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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18358552 No.18358552 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we aware you on eating cheaply, bigly:
>don't buy any snacks, eat once a day at a dinner, be a man
>consider a costco membership
>base all your meals around cheap starches (wheat flour, rice, potatoes, beans, etc)
>get creative with them so they don't get boring, e.g steam buns with wheat flour, perogis with potatoes
>"upcycle" old milk into yogurt, keffir, cheese, etc
>buy meat on sale and/or in bulk (subprimals) and freeze (including deli meats, ask the counter for whole chubs)
>buy whole chickens, save the stock
>dehydrate, can, freeze, ferment or otherwise preserve anything that would otherwise be wasted
>on that note, forage for mushrooms, fruits and vegetables, go fishing or hunting if into that (fishing is cheap and practical - so is crabbing and clamming if near the coast)
>keep excess staples like wheat, rice, legumes, butter, meats, canned tomatoes and other common ingredients on hand, restock once ~50% out (you want to avoid running out of food and either eating out or paying a premium to restock a small amount, and you also want to be able to make whatever you want anytime, so keep your pantry, fridge and freezer stocked)
>start an herb garden

>> No.18358567

OH, and use your money saved to buy nice oils when starting out. this will come in handy. and save the fats when meats. and make your own mayo and sauces.

>> No.18358588 [DELETED] 

gay thread

>> No.18358599

why is this gay? it's anti-slop on the cheap

>> No.18358604

>eating corn
fuck off ywnbapoorfag

>> No.18358608

>eat once a day
>base all your meals on cheap starches
enjoy being hungry immediately after eating
gtfo zoomer
great let me go forage in the fucking shithole concrete jungle im homeless in
>excess staples

>> No.18358617

eating once a day is great. I didn't say to only eat starches, but use these as a cheap calories base, on which you add your fats and protein. this is how people have eaten since the beginning of agriculture.

yeah, I didn't really know a better word, but kys for getting triggered by this. i even put it in quotes to denote it was kinda gay

you can forage local food banks instead then

yes, butter is a good staple to keep on hand.

>> No.18358633

I'm poor enough to eat beans with dinner every night. But at least I'm not so poor I buy dried beans. That is truly rock bottom.

>> No.18358646

if you don't have 5 gallon buckets full of beans your ngmi

>> No.18358653

>we aware you on eating cheaply, bigly
is this English

>> No.18358731

not gonna lie this is true. i mean butter is great for making my curry a little creamier and make it a little milky when i dont have any evaporated/powdered milk
theyre literally just faggots honestly. but whats with the
>buy whole chickens save the stock
i can get a huuuuge literal bucket sized amount of chicken stock for 4 dollars
>dried beans
fuck off thats too expensive, buy rice instead

>> No.18358754

because saving the stock is free. and beans have more protein than rice

>> No.18358794

>because saving the stock is free
chicken is not free though, are you just esl or something
>beans have more protein than rice
i don't give a shit about protein

>> No.18358796

Nope. Not eating the goyslop.

>> No.18358908

I think she means buy chicken, break down chicken, use bones for stock.
I buy 3 chickens at a time. I break'em down, tits, wings and leg quarters, saving the backs for stock.
Then, I cut the wings from the tits and remove the tips for stock.
Then, I debone the tits, saving the ribs for stock.
Then, I cut the drums from the thighs.
Then, I debone the thighs, saving said bones for stock.
I cook the parts of the chicken I intend to eat that day and freeze the rest. Between the three of them, I can make three litres of supermarket-tier stock or one litre of actually good stock.
Oh, and I use the skins from the tits and thighs to make chicken rinds (like pork rinds/crackling, only chicken), which is not only a good snack but has the practical upshot of rendering out a good cup or so of cooking fat.
Just today, I bought one chicken for 99c/lb. I'm gonna roast it, though, not break it down (outside of removing the back to make stock for chicken gravy).

>> No.18359009

>>eat once a day
Lol. I did one meal a day for 9 months and ran 5k every other day and lifted weights. If you can't handle normal sedentary life with one meal a day you genetics just might be garbage.

