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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18350001 No.18350001 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else drink vinegar?

>> No.18350050

I think it helps,
I also eat papaya and noticed I am a lot less bloated than I used to be.

>> No.18350152

I sometimes sip a little fancy balsamic vinegar because it just tastes good as shit.

>> No.18350163

I thought I was the only one.

>> No.18350185
File: 41 KB, 450x450, long john.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I be chugging these at the table when ever I go to Long Johns.

>> No.18350199

Dr. (((Berg)))

>> No.18350265

He's a chiropractor that practices Scientology

>> No.18350283

>le fearmongering advertising style

>> No.18350314

Is that pic saying vinegar causes those things, or prevents them?
Anyway, my usual recipe is
>equal parts ACV and raw honey (Bragg and Nature Nate's are my go-to brands) to around 3/5 water
>freshly ground black pepper and nutmeg
>ground ginger
>copious amounts of turmeric and cinnamon
Hard to say if I feel better for it, but it's tasty and scratches the itch of a stiff drink if you're trying to avoid alcohol. Nice complement to a fatty meal. I'll have it roughly twice a week.
Any of you lads make similar drinks? Post yours if so.

>> No.18350317

Somebody post the gif. You know the one.

>> No.18350326

I mix two capfuls in a glassful of cold water every morning. It's a great pick-me-up

>> No.18351761

i am unaware of THE ONE

>> No.18351783

Two girls one cup full of vinegar

>> No.18351824

Try adding to the mix cayenne and lemon juice along with the ACV. It's a powerhouse combo

>> No.18351861

>Is that pic saying vinegar causes those things, or prevents them?
The latter. Having a tablespoon or two of ACV each day is linked with healing those conditions to some extent.

>> No.18351886
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Anon, there's a whole industry around it.
personally, I prefer to just eat a salad with unfiltered apple cider vinegar generously applied, but on occasion it's just the thing for an acid stomach, strangely.
Antacids tend to set the stomach into over-production to counteract it--much like drinking cold icewater on a hot day makes your metabolism rev up in order to heat it.
hot tea on a hot day is ironically MOAR cooling.

>> No.18351895
File: 133 KB, 1024x704, Townsends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>freshly ground black pepper and nutmeg
BASED Townsends watcher
Minus the water and the honey, and add either good Mediterranean EVOO or a couple tablespoons of sour cream and you have my go-to salad dressing base--
I WOULD drink that though.

>> No.18351932

>best on crisps
>best on chips
>best on salads
>best in water
How does it do it bros

>> No.18351934

Not vinegar
But i have a clove or 2 every morning with water
Been thinking of have it with a spoon of olive oil
Sometimes i have them with honey

>> No.18351938

Garlic clove*

>> No.18352030

Its in almost every fucking salad / recipe
You snob fuck

>> No.18352034

just take some Trimebutine-Simeticone-Beta-galactosidase

Is it really that hard you fags? just go the pharmacist and get some.

>> No.18352053

Just take drugs bro...

>> No.18352069

I mix it with water and sugar for a refreshing summer time drink, almost like lemonade

>> No.18352076

I mix one part Bragg to five parts ginger tea, with some OJ if I've got it. It's good for the gut.

>> No.18352110

Does vinegar actually fucking help?!

>> No.18352121

Yes, especially raw unfiltered ACV.

>> No.18352288

please explain the science on how drinking vinegar does anything beneficial.

>> No.18352307

Spoon feed this fat retard some more

>> No.18352312

I won't. Keep being nigger catlle not my problem lmfao

>> No.18352315
File: 23 KB, 559x314, Do Your Own Research.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As with any food that's good for you, it contains beneficial compounds that have positive effects. Try doing your own research.

>> No.18352328

I'll drink vinegar when you eat lead fag

>> No.18352331

so it does nothing. got it.

>> No.18352340

Yup, you figured it out. What a smart boy, your mom must be so proud.

>> No.18352350

The fingerbox meme of /ck/

>> No.18352370


>> No.18352628

You are supposed to make it yourself so you get environmental microorganisms. Same idea as eating local wildflower honey.