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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 803 KB, 828x894, 9442C79A-C6A4-42E3-8225-938B6034361D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18347080 No.18347080 [Reply] [Original]

Wouldn’t gas prices going down reduce the cost of groceries? Mine are still fucking high.

How are you guys dealing with it?

>> No.18347085 [DELETED] 

I deal with it by not purchasing $40.96 worth of goyslop.

>> No.18347087

>$2 ""bacon"" wrapped ""steak""
I would NOT.

>> No.18347091

$41 would buy me a fuckofalot more food than that.

>> No.18347102

>tenderloin, oat milk, and frozen pizz
Very responsible

>> No.18347103

by not being poor

>> No.18347117
File: 19 KB, 712x681, 1651719168547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2/3rd of the purchased items are candy and snack foods
Do they really?

>> No.18347125

Yes, they really do

>> No.18347128
File: 110 KB, 1080x692, Screenshot_20220701-173728_Firefox~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food is still cheap as child fuck where I live. It's gone up a tiny bit over the last 10 years, but much slower than my increase in salary.

>> No.18347131

I live in commiefornia so my prices were already high, prices havent risen much in the past year. I do a lot of BBQ and was able to find some briskets at costco at a 'pre-covid' price

>> No.18347178

I can eat for a week on $41, none of that shit either except for bananas

>> No.18347310
File: 138 KB, 779x834, 1654735104438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part of inflation is seeing shit like this. Anyone have the rebuttal where the person spent a similar amount but budgeted wisely and bought staples/canned food and had no problem even in fucking DC?

>> No.18347342

40.96 can get me 38 cans/packets of salmon, which is 1178 grams of protein. Or I can just by 82 cans of Vienna sausages in hot sauce

>> No.18347416

>Wouldn’t gas prices going down reduce the cost of groceries?
that's the neat part: they will never go lower, since now they have bigger profit margins.

>> No.18347423

>Wouldn’t gas prices going down reduce the cost of groceries?
the price of milk is set before the price of gas.

>> No.18347426

>they will never go lower
just wait.

>> No.18347431

isn't there still a trucker shortage issue?

>> No.18347443

Kroger brand stores heavily discount items when their expiration date is approaching. I bought a lot of steaks like that and I was fine.

>> No.18347446

I'd be interested in seeing that rebuttal. I used to live near DC and still don't live too far from it so I'd wanna see what they bought and where
>cheap as child fuck
A-anon.....what do you mean by that?
Right? What do people expect when they buy luxury items?

>> No.18347447

>Wouldn’t gas prices going down reduce the cost of groceries?
You fell for the federal government meme that inflation was being caused by le heckin profit gouging gas companies. The truth is that the inflation is caused by the federal government printing oodles of money. The price of various things may rise or fall but that shitty feeling of life as you lived it being now too expensive to realize is here to stay (unless you upgrade your job). They're not going to unprint the money. This is the new normal

>> No.18347449

places like Aldi sell old produce too
it's usually use it or lose it within a couple of days

>> No.18347464

please post more of these pictures I'm obsessed with how these people eat. I don't understand it. So much soda and chips and never veggies or meat or even rice. Is this really how the majority of people eat?

>> No.18347473

12 years olds do

>> No.18347559

>midwit "le money printer caused inflation!" poster
Printing money can cause inflation, but it doesn't always (proof: tons of money created after 2008, inflation remained low until this past year).
This round of inflation is due to increased demand and an inability to ramp up supply quickly enough to meet it. The money supply matters to some extent but supply/demand is the main reason. Different products have larger or smaller increases for various specific reasons. Eggs are very expensive now because of a bird flu epidemic, which happened before, and the prices will go back down again eventually. Some things won't go back down.
I don't expect you to see reason given that you're a retard that thinks blaming inflation on money printing a profound revelation instead of the most basic normoid meme imaginable.

>> No.18347605

the money created after 2008 inflated the housing and stock markets. Now that those are doing poorly the money is bleeding out into the rest of society

>> No.18347610

50% junk food. Every time.

>> No.18347613

Just get a pound of sugar?

>> No.18347614

>housing market
>doing poorly

>> No.18347616

>by the federal government printing oodles of money
The federal government doesn't print the money, retard.

>> No.18347681

Thats mostly candy you fat fucking retard

>> No.18347684

It's an obvious bubble, if you got any investment properties with loans hanging over your head get rid of them

>> No.18347685

>cheap as child fuck
I thought that was expensive? It's why mostly billionaire CEOs and rich politicians are doing it these days.

>> No.18347695

>seltzer water
>tobasco sauce
>$2 of bananas
lmao what a faggot
my grocery list isn't stellar either but i'm also not posting on a "poverty finance" subreddit
get some fucking rice and beans you fat retard

>> No.18347697

They do it because it's wild and provocative, like a fashion statement for rich fucks.

>> No.18347706

Jewish trick right here.

>> No.18347759


housing market won't crash anon. Its too strong and powerful.

>> No.18347783

>ice cream
>simple truth sparkling water
There's $10 atleast right their, excluding the fact 3/4 of that pile is SHIT anyways.

>> No.18347800

Everything but the bread, peanut butter and bananas is so wasteful. Who needs two boxes of otter pops?

