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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18389439 No.18389439 [Reply] [Original]

>mice love cheese...even though these isn’t naturally occurring
>birds love bread...even though bread isn’t naturally occurring
>elephants love peanuts...even though they’re 10000 time the size of a peanut
>cats love milk...even though they only have natural access to milk around birth
>rabbits love carrots...even though carrots grow underground and rabbits are not subterranean creatures
Why are humans like this? Where did these /ck/ - Food & Cooking misconceptions come from?

>> No.18389442

good question

>> No.18389444

how is it a misconception, they literally do love all of those things because they are in starvation mode half the time and greatly enjoy any food they can get

>> No.18389446 [DELETED] 

mice dont really like cheese that much
bread is mashed up seeds
youre 10000 times the size of rice
adult cats dont really prefer milk to water and it gives them diarrhea
rabbits dig up roots to eat all the time

mostly im just pissed that you dont know SHIT about animals

>> No.18389450

I don't even get what your point is. what so you mean by "like this"?

>> No.18389451

>rabbits are not subterranean
Somebody here never read Watership Down.

>> No.18389453

Are you retarded lmao

>> No.18389454

why aren't other animals allowed to enjoy our food?

>> No.18389456

2/5. Not bad.

>> No.18389458

rabbits literally are subterranean creatures

>> No.18389471

>OP loves cock in his mouth even though he is a man
nature is crazy bro

>> No.18389480

Humans have the intelligence to create concentrated versions of carbs, proteins, minerals etc. That's why animals go crazy for them.

>> No.18389590


>> No.18389596

>rabbits are not subterranean creatures
How have you gotten this far in life?

>> No.18389639

Apes love bread too

>> No.18389643

Apes love watermelons

>> No.18389711

>cats love fish even though they are incapable of fishing

>> No.18389717

Cat are smart enough to fish.Both small and large

>> No.18389807
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>Why do humans have stereotypes about which of their own foods different domesticated or locally common animals seem to prefer?
How is that weird at all?

>> No.18389825

North American crows love pistachios, even though pistachios are native to the middle east and central Asia. They also love peanuts which are native to South America. Nature is weird.

>> No.18389855


>> No.18389875

Its not a good question its some /r/iam14andthisisdeep shit. Humans find lots of things that are not naturally occurring delicious.

>> No.18389877

>humans love candies... even though there is nothing that sweet growing naturally in the wild
What a wacky wacky world eh?

>> No.18389886
File: 91 KB, 600x660, F8E45F51-293C-4BBD-8486-677264F4D1F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rabbits love carrots...even though carrots grow underground and rabbits are not subterranean creatures

>> No.18389905

Uhh, what is honey? What is fruit?

>> No.18390543

Elephants love watermelons, too, but not peanuts. My aunt's elephant went fucking nuts for watermelon but mostly ate alfalfa, corn and cabbage/lettuce with the occasional sugar cane and fruit but her favourite by far was watermelon.

>> No.18390554
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>My aunt's elephant
Gonna need a QRD on this

>> No.18390683


>> No.18390692

>People not knowing the difference between rabbits and bunnies.
I dont know what part of world you are, but wild rabbits here dont dig burrows.
Only bunnies do.

>> No.18391731

Does your aunts elephant eat poop? Apparently they eat other elephant’s poop for probiotics.

>> No.18391786

you've never heard of a rabbit hole?

>> No.18391800

Is watermelon the most loved one? Doesn't hippos love it too?

>> No.18391820

He’s thinking of hares, it rabbits

>> No.18391959


>> No.18392050

everyone loves watermelon

>> No.18392067

Preteens too

>> No.18392081

I've read chimps prefer cooked meat
They even had an experiment where chimps could get cooked meat by putting raw meat into a toy chest, and the contents would be secretly switched for cooked after some time had passed, to simulate whether chimps would "cook" if they had the option. Answer is yeah they totally would, they're just too stupid for fire.

