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File: 149 KB, 1086x1020, AA47F0CD-EA0E-4A94-BC4E-90AB0D215AD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18346318 No.18346318 [Reply] [Original]

>wine snobs
>beer snobs
>coffee snobs
>tea snobs

Who is actually the worse?

>> No.18346330

Good question. they're all fags, let's begin with that. Wine snobs are probably the biggest fags, however it has the biggest barrier to entry so I guess it serves its purpose. Beer and coffee snobs are the most insufferable but I do actually like a really nice beer or coffee myself so it's a tough one. Tea lovers are mostly harmleas and mostly just keep to themselves so they get a pass.

>> No.18346334

>>beer snobs
How can you be a snob about something that's inherently lower class

>> No.18346337

Wine snobs for sure, since you have to be a gorrillionaire to even start. For the other three you can easily buy the best in the world even as a poorfag (as long as you aren't planning on having it every day).

>> No.18346338

fpbp, as expected from 4chan.

>> No.18346339

The worst are actually knife snobs since they combine both /ck/ and /k/ autism over pointless metallurgy and other shit for tools they will never use for anything more than cutting potatoes.

>> No.18346340

I don't really see many tea snobs other than Uncle Iroh. Beer snobs are also pretty rare, unless you consider anyone who prefers a craft IPA over a Bud Lite a "snob", which is just dumb. There are definitely a lot of coffee snobs, but for the most part they're like beer snobs in they just want a better product than the pre-ground drip coffee crap most people drank before the 90's, and there's nothing wrong with that either. There's also just a bunch of paraphernalia in coffee which makes it seem pretentious. That leaves wine snobs. Wine snobs are the worst because giving off an air of superiority is a much larger part of wine culture, and people also pay a lot more for wine even though they often can't tell the differences in quality.

>> No.18346342

I’m a winefag and I’m not a fag.

>> No.18346343

tea because they do that stupid pinkie in the air thing

>> No.18346354

Is that Todd Mosely?

>> No.18346361
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Beer snobs are the worst by far. They try to steal a ton of terminology from wine that actually makes sense in the context of wine (like "vintage") and misapply it to beer while being snobs about it and claiming like they're "not like those snobby pretentious winefags".

If they just made up their minds and decided either to be committed dicks about their stupid hobby, or be down to earth regular guys, it would be fine, but the fact that they try to benefit from snobbery and exclusivity and pretense, while claiming they're better than those other people who they call snobs for just using words that have been used for convenience and mutual understanding for generations, makes them the most punchable people in all of food & beverage.

Also they're usually fat and have terrible hygiene.

>> No.18346363

cheesefags but they're right

>> No.18346364

Wine snob hands typed this post.
Verification not required.

>> No.18346365

that's why they are by far the most obnoxious.

>> No.18346366

>he doesnt know about the flavor antenna

>> No.18346368

>Beer snobs do this
Marketing execs at beer companies tell them it's how it is. They are only trying to fit in.

>> No.18346369

Cheese snobs don't deserve to be called cheesefags. They picked the objectively correct food to be a snob about.

>> No.18346375

In a world rampant with degeneracy, you're complaining about snobs?

>> No.18346376

Boipucci snobs

>> No.18346377

I've never once heard someone mention the word vintage about beer and I've been entrenched in the microbrew scene.

Also, who the fuck cares about what words someone uses to describe something? You sound like a massive faggot lmao

>> No.18346378
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At least I know what I am. You can't even decide if you want to be a snob or not, spineless worm

>> No.18346379

Don't you strawman me, I am not a beer snob. I will proudly drink the foulest swill so long as it's sold at a discount.

>> No.18346380


>> No.18346381 [DELETED] 
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>I've been entrenched in the microbrew scene.

>> No.18346383
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1. You don't sound very entrenched
2. Apparently beer people do since they've been seething about wine since craft beer decided it needed to append an extra word in front of the word "beer" to be accepted as valid

>> No.18346384

>Oh you like X? You're an X snob
This is not the way. People who have a favorite beer that isn't a macro aren't all snobs. People who sit at a bar and scoff when someone orders a macro are snobs.

