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File: 359 KB, 735x490, Traeger-Prime-Rib-06-1-735x490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18364163 No.18364163 [Reply] [Original]

So today I was at a restaurant where they mentioned the special was prime rib. I had always assumed that prime rib was a "prime" cut of rib, and asked how it was different from just a regular ribeye cut. The waiter was confused and had to tell me they weren't exactly sure what I meant, but I decided to order it just to find out myself.
It came out like pic related as a roast in au-jus sauce, never had it like that before. It was pretty good, reminded me of a French dip sandwich.

After looking around online though, that doesn't seem to be only thing meant by "prime rib", as searching that also bring ups grilled ribeye and "standing ribeye" with the bone in it.
What is does the term "Prime Rib" imply in contrast to just calling it a Ribeye cut?

>> No.18364168

Prime rib is supposed to be a prime grade.

A "prime rib" that isn't graded prime is just a rib roast. They'll call it prime rib anyways, though. I guess you could ask what grade of meat it is to verify?

>> No.18364169

ribeye is a steak but prime rib isn't, like you can't get medium rare prime rib

>> No.18364176
File: 85 KB, 600x400, 19NEBRASKA-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much everyone calls any rib roast "prime rib" regardless of USDA quality designation. When you order prime rib you're pretty much always getting a slice carved off a whole rib roast, from which ribeye steaks are cut.

>> No.18364184

Prime rib is nice but a ribeye steak is always better.

>> No.18364214

Thanks all, that clears it up.
Since it was certainly shaped like a ribeye steak cut and it had no bone, I was assuming they had cut it as such before roasting, but preparing the whole roast and making steak-like cuts makes much more sense.
It was less quality and more that the menu and waitress gave the impression that it was a different way to prepare the same cut, and what I got seemed to confirm that. Even more confusing is that they DID ask how well I wanted it done, even though it clearly came out a roast. I'll just chalk it up to the waiter being confused.
Yeah, it was good and I wouldn't knock it on the quality, but I'd take a homemade ribeye steak on the grill or cast iron any day.

>> No.18364508

>reminded me of a French dip sandwich
A lot of places will slice up any leftover prime rib and serve the rest as French Dip.

>> No.18365047

Yup, makes sense now.

>> No.18365051

yes you can retard lmao

>> No.18365075

A prime rib is a whole primal roast. They run this as specials on only like Fridays at restaurants because they are carving the steak off of the baked large roast itself, sometimes even at a carving station in a buffet and hotel catering even/restaurants kind of situations.

Prime rib is always served with the pan juices kind of thin brothy gravy on the side, and often also with a creamy prepared horseradish side.
People who don't mind rare meat love a prime rib night special because when you slice a big 20lb hunk of meat, the inside is not well done and overcooked but juicy all the way through. The bone was removed after cooking, so this side is not seared and overly done either. People wh'o like well done meat need to be careful in this case asking for "an end piece if possible" or else ask the chef to "blacken" their prime rib which recooks it on the griddle with blackened seasoning, high heat and oil, and the blackened flavors merge really nicely with a horseradish herb sauce.

Ribeye cut is from the same portion of the cow, just sliced and far more trimmed of intramusclar fat and the meat that surrounds it when prepared as an individual steak.

>> No.18365124

>Even more confusing is that they DID ask how well I wanted it done
that's because if you're a heathen you can get it well done. how they do that IDK maybe microwave it?

>> No.18365135

You can very much so get a medium rare cut of prime rib

>> No.18365143

It's just boomer chow for older people to have something to gum on when their dentures are in the dishwasher

I have never seen anyone under 60 order prime rib intentionally other than in places like country clubs for oldsters where it's carved up at a steam table by a costumed african american attendant trained in unsettling obsequiousness, though I think it has developed a sort of retro ironic cachet among a certain crowd

>> No.18365146

>I have never seen anyone under 60 order prime rib
well I have, and I did all the way back to my 20's.

I see people of all ages ordering it.

>> No.18365150

Do you often dine in places where you're required to pay an annual membership to eat there?

>> No.18365151

nope, nor do I know of such places.

>> No.18365161

Not trying to be argumentative I just have a hard time picturing this. Approximately what part of the world are you in, and what kinds of situations are you seeing a lot of prime rib eating taking place? You're not posting through a wormhole in the spacetime continuum from the 1970s are you? Is it customary to have a midori sour before dinner? Or perhaps some rare, real russian vodka?

