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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.65 MB, 3960x2970, 20220910_212728_copy_3960x2970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18340980 No.18340980 [Reply] [Original]

>dude just eat local pizza, it's better than chain pizza

I ordered from my local pizzeria and this is the slop they gave me.


>> No.18340986

You're not actually supposed to live in Ohio.

>> No.18341020

/ck/ is retarded with the "local is always better" bullshit.
Every local pizza place in every region I've ever lived around in the US has been trash. Meanwhile there have always been Pizza Huts, Domino's, and Papa John's with decent pizza everywhere.
I'm sure you can find exceptionally good pizza at CERTAIN local pizza places, but the idea it's anywhere close to all local pizza places that are good is just stupid and wrong.

>> No.18341031

how is that any worse than chain pizza?

>> No.18341032

What's the problem here? Lack of dipping sauces and string cheese in the crust?

>> No.18341038

Oh my God the pizza place gave you a pizza how dare they!

>> No.18341043

non-chain pizza is pretty much always shit

If I want a good meal, I go to McDonald's

>> No.18341044

That would look good if it didn't get dropped or slung around in the box. The crust looks fine

>> No.18341056
File: 189 KB, 750x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Ohio and my local pizza place is the best NY style you can get in this region.

>> No.18341120

>thinks this is acceptable pizza
>is from ohio
Checks out

>> No.18341131

nigga that looks like chuck e cheese pizza. donatos is better than that.

>> No.18341290

hope you didn't tip the driver for practicing his globetrotters moves on your za broseph. that would be heckin cringe!

>> No.18341302


You can't trust pizza from white people anymore. You gotta find those resteraunts that are run by an immigrant whose livelihood depends on the quality of the food. They will give y ou the most delicious stuff because their heart went into it.

White people these days only run a pizza place because they want to do some hipster bullshit or think it is an easy buck and will use the shittiest, cheapest ingredients out there.

>> No.18341307

>Racism on a blue board

>> No.18341338

what is racist? im genuinely curious now because that term is throw around so much that nothing is racist anymore

>> No.18341355

speaking in absolutes is for idiots

>> No.18341362

All three of those chains are garbage tier goyslop. I'd rather just not have pizza at all if that's my only option. There's some shitty local spots everywhere too, I actively avoid them and go to ones that are good

>> No.18341424

New Yorker here. The cheese slices look... sort of okay? The crust is a bit sus but I guess I'd try it

>> No.18341431
File: 192 KB, 1000x750, o (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jets is best chain

>> No.18341432

Where do you live?
I live in the pizza belt, no one orders from chains cuz they are crap.
Mom and pop pizza places on every corner with brick ovens and good connected dough as well as fresh toppings
can't even imagine getting a papa johns or dominos or pizza hut slop

>> No.18341448

I can get much better pizza locally but I need to enter the city. The local place in the 'burbs is mediocre.

>> No.18341594

this unironcally looks better than any fast food pizza ive ever seen

>> No.18341598

this this this this this

>> No.18341699

To be honest, the middle does look crap and undercooked, but the outside looks better than 99% of corporate pizzas. Try telling them, and they might fix it next time, then you've got 10/10 pizza with real ingredients and not GMO soybug dough.

>> No.18341720

Fuck it I'm getting a pizza.

dubs decides (unless its shit) https://www.bakedinelwood.com.au/

>> No.18341731

Looks good to me
More cheese = better pizza
Thicker crust = better pizza

>> No.18341733

T06 Vegan BBQ Pizza

>> No.18341736

Niiiccccce. Serves you right OP for trusting 4chan, now eat your soymeat substitute.

>> No.18341738

get fucked

>> No.18341882
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>Mixed seafood + hot salami and jalapeno
Don't even care

>> No.18341926
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Objectively cheaper and better than any local pizza.

>> No.18341941

Lots of good toppings although the crust looks died out and flat specially around the edges

>> No.18341944

Might as well put all that on a saltine cracker

>> No.18341953

You must live in a flyover

>> No.18341962

Be glad you dont live in germ*ny. You might as well eat feces and save money instead of ordering pizza. The most passable pizza i've eaten so far came from a fucking kebab shop. But maybe it's just me, I do hate frozen pizza as well.

>> No.18342207

Most Germans eat that anyways

>> No.18342213

Where the fuck do you live? Shit hole flyover country? Papa Johns is so unrelentingly awful I'd rather buy some prefab crust shit from an Indian restaurant then try and stomach that saccharine garbage.

If local joints where youve been cant surpass the candy flavour of Papa Johns or the cardboard crust Pizza Hit offers you and your surrounding area need to be nuked.

>> No.18342236

Dominos literally can't be beat unless you live in Italy or NYC

>> No.18342249

DFW TX. But have also lived in Northern NJ, Tempe AZ, and Boston MA.
SOME local places might be better than chains but NEVER all local places. That should be obvious since each local place is its own self-contained shop and some people set up great shops while others set up crap.
The major chains provide somewhat consistent middling decency you can count on when you don't want to roll the dice on some literally who mom & pop shop.
And more often than not, when I've tried a no name brand local place anywhere in the US, you end up with something worse than chain food, not better. It's very easy to make low quality fucked up food and that'a exactly what most non-chain places do.

>> No.18342282

If you cant figure out what the good pizza places are, you probably have brain damage.

I literally just google searched 'best pizza my hometown' and then clicked on the TripAdvisor list and sure enough, all five pizzerias that topped the list are clearly better than Dominos and Pizza Hut.