>> No.18346385
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fair enough
>tfw i got my friend in trouble because i stole a $12 block of imported cheddar but i couldn't finish it so i just hid it on his shelves

>> No.18346395

Sounds like there's a story behind this.

>> No.18346398

No one in a tap room is "seething" about wine, no one cares and your proof is some random marketers 4 pack that comes from some store? Lmao plz

>> No.18346408

>they try to steal a ton of terminology from wine that actually makes sense in the context of wine (like "vintage") and misapply it to beer
So you've only heard the word "vintage" in relation to wine and think it doesn't make any sense in any other context? Sounds like a (you) problem. I don't think I've ever heard people use the word "vintage" with beer. Yeah, there's a few styles that develop in flavor over the course of a few years, but people usually just say "aged" or "cellared".

>> No.18346409

I'm not a huge beerfag, but there's something to be said for a nice beer that goes down smoothly vs a shitty one that makes you gag. I also learned from beerfags why draft/ poured beer is much better than beer straight from the bottle or can.

>> No.18346413


Wine snobs because they think they can explain the complexities of their drink without sounding like absolute try-hards

>> No.18346431
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>so this one is less buttery because the malolactic fermentation is halted before it can create a lot of diacetyle

>> No.18346449

Fast food snobs and retards who think everything needs to look like their commercials( inedible ingredients and plastic)
Way worse than whatever that you mentioned

>> No.18346457

my real-life friends are beer snobs and i almost never go out drinking with them unless it involves a keg or a case. any time we've gone to a brewery or a gastropub or whatever the fuck place you can order a craft beer from, every conversation devolves into hops and lagering and yeast for literal hours.

>> No.18346461

>Sounds like there's a story behind this.
well i was 14yo (he was13) and it got him kicked out so he became homeless and started dating a homeless 23 milf who unironically had the same drug dealer as us which was actually pretty surprising because 7/10 people in that city were drug dealers

>> No.18346464

Sommeliers are braindead and you know that too. It's a scam for failed sons who's occupation is being the son of a millionaire to have a "real" job
>It smells like a freshly cut garden hose and tastes like a freshly opened can of tennis balls
>Wine snobs are valuable members of society and everybody should listen to them, rreeeeEEEEEE

>> No.18346467

>there's something to be said for a nice beer that goes down smoothly vs a shitty one that makes you gag
You can say that about just about anything though, including food. Imagine someone who only ever ate Taco Bell or those shitty homemade tacos with the seasoning packets and shredded cheddar and lettuce in those hard shells that come in a box eating at a decent taqueria for the first time. Beer and coffee just gets more attention because most people grew up drinking macrolagers or preground (or even instant), so trying something made with a little bit of care put into is almost revelatory. Obviously some people can take it too far, like making a blog ranking every taqueria in town, but that's a little different than beer because most bars have rotating taps you you can go out once or twice a week and try 4-5 different beers without having to go out of your way.

>> No.18346470

tea fags are the least bad that is correct but wine fags usually also shut the fuck up unless they work in the industry. Coffee snobs are autistic and annoying and everything has to cost 10,000 dollars and the coffee still sucks every time they make it. Beer fags are just retarded and being retarded makes them the worst.

>> No.18346473

I like how you're moving the goalposts now from people who drink wine to trust fund kids whose job it is to open wine bottles for ignorant boomers who just order the second cheapest thing on the menu

>> No.18346533

All that over $12? Shit.

>> No.18346545

being a tea snob as a grown man is gay as fuck

>> No.18346571

Winefags: claim to be able to detect the most subtle notes and flavors. They mostly scam upper middle class women, so that’s a win in my book.
Coffeefags: definitely insufferable with their equipment, brewing technique, and description of the source of the beans. However, a cup brewed from these guys is always 100% empirically better, and usually only costs a buck or two more than the cheap stuff. So their faggotry gets a pass.
Teafags: ?????
Beerfags: the rise of microbreweries and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. Too many s0i boy, chubby bearded fags have ruined this once noble drink. I can’t tell how many times I have been dragged out to the city’s latest microbrew, only to drink their nasty swamp water and get headaches. Beerfags are hands down the worst.
Whiskeyfags: the male equivalent to wine fags. Just like with wine, some whiskeys are better than others, and it’s not necessarily correlated price.
CigarAppreciators: the final stop on the indulgence train. Light up a nice Nicaraguan and go bet on some football.