>> No.18347827

>go grocery shopping
>"I'm going to be a responsible adult and only buy real food that I need"
>buy exclusively bulk staples and frozen veg, meat on sale, some cheap fresh fruits and veg
>go home and realize I don't have anything quick to snack on
>go back to the store and buy nothing but granola bars, fruit flavoured gummies, chips, and ice cream

I do this every time. That OP pic looks like my grocery haul when I realize I don't have snacks.

>> No.18347832

Just like my cock 2 years ago. But let me tell you buddy, ED can hit like a truck and there aint no going up again after that.

>> No.18347881

5% of the grocery store isn't outright poison, at best. Anything above that in a grocery haul is unironically beating the odds.

>> No.18347901

Lmao. I just spent $15 for two loaves of bread and some pastrami in NJ. This and a few Roma tomatoes from my plant will last me a week

>> No.18347908

Pretty horrible haul but also why two loaves of bread?

>> No.18347914

>Who needs two boxes of otter pops?

>> No.18347920

Just get cheap past-expired candy or straight sugar, it's healthy, apparently.

>> No.18347925

I got a rosemary olive oil loaf and a ciabatta from Lidl.

The ciabatta and pastrami that’ll be good for 3 decent sized sandwiches for the week. The rosemary loaf is just for snacking with the tomatoes for dinner.

I’ve lost 5lbs so far eating like this for the last week.

>> No.18347990

"It’s what someone who doesn’t know how to shop shows $40 in groceries. Odds are you’re obese and fighting diabetes based on your choices.

lol, there is hope for that website yet

>> No.18348041

Exercise: you have 40.96$ and you have to buy a week's worth of food:
>20 eggs = 4$
>2 fresh mozzarellas = 2$
>2 cans of chickpeas/any bean = 2$
>1kg of bananas = 1.50$
>2kg of potatoes = 2$
>1kg of white rice = 1.50$
>3kg of veggies (carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants) = 5$
>2 cans of deenz/mackerel (brine or olive oil) = 4$
22$, this is too easy, let's get fancier stuff:
>Fresh fish = 8$
>Ran out of olive oil, buying 0.5L = 5$
>Some fresh herbs and spices = 3$
>2x dark chocolates at 75% = 3$

>> No.18348062

Your prices are out of date.

>> No.18348070

Farmer markets and Lidl in EU
Admittedly, I should probably add 30% more for USA, right?

>> No.18348092

Everyones prices are out of date
Hot Dog buns were already insanely priced at $2.69 a few weeks ago
I bought some last night, they are $3.99

The inflation hasnt stopped and is just getting worse.

>> No.18348119

Literally start buying in bulk. Shop at a grocery store in your state that's specifically designed to sell bulk items for cheap. Every single grocery store that does not sell in bulk will Jew you out of a shopping trip and waste your time.

>> No.18348139

>buys 4-5 pounds of ice cream products
>a bunch of shitty cereal
>all those cookies
these pictures always enrage me

>> No.18348195

>>2 fresh mozzarellas = 2$
>>Ran out of olive oil, buying 0.5L = 5$
don't know what you bought but it ain't real olive oil

>> No.18348201


Malt-o-Meal cereal is better than the other name-brand garbage and you cannot change my mind

>> No.18348282

You don't snack on the fruits and veggies?

>> No.18348292

Because diesel is still more than $5/gallon you fucking moron

>> No.18348440

I hate these fucking pics so much. Obviously they're buying processed shit foods you should maybe get one of. But their entire order consists of this. Take it down to healthy and whole foods and the volume of food literally quadruples.

>> No.18348442
File: 901 KB, 1756x1080, 1638947675726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Break down your shopping into protein (pb, eggs, meats, fish), carbs (pasta, bread, flour), veg, herbs/spices, and grocery (soap etc). Then bookmark the ad pages of every store within range. Every week pop open the ads and see what the sales are. Over time you will get a sense of the real price of foods and what is a deal to spend on.

Eating healthy and whole foods is also best tasting and cheapest way to eat.

Some tips:

>Buy in bulk at the lowest price then shop for smaller amounts as you go
>find the discount aisles in each store you visit, they all have at least one area
>Immigrant markets are your FRIEND. Find where they are and get their ads.
>You can buy some food and toiletries online cheaper, and at higher quality (e.g., bulk bags of good rice, paper, etc)
>If you have the room freeze your on-sale protein and get your veg fresh
>Potatoes, onions, and carrots sell dirt cheap in bulk bags. Learn to cook with these.
>Rice is a staple and there are a thousand ways to eat it
>Learn recipes that stretch out proteins with vegetables, rice, and pastas
>oatmeal and oatmeal accessories
>search for deals on herbs and spices like a thirsty simp and over a long period of time you will build a formidable spice collection
>Buddy up with the deli and butcher personnel and they will hook you up

>> No.18348448

>"poverty" sub
>retarded choices
A vicious cycle
also a woman

>> No.18348449

I don't snack. OMAD4LYFE

>> No.18348518
File: 983 KB, 881x708, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, of course not.
They had an excuse to hike up prices with no consequence. Why the fuck would they lower them again?

