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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18354569 No.18354569 [Reply] [Original]

what's the appeal of the "smash"-style burgers?

>> No.18354572

they taste good

>> No.18354579


>> No.18354580

crispy edges

>> No.18354581

They cook quick, baste them in butter and they get a nice but not overbearing crust
Bretty good stuff.

>> No.18354588

so overcooking the burger? why not just get a burger "well done"?

>> No.18354605

I can make each in two to three minutes and they still taste good.

>> No.18354608

it's basically burnt beef with 2 slices of cheese. burnt ground beef presents a specific flavor that some people may like. to be honest i've never had a true smash burger but i'd be interested in creating my own smash burger in the kitchen some day.

>> No.18354611

>so overcooking the burger?
So you consider seared food overcooked?

>> No.18354613

What's the appeal of the "cram"-style burgers?

>> No.18354614

it also presents a specific texture and crunch compared to a standard burger

>> No.18354661

No, he didn't say he wants an overcooked smash burger. You are the first person in the thread to use the word. I like my smash burgers cooked perfectly, and I think most people do

>> No.18354710

This, and I like other burgers too.

>> No.18354745
File: 164 KB, 1024x969, 4330094220_0a29de0bdf_b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have a balance of flavors and textures. burgers like this do not.

>> No.18354793

Why would that be?

>> No.18354796

>what's the appeal of the "smash"-style burgers?
lacey crispy crust from the pressed contact with the griddle.
But, why did you even need to ask that? Dumb?

>> No.18354804 [DELETED] 

>mmm burnt goyslop

>> No.18354810

the crispy caramalized edges layered between oozing cheese, retard

>> No.18354851

Honestly, multiple smash style or other thin patties are better than a thick one.

>> No.18354910

I still don't get what "smash" style burgers are. Explain it to me like I'm an idiot who cooks 2500 burgers a day.

>> No.18354928

Instead of forming a patty and placing that on cooking surface you just have a ball of ground beef and smash that on the cook surface with spatula until it is pretty thin. Much thinner patty, and you get more scraggly edges

>> No.18354932

Daily reminder that coasties should not be allowed to cook or post about burgers.

>> No.18355009

It's just the latest meme, featured by every clickbait youtuber who can't cook and repeated by every /ck/ user who doesn't cook. It's just an overcooked diner style burger that people are pretending was the best all along because there's thin edges that get crispy. It's completely overcooked and they have to smother it in cheese because it's so dry. It's the equivalent of people who think the edge of a brownie or lasagna is the best part so use a stupid method to make it "all end pieces". It's worse than a gimmick because it's based on a method designed to be quick and cheap, and all of a sudden people are turning it into some special method to make something that was never supposed to be anything other than quick and cheap.

>> No.18355015

>asks a question
>receives a response
>acts like a passive aggressive homosexual over it


to be more specific, what smash burger proponents claim is that increasing the patty's contact with the surface of the pan at high heat results in more flavour from the browning that occurs. since they cook quickly, it's just the outside that gets crispy, not the inside.

>> No.18355016

They're filled with cum

>> No.18355019

the heat of the ass cooks the burger

>> No.18355039

Not all well done burgers have crispy edges, you can get a mushy well done burger by cooking it a long time on low heat. I doubt I can get a faggot like you to understand, though, you sound like the kind of pretentious retard who orders medium rare burgers and says anyone with different taste than you is wrong for liking different things.

>> No.18355056

Lmao midwit

>> No.18355074

Lmao midwit

>> No.18355181

Lmao midwit

>> No.18355318

Struck a nerve, huh?

>> No.18355360

europoor detected. just don't talk about meat since you don't understand it.

>> No.18355362

lmao midwit

>> No.18355372

Learn to cook and to be happy.

>> No.18355392

Lmao midwit

>> No.18355411

make me

>> No.18355430

This is such a dumb take. You're both saying that you need to learn how to cook in order to overcook a burger, and that you should just be happy with your overcooked burger because...you just need to shut up and be happy with it, okay?!

>> No.18355444

Come to my house, I have a cheese plate and some lube ready.

>overcook a burger
My point stands proudly if you legitimately think smash burgers are overcooked, I have made a decent amount and none have come out overcooked nor rubbery, learn to cook and additionally stop checking your phone like a tiktok obsessed 14 y/o while cooking so you don't overcook your shit, smash burgers are supposed to be cooked quickly on a super high heat surface.

>> No.18355455

I don't care how good of a cook you think you are. You're not making medium-rare smashburgers.

