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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 900x899, unnamed-autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18374107 No.18374107 [Reply] [Original]

>nutmegs into your life
>and your heart

>> No.18374112

I love this man and the fools he made fools of so much.

>> No.18374133

Orange fool, /pol/ retardation, chud, tranny etc. I saved you all a thread.

>> No.18374158

Especially after you see his follow up, and that there's no real basis to these memes.


>> No.18374194

You have no clue how much bitches love nutmeg.
I’ve gotten laid so many times breaking out my nutmeg grinder at bars and restaurants.
Some girl will be all like “what is that”
And I’m like “lol baby it’s called meg… NUT meg.. “ and then I’ll hold the nutmeg under my nose and savor its delicious aroma.
And then she’ll look at me, and lick her lips with wide eyes… “c-can I smell it?”
“Oh darling I’m not sure you can handle it”
“p-please, sir?”
And I’ll hold my meg up to her nose, and tell her go take it easy. She’ll inhale the fresh aroma, and her eyes will roll back in her head, and she’ll audibly moan.. and often cover her mouth with her hands in embarrassment when she realizes the noise she made.
Then, like clockwork, she asks “m-may I taste it?”
And I’ll hold my nutmeg grater over her drink.
*shrick* *shhhhrick* *shhhrrriiiccck*, as my slows, she’s visibly tensing up and biting her lip.
She takes a sip of her drink, and it’s all she can do to stifle her moans. Her legs shake and her toes visibly curl, straining the straps of her sandals.
Nutmeg. Don’t leave home without it.

>> No.18374223
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>when you nutmeg and she keeps on savoring the flavors and the aromas of the 18th century

>> No.18374249

nutmeg is not that great alone.
pumpkin pie spice is better.

>> No.18374265
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what a fool

>> No.18374275
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>> No.18374306
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>ywnba brick mold

>> No.18374351

Seeing people bending over to work makes me whince.

>> No.18375023


>> No.18375032

"Ogre of a man"

>> No.18375519
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>> No.18375535

unorinically i feel bad for him

>> No.18375550
File: 142 KB, 750x588, 0B822804-22BB-4BD7-A371-5132E0F0A9EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife made the recipe from pic related and it was pretty good. Need to get her to do it again sometime soon.

>> No.18375794

These are some top tier feet, she could make so much money as a whore

>> No.18375936

He only did that to quell the troll army. It was all good, he's a true Christian conservative which is why he's so disgusted by the orange retard man.

>> No.18375961
File: 197 KB, 1636x853, 523EB945-36EB-4CC1-B4E8-448F64DD2248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one had even posted in this thread and already you retards are screaming about it being ruined by pol.

>> No.18377018

nutmeg is so amazing

>> No.18377028

I can't believe Ryan gets to fuck that every night

>> No.18377111

Are you frustrated

>> No.18377171


>> No.18377189

based forced-townsends-to-lock-comments-on-youtube poster

>> No.18377196


>> No.18377206

>tries to show he's not a 2016 tourist
>posts touristjack
So this is the power of /pol/ intellectuals.

>> No.18377329

That video was damage control
he did orange fool on purpose

>> No.18377423

Would ask her father for her hand and move with her into the territories to set up a homestead

>> No.18377438

>Literally Handmaiden's Tale

>> No.18377448

Huh? Its just bad for your back, you always want to either work at a table or squat to reach things

>> No.18377488
File: 1.18 MB, 598x763, was it autism.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more Ivy kino

>> No.18377491


>> No.18377497

you one of those pedophiles?

>> No.18377535
File: 531 KB, 1043x422, Curry Time!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking nice. We dethawed a few pounds of chicken and were looking for a good quick recipe. I'm making this tonight. Thanks anon.

>> No.18377618
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>> No.18377630

What's the meme with orange fool again? Did I miss it?
also, why are people coping about pol again, didn't we have this autistic freakout like 3 months ago?

>> No.18378447


>> No.18379558
File: 92 KB, 699x463, 1637096373029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even good? What does it taste like? Is it a strong taste? He doesn't add much of it, he just adds it often

>> No.18380069

He had an episode about some drink or whatever called orange fool, coincidentally while TRUMP aka ORANGE MAN (bad) was president, so obviously the TDS crowd (both sides) got triggered

>> No.18380078
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>> No.18380151
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>> No.18380159

It's probably closest to cinnamon or clove. I don't know what you call that type of flavor. I like it though. Go get some and try it, though you'll probably recognize it as a major flavor in pumpkin pie and other fall foods.

>> No.18380270
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Two more years!