>> No.18346574
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the story ends with him shooting himself in the head in the next gf's bed that tried to sleep with me
he lived for a week on life support
i miss him bro
he show me how to make a crunch wrap at home and got me into cooking

>> No.18346579

>any time we've gone to a brewery or a gastropub or whatever the fuck place you can order a craft beer from, every conversation devolves into hops and lagering and yeast for literal hours
>i can’t tell how many times I have been dragged out to the city’s latest microbrew, only to drink their nasty swamp water and get headaches
I've seen you post these exact same lines so many times in beer threads I'm convinced you've never left your basement, have no friends, and likely aren't even old enough to drink if you wanted to.

>> No.18346587

Damn, rip homie.

>> No.18346595

It’s true tho. Not all of these new local breweries are bad, but there are too many out there that are just terrible

>> No.18346622

Wine snobs that can't enjoy cheap and simple wine in any situation are the worst. Then they try to peddle you some expensive bottle they don't even pair with the expected food so they drink it as-is which is actually worse than something cheap.
Haven't actually heard of beer snobs outside the internet. I'm probably the biggest coffee snob just because I like grinding whole beans myself but don't particularly hunt specific brands or anything.

>> No.18346627

>i'm probably the biggest coffee snob just because I like grinding whole beans myself
It's 2014, anon. Everybody grinds their own coffee beans.

>> No.18346633

Then you have a higher standard than any of my expanded family.
>Buys pre-ground (for boiling steeps)
>Instant coffee
They even actively dislike and go out of their way to get instant coffee over any other type.

>> No.18346643

>Haven't actually heard of beer snobs outside the internet.
They exist but all the styles of beer are so broad that it's not really snobbery and neither is pointing out that "if all you drink is macro pale lager and anything with any flavor or heritage is too much for you, keep your goddamn mouth shut". The hop bomb, new release DIIPA crowd are the only obnoxious ones, most people just drink what's local or has good regional availability.

>> No.18346646

You have quite an imagination. It's amazing how you try to act like you're the moderate, rational one, when everything you say is so obviously out of touch head cannon.

>> No.18346677

What, specifically, do you consider out of touch? People like different things, people into beer at least know that there are different styles and someone saying "it all tastes the same to me" has only had one and that one is like sex in a canoe.

>> No.18346682

As a therapist just want to say: you are responsible for his death, never forget

>> No.18346688
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>food snobs
Without a doubt the worst

>> No.18346689

Don't even get me started brah he is the king of snaubes

>> No.18346702

Beer snobs.

Wine snobs get a pass because wine can actually get expensive, which is typical of snobbery.

Coffee snobs because although it is a working class drink, there is a genuine difference between good coffee and bad coffee.

Same with tea snobs, except UK.

Beer snobs are the worst because beer is a working class drink, and will never be prohibitively expensive. This is the same as coffee and tea, except beer snobs have climbed so far up their own assholes they can no longer recognize a good product. It's become a pissing contest of who can make the most extreme [current trend here] style beer. I've tasted multiple craft beers that have won state and regional level awards, and they have all tasted like varying mixtures of handsoap and actual, literal piss, while advertising flavors like "coconut and lime" and "warm summer spice". I've gone to tastings and spat out award winning beers, while faggot hipsters croon about "subtle hoppy tastes" and "fruity noses" while sipping on pool chemical flavored swill. The snobs at the top only get there by choking down these inedible fluids while proclaiming that their quintuple 2 hour exxxtra hopped piss is in fact, the best. It would be the equivalent of hot sauce lovers declaring literal bear mace as the best hot sauce ever made. Beer snobs are nothing but insecure circle jerking soys who tie their entire identity to being able to stomach the foulest of drinks, while pretending that anybody who actually likes beer should be able to enjoy them as well. At least hot sauce fags acknowledge that the hottest sauces can only be enjoyed by the most seasoned chili heads.

t. enjoys good craft beer, hot sauce, quality tea and coffee.

