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18337610 No.18337610 [Reply] [Original]

Are they really that bad?

>> No.18337614

No they aren't, stones are autismo for people who don't cook. Just get a knife that is able to cut through stuff without slipping and you are good to go. No need for autistic rituals

>> No.18337626

the people telling you they're bad are the same ones saying that a big price tag makes the knife cut better

>> No.18337630

I use a cheapo double sided stone. Simple as.

>> No.18337645

They wear out a knife much faster than stones and won't get a knife as sharp, but they're dead simple to use. It's a personal decision whether or not one is better than the other. They're also good for curved blades.

>> No.18337650


>> No.18337658

I use a pull through for my yard tools. You can see the metal bits flake off lol

>> No.18337673
File: 52 KB, 958x299, sharp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being so poor that you have to sharpen your own knives

>> No.18337685

Why not just spend money to avoid life entirely?

>> No.18337694

why would i want to avoid life? i love my life.

>> No.18337731


>> No.18337737

i'm not very smart but i can carry things

>> No.18337746

yeah it's when you have a blade but it's curved

>> No.18337755


>> No.18337764
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>Are they really that bad?
Not so much bad just crazy overpriced.
Does the same job but costs only $10.

>> No.18337771

imagine being so poor that you have to sharpen your disposable knife instead of simply buying a new one

>> No.18337807

They are useful for soft knives like victorinox fibrox and the like. The harder your knife the more you shouldn't use them.

>> No.18337836

imagine being so poor that you don't have a private chef who deals with his own knives

>not my problem

>> No.18337872

A Sharpmaker is a better choice in my opinion. Yeah it's more expensive and takes more skill and patience, but the reward is that it does an objectively good job and also works for serrated knives.

>> No.18337876

>Are they really that bad?
Yes. You're paying more money for a worse job. A 5 dollar whetstone lasts a lifetime and gets your shit to paper-cutting sharpness.

>> No.18337878

but ease-of-use

>> No.18337966

Its fine until the edge angle is gone, you need to make a new edge angle then with a stone.

>> No.18337969

does the knife sharpener need sharpening?

>> No.18337988

I never saw the point really. They do piss of weeb knifefags so they at least serve that purpose.

>> No.18338000
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iz dis gud?


>> No.18338005
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i don't suppose any knife bros can help me decide which knife to buy

>> No.18338029

Buy German knifes.

>> No.18338031


>> No.18338073

You know the germans always make good stuff

>> No.18338076

that's what they want you to think

>> No.18338078

Sometimes, yes. Whetstones occasionally need re-flattening because they become dished in the center. And Sharpmaker stones sometimes need deglazing by scrubbing them with an abrasive cleaner like Comet. I've never heard of anybody maintaining the kind in OP's pic, though, but it could probably be done if a person so desired.

>> No.18338184

The one I got has removable ceramic discs.
Makes me wonder if they're replaceable.

>> No.18338209
File: 141 KB, 314x764, knife edges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're bad and my favourite knife is a piece of shit I got for free and sharpened on the pavement.

>> No.18338473

You are literally australian.

>> No.18338505
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>> No.18338541

Lie the blade flat on a few dollars stone, press above the edge (not in the middle of the blade) and move to and fro a couple of times. It couldn't get simpler and you will get much superior results than after these substitutes for mentally and manually challenged housewives. If you are able to cut a carrot (and not your finger) you can use a sharpening stone.
Granted that the _first_ sharpening of a new knife can take a while because they are often being crudely, cheaply and poorly sharpened by machines so you basically have to finish the fucking knife yourself before use. But these contraptions will not help you with this anyway.

>> No.18338574

>iz dis gud?
good at separating morons from their money.

>> No.18338581

I literally just have a sharpening stick and give my knife a few passes every now and then. You're all homosexuals.

>> No.18338896

i sharpen my knives on the bottom of a plate.

>> No.18338906

>No they aren't, stones are autismo for people who don't cook.
Just get a knife that is able to cut through stuff without slipping and you are good to go.
And how is it supposed to do that if it is sharpened like shit?

>> No.18338916

for me it's the bottom of a coffee mug

>> No.18338936
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I use this

>> No.18338949

Imagine being so poor that you have to cook lmao

>> No.18338955

Zwilling master race.

>> No.18338967

I know a guy who runs a knife sharpening company for restaurants, charges me a flat $2 per knife.

>> No.18338969

>Cut food with knife
>Knife gets duller
So, someone ate that blade metal right?

>> No.18338988

You can flatten an edge without removing material fampai.

>> No.18339135

The sharpener I got was like $5 and looks like OP's

>> No.18339145

these don't sharpen your knife they just make it like the middle pic here >>18338209
stop peddling this cheap junk

>> No.18339221
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For some reason i like this model better than the big ones with handles.

No the Mercer and Trizor are not junk. They do a good job. Don't lump them in with the pull-throughs.
It's just that they're bulky electric multi-stage systems that make a very annoying noise and you have to pull out and make a whole deal out of using, and even when you have one you'll still be tempted to use the $5 pull-through because it only takes 5 seconds.