>> No.18348578

Is cereal the worst drug in american history? I haven't had it in probably 15 years and have no desire to but I disliked eating breakfast even as a kid. Meanwhile grown adults buying stwawbewwy yoguwt 100000 gram sugar "healthy" cereal to schlork down every morning because they can't let go of childhood.

>> No.18348609

I never understood the cereal thing either. My half senile grandmother and siblings all eat that shit every day though

>> No.18348644

I used to eat it as a kid until I realized it didn't keep me feeling full for shit, then I switched to PB on bread. Now I'm on PB in oats and it's the best of all of them

>> No.18348664

I earn a salary. That's how. I never even give a shit when prices go up. Should have learned to code losers.

>> No.18348665

burrito i ideal breakfast. beans, rice, meat and vegtables

>> No.18348690
File: 605 KB, 623x527, 1659393498828667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those steaks are like half-

>> No.18348691


Of course it's all garbage.

$40 buys plenty of rice, beans, ginger, onion, salsa picante, and pork shoulder.

>> No.18348707

1) almost all of that is goyslop, they could have bought actual food for 40 bucks. 2) i’m surprised they even got that much for 40 bucks desu.

>> No.18348708

Frosted flakes, bread, ice cream, ...these aren't groceries. They're snacks.

>> No.18348709

>reduce prices
Hahaha good joke. Do you think grocery stores are going to reduce prices if they have gotten away with it so far. They're just going to raise them more.

>> No.18348713

Most of that is just snacks. People who make purchases like these are fat retards.

>> No.18348714

>thats not a weeks worth of meals

I’m american but what in the fucking fuck.

>> No.18348729

Guarantee it's someone in low-income housing. My retarded cousin and his useless wife live like this, this is almost 1:1 what their diet looks like

>> No.18348731

Imagine the smell of the sharts.

>> No.18348736

The fact that mods haven't wordfiltered your shit forced meme yet is astonishing

>> No.18348749


>ice cream
>two boxes of ice pops
>honey peanut butter
>two packages of cookies
>a single hot sauce bottle
>bacon wrapped steak
>oat milk
>an entire bag of malt candy
thats dumbass college kid who cant cook and grew up rich

>> No.18348750

>3-4 days worth of food
>6 full sized bags of chips
I refuse to believe there are people that actually eat like this.

>> No.18348968


>> No.18349076

I live in low income housing and I don't eat any of that shit

>> No.18349111

>Real estate
>Doing poorly
Lmao give me what you're smoking anon
You're high as fuck

>> No.18349122

It's been "a bubble that will pop really soon" for 30 years

>> No.18349127

Can hardly get half a dozen eggs for $4 now

>> No.18349156

>I refuse to believe there are people that actually eat like this.
They exist. It's nice to think that everyone can be made to understand nutrition, but what can you can do with kids that are given soda for breakfast by their diabetic parents (speaking from experience).

>> No.18349366

Always love when actual underage retards voice their braindead opinions on economics

That’s what they said in 2007.

>the Federal Reserve is le hekkin PRIVATE!!!
It’s a divested branch of the federal government, not a private bank like Wells Fargo or whatever

>> No.18349371

Americans be like
>What do you mean I can't buy beef for $1/pound anymore???

>> No.18349374

As if, I can get a dozen from my local big chain for $3

>> No.18349381 [DELETED] 
File: 385 KB, 812x567, 15867 - angry clothes fat glasses hat irl_background mcdonalds open_mouth soyjak stubble text variant_unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that mods haven't wordfiltered your shit forced meme yet is astonishing

>> No.18349383 [DELETED] 

>soybooru filename
/qa/ lost. Party is dead.

>> No.18349499
File: 240 KB, 1200x800, peter-menzel-hungry-planet-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're a whole set of these.

>> No.18349509

The only thing "muh inflation" has noticeably driven prices up on my grocery shopping is chicken products and canned foods. All canned items are up about 30% in price from where they used to be, and chicken is almost doubled in price which is fucking crazy. I miss eating chicken but I'm not paying that much even the goyslop fed factory farm birds are over $10 a piece now.

>> No.18349511
File: 166 KB, 964x643, article-2319825-19A20747000005DC-934_964x643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18349515

that one always confused the fuck outta me, mainly because how in the hell are 5 people eating like 50-60 bananas in a week on the regular? 2+ bananas per day per person? fuck that, i'd go insane.

>> No.18349527
File: 150 KB, 985x828, DA33374A-7358-4910-AD18-26EDCEFCF241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be a troll.

>> No.18349567 [DELETED] 

Oy vey

>> No.18349596

I wonder what she considers to be a meal. CPS should take her children away.

>> No.18349599

Self checkout+shoplifting

>> No.18349606
File: 405 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_4546 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid $12 for all of pic rel in 2019
Now 1 cabbage is $8.

NZ, so $7.50/ $5 US respectively

>> No.18349612

>>1kg of bananas = 1.50$
How in the fuck.

>> No.18349617

Dunno about you amerifats but diesel prices are still fucking retarded here, $1.9L for diesel vs $1.4L for gas

>> No.18349630

why not just fucking say, or be quiet you obtuse faggot

>> No.18349629

gas prices are down?

