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File: 309 KB, 1536x2048, 987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18527755 No.18527755 [Reply] [Original]

Why do restaurants insist on serving burgers this way? If I wanted to do the final assembly myself I'd have cooked at home.

Just give me the finished product with everything already on it, fucking hell.

>> No.18527758

>restaurants insist on serving burgers this way
never seen that.

>> No.18527764

Get out more.

>> No.18527770
File: 32 KB, 390x360, 1667227817136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a throwback to the McD.L.T. days

>> No.18527771
File: 515 KB, 2012x2048, img3423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get off the farm cletus

>> No.18527777

Right wingers keep getting mad at progressively more obscure and bizarre stuff

>> No.18527782

I've never seen this ever.

>> No.18527784

Well, now you have. So what would you do in this situation?

>> No.18527786

>you must be a neet since you've never eaten at a shitty restaurant
very odd take, anons.
ask yourselves, "who instilled that predisposition?"

>> No.18527787

A-ha, so you DO have an opinion! You called the restaurant "shitty" that does this. You agree with me. I love you!

>> No.18527791

I would seriously punch you in your stupid face.

>> No.18527796

no, anon, it's a fact.

>> No.18527807

That's not even a burger Jimmy-John

>> No.18527818
File: 122 KB, 940x632, 09834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but this is.

>> No.18527856
File: 22 KB, 720x305, 61336e79b6cd61001db547d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is, well done.

>> No.18528011

Seeing as how the burger was ordered well done with american cheese, the person who ordered it is probably a child. The put the toppings on the side so that you can drown it in ketchup, and since you're probably picky they put the pickles separately in case you think those are "icky".

>> No.18528021

This is actually better imo. I like that I can inspect iteasily before final construction, it shows confidence in the product.

>> No.18528058

Better question is what is up with that bun? It looks like a leper's titty.

>> No.18528088

Its so you can add ketchup mustard or mayo easily

>> No.18528092

>Why do [generalization based on personal experience]
Shut the fuck up retard and maybe visit more than the same two places in your lifetime.

>> No.18528103

Who said anything about education, employment, or training? They said your experience with the world is narrow, because you've somehow avoided a very common phenomenon.

>> No.18528106

Diners undeniably have the best fries you can buy at a cheap shitty restaurant

>> No.18528245

It gives you a convenient way to scrape off the lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and pickles.

>> No.18528414

Doesn't work, being exposed to air makes the beef cool of faster and the veggies heat up quicker. If you put both of them together you create a closed system with as little exposure as possible and the cold-hot interface does not mix due to the liedenfrost effect, effectively keeping each side hot or cold respectively.

>> No.18528606


>> No.18528635

Because those are the most common burger toppings and all cost just pennies. Its faster to make every order that way and let the customer put them on or leave them off than trying to write down the order, have the cook interpret the order ticket, and hopefully get it right. its just cheaper and faster to bang out every burger plate like that.

If you've ever worked food service theres always some cunt thats super adamant she's deathly allergic to something like tomatoes, pickles, or lettuce and demand the burger get remade because there is tomato juice on it. Its less of an issue letting the diner do the assembly.

>> No.18528636

stop eating at bullshit ass McDonalds and move from the sticks you turd farmer.

>> No.18528763

We do it for a reason. People will 'rarely' read the full ingredients in a burger and some places dont even bother mentioning that they have pickles/tomato. So, people will not know this is on their burger till first bite at which point they bitch, so we leave it top off and let them deal with it.

>> No.18528793

>final assembly
Just how fat and lazy are you?

>> No.18528804

American cheese is objectively the best cheese on a burger. It's not even really an opinion to be honest, even Jacques Pepin agrees

>> No.18528819

>replies to a post explicitly saying the burger looks like it was ordered off the kids menu
>still goes on to generalize it to all americans
And this is why people who take every opportunity to obsess about Americans are so disliked. Despite all evidence to the contrary, and 90% of all cooking threads being started by Americans, you still constantly project your headcanon.

>> No.18528857

Americans are the kind of barbarians who would order from the kids' menu as grown men.

>> No.18528883

Yeah, I went out for a burger the other night and they asked to see my passport. I told them that I forgot it at home and they explained that the regular menu is only for non-Americans, but they'd give me a pass this time. It's kind of crazy how much good food we have in this country that isn't available to the people who live here, or is otherwise made just made for tourists. The crazier thing is that we barely get any tourists where I live but they still prepare all this delicious food for them anyways.

>> No.18528891

Isn't that kind of discrimination against the Civil Rights Act?

>> No.18528898

No. You can still sit at the same table with foreigners and watch them eat off the adults' menu.