>> No.18346706

>and a chalice of your hoppiest IPA

>> No.18346714

i know but he stole $300 worth of weed from me that wasn't mine and i got a tooth knocked out for it and after a few of his GFs tried to fuck i broke down and fooled around
bitches be tripping tho, i'm a downgrade at best but sevral dozen times my friends GF come at me
one time my rich friend GF legit said in front of him to me that sometimes the under dog needs a good fuck while making a flirty face and he slammed her head into a truck window, he was not a violent guy but if she was any more obvious about it she would've been raping me

>> No.18346723

This is why literal retards should not be allowed to reproduce.

>> No.18346730

You're shitty people and you all got exactly what you deserved.

>> No.18346731

You're out of touch because none of your "stories" is believable at all, and yet you just keep going >>18346702

>> No.18346733

I do it regardless of what I’m drinking.

>> No.18346735

You couldn't be any more paranoid and more wrong. Touch grass.

>> No.18346737
File: 898 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220912-113644_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess again.
>beer snob detected

>> No.18346738

weed people

>> No.18346739

Bourdain wasn't a snob at all. Have you even watched any of his shows? He's actually kind of a pleb who was sent around the world and ate a bunch of local cuisine in front of cameras and was expected to say something intelligent about it, and he always just kind of sounded like he was going through the motions because that's not at all what he was about.

>> No.18346742

>Women calling other people boring

>> No.18346743

he was a structural engineer and could play a dozen different instruments( i'm still trying to play his tabs)
the brightest candles have a wild flame

>> No.18346748

>typing all that shit out on his phone to change ips

>> No.18346756

>wine snobs
haha have you seen all those double blind tests where wine experts can't tell a $10 wine from a $10k wine? LMAO!

>beer snobs
that's not beer, that's candy fizz!

>coffee snobs
lol burnt bean juice!

>tea snobs
I just buy bagged because the smaller the leaf the more surface is exposed to the water and therefore more flavors are extracted, it's pure logic

>> No.18346764

>structural engineer
>aged 13

>> No.18346769

Whatever you say beer snob.
How's that gynocomastia coming along soiboi?

>> No.18346797

You didn't need to blatantly out yourself as a tourist. It was already obvious when you didn't know your coors banquet contained hops.

>> No.18346806

>none of your "stories" is believable at all
I'm from FL, i can't even tell you the crazy shit i have seen because it would be called too ridicules even for fiction like when my grandma robs the mafia and used to the money to open a whorehouse(massage pallor) which the police shutdown so she married the mayor just to get a new name so she could get a new business business license and open a new whorehouse across the street from the police station which the local mafia wanted to take over so they used dirty cops to threaten us which resulted in a high speed police chase but the cops were running from us

>> No.18346810

Lol is this a comedy?

>> No.18346813

AP our school of had 4 day weeks because 4.0 gpa was required
we got to party Thursday, Friday and Saturday

>> No.18346814

>Beer snobs are the worst because beer is a working class drink, and will never be prohibitively expensive.
>good thing isn't actually good because it isn't expensive enough
Wine snob detected.
Verification not required.

>> No.18346816

>haha have you seen all those double blind tests where wine experts can't tell a $10 wine from a $10k wine? LMAO!
That's a retarded reddit meme tho. Wine experts can actually tell shit wine from good wine. There's this one youtube channel about an Asian guy trying to trick his wine master by coloring white wine to look like red wine, putting cheap wine in expensive bottles and all other kinds of other tests and the wine guy gets it right all the time. He even gets where the wine is from most of the time

>> No.18346822

coffee > beer > tea > wine

>> No.18346831

Yes, Florida is known for a lot of things. Beer - or people with good taste - isn't one of them.

>> No.18346838

more of a tragedy but still quite hilarious when the cops try to kick in the door of your establishment but you open the door right as they swing the battering ram and they all fall over

>> No.18346842

>you didn't know your coors banquet contained hops.
Never said that. Find some new straws to grasp at snobby boy.

>> No.18346847
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imagine letting a woman talk to you this way. If that bitch said that to me she'd have a face no man would love after i was done with her

>> No.18346851
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>> No.18346854

I was merely poitning out that snobbery is most closely associated with upper class (aka prohibitively expensive) activities, and that people who act like snobs towards widely accessible actviities are merely posing as upper class when they are not, making them more insufferable.
t. doesn't even like most wines

>> No.18346863

Yeah, I actually agree. You're right.