>> No.18365416


You can and should get a mid rare prime rib

>> No.18365487

southwest US any restaurant or steak house that serves it (which almost all do), usually on certain days. chain or otherwise. chain restaurants serve but it is usually just rib roast. only a few restaurants actually server PRIME prime rib. there are pretty much zero private country clubs here (maybe 1).

there was only one restaurant here that served it from a special silver cart and that place closed down about 20 years ago when the owner died. HE did the carving right up to the end. he was a white dude.

where do you live that only exclusively rich people get served by joggers?

>> No.18365507

>in au-jus sauce

>> No.18365509
File: 54 KB, 640x640, prime rib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a pic of a prime rib serving cart.

and you are try to argue, and you are mocking me.

>> No.18365513

Have you never gone to fancy school events, company dinners, or weddings?
You only get like 3-4 dinner options and so many people default to the prime rib.

>> No.18365514
File: 3.49 MB, 1334x750, 2BF7D5B5-8EA6-4A6C-A9F4-3F82A40EF283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prime Rib, baked beans, ranch dressing. A feast fit for kings.

>> No.18365527

Outback fucking Steakhouse has prime rib

>> No.18365580
File: 40 KB, 600x388, beef eaters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell just googling prime rib find tons of restaurants where I live. me thinks thou lives in a shithole.

>> No.18365590
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Every now and then the rib roast goes on sale and I buy one. I never bother to care about the grade of it because I've never had a bad rib roast or thought it could have been way better if it was prime.

It's like a blowjob, even if it's technically bad it's still really good.

>> No.18365627 [DELETED] 

>I'm ready to settle down

>> No.18365694 [DELETED] 

pictured: the labia of any woman who uses the word incel when replying to someone talking about how women are garbage. guess what? women are garbage and squirt is piss. that's all that needs to be said.

>> No.18365716 [DELETED] 


Not very based at all

>> No.18365940
File: 297 KB, 600x512, Huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you're speaking with mostly monolingual English speakers who have no idea what "au jus" translates to, if even being aware that it is French over Spanish or something else, what should I be calling it to convey the meaning of that particular serving style?
Leaving it as "Roast au jus" as a preposition without any other clarification causes confusion, so that's clearly incorrect no matter how proper it should be.
"Roast in its juices" could work, but I've never heard anyone say that, unlike "Roast with au jus sauce."

Like if you're looking for a reason to label me as an uncultured hick or living in an area primarily composed of such people, yup that's completely true and I own it, no shame about that. And people call it "au jus sauce" here, probably due to it often being included in a sauce cup alongside the meal.

So what in your opinion would be the best compromise between "not-retarded" and "actually being understood"?

>> No.18365980

not him but never heard anyone call it "au jus sauce"

just "au jus". french for "with juice"

do you also say "lembas bread" because that would be like saying bread bread.

>> No.18366008

RIP in peace

>> No.18366041

Hmm, never saw the movies but I did read through LoTR in High School, but it seems I've completely forgotten the term or the translation "waybread". Not surprising.
So if you told me you would be making lembas I would ask you what it is assuming it could be any kind of food or beverage. If you said lembas bread, I would at least have the conception that it is a type of bread, and the resulting conversation would probably be much shorter.
The ideal in this case, as someone who has some familiarity with LoTR, would be something like "[I'm making] the bread for traveling the Elves made in Lord of the Rings that they gave to the Fellowship when they left Lothlorien." Yes, a bit wordy, but I would say something like "ah" and ask about the recipe immediately unlike other ways to describe it.

>> No.18367097

You seem ready to fight about this for some reason

I live in Florida and there's a restaurant in Brandon called Jessie's that serves prime rib daily and people order it every single time I'm in there. I've had it for lunch a dozen times. I'm not old.

>> No.18367220

Looks fucking raw

>> No.18367268
File: 9 KB, 260x194, 553A1DB1-4DFC-495E-BDDD-E73071D9694F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s surf and turf with prime rib and lobster

>> No.18367293
File: 90 KB, 1024x765, lobzder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You uploadlet

>> No.18367354

That's like 200% uncooked

>> No.18367374

U can pour a bowl of cereal, im not cooking something else

>> No.18367425
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>> No.18367435

Where the fuck are you from or do you actually just...not go anywhere except for Golden Corral?