>> No.18392092

my cat absolutely fucking loves bread and cream, he will snatch toast or pastries out of my hand with two paws while standing on his back legs

>> No.18392541

My cat liked bread and also potato's.

>> No.18392621

American cottontails aren't the basis for cultural depictions of rabbits inbred Cletus, European rabbits (aka wild ancestors of the domestic bunny) are. And they make burrows in the wild.

>> No.18392869

FYI to all rabbitards. Rabbits don’t actually like eating too many carrots because of the high sugar content.

>> No.18393016

"bottom" kek :^)

>> No.18393103
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>> No.18393116


>> No.18393140
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its obvious why cats go with milk anon

>> No.18393146
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what? so only the babies dig burrows?

>> No.18393160

A baby rabbit is a Cuni.

>> No.18393172

>deer will eat flesh despite being herbivores

>> No.18393182
File: 71 KB, 651x816, bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cunny rabbit???

>> No.18393198


>> No.18393216

what kind of shitty argument is this
>it doesn't exist in nature therefore an animal can't enjoy it
twinkies don't exist in nature but americans can't stop shoveling them into their faces, but even if you want to say
>humans don't count
dog and cat and fish and bird food all don't exist in nature but surprise, animals enjoy being fed.

>> No.18393220

>Op loved tendies that mommy cooked
>OP loved warm milk that mommy served
Why are faggots like this?

>> No.18393263

must be something to do with the animal cells

>> No.18393313

Cheese is a universally good source of protein. Nice aren't smart and will eat cable wires
Bread is terrible for birds and it's discouraged to feed them that.
Elephants like anything
Cars are lactose intolerant same as every other animal and it will make them sick and throw up if they drink milk
Rabbits don't actually like carrots, that's a meme, they love the green parts of the carrot, they prefer celery and cabbage instead.

>> No.18393485

Zero answers to the question. Really just a rephrasing of the OP. Interesting post.

>> No.18393554

fucking kek

>> No.18393558

Astounding by the low IQ on /ck/. OP isn’t making a point about animals like certain foods, he’s making a point about humans associating certain foods with certain animals when:
1) most animals love all foods equally
2) there are better foods to associate with these animals
Like why don’t we associate watermelon with elephants instead of peanuts since they clearly like watermelons more?

>> No.18393595


Nope to us they are two different species. The translator fucked me over it should have been hare and rabbit ? Or something like that.
From what I gathered the one people keep as pets we have beem raising meat and those are the ones who love to dig holes.
The wild one just fart the young ones into shalow hole.

>> No.18393598

>elephants can’t love peanuts because they’re much bigger than a peanut
Damn, I guess “Anteater” must be a misnomer

>> No.18393782
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>> No.18394022

When I was a kid one of my friends' cat loved banana.

>> No.18394028

Well done sir

>> No.18394063

Elephants love pumpkins.

My old dog, before he died at 17, loved apples, beer, coffee with milk, cider, green tea, croissonts, hummus, yogurt etc. He even liked cursed foods for dogs like garlic bread, hot chocolate, chocolate cake, french onion soup etc. He absolutely refused to eat dog food unless it has curry or gravy on top. Pretty sure he would have smoked weed given the chance, I think he ate an edible once. He wasnt a big dog either, he was a jack russel with huge upper body muscles, a jacked russel.

Some animals prefer to try new things.

>> No.18394065

Bruh, why’re you feeding your dog chocolate?

>> No.18394075

He loved it so why not. I like my pets to be happy.

>> No.18394079

I hope this a joke post.

>> No.18394081

You're an idiot and you poisoned your dog

>> No.18394097

You're a retard for reading clickbait top 10 facts articles. Most stuff which is toxic to animals that's spread on the internet the animal would have to eat at least its own weight in before they get any form of toxicity poisoning. This goes triple for the extra retards avoiding certain plants in the house cos they would have to eat a trees worth of leaves in order to get ill. Dogs and cats have lived off table scrapings for thousands of yours, mong. I bet you that you are the type of person that never feeds cats meat despite them being strict carnivores.