>> No.18346869

That's not beerfag knowledge, that's common sense.

>> No.18346870

>>How can you be a snob about something that's inherently lower class
Let me tie up my manbun and tell you about the history of this microbrew Indian pale ale.

>> No.18346876
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The type of tea people are snobs about is closer to wine than coffee.

>> No.18346883

Let's not forget the chocolate snobs, the beef snobs.

>> No.18346884

>Indian pale ale
*India Pale Ale

>> No.18346895

It's Indian pale ale though

>> No.18346896

Glad we could agree friend :) I'm only here to shit on beer snobs.

>> No.18346906

>people who act like snobs towards widely accessible actviities are merely posing as upper class when they are not, making them more insufferable
I have pretty much the opposite take. I think rich people are just people who happen to have money, and they conflate having money with having taste (and the worse part is that people without money think the same thing. See: the queen, or people reposting Elion Musk tweets as though that guy's opinion on anything other than batteries should matter). The nice thing about beer in the past 20 or so years is that something accessible to everyone has gone back to being a local, craft thing, where you can enjoy a ton of different styles that can all be great if done right and the diy aspect means it's open to just about anyone. Maybe a brewery that opened in the 90's doesn't have the same history and experience as a 400 year old French vineyard, but that doesn't mean that wine automatically gets to be this special thing that everything else is just trying to copy but will never be on par with.

>> No.18346919

This fucking guy's drinking fire water.

>> No.18346920

They're called nouveau riche and they use status markers to separate themselves from their upper working class brethren. Old money drives subarus and drinks whatever is on tap at the pub.

>> No.18346926

I think the best way to illustrate nouvea riche vs old money is when AJ got that blonde gf and he never suspected she was horribly rich. When Paul Dano sports that cool haircut

>> No.18346933

>old money drives subarus and drinks whatever is on tap at the pub
Lol. My mom drives a Subaru and orders $9 glasses of wine, while my dad will usually ask what IPAs they have on tap. They have money and are in their 70's. That's probably the reason I laugh any time I see the memes about IPA drinkers being soyboys or "hipsters" (nobody here knows what a hipster is); most people drinking IPAs are literal boomers.

>> No.18346934

He made earthquake-resistant sand castles.

>> No.18346941

Is your dad welcoming mysterious black men each weekend at their house?

>> No.18346948

No, just his pot dealer, and he's definitely white.

>> No.18346951

>I think rich people are just people who happen to have money, and they conflate having money with having taste
I actually agree with this. Which is why people who pretend to be rich people with poor taste will always be cringier than rich people with poor taste.

>> No.18346962

That doesn't make any sense. They both have bad taste, but one of them has access to anything they want and still has bad taste, while the other one is only eating/drinking what they can afford, and maybe calling something "the best thing ever" when they clearly haven't tried everything.

>> No.18346967
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There's the class and culture element as well. This is only slightly out of date.

>> No.18346977

graham cracker snobs, know 3 of them. Human slugs I tell ya. Eat deer

>> No.18346981

>I'm probably the biggest coffee snob just because I like grinding whole beans myself
This post explains a lot about this board

>> No.18346982

basest to soyest in the following order:


>> No.18346995

Wow, my grandparents were upper-middle brow almost to a tee. The only things I'd change are games (backgammon) and causes (art? I don't know; if they donated money they did it anonymously and probably made more in tax breaks than they gave).

>> No.18346997

whisky snobs
t. whisky snob

>> No.18347001

Whisky snob hands typed this post.

>> No.18347007

Hmm, my family is a strange mix of high and low with nothing in between, though the music looks like we're upper middle to high only

>> No.18347015

No, you'd have a red face, stuttering an inaudible retort.

>> No.18347020

btfo. That anon wont be posting any time in the near future.

>> No.18347027

It's getting hard to break it down simpler.
I simply have inherently less respect for people who pretend to be something they arent. Rich retards can't help being rich retards, but it takes a truly pathetic individual to try to blindly emulate being a rich retard for the sole purpose of wanting people to believe he is a rich retard. It's the "guys look how retarded I am!" meme except replace being retarded with having shit taste, and they aren't joking.

