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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18383505 No.18383505 [Reply] [Original]

>Enjoy cooking every day
>Depression kicks in
>Stop putting the effort in
>Forget what I used to cook and go back to simple shit

It still helps to cook as I'm doing something but it's lost its meaning and I've lost my passion

What's your go to depression meals, depressed bros?

>> No.18383528

Recently my depression meals have been things that I can make a comfy cook along thread for. It forces me to try and I end up with food I wouldn’t have made otherwise because of depression.
Just fake it til you make it

>> No.18383538

>What's your go to depression meals, depressed bros?
overpriced premade shit from the grocery store

>> No.18383551

a entire bag of tortilla chips -no dip
my lips swell from the salt

>> No.18383571

twice baked potatoes are easy, and no need to put them back in the skins. i use a lb of fiesta cheese (a 4 cheese blend) from walmart per 5lb and a 16 oz thing of sour cream. mix it all together to a consistency rebaje for 20 min, cheesy potato goodness

>> No.18383575

also i forgot to mention white potatoes are the tastiest imo, forget russet and idaho when making

>> No.18383578

also take the skins off after baking, add cheeses and sour cream, mix with washed hands, then rebake

>> No.18383587

Find someone to cook for, anon. It Unironically helps fight off the depression and you end up getting to eat well in the end. Doesn't have to be a gf, can be family, a friend, or even just a neighbor or something.

>> No.18383597

Or random anons on /ck/

>> No.18383601

I had a gf (female) I cooked for but she only ever wanted absolute basic shit. My family are weird eaters and my dad is the only one who looks forward to my cooking.

>> No.18383613

True, you could cook for the anons on /ck/. It's a lot easier to do it if you have an irl person in mind though. It's very easy to let yourself down when you think you don't matter/your life doesn't matter. But if you know someone who you think DOES matter, it's a lot harder to be okay with letting them down. Quick and easy motivation right there. Plus, it will probably make their day, and that warmth alone will help get you through another day/week/whatever.

>> No.18383619

Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you then. Make it a project/challenge to find interesting sounding recipes that still cater to their tastes. I swear by this method, it's helped me through some rough times. Hope things improve for you.

>> No.18383649

Yeah, irl is probs way better. I’d love to cook for other people everyday but idk how to bring it up to my friends. Even if it was once every few weeks I think it’d go a long way to making me feel better about cooking.
But since idfk how to bring this up, I just making /ck/ threads instead. It’s actually gotten me to cook for myself again after a few months of low effort cooking.

>> No.18383752

ramen stir fry

>> No.18383754

two chicken thighs in an air fryer for 30 minutes because I don't have the energy to turn them over midcook so I could overcook them less

>> No.18383769
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>What's your go to depression meals, depressed bros?
cold cans of chili, frozen meals and store brand knockoffs of dr pepper

>> No.18383792

>What's your go to depression meals, depressed bros?

McDonalds or KFC through Just Eat. I can’t be tossed cooking when I am depressed.

>> No.18383832

>store brand knockoffs of dr pepper
Walmarts brand is actually pretty good

>> No.18383839

is that DR THUNDER?!

>> No.18383847

Quesadillas. I just heat a pan, grate the cheese, throw in the uncooked tortilla, then turn off the heat and add in a bit of butter to the pan + the cheese in the tortilla. Takes maybe 5 minutes and it reminds me of my childhood.

>> No.18383850

yea last time i had it at least, but i'm more of a root beer kind of guy

>> No.18383891

>What's your go to depression meals, depressed bros?
Depends. If I can help it I don't make depression foods - depression is a spiral. You get depressed so you stop cooking, you stop cooking so you eat worse, you eat worse so you get more depressed. Next you stop cleaning your room, stop paying attention to hygiene, rarely leave your bed etc.

If you can't do that, there's layers you can descend down:
- instead of lavish meals make smaller, simpler foods, like stir fries, eggs, tomato fried egg, shakushka, stuff like that.
- If that's not possible all the time, prep stuff. You can make a batch of pasta sauce for 3-4 days easy, and reap the benefits over the week making cooking a 15 minute affair or less (depending on the pasta)
- if that's not an option, make very basic meals from fresh ingredients. A bowl with peas, cheese, garlic, corn, deenz or similar and nuke it. Also potates can be cooked in a microwave bag (or just a container in the microwave) and are relatively healthy.
- if that's not an option, canned or frozen foods. Chilis are cheap and healthy, as are some soups. Frozen food is usually less good if it's processed, but better than nothing.