>> No.18394102

When he was young he drank almost two litres of milk. He looked liked he was going to explode and my dad said would probably die. I was distraught, but he not only didn't die he seemed to be satisfied and content. When I was 15 I visited Japan and returned with a lot of chocolate in my suitcase. He somehow got into it and ate a lot of it. He was totally unaffected, so from then on I realised all those rules about what you can feed your dog are bullshit. He ate heaps of chocolate, onions, avocado etc and it never affected him in a bad way.

>> No.18394104

You're not an idiot, you're a full blown retard.

>> No.18394111

>Cardiac symptoms of chocolate toxicity occur around 40 to 50 mg/kg, and seizures occur at dosages greater than 60 mg/kg.
This is from American Kennel Club website.

>> No.18394112

Yes, sure I am. The one who discussed this topic with vets, biologists, and botanists. I await your buzz feed article rewritten in a reddit post as your argument.

>> No.18394113
File: 2.42 MB, 640x360, dog eating a gooseberry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure do

>> No.18394121

He also ate chicken bones and any sort of seafood, fish, crab, squid, shark, sting ray, fresh and saltwater eel, octopus. He ate all their guts raw too which I fed to him as I prepared them. Like I said, the only thing he absolutely refused to eat was plain dog food or lettuce for some reason.

>> No.18394124
File: 2.82 MB, 480x600, chimp using phone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee I could teach a chimp to make fire. And he could probably teach it on to other chimps.

In fact, let's get this party started.

We had rabbits when I was a kid and they definitely preferred the green top to the root, yeah. All our dogs love carrots, though, but that might just be for the crunch.

>> No.18394126
File: 306 KB, 1080x979, Screenshot_20220925_102121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you give multiple chocolate bars to your tiny dog? Do you understand the concept of weight and ratio at all?

>> No.18394131
File: 73 KB, 572x702, kærnemælk 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, actually.

You may have heard the expression "a brace of conies" which just means two rabbits.

>> No.18394145

Jack Russel is like 7kg. so a harmful dose starts at 0.49g or 0.0172 ounces. That would be 1.15% of a Hershey bar. Unless you are measuring the chocolate your dumbass is giving to your dog with a drug scale you are the retard here.

>> No.18394147
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>Cars are lactose intolerant same as every other animal and it will make them sick and throw up if they drink milk
Ignoring your amusing typo, cats develop the lactose intolerance as they mature. If they grow up drinking milk they remain tolerant of it. This of course explains why cats on dairy farms can have milk just fine and your housecat cannot.

>> No.18394148

Well explain how my dog lived to 17 then.

>> No.18394153

By you posting this as a bait.

>> No.18394159

What's the bait? Haha you believed my dog ate chocolate? That's retarded and a waste of time. I just wanted to share his eating habits.

>> No.18394169
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I am NOT defending giving your dog chocolate, but you might want to check your maths on that a little, anon.
7 kg is a bit over 15 pounds, so that would come to a bit over 15 ounces to be a lethal dose.
That said, dogs very regularly get sick or die from getting into the owner's chocolate stash, so they absolutely can, and will, eat enough for it to be bad for them.
I don't know if it accumulates in the body either. I.e. one piece of chocolate might be fine for your dog, but if he has a piece every day it builds up an effect and gets him sick eventually.

There are so many other fucking snacks you can give your dog and not have to worry about that shit at all.

>> No.18394172

it is milligrams PER kg of your dog.

>> No.18394177

But I do seem to have made a mistake with my math. It's actually 0.28 grams not 0.49 grams so much less.

>> No.18394209

>>rabbits love carrots...even though carrots grow underground and rabbits are not subterranean creatures
rabbits in my yard (Florida) absolutely do burrow down into holes under my hedges

my parrots? love chicken

>> No.18394213

Says in the pic it's an ounce per pound.
A 15 pound dog comes to a lot more than 0.0172 ounces in that case.

>> No.18394215

I used these >>18394111 numbers on AKC website.