>> No.18349637

>Price is in dollars but fuel is measured in litres.

3 guesses retard

>> No.18349642

over 35 different countries use 'dollars' and most of them use litres too.

>> No.18349657

Now which one of those aren't 3rd world shitholes?

>> No.18349661

If there's one imperial measurement other countries should consider its gallon. Liter is 1/4th of a gallon and is just too small a unit for measuring industrial liquids and fuels.

>> No.18349668

several and lots of thirdies post on 4channel

just don't say 'here'. Say where you're talking about or don't talk about it. Pretty simple.

>> No.18349672

It's canada you fuckin nigger loving retard

>> No.18349682

settle down lad.

>> No.18349683

In the US, looking at my groceries weekly flyer right now. Organic bananas on sale for $0.85/lb. Non-organic presumably cheaper.

To answer OP's question, if you shop via weekly grocery store fliers you can get most things at pretty close to pre-covid prices. Some things are definitely more expensive. Basic bread is up maybe $0.50-$1 per loaf even on sale. Milk seems to never go on sale. I can get 18 eggs for $4 right now. Not great, not horrible.

>> No.18349690
File: 96 KB, 964x642, article-2319825-19A206F9000005DC-822_964x642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18349710

crazy how retards (you) think others are

>> No.18349712

I'm amazed at the staying price of bananas really. They've been the exact same price as long as I have first known how much they were which is roughly 2001 and they're still the same price

>> No.18349721

>five freedombucks for a head of cabbage
Holy shit. Do you not have any domestic cabbages in Kiwiland?

>> No.18349755

So over $1.70US per kg, which would convert to higher in the $s of nations that use kg.

>> No.18349770

In the winter which is their summer Australia was paying like $14 for a head of lettuce, made the meme rounds. Apparently there's only like two grocery chains in all of Australia and nz that control essentially all food flow and operate is an agreed duopoly

>> No.18350030

Are they really going to eat all that before it goes bad? Like that huge stack of bread. It looks like quality bread so it's not pumped full of preservatives.

>> No.18350035

Poor people are retarded and incompetent. That's why they're poor. Nothing new.

>> No.18350053

Those fat fucks. Where is the vegetables and fiber? All I see is constipation.

>> No.18350071

What is going on in Straya and NZ and your vegetable prices? Cabbage is about 1€/kg here and I live in a pretty expensive country.

>> No.18350088

That's weird. Here diesel is cheaper but the yearly tax for the car is more expensive than a car that runs on gas. So if you drive for work it's often cheaper to get a diesel car.

>> No.18350119

I thought you said it wasn't a 3rd world shithole?

>> No.18350170

Honestly these sorts of subreddits are where you can truly see just how out of touch millennials really are. It's called "povertyfinance", yet not a single one of them actually seems to care about how far their money goes. It's like they're completely unable to make personal sacrifices.

>But I don't want potatoes and rice with every meal >:(

If you have the option, you are not in poverty.

>> No.18350180

That comes out at around £35. Like seriously, £5/day? At least give me a fucking challenge lmao, I smash that as-is.

I don't eat in the morning because I'm not a cuck

250g bacon - £0.40
3 LARGE eggs - £0.45
Sauerkraut - £0.05

500g ground beef - £1.80
Can of chopped tomatoes - £0.30

Optional - half a gallon of beer - £2

So that's £5/day and there's a mountain of protein in the middle of all that. And almost half that money is beer lmao. Last year I managed to eat for under £1/day for a month once.

>> No.18350182

There are almost zero calories in this photograph

>> No.18350195

>>But I don't want potatoes and rice with every meal >:(
>If you have the option, you are not in poverty.
I bring in less than $15k/yr and I don't eat rice and potatoes with every meal. I eat well but buy smart.

>> No.18350205

The issue is that it's yet another subreddit for dumbfucks who just want to complain about how difficult their life is and how expensive everything is when in reality they're just Gwyneth Paltrow buying seven limes.

>> No.18350207

Is bacon really that cheap in the UK? Where I live it's like 12€/kilo. Completely overpriced.

>> No.18350209

>Bacon rashers
£3 for 300g

>Bacon offcuts
£0.75 for 500g

I genuinely cannot fathom why people buy rashers of bacon.

>> No.18350220

Oh I didn't know offcuts were a thing. They don't sell those here but if they did I would never buy rashers again.

>> No.18350227

>oatmilk: CHECK

>> No.18350229

They're tucked into a bottom corner at the supermarket. They only have one or two cases of it a day in a huge insanely busy supermarket, but for some unknown reason nobody seems to touch it. I frequently buy 3-4 packs at a time since its use by date tends to be upwards of a month.

>> No.18350243

>sugary cereal
>ice cream
>otter pops
>seltzer water

>> No.18350247

Don't be rude. Americans don't have time to cook because they need to wageslave 14 hours a day.

>> No.18350290

Dumb esl poster

>> No.18350299

They don't buy it all at once. They'd probably buy bread everyday. It's all there at once for the photo

>> No.18350300

It's actually my third language.

>> No.18350309

Tops does the same thing. I basically hit the store daily and grab whatever meat is marked down and plan my meal around that.