>> No.18367464

Rib roasts are pretty big and are more practical for something like a buffet or large group than a single order, or like OP said and being served as a special one night at a restaurant

>> No.18368226

>i have never seen anyone under 60 order prime rib
Prime rib is totally still a thing, dude. I literally had it last week at a meme brick wall, dark lit, 18 rotating craft beers on tap "hipster" place. Prime rib is great and not in any way out of fashion. I literally order it half the time I go to a steak house.

>> No.18368470

is this pasta?

>> No.18369098

>flyover state
See "wormhole in the spacetime continuum", do you also collect those shitty carving sets that come in a velvet coffin?

Right, mass slop "needs to look not too shitty" catered events, which basically serve the same horrifying food as country clubs. Wedge salads, or ceaser if they're caught up to the late 20th century, prime rib with an alternate option of maybe grilled zucchini and mushrooms as a fuck you to the vegetarians.

Not exactly helping your case here

Yes I live in a shit hole where people who want to go out for a nice evening meal have other more varied options beyond depressing pink mushmeat for grandpa to gum on with his dentures. Thought it is possible to get that, if you're into weird david lynchian kitsch vibes while eating dinner

>literally the retirement hospice state
See what I mean?

Sounds like they were serving it ironically, sometimes it's hard to tell. Like how tiki culture enjoyed a moment a few years ago and for a short time it was hard to tell who was trolling whoms't

>> No.18369140
File: 681 KB, 812x681, 44438164-98D1-4D2A-BA71-A7D31FDBDA06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You uploadlet
So what if he did. Prime rib and lobster is the food of the Gods

>> No.18369155

ignore her, she's a vegatarian, they're always fractious due to malnutrition.

>> No.18369169

Literally the same as ribeye except the sides aren't seared. No idea why anyone would prefer this. You can just sous vide a ribeye without searing and you get the same sloppy mess lol.

>> No.18369194

Because of the theatrical nature of having a massa massa yaassuh massa attendant carving it up for you from a giant slab of meat like it's medieval times(tm) and beef is still a status symbol. You have to remember that in the 60s and 70s when prime rib was de rigueur for high society events, jet setter wannabes who were at the time middle class were only a generation away from being bowlegged dust bowl children keeling over from malnutrition, so just having a big piece of cooked beef on a steam table unironically qualified as marie antoinette tier levels of conspicuous consumption

>> No.18369658

Why do people ask this nearly every time I bother to write more than 3 sentences?

>> No.18369721

Most people on 4chan, nay, the internet are phoneposting now, so the excruciating effort of typing out more than a sentence or two of incomprehensible emojis only occurs under these circumstances:

1. You're mad
2. It's pasta
3. You're autistic

Remember: 2000 was almost a quarter century ago

>> No.18369723

>3. You're autistic

>> No.18369962

I'm still waiting for where one goes to have a jogger cut meat for you. Where I live we have tons of mesicans but hardly any joggers working in restaurants.

phone posters can die in a fire.

>> No.18369980
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>> No.18369993

Prime rib has too many inedible parts like the large amounts of unrendered fat and bone where you would need to order two to feel satisfied.

>> No.18370002

That sounds fucking terrible.

>> No.18370004

Alternatively, have you considered that you might just be fat?

>> No.18370016

No I don't eat the fat as stated in my previous posted when I called the large amount of fat inedible

>> No.18370074

where are you eating that they serve prime rib on the bone?

>> No.18370260

lol good post

>> No.18370289

>inedible parts like the large amounts of unrendered fat and bone
there is no bone in prime rib, and since when is fat inedible? finish your plate anon. the fat is the best part.

>> No.18370295

yeah? the stop being a shit to everyone.

>> No.18370354

A ribeye is a steak coming from the ribs but without the bone. It should have a chunk of fat aka "the eye" which gives extra taste.

A tomahawk is a ribeye with bone. which is different from côte à l'os, the entire cut: the pre-shoulder in its entirety as it's preferred in Belgium.

The French prefer the Chateaubriand cut and by extension, filet pur: meat that is very tender, has seen very little exercise and has a very mild taste.

Real butchers prefer hanger steak with shallots and mushrooms.

PS: there's no such thing as "au-jus sauce".

>> No.18370424

Not him but I've only ever heard it called au jus sauce. Like he said, it comes on the side of the meal in a little cup or bowl that you can pour over the meat or dip it into. I've never known what au jus was until this thread, I thought it was just a type of sauce you could buy the same way you can buy barbecue sauce or soy sauce or worchestershire sauce or whatever else.

