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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 517 KB, 625x481, Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 10.33.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18379759 No.18379759 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18379882

keep going

>> No.18379954
File: 251 KB, 1200x819, CEA953C1-48B7-40C2-8CF9-F7BE989D0400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine to me.

>> No.18379976
File: 181 KB, 1200x1200, 0_PAY-KEBAB_MEAT_TROLLS_DN00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what Iceland's obsession with sticking tikka chicken in everything is all about. I even saw a fucking tikka masala in a yorkshire pudding there once

But if you want really shitty, then go to Farmfoods

>> No.18379994
File: 1.45 MB, 1440x1610, Screenshot_20220921-091832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Footy Scran Twitter account has done the most damage to the reputation of British cuisine in decades

>> No.18380032

that doesn't even look bad

>> No.18380039
File: 2.27 MB, 2950x1411, 1655306165459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that doesn't even look bad

>> No.18380047

looks like any takeout tex mex bullshit, probably tastes bomb

>> No.18380052
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>> No.18380056
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>> No.18380080
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>eggs from my yard

>> No.18380086
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>> No.18380098
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>> No.18380129

Oh dear. This is what I imagine the proletariat have to eat in 1984 whilst glued to their telescreens.

>> No.18380133

Looks great, although the meat inside is probably sinewy and horrible. I only eat steak pies home made or from the butchers.

>> No.18380138
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>> No.18380146

Would eat depending on what it is
I had something similar and it was vile
Would eat
Would eat
Would eat
Would eat
Peas ruin it
Would eat
Would eat

Why are you guys picky eaters?

>> No.18380147

Wouldnt, if they tried to hand that to me at the counter I'd walk away
Tentative would, the beans look a shit

>> No.18380160

>Why are you guys picky eaters?

For me it’s the meds I am on that made things ten times worse. I was a fussy eater as a kid but I became better as I got older, even trying raw abalone and sea urchin in Japan. I’m on aripiprazole for bipolar disorder and it makes me gag all the time, if I get a chewy bit of chicken or a fatty bit of beef I want to vomit. It’s a pain in the arse.

>> No.18380181

fray bentos pies are pretty good
i had a lot of them in university

>> No.18380184
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>> No.18380202

It's not far off. Basically slop the absolute wasters of society eat because they spent most of their money on drugs

>> No.18380208

Euros? Is that irish?

>> No.18380239

I’d assume so, nobody else in Europe would serve that monstrosity.

>> No.18380266
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>> No.18380273
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>> No.18380279
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>> No.18380280

would eat but would probably be done after like 3 pieces

looks good

>> No.18380483

the erupting fried micropenis gives a nice artistic touch

>> No.18380598

>Why are you guys picky eaters?
Man I don't know. I just don't like the taste of lots of things. My tongue must be crosswired. I never asked for this.
But even for me nothing in this thread seems abominable except OP's.

>> No.18380627

Perhaps the person let their food get too cold before eating it, perhaps the restraunt gave him cold food. Also I guess there's too much sauce for a small burrito like that. That's why you should order this type of food inside of the restaurant in order to complain.

I think this photo takes the cake in this thread. Eggs look like they were simmered in water. that green sauce is too green and honestly I've always hated that hot sauce brand because none of it's good. did joe rogan actually post that?

never had that combination but I assume it's british food? nothing really looks off about it, that's what mushy peas look like atop beans and potato.

The breading texture definitely looks unappealing from that angle and makes me not want to eat it. Uncanny valley type of feeling.

>> No.18380634

any indian food

>> No.18380635

The enchilada sauce is a normal amount but it looks like there's too much sour cream or something inside. But now i'm leaning towards the fact that it's probably a vegan burrito?

>> No.18380650
File: 1.97 MB, 1432x1946, Screenshot_20220719-094047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18380673

joe is such a fucking faggot

>> No.18380682

is that unset jello

>> No.18380833

Never ad' pie, mash an' likkah before you little poofta yank?