>> No.18383986

Ramen with spicy peanutbutter sauce is delicious and simple as hell - and the little question of "how spicy do I want to make this tonight" is something a decision you get to make, which helps put you together again.

"Aglio e olio" sounds like you made something impressive if you ever talk to someone about it but it's pasta tossed in lots of olive oil, butter, garlic, and cheese. Add chicken, add red pepper flakes.

And not a meal but for baking banana bread is the ultimate "I want to make a loaf of something but can't even do a knead, much less multiple rises." Mash up nanners, add butter and sweets, baking soda, flour, stir it all up and bake until done. People like being given banana bread more than regular bread too.

>> No.18384025

Low effort things.
Eggs in pan.
Pasta with groceries sauce.
Steamed vegetables.
Bread and cheese/rillettes.

>> No.18384048

>Tfw just went and bought some groceries and as soon as I got back home I feel like shit and can't be bothered to cook.

>> No.18384059

i read that as Eggs in pain.

>> No.18384073

When you think about it, we are all iust eggs in pain. An eggistential crisis if you will.

>> No.18384076

Just keep cooking, you don't even have to enjoy it, the important thing is to give yourself good nutrition
be depressed, hate it, but eat good food.

>> No.18384081

the eggsplains a lot

>> No.18384105

Eggsactly my point

>> No.18384114

i keep a salt shaker by my bed and just shake a little in my hand lick it and take a sip of water

>> No.18384148

Got a recipe for that? It sounds like a lot of work.

>> No.18384175

the trick is to fill a used taco bell cup and let it sit there till it tastes like your breath

>> No.18384188

Wouldn't it be quicker if I just drooled into the cup?

>> No.18384193

you don't drool when you take a sip?

>> No.18384199

I wait until I sip and then I drool it back into the cup so I have an unlimited drink.

>> No.18384679

Just tell a friend how you're feeling. Say you're depressed and you want to get passionate about cooking again, and say it would help if you had someone to cook for. Then just ask if there was ever a recipe they wanted to try, and see if you can make it for em. You can do this man!

>> No.18384738

Thanks for the encouragement anon, I might give it a shot.

I really wish I was more comfortable bringing stuff up like this with friends tho. I usually keep things to myself and rarely ask for help. Maybe I'll come up with some reason to have them over, then talk more open about why I want to cook for people over dinner.

>> No.18384751

Never make something and then invite them, ask them first or you could make food and they have already eaten or are not interested and you'll feel even worse.

>> No.18384753

>in a bad mood
>nothing in the house to cook
>go to supermarket to get something for dinner
>nothing really grabs me
>this somehow makes me feel even more like shit.

>> No.18384765

I forced myself out earlier to buy food and make something. I felt good st the time but as soon as I got home I felt like shit again and didn't cook any of it and sat in the dark instead.

>> No.18384774


>> No.18384788

Oh ye, for sure. Invites first, then worry about whether I have make something or not

>> No.18384794

Microwave penis pot pie.

>> No.18384859

I've lost a lot of weight by changing my diet radically, but I miss eating like a diabetic lardass. Self control is fucking awful, so I extend my will to live for another few days by ordering something maliciously unhealthful.

>> No.18384890

You're doing good Anon, keep it up.

What kind of recipes do they recommend?

>> No.18385131

bretty accurate

>> No.18385219

Ain't nobody recommending nothin'.
But if you want some comfort food it's hard to go wrong with tuna noodle casserole. With crushed potato chips on top.

>> No.18385223
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>What's your go to depression meals
A dozen Miller LITE beers

>> No.18385240

Wtf, is this a meme?

>> No.18385406

the entire stars and stripes line is the shit

>> No.18385578

at the local grocery store they sell bags of frozen nasi goreng, which is cheap, good and 0 effort.
red lentil stew is braindead easy, cheap and warms me up during winter. just add spices of your choice, and if you're feeling like putting in some effort, maybe fry a chopped onion in the pot you're making the stew in, and toss in some chopped carrots when it's boiling.
also seeing a pan sauce or roux thickened cream sauce coming together always feels really good to me, and it's not that difficult or labor intensive, since I usually just make it in the dirty pan where i cooked the main dish in.

