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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18345039 No.18345039 [Reply] [Original]

Come one, come all! Wether you're a bartender or work at a soup cannery, wether you're a college student or a 30-year industry veteran sous-chef, come in! Tell us your experiences in the kitchen, restaurant, and beyond!

>> No.18345042

bad thread and you should feel bad

>> No.18345062

Being a pastry chef fag for 10 years. The funniest memory I have is when I was working in France and I met Akira Yamaoka, the guy who made the ost for Silent Hill. We had a great night drinking and I remember that guy wanted me to make him Agua de Horchata, is come kind of rice and milk drink that Mexicans do. That guy rated for like 10 min about how much he loves mexico.

>> No.18345137
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Pastry chef student here, do dinner service prep for a golf resort/spa. Can nearly make mousse and creme bruleé blindfolded. We do specials twice a week during peak season and have free reign with what I can do. This week I'm making a buttermilk panna cotta with blueberries.
Pic related is my most recent thing, maple cream boulevard cake.

>> No.18345203
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I'll chip in myself, I've managed a sports bar/grill for the past two years, first as a favor to a friend when Corona came around, and then taking over when said friend entered rehab. He's actually doing pretty well from what he tells me and might kick his vaping habit, forever.

Were you in France temporarily on a work/study thing or did you live there? I've heard that they've been on a bit of a downward slope in terms of "culinary culture" from an associate in Belgium but that might be innacurate.
Look at you big boy, making your own dishes! And it actually looks pretty good, half the OC food posted on the board isn't even edible. You got a blog or something?

>> No.18345217
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is it worth it to go to culinary school? should i specialize in baking? i absolutely love cooking but i dont like working in corporate kitchens where its pump as much money as you can and give zero fucks about your kitchen staff, would be nice to be in fine-dining experience where you actually have reservations and shit and know how many orders you're getting BEFORE you start the shift, absolute best case scenario imho.

>> No.18345231

I lucked out and went to a community college who had a badass pastry chef as my instructor; she competed in culinary olympics and is hardcore as shit, so I learned a lot from her.

>> No.18345233 [DELETED] 

I don't have a blog I mainly post my shit on my IG account

>> No.18345235
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Tipping is bullshit and should be outlawed.

>> No.18345237

I'm a mechanic, but I'm in charge of the cooking when we have a BBQ. That's about it.

>> No.18345241

I don't have a blog, I mainly post on my own IG account.

>> No.18345266

Don't go to culinary school. Right now it's extremely easy to find a higher-end job in any major city, especially if you have some experience

>> No.18345329

Culinary School grads are... uh... not the brightest. Or well respected in general. Every other profession nowadays is asking for PhD, 6 years work experience for beginner roles, but in the culinary world degrees don't mean nearly as much. Basic certificates, like bartending/food handling ones are still very useful though.

IMO if you actually have a genuine passion for cooking, work experience is king. Obviously working at a mickey D's isn't going to get you sous chef at the local Hilton but get a job at a decent restaurant and work. The most important thing I can tell you is learn how to work under pressure, with a lot of things going on at once in the kitchen.

As of now with the whole coronavirus job reshuffle thing still going on a lot of jobs are open to those it previously wouldn't have been. You might be able to land something sweet if you go out and look, but remember, don't bite off more than you can chew

>> No.18345345

wooperposter here, i have about 5 years experience w food in general (since i could work basically), 2 years in a kitchen 120k/week+ as one year being a shift leads, one year working w paper tickets and a little over a year and a half working the pass/expo/QA. what's the best way to get into finer dining, particularly where people actually give a fuck about their job and wont walk out once a week or more? are hotels the way to go?

>> No.18345470
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>food workers of the world, unite!

>> No.18345511

Tipping is basically supporting exploitation. An employee suppose to get a stable salary, not tips.
People that give out tips are immoral and inhumane.

>> No.18345543

That's a 10.70 Right? Illiterate as fuck but thanks for the massive tip. I'll keep the receipt to show your manager the shit move, or a court your jackassery.

>> No.18346983

>be me
>started a traineeship 11 years ago as a hotel specialist at a local hotel but got screwed out of reception duty 'cause bad grades
>still working at the same hotel
>get shoved into an assistant manager position
>have to manage the reception with my limited knownledge when it's understaffed
>have to work night guard shifts from time to time
>also have to manage the entire restaurant itself during dinner 'cause the new manager is a powerhungry bitch that doesn't work during the evening
>also knew GM is so off-hand that I wish that our old GM didn't have to quit for health reasons since he was pretty hands-on
>Get no extra pay for all the shit I have to take care off
I'm just feeling like a nigger at this point that has to do everything without getting any thanks nor compensation for the hard work I put in.

>> No.18346993

but think about the experience value you can have fren
i'd say apply to other hotels in the area and be honest w what all you CAN do now because of the extra workload previously
out of stress the body adapts

>> No.18347022

I'd like to but sadly there are no hotels and/or restaurants looking for head staff around where I live.

>> No.18347050

Used to work as a dishwasher so not technically a food worker but I heard a story of someone before I got there who was one that would grab food out of the food spoils bag and eat it whenever he was hungry.