>> No.18381254

It's liquor, which despite the name is basically parsley gravy

>> No.18381265

Good Lord I just shuddered

>> No.18381315

I worked for Farmfoods a decade ago. We had no freezers in the back for storage, most things would start to defrost before we got it in freezers. We had something called "bacon misshapes", which, despite the promise of bacon, were the most abysmal things I've ever seen

>> No.18381414 [DELETED] 
File: 2.65 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220819_190306746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually tasted really good

>> No.18381418

What the fuck am I looking at? It looks like cat sick on a pile of garden waste.

>> No.18381420
File: 1.48 MB, 3000x3585, IMG_20220819_190306746~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18381430

what the everloving fuck

>> No.18381603

Looks like Chicken à la King.

>> No.18381697
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>> No.18381707
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>> No.18381716
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>> No.18381719

I lived with a Chinese person for a few months and he would eat chicken feet often, bones and all. The crunchy noise was horrible.

>> No.18381724

Pussy, that looks delicious. So what if the head is still on it?

>> No.18381733
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>> No.18381737

I suppose it was more hideous for my dining companion to watch me eat it, head and all

>> No.18381740
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>> No.18381751
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I love Golden corral

>> No.18381755
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>> No.18381777

>refried bean brick with baling twine garnish
Just like Ma used to make.

>> No.18381785

>boiling anything that isn't pasta, potatoes, or soup related
absolutely disgusting

>> No.18381790

because it looks like garbage. Presentation is important

>> No.18381795

All bro chefs must die.

>> No.18381817

nice ;)

>> No.18381902

based southerner

>> No.18382613

i'd scoff all that sooooo fucking hard

>> No.18382635
File: 77 KB, 600x600, 4b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18382740

Christ, no wonder I always feel a bit ill after eating at my mothers, she goes there all the time

>> No.18382874

>Bray wanderers
Yes, it's Ireland you stupid retards

>> No.18383051
File: 623 KB, 500x281, 1516583114234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's worse, that they're charging 4.5 pounds for that or that people are paying 4.5 pounds for it. It's beyond lazy, more like contemptuous
I'm fucking livid at that container of chips, holy shit

>> No.18383334
File: 1.58 MB, 1395x1218, Screenshot_20220727-091816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18383431

imagine your gf eating this then the farts hours later haha

>> No.18383519

this isnt really bad 2bh

>> No.18383539

>those eggs
They aren't even crispy. Probably just poached in fat.

>> No.18383543

Real East Staffs lads would be loading that tatty with cheese and butter on top of the beans, not peas.

>> No.18383561


>> No.18383884

delightfully british

>> No.18383928

>sour kraut

>> No.18384370

Newsflash, sweaty: Leyton Orient is a London club.

>> No.18384515
File: 259 KB, 150x113, Paté.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18384522

that looks good though.

>> No.18384536

*visible confusion*
>"Eggs from... a yard? No fuckin' way. Jamie, Google that. Google if eggs come from yards."
*Joe take a deep breath inches from the microphone*
>"Eggs are like nature's DMT. Ever see Beauty and the Beast? There's this dude, Gaston, he's absolutely SHREDDED. Eats 5 dozen eggs a day. Dude's tapping into some primal knowledge."

>> No.18384555


>> No.18384606

This guy is like some kind of trailer trash who sometimes makes food he finds at the dollar store. H

>> No.18384616

It probably tastes good, but that green gravy(?) is weirding me out.

>> No.18384653

You have zero standards
>THICK slices of tomato covering the entire surface of the pizza that already has sauce
>canned black olives
>shriveled brown crust
>can tell they used pre-shredded cheese by the way it looks (can still see individual shreds after it melted)

>> No.18384785
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>> No.18384851
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So did someone request it this way or were some unsupervised workers just curious?

>> No.18384920

The heat from the fries cooks the cheese.

>> No.18385012

what do you think it smells like haha

>> No.18385273
File: 463 KB, 1080x1466, 1660593879230676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ezekiel bread

>> No.18385460

I'd eat it

>> No.18385471


>> No.18386226


>> No.18386316


>> No.18386339


>> No.18386362
File: 186 KB, 750x921, 1650581617393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constipated turds on a loaf of bread

>> No.18386363
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Fat turd on salad

>> No.18386366
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Diarrhea in a bun

>> No.18386369
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Baby puke on chips

>> No.18386371
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Congealed snot with stinky tuna in the middle

>> No.18386374
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Spotted dick

>> No.18386376
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Ahh bri'ish food, wonderful innit

>> No.18386378

Brexit and its consequences have been a disaster for the bong race

>> No.18386383

>luv me bread
>luv me toast
>luve me bread

simple as

>> No.18386384
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>> No.18386386
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Sprite pie

>> No.18386388
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>> No.18386470

>bread inside bread

>> No.18386478

Worst in thread.