>> No.18342570
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I used to live in Hartford, and let me tell you, pizza was not that city's strong suit. There were many local places that were absolute garbage. There were good spots too, but local is definitely not always better.

>> No.18342795

White run pizza place near me is absolute garbage and overpriced meanwhile minority run pizza place near me is reasonably priced and is genuinely good pizza

>> No.18342810
File: 59 KB, 785x847, pidser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you cant figure out what the good pizza places are
Not what the claim was you goalpost moving faggot.
Now you're trying to escape to the much weaker SOME LOCAL PLACES ARE BETTER THAN CHAINS argument, which nobody would disagree with in the first place.

>> No.18342823

It's a meme just like the wholesome local business mom and pop store.
Settle for what you know is best. At least corporate stores have to worry about protecting their brand image.

>> No.18342878

Hey f you chuckee has good pizza. Been 20 years but hey

>> No.18342899

making a great pizza in a home oven takes, what, an hour of hands-on time? If your alternatives are shitty I'd recommend it

>> No.18342912

>making a great pizza in a home oven takes, what, an hour of hands-on time?
that sounds like a lot of time I could spend doing things that aren't work

>> No.18342919

>literally paying much more
>literally having to drive to a specialized food restaurant that sells pizzas
>all that gas and time wasted by you or a delivery guy

Jesus christ, get a pizza from the freezer, pop in oven, done.

>> No.18342925

It's more like 20 minutes hands on. 5 to prep the dough and you can have two pizzas ready by the time the oven preheats.

>> No.18342938

The dough has to set in the fridge retard. Lmao you people suck dick at cooking

>> No.18343058

fucking this. thats why i rarely order from local shops unless they have stellar and real reviews

>> No.18343144

everything is now cheap goyslop thanks to the artifical supply chain shortages caused by the government lockdowns and then the fake war in ukraine. the fda dropped some new regulations in the begining of 2020 which allowed corporations to substitute out ingredients without updating the labeling as long as it was 'similar' to what was listed, these downgrade substitutions went on for 2 years and became standardized, now everything tastes like shit pretty much everywhere you go.

Just make your own. unironically. do it. its the only way you will be able to really enjoy a meal now, and this will probably hold true for the rest of our lives.

>> No.18343147

>lol white people suck
>w...what racism? goyim, can you explain your opperating definition of the word. i simply dont understand the english language please walk me through this step by step

100% pilpul.

>> No.18343168
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Love local simple as

>> No.18343227

Please stop posting your disgusting plastic cheese pizzas in these threads

>> No.18343237

Dominoes is better than 99% of the local pizza joints I have in my city.
Germany btw

>> No.18343248

This can't be a serious post to any fucking degree, off thyself.

>> No.18343251
File: 175 KB, 911x757, 1652126151244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I live in Ohio and my local pizza place is the best NY style you can get in this region.
That may be true but it looks like even the best in that region sucks. I'm in Cleveland and they just closed down the one remotely passable pizza place here.

>> No.18343265

>New Yorker here.
Your opinion only matters if the topic of conversation here was how to deal with living in a foul smelling hellhole.

>> No.18343279

>foul smelling hellhole
lmao I went to Seattle on a business trip last weekend, real scenic and some interesting food like whatever the fuck that sourdough mac and cheese place was, but jesus fucking christ the entire city closes at 9pm and it's just junkies shambling about. like walking back to my hotel from the after-convention drinking session and people inhaling duster cans and calling out "hey dapper dan!" lmao. the point of new york is you get whatever the fuck you want whenever the fuck you want and make a lot of money meanwhile, but tell me more about rural fuck-istan and how neat it is that your food sucks, your women are ugly, and you're scared to leave

>> No.18343293

Ask for half cheese from these types of places, they're usually smart enough to oblige.

>> No.18343363

I believe I'll keep posting anyway, but thanks!

>> No.18343380

Confirmed for mad as fuck lmao. inb4 tranny rage

>> No.18343425

Kek based anon of extravagant taste
never apologise for your pizza of choice unless it has banana on it, that shit is grim

>> No.18343577
File: 769 KB, 498x498, 1645181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just make your own pizza? Its cheaper and will taste better than any chain place if you aren't retarded

>> No.18343590

Same reason you're a grown man who still lives with his parents.

>> No.18343610

Depends on the person, a pizzeria run by an old white dude likely of italian heritage is probably gonna have some good ass pizza.

>> No.18343633

>seething tourist
get scammed retard

>> No.18343644


There at least a dozen literally italian pizza spots in any major german city, I’ve heard so many people say this about germany, do they not know how to use google?

>> No.18343652


What city in germany?

>> No.18343679

There’s good za near me but its so overpriced.

>> No.18343690
File: 3.22 MB, 3024x4032, F6125093-5601-467A-B094-1AA3D897EB60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s good pizza though

>> No.18343715

>Getting an entire pie when trying a new 'za joint
You know nothing of pizza

>> No.18344015

this and Marco's yeah

>> No.18344249

Ask for easy sauce and it won't come out like that.

>> No.18344408

Spot on. 100% of my local pizza places are dogshit. Clearly just frozen pre-made Sysco doughs and cheapest toppings. Doughy floppy crap cooked in shitty ovens

>> No.18344411
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This is what they gave me. That's all onions.

>> No.18344416

So true. I'd rather unironically bake a $9 frozen Amy's pizza than eat the goyslop floppy 'za made some drug addicted teens at a "local joint"

>> No.18344417
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>> No.18344428
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learn to make your own, you faggots.

