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18337311 No.18337311 [Reply] [Original]

biggest myth in cooking?

>> No.18337319

I can see you don't understand cooking.

>> No.18337336
File: 11 KB, 320x254, stand_up_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans landed on the moon, 9/11 was done by terrorists, and the Jews are innocent.

>> No.18337339

The myth that you need to pierce baked potatoes before putting them in the oven. All it does is allows moisture to escape and leaves you with a shitty dry potato.

>> No.18337470

>don't puncture
>cook potato
>cut open
>steam kills you
>it hurts
>your dead

>> No.18337493

my dead what?

>> No.18337500


>> No.18337521

I know it's the weekend but maintaining a healthy sleep schedule is important to kids.

>> No.18337522

>sous vide

>> No.18337538

>bursts open in your path

>> No.18337545

>sous vide
It's just annoying that faggots tried making up a new word for a very old technique: poaching.

>> No.18337769

But it's in a plastic bag this time

>> No.18337989

I literally never heard of this, never happened to anyone i ever knew

>> No.18338442
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I'd say double boiling is a closer parallel, since poaching is done with the food in direct contact with the boiling water
Though sous vide machines seem to be pretty useful for tempering chocolate

>> No.18338445

You have to be an imbecile to really believe that.

>> No.18338447

When restaurants claim "Our famous fries" or something similar.

>> No.18338448


I want you to understand that 900 degrees Fahrenheit is not three times as hot as 300 degrees Fahrenheit. The same is also not true when Celsius is used. They're not absolute scales, since 0 isn't the absolute minimum.

>> No.18338451

I've never cooked a whole turkey in an oven like this, but wouldn't it be bone dry after 3 hours of cooking?

>> No.18338454

>Though sous vide machines seem to be pretty useful for tempering chocolate
Also useful for maximizing the sweetness of sweet potatoes, since they can hold the optimum temperature for the amylase enzymes to work.

>> No.18338494
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adding salt only after your pasta water comes to a boil

>> No.18338713

really? none of your friends have passed away due to this?

>> No.18338718

Because the dead can't speak, anon.

>> No.18338751

The only people I know who believe 9/11 as is are over 60

>> No.18338790
File: 66 KB, 640x399, 3toqipespwm21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would it matter other than adding the salt would make the water boil faster.

that pic always makes me laugh at how retarded anti-science people are.

>> No.18338798

Searing seals in the juices.

>> No.18338805

>Americans landed on the moon
>9/11 was done by terrorists
yes, jewish terrorists from the usa

>> No.18338808

>anti-science people
Is an american psyop just like everything wrong with the modern world.

>> No.18338819

I really don't want my sweet potato's sweetness maximised. That's too sweet.

>> No.18338852

Americans being uneducated and loud about it is a psyop? That's a funny way of putting it.

>> No.18338905
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That cooking is difficult.

>> No.18338932

I recommend dipping yourself in molten steel for 5 seconds instead of 5 minutes in the sauna.

>> No.18338939

>double boiling
>vessel touching water

>> No.18338974

Idk what you're smoking, but I want some.

>> No.18338976

Turkey is a big bird anon.

>> No.18339171

No because of the low heat and basting, what you get is a very tender, juicy meat because it's been given time for the collagen to start breaking down into gelatin. Cooking it hot for shorter time will still cook it through, but the meat has a much drier feel.

>> No.18339186

whatever that bullshit they say about internal meat temp being safe for eating

>> No.18339188

I see anon has yet to experience his first tato explosion

>> No.18339273

>cold water comes to a boil faster than hot water
>hot water freezes faster than cold water

>> No.18339359

You mean not letting the food cool down or what?

>> No.18339363

its in a plastic bag

>> No.18339367

>hot water freezes faster than cold water
That's true though. The heat prevents an insulative layer forming on the top of the ice meaning it freezes from the bottom.

>> No.18339369

It's not at all poaching
How is an established technique a mytth? It's not a theory, it's an actual thing anyone can do

>> No.18339371

The heat of the pasta cooks the egg.

>> No.18340349

right. next you're gonna tell me beans actually belong in chili. nice try, kiddo.

>> No.18340358

soaking beans for hours makes them cook faster, what a load of total crapola

>> No.18340369

Just add sugar at that point.
Thats a pretty pointless exercise given that sweet potatoes are extremely sweet even when quickly nuked in the microwave.

>> No.18340372

The breasts often are.
The problem with cooking turkey like that are the legs take far longer than the breasts to cook fully.
And even spatchcocking (which is hard to do with such a wide animal, doesn't fully solve that problem.

>> No.18340374

As far as I'm aware that does make them more tender and lets the beans release some of their gas producing compounds into the water instead of your stew or whatever.

>> No.18340380

Put salt in the water
It helps speed up the boiling

>> No.18340403

Salt literally raises the boiling point of water.

>> No.18340416

Which is actually the literal definition of poaching

>> No.18340464

Not him, but it gets the water hotter faster
>increase enthalpy of water
>less water evaporates
>more hot water stays in the system

>> No.18340539

Doesn't matter because the next time the government bullshits about a major happening they'll lap it up.

Oh wait that was 2.5 years ago and they DID just lap it up.

Nobody ever learns from history.

>> No.18340584

>Salt literally raises the boiling point of water.
>it gets the water hotter faster

When discussing half degrees and other fractions does it really make a difference either way? I really don't care about the heat on atomic levels. Mainly concerned with real-world differences that can be noticed

>> No.18340590

You have to do it to sweet potatoes or you're gonna have to cook them 3 times as long

>> No.18340606

Sounds like someone can't comprehend living in a different timezone

>> No.18340617

The vast majority of published research findings are false and the scientific paradigm radically shifts every few decades, people aren't anti-science they're anti-current science.
Instead of focusing on making lab-grown meat and other useless bullshit, why don't scientists try to bring back the dinosaurs, or study magic?
Science is thus a fruitless endeavor in the modern day, and all scientists deserve scrutiny and criticism for the lack of actual contribution to society they serve.