>> No.18370499

every restaurant I have been to that has it just calls it au jus.

real au jus is just the drippings from the roast but most people use the not very good beef stock or some powdered stuff. if it's dark it's probably some sub par concoction.

>> No.18370508

>every restaurant I have been to that has it just calls it au jus.
Sure, but what's on the menu and what people say are different. It comes in a cup on the side, so people will call it a sauce like any other type of sauce that comes in a cup on the side. Around here, au jus is known to be a sauce that fancy restaurants serve.

>> No.18370525

no waiter or waitress I know of has called it au jus sauce. not once not ever.

>> No.18370534

I said people, not waiters and waitresses.

>> No.18370585
File: 82 KB, 708x846, annoyeddrventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat a bag of dicks

>> No.18370605

Waiters just parrot whatever is printed on the menus and whatever fancy corporate speak they're told. My family and friends all know it as au jus sauce. At home we don't use au jus sauce, we just pour the drippings over the meat. Yes, I understand that's the same thing now, but that's still how people talk and think about these things.

>> No.18370867

length, tone, 'tism
your commitment to being as aggressively monolingual as possible is a good basis
the defensiveness over your class while insisting it doesn't bother you is a nice touch

>> No.18371338

its just what americans call Bri'ish sunday dinner

>> No.18371430
File: 294 KB, 479x367, 1663511825570851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me som prime rib and lobster

>> No.18371889

I just ordered one 2 weeks ago at texas roadhouse because the couple across from us ordered one and it sounded good (it really was)

>> No.18371906
File: 2.30 MB, 4032x2268, 20220418_202321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just reminded me that prime rib season is almost upon us. Up and around late october all the way through February prime rib goes on and off sale for around $5-$7/lb.
I can't wait

>> No.18371923

Everytime I watch someone cut off a piece of the fat and leave it on their plate I want to reach over and smack them upside the head.

>> No.18371985
File: 167 KB, 1200x800, B5DC9CDC-BB6C-472E-A486-0E3B687A8F39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, now I have a craving for a slab of prime rib and some lobster tail.

>> No.18372012
File: 2.62 MB, 4032x2268, 20211122_202038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cant go wrong with surf and turf.

>> No.18372035
File: 102 KB, 750x1000, D43498C7-028B-4D84-8247-CAB98201F52C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you can go wrong by putting mushroom sauce on your prime rib >>18372012

>> No.18372271
File: 36 KB, 550x413, DFD344B1-6D9A-4DD4-B182-A1C4E6ED4542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mine rare

>> No.18372620

That’s not rare. I see that all the time. Quite common actually

>> No.18373145

Yuck, I wouldn't put that shit near my mouth

>> No.18373189

Those fries, wtf sauces in tiny pots, that quarter of lemon and pathetic lobster tail are far more disgusting than the less than mediocre mushroom sauce on an overcooked steak.

>> No.18373206
File: 22 KB, 400x400, morons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My family and friends
found a pic of them.

>> No.18373208

For the record, "Au jus" would translate to "Juice-flavored"

We have another word for sauce, it's sauce.

>> No.18373211

I know right!

>> No.18373221

According to Google Translate, it simply translates to "juice."

>> No.18373253
File: 417 KB, 2048x1536, prime-rib-in-au-jus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anal retentive people and french people get all up tight if you say "au jus" instead of just saying "jus" If I were to tell the waitress, "bring me some jus" she's likely not to even understand what the heck I mean. Anyway, ranch dressing is much better with prime rib. When I order prime rib I just tell the waitress, "prime rib, medium rare, mashed potatoes, ranch, coca-cola."

>> No.18373808

jus is juice

au jus means 'served with [meat] juice'... yanks calling 'jus' 'au jus' is very irritating.

see here:
prime-rib-in-au-jus.jpg..... baka

>> No.18373840

>yanks calling 'jus' 'au jus' is very irritating.
Blame the pretentious fucks who insist on using foreign language words to sound fancy when all it really does is hinder communication.

>> No.18373942
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>What is does the term "Prime Rib" imply in contrast to just calling it a Ribeye cut?
it's old world semantics, like filet mignon and tenderloin, or t-bone and porterhouse

>> No.18373965
File: 1.57 MB, 4272x2848, 8D750159-4853-47EB-B8D6-309E1E3FA34E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The French don’t even call it “jus” they say “pisse de boeuf” so I don’t see why I can’t call it “au jus”

>> No.18374000

I've never heard "pisse de boeuf" being referred to au jus sauce. You could use it for a very strong beer though. I think someone made a joke to you.