>> No.18350319


I don't know how they are with shoulder bacon or w/e it is you call bacon there but fatback offcuts cook into a giant pool of grease leaving like a 3rd of the meat and tend to disintegrate, it's not like they aren't worth buying if it's all you can afford especially if you want to use the fat for frying, but it's worth getting normal rashers if you can afford it at all imo

>> No.18350379

While it's true that offcuts are mostly fat, that fat is extremely useful and offcuts aren't meant to replace rashers or streaky bacon.
I live in the US. While any supermarket or butcher here which slices bacon to order will have offcuts, they're not always available due to other people snatching them up before you can. When I get them, I buy the lot and freeze the sumbitches.

I used them for rendering bacon grease as a cooking fat, for use in just about anything chopped streaky bacon would be used for, in place of guanciale for carbonara and, if I get some particularly large chunks, I run them through the mincer with some plain-ass lean pork to make bacon breakfast sausages. Just add sugar, molasses, salt and spices and seasoning and there we are. I stuff it into casings but I know most USicans prefer to eat their "sausage" uncased as a patty, which is fine, too.

Offcuts aren't nearly as cheap here as BritAnon's 75p pricetag, but at $2/lb (pre-CoViD; idk how much they are now), offcuts are about half the price of normal bacon.

>> No.18350394

>bacon breakfast sausages
That sounds delicious.

>> No.18350397

Why would a company bring prices back down after people got used to the raised price?

>> No.18350404

Even if their supply got cheaper they will absolutely not do it. Some might to attract more customers but most won't.

>> No.18350441
File: 350 KB, 1910x1200, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Governments around the world have bought into the Laissez-faire, neoliberal hegemony and do not believe that it is the governments place to interfere in corporations in the interests of their citizens. This has enabled the current orgy of price gouging.
The uk goverment just took out a £130bn loan to pay to fuel providers, which uk citizens will have to pay back over the next 20 years, instead of implementing a windfall tax. (To illustrate how fucked this is, both Thatcher and Regan used windfall taxes to stabilise oil prices after the OPEC oil embargo..... both of them were archetype neoliberals but saw the need and justification to "interfere")

The west is apparently a left-wing hell hole, yet I have not heard of ANY western leader float the idea of temporary nationalization, which would be the default left-wing response.

>> No.18350444

>Buys nothing but highly processed goyslop
>”I can’t afford it, bros.”
Is this a troll or are people actually this stupid?

>> No.18350447

Who the fuck doesn't like rice? It's literally the most basic type of food. And why potatoes?

True poverty meal is just rice, bread and beans - and it still fucking tastes great.

>> No.18350477

Potatoes are cheaper in my country. Kilo of potatoes is 99cents or even cheaper. Kilo of cheapest rice is almost double that. It's probably because rice isn't grown here in the nordic.

>> No.18350501

Not a single fucking vegetable anywhere.
Just piles of sugar and carbs.

>> No.18350503

you can fuck a baby for a dollar in the philippines

>> No.18350514

potatoes are cheaper in many places around Yurop. Rice is often more expensive than pasta/potatoes.

>> No.18350540

because im not buying the price gouging products and am going the distance to keep it cheap

>> No.18350550

cut the lunchables, dum dums, pizza, and half the soda
trawl the meat section and look for discounted stuff you can toss in the freezer
hell if you cut the tenderloins out too, you could probably get a few bags of frozen chicken thighs

>> No.18350557

They wont do it immediately, but it will happen
Competitors will lower their prices and itll be a race to the bottom to make the sale.

>> No.18350573

honestly you can ditch the entire cart except for the bread and start again, because there's nothing else in the entire thing that's a staple food.

cereal -> oats/raisins/milk
juice -> actual fruit
premade mashed potatoes -> normal potatoes
lunchables -> send your kid to school with normal crackers and cheese, or carrot sticks, or reuse the raisins
all the fucking chips and mountain dew -> frozen vegetables, whatever's cheap and fresh
lunch meat -> roast a chicken and use that
pizza -> ingredients for an actual meal, make a stew or something

>> No.18350600

that legitimately looks like a lot more food than I could get for my $40 here in nyc...

>> No.18350670

are you including the junkfood

>> No.18350684

Nah, that’s an obese poor person who was terribly fed growing up.

>> No.18350785

Mercury poisoning.

>> No.18350793

Of course it wouldn't. Because the greedy fuckers raised the prices meaning margins much more than the costs. And now the greedy fuckers of course won't lower the prices because they are greedy fuckers. Or also called: capitalists.

>> No.18350794

but your income is probably twice that of the rest of the country

>> No.18350813
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This is what 80 bucks can get you. Buying smartly can get down to 60 for the same but I'm not wageslaving and cutting corners in my kitchen.

>> No.18350833

>all processed goyslop except for bananas and fresh meat
stop being poor and spend some money on fresh produce you stupid fat fucking pig fuck redditors

>> No.18350832

>17 fr on beer

>> No.18350855

WTF are you doing? Where's the Mountain Dew and chips?

>> No.18350864

B-but food desert. I gotta eat disgusting garbage because food desert.

>> No.18350900

>20 eggs
do foreigners really?

