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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18391210 No.18391210 [Reply] [Original]

You've got a full sink of dirty dishes sitting in your kitchen right now.

Stop posting and go clean your kitchen, man.

>> No.18391214

Not my job, my mom takes care of it.

>> No.18391223

I don't, though.

>> No.18391233
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I have a flat inspection on Monday. Halp.

>> No.18391234

no I don't you stupid faggot, I clean that shit right away

>> No.18391238
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>> No.18391246

>flat inspection
Do europoors not even have privacy in their own home?

>> No.18391253

It’s not my own home, it belongs to my landlord. Do landlords not check you’re not letting their place go to shit in the US? What if I had turned the place into a cannabis crop?

>> No.18391259

probably a roommate or neighbour ratted him out to the landlord
most leases (including in USA and Canada) will allow the landlord to enter the unit if there is a safety/hygeine/damage concern and someone probably let the landlord know that OP is a disgusting pig

>> No.18391273

No, I don’t have a flatmate and I wouldn’t let anyone in my flat in this state. It’s part of the lease: routine six monthly inspections by the estate agent.

>> No.18391281

It’s like 4-5 trash bags worth of shit you lazy prick, that’s like 5-10 minutes of workkv4na

>> No.18391305

I think reasonably it will take me two to three hours. I’ll start tonight and post clean kitchen if thread is still up tomorrow.

>> No.18391329

not a euro poor but it’s an inspection nor you trying to impress a woman. Just throw your goddamn trash away and do the dishes, shouldn’t take nearly that long

>> No.18391421

Do it

>> No.18391470

How do you even get to this point

>> No.18391483

>my roommate does his dishes once every two weeks
>the rest of the time they sit in one half of the sink (we mutually agreed dishes piling up is fine as long as there's enough space for a colander)
>it takes him like 30 minutes

>I clean dishes as soon as I'm finished using them
>cumulatively, I probably take way more time than he does

Am I the real chump here?

>> No.18391499

Literally fucking disgusting. Jesus fucking christ.

I used to live in a house that was being rented out to 5 other guys including myself, and on the worst times, the kitchen would be like 90% as bad as those pics. Difference is that the other roomies would actually clean up after themselves.. eventually.

>> No.18391505

I have a bit of a problem with cannabis where I will quit for six months, cave in then get stoned off my face every night for a month allowing things to get out of control. I think cannabis is a fucking horrible drug, for me anyway.

You should have seen the state of the living room, I’ve got that reasonably tidy now at least. I haven’t smoked for three weeks since starting my new job, I’m trying to turn over a new leaf and quit for good this time.

>> No.18391510

that's not even that much and you have the whole weekend, just start by throwing shit away, start small and work your way up. don't fuck around with recycling, just get shit into trashbags you can haul off. 90% of the shit I see in your images can just be thrown out.

>> No.18391604

single basin sinks are the fucking worst
no wonder anon doesn't want to do the dishes
when I had one I used a small cat litter bin for a rinse water spot. it was actually a bin they give you at the hospital for your shampoo/toiletries
If I were you I would let a full load soak then play video games or watch tv. then wash. repeat, no rush it'll be done in a few hours

>> No.18391615

My wife cleaned the kitchen anon

>> No.18391944
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>> No.18391977

I already washed the dishes, honestly I take far better care of the kitchen than I do my bedroom.

>> No.18392363

No because you aren't a disgusting slob and I guarantee it's quicker to wash as you go rather than leaving it to pile up

>> No.18392455

No I don’t, it’s something I’ve never done. I go to lots of houses and the sinks has dishes in it, we did it as soon as we could.

>> No.18392528

No I don't. Not since I bought my dishwasher on Wednesday. Admittedly, I did have a sink (and bench) full of dishes before then.

>> No.18393205

I don't, coz I clean all meal utensils right after I'm done eating, like a civilised human being.

>> No.18393210


>> No.18393212

Your roommate is a dirty faggot. Never forget that.

>> No.18393282

I fixed this problem by learning how to use my dishwasher correctly.
Gotta fill the pre-rinse compartment.

>> No.18393288

Only if there are complaints. My landlord threatened inspections once because somebody complained that their neighbor was smokin' the reefer.
But it's not a normal thing.

>> No.18393497

I don't because a I am not a slob.

>> No.18393501

Do Americans really not wash up after they are done cooking and just leave them in the sink?
Do Americans really have a dishwasher?

>> No.18393505
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>> No.18393622

Just shove it all in garbage bags and hide it in your car.

>> No.18393644

Nope i always do my dishes right after eating.

>> No.18393646

I just toss my dirty plates behind me when I'm done with them. dunno where they go. must be some sort of portal they vanish into or something

>> No.18393723

>You've got a full sink of dirty dishes sitting in your kitchen right now.
I don't. I only have one plate total in my home.

>> No.18395019

It's been 24 hours exactly, anon, if you didn't get crushed to death under an avalanche of rubbish, let's see the progress

>> No.18395030

… I’ve not started. I’m a useless, lazy cunt. :(

>> No.18395190

No I don't. I always clean my dishes before eating.