>> No.18344434

>a pizzeria run by an old white dude
bullshit. 99% of old white boomers have the worst taste and palate. and they're all greedy as fuck. the only way you're getting a decent pizza in flyover country is if you live in a major city and/or rich college town, where young hipster entrepreneurs will make high-end pizza. otherwise nothing but goyslop everywhere

>> No.18344464

lmao you trannies are terrible at making food

>> No.18344471

Why wouldn't I live in a rich college town? I'm not a teen and obviously not a grown adult with a job still posting here. Are you trannies poor?

>> No.18344472

No. I refuse.

>> No.18344475

truth. i milk my own buffalo and offer two toppings, prosciutto and bacon from my pasture fed berkshires. i can't keep up with demand so we can only do about 40 pies a day. but at $30 a pop, i aint complaining.

>> No.18344491
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You realize that most pizza place outside of big cities don't offer individual slices, right? Hell, I went to college in Iowa City and there was this place called Pizza on Dubuque that opened while I was there (98-02) and it was the first place I'd ever seen that offered single slices. Loved it.

>> No.18344505

I see zero problems with this. Sounds like you're the tranny in this situation. Tell us how your daddy hurt you.

>> No.18344688
File: 1.60 MB, 2560x1440, the best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your sauce looks like it came out of a jar. The cheese is blown the fuck out, all the fat has separated and leaked out. That tells me the only reason your crust has any browning at all is because you left it in the oven for too long. It's probably not much better than chain pizza, honestly. What I'm saying is, you need to step your game up before you get to act smug.

Here's mine, just to pre-empt any "Well let's see yours!"

>> No.18344805

pig disgusting fat american dumb shit

>> No.18345364

What kind of pizza are you making where the dough doesn't rise for hours?

>> No.18345424

Technically racism on any board other than /b/ is against the rules. If a mod actually did its job, you could in theory be banned for making racist remarks on /pol/ of all places.

>> No.18345429

thats only true if you live in NY or CT

>> No.18345891

Angloid here, from my experience Dominos is better than the average takeaway pizza round here but it's also notably more expensive so most people just go for the local places anyway. It also helps that takeaways offer all kinds of crap that isn't pizza too.

>> No.18345956

right, also the money laundering kebap shop pizza for 3€ is better than any chain pizza you can get. you will just have to deal with diarrhea afterwards

>> No.18345966

had a---i wouldn't call it a salad--but it's this place that ships me food I can pop in an oven quickly and eat. It was more like something you'd give to your favorite piggers, shredded veggies but instead of using the vinegar crap it came with i tossed it in a bowl with italian dresssing. I had the mushiest brownest poop not even an hour later, just took a turd all over the place and really wiped myself clean.

>> No.18345974

i am sorry man, you just dont order salad when you go to mustafas kebapland

>> No.18346059

looks great
looks shit

>> No.18346536
File: 175 KB, 900x1200, FNMxeH8XwAIjYP6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pizza is from NY.

>> No.18346609

>Ordering a cold piece of cardboard.
Either my pizza arrives on the table as a melting magma of tomato and cheese, or I don't bother.

>> No.18346767

Looks so fucking bad

>> No.18346776

Post a pic after its been cooked.

>> No.18346784

Angelina’s in West Hartford is the best pizza place I’ve ever been to.

>> No.18346794

>pizza slice without toppings
>lol NYC pizza is le best, it's the water we use xD

>> No.18346795

>Coopers Sparkling
Based and redlabelpilled

>> No.18347139

I actually did not know this because I live on Long Island, and 0 pizza places do this.

>> No.18347149

absolute claims are retarded to begin with and you are retarded for taking them at face value.

>> No.18347166

>hands on
As in time where you're doing work.

>> No.18347194

>>18346536 that is
Pizzeria los hijos de puta
O pizzeria the sons of a bitch

>> No.18347413
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>the best pizza place I've ever been to
Okay, well, I like them fine, but if they're the apex of your pizza experiences then you really need to get around more. Also that's *West* Hartford which is bougie and so has some actual decent pizza laying around

>> No.18347453

If pizza tastes like "candy" to you, you definitely must have some chronic medical condition. Might want to get that checked out.

>> No.18347462

Based dismissive ignorer

>> No.18347482

is this some attack saying Italian's aren't white?

>> No.18347489
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 0420132128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even make a circle
>yet lectures on pizza making

>> No.18347494

>can't even focus the camera
>yet posts pic

>> No.18347495

What kind of seasoning is that? Oregano?

Should these seasonings go on before or after the pizza goes in the oven?

>> No.18347505

chili flakes and shitalian seasoning
put them on after cooking so they dont burn

>> No.18347509

it's one of those pizza places where they have shakers of stuff out, cheese peppers etc. so they give you your slice and you season it up if you want. I can't believe I'm explaining this

>> No.18347511
File: 1.15 MB, 1113x626, Screenshot from 2022-04-17 17-21-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is from 2011 i was a teen and using a cheap camera i stole from a girl i sold weed to
now i can't focus because alcohol

>> No.18347512

Not him but italians are not white and never will be. And it's not an "attack". Quit being a fuckin pussy.

>> No.18347515

im so drunk i you'd the wrong post >>18347511

>> No.18347522

>all white people are millionaire hipsters

>> No.18347529 [DELETED] 

plus not not everyone was nigger rapped
my DNA is something like .057% darky which is low as it gets

>> No.18347588

Looks good. Ignore the other anons

>> No.18347599

Italians have never been white.

>> No.18347611

post your hands.

>> No.18347617

Rabbi go back to /pol/

>> No.18347621

Looks better than Domino's, at least.