>> No.18350905

Gas prices went up because of speculation, not because of international turmoil. Everything else went up because of speculation on gas speculation as well.

There's absolutely no reason why regular speculation should end, now that gas speculation has ended.

Turns out you like to pay ridiculous premium prices for absolute garbage. So that's what you'll do from now on. We told you this would happen.

>> No.18350924

Diesel fuel hasn't shifted as much downward either which is what trucks use. Though supply chains are complicated and multicausal.

>> No.18350930

B-but i need my sweet snacks to eat after i drink my 7.95 small freetrade soycum latte

>> No.18351416

Congrats, you just learned that most world governments are not left leaning at all and poltards are clueless.

>> No.18351465

>float the idea of temporary nationalization, which would be the default left-wing response.
weird becauses thats what every right winger wants

>> No.18351726

>buys unfrozen organic beans
>9 euros a kilogram
aren't you worried about suffering from roundup deficiency, anon?

>> No.18351746

I have never heard a recent right leaning politician call for nationalization of any industry.

>> No.18352133

Post nose and L'chaim

>> No.18352154

Who's that guy in the blue shirt and how did he get in their kitchen?

>> No.18352168

The heat of the federal reserve money printer kills the wagie

>> No.18352175

gwenyth 7 limes paltrow

>> No.18352207

had them before
it’s a round roast cut into filet shape. Not very good

>> No.18352210
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>> No.18352219

>diet is ice cream, popsicles, bacon, and childrens' cereal

>> No.18352222

That reddit has good meal preps if you ignore all the obvious bait posts like OP is posting, seen one that is 115 meals for $131.

>> No.18352491

In Australia's case it was a really shit harvest earlier this year.
Nz's problem is it's a small mountainous place with a shit climate and short summers, so mostly only fruit is grown to be brewed into cider and other alcohol.
Both are geographically isolated and have strict import laws so neither tend to import fruit, veg or meat.

Most people here in ausnz grow their own veggies these days anyway. One trip to Bunnings and $20 of seed packets for enough veg to do you most of the year is much cheaper in the long run.

>> No.18352496

Veg out of season is always expensive.
Bell Peppers are $6 each right now cuz it literally snowed yesterday

>> No.18352506
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>Bell Peppers are $6 each right now
they're $2.50/lb where I am

>> No.18352509


Supermarket industry is literally 2 mega corporations that have agreed to not undercut each other so as to increase profits
They even go out of their way to aggressively purchase land and bribe property developers to prevent any potential competition from trying to get established

>> No.18352515

Wat? They are around that price per kilo all year round in Finland. Do we have some magical greenhouse tech other countries don't know about?

>> No.18352542
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>> No.18352553

That one pissed me off since we found out that the redditor in question had an autistic kid he was feeding that high carb snack food diet to which is like the worst thing you can do to one of them

>> No.18352566

And yet despite spending money on shit like this, inflation is just an insidious plot to punish single working mothers, boomers, and whatever race the faggot on facebook posting their goyslop belongs to.

I see shit like this and I hope all the conspiracies are real because they deserve it.

>> No.18352567
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>> No.18352589

Does anyone here know how to save accidentally frozen unpeeled bananas?

>> No.18352601

throw in blender add milk blend

>> No.18352613

Add rum too. Frozen banana and rum milkshakes are how I get through 40’c summer days.

>> No.18352657

I don't even own a blender (college kid here).

>> No.18352674

Just let it thaw for a few minutes, cut off the ends, then cut in half, then cut a long slice through the peel then peel it off. (you can google this)

If you don't want to eat the banana like that, add it to a smoothie, or oats, cereal, yogurt, etc.

>> No.18352678
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>mfw an american was fat near me

>> No.18352693

What's wrong with eating in the morning

>> No.18352697

So go to your nearest thrift store and buy one for a couple dollars donated by some Karen that was totally going to use it to be healthy but went back to goyslop after wasting her ex husband's alimony check on it

>> No.18352705

>Wouldn’t gas prices going down reduce the cost of groceries? Mine are still fucking high.
lol, lmao
Keep voting blue

>> No.18352715


He's known as a black father. Very very rare.

>> No.18352717

ok then get one

>> No.18352746

suck my dick there ain't nothing wrong with some baked beans

>> No.18352843

>wouldn't lower taxes and less regulations for businesses reduce the cost of X? Mine are still fucking high.
lol, lmao
Keep voting red

>> No.18352883

I bought a container of ice cream (pistachio). Thanks for the help.

>> No.18352914

>3 meals a dat
What meals nigga?

>> No.18352925

Mt. Dew w/ Mountain Dew & Apple Jacks.
Mt. Dew feat. Ruffles
Mt. Dew marinated chicken

>> No.18352930

Are you me?

>> No.18352956

we dont really do greenhouses here
like 90% of NZ's agriculture is sheep, fishing (which we dont even eat, it's exported so salmon is still $25 for 2-3 thin slices) and stone fruit like cherries, pears etc.

>> No.18352969

I think I would kill myself if I ate like that

>> No.18352990
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$75 in Auburn Alabama

>> No.18352992

>$25 for 2-3 thin slices
Grim. Salmon is usually kinda expensive. Maybe like 15€/kg, but if the has been a good hauls it can be as low as 8€/kg

>> No.18352996

Anyone eating like that is killing themselves, anon.