>> No.18385604

no its really good if you like shitty canned tuna and noodles. my mom used to cook it when I was a kid because we were poor white trash.

>> No.18385787

rice and canned beans with a fuck ton of paprika, garlic salt, red pepper and a bit of cayenne

>> No.18385852

>you didn't want your dick to work ever again, did you bro?

>> No.18385949

I love to cook my 3 year old quesadillas but hes gotten so used to my cooking, asked him if he'd rather me make him a quesadilla or a gyro(what we were having) for dinner, he ended up eating the whole gyro with a side of rice. Quesadillas are for children.

>> No.18386893

This post sounds poetic, are you a writer

>> No.18386923

a whole rotisserie chicken from local grocery store

>> No.18387187

I could go for one now.

>> No.18387222

>Depression kicks in
>Eat boiled eggs for breakfast
>Pasta for lunch
>Only do tray bakes for dinner
How do I get my motivation back bros?

>> No.18387231

I live with a friend and cook for the both of us because I like cooking. He only does his dishes once a week. I've lost all motivation to cook now.

>> No.18387240

Bust a nut, it helped me.

>> No.18387253


>> No.18387257

Motivation is for women and gays. Men move forward through discipline

>> No.18387258

Fondling or eating?

>> No.18387260

Ironically a bit after posting itt two of my friends invited me over last minute for chili. Very comfy, I told them we should do this more often. It’s cool how things work out sometimes.

>> No.18387267
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Havent thought about thag. Why not both

>> No.18387282

literally me

>> No.18387291

>insert cheese
>microwave 15 seconds
>roll and eat

about the most i can muster during sad times

>> No.18387445
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I made an effort and made this today, depression bros

>> No.18387615

What spices did you use? It looks good.

>> No.18387640

Mince pork, onions, carrot, green pepper, garlic, ginger, teriyaki sauce mixed with gochujang and Singapore noodles and nori seaweed.

It turned out pretty good and I feel better for doing it.

>> No.18387657

I'm just realising I should have added an egg.

>> No.18387664


Gonna avoid carbs (been trying to do keto) but everything else is a good guide for dishes using other meats.


>> No.18387683

Enjoy it Anon and good luck on your diet.

>> No.18388031

Take a look at st johns wort. Its pretty good against depressive mood.

>> No.18388038


>> No.18388044

the best way to do keto is to oversalt everything so your body begins to hate food in general

>> No.18388068

Just make yourself some nachos.

>> No.18388144

A short post from (you)
Lips swell from the kek

>> No.18388154

I find drugs and alcohol help a lot.

>> No.18388469 [DELETED] 

deenz and sweet buns
sometimes liver pate
eated like this for two months

>> No.18388591
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Fuck man...I just eat the dry ramen outta the package after sprinkling the seasoning on it...
Other than that, just shit outta cans---
What's the point, anyway.

>> No.18388659

For some reason I always resort to wasy breakfast shit
eggs, canned corn beef and hash, pancakes out of the box just add water.
boxes of cereal, quick oatmeal
I'll eat breakfast shit for every meal when I'm bummed.

>> No.18388706

I like canned corn elote. Heat the corn in a bowl in the microwave. Then mix with a spoon mayo, lime juice, chili powder, parmesan cheese. Very easy, tasty, and doesn't make me feel sick. Makes me feel like I made food without much work.

>> No.18388741

red bull while watching brazilian machete videos
>but you drink red bull and watch brazilian machete videos every day!

>> No.18388812

My depre meal is soda, nissin cup noodles with valentina sauce and lemon (or lime, whatever you cal it) and any hot crunchy snack, think of flamin hot stuff or cheesy stuff with sauce.

>> No.18388817

Canned corn is the worst way to make esquites/elote in a vase. Just look for regular corn, get some epazote and salt and boil that shit, it is like a million times better. Trust me, certified mexa here.

>> No.18388889
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Sounds sadly smashable...

>> No.18388892
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Or maybe not--would've been a SAD get

>> No.18388912
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Jesus SAVE ME...I can't do Anything right.

>> No.18389568
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cracklin oat bran and whole milk and a cooked from raw frozen chicken kiev, maybe some frozen steamed peas under the kiev if I'm feeling wholesome

>> No.18389575

They dont really help, just makes you incoherent and unable to think clearly, and even more depressed when you cant get your daily hit.