>> No.18386485

Wasn't this an episode of Drawn Together?

>> No.18386664

>fresh and healthy salad
>is 98% water
I guess it's not unhealthy but having no calories and no nutrients doesn't make it healthy.

>> No.18386689

this is the sort of shit i whip up if im so drunk i can barely walk, id actually toast the fucking bread though and melt the cheese, even my drunkass doesnt get that lazy

>> No.18386701

Must be a troll

>> No.18386726

>5 pounds for a palm sized punk ass portion
i know im american but for fuck sake these are some god damn rations

>> No.18386737

A fiver doesn’t seem that bad. At the current exchange rate this slop cost almost three times as much. >>18384865

>> No.18386741

why the fuck is it all green?
did a leprechaun come over and cum on all of your plates?

>> No.18386942
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>> No.18386950
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>> No.18386957
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>> No.18386972
File: 1.96 MB, 3264x2448, Tatar wołowy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18386977
File: 337 KB, 1152x1536, 7MbU2vH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18387020
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This one looked far worse

>> No.18387024
File: 2.51 MB, 360x640, OnionSandwich.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18387042
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>> No.18387046

>"If only you knew how bad things really are."

>> No.18387049

Holy kek that is grim.

>> No.18387064

parsley sauce. Tastes better than it looks but can't go wrong with proper brown gravy innit

>> No.18387069

haha! :)

>> No.18387072

I was in London recently and wanted to try this but I couldn’t find a pie shop near Camden with reviews that weren’t horrible. Would have taken two tubes to get a nice pie allegedly. Where’s good for next time I am there?

>> No.18387119
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>> No.18387125

That’s impossible, what a stupid shoop. How do you get wet pasta through a tiny hole?

>> No.18387153

Its Irish retard, even we wouldnt stoop that low

>> No.18387158

that has to be a literal turd

>> No.18387167

Maybe someone can start a TV show “Is it Poo?” where people have to bite into foodstuffs that look like shit or if unlucky, real shit.

>> No.18387169

jesus wtf is wrong with him

>> No.18387170

>Insert solid pasta into hotdog
>boil until not hard

>> No.18387172
File: 1.47 MB, 1440x1755, Screenshot_20220901-122627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even any fucking pey wet on it

>> No.18387174

No that still makes no sense stop trolling me

>> No.18387175

I'd watch that, season finale could be set in India to make it more challenging

>> No.18387252

Hahaha I remember seeing this when he posted it years ago, the comment section went crazy.
I did discover el yucateco from it though so I ain't mad.

>> No.18387263
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>> No.18387268
File: 168 KB, 1080x1350, Pie and Mash + stewed eel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18387283

It looks nice although I don’t know why they have smeared the mash like that. The jellied eels can get to fuck though.

>> No.18387393

You do know about the high lead level in it, right?

>> No.18387440

because they're just smashing it onto the plate in a split second with a flat utensil

>> No.18387449

New Mexican here, looks delicious. Where is that?

>> No.18387526

i literally look like this dude and would probably make something like this i'd definitely put cheese on it though
what the hell

>> No.18387535

Maybe it is you and you were so stoned you’ve just forgotten about it.

>> No.18387545
File: 1.75 MB, 2586x2823, nafo-eats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is from a pro-NATO shill discord, they organize 4chan threads from there

>> No.18387560

A bowl of gravy

>> No.18387581
File: 690 KB, 1366x768, 1658367280628717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I though it and the piece to the right were made to look like a snail.