>> No.18355501

What eastern bloc shithole do you come from that you don't know how a smash burger works?

>> No.18355506

Post some of the burgers you've made, anon. You said you've made a decent amount that weren't overcooked. Just show me one that isn't well-done.

>> No.18356312

Whether or not a smash burger is overcooked is beside the point. It is smashed onto a hot griddle into a thin patty to maximize contact and the Maillard reaction for flavor. It is not going to be medium rare. Complaining about an overcooked (not medium rare) smash burger is like complaining about an overcooked cheesesteak. It misses the point entirely.

>> No.18356314

Lmao midwit

>> No.18356550

>y-you shouldn't care whether or not a smashburger is overcooked because they're always overcooked!
Nice way to move the goalposts. And comparing a burger to a cheesesteak is a bad analogy; it's still a fucking burger. The equivalent would be if you just cooked lose ground beef in a pan and then said, "well of course I'm cooking it all the way through!"

>> No.18356621

Smashburgers are the superior way to cook a burger unless the grind is 100% fresh out of the grinder, in which case a steakhouse style medrare patty is delicious. If you buy storebought grind, smashburger all the way. If you have a kitchenaid stand mixer, buy yourself a meat grinder attachment for like ~100 bucks and go rare

>> No.18356639

What's the appeal of "smashing" OP's mom?

>> No.18356676

So what country are you from that doesn't have hamburgers? It must be a sad existence.

>> No.18356689
File: 73 KB, 498x370, 1616547258933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, the copium from smashfags in this thread is off the charts. First they went from,
>smash burgers aren't overcooked
>your burgers wouldn't be overcooked if you knew how to cook and stopped looking at your phone so much
>of course smash burgers are overcooked; that's the point
>you really should be cooking your burgers well-done anyways

>> No.18356707


>> No.18356760

There's no possible way you can look at this burger and the one in the OP and sincerely claim that the one in the OP looks better to you because of "balance".

>> No.18357011

Yes the OP burger looks way better and more fulfilling with better ingredients.

>> No.18357213

>if a burger isn't medium rare it's overcooked!
Fucking redditors need to leave.

>> No.18357225


>> No.18357262

>big stupid slice of tomato
Yes, OP's burger looks 100x better for that alone.

>> No.18357339

they get to post pics for insagram

>> No.18357345

You're one of those people who think you can have a burger 'rare', aren't you?

>> No.18357451

You absolutely can have a burger rare if that's how you want it. Are you retarded?

>> No.18357492

>balance you say?
>just meat and extra cheese
>no icky vegetables for me!
Ask me how I know you're underage.

>> No.18357504

Tomatoes don't belong on burgers. There are other ways to introduce a balance of flavors.

>> No.18357532

>i don't personally like tomatoes therefore everyone else on the planet is wrong
zoom zoom

>> No.18357552

Anyone who puts tomatoes on burgers is subhuman and all their opinions can be safely ignored.

>> No.18358079

>anyone who cooks a burger well-done is subhuman and all their opinions can be safely ignored

>> No.18358116

I agree, a properly cooked burger is medium, or medium-well at the most.

>> No.18358246

Presumably the crusty edges, if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.18358409

boy you just went all out on proving his point Mr child palate

>> No.18358413

Why? Looks fine to me.

>> No.18358420

autistic hipster ipa americans need something to hold onto now that the "epic bacon for the win" meme is dead and buried. I know a number of fat retards who wear the thick glasses, never shave their faces and have obese women who run their lives/cheat on them and be okay with it who wont ever shut the fuck up about smash burgers. Unironically they are all on trt, take cialis because of their low T, are marvel super fans with shitty marvel tattoos, and have anxiety problems. I assume every fag in this thread that likes these burnt burgers is the same way.

>> No.18358434

Holy shit, next time just say "reddit". You've conflated so many different things that don't actually go together irl it's painfully obvious you're just grasping for every buzzword you can think of and have no real idea of what you're talking about.

>> No.18358448

Okay reddit, paint the ceilings with you brains you insolent faggot.

>> No.18358480

This, the edges sear faster and you get a nice char flavor around more of the patty

>> No.18358541

Who are you quoting?

>> No.18358544

nta and i dont care about the argument but
>ask a question
>receive a passive aggressive response
>give a passive aggressive response

>> No.18358554

this. "pub" style thick burgers are gross

>> No.18358558

I was paraphrasing his obvious redditard mentality that burgers aren't allowed to be cooked above medium rare.