>> No.18347631

half garlic and herb and half cap for short

>> No.18347689

I don’t doubt you’re being sincere, but I do doubt you’ve lived in any state but landlocked shitholes in the m*dwest. I live in SE PA and every local shop I’ve been to absolutely blows the garbage chain shit out of of the atmosphere.

>> No.18347698

Far too thick and cheesy. 3/10.

>> No.18347711

>His own pizza is burnt
The next time you turn on your oven insert yourself you pretentious know-nothing fuck.

>> No.18347717

>noi polentoni siamo bianchi!!! reeeee

>> No.18347755


>> No.18347769
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> polentoni
i haven't heard that in years

>> No.18347805

Where's the rest of the pizza?

>> No.18347813

oregano always after cooking

>> No.18347815

>Aladdino triggerato

>> No.18347826

The trick is trying one place after another until you find one that makes good pizza and then stick to that one. Support that place and not some multibillion corporation.

>> No.18347829

Homemade goyzza is light-years better

>> No.18348359
File: 21 KB, 320x284, 1634371539223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember eating caesar's version of pic related. all i could taste was the bread and dawn soap they used to clean out the pan

>> No.18348370


>> No.18348399

Chain pizza is shit and you not being able to find a good spot isn't our fucking problem asshole. Figure your shit out OP. And fuck you.

>> No.18348419

I feel like pizza is one of the foods that are impossible to be bad, like even the cheapest of frozen pizzas are still edible at the very least. I'm a poorfag and ordering just a chain pizza was a huge luxury when I was a kid that we could only afford few times a year and it tasted like the best thing ever. The one in the pic looks amazing as well especially while high or drunk, no such a thing as too much cheese.

>> No.18348438

why did you scrape off all the cheese and toppings?

>> No.18348462

despite your dubs...this 'za looks terrible

>> No.18349172

you really need to visit /int/

>> No.18349354

I think papa john's is pretty good

>> No.18349439

>Baked two days ago
This is the magical NY pizza everyone talks about?

>> No.18349445

Not enough oregano, my friendiano.

>> No.18349486

>Why not just make your own pizza? Its cheaper and will taste better than any chain place if you aren't retarded
even shitty chain pizza places have better cheese than you're ever going to get without ordering in bulk from a restaurant supply store or living on the east coast US. As far as crust the average home cook would be thrilled if they could manage a dominos caliber crust. The only thing you'll likely manage to beat them on is sauce.

>> No.18349665

The absolute part is pretty important to this argument since the non-absolute version of:
>Some local restaurants are better than franchise restaurants.
Is something nobody would ever disagree with and doesn't reallt amount to saying anythingn all besides "local places can be both good and bad."

>> No.18349673

>dominos caliber crust
You just leave your dough in the freezer overnight, that's their secret, or I guess it was, since I remember a dominos commercial saying "We don't freeze our dough!".

>> No.18349680

i'm pretty sure my local pizzeria is a money laundering front.

>> No.18349713

Pizza in Sweden is not fit for human consumption

>> No.18349715
File: 8 KB, 206x225, continued slaughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the local pizzeria a few minutes away from me ALWAYS undercooks their pizza, I would have to finish it off in my own oven which is fucking ridiculous so I stopped going there. There's another one about 15 minutes away that's pretty good but the parking situation there is ass and I don't like having food delivered so I don't go there often. I just go to Pizza Hut most of the time now. I don't care what people say, it's perfectly decent pizza.

>> No.18349746

I am italian and would totally eat this. mid tier pizzas are not that different here from the US

>> No.18349831

>the thread is devolving to italians larping as americans seething about being an entire inbred mutt country again
you will never be white

>> No.18350096

>local [REDACTED]slop is better than chain [REDACTED]slop.

Stop eating [REDACTED]slop and make your own.

>> No.18350100

Stfu and get back where you belong >>>/pol/

>> No.18350104

Any poster claiming non-chain is worse than chain pizza is an A.I. or bot. Delete them all.

>> No.18350395
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>> No.18351155

The saying only works for first world countries, I don't know how it works in places that don't have neighbourhoods.

>> No.18351170

who the hell is the retard making these?

>> No.18351414
File: 63 KB, 550x320, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always go local

>> No.18351438

That's literally a pizza hut clone

>> No.18351444

You're supposed to just get a pizza at costco and ignore all the other shit.

>> No.18351453

What can.be more local than your own freezer?

>> No.18351488
File: 2.62 MB, 3991x2993, 20220115_124502_copy_3991x2993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga knows.

>> No.18351496

Pizza Butt, and Dommin’ Hoes are shit desu, Based John’s is pretty decent, literal gas station pizza is better and cheaper than the other two though and I sincerely mean that.

>> No.18351503

ITT: a bunch if fat shut in loser NEETs defend dogshit chains because they only doordash or order pizza and never leave the house.

>> No.18351756

Christ, why are New Yorkers so full of themselves? They live in the shittiest, dirtiest, filthiest, most rat-infested and dangerous city in the entire country, and they have the unironic nerve to brag about it 24/7.

How do you know someone is from New York? Because they won't shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.18351768

>Christ, why are New Yorkers so full of themselves?
Well, for starters, we're better than you. Our food is better, we don't need to own cars, we have endless options for entertainment.

Right now I can walk outside my West Village apartment, turn the corner, and get a slice of world-class pizza. Or an expertly-made cocktail, or tacos from a taco truck, or French cuisine. Can you do the same?