>> No.18387606

>Why are you guys picky eaters?
The thread is called hideous food so people post food that looks like dogshit
None of the posts you replied to made any comment about if they'd eat it or not

>> No.18387647


>> No.18387652

Those are chicken hearts
They are good but duck hearts are way better

>> No.18387658

3/4 of this isn't that bad

>> No.18387667

It’s a bit weird thinking about the eighty or so dead chickens required to make that sandwich.

>> No.18387671

Wouldn't have the mushy peas with it but Jacket Potato with Beans and cheese is amazing. Especially if you crisp up the skin

>> No.18387680

>never had Fray Bentos because it would destroy tin openers and slice up your fingers
>got an Oxo Good Grip and it opens them no problem

Those things could open a tank.

The Chicken Balti Fray Bentos were great but they don't make them any more.

>> No.18387685

Don't knock it till you've tried it. Suet Pudding is godly with a good thick custard.

>> No.18387697

I worked with someone whose wife made incredible cakes.

One of them was a Pie cake. It was unironically one of the nicest things I've ever tasted, an apple pie baked in the middle of a sponge cake.

>> No.18387716

you're pathetic, have a safe fall out that window bud

>> No.18387743

That looks amazing

>> No.18387788

Is that the dip can jerky shit at the liquor store

>> No.18388131

It's similar but this is called pork floss

>> No.18388141

Don't yuck people's yum !

>> No.18388148


>> No.18388160
File: 40 KB, 600x400, JUSTegg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heat of the jalenenos cooks the yard eggs

>> No.18388180
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I think my gall bladder just ejected itself into my upper GI.

>> No.18388188
File: 1.67 MB, 444x250, Cheeeeeeeeeese!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's only half of an EGG 'n' ONION...
I feel gypped.
>pic SHOULD be related

>> No.18388258
File: 70 KB, 600x493, Botata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this a week ago...

>> No.18388620

Instant mash and instant gravy are always runny when you first add the hot water. I've seen very similar machines that dispense hot chocolate. There's nothing wrong with this.

>> No.18388639

I hate to be that guy but this vid is actually a pretty solid investigation into it


>> No.18388660
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>> No.18388954

this would be at least $10 in my state

>> No.18388985

Did this really need to be half an hour

>> No.18389082


>> No.18389133

no but it was entertaining enough

>> No.18389209

Kys, death to Khazaria and death to the synagogue of satan. If you reply to this post, you automatically denounce the Talmud and Zionism.

>> No.18389222

Fuck off, Vlad.

>> No.18389253
File: 203 KB, 1200x1199, fyrefestival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18389478

It apparently needed to be longer since he has new information and is now working on a part 2.

>> No.18389940

these were good about 10 years ago before they changed the recipe

>> No.18390001


>> No.18390003
File: 874 KB, 659x926, piza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice pie

>> No.18390016
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>> No.18390021

God left us a long time ago, didn't he?

>> No.18390064
File: 150 KB, 800x643, thanksgiving-dinner-for-one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fyre Festival
That shit was hilarious, because it happened to people who weren't me.

From the thumbnail I thought that might be a turtle on the pan there

>> No.18390109

Spotted Dick is actually great, name aside. The canned stuff is a bit stodgy and flat but

>> No.18390110

That's Richard 'The Hamster' Hammond you clowns. He's from Top Gear and the Grand Tour. This is a comedy bit. He is taking the piss.

>> No.18390117

Stewed eel is great. Jellied eel sucks, yeh. But it's purely the jelly.

>> No.18390314

Now these are the most pathetic strapacky I have ever seen.
Who the fuck serves the cabbage on side and doesnt brown bacon ?

>> No.18390317


>> No.18390361

a snail made of dicks

>> No.18390444
File: 187 KB, 800x600, trinidad-doubles-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18390667

I've heard of street food but this is ridiculous!

>> No.18390677

Please tell me there's more shitty food pics from Rogan lmao

>> No.18390702

UK is mad they didn't think of it first

>> No.18390704

That's the thing, don't expect it to be good

>> No.18390705

Turtles are a vegetable

>> No.18390706
File: 214 KB, 1249x902, mU1Trk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18390708

he's a bullshit artist he doesn't have to know how to spell sauerkraut

>> No.18390715

he probably drank. he's a bro science tard but he knows eggs kill the hangover causing shit in your body

>> No.18390780

I don't get why you'd want parsley sauce if gravy is an option with your pie and mash.