>> No.18353092

it was due to flooding in the east coast that resulted in losing the lettuce crop and there was high demand for it but very low supply

>> No.18353098

Stop fucking snacking, I bet your A1C is sky high.

>> No.18353532

what the fuck is wrong with you? why are you on /ck/ when you eat 50% prepackaged junk food? at least make your own junk.

>> No.18353553

Damn the French really love their baguette

>> No.18353557

>buying food online
you deserve to be completely sucked dry of any pennies you can have

>> No.18353568

you really should do this >>18352697
excellent way to get all kinds of nice things as a poor person. I picked up a Blendtec ($400 blender) for $10. Also a nice fermenting crocks and a surround sound system

>> No.18353608

>Bottled water
Buy a fucking filter you mongoloid, it'll save you money over time. Auburns water quality isn't fucking flint levels, it's actually better than average.

>> No.18353609

> prepackaged garbage
> out of season, not on sale produce

way to go EINSTEIN

>> No.18353616

Just those breakfast sandwiches were like 8$, he could buy a dozen eggs, sausage, croissants, and cheese al seperately for like 10-12 but get 3x the food.

>> No.18353652

Jesus fucking christ, not a single real food in there. Have Americans just forgotten how to cook? If it doesn't come in a box with retard-proof instructions they just can't manage?

>> No.18353695

they probably make tons of smoothies if they're already able to spend like that

>> No.18353706

I was gonna say, not even counting in delivery costs when you buy food online they ramp the price up considerably higher than if you just walked in and got it yourself. Again, not counting delivery costs, so they're fucking you in the ass twice as hard with artificial inflation for online users AND the delivery fee

>> No.18353846
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>literally not a single vegetable
I suddenly understand why every other American I meet has hemorrhoids.

>> No.18353925

why? curious

>> No.18354194

Nope, I bought it in the store and the price is the same because it’s all within the city. They make money by hiring less employees, not by firing prices up.

>> No.18354258

Why, scared of big numbers that can be easily converted into volume?

>> No.18354306

I guess one could say you'd go bananas

>> No.18354408
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>Poverty finance
>Buys bacon wrapped filet
This is a troll right?

>> No.18355184

>a bunch of cereals and non-essential items
All you need is bread, meat and MAYBE the banana

>> No.18355212
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>TFW get 400 bucks a month from Joe Brandon to spend on whatever expensive foods I want
Just had some lamb with leeks in a cheeky creamy cheese sauce. Also bought some snapper, shrimp, steaks, a pork shoulder. Gonna go tomorrow to get some pork belly and ox tail maybe from my Asian market.
Still got my massive sack of flour from last month. It's my birthday this month and I'm going to make tres leches cake.

>> No.18355218

not everyone eats fucking cat food lmao

>> No.18355256

Bananas are delicious. I eat two with peanut butter as a quick breakfast.

>> No.18355417

>honey bread

>> No.18355441

I just think that keeping your body in a fasted state that bit longer is good for you.

>> No.18355448

This is just a result of retards never learning how to shop or cook for themselves. It's easy as fuck. Buy a staple. Rice, potatos, whatever, this will be the base of any meal. Buy meats, pork and chicken is great, beef occasionally, and learn how to properly cook them. Throw these on top of the staple. Learn how to make a few sauces. Pick one and throw on the whole assembly. 3 staples, 3 meats, 3 sauces, you can now make 27 meals.

>> No.18355491

Very based, especially the tres leches cake
How are you getting 400 a month though? We get like 270.

>> No.18355494

Had a minor shock at spending $400 at cotsco today but the two cases of monster ultra and case of hard seltzer together were almost $80 so I wasn't too surprised when I went over the receipt. Gonna be eating good for a while, though.

>> No.18355505

I refuse to believe it's not just trolling. Nobody can spend half their food money on breakfast cereal and snacks then post it on the internet complaining about the price of food.

>> No.18355535

see the 'On Sale' sticker for $1.99?
better value than the corn syrup byproducts

>> No.18355541

I live with my mother and I'm listed as a dependent but I'm in charge of the shopping because I'm the one who cooks. She's gotten to old to cook every night.
Bread made with honey instead of sugar to activate the yeast i think

>> No.18355657

you've been saying the housing market is about to crash since the 60s and it's only done so once

>> No.18355663


>> No.18355675

Probably not a good idea to live in a desert if you're worried about cost of living.

>> No.18355678

>processed food
>processed food
>processed food
>processed food
>processed food

>> No.18355691

>not processed

>> No.18355693

That’s actually a solid haul for that much. That being said it’s all trash outside of the bananas. Just buy meat cheese eggs and butter next time. OMAD and profit.

>> No.18355696

no, 3/4 is junkfood. shit haul

>> No.18355698

I would def say baked beans are more healthy than cream cheese at least.

>> No.18355701

What are you smoking?

>> No.18355703

You don't need sugar or honey to "activate" the yeast.

t. former pro/current hobbyist breadbaker

>> No.18355713

Kek underrated

>> No.18355716

>beef occasionally
Stop talking you man tits having queer

>> No.18355723

Read the second sentence of my post bro

>> No.18355751

What’s the round moldy meat thing

>> No.18355760

yeast needs to eat some sort of sugar, anon. I don't think you bake bread at all.

