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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18402117 No.18402117 [Reply] [Original]

Why are fast food burgers so much better than home burgers

>> No.18402135

I've never had a fast food burger that wasn't overcooked.

>> No.18402138
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my mom says i make better burgers than five guy's though

>> No.18402155

she probably also says you're handsome huh

>> No.18402168

he is handsome

>> No.18402170

obviously, what are you implying?

>> No.18402171

because you're a lazy tastelet faggot that can't cook for shit

>> No.18402177

If you stopped eating fast food slop, you might appreciate your own burgers better.

>> No.18402199

I think it's the part where they wrap it or box it and let it sit in it's own grease and juices and soak into the bun. I do that when I make burgers at home. It helps.

>> No.18402203

Depends on what you're fucking up.

1. Shit sauce or no sauce. Or using just ketchup or something shitty like that.
2. Shit meat. If you're using like 90/10 ground beef or something it's already doomed.
3. Shit cooking technique. Self explanatory.
4. Shit bread. Toast it.
5. Shit condiments. This one is hard to fuck up, shouldn't really need much, but yeah.

>> No.18402216

thin patties with appropriate flavoring

>> No.18402345

>my mom says i make better burgers than five guy's though
The only time she's around five guys they're turning her insides into burger meat.

>> No.18402692
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I never tried sauce on my burger, expect maybe mayo, but i'm not a fan of sauce on any burger. I like it with butter and cheese. Here's one I made last week

>> No.18402726

Usually homemade burgers are those massive thick patties that are soft as cat shit and melt ur bread with the excessive juices. Then on the other hand you can get patties that are way to thin and turnout like shoe leather.

Must make ur own patties, this is the ticket.

>> No.18402773

That looks fucking awful. I can tell you're white and a pedophile.

>> No.18402812

>I can tell you're white and a pedophile
Kinda goes without saying on 4chan.

>> No.18402819

>butterburger and steak fries
Based Midwest chad, don't listen to this faggot

>> No.18402847
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you're missing out, it's delicious and just melts in your mouth
based burger enjoyer

>> No.18402855

My god. Could that thing look any dryer?

>> No.18402871

They're designed specifically to trigger your pleasure sensors. They will always be better than any homemade burg you can cook.

>> No.18402873

Making good burgers at home is easy if you

A: Toast your buns like a civilized human

B: Use cast iron and high heat, above the smoke point

C: Make smash burgers because it's fun

D: Melt some cheese onto the patties while it's still on the heat

>> No.18402912

The biggest mistake people make is lack of seasoning.

>Lay out your ground beef portions. (80/20, high-quality meat)
>Sweat a diced shallot until it caramelizes a bit, then set it aside
>Mix ground beef with a pinch of diced garlic, a pinch of the diced shallot, a spritz of ketchup, a dash of Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, Lawry's seasoning, umami seasoning, and plenty of black pepper.
>Form into patties and let them rest covered at room temp for a few minutes while you prepare your toppings and heat up the grill or griddle.
>Just before you put the burgers on, hit them with a shit ton of fresh black pepper and salt.
>When the cooking surface is ripping hot, put the burgers on and get some color on the outside, then reduce the heat and cook to desired temp. (medium rare is best. If you're cooking on the stove, throw a little butter, garlic and a sprig of Rosemary in the pan for some aromatics)
>Just before they're done cooking, hit them with cheese of choice and let it melt for a second. Take them off the grill and let them rest.
>Meanwhile, toast buttered brioche buns on the grill until lightly browned.
>After toasting, assemble the burgers and serve.

Once you get this down, your burgers will not be shit anymore. Lose the bun and toppings, add a pan sauce like Red Wine Reduction or Au Poivre and some fries, and you have an easy French bistro-style dish.

>> No.18402938

They're not, you are bad at cooking

>> No.18402997

If you want to make a meatloaf sandwich you can just do that. You don't need to pretend it's a burger. I promise you won't get in trouble.