I know it's traditional but gravy is just better

>> No.18390840

That looks fucking delicious.

>> No.18390843

I can't even taste it but that picture just oozes quality.

>> No.18390952

the fiber alone makes it healthy

>> No.18391007
File: 1.45 MB, 1235x730, kays good cooking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18391064
File: 1.68 MB, 1284x920, bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18391107

You are mentally ill

>> No.18391411
File: 2.48 MB, 1440x1496, 1649735640531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant believe this hasn't been posted yet

>> No.18391435

Is that grease it's surrounded by/floating in?

>> No.18391491

Why desu

>> No.18391547

sounds kinda bad, chicken hearts are often chewy and I fully expect that they would just fall out of the sandwich.

>> No.18391555

>Spyro subway

>> No.18391562

>the oreos aren't deep fried

>> No.18391581

>it appeared on a TV show not related to cooking so it must have been a joke
Deep fried spaghetti actually IS a thing in scotland you clown

>> No.18391583

i would eat this

>> No.18391586

No it isn’t.

T. Scot

>> No.18391607

Let me spread misinformation in peace

>> No.18391609

troll harder

>> No.18391613
File: 72 KB, 405x535, leaning-yogi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18391614

>$5 for that

>> No.18391645

did u order sausage

>> No.18391762

The fucking double whammy
God I miss dirty sanchez

>> No.18391826

It's at a football ground. Shit's ridiculously priced at sports places in the US, it was like $10 for a single beer when I went last

>> No.18391958

This is in the 'looks bad, is good' category, if you've actually had it.

>> No.18391972

logging in

>> No.18391983

I once had homemade enchiladas in a middle of nowhere gas station, only because it seemed like every toothless hick in town was there munching on them. I'm not sure what was in them, but they were extremely sloppy, sugary, and generally disgusting.

>> No.18392037

This nigga hanging out with the Easter bunny

>> No.18392408

No pic, but I was "gifted" a plate from some supermarket deli, it was egg rolls.

Egg rolls deep fried in pure, 100% canola oil. Dripping with it.

>> No.18392410

I've only had less than great doubles once... only once... and even their hot sauce was bad.

>> No.18392637

Based, they're best once you get down to like Alabama

>> No.18392640

I came to this video.

>> No.18392798

That looks sad as fuck.
I can't believe someone would pay money for that.

>> No.18392815

Sorry that was meant for 18381751

>> No.18392829

>spoon on a 7-11 counter top next to the soda and the trash

>> No.18393021

By rights it should be gravy, it does look ridiculously thin if it is gravy.
OTOH, you shouldn't that much grease out of 3 sausages I wouldn't have thought.

>> No.18393049
File: 918 KB, 2048x1536, God Save the Bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first attempt at making a full english pizza (I used russet potatoes to make the hashbrowns like a retard) but turned out surprisingly tasty

>> No.18393065
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, Russian Orthodox Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried making a stuffed crust with this, but the filling was a little dry (I think I was too ambitious) and the herring and beef combo was redundant. Otherwise put everything I knew was Russian on it (and cheddar cheese too because I had extra of that)

>> No.18393067

Not sure if I'd call it a pizza, but I don't hate it. Looks pretty decent, I'd enjoy a slice for breakfast.

T. American

>> No.18393071

That one actually seems really good, I'd pay money for it.

>> No.18393075
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, Das Deutsche Bräuhaus Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pizza was beautiful until I poured homemade spätzle and white beer sauce on top of it. It was damn tasty and the frankfurters stuffed in the crust was as if the crust were a bun for you to put sauerkraut and mustard on it.

>> No.18393087

Based Euro 'za Anon, I'd eat it

>> No.18393097


It was also my first attempt at a weird pizza. I did it to celebrate Brexit's resolution, but I think next time I would make a more definitive crust (was why some of the juices seeped down from the dough) and stuff it like a proper English pasty or pie that would go well with the full english.


It was actually quite tasty, but I can think of a lot of things to improve it with. For instance, redoing the dumpling filling in the crust in a way that adds to the pizza.