>> No.18359018

>chicken is not free though, are you just esl or something
Chicken is not free, but chicken carcass, leftover wing tips, and similar can be dirt cheap, and you can make a good broth from that + some veggies. I swear some of you niggers have no fucking clue about life.

>> No.18359027

where do i get these chicken leftovers?
>I swear some of you niggers have no fucking clue about life.

>> No.18359058

t. Fatass

>> No.18359120

not everyone you dont like is a fatass

>> No.18359384

this, i prefer OMAD cuz it's simpler too, i only have to worry about cooking and macros once.

great tips anon I've never thought about doing that with the skin

it's bodybuilding.com teen misc forum vernacular

>> No.18359406

this thread is as anti-goyslop as it gets

>> No.18359488

Do you oldfags blame 4chan for turning you into poorfags?

>> No.18359523

post wrist

>> No.18359580

No, I blame poor life choices (some of the same poor life choices that lead to me posting on this website for 15 years). The website itself is a symptom of other issues.

>tin of cream of chicken soup
Shit loads of calories/carbs for cheap. Cans of soup are normally on a multisave offer, I don't have costco or similar but you could probably buy a slab of tins and a huge bag of pasta for cheap.

>> No.18359610

>tin of cream of chicken soup
i wanted to do this today but my gf laughed at me, as if cream of chicken wasn't a suitable sauce. i knew i was right

>> No.18359617

reminder that your wealth didnt disappear. It was taken from you and put into the pockets of the already obscenely rich.

>> No.18359621

Yeah, for the cost/effort required it's pretty solid. Just add some pepper and it's good.
I just want cooking tips, not your angry tears, sorry.

>> No.18359633
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>Nobody has mentioned Deenz & Teenz

Are you all new to /ck/ or something? I literally just ate a can of deenz with some habanero Tabasco sauce that was on clearance at the grocery store.

>> No.18359635

i wish going to the food banks didn't make me feel like human trash. i like the idea of getting food that would otherwise go to waste, but would not wanna be caught dead there.

>> No.18359638

Not that Anon, but one of my local butchers sell ribs, backs, tips etc from them breaking down chickens into boneless breasts, wing pieces etc. They don't even wrap them like they do meat. They just sell plastic see-through bags full of bones and cartilage (also other bags full of skins) to whoever asks.
idk how much they are now, though, or if other butchers do it or just this one shop.
I just break whole chickens down myself. I'm not super speedy with it, taking me about 3-5 minutes to do so, but it's a lot faster than when I first started.

>> No.18359640

i meant to include them in the op but couldn't think of a generalized greentext line to include. having shelf stable protein is extremely convenient

>> No.18359648

>I just want cooking tips, not your angry tears
add plenty of soy and onions and cope

>> No.18360406

I do an overwhelming majority of these things. Turns out I am a fucking poorfag, FUCK... How did this happen?

>> No.18360434

What do people have against dry beans? Buying canned ones has so much water weight added to it. You could be saving so so much if you bought 2 kilos and soaking them / boiling them into soup (with cured meats thrown in ofc).

>> No.18360555

Oh, another thing is eating chicken hearts and gizzards, as well other unconventional meats. Very nutrient dense too

Are you eating out or wasting food often? Post last few days meals

>> No.18360879

>this, i prefer OMAD cuz it's simpler too, i only have to worry about cooking and macros once.
Absolutely this. Counting calories is for women and faggots. Real men just eat one meal a day and don't think about it beyond that. And honestly, I think it even improved my focus at work.

>> No.18360943

>>buy whole chickens, save the stock
Yea but I might be poor, but I dont really want to eat soup as a meal all the time. I made chicken stock once and it sat in my freezer for almost a year until my wife threw it out

>> No.18360947

Bag of split peas, cheap ham hock
Split pea soup that will last days

>> No.18360950

>>on that note, forage for mushrooms
Pro tip:
don't forage, just eat
you'll get a nice meal or won't have to worry about money any longer

>> No.18361250

Recently I eat the same keto thing most days.
250g beef mince (bulk buy frozen)
4 eggs
One meal a day. But I genuinely do a lot of the shit on the list I roast multiple chickens at a time and save all the juices. I plan meals around carbs when I'm not on keto. grow my own herbs and chillies.