>> No.18403004
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Bot detected. Please return to the motherboard so I can rape your asshole.

>> No.18403014

nta and i know youre a troll but
how do you make bread, exactly?
you bake it.
what does baking do?
dry food out. its literally just normal bread, albiet shitty.

>> No.18403023
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I prefer microwaved burgers

>> No.18403033

>diced garlic
>diced shallot
>Worcestershire sauce
>garlic powder
>onion powder
>Lawry's seasoning
>umami seasoning
>black pepper
> hit them with a shit ton of fresh black pepper and salt
Holy shit dude, you know that if you stop buying abysmally low quality discount meat then it’s not necessary to over-season them from heaven to hell and back, Jesus fuck. That just sounds disgustingly overwhelming even if you’re being sparing with it, which I know you aren’t.

>> No.18403036

I wouldn’t

>> No.18403045

I don’t think he’s trolling buddy boy, I thought the same fucking thing. Looks like it would be all crumbly in your mouth like sawdust.
Sure thing.

>> No.18403052
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Samefagging to say too that he clearly isn’t talking about the bread, retard

>> No.18403129

this post is incomprehensible

>> No.18403139

i feel like that could have been a great burger if it was properly thawed and maybe cooked a little slower the way the fat is congealing on the side looks like it was grilled while it was still frozen

>> No.18403143

>Sure thing.
What, am i supposed to prove it to you?
>I don’t think he’s trolling buddy boy, I thought the same fucking thing. Looks like it would be all crumbly in your mouth like sawdust.
Have you ever eaten bread before? It's shitty bread, but tolerable.
What? The cheese? Have you ever seen american cheese before? OP 99.9% chance didn't make it himself anyways, you must be an excellent guest.
And while i'm at it, i can hardly believe youre not >>18402855

>> No.18403246

post burgs

>> No.18403251
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I took the smash burger pill and never looked back

>> No.18403296
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because you can't cook?

>> No.18403364

They are ? You must suck at cooking bud, I have to pay 40+ bucks for a burger to get anything better than what I make .

>> No.18403718

Way to out yourself as a janny

>> No.18403724

the cute latina girl with red dyed hair and tongue piercing at the mcdonalds drive thru told me she wantsd to kill herself tonight. we laughed about it at the window but then she looked really sad for a second and said she wasnt kidding
i got two double bscon cheeseburgers with extra pickles and no mustard
i hope shes ok. ill probably see her friday night again

>> No.18403731

We're not that far into the future dude, it's literally just a frozen or lately, near frozen, patty with some msg and probably some preservatives that aren't exotic or unavailable to normal people. Corporations want you to think their products are something special and high tech when pretty much all food is the same as it's been for 100 years or longer

>> No.18403735

if she's not there you know what happened lol

>> No.18403757

i know :/
i got her to spit in my soda one time
that mcdonalds is pretty good compared to the one the same distance, but the opposite direction, which is weird because its a poorer town, with alot more fast food accomodations compared to the shitty mcdonalds which is the only thing in a rich town besides a REALLY shitty diner
youd think if you had the only other option in town youd strive for better quality. oh well.

>> No.18403812

Good answers
This looks alright anon. I personally like sauces on my burgers but I'd try it your way

>> No.18403815

You GOT her to spit in your soda? As in, you asked for that?

>> No.18403829

you dont understand this girl is really cute
like 18 year old, braces, 85 pounds with a c bust cute
she gave me a bucket of pickles a few months ago

>> No.18403880

Jesus fucking Christ that looks like a microwave burger

>> No.18403927

Then why not go for it and bag that poonani?

>> No.18403933

Take some ground beef, mix in spices, form patties, and cook.
Spend fucking years in a lab finding what additives can make their food as hyper-delicious and addictive as possible.

>> No.18403942

im married bro id never do that

>> No.18403993
File: 120 KB, 678x509, Wendys Jr Bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger from Wendy's is the best fast food burger. It isn't very big, but it tastes perfect.

