacto ratshitbeans are my favorite.

>> No.18533375

>Upgraded burrs
>Still stuck with pour-over as its finest grind setting

>> No.18533409

Upgraded burrset, not motor. Its explicitly not an espresso grinder. Also swork is selling a drop in motor upgrade for the niche now lol.

>> No.18533420

Isn't the Niche the one where you have to join the brand cult just to buy the product because the manufacturers refuse to sell to normal stores?

>> No.18533425
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nice plastic bro

>> No.18533432

No thats option o. They sell to one normal store and ship them about 9 units a quarter. You can get a p64 if you wait 19 months and get lucky on Prima.

>> No.18533460
File: 172 KB, 1096x1096, Espro P5 Glass French Press Coffee Maker ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal for me.
But yes, it's more money.
I don't thing there is anything wrong with the plastic body model.
Inside parts are the same, they are plastic.
So if you're on the budget that plastic body model is a great deal.

>> No.18533482

>Inside parts are the same, they are plastic.

>> No.18533493

Can the pressurized portafilter on the flair neo actually make something that tastes halfway decent with a courser than espresso grind?

>> No.18533671

Depends on the coffee, but yes.

>> No.18533681

Very cool, Im gonna get one. What type works best for it?

>> No.18533708
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>> No.18533731

burnt soil

>> No.18533767


>> No.18533768

I do not believe this to be true

>> No.18533794

Try it, you will be very surprised.

>> No.18533840
File: 115 KB, 443x450, 93C63819-2F36-44E9-926A-856A09A7954E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would you fellas rate this behemoth?

>> No.18533873

Pain in the ass that gets btfo by kingrinders. Fuck OE.

>> No.18533878

looks fine to me
trust me, if it channeled you will know.
i am using a different filter than you(E&B lab competition filter) which has 0.2mm holes instead of the standard 0.8mm so my grind is finer than yours. but i have a feeling you are grinding just slightly too coarse.
also maybe i am wrong but your gasket doesnt look right.
it would be interesting to know your process from start to finish.

>> No.18533881

>ask for x
>get y instead
>get called a snob
you ok bud?

>> No.18533897

>what if I make a cup for someone else and my tastes are wrong and they laugh at me?
most people have literally no fucking clue what real coffee is.
even vapid cunts who say they love coffee or have that "dont talk to me before my morning coffee" personality
if you really have no clue just watch videos of other people using the gear you have, or ask people here how they make theirs.

>> No.18533899

>good local cafe, they should be making better espressos than you can at home
lol, lmao.

>> No.18533918

Oh, also: it's robusta. So smooth and mild!

>> No.18533944

I like how he thinks you're not paying for the cafe throwing away beans when dialing in, the wages for an entire fucking store of baristas, and gas for the commute.

>> No.18533971

I think I finally understand what people mean when they call a cup "bright"

>> No.18533987

also just because a cafe is popular it doesnt mean it sells actually good coffee.
normies drink shit
if you serve even slightly above average coffee and have a "nice" atmosphere normies will say that the coffee/cafe is good.
i literally live upstairs from the most popular cafe in my town, i know the barista, i walk past the kitchen every time i go outside.
filthy kitchen full of pre made food/frozen food
the espresso machines are grinders are dirty and are pretty standard, the beans are literally the same shit you buy at the grocery store, huge 1-2kg bags of dark roast roasted who knows how long ago.
this cafe is literally packed inside and out from opening to closing every day.

i guarantee any faggot in here with an aeropress and some freshly roasted beans would fucking destroy any coffee this cafe will ever make.

>> No.18533992

the same shit the 99% drink.

>> No.18534071

>gas for the commute
>he doesn't have 3 cafes per square meter littered all around his home

>> No.18534081
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>the beans are literally the same shit you buy at the grocery store
Turns out when you're paying rent and wages, less of the pie goes towards sourcing decent beans. 4/5 customers want theirs in 12oz of soymalk so why the fuck would you bother with anything else. Get something easily extractable(dark as fuck) thats going to cut through the milk and they'll say
>mmm thats good goffee thanks
Pic related. Some retard thought if he went to squaremile Hoffman would personally service him. Who would have thought it was the same wagies running the floor as everywhere else? People who need recipes written in sharpie on the grinders so they don't fuck up.

>> No.18534108

>Some retard thought if he went to squaremile Hoffman would personally service him.
what are you talking about?

>> No.18534135


>> No.18534141

The white hair showdown.

>> No.18534144

the hoff is dreamy
tom is... fine, my guy has to go to turkey tho.

>> No.18534226

…like the coffee delivered to them?

>> No.18534262

Washed light roast Kenya?
It means very acidic.

>> No.18534271

>It means very acidic.

>> No.18534285
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i only drink this
what does that make me

>> No.18534350

A woman

>> No.18534393

Cafe where I can get an excellent cuppa made and served by sexy little anime girls?

