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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18378068 No.18378068 [Reply] [Original]

I have 6lbs of ground pork in my fridge that I don't know what to do with.

>> No.18378080

pork burger is delicious. better than beef.
ditto tacos.

if you make a simple pie crust you can have pork pies.

>> No.18378096
File: 111 KB, 1200x1799, Hakka Tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on making this soon. It's only mildly laborious, but it's pork-stuffed tofu. Don't use the wrong type or the cubes will break.

>> No.18378098


>> No.18378100
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speaking of tofu, mapo tofu is also very good.

>> No.18378145


>> No.18378158


>> No.18378205

ground pork and ground chicken and ground turkey seems really alien to my upbringing. turkey was usually served as a whole turkey. chicken was served in every other way besides grounded. pork was served in every way besides grounded.

>> No.18378220

thank you for your blog, anon-dono.

>> No.18378299

Ground pork is very versatile. I like it more than ground beef for many recipes. I use it often in my pasta sauces. Either bolognese or a creamy sauce with mushrooms.
If you're feeling lazy you can just make a hash. Cubes of potatoes, onion, peppers with the browned pork, seasoned however you like.
Miso pork or nikumiso is also pretty good in lettuce wraps or just on rice.
It makes a good filling for dumplings, stuffed mushrooms, or stuffed peppers.

>> No.18378379

i think ground turkey/pork/chicken is for restaurants or buffets. if you are using this shit at home I think you are mentally disturbed.

>> No.18378395
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>> No.18378425
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>> No.18378437

I just made stuffed cabbage rolls with pork instead of lamb because the pork was $5 cheaper. Pretty tasty.

>> No.18380027

Look up sausage seasonings and make frikadellen with it.

>> No.18380292

I've only even sued ground beef for chilli. Should I change the spices when using pork?

>> No.18380413

Saute some onions amd garlic, throw in the meat,salt, pepper, lots of pepper, cook it until water evaporates, fry it some. Add chicken stock and a lot of sauerkraut, cook 15 minutes or so, add 200ml creme fraich or so, stir it well, bring to a boil, cook until desired thickness of the liquid is achieved. Serve it with beer.

>> No.18381103

Alton Brown has a pork meatball bhan mi that's pretty dope.

>> No.18381107

Isn't all pork from the ground?

>> No.18381154

Make boudin, you huge gay.

>> No.18381277

Dumplings g

>> No.18381294
File: 171 KB, 2400x1350, 9E2C8260-23B4-4A8F-9957-E8DF10573FF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a scale if you don’t have one, stop being a chud and buy a kitchen scale. Get small sandwich sized freezer bags and split the pork into 1 pound chunks and out each chuck into its own bag, flatten the pork in the bag then stack in your freezer. When you want dinner just pull out a bag and let it thaw in the fridge the night before you want to cook it.

>> No.18382025

this dumb motherfucker needs a scale to split meat into six portions.

>> No.18382031

not when pigs fly!!

>> No.18382134

>the average /ck/ poster

>> No.18382150

Egg Rolls

>> No.18382158

Steamed dumplings or dan dan noodles.

>> No.18383128

Ground pork takes on flavours really quickly. It's good in Chinese cooking.
Fry the pork a bit, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, minced ginger, minced garlic, salt, pepper, sugar, almost any combination thereof, and then add a vegetable of your choice. You can add chilli to make it spicy, you can add cornstarch mixed with cold water to turn any excess oil into a nice sauce. You can serve it with noodles or rice. It's nice to cook the noodles, drain them, put the dish on top and mix it all up. And like others said, it's really nice with tofu.
Also, you don't have to add a vegetable. You can just fry the pork with the aforementioned sauces/seasonings and then put that in your noodles. You can put it on ramen even.
Another thing is meatballs, spring rolls and dumplings. Dumplings can be a bit of a pain to make, but spring rolls aren't. In Asian supermarkets, you can get premade spring roll wrappers. Mix your pork with some sauces/seasonings + an appropriate finely chopped vegetable (leek, mushroom, whatever), put a bit in the wrapper, roll it up, fry it on low. Really easy and nice.
Meatballs are very simple too. Minced pork in bowl, salt, pepper, little cornstarch. You can either add minced ginger, or make ginger/onion water by putting ginger and spring onions (or leeks) in water and warming it up in the microwave then letting it cool, or just leaving it for a while on its own to infuse, then putting that cooled water in with the meat. Or you can just put in a little cold water. Add some soy sauce, and mix the meat mixture until it is sort of a wobbly consistency, then you form the balls, boil them, fry them, bung them in the freezer and take them out for a nice addition to soup, hot pot, ramen, whatever you are having, since they defrost whilst cooking quite quickly. Nice to have in the freezer.
Honestly pork mince is a lot better than beef mince since beef is tougher and doesn't absorb other flavours as well. That's what I find anyway.

>> No.18383130

>put them in the freezer
I mean, you cook them first, let them cool, then freeze them. Otherwise it gets messy.

>> No.18383163

gyoza, jiaoze, chebureki, cibörek, pirogie, meata pie-a etc.

>> No.18383164

ground poultry is just plain wrong