>> No.18404106

>she gave me a bucket of pickles a few months ago
Sounds like I'd give _her_ a "bucket of pickles",but before we talk about _your_ self esteem issues, I'm gonna have to give you some shit about treating a disturbed young woman like this.
Get your shit together, dude.

>> No.18404175

The fuck is a spritz of ketchup?

>> No.18404188
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>The fuck is a spritz of ketchup?
What the Germans would call "ein schluck", the Mexicans would call "un piquito" or a $5 crack whore would call "500 loads from YOU, Anon".

>> No.18404190
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Why not quit your job and go work at the fast food joint?

>> No.18404197 [DELETED] 


>> No.18404213
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>> No.18404217
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>soft as cat shit
What a bizarre comparison.
You got a weird fetish?

>> No.18404224
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>> No.18404260

Ah I see. Nevermind then

>> No.18405037

A lot of it is just the desire of being hungry and not having smelt it like when you make it yourself more than any recipe. Also if it's a real greasy spoon the burgers get a a lot of rendered fat from previous orders.

>> No.18405284

Fast food burgers have the god spice MSG

>> No.18405306

I think it's the bit of the young person's soul that erodes out of them as they work for minimum wage slapping together your burgerslop.

>> No.18405333

>implying his mother is wrong

>> No.18405741

Read, nigga.

>Lay out your ground beef portions. (80/20, HIGH-QUALITY MEAT)

>> No.18405749

cherish her and these times mate

>> No.18406724

any burger with thick sliced bread as bun reminds me of gothic king cobra

>> No.18406816

That's not very difficult, five guys is overrated as fuck. They don't even melt the cheese and they won't even if you ask them to they say it's against company policy. You have to let the burger steam to mush in the wrapper if you want the cheese to melt a little bit. I could make a burger that tastes twice as good for half the price. Fuck five fags.

>> No.18407038

do any fast food places melt the cheese? thought they all had it melt during assembly

>> No.18407066
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Whataburger stopped making the A1 Thick and Hearty Whataburger but A1 started making A1 Thick and Hearty sauce so I just recreate the greatest fast food burger ever at home. The answer to your question isn't even the burger since those are easy. It's the fries since most people can't go through the trouble to deep fry a single serving of potatoes at home, myself included.

>> No.18407177

Looks like a sneeky crab is coming from under cover to get ya! The Trojan 'wich?

>> No.18407181

It must be the end of the world for you two, why not get a room together?

>> No.18407207

he IS handsome, faggot

>> No.18407280
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I kinda agree, home burgers and some restaurant burgers lack this fastfood taste TM. I managed to reach satisfactionary level during the summer.
Sauce recipes all suck and tastes like shit even when i fallow them to a t. I just use mayo on the bottom, mustard on the veggies and ketchup on cheese.

>> No.18407439

From my experience most places will if you ask them too. It's not like it takes any extra steps, just put the cheese on the burger patty while its on the grill for a little bit before taking it off.
Hell it should be easiest for five guys since they make all their burgers to order and don't use warming trays.
But they are the only place I have ever been to that outright refused and stated it was company policy. Like what company even thinks up the idea that no cheese is illegal to melt here even though we are perfectly setup for it and it would cost us zero extra effort? It makes no fucking sense.
I like to dig into a burger as soon as I am served so everything is as fresh as possible but if I do that at five guys most of the cheese is still in near solid form and I really like melted cheese so it's a huge turnoff for me.

>> No.18407695

Go back faggot

>> No.18407709

>a diced shallot

stopped reading here. first of all, we're not making meat loaf so i don't want chunks of wannabe onion bullshit in my burger. secondly, go fuck yourself.

>> No.18407763
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Don't over work the patty when youre forming it, and use good bread. It's easy to beat out goyslop

>> No.18407823

And your mom loves Five Guys! (At once.)