>> No.18339290

The rotating electric ones actually sharpen the edge. I got my mom one but it's too loud.

>> No.18339516

if you ever work in a real restaurant the other cooks will laugh at you if your knives can't cleanly cut paper

>> No.18339670
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works on my machine

>> No.18339707

Cleanly cutting paper is not really an achievement. Try shaving with it, thats sharp.

>> No.18339815
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>> No.18340337

This one from Ikea is bussin frfr no cap

>> No.18340344
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>> No.18341003

Works for me at least. Have a bullshit knife block I bought after the holidays like a year or two ago. Bought a sharpener like that this year. Knife works good,and with most of my knife use being during the winter, it's fine.

>> No.18342748

why even buy that shit? a benchgrinder will do the same job and fuck the knife just as hard

>> No.18342771

They scrape of a fair bit of material so you will have to replace your knives more often.
The edge isn't has smooth, so it won't cut as smoothly
Stones are not hard too use, and don't take too long so while more convenient, the be edits don't really outweigh the negatives. But both will do the job of cutting food.

>> No.18342950

Like ovens?

>> No.18342958

This. and I work in the meat industry

>> No.18342962

Nice boots

>> No.18342983

It causes more wear and doesn’t give as good of an edge as other methods.
That being said, I have one and it’s great for old/cheap knives that I don’t really give a shit about because it takes all of 30sec, including the time it takes to pull it out of the drawer.

>> No.18342992

You retarded, son?

>> No.18343017
File: 2.50 MB, 640x480, yan chicken.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother bought me one because she knows I like cooking but she doesn't know much about it herself.
Went to the goodwill store and bought a cheap knife to test it on and it's actually really not that bad.
Probably takes off more material than it should but it's not like you need to run your knife through it very often if you hone it regularly.
Would I use one of those things on some fancy Japanese blade that cost a thousand bucks? No.
Would I use it on my everyday Chinese cleaver when it needs a touchup? Sure.

>> No.18343035

>i don't suppose any knife bros can help me decide which knife to buy

better ask on the KKF, the kitchenknifeforums.com

>> No.18343046

>Granted that the _first_ sharpening of a new knife can take a while because they are often being crudely, cheaply and poorly sharpened by machines
Good point, this frustrates so many people who try to sharpen their own knife for the first time. Yeah bro its actually the knife that is shit, not you.

>> No.18343047

I used to work on the line at a meat packing plant. I wouldn't have any fingers if it wasn't for chainmail gloves.

>> No.18343111

>because they are often being crudely, cheaply and poorly sharpened by machines so you basically have to finish the fucking knife
What knives have you bought where this has been the case? I’ve never had a knife that came with with such a crude factory edge that I’d call it “unfinished”, and I’ve bought some cheap ass knives before.

>> No.18343198

>a sharpening stick
Is that different than a Hone/Steel?
That's all I ever use on my Henkles(Have had for 25 years)
My at the time Girlfriend took mine to a "Pro" sharpener once to surprise me, and they fucked it up so badly--And they were at a butcher's shop.NEVER AGAIN.
>stripe down the length of the blade
>"What's this??"
>"oh, don't worry, they said it won't effect the use of it..."
Had the fucking gall to charge 10 bucks as well. Needless to say, we broke up shortly after.

>> No.18343356

I use one because i'm too retarded to use a whetstone. 3 times i've tried and 3 times it came out way duller than the pull through thing.

>> No.18343360

Basically all non-japanese knives have this 1-2 mm edge bevel which doesn't have a place on a knife (it belongs to cleavers - and not even to axes) and it's there because their makers think that it's a smart business decision to save 20c per knife on grinding. You generally don't see this crap on japanese knives, although if this justifies some of their prices is another matter.

>> No.18343377

>What knives have you bought where this has been the case?
Not that guy but pretty much every single factory made knife has a bevel that has a much higher angle at the tip than at the heel. Easy to tell because factory made knives almost never have correct distal taper, but still the bevel has more or less the same width along the length of the blade because that looks better. But hat is only possible by changing the angle of the bevel.

>> No.18343497

have you seen how a factory grind is done? not everyone is a faggot using a 2x72

>> No.18343506

you likely fell for the meme of only needing a 1k stone.
something cheap and coarse like a norton crystolone will give you a result within a dozen strokes instead of doing hundreds of rounds while varying the angle and rounding the bevel over

>> No.18343680

Why would you spend that much on a kitchen knife?

>> No.18344923

I use 800 coarseness sandpaper and leather belt.

>> No.18346014

thanx fren

>> No.18346430

What are you gonna do with wing that has 3 inch strip of skin flaping around and whole torso just thrown away like its done deal
Stupidest crap I seen all day

>> No.18346474

I bought one of these for like $10 a few years ago and its been working great for my knives

>> No.18346486

nice things are nice