>> No.18347042

Sounds like an academic married into hick trash. High brows are fun because they can't help but be snobs, nothing else interests them. Some rural variants of it present quite different.

>> No.18347047

Tea snobs are fine. They mostly keep to themselves, and don't go around trying to insist to everyone else to join them. Whereas alcohol drinkers think its the 'norm' to casually drink all the time and anyone who doesn't is weird. Tea drinkers dont go around trying to convert people to tea.

>> No.18347056

No, I understand what you're saying. You deify money, and think rich people are inherently better than everyone else. That's how I know you haven't spent any time around people with money.

>> No.18347072

Aged Belgian Gueuze goes for 500-1000 USD/33cl. If you want a West-Vleteren in Dubai you'll pay 250 USD.

>> No.18347074

I think anon was saying that the only thing faggier than being a a tasteless social media influencer is being a redditor that tries to imitate them.

>> No.18347093

Roast me please >>18347007

>> No.18347101

Oh, that was for you.

>> No.18347126
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 50811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social media influencer
A social media influencer is a millennial who figured out how to make money by pretending to be what zoomers think rich people look like by renting fancy cars and borrowing clothes, while secretly living in a shitty apartment with their dog. A redditor is a millennial who bought a one bathroom house in their 30's, has two dogs, and is looking for validation online that they're doing okay in life even though everyone knows that they are pathetic and life is nothing like what their boomer parents said it would be like if they just worked hard.

>> No.18347135

>You deify money, and think rich people are inherently better than everyone else.
I think the exact opposite actually. You clearly have some advanced autism anon.

>> No.18347140

I think whoever wrote this line wanted to believe people hate their work because they're trying to be cool, when really the hate is genuine and well founded.

>> No.18347144

It was an analogy, anon is right, you have advanced autism.

>> No.18347185

I know what an analogy is. I explained why it was a bad analogy.

>> No.18347190

No, you made it even better.

>> No.18347197

I know I made a more astute point, but explain how my take reinforced his (your) analogy.

>> No.18347225

Rich retards rent everything and do shit that looks cool because they feel like it and make sure everything has the right brand name, redditors copy their shit taste.

>> No.18347234

>Beer fags are just retarded and being retarded makes them the worst
nah, its that the worst beer fags are retarded AND have bad taste that they'll defend to the ends of the earth
american 'beer' like bud light or coors. anyone who /really/ likes that beer is the worst sort of loud mouthed retard that is barely tolerable when sober.

>> No.18347239

You literally repeated my post but replaced "influencers" with "rich retards", and "zoomers" with "redditors". Rich people don't rent, and most of them are actually pretty lowkey about how much money they have. Again, I don't think you've met anyone with money and just get all your opinions on the outside world from the internet or reality TV.

>> No.18347252

Hmm, well it's kind of a funny mix of true and not true. My father would be the hick trash since his parents and grandparents didn't go to college, though they were skilled tradespeople. But he was an academic when he married my mom, who was from multi generational wealth, but still a grad student. But my mom likes the "middlebrow trash" like sonatas and concertos, whereas my dad, the hick, grew up playing bach and handel, the whole hick family did. My mom tolerates that kind of music but doesn't love it. But my mom is into the avant garde lit, and my dad won't read anything that isn't non-fiction. My dad the hick is into the eames chairs, and my mom is into the chippendale shit. Seems like there's a lot of horseshoe theory at work here.

They are united in their disgust for musicals, light opera, and comic books, which is probably why to this day I feel deeply uncomfortable attending marvel films despite being an animu weeb which is supposedly a subculture with a high overlap with that.

>> No.18347607


>> No.18347809

beer snobs are the worst, by far

>> No.18347858

They're all gay. I'd take Blue Moon's new IPA over one from any craft brewery. I never spend more than $20 on a bottle of wine. Any coffee or tea that isn't the absolute generic/cheapest version of the product is good.

The only things you can be truly snobby about are liquor and cigars.

>> No.18347912

actually, anon, you just have shit taste

>> No.18347930

They are all fucking degenerates, I only drink water and breast milk.