>> No.18394219

Do you have any fucking idea of how little 280 mg of milk chocolate is?
Dead dogs would be littering the streets if your "calculations" were correct.
Fucking check yourself instead of doubling down like a retard.

>> No.18394227

So you're even more retarded than I thought. I assumed you just had some numbers mixed up.
The numbers on that site are not measurements of plain chocolate, you fucking numbskull.
You might as well be trying to argue that eating the core of an apple kills you with cyanide poisoning or that a banana will give you radiation illness.

>> No.18394244

>40mg/kg x 7kg = 280mg

Ok I give you that.
Hershey bar is around 44 grams.
It has 30% of pure chocolate so bit over 14 grams.
0.28 grams out of that is 2%.
So unless the numbers on their website are wrong I don't know why more dogs aren't dying from chocolate poisoning.

>> No.18394259

Mice love peanut butter
Dogs love peanut butter
Cats love catnip
Birds love seeds, idiots just feed them stale bread
Rabbits love leafy greens

>> No.18394260

Those numbers are not for chocolate, you fucking illiterate.

"Knowing how much and what kind of chocolate your dog ate can help you and your vet determine if you have an emergency. In general, mild symptoms of chocolate toxicity occur when a dog consumes 20 mg of methylxanthines per kilogram of body weight. Cardiac symptoms of chocolate toxicity occur around 40 to 50 mg/kg, and seizures occur at dosages greater than 60 mg/kg."

Turns out a Hershey bar isn't made of 30% methylxanthines, if you were wondering.

>> No.18394261
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>> No.18394266
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speaking of gets….

>> No.18394286

rip OP, he died as he lived: a faggot

>> No.18394301

Someone went real quiet after this post.

>> No.18394307

>rabbits love carrots...even though carrots grow underground and rabbits are not subterranean creatures
this is a bit of a reach, rabbits burrow

>> No.18394325


>> No.18395067


>> No.18395136
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Gotta appreciate a DIY kot.
He's there due to the pact we made with them even before the Egyptians rose to power.
>Keep our granaries free of rodents, and NO DOOR shall be barred to you...
We have FAILED in this regard.

>> No.18395144
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FINALLY!! A rational poast.

>> No.18395355

>he reposted this on /an/

>> No.18395386

No I didn’t. Someone’s stealing my posts wtf?

>> No.18395493

And in 13 posts it has been answered twice, whereas it hasn't been answered at all here in 102 replies.

>> No.18395566

Okay well why don’t you just go back there and never return if they’re so cool?

>> No.18395584

I hate watermelon, as does my brother. Both our parents love it.

>> No.18395807
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To be fair,,, this bread DOES belong on /ck/.

>> No.18395811
File: 69 KB, 735x640, 50461A82-049D-4547-AE6E-B3882F56D97F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s ogre OP

>> No.18395824
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WinRAR, WinRAR...

>> No.18395890

My cat drank my baileys Irish cream.
He hopped up, dunked his paw in the glass and licked it. I just got myself another glass while he drank that one.
My dog also likes wine.

Noah’s Party-Ark

>> No.18395903

How much is a lethal dose of cum?

>> No.18395907

I left the thread. Thanks for the support if you're the other anon with the facts.

People are too fucking paranoid about all this "unhealthty" clickbait being spread around. They are doing more harm to their animals by keeping them caged in their house and not feeding cats and dogs raw meat than that other guy was doing when feeding his dog chocolate and all the other shit. The reason pets get sick when you change their food to even a different brand is cos the recycled cardboard they call pet food does jack shit for a healthy gut flora to develop.

>> No.18396013

How does bear know what apples is?

>> No.18396063

An inch

>> No.18396073

whats your favorite food? thats crazy because that's not from nature. use your brain anon. higher concentration of nutrients = good in all animal brains. that why literally every single human like to have soda sometimes or why they love salty fries. carbs are rare in nature but when you heat up plants and denature starches they suddenly become very easy to create. the same way drugs work. higher amounts of something that is usually of low concentration

>> No.18396317

Stop calling it clickbait. It's hundred-year old conmon wisdom you stupid internet-entrenched zoomer.