>> No.18389701

For me, it’s gotta be eating nothing for days on end and only getting by on cigarettes, alcohol, and coffee/energy drinks. I look like a fucking prisoner of war.

>> No.18389778

Basically same, except I quit smoking cigs a few years ago. If I'm depressed, starving and broke with only a couple bucks to my name, I always find myself spending it on beer instead of actual food. I've lived off of calories from beer and pasta quite a lot.

>> No.18389861

Yeah but there's no better pain relief at the time.

>> No.18390439

washed open deenz can on a plate with a dollop of mustard and 3 crackers for me

>> No.18391090

Anything in a tortilla is pure lazy depression food for me. "Mexican" hot dog, pb+j, bean burrito.
t. not even hispanic

>> No.18391108

>With crushed potato chips on top
You know what the fuck you're talking about, anon.

>> No.18391186

>Forget what I used to cook and go back to simple shit
Maybe write down what you cook next time so you don't forget.

>> No.18391191

>What's your go to depression meals, depressed bros?
small bag of microwave rice that I threw some jalapenos, soy sauce and chicken chunks into.
finished it off with half a can of rice pudding seasoned with old dusty cinnamon and nutmeg.
its the only thing I've ate today, I seriously can't be arsed to cook or eat

>> No.18391907

eggs with cheese and salsa on the side

>> No.18392196

>"Aglio e olio" sounds like you made something impressive if you ever talk to someone about it but it's pasta tossed in lots of olive oil, butter, garlic, and cheese.
Aglio e olio is just olive oil, garlic and red pepper.

You don't serve it with cheese nor do you use butter on it.

>> No.18392302

cereal mostly, or eggs and some toast

used to do this but not having a shit for nearly a week terrifies me. Heard horror stories about that

>> No.18392483
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Dal bhat. Yesterday morning (or maybe the morning before?) I fried three cups of dried red lentils in butter, curry power, hot english mustard, garam masala, habanero flakes and some suspiciously old gochujang paste in a big saucepan. Added around 12 cups of water and a ton of tumeric and left it on the stovetop on the lowest setting and forgot about it while being a degenerate alcoholic for the next ~30 hours. I just came out of a coma this morning and it smells amazing. The rice only takes 10mins in the rice cooker when I'm ready to handle solid food

>> No.18392803

>How do I get my motivation back bros?
start speed running xbox 360 games.

>> No.18394252

this, deli chicken (discounted after a certain evening hour) with a 4 pack of steelies
living the dream.

>> No.18394304

>finally go shopping
>get a bag of chicken patties
>wind up eating none of the other food
>go back to the store just for buns and more patties
>other stuff has gone bad

>> No.18394690
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I had just put this on white bread bc they were close to my bed. It gave me such bad acid reflux that I accidentally aspirated the regurgitated sauce. It filled my lungs, so I was also drowning and burning simultaneously

>> No.18394923

My depression meals were Uber eats and door dash.. but I can’t afford that anymore so it feels like cooking is one big depression meal because I feel poor. :(

I have wings and Mac/cheese on the menu and should be frosting a cake. It’s fun once I get into it but I’m realizing that I have expensive taste and need to level it up I guess lol.

>> No.18394965

Tony's pizzas got me through my depressed 20's, They used to be better than red baron, then they got shitty for a long time. Now they are a little better again but still not as good as before.

>> No.18395002

Rice/corn waffles, tomato juice. Canned beans mixed with olive oil and spices (+ optionally rice) and microwaved. Lard with cracklings + salt (+ optionally bread)

>> No.18395554

im playing oblivion atm though not speedrunning it

>> No.18395715
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peanut butter and jelly on corn crackers
then 1/3 of a Doordash meal over the day
1/2 liter of cheap vodka
a sprinkle of cigarettes

>> No.18395728

tfw my ex got incredibly depressed and had an eating disorder and I tried my best to keep her eating but it was one of the hardest things I've ever done

>> No.18395983

> xbox 360 games.
that's awfully specific. Why those?

>> No.18396001

when i get depression i get eating disorders too. I literally cannot eat food unless it's pulverised to mush and i can force swallow it, and even then it's hard. The less flavor the better also. Its like constantly feeling full after a meal.

>> No.18396864

I grill my corn and then use mayo, tajin, cotija and a couple dashes of smoked paprika. Shit is delicious

>> No.18397708

my depression meals are just eating plain bread, red wine and vitamins