>> No.18380488

I've been watching since 2015. I fucking love this guy so much. He warms the soul.

>> No.18380523

why isn't she wearing any shoes?

>> No.18380549
File: 381 KB, 592x436, 1654715533852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried a few of his recipes and they've all been legit, except one (that I probably just need to do better):

>breaded fried chicken with fried french parsley
the fried parsley is really nice actually
>baked onion
like a baked potato, but an onion. I highly recommend doing this whenever baking potatoes. do it on foil, though.
>breaded and fried boiled eggs
this came out weird but I might have just not fried it long enough. it's just like a tiger egg with extra steps. should be a really good drunk food once mastered, though.

>> No.18380581

>These are some top tier feet
And working in that sand is exfoliating the hell out of them. They’d probably the the softest soles you’ve ever touched.

>> No.18381050

>less videos with Jon, more with the ugly_bastard
What's going on lads? They can't just take him away from us.

>> No.18381248
File: 189 KB, 1161x851, DD1E7008-093E-46EA-9373-EFED06367106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve not done it with the straight up boiled chicken, we pretty much put it over leftover grilled chicken we had from the day before but the sauce really surprised me. We’re thinking next time we’ll either make the sauce itself a bit thinner or just make more overall because I like having a lot of anything akin to gravy.

>> No.18381336

Seek therapy

>> No.18381350

I-I need to fill my work with sand

>> No.18381384

>I'll show them I'm not a newfag by calling everybody that calls me an election tourist a gamergate tourist
I swear to fucking Christ giving retards outside of first world cities access to the internet was a mistake that will end the world. Damn you, Steve Jobs.

>> No.18381429

She knows what she's doing

>> No.18381447

Good I hope he did it on purpose. Fuck that nigger trump, all he did was steal and make america look like retards.

>> No.18381449

You mean he's a politician?

>> No.18381461

she looks like that bitch from house of the dragon

>> No.18381471

Scrubs funeral picture

>> No.18381546

this is his daughter right? she looks a lot like him. i could never not see that.

>> No.18381638

Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

That's why the orange fool thing was confusing. It was the woman's idea (he co-hosted that episode with a woman who works on a living history place), not his. He is deeply homophobic (hence his appeals to tradition and a prior time when gay people were coincidentally all pressured even more so than now to be closeted), and knows if his personal political beliefs got out, he would be cancelled, so he couldn't come out and say "yeah orange fool was her idea I love Trump", and that's why it got messy.

He's obsessed with tradition because white straight men feel threatened that now they aren't the only ones allowed to have power.

The odds that this man supports the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in places of public accommodation (businesses open to the general public with physical storefronts) - ARE NIL

>> No.18381682


>> No.18381684

I heard it here

>> No.18381712
File: 119 KB, 1260x784, 1653950524012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(hence his appeals to tradition and a prior time when gay people were coincidentally all pressured even more so than now to be closeted)
Nothing from before 2012 is allowed, chuds!

>> No.18381749

Extra points for calling Pepe "reddit frog".

>> No.18381764
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>> No.18381791

He did it as a collaboration with some historical society so it's not like he even picked it himself. People are reaching.

>> No.18381875

Fuck this raging faggot. I use to watch all his videos until that orange fool stunt

>> No.18381910

>Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.
Based if true. Do you have any proof?

>> No.18381913

What amount of inbreeding would produce a family of look-alikes?

>> No.18381917
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Did his channel loose any subscribers after his political stunt?

>> No.18381930
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>> No.18381958

Maybe for a week, but all the attention the retard screaming brought probably increased his popularity overall, I meam the channel and his business is still up and running

>> No.18382396

I heard it here

>> No.18382398

king Nut

>> No.18383298

>16 year olds are children
Do Americans really?

>> No.18384132

reminds me of the vvitch

>> No.18384151
File: 75 KB, 295x573, 4C05B3C3-749B-4316-BE3D-FCA933AA3377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because exactly as >>18381429 said.
A true trad woman knows how to attract a man of patrician taste.
Pic related. Also knows exactly what she’s doing.

>> No.18384155

Every 16-year-old girl on the planet has had miles of cock inside her.
Yes, even that cute quiet one from school that you like.

>> No.18384162

Anon, while 16 year olds are legal to fuck here, adults tend to leave school

>> No.18384181

No, just the retards who pretend to be virtuous and “think of the children” when, in fact, they’re such degenerates that they don’t even realize their concept of “legal age” is based on porn regulations. 16 is fine in like 2/3rds of states. A few are 17, and there’s like 10 shitholes where it’s 18.