>> No.18351776

Nah, quit trying to joke your way out of how completely wrong you've been.
Same as from the beginning: It's just a very simple and impossible to dispute fact that local shops are each doing their own thing *by definition* and therefore were never going to all be better quality than organized franchise shops with a degree of enforced consistency in what you can expect from them.

>> No.18351799

that looks just fine except hommie carried it sideways

>> No.18351800
File: 228 KB, 980x841, Happy-Joes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Joe's.

If you know, you know.

>> No.18351806

looks good dog
but you know that already

>> No.18351831

I live in Ohio and I personally prefer LaRosa's. No other pizza place gets it right like they do, in my opinion.

>> No.18351924

Sure can, and I don't have to smell the aroma of stale urine and rotting garbage bags while I'm out. New Yorkers are subhuman sewer people desu

>> No.18352046
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A local pizzeria place, not a damn liquor store.

Or locate a Marcos, Buddy's or Jets pizza, thats is some passible pizza, lol

And don't let no one talk you into happys, cici pizza or little ceasers, have atleast some standards

Michigander here

>> No.18352096

if the local place calls a plain pie a "Cheese Pizza"
its gonna be shit

>> No.18352120

There’s more than one pizzeria in the world, anon. I have 3 by my efficiency in a den of basketball players.

>> No.18352208
File: 33 KB, 600x493, F10BC373-730A-48D5-8594-4B4342E57FDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white dude likely of italian heritage
>white of italian heritage
>white italian

>> No.18352231

yeah I'll have a cut of plain and a turners

>> No.18352565

Imagine Unironically living in Ohio

>> No.18352831

for me the weakest component to my pizza is the tomato sauce. how should i fix it?

>> No.18352847

It's so fucking good bros. I kneel Little Caesars. I WILL say the word "fanceroni" without wanting to crawl into a hole and die.

>> No.18352858

welcome to ohio
haha now you're stuck in ohio

>> No.18352884

yeah he's full of shit, i live in new jersey and literally every single local pizza place will sell you a single slice

>> No.18352891
File: 2.94 MB, 286x294, 1656550890602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my local pizza, but I try not to go there often. It's too indulgent, I'll just scarf it all down.

>> No.18352893

Flyover faggots BTFO eternally

>> No.18353316

Worst pizza I ever had was called Escape from New York Pizza in San Francisco on the haight near golden gate part.

Hippies don't know what pizza is, glad to be back on the east coast.

I honestly reccomend trying it just so you can experience what those people think is good pizza so you can remind yourself they are wrong.

>> No.18353428

Looks like a great 'za there, OP! Enjoy a slice for me!

>> No.18353472
File: 2.68 MB, 3960x2970, 20220703_120638_copy_3960x2970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Places like Costco, Whole Foods, or Harrist Teeter make better pizzas than local or chain.

>> No.18353476

Cincinnati and its suburbs has decent pizza game

>> No.18353596

I swear you could post a picture of any pizza and there will always be some faggot from NY who flys off the handle over it. this looks like a perfectly fine pizza I see literally no issue with it

>> No.18353603

No way, I get that local doesn't equate to quality but shit like dominos, pizza hut, and papa johns is still some of the worst pizza I've ever had. sure just because it's local doesn't mean it's god's gift to earth but I've yet to find a single local spot that can't at least beat out those 3 chains.

>> No.18353606

>papa john's pizza hut and dominos have gone so downhill LC is making a comeback
Despite recent inflation you still can't beat the price, I have no idea why papa shit and pizza butt are so goddamn expensive, the pizza is insultingly bad. dominos sucks too but at least it's cheap.

>> No.18353607

c'mon anon, "making" a digiorno doesn't count

>> No.18353610
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>> No.18353611

not sure what deliberately proving his post right did for you but ok

>> No.18353627

>touching the table
im gonna fucking barf

>> No.18353823


Looks ten times better than anything dominos could give you.

>> No.18353928
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>> No.18354066

>cracker-tier crust

>> No.18354071

People from New York have never seen a cow, wheat field, or tomato plant. Why does anybody care what they have to say about a pizza

>> No.18354091

>whites are evil and must be demographically replaced
>woah white unity? We're all just humans bro
Very compelling now in to the train car

>> No.18354114
File: 289 KB, 1000x750, Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I had when I was in Germany for a week was pizza

>> No.18354125

Absolute retard tier take. Don't say what you don't mean you retarded faggot you're in a den of autists

>> No.18354423

It's the absolute opposite. All the mom and pop restaurants on the east coast got bought from boomers by Indians, Bangladeshis, amd other assorted brown turd worlders and turned in to shit.

>> No.18354445


You have literally never been to New York or have any idea what it's like to actually live there.

>> No.18354484
File: 372 KB, 768x1365, NY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been there 3 more times than I'd have ever liked to, predditor. New York's only saving grace is they have an airport that lets you leave that absolute shithole of a hive city.

>> No.18354670


>Flys to NYC
>Thinks he's visited New York

I fucking hate fly overs. If you actually visited the state you would know that 80% of New York is countryside. Most towns scattered throughout it's vastness have more cows than people.

tl;dr NYC is not NY retard.

>> No.18354697
File: 325 KB, 1268x1041, Screenshot 2022-09-14 202627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from round the corner and one of the cheapest pizza places in the angloid city I live. Half the price of Domino's tasteless sloppa. Makes me feel bad for the pizza plebs around the world. Pizza is not even very good eating at the best of times, it's a last resort lazy meal at the end of a shitty day, get over yourselves.

>> No.18354831

>one of the cheapest pizza places
fucking mortadella on pizza? yeah I believe it

>> No.18354834

>visit the state of New York
>nooo you haven't visited New York
I fucking hate predditors, you abuse the Enter key so much it did nothing wrong to you

>> No.18354839

That is a lie and you are a pretentious snob.