>> No.18534429

a normalfag

>> No.18534467

How come all those fancy lookin japanese coffee houses only ever seem to do pourovers

Do they not like espresso over there

>> No.18534496

Manually dosing your grounds is too difficult and "unclean" for the Nip's OCD brain to understand. This is why, if you do see espresso in Japan, it always comes from an automatic bean-to-cup

>> No.18534502

Keurig machines are truly godawful. Their niche is
>Extremely inexpensive coffee in flavors titled the same as what Starbucks sells, that you can store in a break room indefinitely
it's for dumb bitches in an office and it's from before stopping at sbux on the way to work was a societal norm

>> No.18534507

That's because you got a moka pot, all moka coffee tastes like that. It's good with milk

>> No.18534516

I thought the 9barista seemed like a fun idea for a moka pot design but producing real espresso and then I saw these things cost fucking 400 bucks

Who would ever buy this when u can get a brand new gaggia classic pro for that much

>> No.18534575

sounds like a skill issue mate.
moka is great if you actually know how to use it.

>> No.18534578
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>Who would ever buy this when u can get a brand new gaggia classic pro for that much

>> No.18534586

>Who would ever buy this when u can get a brand new gaggia classic pro for that much
I really don't know. It seems neat but the price bracket is terrible since it is competing with the Flair58 and the GCP

>> No.18534592

Define bright coffee without using acidic or a synonym for acidic, dipshit.

>> No.18534605

Do you want a boring old expresso box or this cool new stovetop thing that was designed by a jet engineer?

>> No.18534614

for me i would say a high mouth feel
like a taste that lifts up, reminds me of tall sunflowers.
acidic is a bad thing so acidic and bright are 2 different things if you are tasting acid then it cant be bright.
i dont drink many kinds of beans that i would describe as bright so thats all i have/can think of when i think of bright coffee.
fag :)

>> No.18534619

also i wouldn't be surprised that the engineering that goes into a 9barista is more complex than an espresso machine.

>> No.18534631

All right. "Bright" is acidity and clarity, almost always present in very clean washed coffees, usually cinnamon to city roast. Fruited, wine-like flavors accompany it. Acidity is not a negative descriptor for coffees, when in fact it is often either neutral or positive. "Sour" is a negative descriptor, indicating under-roasted or under-extracted coffee.

>> No.18534634

>Acidity is not a negative
fag, sorry you drink dogwater.

>> No.18534637

Another advantage is that it's much more portable

>> No.18534643

Who mentioned it being a light roast? You Can't.

>> No.18534646


>> No.18534662

the more I use this espro the more I think that this is the way for french press. don't think I've seen any chinese clones of the double extra fine filter our there. wonder what's up with that

>> No.18534682
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>> No.18534686


>> No.18534700

the politically correct term is "hair impaired"

>> No.18534722

dis nigga dress like naruto

>> No.18534734

>it's for dumb bitches in an office and it's from before stopping at sbux on the way to work was a societal norm
What? Stopping at Starbucks massively predates the widespread popularity of Kuerig. It's been a normal thing since the late 90s at least.

Also kuerig coffee isn't even that cheap, it's usually around $0.50/per pod that's got what, like 10 grams of (shit) coffee in it, at best?

>> No.18534749

Other than the flairs, what's the cheapest espresso maker that's adequate/decent?

Also, is the Kingrinder K6 adequate for espresso?

>> No.18534760

Second hand espresso machine

>> No.18534774

K5/6 are for more pourover (though they are adequate for espresso). You want a K2/3/4 all the same burr with the 3/4 being tin plated and and the 4 having exterior adjustment.

>> No.18534818

>Throw some specialty coffee in there
specialty coffee implies light/medium roasts you fucking retard. The vast majority of them are light/medium

>> No.18534917

I have coffee and I have chicory. What's the right way to make chicory coffee? I'm guessing you don't run chicory through your nice grinder, right?

>> No.18534933

cold brew. some anon posted a recipe a long time ago. you should try it if you can find it

>> No.18535030

What's there to fucking know.
Not a science project.
Put grounded coffee into the fucking basket, put water into the container and place it on the fucking stove.
Wait for it to boil.
Stop sounding like some fucking snob, with extraterrestrial knowledge how to use that very simple device called moka pot
Fuck off.

>> No.18535036

>for me i would say a high mouth feel
>like a taste that lifts up, reminds me of tall sunflowers.
LOL, what a faggot, absolute rainbow faggot.

>> No.18535041

>Wait for it to boil.
just say you dont know what you are talking about and leave.

>> No.18535062

rainbow, stop wasting oxygen and coffee

>> No.18535130

Watch how he melts.

>> No.18535243

You buy it because the design is fun. Honestly I'm pretty tempted

>> No.18535277

Why does it imply that? What about something being "speciality" says light? Now you're throwing medium in there to try and redeem yourself.