>> No.18340629

>the scientific paradigm radically shifts every few decades
1970s - The global cooling panic
1990s - The global warming panic
2010s - (((Scientists))) and (((experts))) realised that making predictions is how you get proven wrong, so instead they created the climate change panic, meaning that no matter whether the temperature goes up or down, they can point to any short term irregularity

>> No.18340647

Hippos dont have big, muscly tails.

Dinosaurs probably had sex like aligators, where one has to lay on their back at some point.

>> No.18340650

Washing meat before cooking like you do with vegetables, I swear it's an old Vietnamese folk thing that has no basis anywhere

>> No.18340653

The fecal matter from the water flavours the meat.

>> No.18340703
File: 82 KB, 600x800, soijack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i heckin love le sciene!

>> No.18341247

Ohh yeah likely, though we also don't know how muscley their tails really were or really much more than glimpses. But the thought that because we don't know their sexual habits to the tee that it's all made up by jews or whatever is funny.

>> No.18341364


we didn't go to the moon

>> No.18341412

Nah, only the Americans did

>> No.18341417

But BLACK folx will
Instead of stanley kubrick it'll be directed by jordan peel and nasa will broadcast footage of the lunar nazi base because ypipo b creepy n sheit

>> No.18341419

Let's cook with Kelvin!

>> No.18341488

Scientists are fucking faggots. Every week there's a news article about the next big breakthrough in disease or energy research. Yet it always comes with the disclaimer, oh this is years away from being available to the public, then it disappears. Shut up then, you've achieved nothing. Seeing articles about cold fusion or cancer cures are just a waste of time because nothing ever comes of it.

>> No.18341499

That you can cook restaurant quality food in a home kitchen

>> No.18341510

Use way more fat and salt and learn high heat cooking. Wa la you have restaurant food.

>> No.18341654

When you buy cheapo meat there are often bone shards or feathers or hairs stuck to it because most meat processing plants are disgusting and cheap ones don't clean up their work.
Thats where washing your meat comes from.

>> No.18341679

The reason this doesn't work is because the model is wrong.
It's like using a high school acceleration equation to calculate distance covered but finding out it's not accurate in real life because it didn't account for friction / air resistance.
If you used a proper differential equation to calculate the heat transfer over time using surface area, integrated across the volumetric size, etc.. then you could actually approximate a way to reduce the cooking time by starting at 500 degrees and lowering the temperature over time as the meat heats up.

Honestly, I don't understand why ovens today don't have preset modes for differential cooking where you enter the weight of the meat and it uses a bounded algorithm to do just that.

>> No.18341681

>Why would it matter other than adding the salt would make the water boil faster.
Solutes almost universally raise the boiling point

>> No.18341707

451F starts the paper burning

>> No.18341712
File: 36 KB, 650x366, 3aaa8fc96daff3cba93f67b8c281ebef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need a huge pot of boiling water to cook pasta, just enough to cover. It also gives the you benefit of having very starchy pasta water at the end to help finish your sauce.

>> No.18341718

Here's a big myth, soaking dry beans overnight actually helps them cook quicker.

>> No.18341888

>make sure you use sea salt and not iodize salt goyim :)

>> No.18341897

every fucking recipe online and tutorial says to use olive oil when making mayonaise but really what you should use is a neutral tasting oil. If someone says they really do use olive oil they are fucking lying and what they are actually doing is using a neutral oil blended with a teasy weansy bit of olive oil.

Mayo made exclusively with olive oil just tastes like fucking olive oil.

>> No.18341901

It gets rid of the ricin. Never use your soaking water to boil your beans.

>> No.18341908


it depends entirely on the bean.

>> No.18342028

Heat of the rice cooks the egg

>> No.18342333

No, you need a massive amount of salt to make any kind of a significant difference.

>> No.18342561

The beans make the chili boil faster

>> No.18342603

That's because you're reading sensationalist bulletins that like to report on pop science for pure publicity. Actual research developments can be easily followed through painstaking and grueling experiments spread through numerous academic journals, and very often you'll see how slowly actual breakthroughs have to be achieved through years and years of work.

There's no such thing as
>"Scientists succeed in inventing a new semiconductor with x100 energy efficiency!!!"
What you'll always get is iterations of
>"This slightly different method of treating this semiconductor seems to have increased its energy efficiency by this tiny percentage in some trials"
And even then, you'll have to be wary of the sincerity of the results
Hell, there was even this one guy who almost faked his way to a nobel prize by putting out non-stop "breakthroughs" that the media just couldn't resist hopping on each time until it was exposed. Stop reading about pop science articles written by starving journalists

>> No.18342653
File: 23 KB, 461x382, 1646865789226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warming has always been the consensus, from the first days of proper research.

>> No.18342668

yeyeye we also live on a flat surface made by your magical skydaddy
i get it

>> No.18342703

If you use a mild olive oil it might be alright, some of them can be pretty bland, just don't use extra virgin

>> No.18342709

put that extra virgin all over your pita bread, rub it in, REALLY rub it in, lick it aaaaaallllllll offf, take a break and dye your hair blue, come back and rub some more extra virgin on it, aaaal ooover, and put some mozarella in that bitch and pop it in the over for a few minutes, you got your self the tastiest pita prep you've ever made in your life. pierce your nose queen

>> No.18342726


>> No.18342927

good post

>> No.18343179

This. The meme flu confirmed that even most "based" people are dumb hylics..

>> No.18343196

Cooking poultry slowly and whole instead of retard high heat and spatchcoked