>> No.18347943

I own a brewery, beer snobs arent that bad, except when they ask you questions they know the answer to but just want to see if you know the answer, BITCH I DO THIS FOR A LIVING I KNOW MORE THAN YOU

>> No.18347977
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>enters the thread

>> No.18348192

That applies to all three of the other ones too though

>> No.18348254

You're replying to two different anons. And my Uncle is more rich than either of us will ever be, lives modestly, and has good taste. Every assumption you make about me is wrong.

>> No.18348271
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Thats my heritage bro. You are probably some city dwelling loser who has no idea about your own ancestry.

>> No.18348285

you can spend a month studying beer, a month studying coffee, a month studying tea and master 90% of the content
if you spend a month studying wine, you're still barely scratching the surface just because of how goddamn much variety there is at every level
this attracts a lot of midwits who know more than most people but still relatively nothing, it also attracts people who want to dismiss the whole thing as snake oil and that all wine tastes the same because it's easier than learning enough to be literate

>> No.18348325

They're just being friendly, what are they supposed to do ask you how your stools looked this morning? Anyone going to any kind of shop will sometimes just ask idle questions to be friendly, it's normal and you have autism.

>> No.18348328

Beer snobs, easily.

They are always also hipsters which immediately ranks them lowest.

>> No.18348332

Imagine bragging about your rich uncle on 4chins. Not even your dad which is pathetic enough. Your rich UNCLE holy shit kek

>> No.18348389

I'm an advanced sommelier, advanced cicerone, and Q coffee grader

People who invest their ego into the drinks they consume are faggots

>> No.18348390

steak snobs

>> No.18348414

sure you are

>> No.18348434

Tea snobs are pretty cool and welcoming. Beer and wine snobs are alcoholics convincing themselves otherwise, coffee snobs have too much time and money on their hands. Idk it's a tie between beer and wine fags desu, but at least wine snobs are drinking wine smoothies

>> No.18348467

Tea snobs because they have the added layer of weebdom

>> No.18348505

Coffee snobs.

>> No.18348517
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Wine snobs probably because they've been around the longest. Their entire industry is built around tricking the wealthy while joining them at the same time.

As a coffee snob however I fully admit that we are big dorks who love to smell our own farts.

>> No.18348538

>but at least wine snobs are drinking wine smoothies

>> No.18348666
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several types of beer have been exports for the high class and wealthy since the middle ages. Usually shit with absurd near wine levels of abv.
im pretty sure vintage is not really in the vocabulary of cicerones or in the beer judge community. there are a lot of other words that you might find hard like effervescence, but thats really only because that is actually the best word available. The real snobs dont know what the fuck their talking about and are probobly just acting like turds for reddit updoots or something. Sometimes boomers who the the reinheitsgebot is the be all and end all of beer authority are really bad but they mostly just hang out with other boomers and occasionally waddle their old wives tales out on forums like its gospel.
T. beer autist

>> No.18348692

>Winefags: claim to be able to detect the most subtle notes and flavors
>subtext: it is literally impossible for other people to be better at tasting and smelling than I am
Underdeveloped cognitive empathy is a symptom of autism

>> No.18348706

>Wine snobs that can't enjoy cheap and simple wine in any situation are the worst.
I have never met such a person, unless you mean the average wine drinker turning away the Barefoot or Chuck Shaw you offer them

>> No.18348715

Amazing that these transparently bait 'pretending to like' posts still get (You)s in A.D. 2022

>> No.18348727

The court of masters sommelier certification is no joke. Even the entry-level cert requires you to be able to consistently blind identify grape and region.

>> No.18348810

You claimed I've had no contact with the wealthy. I simply provided evidence as to how you are wrong. I'm not bragging, I'm just proving to everyone ITT you are an autistic troll whose opinions are utter trash.

>> No.18348821

Fuck you for making me lose the game

>> No.18348824

>t. beer snob
Not my problem you think chlorine tablets taste good.

>> No.18348835

Spoken by someone who has no idea about tea (probably the others too but I'm not educated enough to call you out on them)

>> No.18348837

inverse snobs

>> No.18348839

Enjoy your floor sweepings faggot

>> No.18348866

Beer snobs are the only ones that have ever actually given me shit.
Tea snobs are the best because they taught me that I was brewing green tea at too high of a temperature, which had a marked impact on my enjoyment of it.