>> No.18354846

I really fucking hate new yorkers. i'm a euro and theyre fucking insufferable, americans vary and i just pity them for having to deal with fat people and all the bullshit in their country, but new yorkers are irredeemable

>> No.18354852
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>reddit spacing
awoop bipedabop skippede nop

>> No.18354883

>NY style pizza
Remember NYtards got BTFO'd at the World Pizza Expo by fucking Windsor "Asshole of Canada" Ontario for TRADITIONAL SLICE.

>> No.18354889
File: 184 KB, 910x960, Screenshot 2022-09-14 213618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know what to tell you mate I just grabbed the first picture I found. They have all the staple dry cured hams of Italy available, you can have bresaola or parma ham (and more) if you want. Almost everywhere else has shitty cash and carry ''''pepperoni'''' or sausage meat that looks like it was found dried out underneath the fridges. Yet still they manage to be more expensive. Hope they slowly go out of business.

>> No.18354895

Belgium here. You're right. Great cheese, great cured meats, wonderful vegetables and fruit. Just give them your own name instead of Euro ones. There's no shame in calling NY ham NY ham, instead of Parma or Serrano ham - when it's as good as the original.

>> No.18354899

It's not reddit spacing if it came from here, is it?

>> No.18354902

That's not how that works predditor

>> No.18354908

Is still edible, wimp retard

>> No.18354919
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bingadog willapa nip noll shika shika dok dok

>> No.18354926

Seafood? Puke

>> No.18355594

That's the second rule. You're supposed to live in North New Jersey first.

>> No.18355606

>the remains of other trees further down the road, evidence they have done this in the same spot before

>> No.18355641

>having to deal with fat people
We're all fat.

>> No.18355665

>He fell for muh local small town mom and pop shop authentic ethnic hole in the wall meme
Right on queue. These people are such absolute fucking retards I'd kill them all with stones if I could.

>> No.18355671

wtf is a sparkling ale?

>> No.18355674
File: 3.74 MB, 1273x1241, pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This little part of the pizza here, where the dough bubbles up in the oven but it still has cheese and sauce on it, that's my favorite part. THAT'S the good shit. Also checked your 1488.

>> No.18355676

ok Puzza BUTT

>> No.18355699

True and real. In 40 years I have found only a single pizza place that is better than the big chains and it's in another state. Dozens and dozens, maybe as many as 200 places I've been to and they are all crap. They have terrible bread or sauce or cheese (but nobody can fuck up crisped pepperonis).

At least with John's, Noes or Hut you know exactly what you're getting, coast to coast, and it's passable in the same way McDonalds is, and even those 3 have ups and downs over the years. They've each been objectively good at some point in the past.

>> No.18355708

How do you not know what racism is?

>> No.18356024

Damn, guess some people unironically like goyslop. I have never eaten at a local pizza place that wasn't at the bare minimum better than corporate chains.

>> No.18356104

I mean, I guess I get it, there are some aspects of the pizza that corporate chains do perfectly, it's just that the ingredients are sawdust. So I guess it's the choice between a perfectly made pizza of sawdust, or an imperfectly made pizza with good ingredients.

>> No.18356130

I live in South Germany and we have a bunch of decent pizzarias here, run by actual Italians. Not a country-wide issue.

>> No.18356143
File: 124 KB, 1080x1052, burgerpunkapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have never eaten at a local pizza place that wasn't at the bare minimum better than corporate chains.
That sounds like a ridiculous exaggeration given Papa John's, Domino's, and Pizza Hut all get me perfectly fine pizzas while almost every time I've tried a local pizza place in New Jersey, Texas, Arizona, or Massachusetts the result has been pretty low quality and definitely worse than a mainstream chain would have.
The chains are all just Marios in Mario Kart and provide middling products.
It's only when I've tried local that I've seen outright bad pizza that's dry, or even hard to chew, or has poor quality cheese or sauce, etc.
The chains have those basics figured out for the most part, but local is doing a blindfolded grab bag of anything from exceptionally good to extremely bad.
I get the impression you all know this and are lying for some weird political reason, like you feel as though you're fighting against globalism by intentionally underrating successful chains and overrating any literally who mom and pop store by default just because it helps you attack chains more.

>> No.18356276
File: 81 KB, 800x450, altoona-style-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must just be unlucky. Or maybe it's just an American thing, since you guys have places that unironically sell horrible altoona lunch school pizza and are somehow still in business for years. In other countries bad restaurants are eliminated very quickly.

>> No.18356288
File: 795 KB, 750x909, 2F2543B6-9BD1-49AE-9D9F-1BDD5B44FD66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any north Louisiana niggaz?

>> No.18356318

You're completely full of shit. This is obvious posturing or bait, you are a sheltered kid who wants anonymous strangers on the internet to think his taste and quality of local food is superior to everyone else.

>> No.18356325

Well, one things for sure, local pizza is usually loaded with toppings, whereas corporate chains give you a paper thin amount of meat/cheese.

>> No.18356347

I've never understood the local pizza meme. Pizza is pizza. And the locals are ALWAYS more than chains

>> No.18356435

PAfag here
I live about an hour away from the closest Marco’s pizza
Is it worth it?
Closest one to me is near the border between Ohio and PA

>> No.18356466
File: 5 KB, 489x87, American.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure I get it, you guys yell about each other's pizza without actually being able to taste it? Is this thread essentially just wild speculation based on looks? What is the point of that?