>> No.18384213
File: 490 KB, 1288x1448, Can_you_goyim_please_not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're alive! That's a damn shame

>> No.18384255

She's legal here, consequently I would fill all her holes with hot piss if I could

>> No.18384318

Is she forced to live like an Amish, or does she have a normal life?

>> No.18384419

Yes and yes!

>> No.18384893

>be me, Revolutionary War reenactor
>sometimes cute, teenage to young adult girls join
>period correct clothing down to the shoes
>they hate the shoes so they walk around barefoot
>still in cute outfits, not caked with makeup, and just happily having a good time with no shoes on
>go to the port-a-potty and blow my load everytime
I was born in the wrong century bros.

>> No.18384954

Damn his wife is hot as fuck

>> No.18385256

It's not really his fault. Frontier recipes included a lot of fucking nutmeg. It was seen as a peasant spice back in the day so it was cheap and easily sourced.

>> No.18385438

>it's okay to make your children into literal slaves as long as it's for a youtube channel

>> No.18385488

>t. his stepdad made him cut the grass once
Yes, it is perfectly fine to make your kids work for the family business.

>> No.18385593

>noooo you can't make thing you literally created do work for you

>> No.18385619


>> No.18385624


>> No.18385626

the qrd is don't be fucking new

>> No.18385647

I heard a different story, that he is a coke fueled degen and so was his dad, his family has so much power in the town everyone just has to put up with it, he sleeps around on his wife, drunk drives, and shoved a broomstick handle up someone's ass in a bar once

>> No.18385648
File: 87 KB, 680x633, 767A4A71-48AD-4851-908C-3A0DC9105098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry am from /o/

>> No.18385775

dont worry its meaningless "drama" from 20 fucking 17

>> No.18385793

>guy makes video about a drink called orange fool
>trump army gets upset
that's it

>> No.18385801

I literally dont care about his politics
I just wish he wasnt such a pussy about it
>make political video
>puss out and dont commit and pretend to be completely aloof

>> No.18385850

It obviously had nothing to do with Trump, only way you could think otherwise is if you were a massive schizo

>> No.18385974

Are there any other youtubers like him?
I like the format where the host cooks a dish and tells a historical story related to that dish.

>> No.18386091

>this came out weird but I might have just not fried it long enough. it's just like a tiger egg with extra steps. should be a really good drunk food once mastered, though.
in the philippines, we do this with quail eggs andbatter instead of breading. it's good drinking food and hangover recovery food

>> No.18386120

Tasting History with Max Miller. His recipes inhabit a far wider historical period, but to be honest, they aren't as good or practical to make. Hope you like asafeotida and garum

>> No.18386213

fuck I always thought he was an incel...I'm happy for him, but I always thought of him as a kindred spirit. Shoulda known he was rollin in puss

>> No.18386246

What AI filter did you use to turn him into a little girl?

>> No.18386248

Lmao she looks exactly like him

>> No.18386341
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>> No.18388072

I see nutmeg dudes pulling this shit nonstop and they're bringing new bitches into the bar every other day.

>> No.18388691
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>> No.18388973

normies, yeah. they dont realize a 16yo girl has a developed body and brain, so people flip out when they act their age so they act like preteens. meanwhile doctors/med students will happily marry 16-20 years old girls.

>> No.18389023


>> No.18389361

He was doing a collab series with Mt. Vernon. The Mt. Vernon people chose a recipe called Orange Fool for the video released on July 4th and a bunch of people perceived it as an attack on Trump (which it was TBF, but not by Townsend). Discord trannies who think they're owning the chuds will not shut up about it to this day.

>> No.18389366

Is the HRT rotting your brain or something? It's normal for children to resemble their parents.

>> No.18390473

Illegitimate child detected

>> No.18390521

Townsend got a clear kick out of it though, you can tell in the video. And his follow up after the shitstorm happened even moreso. The thing is, Jon Townsend is a very religious person and like most genuine Christians was very put off by Trump.

>> No.18390593

Getting popular means getting closer to the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.18390694

Townsend was traumatized by the modern politics shitshow intruding into his hobby/business. He was enamored with the Orange Fool episode, just like he was enamored with all the Mt. Vernon episodes. That collab series was a dream come true for him, but those faggots just had to ruin it because Orange Man bad. You might fool a random cu/ck/ or two with this bullshit, but anyone who actually watches Townsend knows that he was the real victim in that drama.

>> No.18390753

My favorite variety of orange is the Orange Fool. It's a hybrid of calemondin and mandarin native to Indiana.