>> No.18358564

But he literally said that overcooked = well-done.

>> No.18358584

Can't believe how many europeans there are in this thread that have never eaten a smashburger. It's not like you have to go to a special restaurant to try it. You can make it at home with ease. Just buy some uhh what do you call it over there mince I think. Get your griddle hot, press the meat down with a spatula or any other heavy metal or plastic object and let it quickly seer, it only needs a minute or two tops on both sides and you are done and you get a nice juicy and crispy piece of meat that works really well stacked or just on its own. You don't even need a bun if you are into that keto stuff. Just try it instead of seething at americans all day.

>> No.18358589

And I'm saying the internal temperature of the burger alone doesn't determine whether it's overcooked. You can have a nicely cooked, juicy well-done burger that will taste good and not seem overcooked. That's why tempfags who insist only one done-ness level can be "correct" are insufferable, they just look for pink in the middle and ignore every other aspect of the meat and its preparation and taste.

>> No.18358595

I'm pretty sure it's mostly the yuros praising smashburgers. They all keep repeating the same exact talking points they get from their ragusa videos or whatever. They also only really know burgers from fast food restaurants, so they're definitely not the one's complaining about them being overcooked. You actually have things backwards.

>> No.18358642

Bunch of fags that can't use a GRILL.

>> No.18358657

>you can have a nicely cooked, juicy well-done burger
No. You can't. That's just not how meat works. There is no such thing as a "juicy well-done burger". You can disagree all you want, and tell me that I don't know how to cook, but you're wrong.

>> No.18358783

Has there been some big meme push for these things lately? I feel like I keep hearing about them; even IRL I had a couple friends mention they were making smash burgers. I tried making them myself and they came out OK; I generally appreciate a smaller patty.

>> No.18358812
File: 201 KB, 852x581, 1597653953326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were briefly a thing like 3 or 4 years ago. The thing is a lot of people first come to /ck/ when they first move out and have to cook for themselves for the first time - which is just about the dumbest thing you can do. Since nobody here wants to help beginners who ask the same general questions, and usually go on about how they REQUIRE a million proteins a day but are also extremely POOR, they often turn to the worst possible threads like the /fit/ crossposts about bro science, the webm threads (which exist in a different universe from everything regularly talked about on this board), or the e-celeb threads. Most of the e-celeb threads are posted ironically, but new anons don't realize this, so they actually follow their shitty meme recipes, and because they can't cook they don't know they're following shitty meme recipes. Fast forward to a few years later and here we are. The zoomer's first burger was a smash burger that Babish told him was the best thing ever and he has an emotional attachment to it because it was his first, and will now defend it to the ends of the earth.

>> No.18358830

Huh. Well me and my aforementioned friends are millennials, so maybe that explains why we're just learning about smash burgers now - we're old and out of the loop.

>> No.18358864

No meme this is the first time I've seen them mentioned in ages. They are just a very easy burger to make that you can't really fuck up. It's easy to overcook a thicker patty, you would have to try to screw up a smashburger. It's just faster and easier and tastes just as good if not better unless you are making a primo thicker burger so why bother most of the time.

>> No.18358867

Yeah, sometimes I see something on the internet and then get surprised when someone in real life mentions it - as though I'm the only one on the internet. That briefly makes me think that the internet and real life aren't that different. Then I see what zoomers are into and it's like this bizzarro alternate reality that I only catch glimpses of here and there, but never really take seriously.

>> No.18359223

Fpbp, OP btfo'd af kek

>> No.18359228

I'm from euroland, we eat actually food here, so I can't help you... Sorry

>> No.18359907

They have a distinct flavor due to the Maillard reaction, and because they quick and easy to make they're prefect for a cookout when you need make two dozen patties in short order.

>> No.18359933

they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.18359963

this guy is 100% right. the only benefit to smash burgers are that you can cook them with ground sirloin 90% and it won't be dry. But all the major nu-smashburger chains use 80% meat. one even uses 76% lean.

>> No.18359979

>Unironically they are all on trt, take cialis because of their low T,

I appreciated your long winded diss but you fucked up here. TRT gives you high T. It's legal steroids. You walk into an anti aging clinic they'll find a way to gear you up. It's like a medical marijuana doctor: shocking diagnosis...marijuana will ease your pain

TRT is generally used by fit 40s gymbros trying to reclaim their late 20s. Easily identified by wearing bracelets, black no logo mesh workout hats and too much workout emphasis on his armies.