>> No.18535281

Ahhah what the fuck!? Not even on Reddit.>>18534614

>> No.18535288

I'm the guy the brewed the coffer you fuckin retard it was a light roast. If you drank any amount of specialty coffee you'd know that its almost all light to medium roasts. Since specialty coffees are usually single origin beans that want to emphasize their origin characteristics, and roasting a bean dark destroys all of the more nuanced notes. You fucking paste eater.

>> No.18535293

Is fresh coffee a meme? I made a cup last night with milk in it. Drank half, and drank the other half just now. Tasted pretty good.

>> No.18535304

Good coffee can still be good after it goes cold. Especially the fruity ones they kinda turn into tea when they get cold.

>> No.18535311

Coffee goes through pleasant flavor changes as it cools from hot to cold. Room temp coffee can still taste good 5 hours later (or longer). What does not taste good is coffee left on a warmer for hours or coffee that has been reheated. This breaks down the volatile aromatic compounds and inevitably makes it taste like split pea soup and smell like socks.

>> No.18535379

Well you can say that most would be but you can't say it has to be light like it's a given. I don't think it's a rule.

>> No.18535417

Wasn't from kenya. It was half indian and half columbian

>> No.18535418

Hario marketing
Don't they manually dose the coffee for the pourovers as well? If anything dosing coffee to 0.01 of a gram accurately seems like something that would give a nip a stiffy

>> No.18535421

Takes up less space, looks cooler, is just generally neat etc.

>> No.18535425

> or coffee that has been reheated. This breaks down the volatile aromatic compounds and inevitably makes it taste like split pea soup and smell like socks.
Debunked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU3uhoRYi-o
It only applies if you bring it to a boil like a fucking retard. 30 secs in the microwave are no issue at all.

>> No.18535426

When people talk about fresh coffee they don't mean freshly brewed, they mean freshly roasted (and harvested)

>> No.18535431

But that's what it means you idiot

>> No.18535448
File: 14 KB, 353x276, unhappy-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a shit day and the only good part of it is that I picked up a bag of coffee from a cute looking roast shop. Thank god I'm not opening it today because if I did and it was shit I might kms

>> No.18535451

Nearly all specialty coffee is roasted lighter than a grocery store medium. This is common knowledge. Why would anyone spend more on better quality green coffee just to make it taste like every other coffee roasted to second crack?

Think a little.

>> No.18535457

It kind of is. If you roasted a coffee dark and then cupped it to give it a score, I have no doubt that it would score below 84 every time.

>> No.18535459

>That's because you got a moka pot, all moka coffee tastes like that. It's good with milk
if you can't drink it black, you fucked up

>> No.18535479

For real? That makes sense I guess. Thanks

>> No.18535496

good grind, good beans, packed down, don't leave it on the heat to sputter
simple as

I don't do milk drinks. It took me awhile to fix what I was doing wrong for some reason.

>> No.18535498

don't forget preheating

i don't know why the manual gives you bad advice

>> No.18535501

Tear open Schrodinger's coffee bag.

>> No.18535506

>packed down
enjoy your stovetop bomb

>> No.18535507

Sure did

>> No.18535512

gee i wonder what that valve is for

>> No.18535520

It's too late to brew and drink it

>> No.18535533

anyone have any experience with fellow drops? drops.fellowproducts.com

>> No.18535538

>trusting that piece of shit

>> No.18535541

No but I guess they've been giving out coupons for that shit with odes lately.

>> No.18535547

Limited edition drops are always just a way to offload mediocre inventory by inducing urgency. Only good thing I'll say about it is that it might be a decent way to discover and try out new roasters.

>> No.18535550


>> No.18535559

too soon

>> No.18535756

You're acting like that's not your fault for being tongue-blind to the different flavors that darker roasts bring out

>> No.18536925
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Well my kettle decided to die on me in a very potential housefire hazard sort of way today. I only noticed because I heard it hissing when it was "off" before I left the room. It just heats up whenever its on the base now regardless of if its powered on and it smells like burning plastic or something if you're close enough and its been running long enough. I would've made cold brew green tea yesterday if I knew this was going to happen because now I'm afraid to keep using it and I haven't picked out a new one yet

Any <$50 goose-neck kettles with temperature control that /ctg/ would recommend? Preferably from somewhere that ships to west coast USA in 1-2 days like Amazon because I need my pour-over coffee and green tea fix for life to be worth living

Pic related: its the kettle that died on me and ruined my tomorrow morning (there's gotta be a less clumsy way of saying that, why can't I think of it)

>> No.18536939

If it uses paper filters you need a decent burr grinder or it will clog up because of the finer grounds. Besides that you don't need one, but your coffee will be inconsistent in every way besides being mediocre. You can still drink it though, obviously