>> No.18396844

It's how most of the useless and wrong information most people have these days. I'm not wrong and I will not stop calling out retarded people for falling for this shit. It isn't 100 year old common wisdom when it's wrong. Everything is toxic in enough quantity you baboon and chocolate is far from being on the dangerous side.

>> No.18396858

You're a retarded ESL, it's okay. Here:
>The European rabbit lives in warrens that contain 2-10 other individuals living in smaller groups to ensure greater breeding success.[24] Territoriality and aggression contribute greatly to the rabbits' maturation process, and help ensure survival of the population.[25]

>> No.18397237

Theobromine is toxic to dogs you fucking faggot. Go eat a course of ground glass, it won't hurt you in small doses, it's not toxic and far from being on the dangerous side.

>> No.18397239

I linked Hare. Not rabbit. That will be the difference.
Be carefull who you call retarded.
>The female nests in a depression on the surface of the ground rather than in a burrow and the young are active as soon as they are born.

>> No.18397273

hares aren't relevant to the cultural history of RABBITS you argumentative ESL goon
study more, post less, and stay off English language sites until you understand the language.

>> No.18397278

>>mice love cheese
They don't, although they'll eat it if they're hungry enough. I'm convinced this meme exists purely because of the joke of mice eating the holes in Swiss cheese.

>> No.18397279

birds aside from pigeons/doves and the like don't love seeds, they love insects and nuts/legumes
and even pigeons prefer nuts in the fall when they start shedding feathers

>> No.18397285
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Explain this

>> No.18397286


>> No.18397305

Cheese is a long term storage item susceptible to pests.
Bread is made of grain, which water fowl actively seek.
Peanuts are a common zoo/circus item, where people also see elephants.
Milk is a drink with high fat content, which cats love as obligate predators.
Rabbits being associated with carrots is because Bugs Bunny did a Clark Gable impression and it became his schtick.

In essence, animal preferences are defined by what people have readily available when animals are hungry, or what they saw once on TV.
And all of these are foods that each animal will opportunistically consume, which reinforces the meme

>> No.18397308


>> No.18397381

is that dog ok?

>> No.18397781

You know what I am just going to post even more. And butcher the english even more.
What are you going to do, tough guy ?

>> No.18397911
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>> No.18398040

I think the floor is just slippery and it fell over, labradors are dumb and excitable and this kinda shit will happen with 'em.

>> No.18398045

meant for >>18397381

>> No.18398046

fucking destroyed

>> No.18398147

>Despite popular belief, most mice do not have a special appetite for cheese. They will only eat cheese for lack of better options.
Bread is just ground up seeds so it makes sense that birds would like it.

>> No.18398149

>Bread is just ground up seeds
Retard alert.

>> No.18398194 [DELETED] 

Wheat is a seed. Fermenting it doesn't mean it's no longer ground up seeds.

>> No.18398195

Wheat is a seed.

>> No.18398216

I'm really curious what you think flour is.

>> No.18398252

Bread is not wheat nor is it a seed and it is not fermented when turned into bread. /ck/ is the dumbest board.

>> No.18398363

bread gives birds diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems, how the fuck can it be natural to feed them that shit?

>> No.18398445

>bread gives birds diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems
Have you even looked at the type of shit that humans eat regularly despite how awful it is for them?
Birds eat bread because it tastes great to them, and it's not hard to reason why. They don't care if it gives them the shits afterwards.

>> No.18398455

No one said it is a seed
They said it was ground up seeds.
Apple pies are not apples, but a person who likes apples is probably going to like an apple pie.