>> No.18361308

OMAD is great, I can think about what to cook for dinner throughout the day.

>> No.18361313

Any tips for preserves/jams? About to gather a few Kgs of blackberries and would like to do more than make crumble or eat with yoghurt.

>> No.18361697

you can use it on toast/biscuits, make scones, use as a steak sauce w/ red wine, or a glaze, dip for jalepeno poppers

>> No.18361710

>i don't want to eat soup all the time
Get used to it. Maybe you won't have an option in the days to come.
>My wife did something without my permission
Get fucked

>> No.18361761
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also i can eat a kg of dutch sloppa without any trouble

>> No.18361892

NPC and ngmi are ruined terms now, people just spam them at the first sign of something they disagree with. perfect example here

>> No.18361939

Loaf of walmart french bread
0.5 lb mozzarella cheese
jar of pizza sauce
cut french bread in half
put sauce on it
shred cheese and put it on it
put pepperonis on it
bake at 425 for 15-20 minutes
it costs me about $5 for the whole recipe, and you get 2 pizzas, since the french bread is cut in half
you can also make some garlic butter and put that on the bread

>> No.18361978

dry beans have heaps better texture, sorry you're so poor you have to make up copes so you feel better about your circumstances

>> No.18362009

>great let me go forage in the fucking shithole concrete jungle im homeless in
honestly, this is one of my favorite activities!

>> No.18362669

seethe cope dilate rent-free etc

>> No.18362673 [DELETED] 

Are you a chink?

>> No.18363209

/ck/ could use a general for this. not just a poorfag though but a whole food general since it applies to rich and poor alike. nothing OP posted doesn't apply to everyone else.

>> No.18363301

I don't believe I have ever bought a combo meal from a fast food place. With the exception when I paid like 7 bucks for some spicy mcchicken combo. I don't know how it came out to 7 bucks. And the food was stale. Never again will I buy a combo meal.

>> No.18363318

For mcdonalds in my town the app shows me deals like $1 fry once per day, two double cheeseburgers for $3 and tax, $1 iced coffe once per day. Then you can collect points for free spicy mcchickens, I usually add extra veggies and extra sauce to fatten it up. That's pretty good prices if you live close to a mcdonalds or if you're a bum. Or if you're on the road all day doing doordash. I've tried other fast food app deals but mcdonalds is the most generous.

>> No.18363489

I'd make blackberry ice cream.
As for jam, you can freeze the blackberries and make single serving "fresh" jam as needed rather than make preserves. I just cook frozen fruit with sugar and water, mashing it up in the process and reduce it down to jam consistency. No worrying about pectin or getting the pH right to avoid spoilage since it'll be eaten ASAP anyway.
I have it on toast or waffles or scones or, if I make it the night before, put it on top of yoghurt and let it cool in the fridge overnight to stir up and eat together come morning.

>> No.18363506

literally exposed yourself as an npc that is ngmi lmao

>> No.18363528
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Break down your shopping into protein (pb, eggs, meats, fish), carbs (pasta, bread, flour), veg, herbs/spices, and grocery (soap etc). Then bookmark the ad pages of every store within range. Every week pop open the ads and see what the sales are. Over time you will get a sense of the real price of foods and what is a deal to spend on.

Eating healthy and whole foods is also best tasting and cheapest way to eat.

Some tips:

>Buy in bulk at the lowest price then shop for smaller amounts as you go
>find the discount aisles in each store you visit, they all have at least one area
>Immigrant markets are your FRIEND. Find where they are and get their ads.
>You can buy some food and toiletries online cheaper, and at higher quality (e.g., bulk bags of good rice, paper, etc)
>If you have the room freeze your on-sale protein and get your veg fresh
>Potatoes, onions, and carrots sell dirt cheap in bulk bags. Learn to cook with these.
>Rice is a staple and there are a thousand ways to eat it
>Learn recipes that stretch out proteins with vegetables, rice, and pastas
>oatmeal and oatmeal accessories
>search for deals on herbs and spices like a thirsty simp and over a long period of time you will build a formidable spice collection
>Buddy up with the deli and butcher personnel and they will hook you up

>> No.18363550
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Just fast bro

>> No.18363655

What did you all eat today and how much, roughly, did it cost you?
I had a clementine and prickly pear for breakfast (70ish cents), tomato instant noodles for lunch ($1.10) and chicken stew with broccoli salad and three slices of toast for dinner ($1.50) followed by a Klondike ice cream cone (38c).
$3.68 total for the day, I guess.
Oh, I forgot about the sandwich. I had a sandwich midmorning. Turkey on white. 95c.
$4.63 total.