>> No.18395203
File: 44 KB, 800x450, ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WHAT IS CAYG?? HOW does it work??
but it's sound advice for the slobs who DON'T.

>> No.18395213
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You can DO IT, anon...

>> No.18395247

Scotland has a ban on evictions until the current meme crisis is over, you'll be fine

>> No.18395256

Just do something else instead of washing up. We don't all have OCD.

>> No.18395284

What possibly gave away that I am Scottish? ;)

My landlord has been really decent with me, hasn’t put the rent up in the five years I have stayed here, so I need to make a good impression. I will get this shithole clean tonight.

>> No.18395486

Jokes on you they're not in my kitchen you stupid ugly faggot

>> No.18395689

>You've got a full sink of dirty dishes sitting in your kitchen right now.
I do not. Ever since I moved to a new house a few months ago, I made a policy of never leaving the kitchen a mess. Annoying at first, but I just automatically keep it clean now without a second thought.
I used to mock discipline fags. . .turns out they were on to something.

>> No.18395797

just suck his dick. problem solved.

>> No.18395912

I only own one bowl, one plate, and one set of cutlery. That way I'm forced to clean them frequently.

>> No.18395915

I just put them in the dishwasher

>> No.18395933

Fuck that!!! If I ever have a stack of dishes I'll literally throw them in the garbage go to thrif store and just buy new ones

>> No.18395946

Fuck off.

>> No.18395958

>it's quicker to wash as you go
Shut the fuck up, hole.

>> No.18396460

Just got done with the dishes, MOM
My fucking back hurts like a motherfucker on meth reprieval with a fucking knife and a drumset

>> No.18396484

My landlord told me I can't use my kitchen sink because it will flood the guy below me. I've been waiting three days for them to fix his shit but I'm starting to think it's not my problem

>> No.18396492
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I only use one dish at a time and wash it as soon as I'm done.

>> No.18397266

This minging bastard here >>18391233

I claimed I had food poisoning and cancelled my flat inspection until next week. Kitchen remains a disaster.

>> No.18397313

Wrong, half my dirty dishes are sitting next to my desk

>> No.18397316

Fix it up faggot it's actually not that much effort, put some music or something on in the background and get to it

>> No.18397392

Do ameripoors not have dishwashers in the same way they don't have electric kettles?

>> No.18397393

Not everyone is a richfag can afford to own a dishwashet

>> No.18397397

right? if you wash it straight after use it takes all of 5 seconds. clean as you go or straight after you dum fucks

>> No.18397403

Mabye don't buy a new goyphone every half year and you can afford one

>> No.18397405

>wasting money and water on goymachine

>> No.18397406

I always just wash everything as soon as possible to prevent pile-ups.

>> No.18397408

>automating trivial shit no one wants to do is goyish
Nice try moshe

>> No.18397416

Fuck you OP
>full of dishes
>covered in trash
>full of molding leftovers i forgot about
>dried liquids everywhere
>dry food groceries still in bags, 6+ empty water cases
>empty boxes and plastic wrap under cupboards
>lower: potatoes growing new potato plants
>upper: soups rhat expired last year>>18397408

>> No.18397419

>>upper: soups rhat expired last year>>18397408(You)
Retard alert!

>> No.18397420


>> No.18397425

Nice copy, retard

>> No.18397601

Anonymous 09/26/22(Mon)04:37:41 No.18397425
>>18397419 (You)
Nice copy, retard

>> No.18397627

I have the opposite problem. I have a tray full of clean dishes that I need to put away and the pile gets bigger day by day.

>> No.18398832

Nope. Wife washes dishes after every meal.

>> No.18399406

doesn't microwave radiation kill of microbes? That's why I don't clean so thoroughly. Just light rinse and quick dry before putting in the microwave

>> No.18399550

It took me eight weeks but I finally did it

>> No.18399636

It amazes me that some people think dishwashers are expensive. What gets costly is how much fucking water the fuckers use, holy shit. I can do a sink full of dishes with about a gallon of water total but the dishwasher will take several gallons.
It's unfuckingreal.
The detergent is cheaper, though.

>> No.18399647

I never have a sink full of dirty dishes. The most I ever have in the sink at the same time is a bowl and mug.

>> No.18399732

Based mommy's special boy.

>> No.18399749

I used to pile up rubbish like this (I'm autistic)
Just get into the habit of putting things in the bin, YGMI

>> No.18399763

>there are people ITT who don't own a dishwasher

>> No.18399768

Dishwashers can't scrub
And they're for the laziest people

>> No.18399774

I know this feel.

>> No.18399780

Ahh, the fabled two-pronged cope

>> No.18399804

i clean my dishes diligently, my problem is i deal with dry hands daily because of it. it gets so annoying. what hand lotion do you fellas like to use?

>> No.18399807

I do dishes whenever I need them (three times daily) and I scrub them properly

>> No.18399810


>> No.18399935

A dishwasher