>> No.18400063
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>> No.18400191

only in huge amounts and if it makes up the bulk of their diet
if you eat nothing but plain white bread all day you'd have diarrhea and bowel issues too
they tell you not to feed bread to birds not because birds can't handle bread but because when all retards do is throw bread and it becomes 100% of their diet it causes problems

>> No.18400200

Top zoz m8

>> No.18400246

Those are all very calorie dense food with huge amounts of fats and/or sugars.
All animals prefer these types of foods because they're nutrient dense, or have a strong taste or scent

>> No.18400256

First intelligent response ITT

>> No.18400293

humans love cola and it isn't naturally occuring either.
It's almost like we make things that are way better at making your brain crave them than anything regularly occuring in nature.

>> No.18400310
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it's a swimmer puppy
they're born that way because of genetic problems or bad posture inside the womb
with a little training it can be corrected as soon as they start to gain muscle and in just a few days they became normal, but most of them are usually euthanized as far as I know

>> No.18400367

No, it isn't intelligent at all. I look through this thread and am amazed how retarded you all are. Even /an/ understood immediately. I'm never coming back to this shitty board. I'm so far above you morons.

>> No.18400375

>posts the same retarded thread on multiple boards
>rejects an obvious answer
>thinks he is superior to anyone
My god what an embarrassing existence

>> No.18400441

You are so braindead. Seriously thick. That is not an answer at all, dumbfuck. Single cellular organism. You are dumber than it is possible for a human to be.

>> No.18400447

Seethe trumptard
Your tears are glorious chud.

>> No.18400568

He’s not OP, I’m OP. And I never posted on /an/. I’m being impersonated. There’s a copy cat on the loose.

>> No.18400575


>> No.18400585

It's a shame they made this illegal because now we don't get new checkem images. I first saw this one on post 33 back in 1989.

>> No.18400614

omg is this real ?

>> No.18400698

>>elephants love peanuts...even though they’re 10000 time the size of a peanut
Not an argument
Whales love plankton too

>> No.18400965

Starvation Mode and Love are not interchangable. Put a mouse in front of a piece of cheese and a slab of peanut butter and it will go straight for the peanut butter.

>> No.18402212

this nigga poisons dogs

>> No.18402282

Human food is a lot more digestible than the stuff they eat in the wild so I think they're just naturally drawn to it. I had a cow that used to eat fallen mangoes from a tree.

>> No.18402358
File: 193 KB, 684x650, 1660538050318868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe OP isn't human ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.18402507


>> No.18402929

op is ded

>> No.18403714

>parrots? love chicken
bit close to cannibalism there

>> No.18403719

Retard calling others retards

>> No.18403721

sorry sweetie i'm a dark brandon chad ;)
you can try that game on reddit.com tho

>> No.18403739

>he thinks grains are seeds

>> No.18403797
File: 237 KB, 523x836, re l disdain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop smoking weed you fucking s0y.

>> No.18403802
File: 238 KB, 1200x845, rabbit warren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rabbits are not subterranean creatures
anon, i ...

>> No.18403803

>I linked Hare. Not rabbit
>Be carefull who you call retarded
He was

>> No.18403808
File: 28 KB, 600x416, bateman laggan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18403845

weak brah

>> No.18403853


>> No.18404658

Where are the rabbit carpenter workshops?

>> No.18404887

Yeah it is, I'm in the picture. The pizza was delicious.

>> No.18404895
File: 49 KB, 512x512, 1664303479784908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man i hope the based department are sitting down because they are not gonna BELIEVE this one

>> No.18404910

You can't make the booba be the observer of the booba . That's gonna make a black hole.

>> No.18404945

lol OP got fucking wasted no where to be found

>> No.18405925

>living things love stuff with macros

>> No.18405932

Fuckin toasted

>> No.18405934

>They said it was ground up seeds.

>> No.18406789

With posts like these, I'm reminded why I still keep coming here. And I no longer wonder, why I still keep coming here even after 14 years has passed

>> No.18408049

M’y car only eats cat food. If it does not come out of a package with a cat on it, he does not eat it. I’ve tried raw steak, cooked meat and smoked salmon but he does not care at all. Is this normal?
Only exception is milk.

>> No.18408059

those cats deserver only my milk (male)

>> No.18408080

glad to hear you're not considered lethal then