>> No.18355765

woah, watch out guys, there's a professional in our midst

>> No.18355797

He's retarded, because flour has some natural sugars in it, but the yeast doesn't eat a lot of it. Sourdough starters for example is just wet dough with yeast. But if you bloom the yeast with sugar or honey you get a different texture since the yeast has more to eat

>> No.18355799

>yeast needs to eat some sort of sugar, anon.
Technically, yes, but not exactly, no.
Yeast need saccharides IE sugars. This is true. In baking bread, yeasts don't need added cane sugar or beet sugar or honey or any other added sweetener. Starches are saccharides. Polysaccharides, to be precise IE a chain of sugars. The yeast break down the chains into their individual links, monosaccharides.
From Sweden to Sri Lanka, most traditional yeast breads are made this way, with no added sugar.

>> No.18355813

Bacon wrapped beef tenderloin.

>> No.18355825

No he said
>former pro/current hobbyist breadbaker

>> No.18355830

rice an beans where?

>> No.18355831

Americans always say this, but everyone else in the world manages to make perfectly fine bread without cramming it full of sugar. Let it rise longer or bloom it with flour in warm water.

>> No.18355839

>Burlap sacks
Do yuropeans really?

>> No.18355842
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>as child fuck

>> No.18355846

everything you listed there is about 2.5x that price in canada
christ, some things are 3-4x

>> No.18355853

My niggah living in the 2000's /90's

>> No.18355854

wait but the white shirt dude on the left looks like the father
how old is that dude

>> No.18355864

it is. I do 16-8 fasting since its really easy.

>> No.18355865

only extra virgins buy extra virgin olive oil

>> No.18355878

>planet oat milk
Someone should redo the soyboy meme again, but in a 2022 version "oatmilk boy"

>> No.18355920

How the fuck you people shop food?
Do you make your own weekly/biweekly budget?
You rationalize it by protein/carbs/f & v/ shit fast or frozen food?

Also you make a menu beforehand? Are your menus based on whats on sale beforehand?

Nobody answer me here, this thread is close to being archive Someone copy paste my questions and start a new thread.

>> No.18355939

>Wouldn’t gas prices going down reduce the cost of groceries?
Don't worry about gas price. Worry about the impending railroad strike if you think food prices are high now.

>> No.18355961

i did, but you called a solid haul to my disagreement

>> No.18355965

If you are so concerned with gas prices and buy all this carbo shit, perhaps go on a walk to the fuckin store so you burn some calories

>> No.18356041

>t. Morbidly obese amerimutt
Red meats of all kinds are best enjoyed occasionally. Not only are they generally more expensive, but also generally worse for you. Your primary meats should be chicken, pork, or fish.

>> No.18356073

No. It NEEDS sugar!
Don't you see? If you don't add sugar to your bread dough, then the gluten structures will be destroyed! Entire societies will crumble! Rivers will run red with blood! And Nazis will once again roam the Earth riding zombie dinosaurs!

>> No.18356147

Theres some food in your sugar

>> No.18356149

>115 meals for $131.
Ramen soup?

>> No.18356227

Thread related
just made

>> No.18356370

>20 eggs = $4
yeah that's right
>can of beans costs the same as fresh mozzarella cheese
Ok Paco now I know you're just trolling. 9/10

>> No.18356391

Google it

>> No.18356398

I live a ten-minute walk from the supermarket, buy staples whenever they're low, and buy fresh meat and vegetables roughly every second or third day.

Meal planning is
>go through what I plan to make for the next few days
>add it to Cronometer as a recipe
>buy the ingredients
>measure everything on a scale and adjust the values as I go
>freeze half if it's a big serving size

Don't really need to budget. My meals all work out under $5 AUD/serve, usually around $3, so I try to get nutrition right even if it costs a bit more.

>Nobody answer me here, this thread is close to being archive
Become ungovernable.

>> No.18356532

>15 days ago lol
Those plastic containers are expensive af,
Would b nice to have a bigass chest freezer to save some food money. IF I WOULD HAVE A HOUSE! Timmy-turner-dad.meme

>> No.18356535

Post here:>>18356227

>> No.18356622

I see they have a bunch of posts like that..
But like i said before, those containers are quite expensive.
And like many people point out, food taste like shit after few days, or afyer being defrosted..

So unless you dont care about taste or repetitive foods,(I wouldnt eat sonething more than twice/thrice a week (without being sick enough to not have it in a long time after that, because of the repetitive "trauma"),
What you can do, is to find an intermediate way to make that shit work, maybe like:
>do that crap for side dishes or quick lunch
>force the fuck yourself to eat the same thing, you can make it last longer by playing with diff. dressings/spices
>meal prep for 3 days
(Or similar for starters, who knows, maybe it turn to be your kink and you may want to keep adding days, and who knows, perhaps you will get bored the fuck out of it and stop all this faggotry Im writing a whole essay about while fucking shitting garlic sented shit in middle of the night)
>go uninvited to communal parties lol