>> No.18359988

>Has there been some big meme push for these things lately?
all the regional chains who got private equity funding recently are smashburger places. Culver's. Freddie's. Shake Shack. Five Guys. (Wisconsin, Kansas, New York, Maryland)

>> No.18359995

>I'm from euroland, we eat actually food here

I'm sure you are, Sanjay. I realized that 4chan is 50% pajeets recently. It's glaringly obvious.

>> No.18359999

The juice

>> No.18360029

the burger >>18354745 posted objectively looks like shit

>> No.18360036

>Maillard reaction
Just call it browning you pretentious fucks.

>> No.18360295

they're made for normalizing roasties and their disgusting fuckin hog drapes dangling down below

>> No.18360335
File: 45 KB, 640x427, 300k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PhD in Food Chemistry
>any job I want
>300k starting

>> No.18360356

Imagine trying to explain this post to someone outside of this board

>> No.18360358
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>> No.18360365

>300k for an absolute meme fuckin degree
Try 30-35k maxing out at maybe 50k with 10 years experience. Also, don't go around telling anyone that's a STEM degree.

>> No.18360371

>There's no possible way you can look at this burger and the one in the OP and sincerely claim that the one in the OP looks better to you because of "balance".

Not the same anon, but the OP burger looks good. The other one looks like the bland dog shit my abusive step dad tried to feed me.

>> No.18360586

keep lurking faggot

>> No.18360648

It's a shitty meme by retards that just discovered cooking on youtube. They're the people that say shit like "fat = flavor" and "maillard reaction".

>> No.18360658

Get your burger however you like, learn to cook and make your own

>> No.18360668

But then I have to buy beef that'll mostly go to waste because the prep and cleanup for just a single meal of burg isn't actually worth the burg.

>> No.18360706

Holy shit, none of you can read.

>> No.18360843


>> No.18360942

"Smash" burgers is the gayest thing ive ever heard. Leddit tier faggotry

>> No.18360945

What the "smash" refer to? Just the fact that the chef didn't take the time to form the meat patty into a proper flat circle?

>> No.18360970

>learn to cook and make your own
I hate people who say this. They never contribute anything to the discussion or post OC. It's just "hurr, I cook my own food and it's better than anything you've ever had" and you just know they're making the lowest tier slop imaginable and convincing themselves it's better than any Michelin star restaurant while imagining that everyone else is eating fast food for every meal.

>> No.18360993

yeah you get crunch from salad leaf and soggy soupy mush from the bun that gets soaked in the juices.

Fat burgers are hand held soups.

>> No.18360997

What the fuck is a "fat burger" you retarded fucking zoomer? That's just a normal burger.

>> No.18361326

A thick slice of nasty tomato is not balance.

>> No.18361352

>generating this much zoomie seethe

>> No.18361378

It’s a shitty fad that’ll be dead in a few years, just like everything else

>> No.18361438
File: 92 KB, 600x900, großer-geschmackvoller-hamburger-38307837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually put them in your mouth?

>> No.18361743

>different people posted different opinions

>> No.18361887

I've worked in a few restaurants and zoomers almost always order their burgers with just meat, cheese, and bread, usually medium-well or well-done. It's really bizarre. I swear when I was a teenager the only people who ordered their food like a 5 year old were literal 5 year old's

>> No.18362077

I'm not even a zoomer, but I don't trust produce from restaurants at all, especially lettuce. I've seen way too many E. Coli outbreaks from contaminated restaurant lettuce in my lifetime, so I'll skip on the veggies at restaurants for safety if nothing else.

>> No.18362081

>I've seen way too many E. Coli outbreaks from contaminated restaurant lettuce in my lifetime
where in Somalia do you live?

>> No.18362096

The midwest United States region. Hell, Wendy's had a huge E. Coli outbreak just last month that was still ongoing as of a week ago when I last checked.

>> No.18362219

Being scared of getting E. Coli from eating at a restaurant is like being scared of dying in a plane crash. You might as well just never leave your house if you're that afraid of the slightest possibility of harm coming to you.

>> No.18362227

They are much easier to make in a fast food restaurant and also quicker so more economical from my understanding.

>> No.18362250

Plane crashes are very statistically unlikely, while E. Coli outbreaks in restaurant lettuce happen regularly, spread fast, and affect lots of people. They've been happening more often as time goes on, too, so of course I'm not going to risk it. I'm no germaphobe or anything, I just don't trust restaurants to keep good produce and that mistrust is pretty well supported at this point.