>> No.18363980

I'm not gonna sort through old receipts doing trigonometry, and astral projecting myself back into the grocery store to remember exactly what I paid for everything, but anyways:
>breakfast: handful of mixed nuts with a few squares of dark chocolate and a cup of coffee
>lunch: leftover coconut tandoori chicken and rice with some pickled cauliflower
>dinner: glass of beer, and a dill pickle

>> No.18364024

That homeless guy dresses better than me

>> No.18364063

This. What a complete dumbfuck. Zoomers are probably likely to die from breathing in rainwater.

>> No.18364137

replace the noodles with oats or brown rice

>> No.18364144

Nice fucking blogpost, faggot.
Might as well have started a faggot vegan thread.

>> No.18364150

such advanced trolling I bet they must practice a lot

>> No.18364153


>> No.18364612

Sorry, sweatie, but goyslop is all kosher.

>> No.18366068

why does this thread trigger the tards so much

>> No.18366072

>base all your meals around cheap starches
What money you save on meat and dairy, you will spend twice that later in the pharmacy.

>> No.18366095

dis nigga eat tomato oatmeal
nigga, you nasty

>> No.18366097
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I bought a pork shank for £2.50/KG, I want to make a cheap gelatinous stew, any recipe suggestions?

>> No.18366108

>consider costco membership
non-poorfag confirmed
you're supposed to bum someone else's costco membership and pay them back for shit they get you

>> No.18366119

I would make a plain gelatinised stock separately using trotters then sear the hock and braise it in the stock (thickened with a medium roux), along with potatoes, carrots and pearl onions.
I may mount the roux with curry powder or use crushed/powdered gingernut bikkies instead of flour for a different sort of flavour.

>> No.18366212

That sounds nice but I don't really want to go buy trotters and powdered gingernut biscuit, trying to save money here.

>> No.18366581

Right. I'm dumb.
Well, use plain ol' water instead and a pork stock cube. It'll still come out nice.

>> No.18366620
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The stew is the greatest ally of the Poorfag. I implore everyone to master the exquisite art of the stew. Invest in a jar of smoked paprika and you will die happy.

>> No.18366661

Deenz are like two eurobucks a tin where I live. Not cheap at all.

>> No.18366718

gotta buy in bulk

>> No.18366988

I use maple syrup or honey with some cinnamon. Then for ingredients I make variations with fresh or frozen fruits, dried fruits, berries, nuts, flax seed, cinnamon, and cream. Which is all incredibly cheap shopped correctly and then in bulk. You can do the same with brown rice although I prefer that savory. Then it becomes all of that minus the maple or honey. Add root vegetables, onions, spices (bought over a long period of time and in bulk), and oil. Flavor with your favorite protein in the amount you can afford. Add beans, there are a million types that you can buy affordably if you soak yourself.

If you take the time to learn and shop right you can eat better by spending less. You can afford better ingredients when you begin eating clean. But it takes a while to figure that out. Proceed slowly and learn what you like as your learn to process foods yourself. And how to find it at a very low cost.
>brown rice
>everything else over time, in increments, by price, then quality, and then in bulk

>> No.18367018


>oatmeal and oatmeal accessories

Ok Hank

>> No.18367095

lol dis tomato oatmeal eatin nigga really think imma read all dat shit smdh
nah bruh