>> No.18390779

Ohh don't get me wrong, I know the shitstorm caused him a lot of grief that he didn't expect, but he knew full well that the orange fool was a jab, he just underestimated how bonkers Trump supporters were, especially the ones who followed him and assumed that because he's Christian and conservative that he must be a Trump supporter.

>> No.18390785

But he really is orange and has tiny hands tee hee

>> No.18390792

He is very orange and very foolish, it's true.

>> No.18390807

tee hee

>> No.18390973

This dumb fucker always dresses like a pirate. like grow the fuck up man. Doesn't even use a stove, just fire like a caveeman. Whats his probelm

>> No.18392403

Townsend is way too autistic to intentionally contaminate his content with non-18th century politics. He's been going for like 10 years now and he never did it before that or again after. He was like a kid at Disney Land during the entire Mt. Vernon collab, and the jab just flew over his head. He titled the video "A Drink Fit for the Washingtons." He would not have done that if he was reading even slightly between the lines.

>> No.18392425
File: 133 KB, 1024x704, Townsends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's his Daughter anon...
Amazing how good nutmeg really is.
it has that weird citrusy taste too.
I've made at least 9 of those recipes.
I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of Ryan--He seems like a good guy, I just...

>> No.18392494

He trusted a woman to come up with a recipe and didn’t do his due diligence, then had to quell outrage from his mostly conservative fans. He knows better now but he should’ve been redpilled on the woman question long before this.

>> No.18392501

/ckpol/ really can't talk about any history that isn't haploautism and milshit can they lel

>> No.18392538

Having a good hobby is so perverse to the average subhuman on this site that they can't help themselves but claw at anyone who has it like demonic fiends. I feel sorry for most of the people here.

>> No.18392605

Damn, his genes completely cucked his wife out of any similarity. All of his grandsons are going to look like little clones of him

>> No.18392608

Okay? Glad to know a statement of facts pinched a nerve

>> No.18392613
File: 41 KB, 500x500, avatars-000004295205-4hwoqw-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>popular, successful YouTuber with a thriving business living the dream
>is fit
>has wife/kids
>/ck/ rages
Like pottery errytime

>> No.18392629

>which it was
And the mental illness continues

>> No.18392809

just bend your knees for fucks sake.

>> No.18392919

He was fully aware of it the whole time. Attempting to pin it on her like it's all her fault and he had no idea tries to make him look like a clueless idiot who got one pulled over on him by some nasty woman. Watch the original video again. He's in on the joke, he knows full well what he's doing. But again, he underestimated how batshit crazy Trump supporters were, especially at that time, and the shitstorm it would cause. Hence why he was so "frustrated" and rightly so. Even if someone does support Trump this was the lightest of jabs, to troll his comments as much as they did and try to ruin a good man over it is the real issue at hand.

>> No.18393141

Those weren't Townsend viewers, the video was posted on /r/thedonald by a drama tourist.

Who do you think you're fooling? Anyone that's watched a single Townsend video can easily tell that he's an aspie who's completely absorbed in his character from start to finish every video, not some millennial schizo whose entire life revolves around Trump.

>> No.18393226

thats the first time he doesn't look sweaty

>> No.18393235
File: 2.66 MB, 2436x1378, townsends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna buy his nut

>> No.18393265
File: 681 KB, 348x562, churning butter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18393268

He does have strong italian heritage. Must be a very greasy man

>> No.18393341
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, Chuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not crazy! I know he was making a political statement, I knew it was Orange Fool! One before Orange Man Bad, as if I could ever make such a mistake! Never! Never! I just–I just couldn't prove it! He–he–he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at Mount Vernon to lie for him...

>> No.18393402

you think this is bad? this? this nutmegery?

>> No.18393461

>It's probably closest to cinnamon or clove. I don't know what you call that type of flavor. I like it though.
I categorize it as a "brown" flavor (along with the other things you list). It is definitely its own thing though.
It's good if you add a little bit to mashed potato.

>> No.18393463

Exactly. His life doesn't revolve around Trump, which is why when he made a light jab at the guy and then got inundated by a flood of Trumpers who spammed his channel that he became so frustrated. It's tough for a good man like Jon to anticipate the kind of shit those people will stir up if their orange messiah is criticized.

>> No.18393473

Nobody cares about what redditors feel sorry for

>> No.18393829
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>> No.18393850

I find it to be kind of peppery, if you add to much it will have some kick to it the same way pepper does, at the same time it's quite desserty much like cinnamon or kardemum

>> No.18394188

His fan base is mostly conservative. Of course they’d be offended that some old bitch inserted politics into his show and he was too weak to change it.