>> No.18528912

Nah I think you could probably sue, since it's literally denying or "modifying" service based on national origin.

>> No.18528932

I don't think it's really a policy that ever gets enforced because most Americans would never think of ordering anything that wasn't on the kids menu. I'm just kind of a yuroboo (I order all my clothes from Zara) so they give me a pass from time to time. I would never sue because that would be too American for me.

>> No.18528939

> quads of truth

>> No.18528946

Go die of AIDS, faggot.

I will not eat at your disgusting hipster restaurant.

>> No.18528969

Maybe stop browsing and reposting shit you saw on Reddit.

>> No.18529081

Snort my cocaine out on the waiter and smack my girlfriend.

>> No.18529830
File: 35 KB, 735x551, 7A656A41-7531-4AA9-893D-4E72277661C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly McDonald’s only got rid of it because of the styrofoam container after environmentalists complained

>> No.18529885

That doesn't make any sense when you think of all the viable alternative containers.

>> No.18529916
File: 276 KB, 2000x1265, 85F79036-3B5B-4590-B539-401448AF59FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree but that is the claim the McDLT fandom website uses.
“This item was discontinued off the menus in 1998 because it’s Styrofoam packaging was particularly bad for the environment.”

>> No.18530003
File: 83 KB, 768x512, B5E8A889-BEAE-420B-BB7D-4D3BD548E423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do restaurants insist on serving burgers this way
Some people don’t want all the veggies

>> No.18530040

So the salads don't go warm and soggy before it gets to you

>> No.18530057


>> No.18530075

why don't you retaliate by cooking the restaurant?

>> No.18530085

it's still significantly easier than buying and cooking beef and cheese, buying and sliced tomatoes lettuce and pickles, so on and so forth, it's not like they're asking you to kill the fucking cow. it's probably so you can just add your condiments to your pleasure without having to awkwardly take off the top when all the lettuce and shit will fall everywhere

stop being a whiny faggot before i slap you

>> No.18530091

who the fuck calls american food healthy? you're a retard

>> No.18530104

I stopped seeing reddit everywhere when I got off that site anon you should try it too

>> No.18530112

I've never been on Reddit, but I've been here a long time and occasionally do a reverse image search.

>> No.18530129

You're irreversibly contaminated. You can't stay here.

>> No.18530224

Americans do seeing that they eat it all of the time and think it's anything other than deep fried lard.

>> No.18530280
File: 49 KB, 659x583, 1662754273128088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But doesn't Mickey Ds pancakes come in styrofoam? At least the last time I had breakfast there, they did

>> No.18530284


>> No.18530731

Who cares where the picture came from? You could find any number of images of opened-up burgers on the internet

>> No.18530736

>you could find any number of images of opened-up burgers on the internet
Exactly, but instead of doing that OP saw something on Reddit and thought it would be worth reposting here.

>> No.18530762

You don't know the history of OP. Reddit images show up in Google Image Search all the time.

>> No.18530804

Is that a condom

>> No.18532504

Its easier on the kitchen, now instead of assembling a sandwich the cook just needs to put the burger on a prepared plate. My place doesn't do this unless the customer specifically asks for everything on the side, but when they do it means a whole 10 seconds spent dressing the sandwich can be used while the patties are cooking instead of adding those 10 seconds to the overall ticket time. Don't like it? We don't care. Give us your money because you're too lazy to feed yourself.

>> No.18532577


redditor cope, go back

>> No.18533924

I've only seen this in restaurants that use romaine lettuce. The heat cooks the romaine lettuce, makes it taste funny so they separate it from the meat. I never seen anyone separate the iceberg tho.

>> No.18534419

If this was Served to me in a Restaurant when i ordered a burger, i immediately would give it Back.
What the fuck is this. I ordered a normal burger. This is Not. If the Cook is too lazy to Assemble it, He doesnt deserve my money

>> No.18535264
File: 63 KB, 1000x1750, 1667323265629523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I use the fork and knife they re giving me or not?
I knda just used them awkwardly cum my friends did the same

>> No.18535296

Okay grandpa

>> No.18535353

>start cooking burger
>pull out plate
>still cooking burger
>get a bun
>still cooking burger
>open bun
>still cooking burger
>top one half of bun with vegetables
>add cheese to burger
>put burger on other half of bun
>look out the passhtru at the mouthbreathing manchild that ordered it
>decide if he's more likely to bitch and moan if i put my filthy fingers on the bun to combine them, or leave them separated

>> No.18535488

I don't care what Pepin says, there's no objectivity when it comes to taste. Give me cheddar, blue cheese, or pepper jack on a burger any day over American cheese.