>> No.18357346
File: 753 KB, 2048x2048, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered dominos last night. I guarantee you it's better than 90% of the meme local pizzerias in your area.

>> No.18357347

>I personally prefer LaRosa's
LaGrossa's is terrible pizza. The sauce is too sweet, the crust is premade and frozen and they use provolone. Pizza is the worst thing you can get there, it's a chain just a local one. People in Cincinnati that say it's good have Stockholm syndrome and probably haven't had good pizza in their entire life.

>> No.18357441
File: 64 KB, 582x389, federer-waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over


>> No.18357461

itt: za'tism

>> No.18357500
File: 2.06 MB, 275x498, chickenfried-cowboy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my local pizza is not as good as chain pizza but it's the only pizza in town, also it's 2 pizzas for the price of 1 and pretty cheap, I can't complain.

>> No.18357510
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>> No.18357534

Ah, this thread makes a lot more sense now that I realize the chain haters are non-American.
You guys seem to hate our franchise culture in general. Fucking bigots.

>> No.18357571
File: 56 KB, 380x380, Risto-2D-CAN-Speciale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get my pizza from Chef Oetker, he never lets me down

>> No.18357593
File: 2.07 MB, 1152x864, pizza buffet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work for food delivery apps and local pizzerias are the biggest scam in the city. One place in particular, for 2 large pizzas, they are about $24 each. And the toppings are always basic shit like 3 things. No rare ingredients, nothing. I truly despise that place and I feel disgusted every time I have to pick up an order from there.

>> No.18357606

>t. Sachsen-Anhalt

>> No.18357636

God I miss jets

>> No.18357643

>tell me more about rural fuck-istan and how neat it is that your food sucks, your women are ugly, and you're scared to leave
As someone who has lived in a variety of different big cities and small towns, I have never heard a more accurate or succinct description of rural/small-town life.
There could be a total micro-collapse in that little po-dunk farming community, but they would sooner remain unemployed, eating nothing but unseasoned boomer diner food, and surrounded by people who look/dress like someone twice their actual age, than dare to seek work elsewhere, or *gasp* move away. They talk about family, community, "I can't turn my back on this place, these people", but no one really gives a fuck about each other in those places other than for community gossip - their primary fotm of entertainment. They're all just terrified of leaving their little, safe, predictable time capsule and entering the big scary world at large.

>> No.18357662

>pic is from 2011 i was a teen and using a cheap camera i stole from a girl i sold weed to
VGH, don't remind me of the good times...

>> No.18357663

You don't have an oven capable of cooking a pizza like a pizza place unless you spend at minimum a couple hundred bucks on an ooni or something.

>> No.18357666

>one slice of cp for only $2.49

>> No.18357673

It just looks like any fast food place version of pizza, or 7-11.

>> No.18357683

This just made me reflect a lot on my situation, anon.
Thank you.
I would add fear to comfort.

>> No.18357692

I find local places outside of cities ALWAYS use way too much straight canned tomato paste for sauce, and also ALWAYS overcook the pizza til its dried out, so the sauce ends up more like a dry, bitter, tomato-peel-flavored cake.
They also use weak ingredients like grocery-store-deli cold cuts for meat toppings, and put them under the cheese so they stay steamy-wet and soft, because that's how the fucking actual baby-boomer locals like their Pizza.
Also I don't know how they do it, but their Pizza crusts always just taste/feel more like a big slice of bread. I believe they make their own dough, sure, but I don't know if they actually know what Pizza dough is supposed to be like. They just learned how to make "home pizza" from their mom's cookbook.

>> No.18357701

>im poor and have a literal garbage job for garbage people and im mad about people with money to buy nice things
shut up and get my pizza, and im not tipping

>> No.18357707

This is perfect.
Why do most pizza places always use so much cheese ? Tomato sauce is cheaper.

>> No.18357709


No, dominos sucks. All chains suck except little caesers. At least their pizza is cheap.

>> No.18357759

For fuck's sake. "Too much of a good thing" is real, and any adult worth their salt has learned this at some point as a child.
>Check out this ice-cream parlor! This fudge sundae actually a big bowl of chocolate syrup with some whipped cream on top!
>Check out this fried chicken place! They only serve the chicken skins, with extra salt!
>Check out this cookie bakery! Their chocolate chip cookies are just huge melted-together lumps of chocolate chips!

And don't even come at me with that "ackshually those things all sound mighty tasty now that you mention it, I wish i could buy them somewhere, I'd take a dozen!" devil's advocate bullshit.

>> No.18357783

>im mad about a successful business catering to instagram foodies and being featured on the news as a result
unsuccessful people are such a drag

>> No.18357797

shut the fuck up. why is there always one of these in every thread?

>> No.18357845

project harder

>> No.18357942


>Caring what some eurofag thinks.

>> No.18357950

i'm the eurofag hello nigger

>> No.18357958


>> No.18357959

Looks good.

>> No.18357974

It looks fine. You just fucked up like a retard and dropped it or something to make the toppings slide around.

>> No.18357977

I stopped buying local when they all sucked fucking cock. Bad service, bad food, bad prices, bad quality, bad attitudes, bad everything. Fuck em.

>> No.18357988

Domino's is excellent pizza if you eat it with an open mind. In a blind taste test you would always decide the Domino's slice is the best.

>> No.18358000


Yes because chains are much better at all those things.

>> No.18358055

>one basic ass cheese pizza slice with almost no sauce
>peeling, worn out tabletops
>some powdered parmesan on top
>that'll be $3.50 plus tip
Yeah, great pizza.