>> No.18394196

You can’t prove they weren’t fans so just be quiet please. Fans were definitely outraged.
He was responsible for not taking charge of the situation but I don’t think he was responsible for the name. He should’ve thought about it and considered that most of his fan base is traditional because they’re conservatives. You can’t blame people for being angry that the first president to talk another traditional values in over 50 years was made fun of by someone that base respects.

>> No.18394210

I feel bad for this Ben Franklin looking guy he always has on. He was so uncomfortable and scared of getting bullied for being a LARPer on their live streams, seemed like he's been bullied a lot. You can tell he's really having fun and coming alive being himself during the videos with the host.

>> No.18394230

I would slam his wife so hard

>> No.18394249

Which one of them?

>> No.18394273


>> No.18394355

That's the thing though, he is also conservative and a Christian. Most actual conservatives especially genuine Christians (yes I am calling Donald "grab em by the pussy" Trump a charlatan and not Christian) see the video as a very light jab at a guy who clearly is a fool and a pretty terrible conservative, especially financially.

Jon was clearly in on the joke and enjoying it. What he didn't expect was for so many Trump supporters to not be conservative Christians like him, but instead a ravenous mob surrounding a wannabe dictator and viciously attacking anyone who makes even the slightest negative take on him.

That is why he was so frustrated, he didn't realize how absolutely batshit crazy Trump's supporters are. He's stuck in the past when even people who disagreed were civil.

>> No.18394359

the one with grey hair, the other two I'll save for you bros

>> No.18394397

They weren't fans because no one who had watched any of his other videos would fall for such weak bait.

>> No.18394578


Post proof right now that this guy is conservative right wing and Christian or stop.

>> No.18394590

If you were born in the 18th century you'd probably have a fetish for huge Elizabethan dresses or something

>> No.18394637

>Are there any other youtubers like him?
I like the format where the host cooks a dish and tells a historical story related to that dish
Tasting History. I love it, but the guy is extremely homosexual.

>> No.18394668

I heard it here

>> No.18394686


>> No.18394691

Well for starters let me say when I use the word conservative in the political sense, I know from some of my American friends who are traditional conservatives their frustration with the turn the previously conservative party in their country has taken. As for religion, he's mentioned a few times over the years that he is a Presbyterian and from what I understand quite devout.

>> No.18394724

Bullshit I’ve been a regular for years and we complained in the private forum as well. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

>> No.18394731

You ignored what I said to insert your derangement syndrome so have a nice day.

>> No.18394983

Post proof right now that this guy is conservative right wing and Christian or stop.

>> No.18395004
File: 473 KB, 2048x1437, TRUMPBILL-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which part do you feel I didn't address?

I will not stop, I simply speak truth. Do your own research if you care. Trump is the one who's neither Christian nor conservative. He used to be a registered Democrat for fuck's sake lol

>> No.18395029 [DELETED] 


>> No.18395076 [DELETED] 

> Trump is the one who's neither Christian nor conservative. He used to be a registered Democrat for fuck's sake lol
>he doesn’t understand that normies don’t see him that way
>he can’t understand this whole scandal is Jon’s fault and his guest’s, not the fan base’s fault

>> No.18395134

Ohh I know normies see him that way. Jon Townsend didn't realize normies see him that way, that's what the shitstorm was over.

>> No.18395171
File: 27 KB, 220x258, 220px-Heads_on_pikes-3099421883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and from what I understand quite devout.
are you cognitively impaired?

Conservative political ideology, from Edmund Burke and his Reflection on the revolution in France onwards (although you find precedence in Hobbes, the bible (fall from the garden of eden)etc), revolves around two main ideas:
People are flawed (individualistic, security seeking, driven by needs and passions BUT they have a poor sense of reason to keep these needs and passions in check) and we must subdue the great unwashed herd in case they rise up and displace the current hierarchy.
When you watch trump riling up the magashits do you really think he's subduing them?

We need to introduce a basic politics glossary and sticky it on /pol/. These retards are infuriating.

>> No.18395183 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 844x960, 1663251418219934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18395224

Based gonna pull up one of his comfy vids now

>> No.18395252 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 600x444, 08carvey-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I meant by that statement is he is a genuine Presbyterian Christian who actually believes what is preached which is sadly rare among people who label themselves as such.

Trump in this case is a perfect example of that hypocrisy which Jon allowed his channel to take what really was a super light ribbing. Again, the frustration he encountered was this wave of people who label themselves conservative but take that to mean calling a fool a fool means you betray everything and need to be lynched. That's fascism.

>> No.18395259 [DELETED] 

>That's fascism.
dilate tranny