>> No.18374029

French fag here. Hard for me to understand the desire to enjoy slow cooked beef and a lobster tail together. Sorry not trying to be an asshole but le surf and turf seems like hedonistic richfag signaling more than any attempt at culinary pleasure. In other words this seems like what wealthy rappers order in Vegas.

>> No.18374043

Nigger try some red wine from a small natural local producer with that. Coca Cola ruins your palate. 0dxw4

>> No.18374230

I'm not sure how everyone else eats their beef and lobster but I personally like to slice some of the lobster and eat it with a bite of steak.

>> No.18374246 [DELETED] 

God damn you frogs are just fussy fucking faggots

>> No.18374280

red wine?
I'm not a hobo.

>> No.18374296

What the fuck sort of zoomtard doesn’t know what prime rib is?
You’re retarded, your story is probably a larp, and your single mom is a whore.

>> No.18374301 [DELETED] 

Did you miss the 94 replies before you where there isn't one definition of what a prime rib is or how restaurant?
If you're taking that as some sort of personal slight against what you grew up with, that's on you alone.

>> No.18374313

Did you miss the 94 replies before you where there isn't one definition of what a prime rib is or how restaurants use it?
If you're taking that as some sort of personal slight against what you grew up with, that's on you alone.

>> No.18374338
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>> No.18374342
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>> No.18374348
File: 145 KB, 1200x1200, Surf---Turf_exps117949_THCA2180111C01_11_1b_RMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18374405
File: 81 KB, 1200x1200, 16C1B83A-9278-442B-96BF-141F275193B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s steak and scallops

>> No.18374456
File: 89 KB, 783x487, 1442897270659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread sucks

>> No.18374464

>who cares what reality is did you see that 4chan thread?
Zoom along.

>> No.18374586

Not even sure what compels you to think the OP must be made up instead of some dweeb simply not ordering a prime rib or really giving it much thought until that meal. It's boringly plausible, really.
Like I don't know what an artichoke actually is beyond looking it up on Wikipedia, but reading into that beyond just literally never considering trying it is bonkers.

>> No.18374707

What's the best cheap cut I can get?

>> No.18375855

you do not want cheap rib roast.

if you are asking what is the best cheap cut of beef that would be chuck roast. good flavor and if you know how to select one it can be very tender. select the wrong one and thou are in for a festival of masticating.

>> No.18375920

>natural wine
aka vinegar and brett stink and TCA taint for $39 a bottle and you're not allowed to not like it because like, it's supposed to taste like that you plebe ugh just drink meiomi critter wine if you don't like wine baka baka i bet you watched sideways right ugh plebes I only drink what alice feiring said to drink

yah no thanks though actually, it's not 2009 anymore

>> No.18377173

you're basically correct
>dude more expensive things = more good

>> No.18377315

Ribeye is composed of different muscles than what a rib roast (prime rib) composed of. And ribeye is off the bone... there is a difference.

>> No.18377549
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>> No.18377625

Learn to use a search engine you moron:


>The rib section of beef spans from ribs six through twelve. Ribeye steaks are mostly composed of the Longissimus dorsi muscle but also contain the Complexus and Spinalis muscles.

A rib steak is a beef steak sliced from the rib primal of a beef animal, with rib bone attached

>> No.18377840

I like how this is supposed to be a bait thread but everyone is just as autistic as the character OP is playing so it's just a normal thread

>> No.18377855

actually this has been debunked

>> No.18378016
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>> No.18378048

It hasn't just like the loin of beef there's two separate parts.

Have you ever had a rib steak and a ribeye? It's two different cuts of beef.

It's also like a tbone and porterhouse. A porterhouse is a specific section of the tbone area.

Times change, and specific cuts of beef are added as we learn to butcher beyond:

>hey frank gimme a center cut of loin and and strip.

>> No.18378378

>Have you ever had a rib steak and a ribeye?
yes they are the same.

>> No.18378438
File: 609 KB, 1512x1382, IMG_2551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't they call it Beef Rarington?

>> No.18379250

They arent. Have you ever seen a half saddle of beef being made into a prime rib roast?

Ribeye is kept from the best part of what would make up the rest of a full length prime rob roast, with the bones off.

>> No.18379283

That absolutely happened last Friday night, just a normal-ass dinner at the higher-end restaurant in town I go to every so often.
What about it makes you think I made it up?
I am surprised it hasn't archived yet.