>> No.18358190

I live in Toronto and there's plenty of good pizza. Just loads of it. It's great to get once in a while. But Dominos is 50% off every Monday... and a 3 minute walk...

>> No.18358199

Domino's and Pizza Hut left many European countries because they can't turn a profit there.

>> No.18358375

Kill yourself, you worthless waste of space

>> No.18358573

All the "local" pizza places in Michigan serve floppy doughy pizza with bottom-tier toppings. Shit is gross. Goyslop for the obese trash who are stuck here in this miserable state.

>> No.18358828

Even if you find a good hipster-owned pizza joint in flyover country, they're going to want like $25 for a large. It costs me $8 for a large Dominos with 3 toppings. Why pay 3x more for a pizza that isn't 3x better

>> No.18359234
File: 40 KB, 348x348, 94EA30B0-D27B-4335-9556-1BA03DE0CE12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local pizza joint is delicious. I always get sausage. Nothing else. I only need sausage. You must live in the Midwest out in the sticks. I lived in rural Illinois for awhile a few years ago. Not long after I got there I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup.

>> No.18359244

Yeah Little Caesars is vastly inferior to Jets, their dough isn't as good, cheese isn't as good, and sauce isn't as flavorful

>> No.18360764

They all look disgusting

>> No.18360799
File: 119 KB, 1262x631, pizza-parmigiana-1262x631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mortadella, pistachio and bufala is typical italian pizza, the owner are likely italians or have been there yo study because this is something canonical in pizzeria from Rome downward in Italy, northcucks don't have the same variety.
also one thing you almost only find in Sicily and Naples are fried auabergines. in northern Italy those are roasted and it makes no sense. Americans/european people still dont know the pleasures of fried aubergine on pizza that we enjoy in Sicily

>> No.18360800

had a pizza in Newark, it was really good but I payed exactly 24 dollars wich is crazy

>> No.18360822

>go to work at chain restaurant
>cleanly laid out floorplan and modern equipment, everything where it should be, tightly controlled FIFO/labeling guidelines
>AM crews given a "prep book" explaining exactly how the vegetables are supposed to be cut, exactly how much water/tomato paste/spice mix is supposed to go in a batch of sauce, exactly how much water/flour/yeast goes into a batch of dough and how long to proof it, etc
>employees are middle class white teenagers who want to keep their jobs really badly because they know no other way to make money
>Manager is some 45yo bitch who makes them get down on their hands and knees when slow and clean everything top to bottom
>conveyer oven that cooks every pizza for the exact same time
>Thin crust pizza skins are cut out of "snake" and all need to be within a certain weight range
>pan crust pizzas all need to be the exact same weight
>pizza gets ordered, tag prints out with a list of toppings which all need to be weighed with a digital scale

>go work at a "family owned" pizza parlor
>it's a franchise of some other chain that got renamed or some bullshit
>bullshit backstory about 75 years of pizza craftsmanship and secret recipes or whatever
>get hired by the owner, name is Sergei
>get shown around the back
>"this is where magic happen! heh"
>maze of ancient barely working reach-in fridges full of old undated containers
>employees are all mexicans who kinda just stand around
>each one of them could probably do construction or sell weed or whatever but they like getting paid to sit in an air conditioned building listening to bandas
>nothing weighed
>skins either rock hard or ultra fluffy
>containers of mixed sauce all either have the consistency of peanut butter or str8 water
>no prep giudelines everyone just kinda winging it
>sausage gets put on the pizza raw and frozen, everyone just kinda hopes it gets fully cooked before it's time to pull the pizza out

yeah family joints suck
hard avoid

>> No.18360840

now that's a 'za

>> No.18360865

Another thing about corporate chain pizza, it always makes the roof of my mouth start peeling. I mean, it's usually very dry, and there's barely any sauce, but suddenly my mouth is falling apart.

>> No.18360866

ew get that goblin away from my bug

>> No.18360871

It's also the sourdough taste of corporate pizza I hate, where does it come from, what chemical is it, and why do they believe people want it?

>> No.18360906

here's a tip: live in chicago
well ya don't have to actually it sucks here

>> No.18360908

Her mouth is so cute I bet it would be fun to kiss.

>> No.18360929

probably more like $6.66

>> No.18360939

Because its a cooking board and all you fat fucks talk about is what brand fast food you like.

>> No.18361616

>instagram foodies
Do they even eat the food they order? It really seems to me like they take two bites max, then take a bunch of pictures and videos basically playing around with the food like a fucking giddy preschooler.

>> No.18361808
File: 141 KB, 960x1280, photo_2022-08-24_17-49-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homemade pizza masterrace

>> No.18361826

It's fucking wet you jackass.

>> No.18363290

Zeeks in Seattle is my personal favorite local spot. Amazing pizza.

>> No.18363342

is that toilet paper or cardboard you paid for

>> No.18363375
File: 2.38 MB, 3264x2448, 3EE78D17-D08D-4558-8A31-4BC29B466735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a rich college town and there are zero good pizza joints in town. I literally just had my parents buy pizza from back home in NY and mail it to me overnight last month, feels bad man.

>> No.18363491

People who stay in college towns after graduating (or flunking out and never graduating) are always small minded provincial losers who never moved on. Imagine spending your 20s and 30s in Madison or Ann Arbor because you were too chickenshit to move to Chicago, Denver, or a south, east or west coast major city

>> No.18364223
File: 2.34 MB, 320x320, 0F0C5606-1703-4815-9198-9187F8B49787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always get sausage
What a coincidence. I always get sausage to. Where do you live?