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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 185 KB, 800x450, anorexia-deadly-mental-illness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18374672 No.18374672 [Reply] [Original]

Do any other MTFs have issues with food or even full blown EDs. I am not anorexic but some part of me believes that I am more feminine when very underweight. I am currently trying to gain weight because I don't really love having my ribcage fully exposed, though.

>> No.18374675
File: 97 KB, 768x719, 42E05A11-17CB-45F8-8AA4-A34DD184665B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not anorexic but some part of me believes that I am more feminine when very underweight.

Wow who woulda thought trannyhood is comorbid with a plethora of other mental illnesses?!?!

>> No.18374678


>> No.18374680

>I am not anorexic but some part of me believes that I am more feminine when very underweight
That pretty understandable since most girls aren't anywhere as slim as the attractive ideal by their frame alone, yet alone having a healthy amount of fat.

Also inb4 some bore posts ACKjak or whatever

>> No.18374682

Doesn't hrt make you fatter though?

>> No.18374686


>> No.18374691

my, what an exciting collection of mental illnesses you have.

>> No.18374695

Keep doing it
Once you abandon your male body your female soul will break free

>> No.18374703

Plenty of Aidens are anorexic so you might be onto something. Also you will never be a real woman.

>> No.18374705

trannies should genuinely aim to be morbidly obese. they look androgynous. why would being anorexic help you look more feminine, that would just reveal your male bone structure you dimwit

>> No.18374708

Your bones are probably fucked by whatever hormones they have you on, you don't wanna introduce an eating disorder on top of that. Keep eating.

>> No.18374713

Fasting is spiritual dynamite though, I've never felt as close to Christ and as holy as I do when I havent eated anything for a week. But it makes sense that demons would want in, too. Old gods, 7th dimensional eldritch horrors that inspired doomsday cults and the worst horrors known to man. One god stands out to me, the goddess of "transformation". And her follows were known to castrate themselves.
The more you know. Christ is real, demons are real and nothing makes a demon flee like Christ's name

>> No.18374785

Yeah that makes total sense, keep doing that

>> No.18374795

>Also inb4 some bore posts ACKjak or whatever
you know, just for the record if your people didn't forcibly try to insert themselves into places, yall wouldn't get that much hate, but no they make fools out of themselves, and people start laughing and end up hurting feelings

>> No.18374840

If you don't even have a dump truck ass why the fuck would anyone ever want to fuck you?

If nobody wants to fuck you they're not going to bother pretending you're a woman to justify it.

Gorge yourself, invest in ass, and learn to suck dick like you're starving you poor confused retard.

>> No.18374882
File: 320 KB, 1192x1073, 1662655804916132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminine faggots would dress up as women for years to fuck bisexual dudes and no one really cared, till terminally online incels started thinking they REALLY WERE women and started demanding that they have immediate access to women's spaces and trying to forcibly dominate every online space because they're terminally online incels.