>> No.18348878

This post is weird to me because my idea of a "beer snob" is someone who despises "gimmicky" craft beers and IPAs and refuses to drink anything hoppy, whereas your definition is almost the exact opposite.

>> No.18348930

imagine pummeling the shit out of that disgusting face

>> No.18348938

>posting on 4chan is a symptom of autism
Anything else faggot?

>> No.18348952

Green text snobs

>> No.18348961

Wine snobs since they all unironically act like Frasier Crane in real life. Beer snobs are annoying, but most of the ones who take beer super serious have moved onto other things by now or make it. Sure they can come across as dumb yuppies, but most wine snobs tend to be incredibly elitist and proud of it.

It's fun seeing them lose their shit when you use "church" as a tasting note for their high-end wine

>> No.18348966

damn, a fpbp classic

>> No.18348973

The only people who give a shit about vintages in beer are idiots who got duped into hording old beer by marketing departments. Even stuff like belgian sours and barrel aged beers basically stop getting better after 3-4 years if they do at all.

>> No.18348994

>most people drinking IPAs are literal boomers.

This. Every craft beer group I've ever been in has just been riddled with boomers, maybe 30-something suburban dads and not Cayden the Urban Quinoa Farmer

>> No.18349915

You can be a snob at any level, I know people who buy $20 bottles who are snobs about people who spend <$10.

>> No.18349923


>> No.18349946


>> No.18350033

>everyone who makes me feel insecure is the same person
LMAO he's still bragging about his rich uncle holy shit

>> No.18350044

>Who is actually the worse?
OP, as always.

>> No.18350048

>riddled with boomers, maybe 30-something suburban dads
Do you even know what a "boomer" is?

>> No.18350061

>Teafags: ?????
they're like that 3rd gender that doesn't exist, the demiqueer metrosexual things. Kia drivers

>> No.18350064

Is that one of the Olsen twins? Wtf happened to her face

>> No.18350073

i want to FUCK liz olsen

>> No.18350134

Drink snobs are the worst. worse points if the drink snob is also a bartender/mixologist.

>> No.18350142

You're talking to someone who thinks quinoa is grown by white bard dropouts in a loft in dumbo, so...

>> No.18350214

like communion wine

>> No.18350281


>> No.18350298

>american 'beer' like bud light or coors
No American beer snob even touches that stuff with a 10 foot pole, how is it relevant in any way? They're more likely to talk your ear off for 30 minutes about exactly what makes those beers not even really count as beer while sipping on their IPA that tastes like vomit.

>> No.18350382

The only damage here is to your ego, mr. nephew of a rich guy. I wonder how hard your uncle would be cringing if he knew you were bragging to a bunch of NEETs that you KNOW him, this is the most pathetic brag I've seen all year and just the other day someone unironically bragged to me that they had 2 posts with 50+ replies on another board, you're even sadder than him, let that sink in

>> No.18350450

That's the paradox of coffee. I've had roughly one *good* coffee in my life, or, two from the same place. Most coffee doesn't taste good.

>> No.18350710

based and checked

>> No.18350910

I did see a video of that guy - he ID'd an expensive high quality Bordeaux from an low cost high quality one, even when they lied to him that the cheaper one was expensive.

>> No.18350994

Me mum & dad are low-brow to a tee, though obviously this chart was made prior to the formation of Hawkwind.

>> No.18351082
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>the coffee sucks
because everyone is used to stale pre-ground beans made in an industrial drip machine and served out of picrel so when they get a nice cup and it tastes different they hate it

>> No.18351124

>beer: 91
>wine: 73
>tea: 29
>coffee: 36

>> No.18351283

Probably wine snobs - on account of being able to fuck with them by swapping labels.

Snobbery's shit anyway - drink what you want to drink. If I order something expensive at a show, because I never see it around, I don't want the opening band thinking I'm judging them by their choice of comped domestic. I just want to exchange whatever true pleasantries, maybe do a little networking, and enjoy our collective night... lawd knows when I get off a stage, I'm using my tickets or drinking whatever's provided.