>> No.18367778

cheap starches are the greatest ally of the poorfag

>> No.18367791

wrong, all blue zone countries eat a lot of starches

>> No.18367795

potato salad

>> No.18367950
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>checked but...
> But at least I'm not so poor I buy dried beans.
You don't seem to be aware of this, but old money rich people have pantries stocked with the cheapest dollar tree shit. That said, it's usually carefully picked out, not GMO laden goyslop, and interspersed with some VERY expensive ingredients.
The point of any craft or trade is to use the rawest materials, then through mastery of those materials, produce high quality products...
Plasterers make their own molds and mix their own plaster composition, master carpenters of old,(and sometimes new,) buy rough hewn slabs, then work them down to their will.
Master chefs... well you get the idea.
Cooking beans from dry doesn't really take too much more time, just a knowledge of the material, and good time management.
>Sort and rinse 5 min.
>overnight soak ~or~ 1 minute quick boil then rest for an hour.
>season with hard spices/peppers**NO SALT
>bring to simmer and cook for 1-1&1/2 hrs.(you don't sit there and WATCH them)
>last 10 mins season with salt and aromatics
Sure, you can argue that just opening a can for $1 is quicker, but for that same dollar, the smart cook gets 6-10x as much, and CONTROLS every aspect.
I've tuned a # of pintos into soup, refried beans AND chicken chili--all for super cheap, and NOT loaded with the bullshit chemicals and fructose that DEFINES Goyslop.
YMMV according to skill
You're just demonstrating that you're too lazy to NOT STAY POOR.

>> No.18367965
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Probably truth-- I'm sure you didn't, but for anyone lurking--Don't buy the hype shit--MAKE YOUR OWN
*(Then toss in a couple hot hands hand warmers to suck out the oxygen.)

>> No.18367970
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>beans have more protein than rice
Anon...Both beans AND rice are incomplete proteins--You have to COOK them together, not just eat them together to make the complete protein they yield.
There's nothing wrong with cooking them separately then eating them together, but you WILL miss out on the protein that way.

>> No.18367979
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THIS is how it's done.

>> No.18367991

what i said was still correct, beans have more protein than rice

>> No.18367992

Cans of stuff is always cheap
can of baked beans
can of peaches
good meal

>> No.18367996
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Hulk HOgan
No, not really a poorfag, that's a state of mind.
Just had some shitty luck and circumstances several times--Mostly because I played by the "RULES"
you will never be truly poor if you carry the skills and the drive to better yourself how YOU see fit.

>> No.18367995

and what the fuck are you talking about lol, cooking them together or seperate doesn't do anything

>> No.18368006

Can of oatmeal is cheap, get the kind that only needs water, filling and good.
makes alot

>> No.18368016

it's even less than that, the body fucking stores amino acids, you can eat them separate, on different fucking DAYS and still get all the benefits.
it's literally dogshit 70s science that's been conclusively debunked

>> No.18368024
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Well, Looks like they "Changed the ScIeNcE" again... It used to be you had took cook them together--But I looked it up and apparently you're right...now.
Try cooking them together and you'll see what I mean, the result gels together as that complete protein.
T. from a food science family, but the Masters dietician is fat as a fucking beach ball, so...

>> No.18368028
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Ok, I'll stand corrected.
But at least you know where I got that from--And hopefully, we all "TrUsT the ExPeRtS" a little less yet still.

>> No.18368042

>Well, Looks like they "Changed the ScIeNcE" again
no you're just stupid man

>> No.18368050

Hows that even make any sense? Beans take like 2 hours vs 15 minutes with rice

>> No.18368051
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>Imagine having to tear down other people to feel better about your own sad hollow life
There's really no call for you being such a gormless asshole, Anon.
And YES brotherfucker, that's EXACTLY what the food science college books said until the '80s.

>> No.18368058
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>I'm the stupid one
You add the rice AFTER the beans--The point is moot anyway, I already conceded the point that they DON'T have to be cooked together.
But that's how I'd done it in the past.
Give it a try, you'll see why they thought/taught that.

>> No.18368066

interesting, thanks anon

>> No.18368069
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Thanks for being civil
I had a lot more cheap and healthy food "Hacks" Recipes, but this thread has left a shitty taste in my mouth.
Sooo, Fuck it.

>> No.18368076
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i understand, maybe next time