>> No.18362256

>E. Coli outbreaks in restaurant lettuce happen regularly, spread fast, and affect lots of people
Okay, if you think the plane crash analogy is a stretch, how about tornados? Tornados happen regularly, spread fast, and affect lots of people. Are you scared of tornados too? They're far more common than E. Coli outbreaks.

>> No.18362267

its just a regional style that caught on in popularity you dork. i get youre on 4chan but you dont have go be so aggressively contrarian jesus.

>> No.18362283

>Are you scared of tornados too?
To the extent that I won't move somewhere that they're common, yes. People who live in tornado alley, for instance, are insane. I have no interest in living along the southeast coast due to hurricanes as well.

>> No.18362318

You realize the E. Coli outbreaks are extremely regional, and after there's 2 or 3 reported cases they very quickly trace it back to the exact thing from the exact farm it came from. It doesn't "spread". The only reason you think it's so common is because they always put it on the news because that's the only way to alert people who might be exposed. It's incredibly unlikely to be among the small number of people actually affected by it.

>> No.18362324

>You realize the E. Coli outbreaks are extremely regional, and after there's 2 or 3 reported cases they very quickly trace it back to the exact thing from the exact farm it came from. It doesn't "spread".
This whole Wendy's thing is very timely and appropriate for this very discussion, I feel:
>An E. coli outbreak associated with Wendy's restaurants has now sickened 97 people in 6 states

>> No.18362331
File: 116 KB, 1000x680, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and as it just so happens my home state is one of the states affected in this particular outbreak. And as I mentioned before, this isn't even all that uncommon and it's happened many times in my life.
Pic related: https://www.cdc.gov/ecoli/2022/o157h7-08-22/map.html

>> No.18362346

>less than 100 people across 6 states
That's literally nothing. And it's pretty fucking disingenuous to use a fast food chain as an example. Nobody was talking about fast food. They have completely different supply chains from normal places. Sorry you live in bumfuck flyover land, though.

>> No.18362354

I'm just saying, this shit happens and I don't think it's unreasonable to be wary of raw produce from restaurants and to avoid adding them to my burger. These problems never seem to happen with cooked vegetables or meat at restaurants, it's always stuff like lettuce or tomatoes that are served raw and/or dangerously warm on burgers and such.

>> No.18362373

>served raw and/or dangerously warm on burgers and such
>dangerously warm
Holy shit. You actually think that people get sick because tomatoes are served on warm burgers?

>> No.18362393

I'm saying if there's bacteria present they flourish and multiply in warm, wet conditions.

>> No.18362400

If there's e. coli on your tomato putting it on a warm burger isn't going to change anything.

>> No.18362424

Depending on how long it sits it could mean a lot more E. Coli present, up to twice as much.
>Under ideal conditions, individual E. coli cells can double every 20 minutes.

>> No.18362446

I'm not wasting my time lurking on faggot boards.

>> No.18362466

Eat your veggies, kid.

>> No.18362470

Has never happened once in my life.

>> No.18362481

Anon, it's happening right now, so that's at least once in your life. Or are you a ghost?

>> No.18362489

>every 20 minutes
In what possible situation is it taking 20 minutes for your burger to make it from the window to your table? You're so misinformed and paranoid it's almost unbelievable.

>> No.18362503

>don't know if veggies have sat unrefrigerated in the kitchen or for how long if so
>time from assembly/plating to window to table
>time sitting at the table while you're eating but before you finish

>> No.18362513

And just in case it needs to be repeated, I'll say again that I generally have no problem with cooked veggies (or cooked anything) from restaurants, I just don't trust raw produce from restaurants.

>> No.18362533

lurk moar

>> No.18362674


>> No.18362992

no they don't.

>> No.18362997

yes they do.

>> No.18362998
File: 109 KB, 812x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18363002

no they don't. they taste like charcoal, and are probably as nutritious.

>> No.18363163

flyover mongrels like you are unironically proud of eating at the walmart feeding trough? MAKE ISRAEL GREAT AGAIN CUMSKIN.

>> No.18363237

95% filler 5% beef, you might as well just be eating a vegan sandwich at that point. That looks like less meat than a mcdonalds cheeseburger.

>> No.18363348

Not a zoomer but I didn't know not to order burgers well-done until high school when I went out to eat with friends who'd shit on me for it. Family always ate well-done and I didn't know to try any different.